Małgorzata Budzowska - (original) (raw)

Papers by Małgorzata Budzowska

Research paper thumbnail of Dziecko w tragediach Eurypidesa / Małgorzata Budzowska

Teksty Drugie : teoria literatury, krytyka, interpretacja, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Paradygmat arystotelesowski w zarządzaniu teatrem – casus Macieja Nowaka

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Morbus hermeneuticus" - wyzwanie współczesnej humanistyki

Collectanea Philologica

The issue that is taken in the article concerns the problem of the essence of hermeneutics. Takin... more The issue that is taken in the article concerns the problem of the essence of hermeneutics. Taking into consideration the Herbert Schnädelbach’s conception of “morbus hermeneuticus”, the author develops the reflection on the status of hermeneutics in philosophy. In the discussion about ideas of freedom of cognitive process the views of M. Polanyi, O. Marquard, R. Girard, G. Simmel, J. Baudrillard, M. Foucault, J. Derrida are presented. In addition, the author introduces the concepts of chaos theory and theory of contingency. Based on the indicated culture’s texts author tries to find a positive evaluation of hermeneutic method, which should be understood in a more extended sense and thus not seen as a state of disease (morbus hermeneuticus).

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Research paper thumbnail of Dziecko jako ofiara wojny w tragediach Eurypidesa i Seneki w świetle sceny z Astyanaksem

Collectanea Philologica

Dissertatur de aspectu infantis, qui belli victima est, apud Euripidem et Senecam.

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Research paper thumbnail of Medea w tradycji przedeurypidejskiej

Collectanea Philologica

Materia dissertationis nostrae sunt fabulae et opera sriptorum Gracorum ante Euripidem, quae ad p... more Materia dissertationis nostrae sunt fabulae et opera sriptorum Gracorum ante Euripidem, quae ad personam Medeam perinent. Implicandum fabulas cum rebus gestis nationis Minyadum, qui Argonautae putantur, signatur. Primum tamen mutatio aspectus Medeas in litteris Graecis notatur.

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Research paper thumbnail of Morbus hermeneuticus - the problem of contemporary humanities

The issue that is taken in the article concerns the problem of the essence of hermeneutics. Takin... more The issue that is taken in the article concerns the problem of the essence of hermeneutics. Taking into consideration the Herbert Schnädelbach’s conception of “morbus hermeneuticus”, the author develops the reflection on the status of hermeneutics in philosophy. In the discussion about ideas of freedom of cognitive process the views of M. Polanyi, O. Marquard, R. Girard, G. Simmel, J. Baudrillard, M. Foucault, J. Derrida are presented. In addition, the author introduces the concepts of chaos theory and theory of contingency. Based on the indicated culture’s texts author tries to find a positive evaluation of hermeneutic method, which should be understood in a more extended sense and thus not seen as a state of disease (morbus hermeneuticus)

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Research paper thumbnail of Medea in fabulis et litteris Graecis ante Euripidem

Materia dissertationis nostrae sunt fabulae et opera sriptorum Gracorum ante Euripidem, quae ad p... more Materia dissertationis nostrae sunt fabulae et opera sriptorum Gracorum ante Euripidem, quae ad personam Medeam perinent. Implicandum fabulas cum rebus gestis nationis Minyadum, qui Argonautae putantur, signatur. Primum tamen mutatio aspectus Medeas in litteris Graecis notatur

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Research paper thumbnail of In the Universe of Cassandra: The Ancient Topos of Clairvoyance in the Futuristic World of Minority Report (2002)

Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture

The figure of Cassandra is well-known from numerous representations in ancient and modern literat... more The figure of Cassandra is well-known from numerous representations in ancient and modern literature as an archetype of a woman who has the power to see the future, but whose visions are not believed. In ancient Greek literature, Cassandra was an important character serving as a prophet of an approaching catastrophe. In her modern adaptations, this figure became a metaphor in psychoanalytical research on human moral behaviour (Melanie Klein and the Cassandra complex) developed in feminist writing. Cassandra has also been of interest to filmmakers, with perhaps the best adaptation of the subject of Cassandra’s clairvoyance being Steven Spielberg’s film Minority Report. Loosely based on Philip K. Dick’s 1956 short story The Minority Report, the plot presents a version of the Cassandra myth, in which a woman together with male twins operate as a group mind to predict future crimes. Their visions are used by the state to prevent the crimes and imprison the would-be criminals. This artic...

