María de Los Ángeles Velasco Hernández (original) (raw)
Papers by María de Los Ángeles Velasco Hernández
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, Nov 1, 2015
The auxiliary station from El Carmen Tequexquitla allowed us to deduce the behavior of climate va... more The auxiliary station from El Carmen Tequexquitla allowed us to deduce the behavior of climate variability in the region. Also found a relationship of PCP with the event phase of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), with the warm phase 1977 and 1998, a decrease in total annual rainfall was also found.
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, Nov 22, 2017
The auxiliary station from El Carmen Tequexquitla allowed us to deduce the behavior of climate va... more The auxiliary station from El Carmen Tequexquitla allowed us to deduce the behavior of climate variability in the region. Also found a relationship of PCP with the event phase of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), with the warm phase 1977 and 1998, a decrease in total annual rainfall was also found.
Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo, Feb 5, 2021
The growth in population would imply having to increase food production worldwide, which would ex... more The growth in population would imply having to increase food production worldwide, which would exert more pressure on natural resources, especially water, because irrigation agriculture uses 78% of the water extracted. In addition, it is not always available because of the variability that precipitation, quantity and distribution present, which is why good management of the water resource will be essential, that could allow its maximum exploitation to ensure food security. The possible impact of natural variability and/or climate change was evaluated in the growth period of the main rainfed crops such as maize, barley and wheat, in the state of Tlaxcala. For this purpose, the variables of precipitation, maximum temperature and minimum temperature were analyzed. An objective and systematic method was used to identify the growth period of the rainfed crops, applying the decomposition of a discrete function in their harmonics. The results showed a decrease in the growth periods in five stations, while they show an increase in five of them, and in the two remaining ones they have the same duration. This differentiated impact will allow planning rainfed agricultural activities and a better selection of crops � varieties� for each zone.
Agricultura Sociedad y Desarrollo
El incremento de la población implicará tener que aumentar la producción de alimentos a escala mu... more El incremento de la población implicará tener que aumentar la producción de alimentos a escala mundial, lo que ejercerá más presión sobre los recursos naturales, especialmente el agua, debido a que la agricultura de riego utiliza 78% del agua extraída. Además, no siempre está disponible, debido a la variabilidad que presenta la precipitación -cantidad y distribución, por lo que será imprescindible un buen manejo del recurso hídrico, que permita su máximo aprovechamiento, para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria. Se evaluó el posible impacto de la variabilidad natural o cambio climático en el periodo de crecimiento de los principales cultivos de temporal como el maíz, cebada y el trigo, en el estado de Tlaxcala. Para ello, se analizaron las variables de precipitación, temperatura máxima y temperatura mínima. Para identificar el periodo de crecimiento de los cultivos de temporal se utilizó un método objetivo y sistemático, aplicando la descomposición de una función discreta en sus arm...
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 2021
Ocean-atmospheric interactions have effects at different scales; forming microclimates, which can... more Ocean-atmospheric interactions have effects at different scales; forming microclimates, which can explain variations with climatic or natural anomalies, between meteorological processes. This research analyzes and identifies the relationship of the teleconnection hydrometeorological effects, which determine the distribution of precipitation in corn yield. The data were used from a semi-structured interview directed to corn producers, where seven years of case studies were identified for the eastern region of the state of Puebla, Mexico. The Graphics were made with “pentad scale distribution”. The results show the importance of geographical location for agricultural activities in relation to a valley with altitudinal gradient. In addition, the corn growth cycle is associated with tropical disturbances from east Puebla region as well as Hurricane activity. It was identified that the relationship of teleconnections and the distribution of rainfall are main factors that influence in the...
