Marco Bittelli - (original) (raw)

Papers by Marco Bittelli

Research paper thumbnail of Solute Transport in Soils

Soil Physics with Python, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Agro-Environmental Approach and Management of Mediterranean Archaeological Areas

Italian Journal of Agronomy, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of A Data-Driven Method for the Temporal Estimation of Soil Water Potential and Its Application for Shallow Landslides Prediction

Water, 2021

Soil water potential is a key factor to study water dynamics in soil and for estimating the occur... more Soil water potential is a key factor to study water dynamics in soil and for estimating the occurrence of natural hazards, as landslides. This parameter can be measured in field or estimated through physically-based models, limited by the availability of effective input soil properties and preliminary calibrations. Data-driven models, based on machine learning techniques, could overcome these gaps. The aim of this paper is then to develop an innovative machine learning methodology to assess soil water potential trends and to implement them in models to predict shallow landslides. Monitoring data since 2012 from test-sites slopes in Oltrepò Pavese (northern Italy) were used to build the models. Within the tested techniques, Random Forest models allowed an outstanding reconstruction of measured soil water potential temporal trends. Each model is sensitive to meteorological and hydrological characteristics according to soil depths and features. Reliability of the proposed models was co...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisi del ruolo dei vigneti sulla stabilità di versantein un’area soggetta a frane superficiali

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Research paper thumbnail of A multidisciplinary methodological approach for slope stability assessment of an area prone to shallow landslides

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Research paper thumbnail of Layered Nature. Assessing and Monitoring the Environment for the Development of an Archaeological Park

The case study of Tilmen Hoyuk is presented here to describe a combination of different integrate... more The case study of Tilmen Hoyuk is presented here to describe a combination of different integrated approaches. The site has been assessed from a climatic, topographical, pedological, hydrological, vegetational and vegetation management standpoint. This study provided a wealth of information that was used for acquiring a deeper understanding of the present environment, in view also of designing and planning the archaeological park. At the same time, remote monitoring was experimented in view of future applications and management protocols.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of grapevine root density and reinforcement on slopes prone to shallow slope instability

The EGU General Assembly, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Observations on soil-atmosphere interactions after long-term monitoring at two sample sites subjected to shallow landslides

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021

Soil-atmosphere interaction has implications in different scientific research contexts and is inc... more Soil-atmosphere interaction has implications in different scientific research contexts and is increasingly investigated through field measurements. This paper reports a detailed description of interaction between shallow soil and atmosphere at two test sites in Oltrepò Pavese area (Northern Italy). The two test sites are in the same climatic area but are characterised by different geological features. In fact, the first objective is to compare the behaviour of two different soils, namely a clayey-sandy silt (CL) and a silty clay (CH), under similar meteorological events. Soil-atmosphere interaction is studied on the basis of long-term (about 87 and 42 months for the two test sites, respectively) monitoring data of both volumetric water content and soil water potential, recorded at different depths along two vertical soil profiles in the first two metres from ground level. Field measurements, together with meteorological data such as precipitation and air temperature, allow for clear...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of soil water content estimation equations using ground penetrating radar

Journal of Hydrology, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Empirical and Physically Based Thresholds for the Occurrence of Shallow Landslides in a Prone Area of Northern Italian Apennines

Water, 2019

Rainfall thresholds define the conditions leading to the triggering of shallow landslides over wi... more Rainfall thresholds define the conditions leading to the triggering of shallow landslides over wide areas. They can be empirical, which exploit past rainfall data and landslide inventories, or physicallybased, which integrate slope physical–hydrological modeling and stability analyses. In this work, a comparison between these two types of thresholds was performed, using data acquired in Oltrepò Pavese (Northern Italian Apennines), to evaluate their reliability. Empirical thresholds were reconstructed based on rainfalls and landslides triggering events collected from 2000 to 2018. The same rainfall events were implemented in a physicallybased model of a representative testsite, considering different antecedent pore-water pressures, chosen according to the analysis of hydrological monitoring data. Thresholds validation was performed, using an external dataset (August 1992–August 1997). Soil hydrological conditions have a primary role on predisposing or preventing slope failures. In Ol...

