Mari Luz Esteban - (original) (raw)

Papers by Mari Luz Esteban

Research paper thumbnail of Antropología del cuerpo, itinerarios corporales y relaciones de género

Es fa un repàs de l'aproximació al cos des de l'antropologia i la etnografia destacant aq... more Es fa un repàs de l'aproximació al cos des de l'antropologia i la etnografia destacant aquells anàlisis de gènere i de l'acció general i individual que ens permeten fixar-nos tan en el nivell micro com en el macro de l'experiència, en els conflictes i en la desigualtat social i en el poder que també tenim de transformació

Research paper thumbnail of Politikaren, aktibismoaren eta etnografiaren birformulazioa. Antropologia somatiko eta zaurgarri baten zirriborroa

This article offers a review of the some transformations taking place in recent decades in differ... more This article offers a review of the some transformations taking place in recent decades in different activisms and in the way we understand the political subject, in both the Spanish state and the Basque context. Afterwards I propose an anthropological analysis with a triple theoretical approach: some theories about the body; ontological readings being made around the concept of vulnerability; and the recovery of the concept of “crisis of presence” by Ernesto de Martino. This framework will help us outlining a somatic and vulnerable ethnography addressing political actions and experiences, like silence, that generally are classified as negative, and that enables a diagnosis of reality that recovers and reformulates notions as interdependence, collective action or resistance.En este artículo se hace un breve repaso a algunas transformaciones que están ocurriendo en las últimas décadas en distintos activismos y en la manera de entender el sujeto político, tanto en el Estado español co...

Research paper thumbnail of Les sauts conceptuels de l’anthropologie basque et carnalités de la culture basque

This article sets out from the evolution of Basque anthropology and aims to apply the analysis of... more This article sets out from the evolution of Basque anthropology and aims to apply the analysis of Basque culture to the vision that makes feminist anthropology and social theories of the body and emotions possible. This type of ethnography has the profound capacity to describe the heterogeneity, complexity and materiality of cultures and to explain the diverse meaning that people give to life. Therefore, it treats the enriching experience of being a Basque speaker and a speaker of other languages, or the diverse definitions and experiences that people possess with regard to Basque culture, attempting to underline the differences between lived identity and identification. Chroniclers have mentioned the embodiment and distinctive features of Basque culture, which makes the notion of “Basque” its own whilst also spreading it out and making it something unstable.El objetivo de este artículo, que toma como punto de partida la evolución de la antropología vasca, es aplicar al estudio de l...

Research paper thumbnail of Komunitateak ehunduz herri ekimenetatik

Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua eBooks, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Euskal antropologiaren jauzi kontzeptualak eta euskal kulturaren haragitasunak

Ankulegi Gizarte Antropologia Aldizkaria Revista De Antropologia Social, 2012

UPV/EHU ml.esteban Hitz gakoak: euskal kultura, gorputza, emozioak, identitate bizitua. La... more UPV/EHU ml.esteban Hitz gakoak: euskal kultura, gorputza, emozioak, identitate bizitua. Laburpena: Euskal antropologiaren bilakaera abiapuntu hartzen duen artikulu honen helburua da, gaur egungo antropologia feministak eta gorputzaren eta emozioen gizarte teoriak ahalbidetzen duten ikuspegia euskal kulturaren azterketari aplikatzea. Etnografia mota honek ahalmen handia du kulturen heterogeneitatea, konplexutasuna eta materialtasuna deskribatzeko eta jendeak bizitzari eman ohi dion zentzu anizkoitza adierazteko. Era honetan, euskara edota beste hizkuntzen hiztun izatearen esperientzia oparoaz eta jendeak euskal kulturari dagokionez dituen definizio eta bizipen anitzez jardungo da, identitate bizitua eta identifikazioaren artean leudekeen aldeak nabarmendu guran. Berriemaileek euskal kulturak lituzkeen haragitasunak eta berezitasunak aipatu dituzte, "euskal" nozioa bere eginez baina, aldi berean, zabalduz eta ezegonkortuz.

