Melanie Pruvost - (original) (raw)


Papers by Melanie Pruvost

Research paper thumbnail of 7000 years of the peopling of present-day France revealed by paleogenomics

Research paper thumbnail of De l’os au visage : portrait de trois individus de la Granède (V e -X e s. ap. J.-C.)

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020

Au cours de ses diffé rente s phas es de fouill es récen tes, le site arché ologi que de la Gran ... more Au cours de ses diffé rente s phas es de fouill es récen tes, le site arché ologi que de la Gran ède a révél é les vesti ges d'un ense mble comp lexe qui s'est souv ent mod ifié et qui comp rend nota mme nt une église paléo chrét ienne avec son espa ce funé raire , datés des V e-X e s. ap. J.-C. Si la popu latio n de la Gran ède semb le globa leme nt hom ogèn e biolo gique ment et dans ses prati ques funé raire s, trois indiv idus, ayan t vécu à des phas es clés de la pério de médi évale du site, prése nten t des parti cular ités qui méri tent d'êtr e ques tionn ées. Une analy se pluri discip linair e mêla nt anth ropo logie biolo gique et paléo géno miqu e a donc été mené e afin d'app roche r au mieu x l'iden tité et l'hist oire de vie de ces indiv idus et tente r de comp rendr e la raiso n des prati ques funé raire s ou geste s dont ils ont béné ficié. Du point de vue de l'anth ropo logie biolo gique , ces indiv idus s'élo ignen t peu des autre s indiv idus comp osan t la popu latio n ostéo arché ologi que. D'un point de vue géné tique , ils ont tous des affin ités avec les popu latio ns européen nes du nord du Bass in médi terra néen. Les analy ses géné tique s ont égale ment fourn i des résul tats d'ord re phén otypi que. Ainsi , la comb inais on des résul tats anth ropo logiq ues et géné tique s perm et, en plus de l'asp ect scien tifiqu e, de prop oser des médi as musé ograp hique s à trave rs la restit ution réalis te du portr ait de deux d'ent re eux, deve nus Adèle et Emili us : futur s narra teurs de l'hist oire de la Gran ède ? RÉS UMÉ During severa l recent phase s of excava tion, the archae ologic al site of la Granè de reveal ed remain s of an intrica te compl ex that was regula rly modifi ed and which includ ed a Paleoc hristia n church with its funera ry space, dating from the V th to the X th centur y A.D. Althou gh the popula tion of la Granè de seems genera lly homog enous geneti cally and in its burial rites, three individ uals who lived during key mome nts of the site's medie val period displa y distinc tive charac teristic s deserv ing of furthe r attent ion. A multid isciplin ary analys is combi ning biolog ical anthro pology and paleog enomi cs was carried out in order to get a better grasp of these individ uals' identit y and life history , and to try to unders tand the reason behind the funera ry practic es and action s from which they benefi ted. From the biolog ical anthro pology standp oint, these individ uals are slightl y differe nt from the rest of the osteoa rcheol ogical popula tion. From a geneti c perspe ctive, they all have simila rities with the Europe an popula tions of the north Medite rranea n. Genet ic analys es also provid ed results on pheno types. Theref ore, beyon d its scient ific purpo se, the combi nation of anthro pologi cal and geneti c results allows for the creatio n of museo graphi c media such as the realist ic restora tion of two of their portra its, named Adèle and Emiliu s: future narrat ors of the history of la Granè de? ABST RACT

Research paper thumbnail of Le visage d’Adèle, enfant du xe siècle : restitution scientifique pluridisciplinaire pour une muséographie personnifiée du site archéologique de la Granède (Millau, Aveyron)

Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques eBooks, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Apport de la paléogénétique à l’étude des processus de domestication animale

Research paper thumbnail of L’infanticide féminin en question chez les Gaulois du Midi : l’apport des analyses ADN sur les nouveau-nés enterrés dans les habitats de l’âge du Fer

Research paper thumbnail of Étude Paléogénomique Des Ossements Du Dolmen De Saint-Eugène

Research paper thumbnail of Regards croisés sur une pratique funéraire marginale à Reims aux iiie-ive s. de n. è. : études archéo-anthropologique, isotopique et paléogénomique