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Research paper thumbnail of Postmodern Performances of Ancient Greek Tragedy (Aeschylus' Oresteia and Euripides' Electra) Postmodern Performances of Ancient Greek Tragedy (Aeschylus' Oresteia and Euripides' Electra)

The paper focuses on the analysis of contemporary performances that recontextualize the ancient G... more The paper focuses on the analysis of contemporary performances that recontextualize the ancient Greek tragedies of Aeschylus and Euripides. The analysis is based on three examples of performances: Oresteia by Michał Zadara, Oresteia by Maja Kleczewska, both from the National Theatre and National Opera in Warsaw, and Waiting for Orestes: Electra by Tadashi Suzuki (the Suzuki Company of Toga). The following aspects will be taken under consideration: 1) the relation between the ancient text and its stage adaptation; 2) the recontextualization of time and space; 3) the change of the stage characters' system; 4) the change of the myth's identity; 5) the aesthetics of postmodernism in contemporary art; 6) the categories of Classics' mise-en-scène by Patrice Pavis. These considerations allow us to identify the trends in postmodern theatre, which use classical texts to diagnose the contemporary condition of man. By turning to the ancient myth and its canonical textual version...

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Research paper thumbnail of Dziecko w tragediach Eurypidesa / Małgorzata Budzowska

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Research paper thumbnail of Dziecko w tragediach Eurypidesa

Teksty Drugie, 2011

Malgorzata BUDZOWSKA University of Łodź The child in Euripides’s tragedies This analysis of Eurip... more Malgorzata BUDZOWSKA University of Łodź The child in Euripides’s tragedies This analysis of Euripides’s tragic poetry identifies its innovativeness in that figures of children take part in the dramatic plot. The author reviews the child characters of these plays – whether they are crucial to the plot or auxiliary to its main thread. The point of reference is, on the one hand, the social function of child in the Old-Greek culture and, on the other, passages from Euripides’s tragedies dealing with the issue of positive and negative aspects of parenthood. The article’s core argument is based upon analysis of children figures suffering from their entanglement in conflict-generating actions of their elders. Not only is the problem of parental love investigated but also, an absolute novelty in the European drama, the one of a small child’s affection for his or her parent. 31 Tamze, s. 275-276.

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Research paper thumbnail of Collectanea Philologica XIX, 2016: 63-75

Les mythes antiques de la culture méditerranéenne deviennent une langue utilisée pour exprimer le... more Les mythes antiques de la culture méditerranéenne deviennent une langue utilisée pour exprimer les angoisses politiques actuelles. Dans le théâtre contemporain mythes sont souvent déconstruites selon au dialogue post-moderne avec la tradition. Cet article est pour analyser deux productions théâtrales du théâtre polonais (Iphigénie par Antonina Grzegorzewska, 2008; Orestie par Michał Zadara, 2010) qui adaptent le plus politique mythe antique des Atréides, dans le contexte de ses versions littéraires anciennes (Orestie d’Eschyle, Iphigénie en Aulis d’Euripide). Les questions politiques discutés comprennent menace du terrorisme mondiale, le communisme, les guerres en Irak et en Afghanistan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Multimedialność w inscenizacji dramatu antycznego. "I Ifigenia" Tomasza Bazana

