Marco Berlinguer - (original) (raw)
Papers by Marco Berlinguer
El siguiente informe recoge las ideas principales que emergieron durante 4 focus groups realizado... more El siguiente informe recoge las ideas principales que emergieron durante 4 focus groups realizados en junio de 2013 en Madrid y Barcelona. El objetivo era poder conversar con diferentes perfiles de entre 18 y 25 años de edad sobre sus usos y percepciones de Internet. La información recabada marca algunas de las preguntas y elementos relevantes que analizaremos más a fondo en un posterior trabajo de investigación sobre Internet, jóvenes y política. Este trabajo fue realizado conjuntamente entre miembros de (Marco Berlinguer y Rubén Martínez) e investigadores del Centro Reina Sofía sobre Adolescencia y Juventud (Anna Sanmartín e Ignacio Megías), a quienes agradecemos su ayuda, tanto en el planteamiento y el proceso de investigación como por las aportaciones y sugerencias recibidas para el presente texto
Esta obra es el resultado de un estudio llevado a cabo por el Instituto de Gobierno y Políticas P... more Esta obra es el resultado de un estudio llevado a cabo por el Instituto de Gobierno y Políticas Públicas (IGOP) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, por encargo del Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) y del Ajuntament de Barcelona. El objetivo del trabajo ha sido ofrecer algunas sugerencias sobre posibles innovaciones en el diseño y la organización del evento en torno a la Smart City, que se celebra anualmente en la Fira de Barcelona. La investigación presenta una realidad poco visible desde la lógica en la que se ha movido el SCEWC hasta ahora. En particular, pone énfasis en empresas, modelos de negocio y proyectos que se caracterizan por adoptar modelos abiertos y colaborativos, y que se basan en la generación de bienes comunes digitales. El estudio ofrece una panorámica de un entramado de prácticas e iniciativas concretas que se mueven en Barcelona y en su área metropolitana en el campo de la innovación tecnológica y digital desde una perspectiva colaborativa y abierta. Ta...
Ya nada será lo mismo. Los efectos del cambio tecnológico en la política, los partidos y el activismo juvenil, 2015
Una vez finalizada esta investigación, Guanyem Barcelona pasó a llamarse Barcelona En Comú. Como ... more Una vez finalizada esta investigación, Guanyem Barcelona pasó a llamarse Barcelona En Comú. Como parte documental del momento en el que fue escrito, mantenemos en el cuerpo del texto el nombre inicial (Guanyem Barcelona).
Revista Teknokultura, 2013
This paper addresses an emerging phenomenon characterized by continuous change and experimentatio... more This paper addresses an emerging phenomenon characterized by continuous change and experimentation: the collaborative commons creation of audiovisual content online. The analysis wants to focus on models of sustainability of collaborative online creation, paying particular attention to the use of different forms of advertising. This article is an excerpt of a larger investigation, which unit of analysis are cases of Online Creation Communities that take as their central node of activity the Catalan territory. From 22 selected cases, the methodology combines quantitative analysis, through a questionnaire delivered to all cases, and qualitative analysis through face interviews conducted in 8 cases studied. The research, which conclusions we summarize in this article,in this article, leads us to conclude that the sustainability of the project depends largely on relationships of trust and interdependence between different voluntary agents, the non-monetary contributions and retributions...
Tras el trabajo exploratorio de <em>Jóvenes, Internet y Política</em> (FAD, 2014), es... more Tras el trabajo exploratorio de <em>Jóvenes, Internet y Política</em> (FAD, 2014), esta publicación profundiza en las relaciones que se producen entre las tres variables. El objetivo es explorar hasta qué punto la irrupción de Internet en la realidad cotidiana de los jóvenes, en sus formas de relacionarse y actuar, ha generado formas nuevas de entender la política y de participar en ella. Para ello se analizan las "organizaciones políticas convencionales" y el espectro plural de "organizaciones políticas no convencionales" o de nuevo cuño; se profundiza en estudios de caso sobre "procesos híbridos" a caballo entre unas y otras, y se abordan prácticas más amplias que tienen espacio en la red (como los <em>memes</em> o procesos de economía colaborativa).
