Marcelo Fossa da Paz - (original) (raw)

Papers by Marcelo Fossa da Paz

Research paper thumbnail of Sugar consumption profiles in mead production using accessible control analysis

Maǧallaẗ Al-Kuwayt li-l-ʿulūm, Apr 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Bioconversion of waste of macauba as indication of use for input in animal feeds

Revista Acadêmica Ciência Animal, Mar 21, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Biofuel production

Research paper thumbnail of Cultivo Do Cogumelo Comestível Pleurotus Ostreatus Em Bagaço De Bocaiúva Pela Técnica Jun-Cao

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2013

Mushrooms of the genus Pleurotus today occupy the third position in the production of edible mush... more Mushrooms of the genus Pleurotus today occupy the third position in the production of edible mushrooms, trailing species of the genus Agaricus species and Lentinula edodes. Their absorptive capacity and their therapeutic activities lead these species to a new status, since currently there is much talk in functional foods so, the adaptation of Pleurotus species to new residues is currently one of the main processes of bioconversion of agro-industrial residues in edible products of high nutritional value. The present work, using the principle of clean technologies, cultured/strain EF-136B lot of Pleurotus ostreatus in marc marc bocaiuva supplemented with sugarcane bagasse. The biological efficiency (BE) obtained in Treatment 1 (T1-composed of 70% sugarcane bagasse and 30% of bocaiuva bagasse) was 30.81±9.23 and in Treatment 2 (T2-comprising 50% of sugarcane bagasse and 50% of bocaiuva bagasse) was 37.51±9.45, these were not statistically different for the confidence interval of 95%, however there is a perceived tendency to increase the EB with the greatest amount of bocaiuva bagasse, probably because it presents higher C/N ratio of 55,80:1 against 49,48:1 for T1, confirming the literature that states that the C/N ratio must be greater than 29:1. The standardization of cultivation bagasse allow a reasonable EB can be used as a substrate for future commercial crops since corrected the relationship C/N.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the Fermentative Capacity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CAT-1 and BB9 Strains and Pichia kudriavzevii BB2 at Simulated Industrial Conditions

Indian Journal of Microbiology, Jun 10, 2020

The search for promising yeasts that surpass the fermentative capacity of commercial strains, suc... more The search for promising yeasts that surpass the fermentative capacity of commercial strains, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae CAT-1, is of great importance for industrial ethanol processes in the world. Two yeasts, Pichia kudriavzevii BB2 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae BB9, were evaluated in comparison to the industrial yeast S. cerevisiae CAT-1. The objective was to evaluate the performance profile of the three studied strains in terms of growth, substrate consumption, and metabolite formation, aiming to determine their behaviour in different media and pH conditions. The results showed that under cultivation conditions simulating the medium used in the industrial process (must at 22° Brix at pH 3.0) the highest ethanol productivity was 0.41 g L−1 h−1 for S. cerevisiae CAT-1, compared to 0.11 g L−1 h−1 and 0.16 g L−1 h−1 for P. kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae BB2, respectively. S. cerevisiae CAT-1 produced three times more ethanol in must at pH 3.0 (28.30 g L−1) and in mineral medium at pH 3.0 (29.17 g L−1) and 5.0 (30.70 g L−1) when compared to the value obtained in sugarcane must pH 3.0 (9.89 g L−1). It was concluded that S. cerevisiae CAT-1 was not limited by the variation in pH in the mineral medium due to its nutritional composition, guaranteeing better performance of the yeast even in the presence of stressors. Only S. cerevisiae CAT-1 expressed he constitutive invertase enzyme, which is responsible for hydrolysing the sucrose contained in the must.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s12088-020-00891-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultivo do cogumelo comestível Hiboukitake em bagaço de cajá pela técnica Jun-Cao

Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, Apr 12, 2013

Adapting to new waste to cultivate species of Pleurotus is currently one of the main processes of... more Adapting to new waste to cultivate species of Pleurotus is currently one of the main processes of bioconversion of agro-industrial residues in edible products of high nutritional value. The present work, using the principle of clean technologies, cultured strain / lot EF-133/11 of Pleurotus sajor-caju on bagasse caja supplemented with crushed sugar cane. The biological efficiency (BE) obtained in Treatment 1 (T1-composed of 70% bagasse sugarcane and 30% of bagasse caja) was 28.94 ± 3.62 and in Treatment 2 (T2-composed of 50% bagasse sugarcane and 50% of bagasse caja) was 26.37 ± 5.01, these were not statistically different for the confidence interval of 95%, and the relationships C / N 52.00:1and 47.14:1, respectively. However it is perceived in a decay of BE T2, even with a high C / N ratio compared to T1, this feature is probably due to the fact that being a caja fruit, rather than the presence of pectin, which gives the bagasse a characteristic mucilaginous hindering gas exchange in the substrate and causing compaction. The standardization of cultivation bagasse cajá allows a reasonable BE can be used as a substrate for future commercial crops.

