Maja Lamza-maronic - (original) (raw)
Papers by Maja Lamza-maronic
… Management Research VI, 2010
Sažetak: At the beginning of the 21st century modern societies have turned to creative industries... more Sažetak: At the beginning of the 21st century modern societies have turned to creative industries as a key factor of their development. Culture (cultural) management as an element of the “new economy” is most prominent in the specific sector of creative industries. ...
Sažetak Svijet u kome funkcionišu savremene organizacije je konstantno u promjenama koje su zahva... more Sažetak Svijet u kome funkcionišu savremene organizacije je konstantno u promjenama koje su zahvatile i poslovni ambijent. Menadžerski modeli, alati i vještine iz industrijske revolucije, uglavnom temeljeni na zastarjelom načinu razmišljanja i mehanicističkom (inženjerskom) pristupu, objektivno ne mogu se kvalitetno primijeniti na nove faktore, kakvim se mogu smarati koncept organizacije koja uči, intelektualni kapital, digitalni menadžment i sl., tako da nije čudo što rezultati uglavnom izostaju. Naime, sve potencijalne prednosti koje jedno preduzeće u procesu funkcionisanja može da efektuira mogu biti poništene ukoliko njegova uprava nije sposobna da se i sama mijenja. Današnje, kompleksno okruženje, više ne traži nove teorije, već ljude koji znaju razmišljati strateški i to provesti u djelo, tj. da upravljaju promjenama. Iz toga proizilazi potreba uspostavljanja uprave sposobnih, što bi se još bliže moglo označiti kao prihvatanje koncepta “menadžmenta znanjem”. Ovaj rad zasniva s...
2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention Mipro, 2012
The unstoppable growth of market demand for good knowledge workers is an imperative for education... more The unstoppable growth of market demand for good knowledge workers is an imperative for educational institutions to continuosly improve their programmes and equip young people with skills that will give them the best possible access to the business world. As higher education institutions strive to provide the best possible educational programmes, the importance of the logistic pillar of IT and its continuous development is self-evident. The new century in the European Union countries has highlighted the importance of high quality knowledge, lifelong learning, and common dimensions of the knowledge base. Knowledge is today one of the fundamental levers of development. Knowledge management is the capability of active formation and creation of one's immediate and wider environment. Information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly the Internet and its applications, increase the volume, speed and accessibility of information, while eliminating the obstacles of space and time. In today's world, companies demand applicable solutions to the problems in their environment. The central goal of university reform in the Republic of Croatia is the transition towards an integrated, competent, research-orientated and efficient higher education, with accredited programmes and institutions. The Bologna process in the new education structure for economists (undergraduate and graduate studies, specialist graduate studies, doctoral studies) requires continuous monitoring, adapting, updating, innovation and transparency of the devised model of education.
The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the importance of management in lo¬cal self government... more The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the importance of management in lo¬cal self government units within the existing circumstances in the Republic of Croa¬tia. In addition, the purpose of the paper is to establish how the local self government officials understand and accept the role of professional management in today's con¬dition of business environment and the ever-growing citizens'
Ekonomski Vjesnik Econviews Review of Contemporary Business Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues, Dec 3, 2012
Demografski su čimbenici relevantni za određivanje smjera društveno-ekonomskog razvoja. U radu se... more Demografski su čimbenici relevantni za određivanje smjera društveno-ekonomskog razvoja. U radu se analizira utjecaj migracija na razvoj, i to obiju vrsta migracija-mehaničkih i prirodnih-kao demografskih pokazatelja. Razvoj će se pratiti putem stope nezaposlenosti koja će biti razdijeljena na populacijske skupine ovisno o njihovu udjelu u ukupnoj nezaposlenosti. Stanje radno sposobnoga kontingenta pokazuje se ključnim za daljnji razvoj. Analiza mladih generacija koje tek dolaze u skupinu radno sposobnih promatra se u odnosu na onaj dio stanovništva kojemu je radni vijek pri kraju. Na taj se način jasno vide budući utjecaji demografskih činitelja na društveno-ekonomski razvitak Hrvatske.
