Mahmut Can Yagmurdur - (original) (raw)

Papers by Mahmut Can Yagmurdur

Research paper thumbnail of Rektal Prolapsusa Neden Olan Rektosigmoid Tümörü: Olgu Sunumu

Türk Kolon ve Rektum Hastalıkları Dergisi, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of symptoms for colorectal diseases

Kocaeli tıp dergisi, 2018

K Ko ol lo or re ek kt ta al l H Ha as st ta al lı ık kl la ar rd da a Ş Şi ik ka ay ye et t Ö Öz... more K Ko ol lo or re ek kt ta al l H Ha as st ta al lı ık kl la ar rd da a Ş Şi ik ka ay ye et t Ö Öz ze el ll li ik kl le er ri i C Ch ha ar ra ac ct te er ri is st ti ic cs s o of f S Sy ym mp pt to om ms s f fo or r C Co ol lo or re ec ct ta al l D Di is se ea as se es s

Research paper thumbnail of Obsrüksiyona sebep olan nadir mide tümörü: Schwannoma

Research paper thumbnail of Gastro özefageal reflü hastalığı (GÖRH) cerrahisinde yaşam kalitesine etki eden preoperatif faktörler

DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 26, 2017

Mide içeriğinin, haftada ikiden fazla günde özofagusa kaçarak retrosternal yanmaya yol açması, ga... more Mide içeriğinin, haftada ikiden fazla günde özofagusa kaçarak retrosternal yanmaya yol açması, gastroözofageal reflü hastalığı (GÖRH) olarak adlandırılır. Antiasit tedaviye direnç gösteren ve komplikasyon gelişen olgularda anti reflü cerrahi uygulanmaktadır. Çalışmamızda, GÖRH saptanıp, Laparoskopik Nissen Fundoplikasyonu (LNF) yapılan hastalarda, postoperatif 6. ayda hasta tarafından doldurulan yaşam kalite ölçeği (SF 36) skorlarına etki eden preoperatif faktörleri ortaya koymayı amaçladık. Gereç ve yöntem: Polikliniğe epigastrik bölgede ağrı, retrosternal yanma şikayetleriyle başvurarak GÖRH tanısı alan ve LNF uygulanan 69 hastanın dosyasından yaş, cinsiyet, Helicobacter pylori (HP), alkalen reflü gastrit (ARG) pozitifliği, vücut kitle indeksleri (VKİ), hiatus herni (HH) çapları kaydedildi. SF 36 formunu doldurmayan, dosya kayıtlarında ve takiplerinde eksiklik bulunan, konversiyon fundoplikasyon ve redo surgery uygulanan 27 hasta çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Bu özelliklerin, postoperatif altıncı ay SF 36 formlarındaki yaşam kalitesine etkileri incelendi. Bulgular: Çalışmamızda 22 hastada HP, 19 hastada ARG pozitifliği saptandı. Yirmi yedi hastada VKİ 35-39,9 kg/m2 olarak hesaplandı. Kadın cinsiyette ağrıya yanıtın daha yüksek olduğu (p=0,041) olduğu gözlenirken, HP pozitifliği olan grupta duygusal rol kısıtlılığında azalma (p=0,039) daha anlamlıydı. ARG pozitifliği saptanan hastalarda, SF 36 formunda anlamlı değişiklik gözlenmedi (p>0,05). HH çapı incelendiğinde, fiziksel fonksiyon ve ağrıya, daha geniş HH'si olan hastalarda daha yüksek oranda yanıt alındığı gözlendi (p= 0,039 ve p= 0,037). VKİ 30-34,9 kg/m2 arası olan grupta ağrıya yanıtın daha iyi olduğu gözlendi (p<0,001). Sonuç: Düşük VKİ'ye sahip, geniş hiatal hernisi olan ve LNF uygulanan GÖRH'li hastalarda uygulanan cerrahinin değerlendirilmesinde SF 36 yaşam kalite indeksinin kullanılabileceği ve uygulanan LNF'nin başarılı sonuç verdiği sonucuna ulaştık.