Research paper thumbnail of Women’s houses in the Basque country: political, cultural and bodily laboratories of feminism

Journal of Gender Studies

This article analyzes the key characteristics of the Women’s Houses in the Basque Country and how... more This article analyzes the key characteristics of the Women’s Houses in the Basque Country and how they are run. These municipal centres are promoted by the feminist movement in close collaboration with local institutions and are part of the long international feminist tradition of creating spaces specifically for women. The Houses run a diverse range of programmes and offer legal, employment and sexual health counselling services and other targeted support for precarious groups. The central point of this article is that these spaces are laboratories in which activity related to politics, training and support services influences the recomposition of the political subjectivities of the people who participate in them. Another key and distinctive aspect is the particular interrelationships found in the Houses between the institutionalist rationale coming out of the politics of equality and the rupturist rationale of movements like the feminist movement. Furthermore, different groups of feminist women (members of associations or institutions, professionals and researchers) co-exist in the Houses, which contributes to the horizontality of the relationships. Nevertheless, these aspects are not free of tensions, a point that will also be analysed here.

Research paper thumbnail of Los cuidados, un concepto central en la teoría feminista: aportaciones, riesgos y diálogos con la antropología

En este artículo voy a hacer una lectura crítica de la centralidad del concepto de cuidados en la... more En este artículo voy a hacer una lectura crítica de la centralidad del concepto de cuidados en la teoría feminista actual, centrándome sobre todo en el trabajo que se está llevando a cabo en el Estado español. Tendré en cuenta las aportaciones feministas pero me fijaré sobre todo en los riesgos de dicha centralidad, que son básicamente dos: el sobredimensionamiento del término “cuidados” (y por tanto, su descontextualización histórica y cultural) y la sentimentalización de la mirada feminista; dos tendencias que pueden estar influyendo también en la reflexión antropológica en este campo. Para ello partiré de mi experiencia como feminista en algunas iniciativas desarrolladas en el ámbito vasco, así como de mi trabajo antropológico sobre las redes o comunidades de apoyo mutuo. Mi idea es establecer un diálogo entre feminismo y antropología para proponer algunos conceptos que pueden ser alternativos o, por lo menos, paralelos al de cuidados y compensar dicha sobredimensión. Me refiero ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evolución histórica de los discursos médico-científico y religiosos sobre la mujer, la reproducción y la sexualidad

Estudios humanísticos. Geografía, historia y arte

This article presents an overview of the evolution of the dominant conceptualizations of women, t... more This article presents an overview of the evolution of the dominant conceptualizations of women, the female body, reproduction and sexuality as generated by the Medical-Scientific System and the Christian-Catholic Church, bringing a gendered perspective to the analysis. It also includes a look at what specialists (gynaecologists) believe and the influence they have on women.

Research paper thumbnail of Antropologia Encarnada Antropologia Desde Una Misma

Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2004

Palabras clave itinerario corporal, auto-biografía corporal, antropología encarnada, embodiment, ... more Palabras clave itinerario corporal, auto-biografía corporal, antropología encarnada, embodiment, cuerpo

Research paper thumbnail of Las mujeres, entre su cuerpo y el mundo. Aproximación antropológica a la vivencia de la salud y el malestar

Estudios humanísticos. Geografía, historia y arte, 2021

This paper, based upon un anthropological research carried out in the basque urban area, provides... more This paper, based upon un anthropological research carried out in the basque urban area, provides an analysis of women's experiences in relation to health. Within this life area several key questions of women's subjectivity have been identified, which might help us to gain a better understanding into the situation.

Research paper thumbnail of Obstáculos y oportunidades en las innovaciones democráticas

Innovaciones democráticas feministas

Research paper thumbnail of Los saltos conceptuales de la antropología vasca y las carnalidades de la cultura vasca

This article sets out from the evolution of Basque anthropology and aims to apply the analysis of... more This article sets out from the evolution of Basque anthropology and aims to apply the analysis of Basque culture to the vision that makes feminist anthropology and social theories of the body and emotions possible. This type of ethnography has the profound capacity to describe the heterogeneity, complexity and materiality of cultures and to explain the diverse meaning that people give to life. Therefore, it treats the enriching experience of being a Basque speaker and a speaker of other languages, or the diverse definitions and experiences that people possess with regard to Basque culture, attempting to underline the differences between lived identity and identification. Chroniclers have mentioned the embodiment and distinctive features of Basque culture, which makes the notion of “Basque” its own whilst also spreading it out and making it something unstable.