In the process of EU accession the Republic of Croatia is endeavouring to meet the new requiremen... more In the process of EU accession the Republic of Croatia is endeavouring to meet the new requirements for improving the education system. This presents an opportunity to make certain changes in the education system, by embracing and conducting a process of strategic thinking aimed at enhancing all the segments in the Croatian education system. The ultimate goal is to help
Business Logistics in Modern Management, 2011
Ljudi moraju svladati vještinu brzog stjecanja novih znanja zaboravljajući zastarjele informacije... more Ljudi moraju svladati vještinu brzog stjecanja novih znanja zaboravljajući zastarjele informacije. Sve dominantnije znanje nije samo proizvod, niti samo nova poslovna mogućnost, već kritički okvir za razvoj specijaliziranih znanstvenih informacija. Gospodarski razvoj treba treba biti usklađen s odgovarajućom razinom ICT-ja utemeljenom na horizontalno i vertikalno povezanim sustavima za prikupljanje, obradu, pohranu i diseminaciju znanstvenih informacija. Proces upravljanja znanjem je planiran i vođen proces. Sastoji se od više međusobno povezanih segmenata uvršenih unutar inteligentnih informacijskih sustava. To omogućuje otkrivanje, praćenje i kreiranje implicitnog znanja, te je stoga pokretačka snaga za spiralu znanja.
Interdisciplinary Management Research, 2013
Since 2005 the budgets of European Capital of Culture programme has been signi cantly focused on ... more Since 2005 the budgets of European Capital of Culture programme has been signi cantly focused on large infrastructure projects in the title holder cities, that is, in the area of narrower or wider region. is trend of increasing infrastructure spending (particularly in Western Europe) has been followed by the tendency of assigning titles to midsize and smaller cities-from an average of 1.5 million people per host city in the rst decade of the project to approximately 200,000 inhabitants per host city in period until 2012. However, some host cities faced a delay in the execution of infrastructure projects, while some projects were cancelled due to reduced cultural budget-all that as a result of the global economic crisis. Despite nancial di culties in the host cities, European Capital of Culture programme continues-in 2013 one of the two ECoC hosts is the French City of Marseille, in partnership with the region of Provence, with structural projects reaching EURO 660 million despite nancial crisis. In 2020 Croatian cities have an opportunity to participate in the programme of the European Capital of Culture for the rst time. is will also mean an opportunity to complete urban transformation of the designated city. Infrastructure projects will certainly be of great importance in the selection of the rst Croatian ECoC. is paper provides an overview of the infrastructure dimension of ECoC programme, and it tries to predict the ECoC trends, with a particular focus on Croatia and Eastern Europe.
Economy of eastern Croatia – yesterday, today, tommorow, 2014
European Capital of Culture is a thriving cultural programme of the European Union, with benefits... more European Capital of Culture is a thriving cultural programme of the European Union, with benefits for the cultural life of cities and regions and also for the economic development of some of the titleholders. Development of cultural and creative sector – cultural and creative industries – is an integral part of the economic development of cities who decide to run for the European Capital of Culture title. (Cultural) tourism and the overall economy of the region are also developed directly through the project. In 2020, for the first time in history of the project, one city from the Republic of Croatia will hold the European Capital of Culture title. This is a great opportunity for Osijek as a regional center – there is a possibility of redefining and reprogramming city development strategies and the possibility of a new positioning within the European Union. The paper provides an overview of the connections of the European Capital of Culture and urban and regional development through...
Interdisciplinary Management …, 2009
Cultural tourism is becoming the leading trend in the world tourism. Ever growing number of trave... more Cultural tourism is becoming the leading trend in the world tourism. Ever growing number of travellers put all of their free time and available resources in visiting and exploring of cultural sights. Sites of rich history and preserved tradition take precedence over usual summer arrangements. Active vacation is popular as well as travels that include visits to sights and adoption of cultural patterns of local culture. This ever increasing tourist area and the overall global trend can be also observed in Croatia. The Strategy for development of cultural tourism, which has been in use for several years, recognizes the present issues and shortcomings, and it gives recommendations for their solution. Being a town of rich historical and cultural tradition, Osijek also needs to find its model for development of cultural and tourism potentials.
