Maja Baretić - (original) (raw)
Papers by Maja Baretić
Prevencija ateroskleroze – uloga dijabetesa. Zbornik radova sa Znanastvenog skupa održanog 7.4.2009 godine u Zagrebu, 2011
The present study aims to investigate islet autoimmunity and susceptibility to type 1 diabetes (T... more The present study aims to investigate islet autoimmunity and susceptibility to type 1 diabetes (T1D) in children/adolescents with autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD), and family members of AITD patients with islet autoimmunity. Islet-cell cytoplasmic, glutamic-acid decarboxylase and tyrosine-phosphatase autoantibodies were measured in 161 AITD patients [(127 with autoimmune thyroiditis (AT); 34 with Graves’ disease (GD)], 20 family members of AITD patients with islet autoimmunity, and 155 age-matched controls. Islet autoimmunity was found in 10.6% of AITD patients, significantly more frequent than in controls (1.9%; p=0.002). Higher prevalence of islet autoantibodies was found in females with AITD (p=0.011) but not in males (p=0.16) as well as in AT (p=0.013) but not GD patients (p=0.19), compared to corresponding controls. Two or three islet autoantibodies were found concurrently in six AITD patients with islet autoimmunity. They all developed T1D and had significantly higher islet a...
Leg lengthening procedure is often accompanied by many complications. Connection between aetiolog... more Leg lengthening procedure is often accompanied by many complications. Connection between aetiology of abbreviation and complications was studied in 36 patients (average age 11 years and 2 months). All the patients were younger than 18 yrs without previous leg lengthening operative procedure made of any kind. They underwent 41 lower limb leg lengthening operations (33 femoral and 8 tibial) by Wagner apparatus. To the one of the children femur and tibia on the one leg were elongated and to the other one together femur and tibia on both legs were lengthened. Their medical data were collected retrospectively and analysed. Average preoperative leg length discrepancy was 5.4 cm: average lengthening achieved was 5 cm. Wagner apparatus was placed in situ in average during 5 months and 21 days. Children were divided by the aetiology of leg shortening in two groups ; in 25 of them aetiology was congenital (congenital idiopathic hyoplasia, congenital hip dislocation consequences, coxa vara, mb...
Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik, 2017
Svrha rada. Usporediti sastav tijela bolesnika s tipom 1 dijabetesa (T1DM) i zdravih ispitanika t... more Svrha rada. Usporediti sastav tijela bolesnika s tipom 1 dijabetesa (T1DM) i zdravih ispitanika te u bolesnika s T1DM-om analizirati sastav tijela s obzirom na dob, trajanje bolesti, regulaciju glikemije te doze inzulina. Ispitanici i metode. Ukljucen je 21 bolesnik s T1DM-om (srednje trajanje dijabetesa 13 godina, srednji HbA1c 7%). Srednja ukupna doza inzulina (TDD) bila je 50 i.j. ; bazalnog 23 i.j., prandijalnog 27 i.j. Kontrolnu skupinu cinilo je 14 zdravih ispitanika normalne težine. Sastav tijela analiziran je bioelektricnom impedancijom. Rezultati. Nije bilo razlike u sastavu tijela među skupinama. U bolesnika s T1DM-om nađena je pozitivna korelacija mase masti s TDD-om (r = 0, 637 ; p 7, 5%) – srednji HbA1c 8, 68%. Oni sa zadovoljavajucom regulacijom uzimali su 20 i.j. inzulina manje na dan (p = 0, 035). Zakljucak. U osoba s T1DM-om inzulin mijenja sastav tijela
Hyperthyroidism is the principal endocrine indication for propranolol treatment. High level of th... more Hyperthyroidism is the principal endocrine indication for propranolol treatment. High level of thyroid hormones result in a hyperdynamic cardiovascular state including increased stroke volume, augmented myocardial contractility and an growth of the left ventricle. Thyroid hormones have a direct effect on the cardiovascular system. They increase cardiac output and lower systemic vascular resistance ; also amplify intrinsic activity of sinoatrial node. Such actions lead to increased heart rate with a higher chance of supraventricular tachyarrhythmia, and the most common of them is atrial fibrillation. Thyroid hormones have positive chronotropic and dromotropic activity. Hyperthyroidism creates higher sensitivity to sympathetic stimulation which is conducted through greater number of β- adrenergic receptors. Myocytes contain an enzyme calle type 2 deiodinase which increases local conversion T4 to T3. As a non-selective inhibitor of β-adrenergic receptors, propranolol is ideal for treat...