Research paper thumbnail of Kolorektal hastalıklarda şikayet özellikleri

Kocaeli tıp dergisi, 2018

GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Kolorektal bölge (KRB) hastalıkları genel cerrahinin en sık karşılaşılan hastalık ... more GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Kolorektal bölge (KRB) hastalıkları genel cerrahinin en sık karşılaşılan hastalık gruplarındandır. Hastaların şikayet tipleri ve süreleri, hastalara konulacak endoskopi endikasyonunu belirlediği gibi, hastalıkların prognozu ve yerleşim yerleri hakkında da ipucu verebilmektedir. Çalışmamızda, polikliniğimize başvuran ve alt gastrointestinal sistem (GİS) endoskopi uygulanan hastaların şikayet özellikleri ile saptanan hastalıklar arasındaki ilişki ortaya konulmaya çalışıldı. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Karın ağrısı, dışkılama alışkanlığında değişim, rektal kanama ve halsizlik şikayetleri ile genel cerrahi polikliniğine başvuran ve alt GİS endoskopisi uygulanan hastaların dosyaları retrospektif incelendi. Hastalar; yaş, cinsiyet, şikayet tipleri ve alt GİS endoskopisi sonuçları incelenerek, patoloji sonucu benign ve malign olanlar ile malignite saptanan gruptaki tümörlü kolon segmentine göre şikayet tipleri karşılaştırıldı. BULGULAR: Çalışmadaki 830 hastanın 140’ında malignite saptandı. Malignite saptanan gruptaki yaş ortalaması benign hastalık grubundan daha yüksek iken (p&lt;0.001), cinsiyet dağılımı homojen idi (p: 0.741). Malignite grubunda özellikle dışkılama alışkanlığında değişim gösterme özelliğinin, benign hasta grubunda ise kanama ve karın ağrısı şikayetlerinin anlamlı şekilde yüksek olduğu gözlendi (p&lt;0.001). Malignite saptanan hastalar kendi içinde değerlendirildiğinde; cinsiyet dağılımında anlamlı fark gözlenmezken (p: 0.310), tümörlü kolon segmentinin anlamlı şekilde rektosigmoid bölgede daha fazla saptandığı görüldü (p&lt;0.001). Rektosigmoid bölge tümörlerinde özellikle dışkılama alışkanlığında değişim ve dışkı kalibrasyonunda incelme en sık saptanan bulgu iken, sağ kolon tümörlerinde kanama, anemi ve halsizlik en sık şikayet olarak karşımıza çıkmaktaydı (p&lt;0.001). TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Özellikle dışkılama alışkanlığında değişim ve dışkı kalibrasyonunda incelme şikayeti ile başvuran 59.5 yaş ve üzeri hastalarda, rektosigmoid bileşkede daha sıklıkla görülmekle birlikte malign hastalıklar düşünülmeli ve alt GİS endoskopisi tanı yöntemlerine başvurulmalıdır.</p

Research paper thumbnail of Karaciğer kist hidatiğinde perkütan tedavi yöntemi

Research paper thumbnail of Rectosigmoid Tumor Causing Rectal Prolapse: Case Report

Turkish Journal of Colorectal Disease, 2016

Rektal prolapsusun anatomik bozukluk sonucu oluştuğu kabul edilmektedir. Rektosigmoid bölgenin ka... more Rektal prolapsusun anatomik bozukluk sonucu oluştuğu kabul edilmektedir. Rektosigmoid bölgenin kanserleri de bu duruma yol açan nadir faktörlerdendir. Prolapsuslu hastalarda bu faktör göz önünde bulundurmalı ve kolonoskopik inceleme yapılarak gerekirse biyopsi alınmalıdır. Biz de bu olgu sunumunda rektal prolapsuslu yaşlı bir hastayı sunduk. Hastanın prolabe olan sigmoid mukozadaki kitleden biyopsi alındı. Biyopsi sonucu adenokanser saptandı. Tümöre yönelik cerrahi tedavi uygulanan hasta iyileşerek taburcu edildi.

Research paper thumbnail of Hemodiyaliz için enfiye çukuru (snuff-box) arteriyovenöz fistüller

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Results of Paired Cadaveric Kidneys with Similar Donor-Recipient Hla Matchings

Tissue Antigens, Dec 1, 2002


Research paper thumbnail of Four cases with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction due to hollow visceral myopathy

PubMed, May 6, 1999

Background/aims: Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a rare clinical syndrome characterized ... more Background/aims: Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a rare clinical syndrome characterized by symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction without any organic lesion obstructing the intestine. Visceral myopathy is one of the etiological causes and full thickness intestinal biopsy is essential for reaching a diagnosis. In this article we describe 4 cases of hollow visceral myopathy; our aim is to stress the importance of full thickness biopsy. Methodology: Four cases of hollow visceral myopathy are studied herein. All the patients had recurrent abdominal pain and constipation. The onset of symptoms was early in life or in the second to third decade. A diagnosis was established in all cases by full thickness intestinal biopsy obtained during laparotomy. Associated disorders were noted in 2 cases. One patient had Axenfelt syndrome, non-descended testicles and primary hypogonadism, and another had a diagnosis of Kleinfelter syndrome. Results: All of the 4 cases were diagnosed to be suffering from hollow visceral myopathy by full thickness intestinal biopsy and 2 had additional disorders as well. Conclusions: Patients with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction should be carefully evaluated as to whether there is an associated disorder and the diagnosis may be delayed unless full thickness intestinal biopsy is obtained.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of conversion from cyclosporine to tacrolimus on lipid profiles in renal transplant recipients

Transplantation Proceedings, Sep 1, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Routine Insertion of a Double-J Stent After Living Related Renal Transplantation

Transplantation Proceedings, Mar 1, 2005

It is still not clear whether double-J stents (DJS) are of benefit. We sought to determine whethe... more It is still not clear whether double-J stents (DJS) are of benefit. We sought to determine whether routine prophylactic use of DJS reduced postoperative complications after renal transplantation. We prospectively evaluated 42 living donor renal transplantations performed between September 2001 and September 2003. The patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups: 21 operations (group 1), included a DJS placed during Lich-Gregoir ureterocystotomy and 21 cases (group 2), a Lich-Gregoir ureterostomy without DJS insertion. Among group 1, the DJS were removed within the first month after transplantation. One patient in group 1 (5%) developed a urinary leakage. In group 2, there was one case of delayed graft function (5%) and one patient developed a hematoma (5%) at the operative site. The group rates for urinary tract infection were not significantly different (P Ͼ .05). In the early postoperative period, a renal biopsy was performed if a patient's creatinine level was elevated or remained elevated during 3 days after transplantation. Four patients in group 1 and 10 patients in group 2 required a renal biopsy (P ϭ .04). All four of the group 1 biopsies and three of the group 2 specimens revealed acute rejection. The other seven group 2 biopsies showed tubuloepithelial injury. We suggest that ureteral stasis may cause tubuloepithelial injury and slow down the decrease in creatinine levels. In our model, the DJS did not increase urinary tract infections but provided a smooth decline in creatinine levels, which may reduce the question of acute rejection.