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia de Cultura, 2019

Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie zastosowania multimediów w inscenizacji dramatu antycz- nego, podda... more Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie zastosowania multimediów w inscenizacji dramatu antycz- nego, poddając analizie spektakl Tomasza Bazana I Ifigenia z Teatru Nowego im. Kazimierza Dejmka w Łodzi, będący adaptacją tragedii Eurypidesa pt. Ifigenia w Aulidzie. Artykuł pro- ponuje konkluzje dotyczące trzech aspektów istnienia mediów w dziele scenicznym Bazana. Po pierwsze, wskazuje na zastosowanie mediów jako metody poszerzenia problematyki spo- łecznej rozważanej na scenie. Po drugie, omawia maszynerię medialną jako nowe narzędzia medium teatru. I po trzecie, wskazuje i analizuje kategorialne różnice między teatrem ciał a teatrem ciał i elektronicznych obrazów.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sceniczne metamorfozy mitu. Teatr polski XXI wieku w perspektywie kulturowej

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Research paper thumbnail of External and Internal Violence within the Myth of Iphigenia: Staging myth Today

The Fear and the Fury, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Existing Within and Beyond Time: «Capri—the Island of Fugitives» by Krystian Lupa

Pamiętnik Teatralny, 2021

The proposed article ponders upon Krystian Lupa’s Capri—the Island of Fugitives (2019), an origin... more The proposed article ponders upon Krystian Lupa’s Capri—the Island of Fugitives (2019), an original production staged at the Powszechny Theatre in Warsaw that brings together two of Curzio Malaparte’s prose books: Kaputt (1944) and The Skin (1949). By focusing on the parts of the production that adapt Kaputt, the article scrutinizes scenes produced by the live performance and the virtual projections in order to describe and explain how theatrical expression is enriched by such a juxtaposition. This analysis uses the theoretical frameworks of unnatural narratology (Jan Alber et al.), postdramatic durational aesthetics (Hans-Thies Lehmann), and the idea of the virtual double (Matthew Causey). The primary argument relies on the specific temporality emerging from the Lupa’s performance that enables spectators to feel existence within and beyond time. Furthermore, the study investigates the overarching idea of the performance, recognized by the strategy of foregrounding the thematic that...

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Research paper thumbnail of Abiekt uwięziony w języku: Współczesne inscenizacje mitu Fedry w teatrze polskim – Kleczewska, Zadara, Wiśniewski

Pamiętnik Teatralny, 2020

Artykuł przedstawia analizę porównawczą trzech współczesnych inscenizacji mitu Fedry wyreżyserowa... more Artykuł przedstawia analizę porównawczą trzech współczesnych inscenizacji mitu Fedry wyreżyserowanych przez Maję Kleczewską (Teatr Narodowy w Warszawie, 2006), Michała Zadarę (Narodowy Stary Teatr w Krakowie, 2006) i Grzegorza Wiśniewskiego (Teatr Wybrzeże w Gdańsku, 2019). Ramę teoretyczną rozważań stanowi koncepcja abiektalności postaci Fedry i jej reprezentacji w języku dramatu. Przedmiotem analizy są reżyserskie interwencje w teksty literackie podejmujące mit Fedry: strategie ich multiplikacji, modyfikacji i anihilacji. W intertekstualnym przedstawieniu Kleczewskiej, zestawiającej różne powiązane z tematem dramaty, tekst i język stają się mniej istotne niż ciała aktorów. W ironicznym teatrze Zadary formacja dyskursywna klasycystycznego tekstu Racine’a zostaje poddana dekonstrukcyjnej analizie, ale staje się zarazem głównym tematem przedstawienia. Wiśniewski powraca do języka Racine’a, ale próbuje go przekroczyć, kontrapunktując go wyciszoną i oszczędną grą aktorską wzmacnianą ki...

