Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni - (original) (raw)
Papers by Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni
Journal für Medizin- und Gesundheitsrecht
Journal of Public Health, 2015
AimVoluntary engagement is a complex social phenomenon that covers work performed without monetar... more AimVoluntary engagement is a complex social phenomenon that covers work performed without monetary compensation thus creating, on one hand, benefits for volunteers and, on the other hand, social output that would otherwise require paid resources. In this paper, we focus on the role of motives and motive fulfilment and empirically examine their influence on the voluntary engagement in hospice services.Subject and methodsThis empirical analysis is based on a survey of 223 volunteers of the Austrian Hospice Services. The questionnaire takes findings of economic and psychological literature into account, which enable us to achieve a profound knowledge of the determinants of a sustainable voluntary labour supply.ResultsOur results show that voluntary labour supply is crucially determined by motives and motive fulfilment. While altruistic motivation lengthens tenure, the fulfilment of altruistic motives negatively influences tenure. Volunteers that are egoistically motivated generally show a shorter duration of employment, whereas if their egoistic motives are fulfilled their tenure increases.ConclusionsOur results create an understanding of voluntary labour supply in Austrian hospice services. These findings are helpful for the human resource management in hospices since they provide relevant information for the recruitment but also the retention of the volunteer workforce.
Journal of Community Genetics, 2017
Despite the increasing availability of direct-toconsumer (DTC) genetic testing, it is currently u... more Despite the increasing availability of direct-toconsumer (DTC) genetic testing, it is currently unclear how such services are regulated in Europe, due to the lack of EU or national legislation specifically addressing this issue. In this article, we provide an overview of laws that could potentially impact the regulation of DTC genetic testing in 26 European countries, namely Austria,
Background: European countries are increasingly harmonising their organ donation and transplantat... more Background: European countries are increasingly harmonising their organ donation and transplantation policies. Although a growing number of nations are moving to presumed consent, no attempts have been made to harmonise policies on individual consent and the role of the family in the decision-making process. Little is known about public awareness and attitudes towards the role of the family in their own country and European harmonisation on these issues.Methods: Using LimeSurvey© software, we conducted a comparative cross-sectional international survey of 2,193 university students of health sciences and humanities/social sciences from Austria (339), Belgium (439), Denmark (230), Germany (424), Greece (159), Romania (190), Slovenia (190) and Spain (222). To maximise demographic balance across national samples, we applied inverse-probability-of-selection weights based on age and gender.Results: Participants from opt-in countries may have a better awareness of the family’s legal role t...
Ethik in der Medizin, 2022
ZusammenfassungDie vorliegende Interviewstudie untersucht ethische Herausforderungen des Pflegeal... more ZusammenfassungDie vorliegende Interviewstudie untersucht ethische Herausforderungen des Pflegealltags in Einrichtungen der Langzeitpflege aus Sicht der Pflegepersonen während der Covid-19-Pandemie. Durch das explorative, wie auch deskriptive methodische Vorgehen liegen Interviewdaten vor, die vier Themenbereichen zugeordnet werden können, die eine komplexe und teilweise konfliktreiche Arbeits- und Lebenswirklichkeit der Langzeitpflege in der Pandemie aufzeigen. Zum einen werden von den Pflegepersonen die staatlich und institutionell getroffenen Schutzmaßnahmen sowie die daraus resultierenden Einschränkungen der persönlichen Freiheit der Bewohner:innen kritisch reflektiert und damit verbunden der Grad der Selbstbestimmtheit der Bewohner:innen von Alten- und Pflegeheimen in der Pandemie hinterfragt. Zum anderen wird – gegeben der pandemiebedingten Maßnahmen – das pflegerische Handeln im Arbeits- und Lebensort Heim als herausfordernd und die Möglichkeiten pflegerischer Fürsorge als st...