Free and open source software (FOSS) has come to largely dominate software production. This means... more Free and open source software (FOSS) has come to largely dominate software production. This means that the technology and industry leader of the digital revolution has integrated the digital commons into its core institutional arrangements. To understand the success trajectory of FOSS, however, it is necessary to rethink the initial approaches to the production logic behind it and this new generation of digital commons, recognizing the hybrid and multilayered nature of their governance. A rethink is equally necessary with regard to the public policies applied to FOSS, which have so far failed to successfully engage with these new systems of innovation and production. Especially since we are approaching a new phase of development of the FOSS ecosystem that will be characterized by a greater involvement of the public sector. A review of the notion of infrastructure and an analysis of the design principles emerging in the architecture of the latest generation of digital infrastructures...
RESUMEN Este articulo afronta un fenómeno emergente caracterizado por el continuo cambio y experi... more RESUMEN Este articulo afronta un fenómeno emergente caracterizado por el continuo cambio y experimentación: la creación colaborativa y procomún de contenidos audiovisuales online. El análisis se centra en extraer cuales son los modelos de sostenibilidad de la creación colaborativa online. La unidad de análisis son casos de Comunidades de Creación Online (CCOs), esto es, comunidades de individuos que colaboran en el ámbito digital para la construcción de recursos audiovisuales. El presente articulo es un extracto de una investigación mayor, centrada * Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University. PALABRAS CLAVE Comunidades de creación online (CCO), sostenibilidad, contenidos audiovisuales. ABSTRACT This paper addresses an emerging phenomenon characterized by continuous change and experimentation: the collaborative commons creation of audiovisual content online. The analysis wants to focus on models of sustainability of collaborative online creation, paying particular a...
Aquest treball afronta un fenomen emergent caracteritzat pel canvi i l�experimentacio continus: l... more Aquest treball afronta un fenomen emergent caracteritzat pel canvi i l�experimentacio continus: la creacio col·laborativa de continguts audiovisuals online. L�analisi se centra a analitzar quins son els models de sostenibilitat d�aquest tipus de creacio, i presta una atencio particular a diferents modalitats d�us de la publicitat. La unitat d�analisi son casos de comunitats de creacio online (CCO) que prenen com a node o seu central d�activitat el territori catala. A partir de 21 casos seleccionats, la metodologia combina l�analisi qualitativa estructurada, a traves d�un questionari subministrat al total dels casos, i l�analisi qualitativa, mitjancant entrevistes presencials en 8 casos d�estudi considerats mes significatius. La recerca ens duu a concloure que la sostenibilitat dels projectes depen en gran mesura de relacions de confianca i d�interdependencia voluntaries entre diferents agents, contribucions i retribucions de caracter no-monetari, aixi com de recursos i d�infraestruc...
La ambicion de esta tesis es contribuir al progreso del estado de la literatura cientifica que se... more La ambicion de esta tesis es contribuir al progreso del estado de la literatura cientifica que se ha desarrollado alrededor de la nocion de bienes comunes, interpretada como un elemento crucial e innovador que esta marcando importantes transformaciones en la organizacion de la produccion contemporanea. En terminos generales, el objetivo de la tesis es avanzar en el desarrollo de un marco inspirado en la nocion de los bienes comunes para analizar algunos rasgos desafiantes de las nuevas formas de produccion que han aparecido a lo largo de las ultimas decadas a traves de la crisis del regimen fordista-keynesiano, la instalacion de un nuevo paradigma tecno-economico y el surgimiento de un modo de desarrollo informacional. Trabajando junto a diferentes corrientes de investigacion que han trabajado recientemente alrededor del redescubrimiento de la nocion de bienes comunes, esta tesis pretende aportar argumentos en favor de la necesidad de pluralizar nuestro marco de analisis sobre las p...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016
We describe a new model of collaborative production called Commons-based peer production (CBPP). ... more We describe a new model of collaborative production called Commons-based peer production (CBPP). This model is frequently supported by digital plat‐ forms characterized by peer to peer relationships, resulting in the provision of common resources. Traditionally, it is associated with cases such as Wikipedia or Free Software, but we have recently observed an expansion into other areas. On the basis of an extensive empirical work, we enquired-How does CBPP apply value? and How does value creation function in CBPP? We present an updated version of the meaning of value and sustain the relevance of this debate. After that, we propose how to measure value. We formulate what we call internal and external indicators of value. The first are linked to the internal performance of the CBPP and the second relates to its social value and reputation. Finally we highlight the main features of value that we identified and discuss the limits that we found developing and imple‐ menting the proposed diversity indicators.