Research paper thumbnail of Polysaccharide production of Neisseria meningitidis (Serogroup C) in batch and fed-batch cultivations

Biochemical Engineering Journal, May 1, 2005

Serogroup C polysaccharide from Neisseria. meningitidis constitutes the antigen for the vaccine a... more Serogroup C polysaccharide from Neisseria. meningitidis constitutes the antigen for the vaccine against the disease caused by this bacterium. Aiming at enhancing the final polysaccharide concentration as well as the overall yield factor (polysaccharide/biomass), 20 cultivations were carried out in Frantz medium in a 13L bioreactor at 35°C, 0.5atm, 400rpm and air flowrate of 2L/min. A series of nine batch

Research paper thumbnail of Catalytic properties of cellulases and hemicellulases produced by Lichtheimia ramosa: Potential for sugarcane bagasse saccharification

Industrial Crops and Products, Oct 1, 2018

The use of microbial enzyme cocktails for the conversion of polysaccharides of plant origin into ... more The use of microbial enzyme cocktails for the conversion of polysaccharides of plant origin into fermentable sugars is a global trend. The objectives of this study were to optimize the production of cellulases and hemicellulases by the fungus Lichtheimia ramosa, evaluate the catalytic properties of the produced enzymes, and apply these biocatalysts in the saccharification of sugarcane bagasse. The production of carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase), β-glucosidase, xylanase, and β-xylosidase by L. ramosa were 168.1 ± 2.2, 270.4 ± 8.9, 34 ± 0.8, and 199.2 ± 2.6 U/g of dry substrate, respectively. The optimum pH for the activity of the enzymes ranged between 4.5 and 5.5, and the optimum temperature varied between 55°C and 65°C. The enzymes were stable within a wide range of pH, and approximately 95% of their original activity was preserved when incubated for 1 h at 55°C. The half-lives (t 1/2) of CMCase, β-glucosidase, xylanase, and β-xylosidase were 68, 59, 52, and 54 min, respectively, when incubated at 60°C. The enzymes were stable in solutions containing ethanol (10%), and the kinetic parameters (K m and V max) demonstrated that β-glucosidase from L. ramosa was competitively inhibited by glucose. The enzyme extract produced by L. ramosa was used for the saccharification of sugarcane bagasse pretreated with glycerol and the highest yield of glucose (10.66%) was obtained at 24 h of hydrolysis. The characteristics of the enzymes, combined with the efficiency in hydrolyzing sugarcane bagasse, allow for the application of this enzyme extract to processes of cellulose saccharification for the production of second-generation ethanol.

Research paper thumbnail of Biochemical characterization and evaluation of invertases produced from <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> CAT-1 and <i>Rhodotorula mucilaginosa</i> for the production of fructooligosaccharides

Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology, Jun 22, 2018

Invertases are used for several purposes; one among these is the production of fructooligosacchar... more Invertases are used for several purposes; one among these is the production of fructooligosaccharides. The aim of this study was to biochemically characterize invertase from industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae CAT-1 and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa isolated from Cerrado soil. The optimum pH and temperature were 4.0 and 70 °C for Rhodotorula mucilaginosa invertase and 4.5 and 50 °C for Saccharomyces cerevisiae invertase. The pH and thermal stability from 3.0 to 10.5 and 75 °C for R. mucilaginosa invertase, respectively. The pH and thermal stability for S. cerevisiae CAT-1 invertase from 3.0 to 7.0, and 50 °C, respectively. Both enzymes showed good catalytic activity with 10% of ethanol in reaction mixture. The hydrolysis by invertases occurs predominantly when sucrose concentrations are ≤5%. On the other hand, the increase in the concentration of sucrose to levels above 10% results in the highest transferase activity, reaching about 13.3 g/L of nystose by S. cerevisiae invertase and 12.6 g/L by R. mucilaginosa invertase. The results demonstrate the high structural stability of the enzyme produced by R. mucilaginosa, which is an extremely interesting feature that would enable the application of this enzyme in industrial processes.

Research paper thumbnail of Production of xylanase by a new strain of Thermoascus aurantiacus: obtainment of enzymatic extract with reduced cellulolytic activity for application in pulp and paper industries

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2016

Xylanases are useful in several industrial segments, including pulp and paper bleaching, animal f... more Xylanases are useful in several industrial segments, including pulp and paper bleaching, animal feed, and bread-making processes. However, the industrial use of these enzymes is closely related to its production cost and its catalytic properties. The process of solid state fermentation enables the use of agro-industrial residues as substrates for microbial cultivation and enzymes production, reducing costs. In the present study, different cultivation parameters were evaluated for the xylanase production by the thermophilic fungus Thermoascus aurantiacus, by solid state fermentation, using agro-industrial residues as substrates. High production of xylanase (1701.9 U g-1 of dry substrate) was obtained using wheat bran containing 65% of initial moisture, at 120 h of cultivation, and 45°C. The xylanase showed optimal activity at pH 5.0 and 75°C; its stability was maintained at pH 3.0-11.0. The enzyme retained its catalytic potential after 1 h, at 75°C. The enzymatic extract produced under optimized conditions showed reduced activities of endoglucanase and FPase. Our results, including the xylanase production by T. aurantiacus in low-cost cultivation medium, high structural stability of the enzyme, and reduced cellulolytic activity, encourage the application of this enzymatic extract in pulp and paper bleaching processes.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento e Caracterização De Filmes De Isolado Proteico De Tilápia Com Adição De Nanoargila

Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena... more Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena Editora Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores, inclusive não representam necessariamente a posição oficial da Atena Editora. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. Todos os manuscritos foram previamente submetidos à avaliação cega pelos pares, membros do Conselho Editorial desta Editora, tendo sido aprovados para a publicação com base em critérios de neutralidade e imparcialidade acadêmica. A Atena Editora é comprometida em garantir a integridade editorial em todas as etapas do processo de publicação, evitando plágio, dados ou resultados fraudulentos e impedindo que interesses financeiros comprometam os padrões éticos da publicação. Situações suspeitas de má conduta científica serão investigadas sob o mais alto padrão de rigor acadêmico e ético.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento do amendoim-bravo (Pterogyne nitens Tul.) sob lâminas de água e composições de substratos

Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, Nov 16, 2021

biosolid composted sewage sludge plant nutrition seedling production Development of amendoim-brav... more biosolid composted sewage sludge plant nutrition seedling production Development of amendoim-bravo (Pterogyne nitens Tul.) in water slides and substrate compositions. The wild peanut (Pterogyne nitens Tul.) is considered a rustic species and adaptable to several regions of the national territory, and indicated for silviculture, plantations in degraded areas and replacement of riparian forests. The objective of this work was to evaluate the development of wild peanut seedlings under different concentrations of composted sewage sludge (LEC), commercial substrate (SC) and water depths. The experimental design consisted of 240 seedlings, divided into five different treatments: S1 (100% LEC), S2 (75% LEC + 25% SC), S3 (50% LEC + 50% SC), S4 (25% LEC + 75% SC) and S5 (100% SC). The experiment had three irrigation depths, four times a day: L1 (6 minutes), L2 (9 minutes) and L3 (12 minutes). The following characteristics were evaluated: height of the aerial part, diameter of the collection, number of leaves, weight of the dry mass and the Dickson Quality Index. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and the measures compared using the Tukey test. Treatments with 75% to 100% of SCF showed superior results in the evaluated parameters in relation to SC. Regarding the water regime, there was no significant influence of the water depths on the morphological characteristics of the seedlings. R E S U M O Palavras-chaves biossólido lodo de esgoto compostado nutrição mineral de plantas produção de muda

Research paper thumbnail of Polysaccharide Production in Pilot Scale Bioreactor Cultivations of Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup C

Current biochemical engineering, Jun 7, 2016

Serogroup C polysaccharide from Neisseria meningitidis (PS) constitutes the antigen for the respe... more Serogroup C polysaccharide from Neisseria meningitidis (PS) constitutes the antigen for the respective vaccine production. In order to investigate the enhancement of the final PS concentration (Pf), as well as the overall yield factor (PS/biomass) (YP/X), 13 total cultivations distributed in 6 series (from A to F) were carried out in Frantz medium (40 L plus inoculum) in a 80L bioreactor at 35oC, 0.4 atm, 120 rpm, airflow rate of 5 L/min and KLa = 4.2 h-1. The series (A-F) correspond to different experimental conditions as follows: A) without pH and dissolved O2 controls; B) pH control at 6.5; C) pH control at 6.5 and glucose pulse at the 10th hour; D) dissolved O2 control at 10% saturation value; E) pH control at 7.4; F) dissolved O2 limitation (set rotation at 55 rpm). Concentrations of dry biomass, PS, cellular nitrogen, residual glucose, organic and inorganic nitrogen in the medium were measured. The best results were represented by series A (averages of Pf = 0.15 g/L and YP/X = 107 mg/g). The presented findings could be useful for a proper Frantz medium reformulation in order to obtain a greater amount of PS and improve the vaccine development in industrial scale-up production.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of initial L-asparagine and glycerol concentrations on the batch growth kinetics of Mycobacterium bovis BCG

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, Dec 1, 2004

The influences of the L-asparagine and glycerol initial concentrations in Sauton medium on the pr... more The influences of the L-asparagine and glycerol initial concentrations in Sauton medium on the productivities of biomass and colony forming units were studied. The submerged batch cultivations of Mycobacterium bovis were carried out in a 20 L bioreactor. The L-asparagine and glycerol initial concentrations of 4.54 g/L and 25 mL/L, respectively, corresponded to the best biomass productivity, namely 2.5 g/ On the other hand, the concentrations of 2.27 g/L and 25 mL/L, respectively, led to the highest productivity in terms of colony forming units, namely 2.7•10 6 colonies/ In addition, by means of the relative consumption analysis of L-asparagine and glycerol (50 and 26% respectively), it was concluded that the concentrations of such components could be reduced, with respect to the original Sauton medium composition, aiming the obtainment of an optimal BCG vaccine production in the bioreactor.