Supplemental Material, Appendix_III for A systematic review of ethical and legal issues in elder ... more Supplemental Material, Appendix_III for A systematic review of ethical and legal issues in elder care by Nertila Podgorica, Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni, Daniela Deufert, Uwe Siebert and Michael Ganner in Nursing Ethics
Supplemental Material, Appendix_II for A systematic review of ethical and legal issues in elder c... more Supplemental Material, Appendix_II for A systematic review of ethical and legal issues in elder care by Nertila Podgorica, Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni, Daniela Deufert, Uwe Siebert and Michael Ganner in Nursing Ethics
Einleitung: Bei Frauen steht Brustkrebs mit jährlich ca. 18 Prozent der Krebssterbefälle und bei ... more Einleitung: Bei Frauen steht Brustkrebs mit jährlich ca. 18 Prozent der Krebssterbefälle und bei den Krebsneuerkrankungen an erster Stelle [ref:1]. Die häufigste Standardtherapie nach Operation ist die Chemotherapie. Um deren Nebenwirkungen abzumildern, entscheiden sich viele[zum vollständigen Text gelangen Sie über die oben angegebene URL]
Time: 4 p.m. Language: The Lecture will be held in English. All researchers and practitioners int... more Time: 4 p.m. Language: The Lecture will be held in English. All researchers and practitioners interested in the conference are welcome to participate. There is no registration fee. Registration required.
Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2021
Anti-doping rule violations (ADRVs) can lead to sports-related and legal sanctions, thus, being k... more Anti-doping rule violations (ADRVs) can lead to sports-related and legal sanctions, thus, being knowledgeable is important. Research into this knowledge and how athletes and their support personnel (ASP) perceive the control mechanisms and the appropriateness of (legal) sanctions is still scarce. This explorative study aimed to examine the knowledge and perception of existing (legal) sanctions in Austria, by distributing a questionnaire to Austrian athletes and ASP covering the topics of knowledge related to legal and sports-related consequences associated with a specific ADRV presented in a case study, their trust and satisfaction with specific agencies (based on the European Social Survey (ESS)) and perceived efficiency and effectiveness of the doping control system. Data were analyzed descriptively. All respondents (N = 59) agreed on a ban from sport to be appropriate. Knowledge about legal consequences and the trust in the judiciary and the sport governing bodies was moderate (6...
Beschäftigen sich Ökonomen mit dem Wert des menschlichen Lebens, so passiert dies meist vor dem H... more Beschäftigen sich Ökonomen mit dem Wert des menschlichen Lebens, so passiert dies meist vor dem Hintergrund einer effizienten (öffentlichen) Entscheidungsfindung und den damit verbundenen Kosten und Nutzen der (öffentlichen) Investition, wie beispielsweise einer Impfmaßnahme. Dabei ist es für das Instrument der Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse unerlässlich, dass monetäre Werte sowohl für die relevanten Kostenals auch Nutzkomponenten der Investition integriert werden. Während dabei meist klare Vorstellungen bezüglich der Kosten existieren, liegen größtenteils kaum Informationen über den monetären Nutzen für die Betroffenen einer Maßnahme vor. Als Nutzen können in Bezug auf die Gesundheit beispielhaft eine verbesserte Lebensqualität oder auch der Schutz menschlichen Lebens, d.h. eine Reduktion des Sterberisikos, genannt werden. Wie kann also menschliches Leben monetär bewertet werden? Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den ökonomischen Methoden, die das Ziel verfolgen, menschliches Leb...
Wahrend Rechtsexpert_innen die entscheidungsrelevanten Kriterien der Rsp und Dogmatik fur die Bem... more Wahrend Rechtsexpert_innen die entscheidungsrelevanten Kriterien der Rsp und Dogmatik fur die Bemessung des Schmerzengeldes kennen, sind diese den juristischen Lai_innen nicht immer bekannt oder zuganglich. Mit anderen Worten sind es die Berufsrichter_innen, die im deutschsprachigen Raum die Hohe der Entschadigungssumme bestimmen und damit definieren, wie Schmerzen (respektive eine veranderte Lebensqualitat) tatsachlich monetarisiert werden. Die daraus resultierende Informationsasymmetrie zwischen Rechtsexpert_innen und juristischen Lai_innen wird im Rahmen internationaler Studien diskutiert. Ergebnisse dieser Studien weisen darauf hin, dass Lai_innen dazu tendieren, juristisch nicht relevante Faktoren fur die Bemessung von Schadenersatz und Schmerzengeld anders zu bewerten, als dies gesetzlich bzw rechtsdogmatisch der Fall ware. Die vorliegende experimentelle Studie setzt an diesen Erkenntnissen an und geht der Fragestellung nach, ob der soziookonomische Status des Schadigers/der S...
