Marco Giolitto - (original) (raw)
Libros by Marco Giolitto
Marco Giolitto, Palabras de gringos. El uso del piamontés en la vida cotidiana de los habitantes ... more Marco Giolitto, Palabras de gringos. El uso del piamontés en la vida cotidiana de los habitantes de la Pampa Gringa, Prohistoria Ediciones, Rosario, 2016, Col. Universidad, 228 pp. - Una ola migratoria procedente del Piamonte transformó totalmente el paisaje humano del interior de la Argentina. Entre 1875 y 1914, después de la unificación de Italia y antes de la Primera Guerra Mundial, un enorme número de piamonteses se instalaron en las provincias de Córdoba y Santa Fe. En esta región, llamada “Pampa Gringa”, los piamonteses guardaron durante muchos años su cultura, y desde luego uno de los rasgos salientes fue la lengua, la cual se mantuvo en el uso cotidiano hasta la década de 1950. Este estudio del Dr. Marco Giolitto, basado sobre entrevistas a más de 300 personas, pretende reconstruir la historia social del uso del piamontés en los ámbitos de la escuela, del trabajo, de la familia y de la vida cotidiana. Marco Giolitto nació en Turín (Italia) en 1969. Después de un bachillerado en lenguas clásicas, estudió Lingüística italiana en la Universidad de Turín y Lingüística francesa en la Universidad de Lovaina (Bélgica). Obtuvo un doctorado en sociolingüística en la Universidad de Basilea (Suiza) con una tesis sobre la inmigración piamontesa en la Argentina, considerada en sus aspectos sociolingüísticos e históricos –sobre la cual se basa este libro. Consiguió además un segundo doctorado en Historia en la Universidad de Estrasburgo (Francia) con una tesis sobre las condiciones políticas y sociales que llevaron a la anexión de Saboya a la Francia en 1860. Se desempeñó como docente en las Universidades de Neuchâtel (Suiza), Lublin (Polonia) y Friburgo en Brisgovia (Alemania).
Papers by Marco Giolitto
1. Utilizamos el término vector en el sentido de factor y medio determinativo en un proceso evolu... more 1. Utilizamos el término vector en el sentido de factor y medio determinativo en un proceso evolutivo.
Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique
In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe... more In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe-bound. In the XIX century, however, a large number of European emigrants left for America. I will focus, in particular, on Piedmontese emigration in Argentina – one that was quite widespread and influential on the economy of this South-American country. A survey carried out among the descendants of Piedmontese emigrants will be briefly discussed in order to address a rather neglected aspect: namely, the relationship between Piedmontese people in Piedmont and in Argentina. Do they belong to the same heritage or has a century of separation developed two traditions? In view of this, I will refer to some examples based on my own experience with Piedmontese people in Argentina as well as on gatherings between them and twinning-delegations from several towns in Piedmont who travelled to Argentina. Arguments in favour of, and against, the development of two separate traditions will be addresse...
Langues et contacts de langues dans l'aire …, 2004
In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe... more In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe-bound. In the XIX century, however, a large number of European emigrants left for America. I will focus, in particular, on Piedmontese emigration in Argentina - one that was quite widespread and influential on the economy of this South-American country. A survey carried out among the descendants of Piedmontese emigrants will be briefly discussed in order to address a rather neglected aspect: namely, the relationship between Piedmontese people in Piedmont and in Argentina. Do they belong to the same heritage or has a century of separation developed two traditions? In view of this, I will refer to some examples based on my own experience with Piedmontese people in Argentina as well as on gatherings between them and twinning-delegations from several towns in Piedmont who travelled to Argentina. Arguments in favour of, and against, the development of two separate traditions will be addresse...