Research paper thumbnail of Immunosuppressive therapy and kaposi's sarcoma after kidney transplantation

Transplantation Proceedings, 2004

The role of HLA-antigens in susceptibility to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is still being de... more The role of HLA-antigens in susceptibility to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is still being debated. We analyzed HLA phenotype frequencies in two major ethnic groups, namely Egyptian and Saudi nationals. The Egyptian group included 110 patients of whom 55 were HCV positive and the other 55 were HCV negative (control group). The Saudi group included 146 HCV-positive patients and 122 HCV-negative individuals (control group). The results for the Egyptian population revealed increased frequencies of some HLA phenotypes and decreased frequencies of others but without any statistically significant difference. In contrast, in the Saudi population, the HLA-A19 phenotype was significantly increased in the HCVpositive patients when compared with the control group, while significantly decreased frequencies were found for HLA-B8, HLA-DRI and HLA-DR3. Our data suggest that there was no significant association between the HLA phenotypes and the susceptibility to HCV infection among the Egyptian population, while the overall data of the Saudi population seem to indicate that the expression of particular HLA-alleles could be associated with the susceptibility or resistance to the HCV infection. Further studies on larger numbers of patients are needed to support the role of the HLA system in HCV infection. A total of 108 HCV-positive patients underwent renal transplantation at the Jeddah Kidney Center, and the results were compared with 100 age-and sex-matched controls. Graft survival at 36 months was 82% and 86% for the HCV positive and control subjects, respectively, while the patient survival rate was, respectively, 90% and 91%. Our data suggest that the outcome, at least in the short-term, of renal transplantation in HCV-positive patients is very good.

Research paper thumbnail of Microvessel density, VEGF expression, and tumor-associated macrophages in breast tumors: correlations with prognostic parameters

PubMed, Sep 1, 2006

Angiogenesis plays an important role in tumor growth, metastasis, and prognosis. Vascular endothe... more Angiogenesis plays an important role in tumor growth, metastasis, and prognosis. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent endothelial mitogen and acts on the angiogenic stimulation of human neoplasias. In infiltrative ductal carcinoma (IDC), VEGF expression is correlated with high vascularity. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) contribute to tumor proliferation, progression and angiogenesis and have a complex role in tumor biology. In this study, the correlations between microvessel density (MVD), VEGF expression, and TAMs and their relations to clinicopathological parameters such as tumor size, metastatic lymph node, mitotic activity index (MAI) and tumor grade were investigated in 48 cases of IDC and 30 infiltrative lobular carcinoma (ILC) cases. MVD showed a significant positive correlation with TAMs, VEGF, metastatic lymph nodes, tumor size and grade in IDC (P < 0.001). In ILC, MVD and tumor size were positively correlated (P = 0.003), while MVD was not correlated with VEGF, TAMs, MAI, metastatic lymph nodes, and grade. These findings are suggestive of angiogenesis stimulation in IDCs by VEGF, driving the macrophages into the tumor area. MVD and TAMs were found to be important prognostic factors in IDCs. On the other hand, however, VEGF did not contribute to angiogenesis in ILCs, and MVD and TAMs did not have any prognostic significance. These results suggest the involvement of factors not related to VEGF in the angiogenesis of lobular carcinoma.

Research paper thumbnail of Sağ kolon kanserini taklit eden dev villöz adenoma

Research paper thumbnail of Variations at HER2 and hormone receptor status in primary and metastatic sites of breast cancer patients

Journal of Clinical Oncology, May 20, 2012

e11023 Background: Evaluation of hormone receptors (ER/PR) and Her2-Neu is important for hormonal... more e11023 Background: Evaluation of hormone receptors (ER/PR) and Her2-Neu is important for hormonal and anti-Her2 treatments. The parameters are generally estimated in primary tumors and it is unclear whether re-evaluation of metastatic lesions will be effective during follow-up. Methods: The primary aim of this study was the compare Her2 and HR (ER/PR) status in primary and metastatic tissues of breast cancer patients. HR and Her2 expression in biopsy specimens obtained from primary tumor and their metastatic lesions of 44 breast cancer patients, followed-up during 1995-2010 at Baskent University Hospital were analyzed. Results: Of 44 patients 29.5% were found Her2 (+), 54,5 % ER (+) and 45.4% PR (+) in primary site. Metastatic regions excised or biopsied as following: Bone 31.8% (14/44), liver 27.3% (12/44), skin 25% (11/44), lung 9.1% (4/44), brain 4.5% (2%44), bone marrow 4.5 (2/44), ovaries 4.5% (2/44), stomach, abdominal LAP and pelvic mass 2.3% (3/44). Positification rate of ER status in metastatic sites was detected as 4.5% (2/44), when positive in primary tumors, negatification rate was detected as 20.5%. The positification rate of PR status in metastatic sites, while being negative in primary tissue was 13.6% (6/44); and negativication rate in metastatic lesions, being positive in primary tumor was 27.3% (12/44). The positivication rate of Her2 expression in metastatic lesions while being negative in primary tissue was 4.5% (2/44); and negativication rate while being positive in primary tumor was detected as 13.6% (6/44). When the hormone receptor status and Her2 expression of the patients followed-up are evaluated, receptor variation was detected in 23 of 44 patients. Conclusions: Our study confirms that biological properties of breast cancer may vary among primary tumors and asynchronised metastatic lesions. Further prospective studies are needed to better define the discordance of Her2 or HR status at primary tissue and metastatic sites.