Research paper thumbnail of Calcium polyphosphate coacervates: effects of thermal treatment

Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, Mar 24, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Polysaccharide production in batch process of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C comparing Frantz, modified Frantz and Cartlin 6 cultivation media

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, Apr 1, 2003

Polysaccharide of N. meningitidis serogroup C constitutes the antigen for the vaccine against men... more Polysaccharide of N. meningitidis serogroup C constitutes the antigen for the vaccine against meningitis. The goal of this work was to compare three cultivation media for production of this polysaccharide: Frantz, modified Frantz medium (with replacement of glucose by glycerol), and Catlin 6 (a synthetic medium with glucose). The comparative criteria were based on the final polysaccharide concentrations and the yield coefficient cell/polysaccharide (YP/X). The kinetic parameters: pH, substrate consumption and cell growth were also determined. For this purpose, 9 cultivation runs were carried out in a 80 L New Brunswick bioreactor, under the following conditions: 42 L of culture medium, temperature 35ºC, air flow 5 L/min, agitation frequency 120 rpm and vessel pressure 6 psi, without dissolved oxygen or pH controls. The cultivation runs were divided in three groups, with 3 repetitions each. The cultivation using the Frantz medium presented the best results: average of final polysaccharide concentration = 0.134 g/L and YP/X=0.121, followed by Catlin 6 medium, with results of 0.095 g/L and 0.067 respectively. Considering the principal advantages in the use of the synthetic medium, i.e. facilitation of a cultivation and purification steps of the polysaccharide production process, there is a possibility that in the near future, Catlin 6 will replace the traditional Frantz medium.

Research paper thumbnail of Production of β-glucosidase on solid-state fermentation by Lichtheimia ramosa in agroindustrial residues: Characterization and catalytic properties of the enzymatic extract

Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, Jul 1, 2015

Background: β-Glucosidases catalyze the hydrolysis of cellobiose and cellodextrins, releasing glu... more Background: β-Glucosidases catalyze the hydrolysis of cellobiose and cellodextrins, releasing glucose as the main product. This enzyme is used in the food, pharmaceutical, and biofuel industries. The aim of this work is to improve the β-glucosidase production by the fungus Lichtheimia ramosa by solid-state fermentation (SSF) using various agroindustrial residues and to evaluate the catalytic properties of this enzyme. Results: A high production of β-glucosidase, about 274 U/g of dry substrate (or 27.4 U/mL), was obtained by cultivating the fungus on wheat bran with 65% of initial substrate moisture, at 96 h of incubation at 35°C. The enzymatic extract also exhibited carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase), xylanase, and β-xylosidase activities. The optimal activity of β-glucosidase was observed at pH 5.5 and 65°C and was stable over a pH range of 3.5-10.5. The enzyme maintained its activity (about 98% residual activity) after 1 h at 55°C. The enzyme was subject to reversible competitive inhibition with glucose and showed high catalytic activity in solutions containing up to 10% of ethanol. Conclusions: β-Glucosidase characteristics associated with its ability to hydrolyze cellobiose, underscore the utility of this enzyme in diverse industrial processes.

Research paper thumbnail of Xylanases of Trichoderma koningii and Trichoderma pseudokoningii: Production, characterization and application as additives in the digestibility of forage for cattle

Biocatalysis and agricultural biotechnology, Sep 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Compostos Fenólicos e Atividade Antioxidante de Molho de Pimenta “Dedo-de-Moça” Fermentado

BBR - Biochemistry and biotechnology reports, Mar 26, 2013

The red peppers of the genus Capsicum have been much investigated as a new source of natural anti... more The red peppers of the genus Capsicum have been much investigated as a new source of natural antioxidants. Studies show that they have antioxidant properties due to the presence of capsaicin and other bioactive compounds. Antioxidants are extremely important because they act on different mechanisms in food, including, breaking free radicals responsible for the oxidation reactions. This study aimed to evaluate the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity by DPPH ˙ sauce fermented Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum ("Dedo-de-Moça"). The values of total phenolic compounds decreased with increasing concentration of sucrose, except for the sauce fermented with Lactobacillus brevis. The lowest IC50 value was observed for samples of sauce fermented with L. brevis and L. plantarum. Probably the antioxidant activity, this work is related to the concentration of carotenoids, observed by the tone of the sample with more intense staining (red-burgundy), in relation to the color presented at the beginning of fermentation (red-orange).

Research paper thumbnail of Production and characterization of -glucosidase from Gongronella butleri by solid-state fermentation

African Journal of Biotechnology, Apr 20, 2016

Among the enzymes of the cellulolytic complex, β-glucosidases are noteworthy due to the possibili... more Among the enzymes of the cellulolytic complex, β-glucosidases are noteworthy due to the possibility of their application in different industrial processes, such as production of biofuels, winemaking, and development of functional foods. This study aimed to evaluate the production and characterization of βglucosidase from the filamentous fungus Gongronella butleri, recently isolated from Cerrado soil and cultivated in agro-industrial residue substrates. The highest production of β-glucosidase, about 215.4 U/g of dry substrate (or 21.5 U/mL), was obtained by cultivation of the microorganism on wheat bran with 55% of the initial moisture, for 96 h at 30°C. This β-glucosidase showed higher catalytic activity at pH 4.5, and a temperature of 65°C. The original enzymatic activity was recovered in a pH range of 3.0-7.5 after 24 h of incubation. The enzyme retained 80% of its catalytic activity when incubated for 1 h at 50°C. The enzyme was strongly inhibited by glucose, an effect that was completely reversed by increasing substrate concentration in the reaction mixture, which is typical for competitive inhibition. High catalytic activity was observed in solutions containing up to 20% ethanol, allowing the application of this enzyme in processes with high alcohol concentrations (for example beverages and biofuels). The significant production of β-glucosidase by the selected strain, along with these enzyme characteristics, highlights the biotechnological potential of the fungus G. butleri.