Danube, 2019
This paper assesses the widely held belief that damages for pain and suffering are random or arbi... more This paper assesses the widely held belief that damages for pain and suffering are random or arbitrary. In detail, we investigate whether damages for pain and suffering are systematically affected by individual-, injury- and procedural-specific characteristics and how important these factors are relative to each other. To uncover the predictability of these awards, we rely on a sample of German damages for pain and suffering awards including 2.244 verdicts. By estimating a standard regression model we observe that final awards are systematically influenced by the injury’s conditions, by the court level the case is brought in and by the engagement of a lawyer. Our findings let us conclude that damages for pain and suffering and the respective assessment process within the German judicial system are largely reasonable and transparent rather than random.
Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 2021
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2020
Older people over the world have been confronted with challenges such as poverty, discrimination,... more Older people over the world have been confronted with challenges such as poverty, discrimination, and abuse, hindering their human rights and their place in society. However, the world has not tackled this challenge with urgency. While concerns associated with older people are not a new phenomenon, they have been perceived as challenges that warrant solutions that are operational, reactive, and piecemeal. This is particularly true in the case of Albania. Although older people have been historically ignored by human rights law, their rights and legal aspects are now emerging as an integral part of public policies. Within this frame, our review explores the legal aspects of older people in Albania. From the findings, it has been revealed that although there are laws ensuring legal aspects of elderly people in Albania, they have not been effectively implemented. There is a huge need to effectively implement legal support and rights for older people in Albania.
Nursing Ethics, 2020
Background: Ethical and legal issues are increasingly being reported by health caregivers; howeve... more Background: Ethical and legal issues are increasingly being reported by health caregivers; however, little is known about the nature of these issues in geriatric care. These issues can improve work and care conditions in healthcare, and consequently, the health and welfare of older people. Aim: This literature review aims to identify research focusing on ethical and legal issues in geriatric care, in order to give nurses and other health care workers an overview of existing grievances and possible solutions to take care of old patients in a both ethical and legally correct way. Methods: Using a systematic approach based on Aveyard, a search of the PubMed, CINAHL, and Ethicshare databases was conducted to find out the articles published on ethical and legal issues in geriatric care. Ethical considerations: The approval for the study was obtained from UMIT-The Health and Life Sciences University, Austria. Results: Only 50 articles were included for systematic analysis reporting ethica...
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 2020
Purpose Gamete donors and recipients of such donations have been explored by previous studies, wh... more Purpose Gamete donors and recipients of such donations have been explored by previous studies, which mostly focus on post-donation scenarios. Our study analyses the general willingness to donate oocytes or sperm and focuses on differences between potential female and male donors in attitudes, meanings, and motives in a pre-donation setting. Methods An electronic survey (n = 555 students) was used in this anonymous observational study. To enable comparisons between men and women regarding their attitudes, meanings, and motives and their willingness to donate gametes, we designed two separate questionnaires. Results The sample was divided into three groups based on the willingness to donate: potential donors (n = 133; women: 48.1%, men: 51.9%); doubtful donors (n = 207; women: 75.8%, men: 24.2%); and non-donors (n = 215; women: 68.3%, men: 31.7%). The group of potential male donors (39.2%) was significantly larger than the group of potential female donors (16.9%). Significant differen...
Der erste Kommentar zum osterreichischen Fortpflanzungsmedizinrecht Der vorliegende Kommentar ber... more Der erste Kommentar zum osterreichischen Fortpflanzungsmedizinrecht Der vorliegende Kommentar berucksichtigt sowohl rechtliche als auch medizinische Aspekte der modernen Fortpflanzungsmedizin. Er zeichnet, durch die integrierte Kommentierung des IVF-Fonds-Gesetzes und die relevanten Bezuge zum Gewebesicherheitsrecht, Gentechnikgesetz sowie IPR und Europarecht, ein umfassendes Bild des Fortpflanzungsmedizinrechts in Osterreich. Der Kommentar wendet sich gleichermasen an Jurist_innen und Mediziner_innen und zielt darauf ab, die offenen Fragen des aktuellen osterreichischen Fortpflanzungsmedizinrechts zu beantworten und die aus interdisziplinaren Diskussionen resultierenden (Rechts-)Fragen praxisnah aufzuarbeiten. Das Werk ist hochaktuell und berucksichtigt bereits die Anderungen infolge der Umsetzung der EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung.