Most European health systems are currently undergoing reforms. According to the World Health Orga... more Most European health systems are currently undergoing reforms. According to the World Health Organization, the aim of the health system reforms are health gains, and one of the issues brought to the foreground with respect to this is cost-containment. Available indicators show that there is an irrational over-consumption of medicines. The paper aims to make a contribution towards rationalizing the use of medicines through the application of a more rational pharmacotherapy, i.e. using the most recent achievements of pharmacoeconomics. Rational pharmacotherapy implies using the right medicine in the right dosage, over a necessary time period, and at the lowest cost for both an individual and the community. The decrease of excessive consumption would result in a better operation of the medicine market, as the Croatian Health Insurance Institute would be able to make more regular and more timely payments to pharmaceutical wholesalers, which would improve business results of pharmaceutical wholesalers, pharmacies, and factories (Belupo, Pliva-Barr). It is a well-known fact that the demand for drugs (and other goods) is always higher than the actual payment ability. In most countries in the world the expenses for drugs grow faster than GDP and make up 10-20% of total health care costs, i.e. 1-2% of GDP. The analyses conducted in the developed countries indicate that the increase in drug expenses is influenced mostly by the changes of the population's demographic structure (aging of the population), chronic non-infectious diseases, and the dynamics of continuous introduction of new and increasingly more expensive drugs.
Ekonomski Vjesnik Econviews Review of Contemporary Business Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues, Dec 3, 2012
Demografski su čimbenici relevantni za određivanje smjera društveno-ekonomskog razvoja. U radu se... more Demografski su čimbenici relevantni za određivanje smjera društveno-ekonomskog razvoja. U radu se analizira utjecaj migracija na razvoj, i to obiju vrsta migracija-mehaničkih i prirodnih-kao demografskih pokazatelja. Razvoj će se pratiti putem stope nezaposlenosti koja će biti razdijeljena na populacijske skupine ovisno o njihovu udjelu u ukupnoj nezaposlenosti. Stanje radno sposobnoga kontingenta pokazuje se ključnim za daljnji razvoj. Analiza mladih generacija koje tek dolaze u skupinu radno sposobnih promatra se u odnosu na onaj dio stanovništva kojemu je radni vijek pri kraju. Na taj se način jasno vide budući utjecaji demografskih činitelja na društveno-ekonomski razvitak Hrvatske.
Management, 2013
Universit ies play a very important ro le in regional develop ment as they contribute to regional... more Universit ies play a very important ro le in regional develop ment as they contribute to regional economies and regional development. It is a generally accepted fact around the world that human capital is a major tool for achieving competitive advantages in the global market. An efficient society, which builds its competitive advantages on knowledge, must have a flexible labour market, adequate levels of emp loyee security and protection, but also a system that continuously fosters and rewards investment into knowledge. People, their needs, motivation and satisfaction have therefore come into the focus of human resource management. An autonomous university, which is willing to adapt to changes and fulfil the requirements of the co mmunity, is a driving force behind overall development. The aim o f this paper approach is to improve interactive co mmun ication, and to make broader use of university resources in the process of higher education.
Business Logistics in Modern Management, 2009
European Capital of Culture is a thriving cultural programme of the European Union, with benefits... more European Capital of Culture is a thriving cultural programme of the European Union, with benefits for the cultural life of cities and regions and also for the economic development of some of the titleholders. Development of cultural and creative sector – cultural and creative industries – is an integral part of the economic development of cities who decide to run for the
European Capital of Culture title. (Cultural) tourism and the overall economy of the region are also developed directly through the project. In 2020, for the first time in history of the project, one city from the Republic of Croatia will hold the European Capital of Culture title. This is a great opportunity for Osijek as a regional center – there is a possibility of redefining and reprogramming city development strategies and the possibility of a new positioning within the European Union. The paper provides an overview of the connections of the European Capital of Culture and urban and regional development through the growth of the cultural and creative sector, and also brings a draft of a successful development strategy for Osijek and the region in the context of this programme. The purpose of the survey is to identify trends in the development of the creative sector within the European Capital of Culture, and the attempt to forecast what would be the positive effects of the programme on Osijek. It provides an overview of the possible directions of development in the city's independent candidacy, regional and macro-regional candidacy (Osijek - Eastern Croatian – Pannonian candidacy).