Transform! ePaper, January 2020. ISBN: 978-3-903343-00-9, 2020
Executive Summary The success of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is a phenomenon that ha... more Executive Summary
The success of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is a phenomenon that has not still been adequately studied and elaborated in economical and political theory. Yet FOSS has proved to be a laboratory of social, economical and institutional innovations that seem to have a great relevance for the informational paradigm.
Not only did FOSS emerge in the software, that is in the core technology of the ICT revolution, and is about to become the standard model of production in this industry, but its innovative arrangements have also inspired emulations in many other domains.
The most distinctive feature of FOSS is that it is organized around a commons: that is, a resource that is governed by licenses which allow anyone to access, use, copy, modify, develop and redistribute the software. This characteristic has many important implications in the modalities of governance and in the forms of generation and appropriation of value.
FOSS is the clearest evidence of the potential role that new types of common goods are about to play in the emerging digital networked economy and society. Similarly, its surprising trajectory sheds new light on the newly established field of study that has developed around the rediscovery of the notion of the commons in recent decades.
In this sense, while the first wave of studies on the commons has been engaged around the definition of the commons as an autonomous sphere distinct from the market and the state, the evolution of FOSS indicates the importance of studying the governance of these new commons within hybrid configurations, as for example in their modulation with markets.
The successful integration of FOSS in the market and in the capitalistic competition requires a review of the first approaches to this model of production. For example, the experience has shown that FOSS can be used to strategically achieve new forms of centralization and concentration of power and value. Likewise – despite its idiosyncratic form, which does not allow any form of exclusive appropriation - FOSS has demonstrated that it can expand in parallel with new markets.
In order to visualize the relationships between FOSS and markets, a synthetic framework is proposed, that is organized through three concepts: semi-commons, infrastructures and ecosystems generation. Each allows to visualize a different way to modulate a multi-layered structure of regimes of property and value production and appropriation.
While the transition to FOSS in the market is consolidating, public administrations and public policies are still struggling to find a way to engage productively with this new model of technological development and production.
Public policies promoting FOSS have begun early and have not been few. Yet so far no clear model has emerged and the setbacks have not been few.
The rationales for the public administrations to support the use and development of FOSS are both economical and political, as FOSS promises to reduce costs and risks, and increase independence and transparency in the management of critical resources, services and infrastructures.
Public policies so far have underestimated the obstacles generated by the legacies of the past, the lock-in mechanisms produced by the integration of ecosystems of hardware and software producers in previous proprietary platforms and the fragmentation of alternative solutions, undervaluing the costs of integration and maintenance of isolated systems in an environment of hardwares and softwares extremely dynamic.
However, a reversal of the trend is taking place, as FOSS is becoming the new standard approach on the frontiers of innovation (Cloud, Internet of Things, Data centers, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain). As a result, a strong trend towards its use and development in public policy is spreading worldwide. Hundreds of public organizations are currently engaged in a process of practical learning by doing in FOSS development.
As FOSS will play a central role in the new generation of software services, public administrations should not overlook the risks of new traps and dependencies. Even more so, as the FOSS ecosystem has entered a consolidation phase.
EU policy based on abstract principles such as technological neutrality, open standards, impartiality in public procurement has proved difficult to apply and ineffective in preventing the capture of public administrations by private monopolies and lock-in strategies by suppliers.
The increasing role of FOSS in the provision of critical infrastructure and its maturation as a production system will push further institutional innovations in the FOSS ecosystem. One of the most important areas of innovation could come precisely from a greater involvement of public actors.
Three directions can be glimpsed as emerging fields of innovation in public policies:
- An active policy of standardization, as a lever for governance and productivity generation;
- The modulation of mixed forms of governance blending state, market and commons based mechanisms;
- The development of new forms of public-public cooperation.