Death and the Societies of Late Antiquity


HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2022

The Obernai Neuen Brunnen site, excavated over an area of nearly 7.5 ha, has revealed the remains... more The Obernai Neuen Brunnen site, excavated over an area of nearly 7.5 ha, has revealed the remains of a small occupation dating from the end of the Roman Empire. It consists of the a settlement with semi-buried huts, with which a group of eighteen tombs was associated. Five of the tombs contained artifacts that make it possible to identify in this community, a population that must have originated, at least partially, from Central Europe, the Carpathian regions, or the Middle Danube Basin. Among these people, two young girls, one of them richly adorned, were distinguished by a voluntary cranial deformation of anthropogenic origin. The preliminary study of the DNA analyses carried out on seven of the eighteen skeletons showed significant genetic heterogeneity in this population and an absence of family links between these seven individuals, confirming the presence of several families already suggested by the organization of the necropolis. The settlement of these foreigners in Alsace at the end of the 4th century or the beginning of the 5th century, one of whom had aristocratic status, is undoubtedly related to the other ‘Barbarian princely’ tombs spread out on the fringes of the Roman Empire, which today tend to be interpreted as those of the families of Barbarian chiefs, enlisted in the Roman army in the 4th and 5th centuries. The small settlement of Obernai is one of the first by these populations in the western territory that could be almost completely excavated, and which demonstrates that these populations remained at this site

Research paper thumbnail of Application de la morphométrie géométrique du labyrinthe osseux à l’analyse de la microévolution des humains en Europe de l’Ouest durant l’Holocène

Bulletins et mémoires de la société d'anthropologie de Paris

Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 24 décembre 2023. Le texte seul est utilisable sous l... more Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 24 décembre 2023. Le texte seul est utilisable sous licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.

Research paper thumbnail of Neolithic genomic data from southern France showcase intensified interactions with hunter-gatherer communities

Research paper thumbnail of GENETIX: an overview of French Iron Age populations. A crossed perspective from archaeology and genetics

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jan 27, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of L’habitat rural dans le sud de la France (VIe-IIIe s. av. J. –C.) : actualité de la recherche

Les établissements ruraux de l'âge du Fer dans l'ouest du département de l'Au...

Research paper thumbnail of Interactions biologiques entre chasseurs-cueilleurs et fermiers néolithiques : le cas remarquable des communautés du Sud de la France

Bulletins et mémoires de la société d'anthropologie de Paris

Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 25 décembre 2023. Le texte seul est utilisable sous l... more Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 25 décembre 2023. Le texte seul est utilisable sous licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.

Research paper thumbnail of GENETIX : un état des lieux des populations de l’âge du Fer en France. Regards croisés de l’archéologie et de la génétique

Bulletins et mémoires de la société d'anthropologie de Paris

Research paper thumbnail of 7000 years of the peopling of present-day France revealed by paleogenomics

Research paper thumbnail of Origin and mobility of Iron Age Gaulish groups in present-day France revealed through archaeogenomics

iScience, 2022

Summary The Iron Age period occupies an important place in French history because the Gauls are r... more Summary The Iron Age period occupies an important place in French history because the Gauls are regularly presented as the direct ancestors of the extant French population. We documented here the genomic diversity of Iron Age communities originating from six French regions. The 49 acquired genomes permitted us to highlight an absence of discontinuity between Bronze Age and Iron Age groups in France, lending support to a cultural transition linked to progressive local economic changes rather than to a massive influx of allochthone groups. Genomic analyses revealed strong genetic homogeneity among the regional groups associated with distinct archaeological cultures. This genomic homogenization appears to be linked to individuals’ mobility between regions and gene flow with neighbouring groups from England and Spain. Thus, the results globally support a common genomic legacy for the Iron Age population of modern-day France that could be linked to recurrent gene flow between culturally differentiated communities.