Research paper thumbnail of Sugar consumption profiles in mead production using accessible control analysis

Maǧallaẗ Al-Kuwayt li-l-ʿulūm, Apr 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Bioconversion of waste of macauba as indication of use for input in animal feeds

Revista Acadêmica Ciência Animal, Mar 21, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Biofuel production

Research paper thumbnail of Cultivo Do Cogumelo Comestível Pleurotus Ostreatus Em Bagaço De Bocaiúva Pela Técnica Jun-Cao

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2013

Mushrooms of the genus Pleurotus today occupy the third position in the production of edible mush... more Mushrooms of the genus Pleurotus today occupy the third position in the production of edible mushrooms, trailing species of the genus Agaricus species and Lentinula edodes. Their absorptive capacity and their therapeutic activities lead these species to a new status, since currently there is much talk in functional foods so, the adaptation of Pleurotus species to new residues is currently one of the main processes of bioconversion of agro-industrial residues in edible products of high nutritional value. The present work, using the principle of clean technologies, cultured/strain EF-136B lot of Pleurotus ostreatus in marc marc bocaiuva supplemented with sugarcane bagasse. The biological efficiency (BE) obtained in Treatment 1 (T1-composed of 70% sugarcane bagasse and 30% of bocaiuva bagasse) was 30.81±9.23 and in Treatment 2 (T2-comprising 50% of sugarcane bagasse and 50% of bocaiuva bagasse) was 37.51±9.45, these were not statistically different for the confidence interval of 95%, however there is a perceived tendency to increase the EB with the greatest amount of bocaiuva bagasse, probably because it presents higher C/N ratio of 55,80:1 against 49,48:1 for T1, confirming the literature that states that the C/N ratio must be greater than 29:1. The standardization of cultivation bagasse allow a reasonable EB can be used as a substrate for future commercial crops since corrected the relationship C/N.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the Fermentative Capacity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CAT-1 and BB9 Strains and Pichia kudriavzevii BB2 at Simulated Industrial Conditions

Indian Journal of Microbiology, Jun 10, 2020

The search for promising yeasts that surpass the fermentative capacity of commercial strains, suc... more The search for promising yeasts that surpass the fermentative capacity of commercial strains, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae CAT-1, is of great importance for industrial ethanol processes in the world. Two yeasts, Pichia kudriavzevii BB2 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae BB9, were evaluated in comparison to the industrial yeast S. cerevisiae CAT-1. The objective was to evaluate the performance profile of the three studied strains in terms of growth, substrate consumption, and metabolite formation, aiming to determine their behaviour in different media and pH conditions. The results showed that under cultivation conditions simulating the medium used in the industrial process (must at 22° Brix at pH 3.0) the highest ethanol productivity was 0.41 g L−1 h−1 for S. cerevisiae CAT-1, compared to 0.11 g L−1 h−1 and 0.16 g L−1 h−1 for P. kudriavzevii and S. cerevisiae BB2, respectively. S. cerevisiae CAT-1 produced three times more ethanol in must at pH 3.0 (28.30 g L−1) and in mineral medium at pH 3.0 (29.17 g L−1) and 5.0 (30.70 g L−1) when compared to the value obtained in sugarcane must pH 3.0 (9.89 g L−1). It was concluded that S. cerevisiae CAT-1 was not limited by the variation in pH in the mineral medium due to its nutritional composition, guaranteeing better performance of the yeast even in the presence of stressors. Only S. cerevisiae CAT-1 expressed he constitutive invertase enzyme, which is responsible for hydrolysing the sucrose contained in the must.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s12088-020-00891-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultivo do cogumelo comestível Hiboukitake em bagaço de cajá pela técnica Jun-Cao

Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, Apr 12, 2013

Adapting to new waste to cultivate species of Pleurotus is currently one of the main processes of... more Adapting to new waste to cultivate species of Pleurotus is currently one of the main processes of bioconversion of agro-industrial residues in edible products of high nutritional value. The present work, using the principle of clean technologies, cultured strain / lot EF-133/11 of Pleurotus sajor-caju on bagasse caja supplemented with crushed sugar cane. The biological efficiency (BE) obtained in Treatment 1 (T1-composed of 70% bagasse sugarcane and 30% of bagasse caja) was 28.94 ± 3.62 and in Treatment 2 (T2-composed of 50% bagasse sugarcane and 50% of bagasse caja) was 26.37 ± 5.01, these were not statistically different for the confidence interval of 95%, and the relationships C / N 52.00:1and 47.14:1, respectively. However it is perceived in a decay of BE T2, even with a high C / N ratio compared to T1, this feature is probably due to the fact that being a caja fruit, rather than the presence of pectin, which gives the bagasse a characteristic mucilaginous hindering gas exchange in the substrate and causing compaction. The standardization of cultivation bagasse cajá allows a reasonable BE can be used as a substrate for future commercial crops.