Research paper thumbnail of Mammary phyllodes tumour associated with ductal atypical hyperplasia: A case report

Meme sağlığı dergisi, 2012

Breast diseases have a broad spectrum. They may be seen in the form of a simple cystic disease or... more Breast diseases have a broad spectrum. They may be seen in the form of a simple cystic disease or may occur as advanced stage malign diseases with more complicated treatment. Although in this broad spectrum cystosarcoma pyhllodes and atypical ductal carcinoma are rarely seen breast disaese, their diagnosis and treatment are becoming hard because of the carrying risk of malignancy and the false negativity during radiologic evaluation. Both of these disaeses have a risk of malignancy and they can be seen together simultaneoosly in a one patient. This stiuation increases the importance of their diagnosis and treatment. Usually these pathologies are not seen together but in our case they have been detected simultaneously at the same patient as a first time in the literature. In this case report, we presented simultaneously detected atypical ductal carcinoma and phyllodes tumor on the left breast of 69 years old female patient. There was a palpabl mass on the upper quadrant of the patient’s left breast. After total removal of the mass, atypical ductal carcinoma and phyllodes tumor was detected simultaneously as a result of the pathological examination.

Research paper thumbnail of Gastrik Bezoar Bir Meslek Hastalığı Olabilir mi? Olgu Sunumu ve Endoskopik Tedavi

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Gastroenterohepatology, 1998

Özet Yazıda ilginç bir işi alan hastada bezoar gelişimini sun­ makta] ız. Bir veterinerin vatımda... more Özet Yazıda ilginç bir işi alan hastada bezoar gelişimini sun­ makta] ız. Bir veterinerin vatımda çalışan hasta işleri arasında deney hayvanlarını da Iraş etmekledir. Aynen hastanın aneıııııeziııde sekiz yıl tince pejdlk ıılkııs kanaması nedeni ile piloroji/asti ve bilaleral vagolomi operasyonu geçirdiği öğrenildi. Haşlanın bu başvurusunda yemeklerden sonra oluşan bulantı ve kusma şikayeti vardı. Bezoar varlığı İlk önce düz karın grajisinde şüphelenildi ardından endoskopi ile doğrulandı. Daha sonra suare ve biyopsi joretpsi yardımı ile mekanik olarak küçük parçalara ayrılan bezoar. bir overlüpün de yardımı de birden kazla giriş çıkışlarla dışarı alındı. Çıkarılan materyallerde küçük kıl parçaları görülmesi yaptığı işin de bu oluşumda etken olduğunu göstermekledir

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Transient Elevation of Intra-Abdominal Pressure on Liver Regeneration in the Rat

Journal of Investigative Surgery, 2004

Transient increased intra-abdominal pressure (IIAP) due to carbon dioxide insufflation is suspect... more Transient increased intra-abdominal pressure (IIAP) due to carbon dioxide insufflation is suspected to cause a form of ischemia-reperfusion injury. Considering this, a study was designed to assess the effect of transient IIAP on liver regeneration in a rat model. Six groups of animals (each n = 6) were studied. While experiments in Group 1 (IIAP+PHR) were subjected to IIAP, following partial hepatic resection (PHR), those in Group 2 (IIAP) experiments were subjected to IIAP. Animals in Group 3 (IR+PHR) were subjected to liver ischemia-reperfusion (IR) following PHR, and those in Group 4 (IR) underwent only IR. Group 5 (PHR) and Group 6 (healthy) served as controls. Blood was taken for assessment of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and interleukin (IL)-6 with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) at day 5 postoperatively. Each rat was then given a lethal injection of pentobarbital. Gravimetric analysis and immunohistochemistry staining for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) were used for assessments of liver regeneration. Apoptosis was assessed by immunohistochemical TUNEL index, expressed as the number of positive cells/per total number of cells at the same time. Although mean liver regeneration rates of Group 1 and Group 3 were the same, that of Group 5 was the highest (p = .04). Serum TNF-alpha levels of Group 1 versus Group 3 were 340 pg/ml versus 352 pg/ml. Serum IL-l levels of Group 1 versus Group 3 were 124 pg/ml versus 135 pg/ml. Serum TNl-alpha and IL-6 levels of Group 1 and Group 3 were the same at the first day of surgical procedure (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; .05). Mean serum TNF-alpha levels of Group 5 (387 pg/ml) were significantly higher than those of both Group 1 and Group 3 at 24 h of operation. Serum IL-6 levels of Group 5 (174 pg/ml) at the same time was higher than those of Group 1 and Group 3 at the same time (p = .01). Proliferating cell nuclear antigen indices of Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4, and Group 6 were the same; however, the mean PCNA-labeling index of Group 5 was higher than those of the others. There were no significant differences between the groups (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; .05). Liver regeneration is suppressed by transient IIAP. However, the effect of IIAP on liver apoptosis needs to be clarified.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical findings and HER-2/neu gene amplification status of breast carcinoma patients

