Marcin Barski - (original) (raw)
Papers by Marcin Barski
Obszar Iranu jest idealnym, naturalnym laboratorium do badania kinematyki i dynamiki oddzia3ywañ ... more Obszar Iranu jest idealnym, naturalnym laboratorium do badania kinematyki i dynamiki oddzia3ywañ p3yt litosferycznych z powodu wielu tektonicznych procesów, które na nim zachodzi3y, jak i aktywnych równie¿ wspó3czeœnie (Vernant i in., 2004), co sk3ania do podejmowania badañ w tym rejonie nie tylko naukowców irañskich, ale równie¿ wielu innych z ca3ego œwiata, z najlepszych oœrodków badawczych. Tektonika kenozoiczna Iranu zosta3a zdominowana przez kolizjê p3yt arabskiej i euroazjatyckiej (np. McKenzie, 1972). W wyniku kolizji tych dwóch kontynentalnych p3yt, rozpoczêtej prawdopodobnie w oligocenie (Yilmaz, 1993), powsta3y dwie g3ówne strefy deformacji (ryc. 1): po3udniowa, obejmuj1ca g3ównie pasmo fa3dowo-nasuniêciowe orogenu Zagros, kontynuuj1ca siê po aktywn1 wspó3czeœnie strefê subdukcji w rejonie Makranu, oraz pó3nocna, do której nale¿1 pasma deformacyjne od Kaukazu przez Talesh i Alborz po Kopet-Dagh, stanowi1ce do dziœ g3ówne obszary akomodacji ruchów zbie¿nych (np. Vernant i i...
Przegląd Geologiczny, 2002
Opisanie zespolu cyst Dinoflagellata z badanych probek przyczynilo sie do sprecyzowania stratygra... more Opisanie zespolu cyst Dinoflagellata z badanych probek przyczynilo sie do sprecyzowania stratygrafii utworow ilastych w odslonieciach w Kozlowicach i Boroszowie. Charakterystyczne taksony dinocyst wskazaly tez na przelawicanie sie w profilu osadow przywiązanych do środowisk sedymentacji morskiej i brakicznej. Analiza palinofacjalna wskazuje na bliskie polozenie badanego fragmentu basenu sedymentacyjengo w stosunku do obszaru lądowego. Tam, gdzie w probkach zanotowano morski gatunek Luehndea spinosa, sklad palinofacji wykazal redukcje fitoklastow pochodzenia lądowego na korzyśc lzejszych - bardziej lotnych i plawnych ziaren pylku oraz spor. DINOFLAGELLATES OF LOWER JURASSIC OUTCROPS AT KOZŁOWICE AND BOROSZOW (SOUTHERN POLAND) Summary The described assemblage of Dinoflagellate cysts enabled to pinpoint the stratigraphic position of claystones cropped out at Kozlowice and Boroszow. The specific taxa of dinoflagellates indicated the presence of interbedding marine and brackish sediments within the sections studied. The palynofacies analysis confirmed the proximal location of these sections in sedimentary basin. The environment al suggestions derived from the dinocyst assemblage are supported by palynofacies indicators.
Volumina Jurassica, 2004
The uppermost Bathonian and Callovian deposits from the newly exposed section of Ogrodzieniec wer... more The uppermost Bathonian and Callovian deposits from the newly exposed section of Ogrodzieniec were studied. The biostratigraphical analysis was based on both ammonite and dinocyst zonations. The uppermost Bathonian Orbis and Discus and the Callovian ...
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2014
ABSTRACT Two species of organic walled dinoflagellate cysts: Pareodinia ceratophora Eisenack 1938... more ABSTRACT Two species of organic walled dinoflagellate cysts: Pareodinia ceratophora Eisenack 1938 (Jurassic) and Deflandrea phosphoritica Deflandre 1947 (Palaeogene) are proposed as markers for determining the mechanical compaction ratio of fine- grained rocks. The near original shapes of these species are obtained from specimens preserved in siderite and calcareous concretions occurring in mudstone host rocks of various ages. An efficient and simple light microscopy examination method of the dinoflagellate cyst height along the microscope optical axis is presented and quantitatively tested on the available material. The differences of the cyst height measurements between specimens preserved in concretions and specimens preserved in the host rock deposits reflect the compression of dinoflagellate cysts most likely due to mechanical compaction of the rocks studied. The mechanical compaction ratios revealed are about 67% for Jurassic mudstones and about 64% for Palaeogene mudstones. Further marker investigations of samples from different outcrops and strata of different ages are recommended.