… Management Research VI, 2010
Sažetak: At the beginning of the 21st century modern societies have turned to creative industries... more Sažetak: At the beginning of the 21st century modern societies have turned to creative industries as a key factor of their development. Culture (cultural) management as an element of the “new economy” is most prominent in the specific sector of creative industries. ...
Sažetak Svijet u kome funkcionišu savremene organizacije je konstantno u promjenama koje su zahva... more Sažetak Svijet u kome funkcionišu savremene organizacije je konstantno u promjenama koje su zahvatile i poslovni ambijent. Menadžerski modeli, alati i vještine iz industrijske revolucije, uglavnom temeljeni na zastarjelom načinu razmišljanja i mehanicističkom (inženjerskom) pristupu, objektivno ne mogu se kvalitetno primijeniti na nove faktore, kakvim se mogu smarati koncept organizacije koja uči, intelektualni kapital, digitalni menadžment i sl., tako da nije čudo što rezultati uglavnom izostaju. Naime, sve potencijalne prednosti koje jedno preduzeće u procesu funkcionisanja može da efektuira mogu biti poništene ukoliko njegova uprava nije sposobna da se i sama mijenja. Današnje, kompleksno okruženje, više ne traži nove teorije, već ljude koji znaju razmišljati strateški i to provesti u djelo, tj. da upravljaju promjenama. Iz toga proizilazi potreba uspostavljanja uprave sposobnih, što bi se još bliže moglo označiti kao prihvatanje koncepta “menadžmenta znanjem”. Ovaj rad zasniva s...
2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention Mipro, 2012
The unstoppable growth of market demand for good knowledge workers is an imperative for education... more The unstoppable growth of market demand for good knowledge workers is an imperative for educational institutions to continuosly improve their programmes and equip young people with skills that will give them the best possible access to the business world. As higher education institutions strive to provide the best possible educational programmes, the importance of the logistic pillar of IT and its continuous development is self-evident. The new century in the European Union countries has highlighted the importance of high quality knowledge, lifelong learning, and common dimensions of the knowledge base. Knowledge is today one of the fundamental levers of development. Knowledge management is the capability of active formation and creation of one's immediate and wider environment. Information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly the Internet and its applications, increase the volume, speed and accessibility of information, while eliminating the obstacles of space and time. In today's world, companies demand applicable solutions to the problems in their environment. The central goal of university reform in the Republic of Croatia is the transition towards an integrated, competent, research-orientated and efficient higher education, with accredited programmes and institutions. The Bologna process in the new education structure for economists (undergraduate and graduate studies, specialist graduate studies, doctoral studies) requires continuous monitoring, adapting, updating, innovation and transparency of the devised model of education.
The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the importance of management in lo¬cal self government... more The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the importance of management in lo¬cal self government units within the existing circumstances in the Republic of Croa¬tia. In addition, the purpose of the paper is to establish how the local self government officials understand and accept the role of professional management in today's con¬dition of business environment and the ever-growing citizens'
Ekonomski Vjesnik Econviews Review of Contemporary Business Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues, Dec 3, 2012
Demografski su čimbenici relevantni za određivanje smjera društveno-ekonomskog razvoja. U radu se... more Demografski su čimbenici relevantni za određivanje smjera društveno-ekonomskog razvoja. U radu se analizira utjecaj migracija na razvoj, i to obiju vrsta migracija-mehaničkih i prirodnih-kao demografskih pokazatelja. Razvoj će se pratiti putem stope nezaposlenosti koja će biti razdijeljena na populacijske skupine ovisno o njihovu udjelu u ukupnoj nezaposlenosti. Stanje radno sposobnoga kontingenta pokazuje se ključnim za daljnji razvoj. Analiza mladih generacija koje tek dolaze u skupinu radno sposobnih promatra se u odnosu na onaj dio stanovništva kojemu je radni vijek pri kraju. Na taj se način jasno vide budući utjecaji demografskih činitelja na društveno-ekonomski razvitak Hrvatske.