Ya nada será lo mismo: los efectos del cambio tecnológico en la política, los partidos y el activismo juvenil, Jul 17, 2015
We describe a new model of collaborative production called Commons-based peer production (CBPP). ... more We describe a new model of collaborative production called Commons-based peer production (CBPP). This model is frequently supported by digital plat‐ forms characterized by peer to peer relationships, resulting in the provision of common resources. Traditionally, it is associated with cases such as Wikipedia or Free Software, but we have recently observed an expansion into other areas. On the basis of an extensive empirical work, we enquired-How does CBPP apply value? and How does value creation function in CBPP? We present an updated version of the meaning of value and sustain the relevance of this debate. After that, we propose how to measure value. We formulate what we call internal and external indicators of value. The first are linked to the internal performance of the CBPP and the second relates to its social value and reputation. Finally we highlight the main features of value that we identified and discuss the limits that we found developing and imple‐ menting the proposed diversity indicators.
Este articulo afronta un fenómeno emergente caracterizado por el continuo cambio y experimentació... more Este articulo afronta un fenómeno emergente caracterizado por el continuo cambio y experimentación: la creación colaborativa y procomún de contenidos audiovisuales online. El análisis se centra en extraer cuales son los modelos de sostenibilidad de la creación colaborativa online. La unidad de análisis son casos de Comunidades de Creación Online (CCOs), esto es, comunidades de individuos que colaboran en el ámbito digital para la construcción de recursos audiovisuales. El presente articulo es un extracto de una investigación mayor, centrada Modelos emergentes de sostenibilidad de procomunes audiovisuales en el análisis de casos que toman como nodo o sede central de su actividad el territorio catalán. A partir de 22 casos seleccionados, la metodología de la investigación combinaba análisis cuantitativo, a través de un cuestionario suministrado al total de los casos, y análisis cualitativo, a través de entrevistas presenciales realizadas en 8 casos de estudio. La investigación, cuyas conclusiones sintetizamos en este artículo, nos lleva a concluir que la sostenibilidad de los proyectos depende en gran medida de relaciones de confanza y de interdependencia voluntarias entre diferentes agentes, contribuciones y retribuciones de carácter no-monetario así como de recursos e infraestructuras que permiten su uso libre. Todo ellos nos lleva a concluir la importancia de esta área de estudio de cara a una mejor defnición de las políticas publicas en torno a estas experiencias.
El siguiente informe recoge las ideas principales que emergieron durante 4 focus groups realizado... more El siguiente informe recoge las ideas principales que emergieron durante 4 focus groups realizados en junio de 2013 en Madrid y Barcelona. El objetivo era poder conversar con diferentes perfiles de entre 18 y 25 años de edad sobre sus usos y percepciones de Internet. La información recabada marca algunas de las preguntas y elementos relevantes que analizaremos más a fondo en un posterior trabajo de investigación sobre Internet, jóvenes y política. Este trabajo fue realizado conjuntamente entre miembros de (Marco Berlinguer y Rubén Martínez) e investigadores del Centro Reina Sofía sobre Adolescencia y Juventud (Anna Sanmartín e Ignacio Megías), a quienes agradecemos su ayuda, tanto en el planteamiento y el proceso de investigación como por las aportaciones y sugerencias recibidas para el presente texto
Esta obra es el resultado de un estudio llevado a cabo por el Instituto de Gobierno y Políticas P... more Esta obra es el resultado de un estudio llevado a cabo por el Instituto de Gobierno y Políticas Públicas (IGOP) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, por encargo del Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) y del Ajuntament de Barcelona. El objetivo del trabajo ha sido ofrecer algunas sugerencias sobre posibles innovaciones en el diseño y la organización del evento en torno a la Smart City, que se celebra anualmente en la Fira de Barcelona. La investigación presenta una realidad poco visible desde la lógica en la que se ha movido el SCEWC hasta ahora. En particular, pone énfasis en empresas, modelos de negocio y proyectos que se caracterizan por adoptar modelos abiertos y colaborativos, y que se basan en la generación de bienes comunes digitales. El estudio ofrece una panorámica de un entramado de prácticas e iniciativas concretas que se mueven en Barcelona y en su área metropolitana en el campo de la innovación tecnológica y digital desde una perspectiva colaborativa y abierta. Ta...