Research paper thumbnail of Cuerpos y políticas feministas 1

Research paper thumbnail of La reformulación de la política, el activismo y la etnografía. Esbozo de una antropología somática y vulnerable

This article offers a review of the some transformations taking place in recent decades in differ... more This article offers a review of the some transformations taking place in recent decades in different activisms and in the way we understand the political subject, in both the Spanish state and the Basque context. Afterwards I propose an anthropological analysis with a triple theoretical approach: some theories about the body; ontological readings being made around the concept of vulnerability; and the recovery of the concept of “crisis of presence” by Ernesto de Martino. This framework will help us outlining a somatic and vulnerable ethnography addressing political actions and experiences, like silence, that generally are classified as negative, and that enables a diagnosis of reality that recovers and reformulates notions as interdependence, collective action or resistance.

Research paper thumbnail of 36. Bodies and Feminist Politics in Basque Society

A New History of Iberian Feminisms, 2018

Mini-batch stochastic gradient methods (SGD) are state of the art for distributed training of dee... more Mini-batch stochastic gradient methods (SGD) are state of the art for distributed training of deep neural networks. Drastic increases in the mini-batch sizes have lead to key efficiency and scalability gains in recent years. However, progress faces a major roadblock, as models trained with large batches often do not generalize well, i.e. they do not show good accuracy on new data. As a remedy, we propose a post-local SGD and show that it significantly improves the generalization performance compared to large-batch training on standard benchmarks while enjoying the same efficiency (time-to-accuracy) and scalability. We further provide an extensive study of the communication efficiency vs. performance trade-offs associated with a host of local SGD variants.

Research paper thumbnail of El Cuidado De La Imagen en Los Procesos Vitales. Creatividad y 'Miedo Al Descontrol' < 1 )

Research paper thumbnail of Ikerkuntza feministarako epistemologiari eta metodologiari buruzko gogoetak

Barbara Bigliak, gizarte esku-hartzea eta eraldaketa bilatzen duen ikerkuntza feministaren episte... more Barbara Bigliak, gizarte esku-hartzea eta eraldaketa bilatzen duen ikerkuntza feministaren epistemologia eta metologiaren arloan digresioa aurkezten du. Bertan, ezagutzaren produkziora hurbilpen kritiko feminista izan daitekeena, dena eta izatea gustuko genukeenaren arteko eztabaidak gurutzatzen dira. Eztabaida horiek adibideekin gorpuztea da saiakera, eta modu horretan hausnarketa teorikoak “lurreratzea”. Artikulua zientziari egiten zaizkion kritika feminista nagusienak aurkezten hasten da. Horrekin batera, egileak berebiziko garrantzia egotzi egiten dio egun ezagutzeko erak birpentsatzeari, eta ez hainbeste ikerlarien identitate generizatuaz ohartzeari. Jarraian, gure ikerketetan proposamen epistemologiko feministak praktikara eramateko aurkitzen ditugun zenbait erronka azaltzen dira, proposamen horietako batzuren “sukaldea” irekiz eztabaidak abstrakzioan gera ez daitezen. Artikulua, hausnartzen jarraitzeko kezka eta proposamen zerrenda labur batekin amaitzen da. Bigarren artikulu...

Research paper thumbnail of Prólogo. Vidas que cuentan. La dimensión autoetnográfica de la investigación

Research paper thumbnail of Innovaciones democráticas feministas

Innovaciones democráticas feministas, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of La antropología y el poder de lo erótico

AIBR, Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana, 2020

This paper is an invitation to reflect on the importance eroticism may have in the different stag... more This paper is an invitation to reflect on the importance eroticism may have in the different stages of anthropological work (gathering information, analysis, writing, presenting to an audience…), starting from a definition of eroticism as potential and creative force, which includes but not be limited to the sexual sense of the term; an approach that may serve to capture the dynamic, sensorial intensity of both pleasant and unpleasant human experiences. In order to do so, I turn to classic texts by Audre Lorde, Gilles Deleuze/Félix Guattari and Georges Bataille as well as current authors such as Maria Livia Alga, Alba Barbé, Adriana Guzmán and Elisa Lipkau. But, above all, I take inspiration from Susan Sontag's essay "Against Interpretation", published originally in 1966 and applied to art criticism. Following a brief revision of anthropological research in the field of sexuality, I address different questions relating to importance of commitment and erotic affectation in ethnography, developed above all in certain fields such as visual anthropology and feminist anthropology. One question guides my entire reflection: What would an erotics of anthropological research be and in what sense could that be of use?