Pathology & Oncology Research, Dec 1, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Rektal Prolapsusa Neden Olan Rektosigmoid Tümörü: Olgu Sunumu

Türk Kolon ve Rektum Hastalıkları Dergisi, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of symptoms for colorectal diseases

Kocaeli tıp dergisi, 2018

K Ko ol lo or re ek kt ta al l H Ha as st ta al lı ık kl la ar rd da a Ş Şi ik ka ay ye et t Ö Öz... more K Ko ol lo or re ek kt ta al l H Ha as st ta al lı ık kl la ar rd da a Ş Şi ik ka ay ye et t Ö Öz ze el ll li ik kl le er ri i C Ch ha ar ra ac ct te er ri is st ti ic cs s o of f S Sy ym mp pt to om ms s f fo or r C Co ol lo or re ec ct ta al l D Di is se ea as se es s

Research paper thumbnail of Obsrüksiyona sebep olan nadir mide tümörü: Schwannoma

Research paper thumbnail of Gastro özefageal reflü hastalığı (GÖRH) cerrahisinde yaşam kalitesine etki eden preoperatif faktörler

DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 26, 2017

Mide içeriğinin, haftada ikiden fazla günde özofagusa kaçarak retrosternal yanmaya yol açması, ga... more Mide içeriğinin, haftada ikiden fazla günde özofagusa kaçarak retrosternal yanmaya yol açması, gastroözofageal reflü hastalığı (GÖRH) olarak adlandırılır. Antiasit tedaviye direnç gösteren ve komplikasyon gelişen olgularda anti reflü cerrahi uygulanmaktadır. Çalışmamızda, GÖRH saptanıp, Laparoskopik Nissen Fundoplikasyonu (LNF) yapılan hastalarda, postoperatif 6. ayda hasta tarafından doldurulan yaşam kalite ölçeği (SF 36) skorlarına etki eden preoperatif faktörleri ortaya koymayı amaçladık. Gereç ve yöntem: Polikliniğe epigastrik bölgede ağrı, retrosternal yanma şikayetleriyle başvurarak GÖRH tanısı alan ve LNF uygulanan 69 hastanın dosyasından yaş, cinsiyet, Helicobacter pylori (HP), alkalen reflü gastrit (ARG) pozitifliği, vücut kitle indeksleri (VKİ), hiatus herni (HH) çapları kaydedildi. SF 36 formunu doldurmayan, dosya kayıtlarında ve takiplerinde eksiklik bulunan, konversiyon fundoplikasyon ve redo surgery uygulanan 27 hasta çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Bu özelliklerin, postoperatif altıncı ay SF 36 formlarındaki yaşam kalitesine etkileri incelendi. Bulgular: Çalışmamızda 22 hastada HP, 19 hastada ARG pozitifliği saptandı. Yirmi yedi hastada VKİ 35-39,9 kg/m2 olarak hesaplandı. Kadın cinsiyette ağrıya yanıtın daha yüksek olduğu (p=0,041) olduğu gözlenirken, HP pozitifliği olan grupta duygusal rol kısıtlılığında azalma (p=0,039) daha anlamlıydı. ARG pozitifliği saptanan hastalarda, SF 36 formunda anlamlı değişiklik gözlenmedi (p>0,05). HH çapı incelendiğinde, fiziksel fonksiyon ve ağrıya, daha geniş HH'si olan hastalarda daha yüksek oranda yanıt alındığı gözlendi (p= 0,039 ve p= 0,037). VKİ 30-34,9 kg/m2 arası olan grupta ağrıya yanıtın daha iyi olduğu gözlendi (p<0,001). Sonuç: Düşük VKİ'ye sahip, geniş hiatal hernisi olan ve LNF uygulanan GÖRH'li hastalarda uygulanan cerrahinin değerlendirilmesinde SF 36 yaşam kalite indeksinin kullanılabileceği ve uygulanan LNF'nin başarılı sonuç verdiği sonucuna ulaştık.