Ya nada será lo mismo. Los efectos del cambio tecnológico en la política, los partidos y el activismo juvenil, 2015
Una vez finalizada esta investigación, Guanyem Barcelona pasó a llamarse Barcelona En Comú. Como ... more Una vez finalizada esta investigación, Guanyem Barcelona pasó a llamarse Barcelona En Comú. Como parte documental del momento en el que fue escrito, mantenemos en el cuerpo del texto el nombre inicial (Guanyem Barcelona).
Revista Teknokultura, 2013
This paper addresses an emerging phenomenon characterized by continuous change and experimentatio... more This paper addresses an emerging phenomenon characterized by continuous change and experimentation: the collaborative commons creation of audiovisual content online. The analysis wants to focus on models of sustainability of collaborative online creation, paying particular attention to the use of different forms of advertising. This article is an excerpt of a larger investigation, which unit of analysis are cases of Online Creation Communities that take as their central node of activity the Catalan territory. From 22 selected cases, the methodology combines quantitative analysis, through a questionnaire delivered to all cases, and qualitative analysis through face interviews conducted in 8 cases studied. The research, which conclusions we summarize in this article,in this article, leads us to conclude that the sustainability of the project depends largely on relationships of trust and interdependence between different voluntary agents, the non-monetary contributions and retributions...
Tras el trabajo exploratorio de <em>Jóvenes, Internet y Política</em> (FAD, 2014), es... more Tras el trabajo exploratorio de <em>Jóvenes, Internet y Política</em> (FAD, 2014), esta publicación profundiza en las relaciones que se producen entre las tres variables. El objetivo es explorar hasta qué punto la irrupción de Internet en la realidad cotidiana de los jóvenes, en sus formas de relacionarse y actuar, ha generado formas nuevas de entender la política y de participar en ella. Para ello se analizan las "organizaciones políticas convencionales" y el espectro plural de "organizaciones políticas no convencionales" o de nuevo cuño; se profundiza en estudios de caso sobre "procesos híbridos" a caballo entre unas y otras, y se abordan prácticas más amplias que tienen espacio en la red (como los <em>memes</em> o procesos de economía colaborativa).
Free and open source software (FOSS) has come to largely dominate software production. This means... more Free and open source software (FOSS) has come to largely dominate software production. This means that the technology and industry leader of the digital revolution has integrated the digital commons into its core institutional arrangements. To understand the success trajectory of FOSS, however, it is necessary to rethink the initial approaches to the production logic behind it and this new generation of digital commons, recognizing the hybrid and multilayered nature of their governance. A rethink is equally necessary with regard to the public policies applied to FOSS, which have so far failed to successfully engage with these new systems of innovation and production. Especially since we are approaching a new phase of development of the FOSS ecosystem that will be characterized by a greater involvement of the public sector. A review of the notion of infrastructure and an analysis of the design principles emerging in the architecture of the latest generation of digital infrastructures...
RESUMEN Este articulo afronta un fenómeno emergente caracterizado por el continuo cambio y experi... more RESUMEN Este articulo afronta un fenómeno emergente caracterizado por el continuo cambio y experimentación: la creación colaborativa y procomún de contenidos audiovisuales online. El análisis se centra en extraer cuales son los modelos de sostenibilidad de la creación colaborativa online. La unidad de análisis son casos de Comunidades de Creación Online (CCOs), esto es, comunidades de individuos que colaboran en el ámbito digital para la construcción de recursos audiovisuales. El presente articulo es un extracto de una investigación mayor, centrada * Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University. PALABRAS CLAVE Comunidades de creación online (CCO), sostenibilidad, contenidos audiovisuales. ABSTRACT This paper addresses an emerging phenomenon characterized by continuous change and experimentation: the collaborative commons creation of audiovisual content online. The analysis wants to focus on models of sustainability of collaborative online creation, paying particular a...