Journal für Medizin- und Gesundheitsrecht
Journal of Public Health, 2015
AimVoluntary engagement is a complex social phenomenon that covers work performed without monetar... more AimVoluntary engagement is a complex social phenomenon that covers work performed without monetary compensation thus creating, on one hand, benefits for volunteers and, on the other hand, social output that would otherwise require paid resources. In this paper, we focus on the role of motives and motive fulfilment and empirically examine their influence on the voluntary engagement in hospice services.Subject and methodsThis empirical analysis is based on a survey of 223 volunteers of the Austrian Hospice Services. The questionnaire takes findings of economic and psychological literature into account, which enable us to achieve a profound knowledge of the determinants of a sustainable voluntary labour supply.ResultsOur results show that voluntary labour supply is crucially determined by motives and motive fulfilment. While altruistic motivation lengthens tenure, the fulfilment of altruistic motives negatively influences tenure. Volunteers that are egoistically motivated generally show a shorter duration of employment, whereas if their egoistic motives are fulfilled their tenure increases.ConclusionsOur results create an understanding of voluntary labour supply in Austrian hospice services. These findings are helpful for the human resource management in hospices since they provide relevant information for the recruitment but also the retention of the volunteer workforce.
Journal of Community Genetics, 2017
Despite the increasing availability of direct-toconsumer (DTC) genetic testing, it is currently u... more Despite the increasing availability of direct-toconsumer (DTC) genetic testing, it is currently unclear how such services are regulated in Europe, due to the lack of EU or national legislation specifically addressing this issue. In this article, we provide an overview of laws that could potentially impact the regulation of DTC genetic testing in 26 European countries, namely Austria,
Background: European countries are increasingly harmonising their organ donation and transplantat... more Background: European countries are increasingly harmonising their organ donation and transplantation policies. Although a growing number of nations are moving to presumed consent, no attempts have been made to harmonise policies on individual consent and the role of the family in the decision-making process. Little is known about public awareness and attitudes towards the role of the family in their own country and European harmonisation on these issues.Methods: Using LimeSurvey© software, we conducted a comparative cross-sectional international survey of 2,193 university students of health sciences and humanities/social sciences from Austria (339), Belgium (439), Denmark (230), Germany (424), Greece (159), Romania (190), Slovenia (190) and Spain (222). To maximise demographic balance across national samples, we applied inverse-probability-of-selection weights based on age and gender.Results: Participants from opt-in countries may have a better awareness of the family’s legal role t...
Ethik in der Medizin, 2022
ZusammenfassungDie vorliegende Interviewstudie untersucht ethische Herausforderungen des Pflegeal... more ZusammenfassungDie vorliegende Interviewstudie untersucht ethische Herausforderungen des Pflegealltags in Einrichtungen der Langzeitpflege aus Sicht der Pflegepersonen während der Covid-19-Pandemie. Durch das explorative, wie auch deskriptive methodische Vorgehen liegen Interviewdaten vor, die vier Themenbereichen zugeordnet werden können, die eine komplexe und teilweise konfliktreiche Arbeits- und Lebenswirklichkeit der Langzeitpflege in der Pandemie aufzeigen. Zum einen werden von den Pflegepersonen die staatlich und institutionell getroffenen Schutzmaßnahmen sowie die daraus resultierenden Einschränkungen der persönlichen Freiheit der Bewohner:innen kritisch reflektiert und damit verbunden der Grad der Selbstbestimmtheit der Bewohner:innen von Alten- und Pflegeheimen in der Pandemie hinterfragt. Zum anderen wird – gegeben der pandemiebedingten Maßnahmen – das pflegerische Handeln im Arbeits- und Lebensort Heim als herausfordernd und die Möglichkeiten pflegerischer Fürsorge als st...