In the process of EU accession the Republic of Croatia is endeavouring to meet the new requiremen... more In the process of EU accession the Republic of Croatia is endeavouring to meet the new requirements for improving the education system. This presents an opportunity to make certain changes in the education system, by embracing and conducting a process of strategic thinking aimed at enhancing all the segments in the Croatian education system. The ultimate goal is to help
Business Logistics in Modern Management, 2011
Ljudi moraju svladati vještinu brzog stjecanja novih znanja zaboravljajući zastarjele informacije... more Ljudi moraju svladati vještinu brzog stjecanja novih znanja zaboravljajući zastarjele informacije. Sve dominantnije znanje nije samo proizvod, niti samo nova poslovna mogućnost, već kritički okvir za razvoj specijaliziranih znanstvenih informacija. Gospodarski razvoj treba treba biti usklađen s odgovarajućom razinom ICT-ja utemeljenom na horizontalno i vertikalno povezanim sustavima za prikupljanje, obradu, pohranu i diseminaciju znanstvenih informacija. Proces upravljanja znanjem je planiran i vođen proces. Sastoji se od više međusobno povezanih segmenata uvršenih unutar inteligentnih informacijskih sustava. To omogućuje otkrivanje, praćenje i kreiranje implicitnog znanja, te je stoga pokretačka snaga za spiralu znanja.
Interdisciplinary Management Research, 2013
Since 2005 the budgets of European Capital of Culture programme has been signi cantly focused on ... more Since 2005 the budgets of European Capital of Culture programme has been signi cantly focused on large infrastructure projects in the title holder cities, that is, in the area of narrower or wider region. is trend of increasing infrastructure spending (particularly in Western Europe) has been followed by the tendency of assigning titles to midsize and smaller cities-from an average of 1.5 million people per host city in the rst decade of the project to approximately 200,000 inhabitants per host city in period until 2012. However, some host cities faced a delay in the execution of infrastructure projects, while some projects were cancelled due to reduced cultural budget-all that as a result of the global economic crisis. Despite nancial di culties in the host cities, European Capital of Culture programme continues-in 2013 one of the two ECoC hosts is the French City of Marseille, in partnership with the region of Provence, with structural projects reaching EURO 660 million despite nancial crisis. In 2020 Croatian cities have an opportunity to participate in the programme of the European Capital of Culture for the rst time. is will also mean an opportunity to complete urban transformation of the designated city. Infrastructure projects will certainly be of great importance in the selection of the rst Croatian ECoC. is paper provides an overview of the infrastructure dimension of ECoC programme, and it tries to predict the ECoC trends, with a particular focus on Croatia and Eastern Europe.
Economy of eastern Croatia – yesterday, today, tommorow, 2014
European Capital of Culture is a thriving cultural programme of the European Union, with benefits... more European Capital of Culture is a thriving cultural programme of the European Union, with benefits for the cultural life of cities and regions and also for the economic development of some of the titleholders. Development of cultural and creative sector – cultural and creative industries – is an integral part of the economic development of cities who decide to run for the European Capital of Culture title. (Cultural) tourism and the overall economy of the region are also developed directly through the project. In 2020, for the first time in history of the project, one city from the Republic of Croatia will hold the European Capital of Culture title. This is a great opportunity for Osijek as a regional center – there is a possibility of redefining and reprogramming city development strategies and the possibility of a new positioning within the European Union. The paper provides an overview of the connections of the European Capital of Culture and urban and regional development through...
Interdisciplinary Management …, 2009
Cultural tourism is becoming the leading trend in the world tourism. Ever growing number of trave... more Cultural tourism is becoming the leading trend in the world tourism. Ever growing number of travellers put all of their free time and available resources in visiting and exploring of cultural sights. Sites of rich history and preserved tradition take precedence over usual summer arrangements. Active vacation is popular as well as travels that include visits to sights and adoption of cultural patterns of local culture. This ever increasing tourist area and the overall global trend can be also observed in Croatia. The Strategy for development of cultural tourism, which has been in use for several years, recognizes the present issues and shortcomings, and it gives recommendations for their solution. Being a town of rich historical and cultural tradition, Osijek also needs to find its model for development of cultural and tourism potentials.