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Research paper thumbnail of Advances in Shallow Landslide Hydrology and Triggering Mechanisms: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Geofluids, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of A Simplified Approach to Assess the Soil Saturation Degree and Stability of a Representative Slope Affected by Shallow Landslides in Oltrepò Pavese (Italy)

Geosciences, 2018

The identification of the triggering mechanism of rainfall-induced, shallow landslides requires a... more The identification of the triggering mechanism of rainfall-induced, shallow landslides requires a complete understanding of the hydro-mechanical response of soil, which can be represented through the trends of the degree of soil saturation. In this paper, multiple annual cycles of soil saturation obtained through field monitoring were used to validate an empirical model based on climate data. Both field measurements and model outputs were used to conduct simplified slope stability analysis to evaluate the model chain capability in predicting the temporal occurrence of shallow failures. Field data were collected on a testsite slope located in Oltrepò Pavese (Northern Italy), where a shallow landslide occurred during the monitoring period. The experimental trends of the degree of saturation at various depths in the soil profile were compared with the calculated values and showed good agreement. Landslide triggering is reached when the soil is completely saturated. Both measured and mo...

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of the vineyards on shallow landslides

Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Landslides (Napoli, Italy, 12-19 June 2016), 2016

Shallow landslides are frequent in steep wine-producing terrains, causing significant economical ... more Shallow landslides are frequent in steep wine-producing terrains, causing significant economical damage to cultivations and the loss of high productivity soils. In this work, the role of cultivated vineyards and abandoned vineyards to shallow landslides is investigated in north-eastern Oltrep\uf2 Pavese. More than 40% of the vineyards were abandoned in the period 1980-2009. These abandoned vineyards were recovered by shrub lands and woodlands, that are more susceptible to shallow landslides and demonstrated a impact of poor slope management. Cultivated vineyards provide a soil root reinforcement nearly 80% higher than that of the abandoned vineyards. Woodlands can provide a root reinforcement which is not enough to stabilize the very steep slopes. The restoration of grapevine cultivations may allow for stabilizing abandoned vineyards slopes, reducing shallow landsliding susceptibility

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Research paper thumbnail of Brocca etal 2011 RSE supplementary material

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil-atmosphere interaction in a slope affected by shallow landslides: An example in Northern Italy

Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of From slope- to regional-scale shallow landslides susceptibility assessment using TRIGRS

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Un modello per la valutazione del grado di saturazione in terreni superficiali

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Research paper thumbnail of Root strength evaluation on vineyards in an area susceptible to shallow landslides: preliminary results

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil moisture estimation through ASCAT and AMSR-E sensors: An intercomparison and validation study across Europe

Remote Sensing of Environment, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulation of root water uptake under consideration of nonequilibrium dynamics in the rhizosphere

Water Resources Research, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Solute Transport in Soils

Soil Physics with Python, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Agro-Environmental Approach and Management of Mediterranean Archaeological Areas

Italian Journal of Agronomy, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of A Data-Driven Method for the Temporal Estimation of Soil Water Potential and Its Application for Shallow Landslides Prediction

Water, 2021

Soil water potential is a key factor to study water dynamics in soil and for estimating the occur... more Soil water potential is a key factor to study water dynamics in soil and for estimating the occurrence of natural hazards, as landslides. This parameter can be measured in field or estimated through physically-based models, limited by the availability of effective input soil properties and preliminary calibrations. Data-driven models, based on machine learning techniques, could overcome these gaps. The aim of this paper is then to develop an innovative machine learning methodology to assess soil water potential trends and to implement them in models to predict shallow landslides. Monitoring data since 2012 from test-sites slopes in Oltrepò Pavese (northern Italy) were used to build the models. Within the tested techniques, Random Forest models allowed an outstanding reconstruction of measured soil water potential temporal trends. Each model is sensitive to meteorological and hydrological characteristics according to soil depths and features. Reliability of the proposed models was co...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisi del ruolo dei vigneti sulla stabilità di versantein un’area soggetta a frane superficiali

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Research paper thumbnail of A multidisciplinary methodological approach for slope stability assessment of an area prone to shallow landslides

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Research paper thumbnail of Layered Nature. Assessing and Monitoring the Environment for the Development of an Archaeological Park

The case study of Tilmen Hoyuk is presented here to describe a combination of different integrate... more The case study of Tilmen Hoyuk is presented here to describe a combination of different integrated approaches. The site has been assessed from a climatic, topographical, pedological, hydrological, vegetational and vegetation management standpoint. This study provided a wealth of information that was used for acquiring a deeper understanding of the present environment, in view also of designing and planning the archaeological park. At the same time, remote monitoring was experimented in view of future applications and management protocols.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of grapevine root density and reinforcement on slopes prone to shallow slope instability

The EGU General Assembly, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Observations on soil-atmosphere interactions after long-term monitoring at two sample sites subjected to shallow landslides