BACKGROUND Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU) is a microorganism smaller than conventional bacteria, con... more BACKGROUND Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU) is a microorganism smaller than conventional bacteria, contained by a trilayered cell membrane, and do not possess a cell wall. It is frequently a resident of respiratory and urogenital tract mucosa. It is a known cause of urethritis in men, amnionitis in pregnant women, and is also associated with a preterm labor and different pathological states of newborns. It is also connected with reactive arthritis (ReA). The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of UU infection in patients with different immunological disorders of unknown etiology. METHOD Urine specimens and cervical or urethral swabs were analyzed for the presence of UU, by commercial Mycoplasma IST 2 test (bioMerieux® ; ; ; sa). It is a complete kit for the diagnosis of urogenital mycoplasma, which enables culture, identification, indicative enumeration, and antibiotic susceptibility testing of Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis. RESULTS Sixty patients with diffe...
Kod autoimunih bolesti stitnjace genetski faktori dominiraju i sa oko 80% utjecu na pojavu imunos... more Kod autoimunih bolesti stitnjace genetski faktori dominiraju i sa oko 80% utjecu na pojavu imunosti (HLA-DR3, HLA-DR4, HLA-DR5 i HLA-DQA te neki ne-HLA geni). Ostalih 20% pripisuje se okolisnim cimbenicima (pusenje, unos joda, nedostatak selena, zagađenje, infektivna stanja, fizicki i emocionalni stres) te fizioloskim stanjima (pubertet, nagli rast, trudnoca, menopauza, starenje, ženski spol). Prepoznato je niz antigena stitnjace na koje su usmjerena tireoidna antitijela (TSH, tireoglobulin, tireoperoksidaza). Sam tireocit je u mogucnosti funkcionirati i kao stanica koja prezentira antigen te na svojoj povrsini ispoljiti ekspresiju MHC klase I i II. Bolest stitnjace se povezuje i sa nizom drugih autoimunih bolesti i fenomena koji se javljaju sporadicno ili su genetski determinirani kao npr. poliglandularni sindrom tip II. Promjena funkcije stitnjace utjece se na mnoge metabolicke procese u organizmu, a kada se uz hormonski poremecaj kao sto je floridna hipertireoza ili hipotireoza d...
Hypertension is an everyday issue for patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Sin... more Hypertension is an everyday issue for patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Since the treatment of hypertension in diabetic patients is associated with proven clinical benefits, there are few questions regarding the therapy that should be considered. What is the goal? Previous guidelines had suggested more intensive lowering of the blood pressure for diabetic patients. According to last guidelines by eighth Joint National Committee and the European Societies of Hypertension and Cardiology a common goal ofblood pressure, for both diabetic and non-diabetic population, is less than 140/90 mmHg. Though, there are also some subgroups in diabetes that must be considers. In patients with diabetic nephropathy and proteinuria a goal of blood pressure is less than 130/80 mmHg, and for those with type 2 diabetes plus either cardiovascular disease or at least two additional risk factors for cardiovascular disease the goal for systolic pressure is less than 120 mmHg. All lower ...
Muski hipogonadotropni hipogonadizam (HH) je sekundarni oblik hipogonadizma definiran odsutnom il... more Muski hipogonadotropni hipogonadizam (HH) je sekundarni oblik hipogonadizma definiran odsutnom ili smanjenom funkcijom testisa kojoj je uzrok je nedovoljna stimulacija iz podrucja hipofize i/ili hipotalamusa. U mlađim dobnim skupinama ne nalazi se razvoja sekundarnih spolnih karakteristika, a u razdoblju nakon puberteta u klinickoj slici se nalazi gubitak libida, poremecaj erekcije, smanjenje intelektualnih sposobnosti, depresija, osteoporoza, gubitak misicne mase i snage, sporiji rast brade, centralna pretilost itd. Uzroci HH su idiopatski (npr. Kallmannov sindrom), HH povezan s pretiloscu (npr. Prader-Willi sindrom), HH povezanom patologijom hipofiznog podrucja (npr. tumori hipofizne ili hipotalamicke regije, infiltrativne bolesti, traume glave, zracenje) itd. Ovisno o uzroku HH u klinickoj slici mogu se naci i glavobolja, suženje vidnog polja ili ostecenja vida. Kako bi se mogao razlikovati primarni od sekundarnog hipogonadizma potrebno je odrediti razine luteinizirajuceg i folik...