Research paper thumbnail of Etude paléogénétique des bovinés en France durant les cinq millénaires précédant notre ère

Research paper thumbnail of Tracking Five Millennia of Horse Management with Extensive Ancient Genome Time Series

Cell, 2019

Horse domestication revolutionized warfare and accelerated travel, trade, and the geographic expa... more Horse domestication revolutionized warfare and accelerated travel, trade, and the geographic expansion of languages. Here, we present the largest DNA time series for a non-human organism to date, including genome-scale data from 149 ancient animals and 129 ancient genomes (R1-fold coverage), 87 of which are new. This extensive dataset allows us to assess the modern legacy of past equestrian civilizations. We find that two extinct horse lineages existed during early domestication, one at the far western (Iberia) and the other at the far eastern range (Siberia) of Eurasia. None of these contributed significantly to modern diversity. We show that the influence of Persian-related horse lineages increased following the Islamic conquests in Europe and Asia. Multiple alleles associated with elite-racing, including at the MSTN ''speed gene,'' only rose in popularity within the last millennium. Finally, the development of modern breeding impacted genetic diversity more dramatically than the previous millennia of human management.

Research paper thumbnail of Les Garennes (Tourbes, Hérault) : une aire d’ensilage du premier âge du Fer

Documents d'Archéologie Méridionale, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for early dispersal of domestic sheep into Central Asia

Nature Human Behaviour, 2021

The development and dispersal of agropastoralism transformed the cultural and ecological landscap... more The development and dispersal of agropastoralism transformed the cultural and ecological landscapes of the Old World, but little is known about when or how this process first impacted Central Asia. Here, we present archaeological and biomolecular evidence from Obishir V in southern Kyrgyzstan, establishing the presence of domesticated sheep by ca. 6,000 BCE. Zooarchaeological and collagen peptide mass fingerprinting show exploitation of Ovis and Capra, while cementum analysis of intact teeth implicates possible pastoral slaughter during the fall season. Most significantly, ancient DNA reveals these directly dated specimens as the domestic O. aries, within the genetic diversity of domesticated sheep lineages. Together, these results provide the earliest evidence for the use of livestock in the mountains of the Ferghana Valley, predating previous evidence by 3,000 years and suggesting that domestic animal economies reached the mountains of interior Central Asia far earlier than previously recognized.

Research paper thumbnail of 7000 years of the peopling of present-day France revealed by paleogenomics

Research paper thumbnail of De l’os au visage : portrait de trois individus de la Granède (V e -X e s. ap. J.-C.)

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020

Au cours de ses diffé rente s phas es de fouill es récen tes, le site arché ologi que de la Gran ... more Au cours de ses diffé rente s phas es de fouill es récen tes, le site arché ologi que de la Gran ède a révél é les vesti ges d'un ense mble comp lexe qui s'est souv ent mod ifié et qui comp rend nota mme nt une église paléo chrét ienne avec son espa ce funé raire , datés des V e-X e s. ap. J.-C. Si la popu latio n de la Gran ède semb le globa leme nt hom ogèn e biolo gique ment et dans ses prati ques funé raire s, trois indiv idus, ayan t vécu à des phas es clés de la pério de médi évale du site, prése nten t des parti cular ités qui méri tent d'êtr e ques tionn ées. Une analy se pluri discip linair e mêla nt anth ropo logie biolo gique et paléo géno miqu e a donc été mené e afin d'app roche r au mieu x l'iden tité et l'hist oire de vie de ces indiv idus et tente r de comp rendr e la raiso n des prati ques funé raire s ou geste s dont ils ont béné ficié. Du point de vue de l'anth ropo logie biolo gique , ces indiv idus s'élo ignen t peu des autre s indiv idus comp osan t la popu latio n ostéo arché ologi que. D'un point de vue géné tique , ils ont tous des affin ités avec les popu latio ns européen nes du nord du Bass in médi terra néen. Les analy ses géné tique s ont égale ment fourn i des résul tats d'ord re phén otypi que. Ainsi , la comb inais on des résul tats anth ropo logiq ues et géné tique s perm et, en plus de l'asp ect scien tifiqu e, de prop oser des médi as musé ograp hique s à trave rs la restit ution réalis te du portr ait de deux d'ent re eux, deve nus Adèle et Emili us : futur s narra teurs de l'hist oire de la Gran ède ? RÉS UMÉ During severa l recent phase s of excava tion, the archae ologic al site of la Granè de reveal ed remain s of an intrica te compl ex that was regula rly modifi ed and which includ ed a Paleoc hristia n church with its funera ry space, dating from the V th to the X th centur y A.D. Althou gh the popula tion of la Granè de seems genera lly homog enous geneti cally and in its burial rites, three individ uals who lived during key mome nts of the site's medie val period displa y distinc tive charac teristic s deserv ing of furthe r attent ion. A multid isciplin ary analys is combi ning biolog ical anthro pology and paleog enomi cs was carried out in order to get a better grasp of these individ uals' identit y and life history , and to try to unders tand the reason behind the funera ry practic es and action s from which they benefi ted. From the biolog ical anthro pology standp oint, these individ uals are slightl y differe nt from the rest of the osteoa rcheol ogical popula tion. From a geneti c perspe ctive, they all have simila rities with the Europe an popula tions of the north Medite rranea n. Genet ic analys es also provid ed results on pheno types. Theref ore, beyon d its scient ific purpo se, the combi nation of anthro pologi cal and geneti c results allows for the creatio n of museo graphi c media such as the realist ic restora tion of two of their portra its, named Adèle and Emiliu s: future narrat ors of the history of la Granè de? ABST RACT