Research paper thumbnail of Kolorektal hastalıklarda şikayet özellikleri

Kocaeli tıp dergisi, 2018

GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Kolorektal bölge (KRB) hastalıkları genel cerrahinin en sık karşılaşılan hastalık ... more GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Kolorektal bölge (KRB) hastalıkları genel cerrahinin en sık karşılaşılan hastalık gruplarındandır. Hastaların şikayet tipleri ve süreleri, hastalara konulacak endoskopi endikasyonunu belirlediği gibi, hastalıkların prognozu ve yerleşim yerleri hakkında da ipucu verebilmektedir. Çalışmamızda, polikliniğimize başvuran ve alt gastrointestinal sistem (GİS) endoskopi uygulanan hastaların şikayet özellikleri ile saptanan hastalıklar arasındaki ilişki ortaya konulmaya çalışıldı. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Karın ağrısı, dışkılama alışkanlığında değişim, rektal kanama ve halsizlik şikayetleri ile genel cerrahi polikliniğine başvuran ve alt GİS endoskopisi uygulanan hastaların dosyaları retrospektif incelendi. Hastalar; yaş, cinsiyet, şikayet tipleri ve alt GİS endoskopisi sonuçları incelenerek, patoloji sonucu benign ve malign olanlar ile malignite saptanan gruptaki tümörlü kolon segmentine göre şikayet tipleri karşılaştırıldı. BULGULAR: Çalışmadaki 830 hastanın 140’ında malignite saptandı. Malignite saptanan gruptaki yaş ortalaması benign hastalık grubundan daha yüksek iken (p&lt;0.001), cinsiyet dağılımı homojen idi (p: 0.741). Malignite grubunda özellikle dışkılama alışkanlığında değişim gösterme özelliğinin, benign hasta grubunda ise kanama ve karın ağrısı şikayetlerinin anlamlı şekilde yüksek olduğu gözlendi (p&lt;0.001). Malignite saptanan hastalar kendi içinde değerlendirildiğinde; cinsiyet dağılımında anlamlı fark gözlenmezken (p: 0.310), tümörlü kolon segmentinin anlamlı şekilde rektosigmoid bölgede daha fazla saptandığı görüldü (p&lt;0.001). Rektosigmoid bölge tümörlerinde özellikle dışkılama alışkanlığında değişim ve dışkı kalibrasyonunda incelme en sık saptanan bulgu iken, sağ kolon tümörlerinde kanama, anemi ve halsizlik en sık şikayet olarak karşımıza çıkmaktaydı (p&lt;0.001). TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Özellikle dışkılama alışkanlığında değişim ve dışkı kalibrasyonunda incelme şikayeti ile başvuran 59.5 yaş ve üzeri hastalarda, rektosigmoid bileşkede daha sıklıkla görülmekle birlikte malign hastalıklar düşünülmeli ve alt GİS endoskopisi tanı yöntemlerine başvurulmalıdır.</p

Research paper thumbnail of Karaciğer kist hidatiğinde perkütan tedavi yöntemi

Research paper thumbnail of Rectosigmoid Tumor Causing Rectal Prolapse: Case Report

Turkish Journal of Colorectal Disease, 2016

Rektal prolapsusun anatomik bozukluk sonucu oluştuğu kabul edilmektedir. Rektosigmoid bölgenin ka... more Rektal prolapsusun anatomik bozukluk sonucu oluştuğu kabul edilmektedir. Rektosigmoid bölgenin kanserleri de bu duruma yol açan nadir faktörlerdendir. Prolapsuslu hastalarda bu faktör göz önünde bulundurmalı ve kolonoskopik inceleme yapılarak gerekirse biyopsi alınmalıdır. Biz de bu olgu sunumunda rektal prolapsuslu yaşlı bir hastayı sunduk. Hastanın prolabe olan sigmoid mukozadaki kitleden biyopsi alındı. Biyopsi sonucu adenokanser saptandı. Tümöre yönelik cerrahi tedavi uygulanan hasta iyileşerek taburcu edildi.

Research paper thumbnail of Hemodiyaliz için enfiye çukuru (snuff-box) arteriyovenöz fistüller

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Results of Paired Cadaveric Kidneys with Similar Donor-Recipient Hla Matchings

Tissue Antigens, Dec 1, 2002


Research paper thumbnail of Four cases with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction due to hollow visceral myopathy

PubMed, May 6, 1999

Background/aims: Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a rare clinical syndrome characterized ... more Background/aims: Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a rare clinical syndrome characterized by symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction without any organic lesion obstructing the intestine. Visceral myopathy is one of the etiological causes and full thickness intestinal biopsy is essential for reaching a diagnosis. In this article we describe 4 cases of hollow visceral myopathy; our aim is to stress the importance of full thickness biopsy. Methodology: Four cases of hollow visceral myopathy are studied herein. All the patients had recurrent abdominal pain and constipation. The onset of symptoms was early in life or in the second to third decade. A diagnosis was established in all cases by full thickness intestinal biopsy obtained during laparotomy. Associated disorders were noted in 2 cases. One patient had Axenfelt syndrome, non-descended testicles and primary hypogonadism, and another had a diagnosis of Kleinfelter syndrome. Results: All of the 4 cases were diagnosed to be suffering from hollow visceral myopathy by full thickness intestinal biopsy and 2 had additional disorders as well. Conclusions: Patients with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction should be carefully evaluated as to whether there is an associated disorder and the diagnosis may be delayed unless full thickness intestinal biopsy is obtained.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of conversion from cyclosporine to tacrolimus on lipid profiles in renal transplant recipients

Transplantation Proceedings, Sep 1, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Routine Insertion of a Double-J Stent After Living Related Renal Transplantation

Transplantation Proceedings, Mar 1, 2005

It is still not clear whether double-J stents (DJS) are of benefit. We sought to determine whethe... more It is still not clear whether double-J stents (DJS) are of benefit. We sought to determine whether routine prophylactic use of DJS reduced postoperative complications after renal transplantation. We prospectively evaluated 42 living donor renal transplantations performed between September 2001 and September 2003. The patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups: 21 operations (group 1), included a DJS placed during Lich-Gregoir ureterocystotomy and 21 cases (group 2), a Lich-Gregoir ureterostomy without DJS insertion. Among group 1, the DJS were removed within the first month after transplantation. One patient in group 1 (5%) developed a urinary leakage. In group 2, there was one case of delayed graft function (5%) and one patient developed a hematoma (5%) at the operative site. The group rates for urinary tract infection were not significantly different (P Ͼ .05). In the early postoperative period, a renal biopsy was performed if a patient's creatinine level was elevated or remained elevated during 3 days after transplantation. Four patients in group 1 and 10 patients in group 2 required a renal biopsy (P ϭ .04). All four of the group 1 biopsies and three of the group 2 specimens revealed acute rejection. The other seven group 2 biopsies showed tubuloepithelial injury. We suggest that ureteral stasis may cause tubuloepithelial injury and slow down the decrease in creatinine levels. In our model, the DJS did not increase urinary tract infections but provided a smooth decline in creatinine levels, which may reduce the question of acute rejection.

