Magdalena Żmuda - (original) (raw)
Papers by Magdalena Żmuda
Antropomotoryka, Jun 25, 2022
International Journal of The History of Sport, Oct 26, 2022
Studia Żydowskie. Almanach
Po utworzeniu Republiki Czechosłowackiej i odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości społeczność żyd... more Po utworzeniu Republiki Czechosłowackiej i odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości społeczność żydowska stała się pełnoprawnym członkiem społeczności lokalnej zarówno w Preszowie, jak i Nowym Sączu, działając na polu religii, polityki i kultury, zwracała także uwagę na popularyzację wychowania fizycznego. i sportu poprzez tworzenie wielu klubów sportowych. Najpopularniejszymi tego typu organizacjami, zarówno w Preszowie, jak i Nowym Sączu, były stowarzyszenia makkabi z prężnie rozwijającymi się sekcjami sportowymi, takimi jakL piłka nożna, pływanie, tenis stołowy czy szachy. Organizacje te brały udział w grach miejskich i międzymiastowych, także z klubami nieżydowskimi. Artykuł opisuje działalność organizacji Makkabi w Preszowie oraz Żydowskiego Klubu Sportowego Makkabi w Nowym Sączu w okresie międzywojennym.
The International Journal of the History of Sport, 2017
The Enlightenment is a period that could be described as a time of phenomena and process that app... more The Enlightenment is a period that could be described as a time of phenomena and process that appeared in Europe in the second half of the seventeenth century. What the eighteenth century brought about in Poland was an intensification of social prestige in such areas as science and education. These changes were mainly affected by the then-ruling King Stanislaw August, whose initiatives resulted in keeping active contacts with the artistic and scientific environments from other countries. Hundreds of translations of the most outstanding works by foreign authors began appearing in Poland and became highly popular. Based on an analysis of 17 works by Western European authors translated between 1740 and 1830, these Enlightenment texts penetrated Polish pedagogical theories and impacted the development of modern physical education. The texts reveal the role and importance of physical education as presented by European philosophers in Polish-language publications at the time, and chronicle those European countries from which the most significant information on intellectual trends in the field of modern physical education flowed into Poland.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Background: The popularity of using the advice of a personal trainer is increasing in Poland and ... more Background: The popularity of using the advice of a personal trainer is increasing in Poland and currently most gyms offer the possibility of training under the supervision of a professional. Personal trainers present a multifaceted nature into physical activity and become their clients’ guides in achieving sporting goals. Physical trainers also work in sports clubs and supervise the training of people professionally involved in sport. Aim: Given the professional role that they play, this article aimed to analyze the knowledge and attitudes of personal trainers towards using prohibited measures to improve performance in sport, as well as counteraction measures. Methods: The study used a questionnaire created by the authors containing closed, semi-open, and open questions. Results: The results of the presented research indicate that most physical trainers and students educated in this field have a negative attitude towards the use of prohibited measures that increase performance but ...
Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences
Background: This study aims to analyze the opinions and attitudes of elite athletes with disabili... more Background: This study aims to analyze the opinions and attitudes of elite athletes with disabilities. Methods: Study participants included a group of elite Polish team members competing in international competitions (including Paralympics) in various sports. The research sample consisted of 100 individuals, including 67 men (67%) and 33 women (33%). The descriptive exploratory design used an instrument that combined a validated questionnaire (Performance Enhancement Attitude Scale; PEAS) with a special questionnaire adapted to athletes with disabilities. Results: The overall mean score from the PEAS scale (range, 11–66, with higher scores representing more permissive attitudes towards doping) was 20.61 ± 11.35, with 21.20 ± 10.96 in men, 19.39 ± 12.20 in women, 20.46 ± 10.92 in Paralympians and world championship participants (Masters), and 21.14 ± 13.16 in other competitors. For more than half (58%) of respondents, doping is uncommon in sports, and sports success can be achieved w...