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, 2017
El impacto simultáneo de la variabilidad natural del clima y el cambio climático sobre la activ... more El impacto simultáneo de la variabilidad natural del clima y el cambio climático sobre la actividad agrícola induce un riesgo en la seguridad alimentaria. El objetivo principal en este trabajo de investigación fue identificar tendencias tanto de incremento o decremento en temperatura y precipitación, así como variabilidad en los índices de cambio climático, con énfasis en la agricultura para la región maicera de Serdán, en 2014. Debido a la información incompleta de datos diarios de estaciones meteorológicas para dicha región, se utilizó como apoyo la estación meteorológica “cercana” al sitio de estudio, ubicada en El Carmen Tequexquitla, Tlaxcala; se realizó un análisis de calidad de los datos aplicando el software RClimDex, a los dos municipios, relativamente cercanos. Las series de precipitación (PCP), temperaturas máximas (Tmáx) y mínimas (Tmín) a escala diaria, fueron evaluadas para el periodo 1970 a 2012. De los 27 índices calculados se seleccionaron 6...
Agricultura Sociedad y Desarrollo, 2016
Agriculture and especially maize cultivation represent one of the most important socioeconomic ac... more Agriculture and especially maize cultivation represent one of the most important socioeconomic activities for food security in México. Throughout time, empirical knowledge has been transmitted from generation to generation. In the study, surveys were applied to farmers in the Central-Eastern region of the state of Puebla, with experience in sowing maize, during 2014 and 2015. The objective of the research was to explain the relationship between climate-temperature and precipitation-, at pentad scale, with the proverbs and yields of the years 1980, 1987, 2011 and 2013. Results showed that at least half of the farmers trust in the sayings and, as consequence, in years with good yields of the maize crop, most of them were validated, while for those considered as "regular" and "bad", most did not come true. These two situations can be explained in terms of an optimistic vision of the farmer. It is concluded that peasant empirical knowledge about time/weather prediction is accepted by an important number of farmers and continues to influence agricultural activities.
Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigacion Y El Desarrollo Educativo Issn 2007 2619, Feb 6, 2015
?Existe alguna recomendacion para este nuevo milenio, en relacion a la investigacion? En la “Conf... more ?Existe alguna recomendacion para este nuevo milenio, en relacion a la investigacion? En la “Conferencia Mundial Sobre la Ciencia” con sede en Budapest, Hungria, julio 26 de 1999 plantearon: “Declaracion Sobre la Ciencia y el Uso del Saber Cientifico”. Destacando “La ciencia constituye un poderoso instrumento, para comprender los sistemas naturales y sociales, que desempenaran probablemente un papel aun mas importante en un futuro inmediato, a medida que se conozca mejor la complejidad de las relaciones entre la sociedad y el medio natural”. La Mineria de Datos (MD) se aplica cuando la complejidad de los sistemas es relativamente grande. Hacemos enfasis en que la MD es un proceso que invierte la dinamica del metodo cientifico (MC) asi: En el MC, primero se formula la hipotesis y luego se disena el experimento para coleccionar los datos que confirmen o refuten la hipotesis. Si se hace con la formalidad adecuada, cuidando cuales son las variables controladas y cuales experimentales, se obtiene un nuevo conocimiento. Por el contrario, en la MD, se coleccionan los datos y esperamos extraer hipotesis de ellos. Queremos que los datos nos describan o indiquen por que son como son. Validar esa hipotesis inspirada por los datos en los datos mismos, seria numericamente significativa
Desarrollo Local Sostenible, 2018
espanolEl cambio climatico es un proceso natural, sin embargo, se ha acelerado a partir del incre... more espanolEl cambio climatico es un proceso natural, sin embargo, se ha acelerado a partir del incremento en las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero generadas por las actividades atropogenicas. El caso de la agricultura cobra singular importancia, al ser responsable de aproximadamente un cuarto del total de emisiones a nivel mundial, por tal motivo es necesario revisar las politicas que rigen los programas destinados a impulsar dicha actividad y su relacion con el efecto invernadero. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar el efecto de la politica del Estado mexicano dirigida a la produccion de trigo sobre la emision de gases de efecto invernadero en Valles Altos de Mexico durante el periodo 2010-2014. El trabajo se realizo considerando los estados de Hidalgo, Mexico, Puebla y Tlaxcala, donde a partir de la revision y analisis de informacion secundaria, relacionada al cultivo de trigo bajo condiciones de temporal durante el periodo 2010-2016, se estimo las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (CH4, CO2, N2O y NOx). Se utilizo la metodologia propuesta por el Grupo Interguberidntal de Expertos sobre Cambio Climatico (IPCC, 1996), ajustandola con base en lo planteado por Castellon et al. (2014). Los resultados muestran que la emision de gases entre los anos evaluados no existio diferencia significativa, principalmente a causa de la fertilizacion aplicada, en relacion a los estados, Tlaxcala sobresalio en la emision, a raiz de registrar mayor superficie sembrada con este cultivo. Con respecto a la politica del Estado mexicano orientada a la agricultura y a su vez a la busqueda de la sustentabilidad, no es congruente con los modelos agricolas planteados, los cuales son basados fundamentalmente en tecnologias tipo Revolucion Verde. EnglishClimate change is a natural process, however, accelerated by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions generated by atropogenic activities. The case of agriculture is particularly important, being responsible for approximately a quarter of the total emissions worldwide, for this reason it is necessary to review the policies that govern the programs designed to promote this activity and its relationship with the greenhouse effect. The objective of this paper is to determine the effect of the policy of the Mexican State aimed at the production of wheat on the emission of greenhouse gases in the High Valleys of Mexico during the period 2010-2014. The work was carried out considering the states of Hidalgo, Mexico, Puebla and Tlaxcala, where from the review and analysis of secondary information, related to the cultivation of wheat under seasonal conditions during the period 2010-2016, gas emissions were estimated of greenhouse effect (CH4, CO2, N2O and NOx). The methodology proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel of Experts on Climate Change (IPCC, 1996) was used, adjusting it based on what was stated by Castellon et al. (2014). The results show that the emission of gases between the evaluated years did not exist a significant difference, mainly because of the fertilization applied, in relation to the states, Tlaxcala excelled in the emission, as a result of registering a greater area sown with this crop. With respect to the policy of the Mexican State oriented to agriculture and in turn to the search for sustainability, it is not consistent with the agricultural models proposed, which are based mainly on Green Revolution type technologies.
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, Nov 1, 2015
The auxiliary station from El Carmen Tequexquitla allowed us to deduce the behavior of climate va... more The auxiliary station from El Carmen Tequexquitla allowed us to deduce the behavior of climate variability in the region. Also found a relationship of PCP with the event phase of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), with the warm phase 1977 and 1998, a decrease in total annual rainfall was also found.
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, Nov 22, 2017
The auxiliary station from El Carmen Tequexquitla allowed us to deduce the behavior of climate va... more The auxiliary station from El Carmen Tequexquitla allowed us to deduce the behavior of climate variability in the region. Also found a relationship of PCP with the event phase of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), with the warm phase 1977 and 1998, a decrease in total annual rainfall was also found.
Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo, Feb 5, 2021
The growth in population would imply having to increase food production worldwide, which would ex... more The growth in population would imply having to increase food production worldwide, which would exert more pressure on natural resources, especially water, because irrigation agriculture uses 78% of the water extracted. In addition, it is not always available because of the variability that precipitation, quantity and distribution present, which is why good management of the water resource will be essential, that could allow its maximum exploitation to ensure food security. The possible impact of natural variability and/or climate change was evaluated in the growth period of the main rainfed crops such as maize, barley and wheat, in the state of Tlaxcala. For this purpose, the variables of precipitation, maximum temperature and minimum temperature were analyzed. An objective and systematic method was used to identify the growth period of the rainfed crops, applying the decomposition of a discrete function in their harmonics. The results showed a decrease in the growth periods in five stations, while they show an increase in five of them, and in the two remaining ones they have the same duration. This differentiated impact will allow planning rainfed agricultural activities and a better selection of crops � varieties� for each zone.