Aquest treball afronta un fenomen emergent caracteritzat pel canvi i l�experimentacio continus: l... more Aquest treball afronta un fenomen emergent caracteritzat pel canvi i l�experimentacio continus: la creacio col·laborativa de continguts audiovisuals online. L�analisi se centra a analitzar quins son els models de sostenibilitat d�aquest tipus de creacio, i presta una atencio particular a diferents modalitats d�us de la publicitat. La unitat d�analisi son casos de comunitats de creacio online (CCO) que prenen com a node o seu central d�activitat el territori catala. A partir de 21 casos seleccionats, la metodologia combina l�analisi qualitativa estructurada, a traves d�un questionari subministrat al total dels casos, i l�analisi qualitativa, mitjancant entrevistes presencials en 8 casos d�estudi considerats mes significatius. La recerca ens duu a concloure que la sostenibilitat dels projectes depen en gran mesura de relacions de confianca i d�interdependencia voluntaries entre diferents agents, contribucions i retribucions de caracter no-monetari, aixi com de recursos i d�infraestruc...
La ambicion de esta tesis es contribuir al progreso del estado de la literatura cientifica que se... more La ambicion de esta tesis es contribuir al progreso del estado de la literatura cientifica que se ha desarrollado alrededor de la nocion de bienes comunes, interpretada como un elemento crucial e innovador que esta marcando importantes transformaciones en la organizacion de la produccion contemporanea. En terminos generales, el objetivo de la tesis es avanzar en el desarrollo de un marco inspirado en la nocion de los bienes comunes para analizar algunos rasgos desafiantes de las nuevas formas de produccion que han aparecido a lo largo de las ultimas decadas a traves de la crisis del regimen fordista-keynesiano, la instalacion de un nuevo paradigma tecno-economico y el surgimiento de un modo de desarrollo informacional. Trabajando junto a diferentes corrientes de investigacion que han trabajado recientemente alrededor del redescubrimiento de la nocion de bienes comunes, esta tesis pretende aportar argumentos en favor de la necesidad de pluralizar nuestro marco de analisis sobre las p...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016
We describe a new model of collaborative production called Commons-based peer production (CBPP). ... more We describe a new model of collaborative production called Commons-based peer production (CBPP). This model is frequently supported by digital plat‐ forms characterized by peer to peer relationships, resulting in the provision of common resources. Traditionally, it is associated with cases such as Wikipedia or Free Software, but we have recently observed an expansion into other areas. On the basis of an extensive empirical work, we enquired-How does CBPP apply value? and How does value creation function in CBPP? We present an updated version of the meaning of value and sustain the relevance of this debate. After that, we propose how to measure value. We formulate what we call internal and external indicators of value. The first are linked to the internal performance of the CBPP and the second relates to its social value and reputation. Finally we highlight the main features of value that we identified and discuss the limits that we found developing and imple‐ menting the proposed diversity indicators.
Transform! ePaper, January 2020. ISBN: 978-3-903343-00-9, 2020
Executive Summary The success of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is a phenomenon that ha... more Executive Summary
The success of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is a phenomenon that has not still been adequately studied and elaborated in economical and political theory. Yet FOSS has proved to be a laboratory of social, economical and institutional innovations that seem to have a great relevance for the informational paradigm.
Not only did FOSS emerge in the software, that is in the core technology of the ICT revolution, and is about to become the standard model of production in this industry, but its innovative arrangements have also inspired emulations in many other domains.
The most distinctive feature of FOSS is that it is organized around a commons: that is, a resource that is governed by licenses which allow anyone to access, use, copy, modify, develop and redistribute the software. This characteristic has many important implications in the modalities of governance and in the forms of generation and appropriation of value.
FOSS is the clearest evidence of the potential role that new types of common goods are about to play in the emerging digital networked economy and society. Similarly, its surprising trajectory sheds new light on the newly established field of study that has developed around the rediscovery of the notion of the commons in recent decades.
In this sense, while the first wave of studies on the commons has been engaged around the definition of the commons as an autonomous sphere distinct from the market and the state, the evolution of FOSS indicates the importance of studying the governance of these new commons within hybrid configurations, as for example in their modulation with markets.