Supplemental Material, Appendix_III for A systematic review of ethical and legal issues in elder ... more Supplemental Material, Appendix_III for A systematic review of ethical and legal issues in elder care by Nertila Podgorica, Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni, Daniela Deufert, Uwe Siebert and Michael Ganner in Nursing Ethics
Supplemental Material, Appendix_II for A systematic review of ethical and legal issues in elder c... more Supplemental Material, Appendix_II for A systematic review of ethical and legal issues in elder care by Nertila Podgorica, Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni, Daniela Deufert, Uwe Siebert and Michael Ganner in Nursing Ethics
Einleitung: Bei Frauen steht Brustkrebs mit jährlich ca. 18 Prozent der Krebssterbefälle und bei ... more Einleitung: Bei Frauen steht Brustkrebs mit jährlich ca. 18 Prozent der Krebssterbefälle und bei den Krebsneuerkrankungen an erster Stelle [ref:1]. Die häufigste Standardtherapie nach Operation ist die Chemotherapie. Um deren Nebenwirkungen abzumildern, entscheiden sich viele[zum vollständigen Text gelangen Sie über die oben angegebene URL]
Time: 4 p.m. Language: The Lecture will be held in English. All researchers and practitioners int... more Time: 4 p.m. Language: The Lecture will be held in English. All researchers and practitioners interested in the conference are welcome to participate. There is no registration fee. Registration required.
Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2021
Anti-doping rule violations (ADRVs) can lead to sports-related and legal sanctions, thus, being k... more Anti-doping rule violations (ADRVs) can lead to sports-related and legal sanctions, thus, being knowledgeable is important. Research into this knowledge and how athletes and their support personnel (ASP) perceive the control mechanisms and the appropriateness of (legal) sanctions is still scarce. This explorative study aimed to examine the knowledge and perception of existing (legal) sanctions in Austria, by distributing a questionnaire to Austrian athletes and ASP covering the topics of knowledge related to legal and sports-related consequences associated with a specific ADRV presented in a case study, their trust and satisfaction with specific agencies (based on the European Social Survey (ESS)) and perceived efficiency and effectiveness of the doping control system. Data were analyzed descriptively. All respondents (N = 59) agreed on a ban from sport to be appropriate. Knowledge about legal consequences and the trust in the judiciary and the sport governing bodies was moderate (6...
Beschäftigen sich Ökonomen mit dem Wert des menschlichen Lebens, so passiert dies meist vor dem H... more Beschäftigen sich Ökonomen mit dem Wert des menschlichen Lebens, so passiert dies meist vor dem Hintergrund einer effizienten (öffentlichen) Entscheidungsfindung und den damit verbundenen Kosten und Nutzen der (öffentlichen) Investition, wie beispielsweise einer Impfmaßnahme. Dabei ist es für das Instrument der Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse unerlässlich, dass monetäre Werte sowohl für die relevanten Kostenals auch Nutzkomponenten der Investition integriert werden. Während dabei meist klare Vorstellungen bezüglich der Kosten existieren, liegen größtenteils kaum Informationen über den monetären Nutzen für die Betroffenen einer Maßnahme vor. Als Nutzen können in Bezug auf die Gesundheit beispielhaft eine verbesserte Lebensqualität oder auch der Schutz menschlichen Lebens, d.h. eine Reduktion des Sterberisikos, genannt werden. Wie kann also menschliches Leben monetär bewertet werden? Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den ökonomischen Methoden, die das Ziel verfolgen, menschliches Leb...
Wahrend Rechtsexpert_innen die entscheidungsrelevanten Kriterien der Rsp und Dogmatik fur die Bem... more Wahrend Rechtsexpert_innen die entscheidungsrelevanten Kriterien der Rsp und Dogmatik fur die Bemessung des Schmerzengeldes kennen, sind diese den juristischen Lai_innen nicht immer bekannt oder zuganglich. Mit anderen Worten sind es die Berufsrichter_innen, die im deutschsprachigen Raum die Hohe der Entschadigungssumme bestimmen und damit definieren, wie Schmerzen (respektive eine veranderte Lebensqualitat) tatsachlich monetarisiert werden. Die daraus resultierende Informationsasymmetrie zwischen Rechtsexpert_innen und juristischen Lai_innen wird im Rahmen internationaler Studien diskutiert. Ergebnisse dieser Studien weisen darauf hin, dass Lai_innen dazu tendieren, juristisch nicht relevante Faktoren fur die Bemessung von Schadenersatz und Schmerzengeld anders zu bewerten, als dies gesetzlich bzw rechtsdogmatisch der Fall ware. Die vorliegende experimentelle Studie setzt an diesen Erkenntnissen an und geht der Fragestellung nach, ob der soziookonomische Status des Schadigers/der S...