The widespread expansion of the oxygen minimum zone onto shelves has been commonly regarded as a ... more The widespread expansion of the oxygen minimum zone onto shelves has been commonly regarded as a primary cause of benthos extinction in <em>epicratonic sea ecosystems</em> during the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary event (CTBE). However, neither lithology, geochemical proxies, nor micropaleontological data support this hypothesis. Instead, our integrated foraminiferal and dinoflagellate cyst study, corroborated by δ<sup>13</sup>C<sub>org</sub> and δ<sup>15</sup>N<sub>org</sub> data, indicate that the biota were impacted by an abrupt shift to well oxygenated oligotrophic conditions and a collapse of primary productivity in the epicontinental Central European Basin. Because the event was concurrent with the development of extensive and extreme oceanic bottom water anoxia that reached the photic zone in oceanic settings, we infer that the biotic crisis in the shelf seas during OAE2, and possibly during other OAEs, was triggered b...
The widespread expansion of the oxygen minimum zone into shelves has been commonly regarded as a ... more The widespread expansion of the oxygen minimum zone into shelves has been commonly regarded as a primary cause of benthos extinction in <em>epicratonic sea ecosystems</em> during the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary event (CTBE). However, neither lithology nor micropaleontological studies support this hypothesis. Instead, our integrated foraminiferal and dinoflagellate cyst data indicate well oxygenated oligotrophic environments and a <em>collapse of primary productivity that may have left their mark on the biota. Because the event was concurrent with the extensive oceanic bottom water anoxia we infer that the biotic crisis in the shelve seas during OAEs in general might be triggered largely by anomalies in nutrient cycles in Earth's oceans. This phenomenon was presumably induced by denitrification combined with anammox activity, which are responsible for most losses of biologically reactive nitrogen from the modern ocean system. </em>
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2021
Abstract Palynological and palynofacies analyses were applied in order to characterise the palaeo... more Abstract Palynological and palynofacies analyses were applied in order to characterise the palaeoenvironmental conditions that existed during the formation of the upper Campanian–lowermost Maastrichtian epicontinental succession of the Middle Vistula River section (central Poland). The abundant and diverse phytoplankton assemblages, dominated by dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) indicative of inner- to outer-neritic settings, varied distinctly throughout the succession. A high-resolution analysis of dinocyst palaeoecological groups revealed a distinct trend, interpreted in terms of the dinoflagellate response to relative sea-level fluctuations. A comparison with the short-term global sea-level curve suggests that the recorded sea-level changes were of eustatic origin. The palaeoenvironmental preferences of Circulodinium distinctum, Spongodinium delitiense, Callaiosphaeridium spp. and some ceratiacean dinocysts (Odontochitina and Xenascus) are discussed. The importance of Tanyosphaeridium xanthiopyxides and of the Cretaceous species of the acritarch genus Palaeostomocystis (P. foveolata, P. reticulata) as potential proxies for cooler-water conditions is highlighted. Circulodinium distinctum and Odontochitina dilatata likely preferred warmer waters. The trend in the palynofacies pattern (short-term cyclicity manifested as significant influxes of translucent phytoclasts) was found not to correspond to the dinocyst-inferred sea-level changes. Instead, variation in the terrestrially-sourced (probably from nearby Kukernitz Island) organic-matter supply was possibly caused by changes in river runoff.
Cysty Dinoflagellata pozwolily na uściślenie stratygrafii czarnych ilow rudonośnych z poludniowo-... more Cysty Dinoflagellata pozwolily na uściślenie stratygrafii czarnych ilow rudonośnych z poludniowo-zachodniego obrzezenia Gor Świetokrzyskich. Wcześniej utwory te byly zaliczane do batonu, a w przypadku odsloniecia w Marianowie do synemuru. W pobranych probkach z odsloniec w Woli Morawickiej i Marianowa znaleziono i opisano zespoly cyst Dinoflagellata. W Woli Morawickiej wskazaly one na przedzial od poziomu Zigzag (najnizszy baton) po poziom Progracilis (najnizszy środkowy baton) i wykazaly istnienie luki stratygraficznej obejmującej cześc środkowego batonu, gorny baton oraz najnizszy kelowej. W odslonieciu w Marianowie caly pakiet czarnych ilow zawiera sie w granicach poziomow Discus (gorny baton) i/lub Herveyi (dolny kelowej). Luce stratygraficznej w Woli Morawickiiej odpowiadają miązsze osady w Marianowie. Świadczy to, ze w jurze środkowej dochodzilo do zroznicowania konfiguracji dna zbiornika sedymentacyjnego. DINOCYST STRATIGRAPHY OF THE JURASSIC BLACK CLAYS FROM HOLY CROSS MTS A...