The successful integration of FOSS in the market and in the capitalistic competition requires a review of the first approaches to this model of production. For example, the experience has shown that FOSS can be used to strategically achieve new forms of centralization and concentration of power and value. Likewise – despite its idiosyncratic form, which does not allow any form of exclusive appropriation - FOSS has demonstrated that it can expand in parallel with new markets.
In order to visualize the relationships between FOSS and markets, a synthetic framework is proposed, that is organized through three concepts: semi-commons, infrastructures and ecosystems generation. Each allows to visualize a different way to modulate a multi-layered structure of regimes of property and value production and appropriation.
While the transition to FOSS in the market is consolidating, public administrations and public policies are still struggling to find a way to engage productively with this new model of technological development and production.
Public policies promoting FOSS have begun early and have not been few. Yet so far no clear model has emerged and the setbacks have not been few.
The rationales for the public administrations to support the use and development of FOSS are both economical and political, as FOSS promises to reduce costs and risks, and increase independence and transparency in the management of critical resources, services and infrastructures.
Public policies so far have underestimated the obstacles generated by the legacies of the past, the lock-in mechanisms produced by the integration of ecosystems of hardware and software producers in previous proprietary platforms and the fragmentation of alternative solutions, undervaluing the costs of integration and maintenance of isolated systems in an environment of hardwares and softwares extremely dynamic.
However, a reversal of the trend is taking place, as FOSS is becoming the new standard approach on the frontiers of innovation (Cloud, Internet of Things, Data centers, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain). As a result, a strong trend towards its use and development in public policy is spreading worldwide. Hundreds of public organizations are currently engaged in a process of practical learning by doing in FOSS development.
As FOSS will play a central role in the new generation of software services, public administrations should not overlook the risks of new traps and dependencies. Even more so, as the FOSS ecosystem has entered a consolidation phase.
EU policy based on abstract principles such as technological neutrality, open standards, impartiality in public procurement has proved difficult to apply and ineffective in preventing the capture of public administrations by private monopolies and lock-in strategies by suppliers.
The increasing role of FOSS in the provision of critical infrastructure and its maturation as a production system will push further institutional innovations in the FOSS ecosystem. One of the most important areas of innovation could come precisely from a greater involvement of public actors.
Three directions can be glimpsed as emerging fields of innovation in public policies:
- An active policy of standardization, as a lever for governance and productivity generation;
- The modulation of mixed forms of governance blending state, market and commons based mechanisms;
- The development of new forms of public-public cooperation.
Ya nada será lo mismo: los efectos del cambio tecnológico en la política, los partidos y el activismo juvenil, Jul 17, 2015
We describe a new model of collaborative production called Commons-based peer production (CBPP). ... more We describe a new model of collaborative production called Commons-based peer production (CBPP). This model is frequently supported by digital plat‐ forms characterized by peer to peer relationships, resulting in the provision of common resources. Traditionally, it is associated with cases such as Wikipedia or Free Software, but we have recently observed an expansion into other areas. On the basis of an extensive empirical work, we enquired-How does CBPP apply value? and How does value creation function in CBPP? We present an updated version of the meaning of value and sustain the relevance of this debate. After that, we propose how to measure value. We formulate what we call internal and external indicators of value. The first are linked to the internal performance of the CBPP and the second relates to its social value and reputation. Finally we highlight the main features of value that we identified and discuss the limits that we found developing and imple‐ menting the proposed diversity indicators.
Este articulo afronta un fenómeno emergente caracterizado por el continuo cambio y experimentació... more Este articulo afronta un fenómeno emergente caracterizado por el continuo cambio y experimentación: la creación colaborativa y procomún de contenidos audiovisuales online. El análisis se centra en extraer cuales son los modelos de sostenibilidad de la creación colaborativa online. La unidad de análisis son casos de Comunidades de Creación Online (CCOs), esto es, comunidades de individuos que colaboran en el ámbito digital para la construcción de recursos audiovisuales. El presente articulo es un extracto de una investigación mayor, centrada Modelos emergentes de sostenibilidad de procomunes audiovisuales en el análisis de casos que toman como nodo o sede central de su actividad el territorio catalán. A partir de 22 casos seleccionados, la metodología de la investigación combinaba análisis cuantitativo, a través de un cuestionario suministrado al total de los casos, y análisis cualitativo, a través de entrevistas presenciales realizadas en 8 casos de estudio. La investigación, cuyas conclusiones sintetizamos en este artículo, nos lleva a concluir que la sostenibilidad de los proyectos depende en gran medida de relaciones de confanza y de interdependencia voluntarias entre diferentes agentes, contribuciones y retribuciones de carácter no-monetario así como de recursos e infraestructuras que permiten su uso libre. Todo ellos nos lleva a concluir la importancia de esta área de estudio de cara a una mejor defnición de las políticas publicas en torno a estas experiencias.