Research paper thumbnail of Le visage d’Adèle, enfant du xe siècle : restitution scientifique pluridisciplinaire pour une muséographie personnifiée du site archéologique de la Granède (Millau, Aveyron)

Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques eBooks, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Apport de la paléogénétique à l’étude des processus de domestication animale

Research paper thumbnail of L’infanticide féminin en question chez les Gaulois du Midi : l’apport des analyses ADN sur les nouveau-nés enterrés dans les habitats de l’âge du Fer

Research paper thumbnail of Étude Paléogénomique Des Ossements Du Dolmen De Saint-Eugène

Research paper thumbnail of Regards croisés sur une pratique funéraire marginale à Reims aux iiie-ive s. de n. è. : études archéo-anthropologique, isotopique et paléogénomique

Death and the Societies of Late Antiquity


HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2022

The Obernai Neuen Brunnen site, excavated over an area of nearly 7.5 ha, has revealed the remains... more The Obernai Neuen Brunnen site, excavated over an area of nearly 7.5 ha, has revealed the remains of a small occupation dating from the end of the Roman Empire. It consists of the a settlement with semi-buried huts, with which a group of eighteen tombs was associated. Five of the tombs contained artifacts that make it possible to identify in this community, a population that must have originated, at least partially, from Central Europe, the Carpathian regions, or the Middle Danube Basin. Among these people, two young girls, one of them richly adorned, were distinguished by a voluntary cranial deformation of anthropogenic origin. The preliminary study of the DNA analyses carried out on seven of the eighteen skeletons showed significant genetic heterogeneity in this population and an absence of family links between these seven individuals, confirming the presence of several families already suggested by the organization of the necropolis. The settlement of these foreigners in Alsace at the end of the 4th century or the beginning of the 5th century, one of whom had aristocratic status, is undoubtedly related to the other ‘Barbarian princely’ tombs spread out on the fringes of the Roman Empire, which today tend to be interpreted as those of the families of Barbarian chiefs, enlisted in the Roman army in the 4th and 5th centuries. The small settlement of Obernai is one of the first by these populations in the western territory that could be almost completely excavated, and which demonstrates that these populations remained at this site

Research paper thumbnail of Application de la morphométrie géométrique du labyrinthe osseux à l’analyse de la microévolution des humains en Europe de l’Ouest durant l’Holocène

Bulletins et mémoires de la société d'anthropologie de Paris

Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 24 décembre 2023. Le texte seul est utilisable sous l... more Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 24 décembre 2023. Le texte seul est utilisable sous licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.

Research paper thumbnail of Neolithic genomic data from southern France showcase intensified interactions with hunter-gatherer communities

Research paper thumbnail of GENETIX: an overview of French Iron Age populations. A crossed perspective from archaeology and genetics

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jan 27, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of L’habitat rural dans le sud de la France (VIe-IIIe s. av. J. –C.) : actualité de la recherche

Les établissements ruraux de l'âge du Fer dans l'ouest du département de l'Au...