Research paper thumbnail of Polysaccharide production of Neisseria meningitidis (Serogroup C) in batch and fed-batch cultivations

Biochemical Engineering Journal, May 1, 2005

Serogroup C polysaccharide from Neisseria. meningitidis constitutes the antigen for the vaccine a... more Serogroup C polysaccharide from Neisseria. meningitidis constitutes the antigen for the vaccine against the disease caused by this bacterium. Aiming at enhancing the final polysaccharide concentration as well as the overall yield factor (polysaccharide/biomass), 20 cultivations were carried out in Frantz medium in a 13L bioreactor at 35°C, 0.5atm, 400rpm and air flowrate of 2L/min. A series of nine batch

Research paper thumbnail of Catalytic properties of cellulases and hemicellulases produced by Lichtheimia ramosa: Potential for sugarcane bagasse saccharification

Industrial Crops and Products, Oct 1, 2018

The use of microbial enzyme cocktails for the conversion of polysaccharides of plant origin into ... more The use of microbial enzyme cocktails for the conversion of polysaccharides of plant origin into fermentable sugars is a global trend. The objectives of this study were to optimize the production of cellulases and hemicellulases by the fungus Lichtheimia ramosa, evaluate the catalytic properties of the produced enzymes, and apply these biocatalysts in the saccharification of sugarcane bagasse. The production of carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase), β-glucosidase, xylanase, and β-xylosidase by L. ramosa were 168.1 ± 2.2, 270.4 ± 8.9, 34 ± 0.8, and 199.2 ± 2.6 U/g of dry substrate, respectively. The optimum pH for the activity of the enzymes ranged between 4.5 and 5.5, and the optimum temperature varied between 55°C and 65°C. The enzymes were stable within a wide range of pH, and approximately 95% of their original activity was preserved when incubated for 1 h at 55°C. The half-lives (t 1/2) of CMCase, β-glucosidase, xylanase, and β-xylosidase were 68, 59, 52, and 54 min, respectively, when incubated at 60°C. The enzymes were stable in solutions containing ethanol (10%), and the kinetic parameters (K m and V max) demonstrated that β-glucosidase from L. ramosa was competitively inhibited by glucose. The enzyme extract produced by L. ramosa was used for the saccharification of sugarcane bagasse pretreated with glycerol and the highest yield of glucose (10.66%) was obtained at 24 h of hydrolysis. The characteristics of the enzymes, combined with the efficiency in hydrolyzing sugarcane bagasse, allow for the application of this enzyme extract to processes of cellulose saccharification for the production of second-generation ethanol.

Research paper thumbnail of Biochemical characterization and evaluation of invertases produced from <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> CAT-1 and <i>Rhodotorula mucilaginosa</i> for the production of fructooligosaccharides

Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology, Jun 22, 2018

Invertases are used for several purposes; one among these is the production of fructooligosacchar... more Invertases are used for several purposes; one among these is the production of fructooligosaccharides. The aim of this study was to biochemically characterize invertase from industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae CAT-1 and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa isolated from Cerrado soil. The optimum pH and temperature were 4.0 and 70 °C for Rhodotorula mucilaginosa invertase and 4.5 and 50 °C for Saccharomyces cerevisiae invertase. The pH and thermal stability from 3.0 to 10.5 and 75 °C for R. mucilaginosa invertase, respectively. The pH and thermal stability for S. cerevisiae CAT-1 invertase from 3.0 to 7.0, and 50 °C, respectively. Both enzymes showed good catalytic activity with 10% of ethanol in reaction mixture. The hydrolysis by invertases occurs predominantly when sucrose concentrations are ≤5%. On the other hand, the increase in the concentration of sucrose to levels above 10% results in the highest transferase activity, reaching about 13.3 g/L of nystose by S. cerevisiae invertase and 12.6 g/L by R. mucilaginosa invertase. The results demonstrate the high structural stability of the enzyme produced by R. mucilaginosa, which is an extremely interesting feature that would enable the application of this enzyme in industrial processes.

Research paper thumbnail of Production of xylanase by a new strain of Thermoascus aurantiacus: obtainment of enzymatic extract with reduced cellulolytic activity for application in pulp and paper industries

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2016

Xylanases are useful in several industrial segments, including pulp and paper bleaching, animal f... more Xylanases are useful in several industrial segments, including pulp and paper bleaching, animal feed, and bread-making processes. However, the industrial use of these enzymes is closely related to its production cost and its catalytic properties. The process of solid state fermentation enables the use of agro-industrial residues as substrates for microbial cultivation and enzymes production, reducing costs. In the present study, different cultivation parameters were evaluated for the xylanase production by the thermophilic fungus Thermoascus aurantiacus, by solid state fermentation, using agro-industrial residues as substrates. High production of xylanase (1701.9 U g-1 of dry substrate) was obtained using wheat bran containing 65% of initial moisture, at 120 h of cultivation, and 45°C. The xylanase showed optimal activity at pH 5.0 and 75°C; its stability was maintained at pH 3.0-11.0. The enzyme retained its catalytic potential after 1 h, at 75°C. The enzymatic extract produced under optimized conditions showed reduced activities of endoglucanase and FPase. Our results, including the xylanase production by T. aurantiacus in low-cost cultivation medium, high structural stability of the enzyme, and reduced cellulolytic activity, encourage the application of this enzymatic extract in pulp and paper bleaching processes.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento e Caracterização De Filmes De Isolado Proteico De Tilápia Com Adição De Nanoargila

Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena... more Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena Editora Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores, inclusive não representam necessariamente a posição oficial da Atena Editora. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. Todos os manuscritos foram previamente submetidos à avaliação cega pelos pares, membros do Conselho Editorial desta Editora, tendo sido aprovados para a publicação com base em critérios de neutralidade e imparcialidade acadêmica. A Atena Editora é comprometida em garantir a integridade editorial em todas as etapas do processo de publicação, evitando plágio, dados ou resultados fraudulentos e impedindo que interesses financeiros comprometam os padrões éticos da publicação. Situações suspeitas de má conduta científica serão investigadas sob o mais alto padrão de rigor acadêmico e ético.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento do amendoim-bravo (Pterogyne nitens Tul.) sob lâminas de água e composições de substratos

Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, Nov 16, 2021

biosolid composted sewage sludge plant nutrition seedling production Development of amendoim-brav... more biosolid composted sewage sludge plant nutrition seedling production Development of amendoim-bravo (Pterogyne nitens Tul.) in water slides and substrate compositions. The wild peanut (Pterogyne nitens Tul.) is considered a rustic species and adaptable to several regions of the national territory, and indicated for silviculture, plantations in degraded areas and replacement of riparian forests. The objective of this work was to evaluate the development of wild peanut seedlings under different concentrations of composted sewage sludge (LEC), commercial substrate (SC) and water depths. The experimental design consisted of 240 seedlings, divided into five different treatments: S1 (100% LEC), S2 (75% LEC + 25% SC), S3 (50% LEC + 50% SC), S4 (25% LEC + 75% SC) and S5 (100% SC). The experiment had three irrigation depths, four times a day: L1 (6 minutes), L2 (9 minutes) and L3 (12 minutes). The following characteristics were evaluated: height of the aerial part, diameter of the collection, number of leaves, weight of the dry mass and the Dickson Quality Index. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and the measures compared using the Tukey test. Treatments with 75% to 100% of SCF showed superior results in the evaluated parameters in relation to SC. Regarding the water regime, there was no significant influence of the water depths on the morphological characteristics of the seedlings. R E S U M O Palavras-chaves biossólido lodo de esgoto compostado nutrição mineral de plantas produção de muda

Research paper thumbnail of Polysaccharide Production in Pilot Scale Bioreactor Cultivations of Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup C

Current biochemical engineering, Jun 7, 2016

Serogroup C polysaccharide from Neisseria meningitidis (PS) constitutes the antigen for the respe... more Serogroup C polysaccharide from Neisseria meningitidis (PS) constitutes the antigen for the respective vaccine production. In order to investigate the enhancement of the final PS concentration (Pf), as well as the overall yield factor (PS/biomass) (YP/X), 13 total cultivations distributed in 6 series (from A to F) were carried out in Frantz medium (40 L plus inoculum) in a 80L bioreactor at 35oC, 0.4 atm, 120 rpm, airflow rate of 5 L/min and KLa = 4.2 h-1. The series (A-F) correspond to different experimental conditions as follows: A) without pH and dissolved O2 controls; B) pH control at 6.5; C) pH control at 6.5 and glucose pulse at the 10th hour; D) dissolved O2 control at 10% saturation value; E) pH control at 7.4; F) dissolved O2 limitation (set rotation at 55 rpm). Concentrations of dry biomass, PS, cellular nitrogen, residual glucose, organic and inorganic nitrogen in the medium were measured. The best results were represented by series A (averages of Pf = 0.15 g/L and YP/X = 107 mg/g). The presented findings could be useful for a proper Frantz medium reformulation in order to obtain a greater amount of PS and improve the vaccine development in industrial scale-up production.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of initial L-asparagine and glycerol concentrations on the batch growth kinetics of Mycobacterium bovis BCG

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, Dec 1, 2004

The influences of the L-asparagine and glycerol initial concentrations in Sauton medium on the pr... more The influences of the L-asparagine and glycerol initial concentrations in Sauton medium on the productivities of biomass and colony forming units were studied. The submerged batch cultivations of Mycobacterium bovis were carried out in a 20 L bioreactor. The L-asparagine and glycerol initial concentrations of 4.54 g/L and 25 mL/L, respectively, corresponded to the best biomass productivity, namely 2.5 g/ On the other hand, the concentrations of 2.27 g/L and 25 mL/L, respectively, led to the highest productivity in terms of colony forming units, namely 2.7•10 6 colonies/ In addition, by means of the relative consumption analysis of L-asparagine and glycerol (50 and 26% respectively), it was concluded that the concentrations of such components could be reduced, with respect to the original Sauton medium composition, aiming the obtainment of an optimal BCG vaccine production in the bioreactor.