Research paper thumbnail of Immunosuppressive therapy and kaposi's sarcoma after kidney transplantation

Transplantation Proceedings, 2004

The role of HLA-antigens in susceptibility to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is still being de... more The role of HLA-antigens in susceptibility to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is still being debated. We analyzed HLA phenotype frequencies in two major ethnic groups, namely Egyptian and Saudi nationals. The Egyptian group included 110 patients of whom 55 were HCV positive and the other 55 were HCV negative (control group). The Saudi group included 146 HCV-positive patients and 122 HCV-negative individuals (control group). The results for the Egyptian population revealed increased frequencies of some HLA phenotypes and decreased frequencies of others but without any statistically significant difference. In contrast, in the Saudi population, the HLA-A19 phenotype was significantly increased in the HCVpositive patients when compared with the control group, while significantly decreased frequencies were found for HLA-B8, HLA-DRI and HLA-DR3. Our data suggest that there was no significant association between the HLA phenotypes and the susceptibility to HCV infection among the Egyptian population, while the overall data of the Saudi population seem to indicate that the expression of particular HLA-alleles could be associated with the susceptibility or resistance to the HCV infection. Further studies on larger numbers of patients are needed to support the role of the HLA system in HCV infection. A total of 108 HCV-positive patients underwent renal transplantation at the Jeddah Kidney Center, and the results were compared with 100 age-and sex-matched controls. Graft survival at 36 months was 82% and 86% for the HCV positive and control subjects, respectively, while the patient survival rate was, respectively, 90% and 91%. Our data suggest that the outcome, at least in the short-term, of renal transplantation in HCV-positive patients is very good.

Research paper thumbnail of Microvessel density, VEGF expression, and tumor-associated macrophages in breast tumors: correlations with prognostic parameters

PubMed, Sep 1, 2006

Angiogenesis plays an important role in tumor growth, metastasis, and prognosis. Vascular endothe... more Angiogenesis plays an important role in tumor growth, metastasis, and prognosis. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent endothelial mitogen and acts on the angiogenic stimulation of human neoplasias. In infiltrative ductal carcinoma (IDC), VEGF expression is correlated with high vascularity. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) contribute to tumor proliferation, progression and angiogenesis and have a complex role in tumor biology. In this study, the correlations between microvessel density (MVD), VEGF expression, and TAMs and their relations to clinicopathological parameters such as tumor size, metastatic lymph node, mitotic activity index (MAI) and tumor grade were investigated in 48 cases of IDC and 30 infiltrative lobular carcinoma (ILC) cases. MVD showed a significant positive correlation with TAMs, VEGF, metastatic lymph nodes, tumor size and grade in IDC (P < 0.001). In ILC, MVD and tumor size were positively correlated (P = 0.003), while MVD was not correlated with VEGF, TAMs, MAI, metastatic lymph nodes, and grade. These findings are suggestive of angiogenesis stimulation in IDCs by VEGF, driving the macrophages into the tumor area. MVD and TAMs were found to be important prognostic factors in IDCs. On the other hand, however, VEGF did not contribute to angiogenesis in ILCs, and MVD and TAMs did not have any prognostic significance. These results suggest the involvement of factors not related to VEGF in the angiogenesis of lobular carcinoma.

Research paper thumbnail of Sağ kolon kanserini taklit eden dev villöz adenoma

Research paper thumbnail of Variations at HER2 and hormone receptor status in primary and metastatic sites of breast cancer patients

Journal of Clinical Oncology, May 20, 2012

e11023 Background: Evaluation of hormone receptors (ER/PR) and Her2-Neu is important for hormonal... more e11023 Background: Evaluation of hormone receptors (ER/PR) and Her2-Neu is important for hormonal and anti-Her2 treatments. The parameters are generally estimated in primary tumors and it is unclear whether re-evaluation of metastatic lesions will be effective during follow-up. Methods: The primary aim of this study was the compare Her2 and HR (ER/PR) status in primary and metastatic tissues of breast cancer patients. HR and Her2 expression in biopsy specimens obtained from primary tumor and their metastatic lesions of 44 breast cancer patients, followed-up during 1995-2010 at Baskent University Hospital were analyzed. Results: Of 44 patients 29.5% were found Her2 (+), 54,5 % ER (+) and 45.4% PR (+) in primary site. Metastatic regions excised or biopsied as following: Bone 31.8% (14/44), liver 27.3% (12/44), skin 25% (11/44), lung 9.1% (4/44), brain 4.5% (2%44), bone marrow 4.5 (2/44), ovaries 4.5% (2/44), stomach, abdominal LAP and pelvic mass 2.3% (3/44). Positification rate of ER status in metastatic sites was detected as 4.5% (2/44), when positive in primary tumors, negatification rate was detected as 20.5%. The positification rate of PR status in metastatic sites, while being negative in primary tissue was 13.6% (6/44); and negativication rate in metastatic lesions, being positive in primary tumor was 27.3% (12/44). The positivication rate of Her2 expression in metastatic lesions while being negative in primary tissue was 4.5% (2/44); and negativication rate while being positive in primary tumor was detected as 13.6% (6/44). When the hormone receptor status and Her2 expression of the patients followed-up are evaluated, receptor variation was detected in 23 of 44 patients. Conclusions: Our study confirms that biological properties of breast cancer may vary among primary tumors and asynchronised metastatic lesions. Further prospective studies are needed to better define the discordance of Her2 or HR status at primary tissue and metastatic sites.