Endocrine Abstracts, 2021
Prevencija ateroskleroze – uloga dijabetesa. Zbornik radova sa Znanastvenog skupa održanog 7.4.2009 godine u Zagrebu, 2011
The present study aims to investigate islet autoimmunity and susceptibility to type 1 diabetes (T... more The present study aims to investigate islet autoimmunity and susceptibility to type 1 diabetes (T1D) in children/adolescents with autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD), and family members of AITD patients with islet autoimmunity. Islet-cell cytoplasmic, glutamic-acid decarboxylase and tyrosine-phosphatase autoantibodies were measured in 161 AITD patients [(127 with autoimmune thyroiditis (AT); 34 with Graves’ disease (GD)], 20 family members of AITD patients with islet autoimmunity, and 155 age-matched controls. Islet autoimmunity was found in 10.6% of AITD patients, significantly more frequent than in controls (1.9%; p=0.002). Higher prevalence of islet autoantibodies was found in females with AITD (p=0.011) but not in males (p=0.16) as well as in AT (p=0.013) but not GD patients (p=0.19), compared to corresponding controls. Two or three islet autoantibodies were found concurrently in six AITD patients with islet autoimmunity. They all developed T1D and had significantly higher islet a...
Leg lengthening procedure is often accompanied by many complications. Connection between aetiolog... more Leg lengthening procedure is often accompanied by many complications. Connection between aetiology of abbreviation and complications was studied in 36 patients (average age 11 years and 2 months). All the patients were younger than 18 yrs without previous leg lengthening operative procedure made of any kind. They underwent 41 lower limb leg lengthening operations (33 femoral and 8 tibial) by Wagner apparatus. To the one of the children femur and tibia on the one leg were elongated and to the other one together femur and tibia on both legs were lengthened. Their medical data were collected retrospectively and analysed. Average preoperative leg length discrepancy was 5.4 cm: average lengthening achieved was 5 cm. Wagner apparatus was placed in situ in average during 5 months and 21 days. Children were divided by the aetiology of leg shortening in two groups ; in 25 of them aetiology was congenital (congenital idiopathic hyoplasia, congenital hip dislocation consequences, coxa vara, mb...
Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik, 2017
Svrha rada. Usporediti sastav tijela bolesnika s tipom 1 dijabetesa (T1DM) i zdravih ispitanika t... more Svrha rada. Usporediti sastav tijela bolesnika s tipom 1 dijabetesa (T1DM) i zdravih ispitanika te u bolesnika s T1DM-om analizirati sastav tijela s obzirom na dob, trajanje bolesti, regulaciju glikemije te doze inzulina. Ispitanici i metode. Ukljucen je 21 bolesnik s T1DM-om (srednje trajanje dijabetesa 13 godina, srednji HbA1c 7%). Srednja ukupna doza inzulina (TDD) bila je 50 i.j. ; bazalnog 23 i.j., prandijalnog 27 i.j. Kontrolnu skupinu cinilo je 14 zdravih ispitanika normalne težine. Sastav tijela analiziran je bioelektricnom impedancijom. Rezultati. Nije bilo razlike u sastavu tijela među skupinama. U bolesnika s T1DM-om nađena je pozitivna korelacija mase masti s TDD-om (r = 0, 637 ; p 7, 5%) – srednji HbA1c 8, 68%. Oni sa zadovoljavajucom regulacijom uzimali su 20 i.j. inzulina manje na dan (p = 0, 035). Zakljucak. U osoba s T1DM-om inzulin mijenja sastav tijela
Hyperthyroidism is the principal endocrine indication for propranolol treatment. High level of th... more Hyperthyroidism is the principal endocrine indication for propranolol treatment. High level of thyroid hormones result in a hyperdynamic cardiovascular state including increased stroke volume, augmented myocardial contractility and an growth of the left ventricle. Thyroid hormones have a direct effect on the cardiovascular system. They increase cardiac output and lower systemic vascular resistance ; also amplify intrinsic activity of sinoatrial node. Such actions lead to increased heart rate with a higher chance of supraventricular tachyarrhythmia, and the most common of them is atrial fibrillation. Thyroid hormones have positive chronotropic and dromotropic activity. Hyperthyroidism creates higher sensitivity to sympathetic stimulation which is conducted through greater number of β- adrenergic receptors. Myocytes contain an enzyme calle type 2 deiodinase which increases local conversion T4 to T3. As a non-selective inhibitor of β-adrenergic receptors, propranolol is ideal for treat...