Research paper thumbnail of Calcium polyphosphate coacervates: effects of thermal treatment

Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, Mar 24, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Polysaccharide production in batch process of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C comparing Frantz, modified Frantz and Cartlin 6 cultivation media

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, Apr 1, 2003

Polysaccharide of N. meningitidis serogroup C constitutes the antigen for the vaccine against men... more Polysaccharide of N. meningitidis serogroup C constitutes the antigen for the vaccine against meningitis. The goal of this work was to compare three cultivation media for production of this polysaccharide: Frantz, modified Frantz medium (with replacement of glucose by glycerol), and Catlin 6 (a synthetic medium with glucose). The comparative criteria were based on the final polysaccharide concentrations and the yield coefficient cell/polysaccharide (YP/X). The kinetic parameters: pH, substrate consumption and cell growth were also determined. For this purpose, 9 cultivation runs were carried out in a 80 L New Brunswick bioreactor, under the following conditions: 42 L of culture medium, temperature 35ºC, air flow 5 L/min, agitation frequency 120 rpm and vessel pressure 6 psi, without dissolved oxygen or pH controls. The cultivation runs were divided in three groups, with 3 repetitions each. The cultivation using the Frantz medium presented the best results: average of final polysaccharide concentration = 0.134 g/L and YP/X=0.121, followed by Catlin 6 medium, with results of 0.095 g/L and 0.067 respectively. Considering the principal advantages in the use of the synthetic medium, i.e. facilitation of a cultivation and purification steps of the polysaccharide production process, there is a possibility that in the near future, Catlin 6 will replace the traditional Frantz medium.

Research paper thumbnail of Production of β-glucosidase on solid-state fermentation by Lichtheimia ramosa in agroindustrial residues: Characterization and catalytic properties of the enzymatic extract

Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, Jul 1, 2015

Background: β-Glucosidases catalyze the hydrolysis of cellobiose and cellodextrins, releasing glu... more Background: β-Glucosidases catalyze the hydrolysis of cellobiose and cellodextrins, releasing glucose as the main product. This enzyme is used in the food, pharmaceutical, and biofuel industries. The aim of this work is to improve the β-glucosidase production by the fungus Lichtheimia ramosa by solid-state fermentation (SSF) using various agroindustrial residues and to evaluate the catalytic properties of this enzyme. Results: A high production of β-glucosidase, about 274 U/g of dry substrate (or 27.4 U/mL), was obtained by cultivating the fungus on wheat bran with 65% of initial substrate moisture, at 96 h of incubation at 35°C. The enzymatic extract also exhibited carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase), xylanase, and β-xylosidase activities. The optimal activity of β-glucosidase was observed at pH 5.5 and 65°C and was stable over a pH range of 3.5-10.5. The enzyme maintained its activity (about 98% residual activity) after 1 h at 55°C. The enzyme was subject to reversible competitive inhibition with glucose and showed high catalytic activity in solutions containing up to 10% of ethanol. Conclusions: β-Glucosidase characteristics associated with its ability to hydrolyze cellobiose, underscore the utility of this enzyme in diverse industrial processes.

Research paper thumbnail of Xylanases of Trichoderma koningii and Trichoderma pseudokoningii: Production, characterization and application as additives in the digestibility of forage for cattle

Biocatalysis and agricultural biotechnology, Sep 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Compostos Fenólicos e Atividade Antioxidante de Molho de Pimenta “Dedo-de-Moça” Fermentado

BBR - Biochemistry and biotechnology reports, Mar 26, 2013

The red peppers of the genus Capsicum have been much investigated as a new source of natural anti... more The red peppers of the genus Capsicum have been much investigated as a new source of natural antioxidants. Studies show that they have antioxidant properties due to the presence of capsaicin and other bioactive compounds. Antioxidants are extremely important because they act on different mechanisms in food, including, breaking free radicals responsible for the oxidation reactions. This study aimed to evaluate the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity by DPPH ˙ sauce fermented Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum ("Dedo-de-Moça"). The values of total phenolic compounds decreased with increasing concentration of sucrose, except for the sauce fermented with Lactobacillus brevis. The lowest IC50 value was observed for samples of sauce fermented with L. brevis and L. plantarum. Probably the antioxidant activity, this work is related to the concentration of carotenoids, observed by the tone of the sample with more intense staining (red-burgundy), in relation to the color presented at the beginning of fermentation (red-orange).

Research paper thumbnail of Production and characterization of -glucosidase from Gongronella butleri by solid-state fermentation

African Journal of Biotechnology, Apr 20, 2016

Among the enzymes of the cellulolytic complex, β-glucosidases are noteworthy due to the possibili... more Among the enzymes of the cellulolytic complex, β-glucosidases are noteworthy due to the possibility of their application in different industrial processes, such as production of biofuels, winemaking, and development of functional foods. This study aimed to evaluate the production and characterization of βglucosidase from the filamentous fungus Gongronella butleri, recently isolated from Cerrado soil and cultivated in agro-industrial residue substrates. The highest production of β-glucosidase, about 215.4 U/g of dry substrate (or 21.5 U/mL), was obtained by cultivation of the microorganism on wheat bran with 55% of the initial moisture, for 96 h at 30°C. This β-glucosidase showed higher catalytic activity at pH 4.5, and a temperature of 65°C. The original enzymatic activity was recovered in a pH range of 3.0-7.5 after 24 h of incubation. The enzyme retained 80% of its catalytic activity when incubated for 1 h at 50°C. The enzyme was strongly inhibited by glucose, an effect that was completely reversed by increasing substrate concentration in the reaction mixture, which is typical for competitive inhibition. High catalytic activity was observed in solutions containing up to 20% ethanol, allowing the application of this enzyme in processes with high alcohol concentrations (for example beverages and biofuels). The significant production of β-glucosidase by the selected strain, along with these enzyme characteristics, highlights the biotechnological potential of the fungus G. butleri.