Yanaprasart Patchareerat, 2002
In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe... more In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe-bound. In the XIX century, however, a large number of European emigrants left for America. I will focus, in particular, on Piedmontese emigration in Argentina-one that was quite widespread and influential on the economy of this South-American country. A survey carried out among the descendants of Piedmontese emigrants will be briefly discussed in order to address a rather neglected aspect: namely, the relationship between Piedmontese people in Piedmont and in Argentina. Do they belong to the same heritage or has a century of separation developed two traditions? In view of this, I will refer to some examples based on my own experience with Piedmontese people in Argentina as well as on gatherings between them and twinningdelegations from several towns in Piedmont who travelled to Argentina. Arguments in favour of, and against, the development of two separate traditions will be addressed and evaluated in order to prove that, in the end, the heritage is one and the same, albeit profoundly changed.
In : La lexicographie des langues romanes. Problèmes et enjeux. Cahiers de publications doctorale... more In : La lexicographie des langues romanes. Problèmes et enjeux. Cahiers de publications doctorales, Université March Bloch. Numéro spécial 2, février 2006, 43-50.
Los piamonteses en la Pampa gringa argentina 1. Introducción Como la mayoría de las lenguas roman... more Los piamonteses en la Pampa gringa argentina 1. Introducción Como la mayoría de las lenguas romances, el piamontés también se habla en el continente americano. Aunque hay comunidades piamontesas en muchos lugares de las Américas, de los Estados Unidos a Venezuela y Brasil, es en la Argentina donde podemos encontrar la mayor cantidad de emigrados de origen piamontés. La gran ola migratoria, proveniente sobre todo desde las provincias de Cuneo y Turín, se remonta al período 1875-1914, entre la gran depresión económica del final del siglo XIX y el comienzo de la Primera Guerra Mundial.
Conference Presentations by Marco Giolitto
In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe... more In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europebound. In the XIX century, however, a large number of European emigrants left for America. I will focus, in particular, on Piedmontese emigration in Argentina -one that was quite widespread and influential on the economy of this South-American country. A survey carried out among the descendants of Piedmontese emigrants will be briefly discussed in order to address a rather neglected aspect: namely, the relationship between Piedmontese people in Piedmont and in Argentina. Do they belong to the same heritage or has a century of separation developed two traditions? In view of this, I will refer to some examples based on my own experience with Piedmontese people in Argentina as well as on gatherings between them and twinning-delegations from several towns in Piedmont who travelled to Argentina. Arguments in favour of, and against, the development of two separate traditions will be addressed and evaluated in order to prove that, in the end, the heritage is one and the same, albeit profoundly changed.
Le français acadien est l'une des variétés les moins étudiées de la francophonie. Notre article, ... more Le français acadien est l'une des variétés les moins étudiées de la francophonie. Notre article, qui s'inscrit dans un projet plus vaste d'étude du fait français en Acadie, notamment l'élaboration d'une histoire sociale du français au Nouveau-Brunswick, voudrait rendre compte d'une première réflexion méthodologique sur l'intérêt que l'étude de la variété acadienne peut avoir pour la francophonie et définir son statut sociolinguistique.
In : « La Méditerranée et ses langues. L'Harmattan, Paris, 2004, 151-171. L'italien a été perçu c... more In : « La Méditerranée et ses langues. L'Harmattan, Paris, 2004, 151-171. L'italien a été perçu comme un moyen de promotion sociale et l'enfant devait le connaître le mieux possible, même si les parents n'avaient souvent qu'un faible niveau de scolarisation : « L'italien est la seule langue qu'ils m'ont permis de parler. Il y a eu une interdiction explicite d'apprendre le dialecte. L'italien avant tout et correctement » 4 . Certaines affirmations constituent de véritables prises de position contre le dialecte, vu comme un danger. Prises de positions qui contrastent avec la conclusion que Francard (1994, 233) tire de l'attitude des jeunes que son équipe a interviewés sur l'image du wallon : « L'adhésion à l'idée que le wallon abâtardit le français, ou qu'il cause un handicap social, ne se traduit guère par des prises 1 « Il dialetto piemontese, io credo che in una città, tra amici, sia un po' raro. Tra i giovani con cui ho contatto, non ho mai sentito di nessuno che usasse il piemontese in famiglia, se non qualche esclamazione ».
