Marcos Antonio Lima Bragança - (original) (raw)
Papers by Marcos Antonio Lima Bragança
Sociobiology, 2009
The leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel is parasitized by several species of Phoridae... more The leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel is parasitized by several species of Phoridae flies, one of which is Neodohrniphora elongata Brown. The female of this fly oviposits inside the head of larger workers of the Atta colony, emerging only one fly from each cephalic capsule. The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence of superparasitism by N. elongata on workers of A. sexdens rubropilosa in the laboratory and to describe if the female of this parasitoid is able to discriminate between non-parasitized and previously parasitized workers by itself and between non-parasitized and previously parasitized workers by another female of the same species. The tests were conducted in a glass observation chamber where 15 parasitized and 15 non-parasitized workers and one fly were released at a time. The flies laid eggs preferentially in non-parasitized workers rather than workers parasitized by themselves (n=11) or parasitized by other females (n=18). In both cases...
Industrial Crops and Products, 2015
ABSTRACT Leaf-cutting ants live in symbiosis with the fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (Singer)... more ABSTRACT Leaf-cutting ants live in symbiosis with the fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (Singer) Möller that grows in their nests. This fungus is the main nutritional source for these ants that provide conditions for its development. Although plant extracts of Ageratum conyzoides L., Coriandrum sativum L. and Mentha piperita L. are known to cause mortality in ants in the laboratory, their effects on L. gongylophorus are still unknown. The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of the A. conyzoides, C. sativum and M. piperita extracts on L. gongylophorus. The biomass of the fungus grown by the leaf-cutting ants was assessed in culture medium with three concentrations (25, 50, and 100 mg/mL) of A. conyzoides, C. sativum and M. piperita extracts. The results showed that all the three extracts inhibited the growth of L. gongylophorus. At concentrations of 25, 50, and 100 mg/mL, the A. conyzoides extract exhibited 81, 93, and 100% reduction in the fungal biomass; the C. sativum extract showed 23, 27, and 100% reduction in the fungal biomass; and the M. piperita extract demonstrated 96, 99, and 100% reduction in the fungal biomass, respectively. Furthermore, the secondary metabolic compounds of these plants were found to have fungistatic and fungicidal properties, similar to that observed in other fungal species. In conclusion, the extracts of A. conyzoides, C. sativum and M. piperita inhibited the growth of L. gongylophorus in the laboratory, and should be further studied for their potential use in baits to control leaf-cutting ants.
Revista de Biología Tropical, 2000
We determined the size characteristics of foragers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens in a matu... more We determined the size characteristics of foragers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens in a mature eucalyptus forest in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, at daytime (7: 30 to 10: 00 hr) and nighttime (19: 00 to 23: 00 hr). There were no significant differences between daytime and nighttime ant mass (Ma), but leaf fragment mass (Ml) and burden (B = [Ma + Ml]/Ma), which indicates relative load capacity, were significantly greater at daytime. There was a positive linear relationship between Ma and Ml for the combined daytime and nighttime data, and increases in Ma resulted in lower B. We compared A. sexdens characteristics with published results for Atta cephalotes, a closely related species. A. sexdens is larger and therefore able to carry heavier loads, but its burden is about 72% of the average value for A. cephalotes. We suggest that the lower load capacity of A. sexdens in comparison to A. cephalotes is related to its relatively larger size.<br>Nós determ...
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 2008
O presentee trabalho, realizado no Laboraterio de Entomology Florestal da UFV, sob condigeses de ... more O presentee trabalho, realizado no Laboraterio de Entomology Florestal da UFV, sob condigeses de 25 20C de temperatura e 70 ± 10% de utnidade relafiva, visou a avaliacio da fecundidade em femeas de Podisus connexivus (Hemiptera: Pentatotnidae) com pesos variaveis. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: (1) femeas corn pesos menores ou iguais a 30 mg, (2) femeas entre 31 e 40 mg, (3) femeas entre 41 e 50 mg, (4) fetneas entre 51 e 60 mg e (5) ferne4s corn mais de 60 mg. A alimentagio foi base de larval de Musca domesti- ca (Diptera: Muscidae) e foram utilizadas thneo repeticifies por tratamento, sendo que cads repeticlo constituiu-se de tres femeas, acasaladas separadamente em pores cos de 500 ml. Foram avaliados os seguintes parametros: periodos de pre-ovi-osigio, de postura, de longevidade da Mmea e de incubacio dos ovos; o flamer° de ovos por femea, mitnero de postural, de ovos por postura, de ninfas eclodidas e a viabilidade dos ovos. Forneas corn pesos menores que 30 mg tiveram sign-f...