REPENSAR LA SMART CITY, Berlinguer, M. (Ed.), Icaria, 2019, ISBN: 978-84-9888-883-6, 2019
Esta obra es el resultado de un estudio llevado a cabo por el Insti- tuto de Gobierno y Políticas... more Esta obra es el resultado de un estudio llevado a cabo por el Insti-
tuto de Gobierno y Políticas Públicas ( igop ) de la Universitat Autò-
noma de Barcelona, por encargo del Smart City Expo World Con-
gress ( scewc ) y del Ajuntament de Barcelona.
El objetivo del trabajo ha sido ofrecer algunas sugerencias sobre
posibles innovaciones en el diseño y la organización del evento en
torno a la Smart City, que se celebra anualmente en la Fira de Bar-
celona. La investigación presenta una realidad poco visible desde
la lógica en la que se ha movido el scewc hasta ahora. En particu-
lar, pone énfasis en empresas, modelos de negocio y proyectos
que se caracterizan por adoptar modelos abiertos y colaborativos,
y que se basan en la generación de bienes comunes digitales.
El estudio ofrece una panorámica de un entramado de prácticas
e iniciativas concretas que se mueven en Barcelona y en su área
metropolitana en el campo de la innovación tecnológica y digital
desde una perspectiva colaborativa y abierta. También presenta
algunos elementos de análisis del ecosistema de innovación local
y hace algunas sugerencias sobre cómo, dando más espacio a
estos modelos de innovación, fortaleciendo el papel de los actores
públicos y estableciendo mejores relaciones con los actores y no-
dos locales, el scewc y el Ajuntament de Barcelona podrían abrir
nuevas perspectivas de innovación y desarrollo para la ciudad, el
propio scewc y el ecosistema de innovación digital local.
Tras el trabajo exploratorio de Jóvenes, Internet y Política (FAD, 2014), esta publicación profun... more Tras el trabajo exploratorio de Jóvenes, Internet y Política (FAD, 2014), esta publicación profundiza en las relaciones que se producen entre las tres variables. El objetivo es explorar hasta qué punto la irrupción de Internet en la realidad cotidiana de los jóvenes, en sus formas de relacionarse y actuar, ha generado formas nuevas de entender la política y de participar en ella.
Para ello se analizan las “organizaciones políticas convencionales” y el espectro plural de “organizaciones políticas no convencionales” o de nuevo cuño; se profundiza en estudios de caso sobre “procesos híbridos” a caballo entre unas y otras, y se abordan prácticas más amplias que tienen espacio en la red (como los memes o procesos de economía colaborativa).
The world just now is a disturbing place for anyone who believes in peace, social justice, common... more The world just now is a disturbing place for anyone who believes in peace, social justice, common goods, and ecological sanity. On the one hand, the traditional institutions of democratic control are exhausted; weakened, if not destroyed, by an unconstrained global market and superpower military ambition. On the other
hand, the movements of mass protest, so visible on the eve of the invasion of Iraq that they were dubbed the “second superpower”, no longer provide the clear public
focus that they once did.
We believe, however, that diverse forms of resistance hold enormous potential for creating new forms of democracy and new institutions for social change. This social and cultural creativity often takes place beneath the media radar but it can sometimes surface unpredictably to disturb the complacent consensus. Our shared belief in the existence of this only partially understood, including self-understood, potential for social transformation has led us to explore the innovations in political organisation that are underway and the tools and insights that could take them further.
We also share a curiosity in the transformative behaviour of people who frequently express common values – for example, as “ethical consumers”, vegetarians, file sharers, or participants in the social economy – but are not involved
in movement or political networks.