Turystyka Kulturowa, Dec 31, 2020
PLOS ONE, 2019
The aim of the paper was to assess indicators of muscle and intestinal damage in triathletes. The... more The aim of the paper was to assess indicators of muscle and intestinal damage in triathletes. The study involved 15 triathletes whose objective for the season was to start in the XTERRA POLAND 2017 event (1,500-m swimming, 36-km cycling, and 10-km mountain running). Before the 14-week preparatory period, the competitors' body composition was measured, aerobic capacity was tested (graded treadmill test) and blood samples were collected to determine markers showing the level of muscle and intestinal damage. Subsequent tests for body composition were carried out before and after the competition. Blood samples for biochemical indicators were collected the day before the competition, after the completed race, and 24 and 48 hours later. A significant decrease in body mass was observed after completing the race (-3.1±1.5%). The mean maximal oxygen uptake level among the studied athletes equalled 4.9±0.4 L�min-1 , 58.8±4.5 mL�kg-1 �min-1. The significant increase in concentrations of cortisol, c-reactive protein and myoglobin after the competition, significantly correlated with the significant increase in zonulin concentration
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Travelling families are interested in urban tourism due to its cognitive and entertainment aspect... more Travelling families are interested in urban tourism due to its cognitive and entertainment aspects. Some expectations of parents travelling with children are the same independent of the accommodation location. The purpose of this article is to examine at what level city hotels offer services and amenities within family tourism, how they meet parents’ expectations and whether they adapt offers to children of different ages. Two measurement tools were used for this study. The first one was the authors’ questionnaire addressed to hotel managers. A total of 88 hotels located in Krakow were selected for the study. The survey contained questions on the offers of hotels related to various services and amenities for families with children, which were assigned to one of three groups (24 items): general child-friendly hotel services and amenities, in-room amenities and restaurant amenities. In the second phase of the study, parents of children aged 0–10 years were asked to assess the degree t...
The International Journal of the History of Sport, 2021
The Enlightenment comprises various processes occurring in Europe from the middle of the eighteen... more The Enlightenment comprises various processes occurring in Europe from the middle of the eighteenth century to at the beginning of the nineteenth century. This era was a breakthrough in social, ideological, and political life. It was also an era of rediscovery and re-evaluation of antiquity, especially concerning physical culture. Enlightenment thought and knowledge from Western Europe, including that on antiquity and ancient physical culture, were also transferred to Poland, in various aspects of social and cultural life. Knowledge about ancient physical culture contained in Polish works that appeared in 1740–1830 demonstrates that it was similar to that in Enlightenment Europe. From the analysis provided in Enlightenment works depicting ancient physical culture, it is clear that knowledge about it was extensive. What is more, the knowledge of ancient physical culture in Greece and Rome that Polish thinkers had was much more comprehensive than has been believed. Despite social and ...
Sport i Turystyka. Środkowoeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe
va global trend, and pro-health behaviors have come to be treated as a new lifestyle, which consi... more va global trend, and pro-health behaviors have come to be treated as a new lifestyle, which consists in resignation of traditional forms of spending free time with friends, in favour of isolated and individualised time management outside work. The modern pro-health lifestyle subsequently results in development of the market associated with the sports and recreational industry, including fitness clubs and gyms. The objective of the article is an assessment of fitness clubs and gyms in the city of Krakow. The first part deesents Krakow as a city that is constantly developing, and the fourth part lists the offer of services available to residents of Krakow in selected fitness clubs and gyms.
Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
Kreowanie zdrowego stylu życia, zwiększająca się świadomość prozdrowotna oraz starzejące się społ... more Kreowanie zdrowego stylu życia, zwiększająca się świadomość prozdrowotna oraz starzejące się społeczeństwo spowodowały zmiany na rynku usług turystycznych. Z każdym rokiem przybywa nowych hoteli oferujących usługi upiększające i poprawiające samopoczucie. W Krakowie, jednym z najlepiej turystycznie rozwijających się miast europejskich, gdzie występuje nasilona konkurencja, hotele nie poprzestają na ofercie podstawowej, ale poszukują możliwości wyróżnienia się poprzez dodatkową usługę turystyczną, stwarzając nowe propozycje spędzania wolnego czasu. Jedną z nich, zgodną z ogólnoświatowym trendem dążenia do poprawy zdrowia, oferowaną przez krakowskie obiekty noclegowe, jest umożliwienie korzystania z zabiegów spa i wellness. Hotele oferujące tego typu usługi zwiększają obłożenie i szansę wyróżnienia się z bogatej infrastruktury turystycznej Krakowa. Celem opracowania jest diagnoza liczby krakowskich hoteli oferujących usługi spa i wellness na terenie miasta Krakowa w wybranych hotelach...