Research paper thumbnail of Antropología del cuerpo, itinerarios corporales y relaciones de género

Es fa un repàs de l'aproximació al cos des de l'antropologia i la etnografia destacant aq... more Es fa un repàs de l'aproximació al cos des de l'antropologia i la etnografia destacant aquells anàlisis de gènere i de l'acció general i individual que ens permeten fixar-nos tan en el nivell micro com en el macro de l'experiència, en els conflictes i en la desigualtat social i en el poder que també tenim de transformació

Research paper thumbnail of Politikaren, aktibismoaren eta etnografiaren birformulazioa. Antropologia somatiko eta zaurgarri baten zirriborroa

This article offers a review of the some transformations taking place in recent decades in differ... more This article offers a review of the some transformations taking place in recent decades in different activisms and in the way we understand the political subject, in both the Spanish state and the Basque context. Afterwards I propose an anthropological analysis with a triple theoretical approach: some theories about the body; ontological readings being made around the concept of vulnerability; and the recovery of the concept of “crisis of presence” by Ernesto de Martino. This framework will help us outlining a somatic and vulnerable ethnography addressing political actions and experiences, like silence, that generally are classified as negative, and that enables a diagnosis of reality that recovers and reformulates notions as interdependence, collective action or resistance.En este artículo se hace un breve repaso a algunas transformaciones que están ocurriendo en las últimas décadas en distintos activismos y en la manera de entender el sujeto político, tanto en el Estado español co...

Research paper thumbnail of Les sauts conceptuels de l’anthropologie basque et carnalités de la culture basque

This article sets out from the evolution of Basque anthropology and aims to apply the analysis of... more This article sets out from the evolution of Basque anthropology and aims to apply the analysis of Basque culture to the vision that makes feminist anthropology and social theories of the body and emotions possible. This type of ethnography has the profound capacity to describe the heterogeneity, complexity and materiality of cultures and to explain the diverse meaning that people give to life. Therefore, it treats the enriching experience of being a Basque speaker and a speaker of other languages, or the diverse definitions and experiences that people possess with regard to Basque culture, attempting to underline the differences between lived identity and identification. Chroniclers have mentioned the embodiment and distinctive features of Basque culture, which makes the notion of “Basque” its own whilst also spreading it out and making it something unstable.El objetivo de este artículo, que toma como punto de partida la evolución de la antropología vasca, es aplicar al estudio de l...

Research paper thumbnail of Komunitateak ehunduz herri ekimenetatik

Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua eBooks, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Euskal antropologiaren jauzi kontzeptualak eta euskal kulturaren haragitasunak

Ankulegi Gizarte Antropologia Aldizkaria Revista De Antropologia Social, 2012

UPV/EHU ml.esteban Hitz gakoak: euskal kultura, gorputza, emozioak, identitate bizitua. La... more UPV/EHU ml.esteban Hitz gakoak: euskal kultura, gorputza, emozioak, identitate bizitua. Laburpena: Euskal antropologiaren bilakaera abiapuntu hartzen duen artikulu honen helburua da, gaur egungo antropologia feministak eta gorputzaren eta emozioen gizarte teoriak ahalbidetzen duten ikuspegia euskal kulturaren azterketari aplikatzea. Etnografia mota honek ahalmen handia du kulturen heterogeneitatea, konplexutasuna eta materialtasuna deskribatzeko eta jendeak bizitzari eman ohi dion zentzu anizkoitza adierazteko. Era honetan, euskara edota beste hizkuntzen hiztun izatearen esperientzia oparoaz eta jendeak euskal kulturari dagokionez dituen definizio eta bizipen anitzez jardungo da, identitate bizitua eta identifikazioaren artean leudekeen aldeak nabarmendu guran. Berriemaileek euskal kulturak lituzkeen haragitasunak eta berezitasunak aipatu dituzte, "euskal" nozioa bere eginez baina, aldi berean, zabalduz eta ezegonkortuz.