Forest Ecology and Management, 1998
The effect of environmental heterogeneity on the distribution and abundance of Lepidoptera was te... more The effect of environmental heterogeneity on the distribution and abundance of Lepidoptera was tested in Eucalyptus plantations interwoven with natural vegetation. Collections were carried out in Aracruz, ES, Brazil, in five sites along a 1000 m transect starting in a native woodland and penetrating stands of Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus saligna. Collections were undertaken with light traps, three times a
Forest Ecology and …, 1998
Colepteros foram coletados em plantios de eucalipto nas regioes de Sao Mateus e Aracruz (ES), de ... more Colepteros foram coletados em plantios de eucalipto nas regioes de Sao Mateus e Aracruz (ES), de novembro de 1989 a outubro de 1990. Para a coleta dos insetos fo- ram utilizadas uma armadilha luminosa Intral modelo AL 012 e uma armadilha etan611- ca por regiao. Os insetos, coletados a calla 15 Bias, foram enviados ao Laboraterio de Entomologia Florestal da Universidade Federal de Vicosa, onde foram catalogados. Nos duas regioes foi coletado urn total de 146 especies de coleopteros, distribuidas em 23 famffias. Na regifio de Sao Mateus foram encontradas 113 especies de coleepteros e em Aracna 88, corn maior numero de individuos coletados, em armadilha luminosa, nests old= regiao. Dense total, 29 especies foram identificadas. Em armadilha luminoe sa coletou- se grande ntimero de individuos dos farnffias Carabidae, Dytiscidae, Elateri- dae, Hydrophilidae, Lagriidae, Lampyridae, Staphylinidae e Tenebrionidae, enquanto na armadilha etanolica predominaram exemplares de Nitidulidae, Passal...
Effects of fragments of native forest between Eucalyptus spp. stands on the Lepidoptera community... more Effects of fragments of native forest between Eucalyptus spp. stands on the Lepidoptera community was studied. A total of 790 morphospecies was collected at five sites along a transect: a residual forest and its edge, and into Eucalyptus spp. plantation (at 200, 400 and 600 m from the edge). The residual forest and its edge showed similar numbers of moth
DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF MYMAROMMATIDAE WASPS IN THE ATLANTIC FOREST OF ESPÍRITO SANTO AND I... more DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF MYMAROMMATIDAE WASPS IN THE ATLANTIC FOREST OF ESPÍRITO SANTO AND IN THE CERRADO OF TOCANTINS Mymarommatidae wasps are considered rare worldwide with only four individuals found in Brazil. This study aimed to investigate their abundance and distribution in the Atlantic Forest of Aracruz (Espírito Santo State), and in the Cerrado (three localities of the Tocantins State).
Sociobiology, 2016
The leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens (Linnaeus) and Atta laevigata (Smith) were parasitized by the ... more The leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens (Linnaeus) and Atta laevigata (Smith) were parasitized by the following phorid flies: Apocephalus attophilus Borgmeier, Apocephalus vicosae Disney, Myrmosicarius grandicornis Borgmeier and species of Eibesfeldtphora Disney. It is also related here that the area of occurrence of phorids parasitizing A. sexdens was extended to include Central Brazil. The rate of parasitism on A. sexdens was three times lower than the rate found on A. laevigata; most common flies were, respectively, M. grandicornis in A. sexdens and A. attophilus in A. laevigata. This last phorid showed the shortest life span but the higher percentage of emergence. Multiparasitism on workers of A. sexdens and of A. laevigata involving three combinations of four phorid species was rare and is here related for the first time for leaf-cutting ants.