Agricultura Sociedad y Desarrollo
El incremento de la población implicará tener que aumentar la producción de alimentos a escala mu... more El incremento de la población implicará tener que aumentar la producción de alimentos a escala mundial, lo que ejercerá más presión sobre los recursos naturales, especialmente el agua, debido a que la agricultura de riego utiliza 78% del agua extraída. Además, no siempre está disponible, debido a la variabilidad que presenta la precipitación -cantidad y distribución, por lo que será imprescindible un buen manejo del recurso hídrico, que permita su máximo aprovechamiento, para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria. Se evaluó el posible impacto de la variabilidad natural o cambio climático en el periodo de crecimiento de los principales cultivos de temporal como el maíz, cebada y el trigo, en el estado de Tlaxcala. Para ello, se analizaron las variables de precipitación, temperatura máxima y temperatura mínima. Para identificar el periodo de crecimiento de los cultivos de temporal se utilizó un método objetivo y sistemático, aplicando la descomposición de una función discreta en sus arm...
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 2021
Ocean-atmospheric interactions have effects at different scales; forming microclimates, which can... more Ocean-atmospheric interactions have effects at different scales; forming microclimates, which can explain variations with climatic or natural anomalies, between meteorological processes. This research analyzes and identifies the relationship of the teleconnection hydrometeorological effects, which determine the distribution of precipitation in corn yield. The data were used from a semi-structured interview directed to corn producers, where seven years of case studies were identified for the eastern region of the state of Puebla, Mexico. The Graphics were made with “pentad scale distribution”. The results show the importance of geographical location for agricultural activities in relation to a valley with altitudinal gradient. In addition, the corn growth cycle is associated with tropical disturbances from east Puebla region as well as Hurricane activity. It was identified that the relationship of teleconnections and the distribution of rainfall are main factors that influence in the...
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, 2017
El impacto simultáneo de la variabilidad natural del clima y el cambio climático sobre la activ... more El impacto simultáneo de la variabilidad natural del clima y el cambio climático sobre la actividad agrícola induce un riesgo en la seguridad alimentaria. El objetivo principal en este trabajo de investigación fue identificar tendencias tanto de incremento o decremento en temperatura y precipitación, así como variabilidad en los índices de cambio climático, con énfasis en la agricultura para la región maicera de Serdán, en 2014. Debido a la información incompleta de datos diarios de estaciones meteorológicas para dicha región, se utilizó como apoyo la estación meteorológica “cercana” al sitio de estudio, ubicada en El Carmen Tequexquitla, Tlaxcala; se realizó un análisis de calidad de los datos aplicando el software RClimDex, a los dos municipios, relativamente cercanos. Las series de precipitación (PCP), temperaturas máximas (Tmáx) y mínimas (Tmín) a escala diaria, fueron evaluadas para el periodo 1970 a 2012. De los 27 índices calculados se seleccionaron 6...
Agricultura Sociedad y Desarrollo, 2016
Agriculture and especially maize cultivation represent one of the most important socioeconomic ac... more Agriculture and especially maize cultivation represent one of the most important socioeconomic activities for food security in México. Throughout time, empirical knowledge has been transmitted from generation to generation. In the study, surveys were applied to farmers in the Central-Eastern region of the state of Puebla, with experience in sowing maize, during 2014 and 2015. The objective of the research was to explain the relationship between climate-temperature and precipitation-, at pentad scale, with the proverbs and yields of the years 1980, 1987, 2011 and 2013. Results showed that at least half of the farmers trust in the sayings and, as consequence, in years with good yields of the maize crop, most of them were validated, while for those considered as "regular" and "bad", most did not come true. These two situations can be explained in terms of an optimistic vision of the farmer. It is concluded that peasant empirical knowledge about time/weather prediction is accepted by an important number of farmers and continues to influence agricultural activities.
Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigacion Y El Desarrollo Educativo Issn 2007 2619, Feb 6, 2015
?Existe alguna recomendacion para este nuevo milenio, en relacion a la investigacion? En la “Conf... more ?Existe alguna recomendacion para este nuevo milenio, en relacion a la investigacion? En la “Conferencia Mundial Sobre la Ciencia” con sede en Budapest, Hungria, julio 26 de 1999 plantearon: “Declaracion Sobre la Ciencia y el Uso del Saber Cientifico”. Destacando “La ciencia constituye un poderoso instrumento, para comprender los sistemas naturales y sociales, que desempenaran probablemente un papel aun mas importante en un futuro inmediato, a medida que se conozca mejor la complejidad de las relaciones entre la sociedad y el medio natural”. La Mineria de Datos (MD) se aplica cuando la complejidad de los sistemas es relativamente grande. Hacemos enfasis en que la MD es un proceso que invierte la dinamica del metodo cientifico (MC) asi: En el MC, primero se formula la hipotesis y luego se disena el experimento para coleccionar los datos que confirmen o refuten la hipotesis. Si se hace con la formalidad adecuada, cuidando cuales son las variables controladas y cuales experimentales, se obtiene un nuevo conocimiento. Por el contrario, en la MD, se coleccionan los datos y esperamos extraer hipotesis de ellos. Queremos que los datos nos describan o indiquen por que son como son. Validar esa hipotesis inspirada por los datos en los datos mismos, seria numericamente significativa
Desarrollo Local Sostenible, 2018
espanolEl cambio climatico es un proceso natural, sin embargo, se ha acelerado a partir del incre... more espanolEl cambio climatico es un proceso natural, sin embargo, se ha acelerado a partir del incremento en las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero generadas por las actividades atropogenicas. El caso de la agricultura cobra singular importancia, al ser responsable de aproximadamente un cuarto del total de emisiones a nivel mundial, por tal motivo es necesario revisar las politicas que rigen los programas destinados a impulsar dicha actividad y su relacion con el efecto invernadero. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar el efecto de la politica del Estado mexicano dirigida a la produccion de trigo sobre la emision de gases de efecto invernadero en Valles Altos de Mexico durante el periodo 2010-2014. El trabajo se realizo considerando los estados de Hidalgo, Mexico, Puebla y Tlaxcala, donde a partir de la revision y analisis de informacion secundaria, relacionada al cultivo de trigo bajo condiciones de temporal durante el periodo 2010-2016, se estimo las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (CH4, CO2, N2O y NOx). Se utilizo la metodologia propuesta por el Grupo Interguberidntal de Expertos sobre Cambio Climatico (IPCC, 1996), ajustandola con base en lo planteado por Castellon et al. (2014). Los resultados muestran que la emision de gases entre los anos evaluados no existio diferencia significativa, principalmente a causa de la fertilizacion aplicada, en relacion a los estados, Tlaxcala sobresalio en la emision, a raiz de registrar mayor superficie sembrada con este cultivo. Con respecto a la politica del Estado mexicano orientada a la agricultura y a su vez a la busqueda de la sustentabilidad, no es congruente con los modelos agricolas planteados, los cuales son basados fundamentalmente en tecnologias tipo Revolucion Verde. EnglishClimate change is a natural process, however, accelerated by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions generated by atropogenic activities. The case of agriculture is particularly important, being responsible for approximately a quarter of the total emissions worldwide, for this reason it is necessary to review the policies that govern the programs designed to promote this activity and its relationship with the greenhouse effect. The objective of this paper is to determine the effect of the policy of the Mexican State aimed at the production of wheat on the emission of greenhouse gases in the High Valleys of Mexico during the period 2010-2014. The work was carried out considering the states of Hidalgo, Mexico, Puebla and Tlaxcala, where from the review and analysis of secondary information, related to the cultivation of wheat under seasonal conditions during the period 2010-2016, gas emissions were estimated of greenhouse effect (CH4, CO2, N2O and NOx). The methodology proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel of Experts on Climate Change (IPCC, 1996) was used, adjusting it based on what was stated by Castellon et al. (2014). The results show that the emission of gases between the evaluated years did not exist a significant difference, mainly because of the fertilization applied, in relation to the states, Tlaxcala excelled in the emission, as a result of registering a greater area sown with this crop. With respect to the policy of the Mexican State oriented to agriculture and in turn to the search for sustainability, it is not consistent with the agricultural models proposed, which are based mainly on Green Revolution type technologies.