Research paper thumbnail of Women’s houses in the Basque country: political, cultural and bodily laboratories of feminism

Journal of Gender Studies

This article analyzes the key characteristics of the Women’s Houses in the Basque Country and how... more This article analyzes the key characteristics of the Women’s Houses in the Basque Country and how they are run. These municipal centres are promoted by the feminist movement in close collaboration with local institutions and are part of the long international feminist tradition of creating spaces specifically for women. The Houses run a diverse range of programmes and offer legal, employment and sexual health counselling services and other targeted support for precarious groups. The central point of this article is that these spaces are laboratories in which activity related to politics, training and support services influences the recomposition of the political subjectivities of the people who participate in them. Another key and distinctive aspect is the particular interrelationships found in the Houses between the institutionalist rationale coming out of the politics of equality and the rupturist rationale of movements like the feminist movement. Furthermore, different groups of feminist women (members of associations or institutions, professionals and researchers) co-exist in the Houses, which contributes to the horizontality of the relationships. Nevertheless, these aspects are not free of tensions, a point that will also be analysed here.

Research paper thumbnail of Los cuidados, un concepto central en la teoría feminista: aportaciones, riesgos y diálogos con la antropología

En este artículo voy a hacer una lectura crítica de la centralidad del concepto de cuidados en la... more En este artículo voy a hacer una lectura crítica de la centralidad del concepto de cuidados en la teoría feminista actual, centrándome sobre todo en el trabajo que se está llevando a cabo en el Estado español. Tendré en cuenta las aportaciones feministas pero me fijaré sobre todo en los riesgos de dicha centralidad, que son básicamente dos: el sobredimensionamiento del término “cuidados” (y por tanto, su descontextualización histórica y cultural) y la sentimentalización de la mirada feminista; dos tendencias que pueden estar influyendo también en la reflexión antropológica en este campo. Para ello partiré de mi experiencia como feminista en algunas iniciativas desarrolladas en el ámbito vasco, así como de mi trabajo antropológico sobre las redes o comunidades de apoyo mutuo. Mi idea es establecer un diálogo entre feminismo y antropología para proponer algunos conceptos que pueden ser alternativos o, por lo menos, paralelos al de cuidados y compensar dicha sobredimensión. Me refiero ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evolución histórica de los discursos médico-científico y religiosos sobre la mujer, la reproducción y la sexualidad

Estudios humanísticos. Geografía, historia y arte

This article presents an overview of the evolution of the dominant conceptualizations of women, t... more This article presents an overview of the evolution of the dominant conceptualizations of women, the female body, reproduction and sexuality as generated by the Medical-Scientific System and the Christian-Catholic Church, bringing a gendered perspective to the analysis. It also includes a look at what specialists (gynaecologists) believe and the influence they have on women.

Research paper thumbnail of Antropologia Encarnada Antropologia Desde Una Misma

Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2004

Palabras clave itinerario corporal, auto-biografía corporal, antropología encarnada, embodiment, ... more Palabras clave itinerario corporal, auto-biografía corporal, antropología encarnada, embodiment, cuerpo

Research paper thumbnail of Las mujeres, entre su cuerpo y el mundo. Aproximación antropológica a la vivencia de la salud y el malestar

Estudios humanísticos. Geografía, historia y arte, 2021

This paper, based upon un anthropological research carried out in the basque urban area, provides... more This paper, based upon un anthropological research carried out in the basque urban area, provides an analysis of women's experiences in relation to health. Within this life area several key questions of women's subjectivity have been identified, which might help us to gain a better understanding into the situation.

Research paper thumbnail of Obstáculos y oportunidades en las innovaciones democráticas

Innovaciones democráticas feministas

Research paper thumbnail of Los saltos conceptuales de la antropología vasca y las carnalidades de la cultura vasca

This article sets out from the evolution of Basque anthropology and aims to apply the analysis of... more This article sets out from the evolution of Basque anthropology and aims to apply the analysis of Basque culture to the vision that makes feminist anthropology and social theories of the body and emotions possible. This type of ethnography has the profound capacity to describe the heterogeneity, complexity and materiality of cultures and to explain the diverse meaning that people give to life. Therefore, it treats the enriching experience of being a Basque speaker and a speaker of other languages, or the diverse definitions and experiences that people possess with regard to Basque culture, attempting to underline the differences between lived identity and identification. Chroniclers have mentioned the embodiment and distinctive features of Basque culture, which makes the notion of “Basque” its own whilst also spreading it out and making it something unstable.