Geological Quarterly, 2016
Sedimentological, stratigraphical and geophysical studies across a new Triassic-Jurassic transiti... more Sedimentological, stratigraphical and geophysical studies across a new Triassic-Jurassic transition section in the Holy Cross Mts., Poland have revealed a large sedimentary hiatus embracing the entire latest Triassic–Early Jurassic – earliest Middle Jurassic time interval and yielded new data on the Triassic fluvial system and on Middle Jurassic shallow marine sedimentation. The presence of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts allowed a precise age assignment of the black clay facies. Regional discussions and comparisons may be made with other areas with a similar depositional environment in Poland. For the first time a counterpart of the “Kościeliskie Beds” lithostratigraphic unit is proposed to exist in the Holy Cross Mts. area
In the Paratethys Sea, iso la tion, the de vel op ment of an oxia and strat i fi ca tion of the w... more In the Paratethys Sea, iso la tion, the de vel op ment of an oxia and strat i fi ca tion of the wa ter col umn re sulted in de po si tion of or ganic-rich sed i ments. In the West ern Carpathians (Cen tral Paratethys) these sed i ments now lie within the Menilite For ma tion. Whereas the Eocene–Oligocene tran si tion has been stud ied in the West ern Carpathians and is doc u mented by dinoflagellate cyst as sem blages, the dinoflagellate cyst stra tig ra phy of the Menilite For ma tion mem bers has been un cer tain. The Popiele Mem ber and the Menilite For ma tion ex posed at Aksmanice (Boryslav–Pokuttya Nappe, West ern Outer Carpathians) re flect palaeogeographic changes at the be gin ning of the Oligocene. These pre vi ously stud ied de pos its have been as signed to lithostratigraphic units, though with out biostratigraphic doc u men ta tion. The age of the Menilite Fm. in the Carpathian sed i men tary suc ces sion is par tic u larly in ter est ing due to the diachronous char ac ...
Geological Quarterly, 2021
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2021
Obszar Iranu jest idealnym, naturalnym laboratorium do badania kinematyki i dynamiki oddzia3ywañ ... more Obszar Iranu jest idealnym, naturalnym laboratorium do badania kinematyki i dynamiki oddzia3ywañ p3yt litosferycznych z powodu wielu tektonicznych procesów, które na nim zachodzi3y, jak i aktywnych równie¿ wspó3czeœnie (Vernant i in., 2004), co sk3ania do podejmowania badañ w tym rejonie nie tylko naukowców irañskich, ale równie¿ wielu innych z ca3ego œwiata, z najlepszych oœrodków badawczych. Tektonika kenozoiczna Iranu zosta3a zdominowana przez kolizjê p3yt arabskiej i euroazjatyckiej (np. McKenzie, 1972). W wyniku kolizji tych dwóch kontynentalnych p3yt, rozpoczêtej prawdopodobnie w oligocenie (Yilmaz, 1993), powsta3y dwie g3ówne strefy deformacji (ryc. 1): po3udniowa, obejmuj1ca g3ównie pasmo fa3dowo-nasuniêciowe orogenu Zagros, kontynuuj1ca siê po aktywn1 wspó3czeœnie strefê subdukcji w rejonie Makranu, oraz pó3nocna, do której nale¿1 pasma deformacyjne od Kaukazu przez Talesh i Alborz po Kopet-Dagh, stanowi1ce do dziœ g3ówne obszary akomodacji ruchów zbie¿nych (np. Vernant i i...