Marco Giolitto, Palabras de gringos. El uso del piamontés en la vida cotidiana de los habitantes ... more Marco Giolitto, Palabras de gringos. El uso del piamontés en la vida cotidiana de los habitantes de la Pampa Gringa, Prohistoria Ediciones, Rosario, 2016, Col. Universidad, 228 pp. - Una ola migratoria procedente del Piamonte transformó totalmente el paisaje humano del interior de la Argentina. Entre 1875 y 1914, después de la unificación de Italia y antes de la Primera Guerra Mundial, un enorme número de piamonteses se instalaron en las provincias de Córdoba y Santa Fe. En esta región, llamada “Pampa Gringa”, los piamonteses guardaron durante muchos años su cultura, y desde luego uno de los rasgos salientes fue la lengua, la cual se mantuvo en el uso cotidiano hasta la década de 1950. Este estudio del Dr. Marco Giolitto, basado sobre entrevistas a más de 300 personas, pretende reconstruir la historia social del uso del piamontés en los ámbitos de la escuela, del trabajo, de la familia y de la vida cotidiana. Marco Giolitto nació en Turín (Italia) en 1969. Después de un bachillerado en lenguas clásicas, estudió Lingüística italiana en la Universidad de Turín y Lingüística francesa en la Universidad de Lovaina (Bélgica). Obtuvo un doctorado en sociolingüística en la Universidad de Basilea (Suiza) con una tesis sobre la inmigración piamontesa en la Argentina, considerada en sus aspectos sociolingüísticos e históricos –sobre la cual se basa este libro. Consiguió además un segundo doctorado en Historia en la Universidad de Estrasburgo (Francia) con una tesis sobre las condiciones políticas y sociales que llevaron a la anexión de Saboya a la Francia en 1860. Se desempeñó como docente en las Universidades de Neuchâtel (Suiza), Lublin (Polonia) y Friburgo en Brisgovia (Alemania).
1. Utilizamos el término vector en el sentido de factor y medio determinativo en un proceso evolu... more 1. Utilizamos el término vector en el sentido de factor y medio determinativo en un proceso evolutivo.
Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique
In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe... more In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe-bound. In the XIX century, however, a large number of European emigrants left for America. I will focus, in particular, on Piedmontese emigration in Argentina – one that was quite widespread and influential on the economy of this South-American country. A survey carried out among the descendants of Piedmontese emigrants will be briefly discussed in order to address a rather neglected aspect: namely, the relationship between Piedmontese people in Piedmont and in Argentina. Do they belong to the same heritage or has a century of separation developed two traditions? In view of this, I will refer to some examples based on my own experience with Piedmontese people in Argentina as well as on gatherings between them and twinning-delegations from several towns in Piedmont who travelled to Argentina. Arguments in favour of, and against, the development of two separate traditions will be addresse...
Langues et contacts de langues dans l'aire …, 2004
In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe... more In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe-bound. In the XIX century, however, a large number of European emigrants left for America. I will focus, in particular, on Piedmontese emigration in Argentina - one that was quite widespread and influential on the economy of this South-American country. A survey carried out among the descendants of Piedmontese emigrants will be briefly discussed in order to address a rather neglected aspect: namely, the relationship between Piedmontese people in Piedmont and in Argentina. Do they belong to the same heritage or has a century of separation developed two traditions? In view of this, I will refer to some examples based on my own experience with Piedmontese people in Argentina as well as on gatherings between them and twinning-delegations from several towns in Piedmont who travelled to Argentina. Arguments in favour of, and against, the development of two separate traditions will be addresse...
Yanaprasart Patchareerat, 2002
In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe... more In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe-bound. In the XIX century, however, a large number of European emigrants left for America. I will focus, in particular, on Piedmontese emigration in Argentina-one that was quite widespread and influential on the economy of this South-American country. A survey carried out among the descendants of Piedmontese emigrants will be briefly discussed in order to address a rather neglected aspect: namely, the relationship between Piedmontese people in Piedmont and in Argentina. Do they belong to the same heritage or has a century of separation developed two traditions? In view of this, I will refer to some examples based on my own experience with Piedmontese people in Argentina as well as on gatherings between them and twinningdelegations from several towns in Piedmont who travelled to Argentina. Arguments in favour of, and against, the development of two separate traditions will be addressed and evaluated in order to prove that, in the end, the heritage is one and the same, albeit profoundly changed.
In : La lexicographie des langues romanes. Problèmes et enjeux. Cahiers de publications doctorale... more In : La lexicographie des langues romanes. Problèmes et enjeux. Cahiers de publications doctorales, Université March Bloch. Numéro spécial 2, février 2006, 43-50.
Los piamonteses en la Pampa gringa argentina 1. Introducción Como la mayoría de las lenguas roman... more Los piamonteses en la Pampa gringa argentina 1. Introducción Como la mayoría de las lenguas romances, el piamontés también se habla en el continente americano. Aunque hay comunidades piamontesas en muchos lugares de las Américas, de los Estados Unidos a Venezuela y Brasil, es en la Argentina donde podemos encontrar la mayor cantidad de emigrados de origen piamontés. La gran ola migratoria, proveniente sobre todo desde las provincias de Cuneo y Turín, se remonta al período 1875-1914, entre la gran depresión económica del final del siglo XIX y el comienzo de la Primera Guerra Mundial.
In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe... more In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europebound. In the XIX century, however, a large number of European emigrants left for America. I will focus, in particular, on Piedmontese emigration in Argentina -one that was quite widespread and influential on the economy of this South-American country. A survey carried out among the descendants of Piedmontese emigrants will be briefly discussed in order to address a rather neglected aspect: namely, the relationship between Piedmontese people in Piedmont and in Argentina. Do they belong to the same heritage or has a century of separation developed two traditions? In view of this, I will refer to some examples based on my own experience with Piedmontese people in Argentina as well as on gatherings between them and twinning-delegations from several towns in Piedmont who travelled to Argentina. Arguments in favour of, and against, the development of two separate traditions will be addressed and evaluated in order to prove that, in the end, the heritage is one and the same, albeit profoundly changed.
Le français acadien est l'une des variétés les moins étudiées de la francophonie. Notre article, ... more Le français acadien est l'une des variétés les moins étudiées de la francophonie. Notre article, qui s'inscrit dans un projet plus vaste d'étude du fait français en Acadie, notamment l'élaboration d'une histoire sociale du français au Nouveau-Brunswick, voudrait rendre compte d'une première réflexion méthodologique sur l'intérêt que l'étude de la variété acadienne peut avoir pour la francophonie et définir son statut sociolinguistique.
In : « La Méditerranée et ses langues. L'Harmattan, Paris, 2004, 151-171. L'italien a été perçu c... more In : « La Méditerranée et ses langues. L'Harmattan, Paris, 2004, 151-171. L'italien a été perçu comme un moyen de promotion sociale et l'enfant devait le connaître le mieux possible, même si les parents n'avaient souvent qu'un faible niveau de scolarisation : « L'italien est la seule langue qu'ils m'ont permis de parler. Il y a eu une interdiction explicite d'apprendre le dialecte. L'italien avant tout et correctement » 4 . Certaines affirmations constituent de véritables prises de position contre le dialecte, vu comme un danger. Prises de positions qui contrastent avec la conclusion que Francard (1994, 233) tire de l'attitude des jeunes que son équipe a interviewés sur l'image du wallon : « L'adhésion à l'idée que le wallon abâtardit le français, ou qu'il cause un handicap social, ne se traduit guère par des prises 1 « Il dialetto piemontese, io credo che in una città, tra amici, sia un po' raro. Tra i giovani con cui ho contatto, non ho mai sentito di nessuno che usasse il piemontese in famiglia, se non qualche esclamazione ».