Most European health systems are currently undergoing reforms. According to the World Health Orga... more Most European health systems are currently undergoing reforms. According to the World Health Organization, the aim of the health system reforms are health gains, and one of the issues brought to the foreground with respect to this is cost-containment. Available indicators show that there is an irrational over-consumption of medicines. The paper aims to make a contribution towards rationalizing the use of medicines through the application of a more rational pharmacotherapy, i.e. using the most recent achievements of pharmacoeconomics. Rational pharmacotherapy implies using the right medicine in the right dosage, over a necessary time period, and at the lowest cost for both an individual and the community. The decrease of excessive consumption would result in a better operation of the medicine market, as the Croatian Health Insurance Institute would be able to make more regular and more timely payments to pharmaceutical wholesalers, which would improve business results of pharmaceutical wholesalers, pharmacies, and factories (Belupo, Pliva-Barr). It is a well-known fact that the demand for drugs (and other goods) is always higher than the actual payment ability. In most countries in the world the expenses for drugs grow faster than GDP and make up 10-20% of total health care costs, i.e. 1-2% of GDP. The analyses conducted in the developed countries indicate that the increase in drug expenses is influenced mostly by the changes of the population's demographic structure (aging of the population), chronic non-infectious diseases, and the dynamics of continuous introduction of new and increasingly more expensive drugs.
Ekonomski Vjesnik Econviews Review of Contemporary Business Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues, Dec 3, 2012
Demografski su čimbenici relevantni za određivanje smjera društveno-ekonomskog razvoja. U radu se... more Demografski su čimbenici relevantni za određivanje smjera društveno-ekonomskog razvoja. U radu se analizira utjecaj migracija na razvoj, i to obiju vrsta migracija-mehaničkih i prirodnih-kao demografskih pokazatelja. Razvoj će se pratiti putem stope nezaposlenosti koja će biti razdijeljena na populacijske skupine ovisno o njihovu udjelu u ukupnoj nezaposlenosti. Stanje radno sposobnoga kontingenta pokazuje se ključnim za daljnji razvoj. Analiza mladih generacija koje tek dolaze u skupinu radno sposobnih promatra se u odnosu na onaj dio stanovništva kojemu je radni vijek pri kraju. Na taj se način jasno vide budući utjecaji demografskih činitelja na društveno-ekonomski razvitak Hrvatske.
Management, 2013
Universit ies play a very important ro le in regional develop ment as they contribute to regional... more Universit ies play a very important ro le in regional develop ment as they contribute to regional economies and regional development. It is a generally accepted fact around the world that human capital is a major tool for achieving competitive advantages in the global market. An efficient society, which builds its competitive advantages on knowledge, must have a flexible labour market, adequate levels of emp loyee security and protection, but also a system that continuously fosters and rewards investment into knowledge. People, their needs, motivation and satisfaction have therefore come into the focus of human resource management. An autonomous university, which is willing to adapt to changes and fulfil the requirements of the co mmunity, is a driving force behind overall development. The aim o f this paper approach is to improve interactive co mmun ication, and to make broader use of university resources in the process of higher education.
Business Logistics in Modern Management, 2009
European Capital of Culture is a thriving cultural programme of the European Union, with benefits... more European Capital of Culture is a thriving cultural programme of the European Union, with benefits for the cultural life of cities and regions and also for the economic development of some of the titleholders. Development of cultural and creative sector – cultural and creative industries – is an integral part of the economic development of cities who decide to run for the
European Capital of Culture title. (Cultural) tourism and the overall economy of the region are also developed directly through the project. In 2020, for the first time in history of the project, one city from the Republic of Croatia will hold the European Capital of Culture title. This is a great opportunity for Osijek as a regional center – there is a possibility of redefining and reprogramming city development strategies and the possibility of a new positioning within the European Union. The paper provides an overview of the connections of the European Capital of Culture and urban and regional development through the growth of the cultural and creative sector, and also brings a draft of a successful development strategy for Osijek and the region in the context of this programme. The purpose of the survey is to identify trends in the development of the creative sector within the European Capital of Culture, and the attempt to forecast what would be the positive effects of the programme on Osijek. It provides an overview of the possible directions of development in the city's independent candidacy, regional and macro-regional candidacy (Osijek - Eastern Croatian – Pannonian candidacy).