Sport i Turystyka. Środkowoeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe
The International Journal of the History of Sport
Studies in Sport Humanities
Halina Zdebska-Biziewska was a person connected with sport and involved in popularising physical ... more Halina Zdebska-Biziewska was a person connected with sport and involved in popularising physical culture. Her activity, energy and diligence inspired others. In her life, she was guided by the “Fair Play” rule. She was a valued professor and researcher. H. Zdebska-Biziewska showed that the essence of sport is not only its pragmatic side, but also the axiology associated with it, because the philosophical theory of values allows to perceive sport as a source and transmission of many values. H. Zdebska-Biziewska, as an open, friendly and respected person, was a valuable fi gure in the development of Polish Olympism and the Kraków UPE (the University of Physical Education in Kraków). This publication aims to present the profi le of professor Halina Zdebska-Biziewska, who was not only a valued researcher, but also acted socially to promote physical culture in the country and abroad.
Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
Postępujące zmiany demograficzne mają wpływ na różne aspekty naszego życia, w tym również na ruch... more Postępujące zmiany demograficzne mają wpływ na różne aspekty naszego życia, w tym również na ruch turystyczny. Przekształceniom ulega struktura osób podróżujących, jak też ich oczekiwania, potrzeby i motywacje. Turystyka, będąc jedną z najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijających się branż, aby prężnie się rozwijać, musi uwzględniać wszystkie nowe trendy i prawidłowości. W związku z widocznie zauważalnym starzeniem się społeczeństw, szczególnie w Europie, turystyka osób starszych, zwana również senioralną, jest tą, która ma duży potencjał rozwojowy. Szeroka grupa odbiorców to wiele możliwości zarówno dla miast, gmin, jak i dla poszczególnych przedsiębiorstw związanych z turystyką. Celem niniejszej pracy była analiza ofert obiektów noclegowych Krynicy-Zdroju – jednego z najstarszych polskich uzdrowisk – pod kątem programu przygotowanego specjalnie dla seniorów. Przebadano rodzaje ofert, pakiety zniżkowe, możliwości aktywności i spędzania wolnego czasu. Starano się znaleźć odpowiedzi na pyta...
Antropomotoryka, Jun 25, 2022
International Journal of The History of Sport, Oct 26, 2022
Studia Żydowskie. Almanach
Po utworzeniu Republiki Czechosłowackiej i odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości społeczność żyd... more Po utworzeniu Republiki Czechosłowackiej i odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości społeczność żydowska stała się pełnoprawnym członkiem społeczności lokalnej zarówno w Preszowie, jak i Nowym Sączu, działając na polu religii, polityki i kultury, zwracała także uwagę na popularyzację wychowania fizycznego. i sportu poprzez tworzenie wielu klubów sportowych. Najpopularniejszymi tego typu organizacjami, zarówno w Preszowie, jak i Nowym Sączu, były stowarzyszenia makkabi z prężnie rozwijającymi się sekcjami sportowymi, takimi jakL piłka nożna, pływanie, tenis stołowy czy szachy. Organizacje te brały udział w grach miejskich i międzymiastowych, także z klubami nieżydowskimi. Artykuł opisuje działalność organizacji Makkabi w Preszowie oraz Żydowskiego Klubu Sportowego Makkabi w Nowym Sączu w okresie międzywojennym.
The International Journal of the History of Sport, 2017
The Enlightenment is a period that could be described as a time of phenomena and process that app... more The Enlightenment is a period that could be described as a time of phenomena and process that appeared in Europe in the second half of the seventeenth century. What the eighteenth century brought about in Poland was an intensification of social prestige in such areas as science and education. These changes were mainly affected by the then-ruling King Stanislaw August, whose initiatives resulted in keeping active contacts with the artistic and scientific environments from other countries. Hundreds of translations of the most outstanding works by foreign authors began appearing in Poland and became highly popular. Based on an analysis of 17 works by Western European authors translated between 1740 and 1830, these Enlightenment texts penetrated Polish pedagogical theories and impacted the development of modern physical education. The texts reveal the role and importance of physical education as presented by European philosophers in Polish-language publications at the time, and chronicle those European countries from which the most significant information on intellectual trends in the field of modern physical education flowed into Poland.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Background: The popularity of using the advice of a personal trainer is increasing in Poland and ... more Background: The popularity of using the advice of a personal trainer is increasing in Poland and currently most gyms offer the possibility of training under the supervision of a professional. Personal trainers present a multifaceted nature into physical activity and become their clients’ guides in achieving sporting goals. Physical trainers also work in sports clubs and supervise the training of people professionally involved in sport. Aim: Given the professional role that they play, this article aimed to analyze the knowledge and attitudes of personal trainers towards using prohibited measures to improve performance in sport, as well as counteraction measures. Methods: The study used a questionnaire created by the authors containing closed, semi-open, and open questions. Results: The results of the presented research indicate that most physical trainers and students educated in this field have a negative attitude towards the use of prohibited measures that increase performance but ...
Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences
Background: This study aims to analyze the opinions and attitudes of elite athletes with disabili... more Background: This study aims to analyze the opinions and attitudes of elite athletes with disabilities. Methods: Study participants included a group of elite Polish team members competing in international competitions (including Paralympics) in various sports. The research sample consisted of 100 individuals, including 67 men (67%) and 33 women (33%). The descriptive exploratory design used an instrument that combined a validated questionnaire (Performance Enhancement Attitude Scale; PEAS) with a special questionnaire adapted to athletes with disabilities. Results: The overall mean score from the PEAS scale (range, 11–66, with higher scores representing more permissive attitudes towards doping) was 20.61 ± 11.35, with 21.20 ± 10.96 in men, 19.39 ± 12.20 in women, 20.46 ± 10.92 in Paralympians and world championship participants (Masters), and 21.14 ± 13.16 in other competitors. For more than half (58%) of respondents, doping is uncommon in sports, and sports success can be achieved w...
Turystyka Kulturowa, Dec 31, 2020
PLOS ONE, 2019
The aim of the paper was to assess indicators of muscle and intestinal damage in triathletes. The... more The aim of the paper was to assess indicators of muscle and intestinal damage in triathletes. The study involved 15 triathletes whose objective for the season was to start in the XTERRA POLAND 2017 event (1,500-m swimming, 36-km cycling, and 10-km mountain running). Before the 14-week preparatory period, the competitors' body composition was measured, aerobic capacity was tested (graded treadmill test) and blood samples were collected to determine markers showing the level of muscle and intestinal damage. Subsequent tests for body composition were carried out before and after the competition. Blood samples for biochemical indicators were collected the day before the competition, after the completed race, and 24 and 48 hours later. A significant decrease in body mass was observed after completing the race (-3.1±1.5%). The mean maximal oxygen uptake level among the studied athletes equalled 4.9±0.4 L�min-1 , 58.8±4.5 mL�kg-1 �min-1. The significant increase in concentrations of cortisol, c-reactive protein and myoglobin after the competition, significantly correlated with the significant increase in zonulin concentration
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Travelling families are interested in urban tourism due to its cognitive and entertainment aspect... more Travelling families are interested in urban tourism due to its cognitive and entertainment aspects. Some expectations of parents travelling with children are the same independent of the accommodation location. The purpose of this article is to examine at what level city hotels offer services and amenities within family tourism, how they meet parents’ expectations and whether they adapt offers to children of different ages. Two measurement tools were used for this study. The first one was the authors’ questionnaire addressed to hotel managers. A total of 88 hotels located in Krakow were selected for the study. The survey contained questions on the offers of hotels related to various services and amenities for families with children, which were assigned to one of three groups (24 items): general child-friendly hotel services and amenities, in-room amenities and restaurant amenities. In the second phase of the study, parents of children aged 0–10 years were asked to assess the degree t...
The International Journal of the History of Sport, 2021
The Enlightenment comprises various processes occurring in Europe from the middle of the eighteen... more The Enlightenment comprises various processes occurring in Europe from the middle of the eighteenth century to at the beginning of the nineteenth century. This era was a breakthrough in social, ideological, and political life. It was also an era of rediscovery and re-evaluation of antiquity, especially concerning physical culture. Enlightenment thought and knowledge from Western Europe, including that on antiquity and ancient physical culture, were also transferred to Poland, in various aspects of social and cultural life. Knowledge about ancient physical culture contained in Polish works that appeared in 1740–1830 demonstrates that it was similar to that in Enlightenment Europe. From the analysis provided in Enlightenment works depicting ancient physical culture, it is clear that knowledge about it was extensive. What is more, the knowledge of ancient physical culture in Greece and Rome that Polish thinkers had was much more comprehensive than has been believed. Despite social and ...