Research paper thumbnail of Interactions biologiques entre chasseurs-cueilleurs et fermiers néolithiques : le cas remarquable des communautés du Sud de la France

Bulletins et mémoires de la société d'anthropologie de Paris

Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 25 décembre 2023. Le texte seul est utilisable sous l... more Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 25 décembre 2023. Le texte seul est utilisable sous licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.

Research paper thumbnail of GENETIX : un état des lieux des populations de l’âge du Fer en France. Regards croisés de l’archéologie et de la génétique

Bulletins et mémoires de la société d'anthropologie de Paris

Research paper thumbnail of 7000 years of the peopling of present-day France revealed by paleogenomics

Research paper thumbnail of Origin and mobility of Iron Age Gaulish groups in present-day France revealed through archaeogenomics

iScience, 2022

Summary The Iron Age period occupies an important place in French history because the Gauls are r... more Summary The Iron Age period occupies an important place in French history because the Gauls are regularly presented as the direct ancestors of the extant French population. We documented here the genomic diversity of Iron Age communities originating from six French regions. The 49 acquired genomes permitted us to highlight an absence of discontinuity between Bronze Age and Iron Age groups in France, lending support to a cultural transition linked to progressive local economic changes rather than to a massive influx of allochthone groups. Genomic analyses revealed strong genetic homogeneity among the regional groups associated with distinct archaeological cultures. This genomic homogenization appears to be linked to individuals’ mobility between regions and gene flow with neighbouring groups from England and Spain. Thus, the results globally support a common genomic legacy for the Iron Age population of modern-day France that could be linked to recurrent gene flow between culturally differentiated communities.

Research paper thumbnail of Etude paléogénétique des bovinés en France durant les cinq millénaires précédant notre ère

Research paper thumbnail of Tracking Five Millennia of Horse Management with Extensive Ancient Genome Time Series

Cell, 2019

Horse domestication revolutionized warfare and accelerated travel, trade, and the geographic expa... more Horse domestication revolutionized warfare and accelerated travel, trade, and the geographic expansion of languages. Here, we present the largest DNA time series for a non-human organism to date, including genome-scale data from 149 ancient animals and 129 ancient genomes (R1-fold coverage), 87 of which are new. This extensive dataset allows us to assess the modern legacy of past equestrian civilizations. We find that two extinct horse lineages existed during early domestication, one at the far western (Iberia) and the other at the far eastern range (Siberia) of Eurasia. None of these contributed significantly to modern diversity. We show that the influence of Persian-related horse lineages increased following the Islamic conquests in Europe and Asia. Multiple alleles associated with elite-racing, including at the MSTN ''speed gene,'' only rose in popularity within the last millennium. Finally, the development of modern breeding impacted genetic diversity more dramatically than the previous millennia of human management.

Research paper thumbnail of Les Garennes (Tourbes, Hérault) : une aire d’ensilage du premier âge du Fer

Documents d'Archéologie Méridionale, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for early dispersal of domestic sheep into Central Asia

Nature Human Behaviour, 2021

The development and dispersal of agropastoralism transformed the cultural and ecological landscap... more The development and dispersal of agropastoralism transformed the cultural and ecological landscapes of the Old World, but little is known about when or how this process first impacted Central Asia. Here, we present archaeological and biomolecular evidence from Obishir V in southern Kyrgyzstan, establishing the presence of domesticated sheep by ca. 6,000 BCE. Zooarchaeological and collagen peptide mass fingerprinting show exploitation of Ovis and Capra, while cementum analysis of intact teeth implicates possible pastoral slaughter during the fall season. Most significantly, ancient DNA reveals these directly dated specimens as the domestic O. aries, within the genetic diversity of domesticated sheep lineages. Together, these results provide the earliest evidence for the use of livestock in the mountains of the Ferghana Valley, predating previous evidence by 3,000 years and suggesting that domestic animal economies reached the mountains of interior Central Asia far earlier than previously recognized.