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Research paper thumbnail of Techniki siebie według Seneki

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Research paper thumbnail of Paradygmat arystotelesowski w zarządzaniu teatrem – casus Macieja Nowaka

Zarządzanie w Kulturze

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Research paper thumbnail of Intersemiotyczny przekład mitu antycznego w spektaklu „Fedra” Mai Kleczewskiej

Collectanea Philologica, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Dziecko w tragediach Eurypidesa / Małgorzata Budzowska

Teksty Drugie : teoria literatury, krytyka, interpretacja, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Paradygmat arystotelesowski w zarządzaniu teatrem – casus Macieja Nowaka

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Morbus hermeneuticus" - wyzwanie współczesnej humanistyki

Collectanea Philologica

The issue that is taken in the article concerns the problem of the essence of hermeneutics. Takin... more The issue that is taken in the article concerns the problem of the essence of hermeneutics. Taking into consideration the Herbert Schnädelbach’s conception of “morbus hermeneuticus”, the author develops the reflection on the status of hermeneutics in philosophy. In the discussion about ideas of freedom of cognitive process the views of M. Polanyi, O. Marquard, R. Girard, G. Simmel, J. Baudrillard, M. Foucault, J. Derrida are presented. In addition, the author introduces the concepts of chaos theory and theory of contingency. Based on the indicated culture’s texts author tries to find a positive evaluation of hermeneutic method, which should be understood in a more extended sense and thus not seen as a state of disease (morbus hermeneuticus).

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Research paper thumbnail of Dziecko jako ofiara wojny w tragediach Eurypidesa i Seneki w świetle sceny z Astyanaksem

Collectanea Philologica

Dissertatur de aspectu infantis, qui belli victima est, apud Euripidem et Senecam.

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Research paper thumbnail of Medea w tradycji przedeurypidejskiej

Collectanea Philologica

Materia dissertationis nostrae sunt fabulae et opera sriptorum Gracorum ante Euripidem, quae ad p... more Materia dissertationis nostrae sunt fabulae et opera sriptorum Gracorum ante Euripidem, quae ad personam Medeam perinent. Implicandum fabulas cum rebus gestis nationis Minyadum, qui Argonautae putantur, signatur. Primum tamen mutatio aspectus Medeas in litteris Graecis notatur.

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Research paper thumbnail of Morbus hermeneuticus - the problem of contemporary humanities

The issue that is taken in the article concerns the problem of the essence of hermeneutics. Takin... more The issue that is taken in the article concerns the problem of the essence of hermeneutics. Taking into consideration the Herbert Schnädelbach’s conception of “morbus hermeneuticus”, the author develops the reflection on the status of hermeneutics in philosophy. In the discussion about ideas of freedom of cognitive process the views of M. Polanyi, O. Marquard, R. Girard, G. Simmel, J. Baudrillard, M. Foucault, J. Derrida are presented. In addition, the author introduces the concepts of chaos theory and theory of contingency. Based on the indicated culture’s texts author tries to find a positive evaluation of hermeneutic method, which should be understood in a more extended sense and thus not seen as a state of disease (morbus hermeneuticus)

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Research paper thumbnail of Medea in fabulis et litteris Graecis ante Euripidem

Materia dissertationis nostrae sunt fabulae et opera sriptorum Gracorum ante Euripidem, quae ad p... more Materia dissertationis nostrae sunt fabulae et opera sriptorum Gracorum ante Euripidem, quae ad personam Medeam perinent. Implicandum fabulas cum rebus gestis nationis Minyadum, qui Argonautae putantur, signatur. Primum tamen mutatio aspectus Medeas in litteris Graecis notatur

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Research paper thumbnail of In the Universe of Cassandra: The Ancient Topos of Clairvoyance in the Futuristic World of Minority Report (2002)

Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture

The figure of Cassandra is well-known from numerous representations in ancient and modern literat... more The figure of Cassandra is well-known from numerous representations in ancient and modern literature as an archetype of a woman who has the power to see the future, but whose visions are not believed. In ancient Greek literature, Cassandra was an important character serving as a prophet of an approaching catastrophe. In her modern adaptations, this figure became a metaphor in psychoanalytical research on human moral behaviour (Melanie Klein and the Cassandra complex) developed in feminist writing. Cassandra has also been of interest to filmmakers, with perhaps the best adaptation of the subject of Cassandra’s clairvoyance being Steven Spielberg’s film Minority Report. Loosely based on Philip K. Dick’s 1956 short story The Minority Report, the plot presents a version of the Cassandra myth, in which a woman together with male twins operate as a group mind to predict future crimes. Their visions are used by the state to prevent the crimes and imprison the would-be criminals. This artic...