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 2008
Sociobiology, 2009
The leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel is parasitized by several species of Phoridae... more The leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel is parasitized by several species of Phoridae flies, one of which is Neodohrniphora elongata Brown. The female of this fly oviposits inside the head of larger workers of the Atta colony, emerging only one fly from each cephalic capsule. The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence of superparasitism by N. elongata on workers of A. sexdens rubropilosa in the laboratory and to describe if the female of this parasitoid is able to discriminate between non-parasitized and previously parasitized workers by itself and between non-parasitized and previously parasitized workers by another female of the same species. The tests were conducted in a glass observation chamber where 15 parasitized and 15 non-parasitized workers and one fly were released at a time. The flies laid eggs preferentially in non-parasitized workers rather than workers parasitized by themselves (n=11) or parasitized by other females (n=18). In both cases...
Industrial Crops and Products, 2015
ABSTRACT Leaf-cutting ants live in symbiosis with the fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (Singer)... more ABSTRACT Leaf-cutting ants live in symbiosis with the fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (Singer) Möller that grows in their nests. This fungus is the main nutritional source for these ants that provide conditions for its development. Although plant extracts of Ageratum conyzoides L., Coriandrum sativum L. and Mentha piperita L. are known to cause mortality in ants in the laboratory, their effects on L. gongylophorus are still unknown. The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of the A. conyzoides, C. sativum and M. piperita extracts on L. gongylophorus. The biomass of the fungus grown by the leaf-cutting ants was assessed in culture medium with three concentrations (25, 50, and 100 mg/mL) of A. conyzoides, C. sativum and M. piperita extracts. The results showed that all the three extracts inhibited the growth of L. gongylophorus. At concentrations of 25, 50, and 100 mg/mL, the A. conyzoides extract exhibited 81, 93, and 100% reduction in the fungal biomass; the C. sativum extract showed 23, 27, and 100% reduction in the fungal biomass; and the M. piperita extract demonstrated 96, 99, and 100% reduction in the fungal biomass, respectively. Furthermore, the secondary metabolic compounds of these plants were found to have fungistatic and fungicidal properties, similar to that observed in other fungal species. In conclusion, the extracts of A. conyzoides, C. sativum and M. piperita inhibited the growth of L. gongylophorus in the laboratory, and should be further studied for their potential use in baits to control leaf-cutting ants.
Revista de Biología Tropical, 2000
We determined the size characteristics of foragers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens in a matu... more We determined the size characteristics of foragers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens in a mature eucalyptus forest in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, at daytime (7: 30 to 10: 00 hr) and nighttime (19: 00 to 23: 00 hr). There were no significant differences between daytime and nighttime ant mass (Ma), but leaf fragment mass (Ml) and burden (B = [Ma + Ml]/Ma), which indicates relative load capacity, were significantly greater at daytime. There was a positive linear relationship between Ma and Ml for the combined daytime and nighttime data, and increases in Ma resulted in lower B. We compared A. sexdens characteristics with published results for Atta cephalotes, a closely related species. A. sexdens is larger and therefore able to carry heavier loads, but its burden is about 72% of the average value for A. cephalotes. We suggest that the lower load capacity of A. sexdens in comparison to A. cephalotes is related to its relatively larger size.<br>Nós determ...
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 2008
O presentee trabalho, realizado no Laboraterio de Entomology Florestal da UFV, sob condigeses de ... more O presentee trabalho, realizado no Laboraterio de Entomology Florestal da UFV, sob condigeses de 25 20C de temperatura e 70 ± 10% de utnidade relafiva, visou a avaliacio da fecundidade em femeas de Podisus connexivus (Hemiptera: Pentatotnidae) com pesos variaveis. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: (1) femeas corn pesos menores ou iguais a 30 mg, (2) femeas entre 31 e 40 mg, (3) femeas entre 41 e 50 mg, (4) fetneas entre 51 e 60 mg e (5) ferne4s corn mais de 60 mg. A alimentagio foi base de larval de Musca domesti- ca (Diptera: Muscidae) e foram utilizadas thneo repeticifies por tratamento, sendo que cads repeticlo constituiu-se de tres femeas, acasaladas separadamente em pores cos de 500 ml. Foram avaliados os seguintes parametros: periodos de pre-ovi-osigio, de postura, de longevidade da Mmea e de incubacio dos ovos; o flamer° de ovos por femea, mitnero de postural, de ovos por postura, de ninfas eclodidas e a viabilidade dos ovos. Forneas corn pesos menores que 30 mg tiveram sign-f...
Forest Ecology and Management, 1998
The effect of environmental heterogeneity on the distribution and abundance of Lepidoptera was te... more The effect of environmental heterogeneity on the distribution and abundance of Lepidoptera was tested in Eucalyptus plantations interwoven with natural vegetation. Collections were carried out in Aracruz, ES, Brazil, in five sites along a 1000 m transect starting in a native woodland and penetrating stands of Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus saligna. Collections were undertaken with light traps, three times a
Forest Ecology and …, 1998
Colepteros foram coletados em plantios de eucalipto nas regioes de Sao Mateus e Aracruz (ES), de ... more Colepteros foram coletados em plantios de eucalipto nas regioes de Sao Mateus e Aracruz (ES), de novembro de 1989 a outubro de 1990. Para a coleta dos insetos fo- ram utilizadas uma armadilha luminosa Intral modelo AL 012 e uma armadilha etan611- ca por regiao. Os insetos, coletados a calla 15 Bias, foram enviados ao Laboraterio de Entomologia Florestal da Universidade Federal de Vicosa, onde foram catalogados. Nos duas regioes foi coletado urn total de 146 especies de coleopteros, distribuidas em 23 famffias. Na regifio de Sao Mateus foram encontradas 113 especies de coleepteros e em Aracna 88, corn maior numero de individuos coletados, em armadilha luminosa, nests old= regiao. Dense total, 29 especies foram identificadas. Em armadilha luminoe sa coletou- se grande ntimero de individuos dos farnffias Carabidae, Dytiscidae, Elateri- dae, Hydrophilidae, Lagriidae, Lampyridae, Staphylinidae e Tenebrionidae, enquanto na armadilha etanolica predominaram exemplares de Nitidulidae, Passal...
Effects of fragments of native forest between Eucalyptus spp. stands on the Lepidoptera community... more Effects of fragments of native forest between Eucalyptus spp. stands on the Lepidoptera community was studied. A total of 790 morphospecies was collected at five sites along a transect: a residual forest and its edge, and into Eucalyptus spp. plantation (at 200, 400 and 600 m from the edge). The residual forest and its edge showed similar numbers of moth
DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF MYMAROMMATIDAE WASPS IN THE ATLANTIC FOREST OF ESPÍRITO SANTO AND I... more DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF MYMAROMMATIDAE WASPS IN THE ATLANTIC FOREST OF ESPÍRITO SANTO AND IN THE CERRADO OF TOCANTINS Mymarommatidae wasps are considered rare worldwide with only four individuals found in Brazil. This study aimed to investigate their abundance and distribution in the Atlantic Forest of Aracruz (Espírito Santo State), and in the Cerrado (three localities of the Tocantins State).
Sociobiology, 2016
The leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens (Linnaeus) and Atta laevigata (Smith) were parasitized by the ... more The leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens (Linnaeus) and Atta laevigata (Smith) were parasitized by the following phorid flies: Apocephalus attophilus Borgmeier, Apocephalus vicosae Disney, Myrmosicarius grandicornis Borgmeier and species of Eibesfeldtphora Disney. It is also related here that the area of occurrence of phorids parasitizing A. sexdens was extended to include Central Brazil. The rate of parasitism on A. sexdens was three times lower than the rate found on A. laevigata; most common flies were, respectively, M. grandicornis in A. sexdens and A. attophilus in A. laevigata. This last phorid showed the shortest life span but the higher percentage of emergence. Multiparasitism on workers of A. sexdens and of A. laevigata involving three combinations of four phorid species was rare and is here related for the first time for leaf-cutting ants.
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 2008