Przegląd Geologiczny, 2002
Opisanie zespolu cyst Dinoflagellata z badanych probek przyczynilo sie do sprecyzowania stratygra... more Opisanie zespolu cyst Dinoflagellata z badanych probek przyczynilo sie do sprecyzowania stratygrafii utworow ilastych w odslonieciach w Kozlowicach i Boroszowie. Charakterystyczne taksony dinocyst wskazaly tez na przelawicanie sie w profilu osadow przywiązanych do środowisk sedymentacji morskiej i brakicznej. Analiza palinofacjalna wskazuje na bliskie polozenie badanego fragmentu basenu sedymentacyjengo w stosunku do obszaru lądowego. Tam, gdzie w probkach zanotowano morski gatunek Luehndea spinosa, sklad palinofacji wykazal redukcje fitoklastow pochodzenia lądowego na korzyśc lzejszych - bardziej lotnych i plawnych ziaren pylku oraz spor. DINOFLAGELLATES OF LOWER JURASSIC OUTCROPS AT KOZŁOWICE AND BOROSZOW (SOUTHERN POLAND) Summary The described assemblage of Dinoflagellate cysts enabled to pinpoint the stratigraphic position of claystones cropped out at Kozlowice and Boroszow. The specific taxa of dinoflagellates indicated the presence of interbedding marine and brackish sediments within the sections studied. The palynofacies analysis confirmed the proximal location of these sections in sedimentary basin. The environment al suggestions derived from the dinocyst assemblage are supported by palynofacies indicators.
Volumina Jurassica, 2004
The uppermost Bathonian and Callovian deposits from the newly exposed section of Ogrodzieniec wer... more The uppermost Bathonian and Callovian deposits from the newly exposed section of Ogrodzieniec were studied. The biostratigraphical analysis was based on both ammonite and dinocyst zonations. The uppermost Bathonian Orbis and Discus and the Callovian ...
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2014
ABSTRACT Two species of organic walled dinoflagellate cysts: Pareodinia ceratophora Eisenack 1938... more ABSTRACT Two species of organic walled dinoflagellate cysts: Pareodinia ceratophora Eisenack 1938 (Jurassic) and Deflandrea phosphoritica Deflandre 1947 (Palaeogene) are proposed as markers for determining the mechanical compaction ratio of fine- grained rocks. The near original shapes of these species are obtained from specimens preserved in siderite and calcareous concretions occurring in mudstone host rocks of various ages. An efficient and simple light microscopy examination method of the dinoflagellate cyst height along the microscope optical axis is presented and quantitatively tested on the available material. The differences of the cyst height measurements between specimens preserved in concretions and specimens preserved in the host rock deposits reflect the compression of dinoflagellate cysts most likely due to mechanical compaction of the rocks studied. The mechanical compaction ratios revealed are about 67% for Jurassic mudstones and about 64% for Palaeogene mudstones. Further marker investigations of samples from different outcrops and strata of different ages are recommended.
The widespread expansion of the oxygen minimum zone onto shelves has been commonly regarded as a ... more The widespread expansion of the oxygen minimum zone onto shelves has been commonly regarded as a primary cause of benthos extinction in <em>epicratonic sea ecosystems</em> during the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary event (CTBE). However, neither lithology, geochemical proxies, nor micropaleontological data support this hypothesis. Instead, our integrated foraminiferal and dinoflagellate cyst study, corroborated by δ<sup>13</sup>C<sub>org</sub> and δ<sup>15</sup>N<sub>org</sub> data, indicate that the biota were impacted by an abrupt shift to well oxygenated oligotrophic conditions and a collapse of primary productivity in the epicontinental Central European Basin. Because the event was concurrent with the development of extensive and extreme oceanic bottom water anoxia that reached the photic zone in oceanic settings, we infer that the biotic crisis in the shelf seas during OAE2, and possibly during other OAEs, was triggered b...
The widespread expansion of the oxygen minimum zone into shelves has been commonly regarded as a ... more The widespread expansion of the oxygen minimum zone into shelves has been commonly regarded as a primary cause of benthos extinction in <em>epicratonic sea ecosystems</em> during the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary event (CTBE). However, neither lithology nor micropaleontological studies support this hypothesis. Instead, our integrated foraminiferal and dinoflagellate cyst data indicate well oxygenated oligotrophic environments and a <em>collapse of primary productivity that may have left their mark on the biota. Because the event was concurrent with the extensive oceanic bottom water anoxia we infer that the biotic crisis in the shelve seas during OAEs in general might be triggered largely by anomalies in nutrient cycles in Earth's oceans. This phenomenon was presumably induced by denitrification combined with anammox activity, which are responsible for most losses of biologically reactive nitrogen from the modern ocean system. </em>
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2021
Abstract Palynological and palynofacies analyses were applied in order to characterise the palaeo... more Abstract Palynological and palynofacies analyses were applied in order to characterise the palaeoenvironmental conditions that existed during the formation of the upper Campanian–lowermost Maastrichtian epicontinental succession of the Middle Vistula River section (central Poland). The abundant and diverse phytoplankton assemblages, dominated by dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) indicative of inner- to outer-neritic settings, varied distinctly throughout the succession. A high-resolution analysis of dinocyst palaeoecological groups revealed a distinct trend, interpreted in terms of the dinoflagellate response to relative sea-level fluctuations. A comparison with the short-term global sea-level curve suggests that the recorded sea-level changes were of eustatic origin. The palaeoenvironmental preferences of Circulodinium distinctum, Spongodinium delitiense, Callaiosphaeridium spp. and some ceratiacean dinocysts (Odontochitina and Xenascus) are discussed. The importance of Tanyosphaeridium xanthiopyxides and of the Cretaceous species of the acritarch genus Palaeostomocystis (P. foveolata, P. reticulata) as potential proxies for cooler-water conditions is highlighted. Circulodinium distinctum and Odontochitina dilatata likely preferred warmer waters. The trend in the palynofacies pattern (short-term cyclicity manifested as significant influxes of translucent phytoclasts) was found not to correspond to the dinocyst-inferred sea-level changes. Instead, variation in the terrestrially-sourced (probably from nearby Kukernitz Island) organic-matter supply was possibly caused by changes in river runoff.