Research paper thumbnail of Cuerpos y políticas feministas 1

Research paper thumbnail of La reformulación de la política, el activismo y la etnografía. Esbozo de una antropología somática y vulnerable

This article offers a review of the some transformations taking place in recent decades in differ... more This article offers a review of the some transformations taking place in recent decades in different activisms and in the way we understand the political subject, in both the Spanish state and the Basque context. Afterwards I propose an anthropological analysis with a triple theoretical approach: some theories about the body; ontological readings being made around the concept of vulnerability; and the recovery of the concept of “crisis of presence” by Ernesto de Martino. This framework will help us outlining a somatic and vulnerable ethnography addressing political actions and experiences, like silence, that generally are classified as negative, and that enables a diagnosis of reality that recovers and reformulates notions as interdependence, collective action or resistance.

Research paper thumbnail of 36. Bodies and Feminist Politics in Basque Society

A New History of Iberian Feminisms, 2018

Mini-batch stochastic gradient methods (SGD) are state of the art for distributed training of dee... more Mini-batch stochastic gradient methods (SGD) are state of the art for distributed training of deep neural networks. Drastic increases in the mini-batch sizes have lead to key efficiency and scalability gains in recent years. However, progress faces a major roadblock, as models trained with large batches often do not generalize well, i.e. they do not show good accuracy on new data. As a remedy, we propose a post-local SGD and show that it significantly improves the generalization performance compared to large-batch training on standard benchmarks while enjoying the same efficiency (time-to-accuracy) and scalability. We further provide an extensive study of the communication efficiency vs. performance trade-offs associated with a host of local SGD variants.

Research paper thumbnail of El Cuidado De La Imagen en Los Procesos Vitales. Creatividad y 'Miedo Al Descontrol' < 1 )

Research paper thumbnail of Ikerkuntza feministarako epistemologiari eta metodologiari buruzko gogoetak

Barbara Bigliak, gizarte esku-hartzea eta eraldaketa bilatzen duen ikerkuntza feministaren episte... more Barbara Bigliak, gizarte esku-hartzea eta eraldaketa bilatzen duen ikerkuntza feministaren epistemologia eta metologiaren arloan digresioa aurkezten du. Bertan, ezagutzaren produkziora hurbilpen kritiko feminista izan daitekeena, dena eta izatea gustuko genukeenaren arteko eztabaidak gurutzatzen dira. Eztabaida horiek adibideekin gorpuztea da saiakera, eta modu horretan hausnarketa teorikoak “lurreratzea”. Artikulua zientziari egiten zaizkion kritika feminista nagusienak aurkezten hasten da. Horrekin batera, egileak berebiziko garrantzia egotzi egiten dio egun ezagutzeko erak birpentsatzeari, eta ez hainbeste ikerlarien identitate generizatuaz ohartzeari. Jarraian, gure ikerketetan proposamen epistemologiko feministak praktikara eramateko aurkitzen ditugun zenbait erronka azaltzen dira, proposamen horietako batzuren “sukaldea” irekiz eztabaidak abstrakzioan gera ez daitezen. Artikulua, hausnartzen jarraitzeko kezka eta proposamen zerrenda labur batekin amaitzen da. Bigarren artikulu...

Research paper thumbnail of Prólogo. Vidas que cuentan. La dimensión autoetnográfica de la investigación

Research paper thumbnail of Innovaciones democráticas feministas

Innovaciones democráticas feministas, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of La antropología y el poder de lo erótico

AIBR, Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana, 2020

This paper is an invitation to reflect on the importance eroticism may have in the different stag... more This paper is an invitation to reflect on the importance eroticism may have in the different stages of anthropological work (gathering information, analysis, writing, presenting to an audience…), starting from a definition of eroticism as potential and creative force, which includes but not be limited to the sexual sense of the term; an approach that may serve to capture the dynamic, sensorial intensity of both pleasant and unpleasant human experiences. In order to do so, I turn to classic texts by Audre Lorde, Gilles Deleuze/Félix Guattari and Georges Bataille as well as current authors such as Maria Livia Alga, Alba Barbé, Adriana Guzmán and Elisa Lipkau. But, above all, I take inspiration from Susan Sontag's essay "Against Interpretation", published originally in 1966 and applied to art criticism. Following a brief revision of anthropological research in the field of sexuality, I address different questions relating to importance of commitment and erotic affectation in ethnography, developed above all in certain fields such as visual anthropology and feminist anthropology. One question guides my entire reflection: What would an erotics of anthropological research be and in what sense could that be of use?