BACKGROUND Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU) is a microorganism smaller than conventional bacteria, con... more BACKGROUND Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU) is a microorganism smaller than conventional bacteria, contained by a trilayered cell membrane, and do not possess a cell wall. It is frequently a resident of respiratory and urogenital tract mucosa. It is a known cause of urethritis in men, amnionitis in pregnant women, and is also associated with a preterm labor and different pathological states of newborns. It is also connected with reactive arthritis (ReA). The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of UU infection in patients with different immunological disorders of unknown etiology. METHOD Urine specimens and cervical or urethral swabs were analyzed for the presence of UU, by commercial Mycoplasma IST 2 test (bioMerieux® ; ; ; sa). It is a complete kit for the diagnosis of urogenital mycoplasma, which enables culture, identification, indicative enumeration, and antibiotic susceptibility testing of Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis. RESULTS Sixty patients with diffe...
Kod autoimunih bolesti stitnjace genetski faktori dominiraju i sa oko 80% utjecu na pojavu imunos... more Kod autoimunih bolesti stitnjace genetski faktori dominiraju i sa oko 80% utjecu na pojavu imunosti (HLA-DR3, HLA-DR4, HLA-DR5 i HLA-DQA te neki ne-HLA geni). Ostalih 20% pripisuje se okolisnim cimbenicima (pusenje, unos joda, nedostatak selena, zagađenje, infektivna stanja, fizicki i emocionalni stres) te fizioloskim stanjima (pubertet, nagli rast, trudnoca, menopauza, starenje, ženski spol). Prepoznato je niz antigena stitnjace na koje su usmjerena tireoidna antitijela (TSH, tireoglobulin, tireoperoksidaza). Sam tireocit je u mogucnosti funkcionirati i kao stanica koja prezentira antigen te na svojoj povrsini ispoljiti ekspresiju MHC klase I i II. Bolest stitnjace se povezuje i sa nizom drugih autoimunih bolesti i fenomena koji se javljaju sporadicno ili su genetski determinirani kao npr. poliglandularni sindrom tip II. Promjena funkcije stitnjace utjece se na mnoge metabolicke procese u organizmu, a kada se uz hormonski poremecaj kao sto je floridna hipertireoza ili hipotireoza d...
Hypertension is an everyday issue for patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Sin... more Hypertension is an everyday issue for patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Since the treatment of hypertension in diabetic patients is associated with proven clinical benefits, there are few questions regarding the therapy that should be considered. What is the goal? Previous guidelines had suggested more intensive lowering of the blood pressure for diabetic patients. According to last guidelines by eighth Joint National Committee and the European Societies of Hypertension and Cardiology a common goal ofblood pressure, for both diabetic and non-diabetic population, is less than 140/90 mmHg. Though, there are also some subgroups in diabetes that must be considers. In patients with diabetic nephropathy and proteinuria a goal of blood pressure is less than 130/80 mmHg, and for those with type 2 diabetes plus either cardiovascular disease or at least two additional risk factors for cardiovascular disease the goal for systolic pressure is less than 120 mmHg. All lower ...
Muski hipogonadotropni hipogonadizam (HH) je sekundarni oblik hipogonadizma definiran odsutnom il... more Muski hipogonadotropni hipogonadizam (HH) je sekundarni oblik hipogonadizma definiran odsutnom ili smanjenom funkcijom testisa kojoj je uzrok je nedovoljna stimulacija iz podrucja hipofize i/ili hipotalamusa. U mlađim dobnim skupinama ne nalazi se razvoja sekundarnih spolnih karakteristika, a u razdoblju nakon puberteta u klinickoj slici se nalazi gubitak libida, poremecaj erekcije, smanjenje intelektualnih sposobnosti, depresija, osteoporoza, gubitak misicne mase i snage, sporiji rast brade, centralna pretilost itd. Uzroci HH su idiopatski (npr. Kallmannov sindrom), HH povezan s pretiloscu (npr. Prader-Willi sindrom), HH povezanom patologijom hipofiznog podrucja (npr. tumori hipofizne ili hipotalamicke regije, infiltrativne bolesti, traume glave, zracenje) itd. Ovisno o uzroku HH u klinickoj slici mogu se naci i glavobolja, suženje vidnog polja ili ostecenja vida. Kako bi se mogao razlikovati primarni od sekundarnog hipogonadizma potrebno je odrediti razine luteinizirajuceg i folik...
Endocrine Abstracts, 2021