Research paper thumbnail of Mammary phyllodes tumour associated with ductal atypical hyperplasia: A case report

Meme sağlığı dergisi, 2012

Breast diseases have a broad spectrum. They may be seen in the form of a simple cystic disease or... more Breast diseases have a broad spectrum. They may be seen in the form of a simple cystic disease or may occur as advanced stage malign diseases with more complicated treatment. Although in this broad spectrum cystosarcoma pyhllodes and atypical ductal carcinoma are rarely seen breast disaese, their diagnosis and treatment are becoming hard because of the carrying risk of malignancy and the false negativity during radiologic evaluation. Both of these disaeses have a risk of malignancy and they can be seen together simultaneoosly in a one patient. This stiuation increases the importance of their diagnosis and treatment. Usually these pathologies are not seen together but in our case they have been detected simultaneously at the same patient as a first time in the literature. In this case report, we presented simultaneously detected atypical ductal carcinoma and phyllodes tumor on the left breast of 69 years old female patient. There was a palpabl mass on the upper quadrant of the patient’s left breast. After total removal of the mass, atypical ductal carcinoma and phyllodes tumor was detected simultaneously as a result of the pathological examination.

Research paper thumbnail of Gastrik Bezoar Bir Meslek Hastalığı Olabilir mi? Olgu Sunumu ve Endoskopik Tedavi

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Gastroenterohepatology, 1998

Özet Yazıda ilginç bir işi alan hastada bezoar gelişimini sun­ makta] ız. Bir veterinerin vatımda... more Özet Yazıda ilginç bir işi alan hastada bezoar gelişimini sun­ makta] ız. Bir veterinerin vatımda çalışan hasta işleri arasında deney hayvanlarını da Iraş etmekledir. Aynen hastanın aneıııııeziııde sekiz yıl tince pejdlk ıılkııs kanaması nedeni ile piloroji/asti ve bilaleral vagolomi operasyonu geçirdiği öğrenildi. Haşlanın bu başvurusunda yemeklerden sonra oluşan bulantı ve kusma şikayeti vardı. Bezoar varlığı İlk önce düz karın grajisinde şüphelenildi ardından endoskopi ile doğrulandı. Daha sonra suare ve biyopsi joretpsi yardımı ile mekanik olarak küçük parçalara ayrılan bezoar. bir overlüpün de yardımı de birden kazla giriş çıkışlarla dışarı alındı. Çıkarılan materyallerde küçük kıl parçaları görülmesi yaptığı işin de bu oluşumda etken olduğunu göstermekledir

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Transient Elevation of Intra-Abdominal Pressure on Liver Regeneration in the Rat

Journal of Investigative Surgery, 2004

Transient increased intra-abdominal pressure (IIAP) due to carbon dioxide insufflation is suspect... more Transient increased intra-abdominal pressure (IIAP) due to carbon dioxide insufflation is suspected to cause a form of ischemia-reperfusion injury. Considering this, a study was designed to assess the effect of transient IIAP on liver regeneration in a rat model. Six groups of animals (each n = 6) were studied. While experiments in Group 1 (IIAP+PHR) were subjected to IIAP, following partial hepatic resection (PHR), those in Group 2 (IIAP) experiments were subjected to IIAP. Animals in Group 3 (IR+PHR) were subjected to liver ischemia-reperfusion (IR) following PHR, and those in Group 4 (IR) underwent only IR. Group 5 (PHR) and Group 6 (healthy) served as controls. Blood was taken for assessment of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and interleukin (IL)-6 with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) at day 5 postoperatively. Each rat was then given a lethal injection of pentobarbital. Gravimetric analysis and immunohistochemistry staining for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) were used for assessments of liver regeneration. Apoptosis was assessed by immunohistochemical TUNEL index, expressed as the number of positive cells/per total number of cells at the same time. Although mean liver regeneration rates of Group 1 and Group 3 were the same, that of Group 5 was the highest (p = .04). Serum TNF-alpha levels of Group 1 versus Group 3 were 340 pg/ml versus 352 pg/ml. Serum IL-l levels of Group 1 versus Group 3 were 124 pg/ml versus 135 pg/ml. Serum TNl-alpha and IL-6 levels of Group 1 and Group 3 were the same at the first day of surgical procedure (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; .05). Mean serum TNF-alpha levels of Group 5 (387 pg/ml) were significantly higher than those of both Group 1 and Group 3 at 24 h of operation. Serum IL-6 levels of Group 5 (174 pg/ml) at the same time was higher than those of Group 1 and Group 3 at the same time (p = .01). Proliferating cell nuclear antigen indices of Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4, and Group 6 were the same; however, the mean PCNA-labeling index of Group 5 was higher than those of the others. There were no significant differences between the groups (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; .05). Liver regeneration is suppressed by transient IIAP. However, the effect of IIAP on liver apoptosis needs to be clarified.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical findings and HER-2/neu gene amplification status of breast carcinoma patients

Pathology & Oncology Research, Dec 1, 2006