Cysty Dinoflagellata pozwolily na uściślenie stratygrafii czarnych ilow rudonośnych z poludniowo-... more Cysty Dinoflagellata pozwolily na uściślenie stratygrafii czarnych ilow rudonośnych z poludniowo-zachodniego obrzezenia Gor Świetokrzyskich. Wcześniej utwory te byly zaliczane do batonu, a w przypadku odsloniecia w Marianowie do synemuru. W pobranych probkach z odsloniec w Woli Morawickiej i Marianowa znaleziono i opisano zespoly cyst Dinoflagellata. W Woli Morawickiej wskazaly one na przedzial od poziomu Zigzag (najnizszy baton) po poziom Progracilis (najnizszy środkowy baton) i wykazaly istnienie luki stratygraficznej obejmującej cześc środkowego batonu, gorny baton oraz najnizszy kelowej. W odslonieciu w Marianowie caly pakiet czarnych ilow zawiera sie w granicach poziomow Discus (gorny baton) i/lub Herveyi (dolny kelowej). Luce stratygraficznej w Woli Morawickiiej odpowiadają miązsze osady w Marianowie. Świadczy to, ze w jurze środkowej dochodzilo do zroznicowania konfiguracji dna zbiornika sedymentacyjnego. DINOCYST STRATIGRAPHY OF THE JURASSIC BLACK CLAYS FROM HOLY CROSS MTS A...
Geological Quarterly, 2016
Sedimentological, stratigraphical and geophysical studies across a new Triassic-Jurassic transiti... more Sedimentological, stratigraphical and geophysical studies across a new Triassic-Jurassic transition section in the Holy Cross Mts., Poland have revealed a large sedimentary hiatus embracing the entire latest Triassic–Early Jurassic – earliest Middle Jurassic time interval and yielded new data on the Triassic fluvial system and on Middle Jurassic shallow marine sedimentation. The presence of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts allowed a precise age assignment of the black clay facies. Regional discussions and comparisons may be made with other areas with a similar depositional environment in Poland. For the first time a counterpart of the “Kościeliskie Beds” lithostratigraphic unit is proposed to exist in the Holy Cross Mts. area
In the Paratethys Sea, iso la tion, the de vel op ment of an oxia and strat i fi ca tion of the w... more In the Paratethys Sea, iso la tion, the de vel op ment of an oxia and strat i fi ca tion of the wa ter col umn re sulted in de po si tion of or ganic-rich sed i ments. In the West ern Carpathians (Cen tral Paratethys) these sed i ments now lie within the Menilite For ma tion. Whereas the Eocene–Oligocene tran si tion has been stud ied in the West ern Carpathians and is doc u mented by dinoflagellate cyst as sem blages, the dinoflagellate cyst stra tig ra phy of the Menilite For ma tion mem bers has been un cer tain. The Popiele Mem ber and the Menilite For ma tion ex posed at Aksmanice (Boryslav–Pokuttya Nappe, West ern Outer Carpathians) re flect palaeogeographic changes at the be gin ning of the Oligocene. These pre vi ously stud ied de pos its have been as signed to lithostratigraphic units, though with out biostratigraphic doc u men ta tion. The age of the Menilite Fm. in the Carpathian sed i men tary suc ces sion is par tic u larly in ter est ing due to the diachronous char ac ...
Geological Quarterly, 2021
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2021