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Research paper thumbnail of Postmodern Performances of Ancient Greek Tragedy (Aeschylus' Oresteia and Euripides' Electra) Postmodern Performances of Ancient Greek Tragedy (Aeschylus' Oresteia and Euripides' Electra)

The paper focuses on the analysis of contemporary performances that recontextualize the ancient G... more The paper focuses on the analysis of contemporary performances that recontextualize the ancient Greek tragedies of Aeschylus and Euripides. The analysis is based on three examples of performances: Oresteia by Michał Zadara, Oresteia by Maja Kleczewska, both from the National Theatre and National Opera in Warsaw, and Waiting for Orestes: Electra by Tadashi Suzuki (the Suzuki Company of Toga). The following aspects will be taken under consideration: 1) the relation between the ancient text and its stage adaptation; 2) the recontextualization of time and space; 3) the change of the stage characters' system; 4) the change of the myth's identity; 5) the aesthetics of postmodernism in contemporary art; 6) the categories of Classics' mise-en-scène by Patrice Pavis. These considerations allow us to identify the trends in postmodern theatre, which use classical texts to diagnose the contemporary condition of man. By turning to the ancient myth and its canonical textual version...

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Research paper thumbnail of Dziecko w tragediach Eurypidesa / Małgorzata Budzowska

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Research paper thumbnail of Dziecko w tragediach Eurypidesa

Teksty Drugie, 2011

Malgorzata BUDZOWSKA University of Łodź The child in Euripides’s tragedies This analysis of Eurip... more Malgorzata BUDZOWSKA University of Łodź The child in Euripides’s tragedies This analysis of Euripides’s tragic poetry identifies its innovativeness in that figures of children take part in the dramatic plot. The author reviews the child characters of these plays – whether they are crucial to the plot or auxiliary to its main thread. The point of reference is, on the one hand, the social function of child in the Old-Greek culture and, on the other, passages from Euripides’s tragedies dealing with the issue of positive and negative aspects of parenthood. The article’s core argument is based upon analysis of children figures suffering from their entanglement in conflict-generating actions of their elders. Not only is the problem of parental love investigated but also, an absolute novelty in the European drama, the one of a small child’s affection for his or her parent. 31 Tamze, s. 275-276.

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Research paper thumbnail of Collectanea Philologica XIX, 2016: 63-75

Les mythes antiques de la culture méditerranéenne deviennent une langue utilisée pour exprimer le... more Les mythes antiques de la culture méditerranéenne deviennent une langue utilisée pour exprimer les angoisses politiques actuelles. Dans le théâtre contemporain mythes sont souvent déconstruites selon au dialogue post-moderne avec la tradition. Cet article est pour analyser deux productions théâtrales du théâtre polonais (Iphigénie par Antonina Grzegorzewska, 2008; Orestie par Michał Zadara, 2010) qui adaptent le plus politique mythe antique des Atréides, dans le contexte de ses versions littéraires anciennes (Orestie d’Eschyle, Iphigénie en Aulis d’Euripide). Les questions politiques discutés comprennent menace du terrorisme mondiale, le communisme, les guerres en Irak et en Afghanistan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Multimedialność w inscenizacji dramatu antycznego. "I Ifigenia" Tomasza Bazana