Danube, 2019
This paper assesses the widely held belief that damages for pain and suffering are random or arbi... more This paper assesses the widely held belief that damages for pain and suffering are random or arbitrary. In detail, we investigate whether damages for pain and suffering are systematically affected by individual-, injury- and procedural-specific characteristics and how important these factors are relative to each other. To uncover the predictability of these awards, we rely on a sample of German damages for pain and suffering awards including 2.244 verdicts. By estimating a standard regression model we observe that final awards are systematically influenced by the injury’s conditions, by the court level the case is brought in and by the engagement of a lawyer. Our findings let us conclude that damages for pain and suffering and the respective assessment process within the German judicial system are largely reasonable and transparent rather than random.
Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 2021
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2020
Older people over the world have been confronted with challenges such as poverty, discrimination,... more Older people over the world have been confronted with challenges such as poverty, discrimination, and abuse, hindering their human rights and their place in society. However, the world has not tackled this challenge with urgency. While concerns associated with older people are not a new phenomenon, they have been perceived as challenges that warrant solutions that are operational, reactive, and piecemeal. This is particularly true in the case of Albania. Although older people have been historically ignored by human rights law, their rights and legal aspects are now emerging as an integral part of public policies. Within this frame, our review explores the legal aspects of older people in Albania. From the findings, it has been revealed that although there are laws ensuring legal aspects of elderly people in Albania, they have not been effectively implemented. There is a huge need to effectively implement legal support and rights for older people in Albania.
Nursing Ethics, 2020
Background: Ethical and legal issues are increasingly being reported by health caregivers; howeve... more Background: Ethical and legal issues are increasingly being reported by health caregivers; however, little is known about the nature of these issues in geriatric care. These issues can improve work and care conditions in healthcare, and consequently, the health and welfare of older people. Aim: This literature review aims to identify research focusing on ethical and legal issues in geriatric care, in order to give nurses and other health care workers an overview of existing grievances and possible solutions to take care of old patients in a both ethical and legally correct way. Methods: Using a systematic approach based on Aveyard, a search of the PubMed, CINAHL, and Ethicshare databases was conducted to find out the articles published on ethical and legal issues in geriatric care. Ethical considerations: The approval for the study was obtained from UMIT-The Health and Life Sciences University, Austria. Results: Only 50 articles were included for systematic analysis reporting ethica...
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 2020
Purpose Gamete donors and recipients of such donations have been explored by previous studies, wh... more Purpose Gamete donors and recipients of such donations have been explored by previous studies, which mostly focus on post-donation scenarios. Our study analyses the general willingness to donate oocytes or sperm and focuses on differences between potential female and male donors in attitudes, meanings, and motives in a pre-donation setting. Methods An electronic survey (n = 555 students) was used in this anonymous observational study. To enable comparisons between men and women regarding their attitudes, meanings, and motives and their willingness to donate gametes, we designed two separate questionnaires. Results The sample was divided into three groups based on the willingness to donate: potential donors (n = 133; women: 48.1%, men: 51.9%); doubtful donors (n = 207; women: 75.8%, men: 24.2%); and non-donors (n = 215; women: 68.3%, men: 31.7%). The group of potential male donors (39.2%) was significantly larger than the group of potential female donors (16.9%). Significant differen...
Der erste Kommentar zum osterreichischen Fortpflanzungsmedizinrecht Der vorliegende Kommentar ber... more Der erste Kommentar zum osterreichischen Fortpflanzungsmedizinrecht Der vorliegende Kommentar berucksichtigt sowohl rechtliche als auch medizinische Aspekte der modernen Fortpflanzungsmedizin. Er zeichnet, durch die integrierte Kommentierung des IVF-Fonds-Gesetzes und die relevanten Bezuge zum Gewebesicherheitsrecht, Gentechnikgesetz sowie IPR und Europarecht, ein umfassendes Bild des Fortpflanzungsmedizinrechts in Osterreich. Der Kommentar wendet sich gleichermasen an Jurist_innen und Mediziner_innen und zielt darauf ab, die offenen Fragen des aktuellen osterreichischen Fortpflanzungsmedizinrechts zu beantworten und die aus interdisziplinaren Diskussionen resultierenden (Rechts-)Fragen praxisnah aufzuarbeiten. Das Werk ist hochaktuell und berucksichtigt bereits die Anderungen infolge der Umsetzung der EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung.