Margit Osterloh - (original) (raw)


Papers by Margit Osterloh

Research paper thumbnail of Akquisitionen: Synergien, Abzockerei oder Selbstüberschätzung

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Research paper thumbnail of Disziplinierung der Agenten oder Crowding-out? Gewollte und ungewollte Anreizwirkungen von variablen Löhnen

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Research paper thumbnail of Ökonomik und Ethik als Grundlage organisationaler Beziehungen

Managementforschung, 1993

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Research paper thumbnail of Was macht die Schweiz stark?

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Paradox der Leistungsmessung und die Nachhaltigkeit der Forschung

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Research paper thumbnail of Kommentar zum Beitrag „Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation und deren Revitalisierung als Struktur und Prozess“ von Michael Gaitanides

Ideengeschichte der BWL

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Research paper thumbnail of Variable Leistungsvergütung - Ja, sie setzt sich durch. Aber ist sie deswegen auch gut?

Leistungslohn und Unternehmenserfolg: In der Praxis dominiert die Ansicht, dass Unter-nehmen mit ... more Leistungslohn und Unternehmenserfolg: In der Praxis dominiert die Ansicht, dass Unter-nehmen mit variablem Leistungslohn bessere Ergeb nisse erzielen. Der traditionelle Fixlohn ist eine Investi tion in erwartete Leistungen. Im Gegen satz zum variablen Leistungs lohn kann er Unter neh mungen in schwierigen Zeiten nicht unter stützen, und es besteht die Gefahr der Kündigung der besten Mitarbeiter. Deswegen setzt sich variabler Leistungslohn durch.

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Research paper thumbnail of Corporate Governance: Eine Prinzipal-Agenten-Beziehung, Team-Produktion oder ein soziales Dilemma?


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Research paper thumbnail of Low Resolution Spectra of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)

Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Jun 1, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact Faktoren

Soziale Welt, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Schwarzes Loch in NGC 3115

Sterne Und Weltraum, 1993

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Research paper thumbnail of Disks around T Tauri stars: observations and interpretations

Observational and theoretical approaches are presented to determine physical properties of disks ... more Observational and theoretical approaches are presented to determine physical properties of disks around T Tauri stars. An experiment for deducing the inner disk radius is described. Observations of Halpha line equivalent width variations were performed together with quasi-simultaneous broadband photometry and low-resolution spectra for a sample of southern T Tauri sources. The origins of these variations are discussed with a view towards circumstellar disks. The outcome of millimeter-wave observations of T Tauri systems is presented; they serve as a means of determining outer disk radii and total disk masses. The uncertainties in disk mass determinations are discussed in the framework of a standard disk model. Strong evidence for the presence of disks was found by inspecting the influence of binaries on the mm flux. Also, weak-line T Tauri stars were shown to behave differently than classical T Tauri stars regarding mm emission. A simple three-dimensional disk model is described to ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Self-governance in science: what can we learn from FOSS?

Academic researchers regard themselves as members of a self-governed community. Scientists set go... more Academic researchers regard themselves as members of a self-governed community. Scientists set goals, conduct research, publish findings and evaluate results according to community standards. In recent times, there have been growing concerns that decisions in science are influenced by outside interests that may not be aligned with the scientific endeavor. In particular, scholars have tried to address the effects of intellectual property rights on the scientific community. In this paper, we contrast science with Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), a community that grew out of academia to defend open science principles in one field. We find that FOSS may offer a model for better preserving – or even expanding – academic freedom.

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Research paper thumbnail of Research Governance in Academia: Are There Alternatives to Academic Rankings?

Peer reviews and rankings today are the backbone of research governance, but recently came under ... more Peer reviews and rankings today are the backbone of research governance, but recently came under scrutiny. They take explicitly or implicitly agency theory as a theoretical basis. The emerging psychological economics opens a new perspective. As scholarly research is a mainly curiosity driven endeavor, we include intrinsic motivation and supportive feedback by the peers as important determinants of scholarly behavior. We discuss whether a stronger emphasis on selection and socialization offers an alternative to the present regime of academic rankings.

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Research paper thumbnail of Migration Policy: Lessons from Cooperatives

SSRN Electronic Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleatoric Democracy

SSRN Electronic Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Warum es ohne Quoten nicht geht – die Sicht der Verhaltensökonomik

Auswahl von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte

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Research paper thumbnail of No . 27 Motivation , Knowledge Transfer , and Organizational Form

and three unknown referees for the helpful comments during the preparation of this article. Abstr... more and three unknown referees for the helpful comments during the preparation of this article. Abstract Employees are motivated intrinsically as well as extrinsically. Intrinsic motivation is crucial when tacit knowledge in and between teams must be transferred.

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Research paper thumbnail of How to prevent leadership hubris? Comparing competitive selections, lotteries, and their combination

The Leadership Quarterly

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Research paper thumbnail of Dealing With Randomness

management revue

Decisions based on randomness are often taken to be “irrational” or “arbitrary”. The conventional... more Decisions based on randomness are often taken to be “irrational” or “arbitrary”. The conventional strategy is to fight randomness; a more recent one is to accept and even celebrate randomness. We focus on a third approach that employs randomness as a managerial and social decision-making mechanism in a purposeful way. We argue that Controlled Random Decisions provide considerable advantages. They allow outsiders as well as novel ideas to have an influence, and they work against corruption. When persons and projects are selected, there must be a careful pre-selection. Controlled Random Decisions should be discussed and employed more extensively.

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Research paper thumbnail of Akquisitionen: Synergien, Abzockerei oder Selbstüberschätzung

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Research paper thumbnail of Disziplinierung der Agenten oder Crowding-out? Gewollte und ungewollte Anreizwirkungen von variablen Löhnen

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Research paper thumbnail of Ökonomik und Ethik als Grundlage organisationaler Beziehungen

Managementforschung, 1993

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Research paper thumbnail of Was macht die Schweiz stark?

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Paradox der Leistungsmessung und die Nachhaltigkeit der Forschung

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Research paper thumbnail of Kommentar zum Beitrag „Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation und deren Revitalisierung als Struktur und Prozess“ von Michael Gaitanides

Ideengeschichte der BWL

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Research paper thumbnail of Variable Leistungsvergütung - Ja, sie setzt sich durch. Aber ist sie deswegen auch gut?

Leistungslohn und Unternehmenserfolg: In der Praxis dominiert die Ansicht, dass Unter-nehmen mit ... more Leistungslohn und Unternehmenserfolg: In der Praxis dominiert die Ansicht, dass Unter-nehmen mit variablem Leistungslohn bessere Ergeb nisse erzielen. Der traditionelle Fixlohn ist eine Investi tion in erwartete Leistungen. Im Gegen satz zum variablen Leistungs lohn kann er Unter neh mungen in schwierigen Zeiten nicht unter stützen, und es besteht die Gefahr der Kündigung der besten Mitarbeiter. Deswegen setzt sich variabler Leistungslohn durch.

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Research paper thumbnail of Corporate Governance: Eine Prinzipal-Agenten-Beziehung, Team-Produktion oder ein soziales Dilemma?


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Research paper thumbnail of Low Resolution Spectra of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)

Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Jun 1, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact Faktoren

Soziale Welt, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Schwarzes Loch in NGC 3115

Sterne Und Weltraum, 1993

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Research paper thumbnail of Disks around T Tauri stars: observations and interpretations

Observational and theoretical approaches are presented to determine physical properties of disks ... more Observational and theoretical approaches are presented to determine physical properties of disks around T Tauri stars. An experiment for deducing the inner disk radius is described. Observations of Halpha line equivalent width variations were performed together with quasi-simultaneous broadband photometry and low-resolution spectra for a sample of southern T Tauri sources. The origins of these variations are discussed with a view towards circumstellar disks. The outcome of millimeter-wave observations of T Tauri systems is presented; they serve as a means of determining outer disk radii and total disk masses. The uncertainties in disk mass determinations are discussed in the framework of a standard disk model. Strong evidence for the presence of disks was found by inspecting the influence of binaries on the mm flux. Also, weak-line T Tauri stars were shown to behave differently than classical T Tauri stars regarding mm emission. A simple three-dimensional disk model is described to ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Self-governance in science: what can we learn from FOSS?

Academic researchers regard themselves as members of a self-governed community. Scientists set go... more Academic researchers regard themselves as members of a self-governed community. Scientists set goals, conduct research, publish findings and evaluate results according to community standards. In recent times, there have been growing concerns that decisions in science are influenced by outside interests that may not be aligned with the scientific endeavor. In particular, scholars have tried to address the effects of intellectual property rights on the scientific community. In this paper, we contrast science with Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), a community that grew out of academia to defend open science principles in one field. We find that FOSS may offer a model for better preserving – or even expanding – academic freedom.

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Research paper thumbnail of Research Governance in Academia: Are There Alternatives to Academic Rankings?

Peer reviews and rankings today are the backbone of research governance, but recently came under ... more Peer reviews and rankings today are the backbone of research governance, but recently came under scrutiny. They take explicitly or implicitly agency theory as a theoretical basis. The emerging psychological economics opens a new perspective. As scholarly research is a mainly curiosity driven endeavor, we include intrinsic motivation and supportive feedback by the peers as important determinants of scholarly behavior. We discuss whether a stronger emphasis on selection and socialization offers an alternative to the present regime of academic rankings.

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Research paper thumbnail of Migration Policy: Lessons from Cooperatives

SSRN Electronic Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleatoric Democracy

SSRN Electronic Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of Warum es ohne Quoten nicht geht – die Sicht der Verhaltensökonomik

Auswahl von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte

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Research paper thumbnail of No . 27 Motivation , Knowledge Transfer , and Organizational Form

and three unknown referees for the helpful comments during the preparation of this article. Abstr... more and three unknown referees for the helpful comments during the preparation of this article. Abstract Employees are motivated intrinsically as well as extrinsically. Intrinsic motivation is crucial when tacit knowledge in and between teams must be transferred.

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Research paper thumbnail of How to prevent leadership hubris? Comparing competitive selections, lotteries, and their combination

The Leadership Quarterly

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Research paper thumbnail of Dealing With Randomness

management revue

Decisions based on randomness are often taken to be “irrational” or “arbitrary”. The conventional... more Decisions based on randomness are often taken to be “irrational” or “arbitrary”. The conventional strategy is to fight randomness; a more recent one is to accept and even celebrate randomness. We focus on a third approach that employs randomness as a managerial and social decision-making mechanism in a purposeful way. We argue that Controlled Random Decisions provide considerable advantages. They allow outsiders as well as novel ideas to have an influence, and they work against corruption. When persons and projects are selected, there must be a careful pre-selection. Controlled Random Decisions should be discussed and employed more extensively.

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