Sport i Turystyka. Środkowoeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe
va global trend, and pro-health behaviors have come to be treated as a new lifestyle, which consi... more va global trend, and pro-health behaviors have come to be treated as a new lifestyle, which consists in resignation of traditional forms of spending free time with friends, in favour of isolated and individualised time management outside work. The modern pro-health lifestyle subsequently results in development of the market associated with the sports and recreational industry, including fitness clubs and gyms. The objective of the article is an assessment of fitness clubs and gyms in the city of Krakow. The first part deesents Krakow as a city that is constantly developing, and the fourth part lists the offer of services available to residents of Krakow in selected fitness clubs and gyms.
Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
Kreowanie zdrowego stylu życia, zwiększająca się świadomość prozdrowotna oraz starzejące się społ... more Kreowanie zdrowego stylu życia, zwiększająca się świadomość prozdrowotna oraz starzejące się społeczeństwo spowodowały zmiany na rynku usług turystycznych. Z każdym rokiem przybywa nowych hoteli oferujących usługi upiększające i poprawiające samopoczucie. W Krakowie, jednym z najlepiej turystycznie rozwijających się miast europejskich, gdzie występuje nasilona konkurencja, hotele nie poprzestają na ofercie podstawowej, ale poszukują możliwości wyróżnienia się poprzez dodatkową usługę turystyczną, stwarzając nowe propozycje spędzania wolnego czasu. Jedną z nich, zgodną z ogólnoświatowym trendem dążenia do poprawy zdrowia, oferowaną przez krakowskie obiekty noclegowe, jest umożliwienie korzystania z zabiegów spa i wellness. Hotele oferujące tego typu usługi zwiększają obłożenie i szansę wyróżnienia się z bogatej infrastruktury turystycznej Krakowa. Celem opracowania jest diagnoza liczby krakowskich hoteli oferujących usługi spa i wellness na terenie miasta Krakowa w wybranych hotelach...
Sport i Turystyka. Środkowoeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe
The International Journal of the History of Sport
Studies in Sport Humanities
Halina Zdebska-Biziewska was a person connected with sport and involved in popularising physical ... more Halina Zdebska-Biziewska was a person connected with sport and involved in popularising physical culture. Her activity, energy and diligence inspired others. In her life, she was guided by the “Fair Play” rule. She was a valued professor and researcher. H. Zdebska-Biziewska showed that the essence of sport is not only its pragmatic side, but also the axiology associated with it, because the philosophical theory of values allows to perceive sport as a source and transmission of many values. H. Zdebska-Biziewska, as an open, friendly and respected person, was a valuable fi gure in the development of Polish Olympism and the Kraków UPE (the University of Physical Education in Kraków). This publication aims to present the profi le of professor Halina Zdebska-Biziewska, who was not only a valued researcher, but also acted socially to promote physical culture in the country and abroad.
Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
Postępujące zmiany demograficzne mają wpływ na różne aspekty naszego życia, w tym również na ruch... more Postępujące zmiany demograficzne mają wpływ na różne aspekty naszego życia, w tym również na ruch turystyczny. Przekształceniom ulega struktura osób podróżujących, jak też ich oczekiwania, potrzeby i motywacje. Turystyka, będąc jedną z najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijających się branż, aby prężnie się rozwijać, musi uwzględniać wszystkie nowe trendy i prawidłowości. W związku z widocznie zauważalnym starzeniem się społeczeństw, szczególnie w Europie, turystyka osób starszych, zwana również senioralną, jest tą, która ma duży potencjał rozwojowy. Szeroka grupa odbiorców to wiele możliwości zarówno dla miast, gmin, jak i dla poszczególnych przedsiębiorstw związanych z turystyką. Celem niniejszej pracy była analiza ofert obiektów noclegowych Krynicy-Zdroju – jednego z najstarszych polskich uzdrowisk – pod kątem programu przygotowanego specjalnie dla seniorów. Przebadano rodzaje ofert, pakiety zniżkowe, możliwości aktywności i spędzania wolnego czasu. Starano się znaleźć odpowiedzi na pyta...