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia de Cultura, 2019

Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie zastosowania multimediów w inscenizacji dramatu antycz- nego, podda... more Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie zastosowania multimediów w inscenizacji dramatu antycz- nego, poddając analizie spektakl Tomasza Bazana I Ifigenia z Teatru Nowego im. Kazimierza Dejmka w Łodzi, będący adaptacją tragedii Eurypidesa pt. Ifigenia w Aulidzie. Artykuł pro- ponuje konkluzje dotyczące trzech aspektów istnienia mediów w dziele scenicznym Bazana. Po pierwsze, wskazuje na zastosowanie mediów jako metody poszerzenia problematyki spo- łecznej rozważanej na scenie. Po drugie, omawia maszynerię medialną jako nowe narzędzia medium teatru. I po trzecie, wskazuje i analizuje kategorialne różnice między teatrem ciał a teatrem ciał i elektronicznych obrazów.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sceniczne metamorfozy mitu. Teatr polski XXI wieku w perspektywie kulturowej

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Research paper thumbnail of External and Internal Violence within the Myth of Iphigenia: Staging myth Today

The Fear and the Fury, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Existing Within and Beyond Time: «Capri—the Island of Fugitives» by Krystian Lupa

Pamiętnik Teatralny, 2021

The proposed article ponders upon Krystian Lupa’s Capri—the Island of Fugitives (2019), an origin... more The proposed article ponders upon Krystian Lupa’s Capri—the Island of Fugitives (2019), an original production staged at the Powszechny Theatre in Warsaw that brings together two of Curzio Malaparte’s prose books: Kaputt (1944) and The Skin (1949). By focusing on the parts of the production that adapt Kaputt, the article scrutinizes scenes produced by the live performance and the virtual projections in order to describe and explain how theatrical expression is enriched by such a juxtaposition. This analysis uses the theoretical frameworks of unnatural narratology (Jan Alber et al.), postdramatic durational aesthetics (Hans-Thies Lehmann), and the idea of the virtual double (Matthew Causey). The primary argument relies on the specific temporality emerging from the Lupa’s performance that enables spectators to feel existence within and beyond time. Furthermore, the study investigates the overarching idea of the performance, recognized by the strategy of foregrounding the thematic that...

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Research paper thumbnail of Abiekt uwięziony w języku: Współczesne inscenizacje mitu Fedry w teatrze polskim – Kleczewska, Zadara, Wiśniewski

Pamiętnik Teatralny, 2020

Artykuł przedstawia analizę porównawczą trzech współczesnych inscenizacji mitu Fedry wyreżyserowa... more Artykuł przedstawia analizę porównawczą trzech współczesnych inscenizacji mitu Fedry wyreżyserowanych przez Maję Kleczewską (Teatr Narodowy w Warszawie, 2006), Michała Zadarę (Narodowy Stary Teatr w Krakowie, 2006) i Grzegorza Wiśniewskiego (Teatr Wybrzeże w Gdańsku, 2019). Ramę teoretyczną rozważań stanowi koncepcja abiektalności postaci Fedry i jej reprezentacji w języku dramatu. Przedmiotem analizy są reżyserskie interwencje w teksty literackie podejmujące mit Fedry: strategie ich multiplikacji, modyfikacji i anihilacji. W intertekstualnym przedstawieniu Kleczewskiej, zestawiającej różne powiązane z tematem dramaty, tekst i język stają się mniej istotne niż ciała aktorów. W ironicznym teatrze Zadary formacja dyskursywna klasycystycznego tekstu Racine’a zostaje poddana dekonstrukcyjnej analizie, ale staje się zarazem głównym tematem przedstawienia. Wiśniewski powraca do języka Racine’a, ale próbuje go przekroczyć, kontrapunktując go wyciszoną i oszczędną grą aktorską wzmacnianą ki...

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Research paper thumbnail of Techniki siebie według Seneki

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Research paper thumbnail of Paradygmat arystotelesowski w zarządzaniu teatrem – casus Macieja Nowaka

Zarządzanie w Kulturze

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Research paper thumbnail of Intersemiotyczny przekład mitu antycznego w spektaklu „Fedra” Mai Kleczewskiej

Collectanea Philologica, 2017

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