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021

Soil-atmosphere interaction has implications in different scientific research contexts and is inc... more Soil-atmosphere interaction has implications in different scientific research contexts and is increasingly investigated through field measurements. This paper reports a detailed description of interaction between shallow soil and atmosphere at two test sites in Oltrepò Pavese area (Northern Italy). The two test sites are in the same climatic area but are characterised by different geological features. In fact, the first objective is to compare the behaviour of two different soils, namely a clayey-sandy silt (CL) and a silty clay (CH), under similar meteorological events. Soil-atmosphere interaction is studied on the basis of long-term (about 87 and 42 months for the two test sites, respectively) monitoring data of both volumetric water content and soil water potential, recorded at different depths along two vertical soil profiles in the first two metres from ground level. Field measurements, together with meteorological data such as precipitation and air temperature, allow for clear...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of soil water content estimation equations using ground penetrating radar

Journal of Hydrology, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Empirical and Physically Based Thresholds for the Occurrence of Shallow Landslides in a Prone Area of Northern Italian Apennines

Water, 2019

Rainfall thresholds define the conditions leading to the triggering of shallow landslides over wi... more Rainfall thresholds define the conditions leading to the triggering of shallow landslides over wide areas. They can be empirical, which exploit past rainfall data and landslide inventories, or physicallybased, which integrate slope physical–hydrological modeling and stability analyses. In this work, a comparison between these two types of thresholds was performed, using data acquired in Oltrepò Pavese (Northern Italian Apennines), to evaluate their reliability. Empirical thresholds were reconstructed based on rainfalls and landslides triggering events collected from 2000 to 2018. The same rainfall events were implemented in a physicallybased model of a representative testsite, considering different antecedent pore-water pressures, chosen according to the analysis of hydrological monitoring data. Thresholds validation was performed, using an external dataset (August 1992–August 1997). Soil hydrological conditions have a primary role on predisposing or preventing slope failures. In Ol...

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Research paper thumbnail of Advances in Shallow Landslide Hydrology and Triggering Mechanisms: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Geofluids, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of A Simplified Approach to Assess the Soil Saturation Degree and Stability of a Representative Slope Affected by Shallow Landslides in Oltrepò Pavese (Italy)

Geosciences, 2018

The identification of the triggering mechanism of rainfall-induced, shallow landslides requires a... more The identification of the triggering mechanism of rainfall-induced, shallow landslides requires a complete understanding of the hydro-mechanical response of soil, which can be represented through the trends of the degree of soil saturation. In this paper, multiple annual cycles of soil saturation obtained through field monitoring were used to validate an empirical model based on climate data. Both field measurements and model outputs were used to conduct simplified slope stability analysis to evaluate the model chain capability in predicting the temporal occurrence of shallow failures. Field data were collected on a testsite slope located in Oltrepò Pavese (Northern Italy), where a shallow landslide occurred during the monitoring period. The experimental trends of the degree of saturation at various depths in the soil profile were compared with the calculated values and showed good agreement. Landslide triggering is reached when the soil is completely saturated. Both measured and mo...

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of the vineyards on shallow landslides

Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Landslides (Napoli, Italy, 12-19 June 2016), 2016

Shallow landslides are frequent in steep wine-producing terrains, causing significant economical ... more Shallow landslides are frequent in steep wine-producing terrains, causing significant economical damage to cultivations and the loss of high productivity soils. In this work, the role of cultivated vineyards and abandoned vineyards to shallow landslides is investigated in north-eastern Oltrep\uf2 Pavese. More than 40% of the vineyards were abandoned in the period 1980-2009. These abandoned vineyards were recovered by shrub lands and woodlands, that are more susceptible to shallow landslides and demonstrated a impact of poor slope management. Cultivated vineyards provide a soil root reinforcement nearly 80% higher than that of the abandoned vineyards. Woodlands can provide a root reinforcement which is not enough to stabilize the very steep slopes. The restoration of grapevine cultivations may allow for stabilizing abandoned vineyards slopes, reducing shallow landsliding susceptibility

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Research paper thumbnail of Brocca etal 2011 RSE supplementary material

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil-atmosphere interaction in a slope affected by shallow landslides: An example in Northern Italy

Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of From slope- to regional-scale shallow landslides susceptibility assessment using TRIGRS

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Un modello per la valutazione del grado di saturazione in terreni superficiali

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Research paper thumbnail of Root strength evaluation on vineyards in an area susceptible to shallow landslides: preliminary results

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil moisture estimation through ASCAT and AMSR-E sensors: An intercomparison and validation study across Europe

Remote Sensing of Environment, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulation of root water uptake under consideration of nonequilibrium dynamics in the rhizosphere

Water Resources Research, 2016

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