Maria Florencia Ducha - (original) (raw)

Papers by Maria Florencia Ducha

Research paper thumbnail of La reducción de los espacios

Gazeta de Antropología, 2000

El presente trabajo apunta a revisar el rol de la Antropología como ciencia, frente al fenómeno d... more El presente trabajo apunta a revisar el rol de la Antropología como ciencia, frente al fenómeno de la globalización. Se aborda el tema de lo global y lo local: el modelo neoliberal, la problemática de la pobreza a nivel mundial y la redefinición de las políticas sociales en la Argentina, en función de la coyuntura socioeconómica imperante. Ahí, las conceptualizaciones estigmatizantes sobre la "pobreza" y los "pobres" que dichas políticas emplean, no se corresponden con lo que sienten y piensan las personas con respecto a su situación de "pobreza". En este sentido se intenta abrir el debate y la reflexión crítica y conjunta sobre la intromisión de Occidente en el espacio del "otro"; intromisión que deviene en reducción del espacio: espacio que es físico, social y simbólico.

Research paper thumbnail of Change in Nutrient and Dietary Intake in European Children with Cystic Fibrosis after a 6-Month Intervention with a Self-Management mHealth Tool

Nutrients, 2021

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a life-long genetic disease, causing increased energy needs and a healthy... more Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a life-long genetic disease, causing increased energy needs and a healthy diet with a specific nutrient distribution. Nutritional status is an indicator of disease prognosis and survival. This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of a self-management mobile app in supporting patients with CF to achieve the dietary goals set by the CF nutrition guidelines. A clinical trial was conducted in pancreatic insufficient children with CF, followed in six European CF centres, where the self-management app developed within the MyCyFAPP project was used for six months. To assess secondary outcomes, three-day food records were compiled in the app at baseline and after 3 and 6 months of use. Eighty-four subjects (mean 7.8 years old) were enrolled. Compared to baseline, macronutrient distribution better approximated the guidelines, with protein and lipid increasing by 1.0 and 2.1% of the total energy intake, respectively, by the end of the study. Consequently, carbohy...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of gluten immunogenic peptides in feces to assess adherence to the gluten-free diet in pediatric celiac patients

European Journal of Nutrition, 2020

In celiac disease (CD) there is a need for precise and non-invasive tools to assess dietary compl... more In celiac disease (CD) there is a need for precise and non-invasive tools to assess dietary compliance to the gluten-free diet (GFD). Our aim is to evaluate the efficacy of the detection of gluten immunogenic peptides (GIP) in feces, to monitor in real life, the adherence to GFD in pediatric patients with CD. A cross-sectional, prospective study was conducted. Fecal samples from CD children were analyzed by a rapid immunochromatographic (IC) test and by an ELISA method, both based on the antigliadin 33-mer monoclonal antibody. Group 1 comprises 43 children on a GFD. According to the food records (FR), 39/43 patients were compliant with the GFD and gluten consumption was recorded in 4. GIP were detected in 15/43 individuals by the ELISA method and also in 7 by IC strips. Group 2: comprise 18 children at CD diagnosis; GIP levels decreased over time (p < 0.001) in a non-linear way (p = 0.028) after starting a GFD and were below the detection limit on the third day in most individuals. GIP were detected, both by ELISA and by IC strips, in CD patients on a GFD, in which no consumption of gluten had been registered on the FR, confirming GIP detection to be superior to FR discovering involuntary transgressions. Despite a positive correlation between the amount of gluten intake and the concentration of GIP in feces, the interindividual variations observed suggest gastrointestinal factors influencing GIP recovery need to be further investigated.

Research paper thumbnail of Fecal calprotectin in healthy children aged 4–16 years

Scientific Reports, 2020

Reference values of fecal calprotectin (fCP) have not been convincingly established in children. ... more Reference values of fecal calprotectin (fCP) have not been convincingly established in children. We aimed to investigate fCP concentrations in a larger population of healthy children aged 4–16 years to analyze more in depth the behavior of fCP in this age range and to determine if cut-off levels could be conclusively recommended. A prospective study was conducted to investigate fCP concentrations of healthy children aged 4–16 years. In 212 healthy children, the median and 95th percentile for fCP were 18.8 mg/kg and 104.5 mg/kg, respectively. We found a statistically significant association between the 95th percentile of fCP concentrations and age (p

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy Study of Anti-Endomysium Antibodies for Celiac Disease Diagnosis: A Retrospective Study in a Spanish Pediatric Population

Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2019

The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of anti-endomysium antibodies (EMA) as a serolog... more The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of anti-endomysium antibodies (EMA) as a serological marker for celiac disease (CD) diagnosis in a pediatric population. A retrospective study of pediatric patients who underwent a CD serological markers study: EMA and anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies (anti-TG2). Clinical symptomatology, degree of histological lesion, human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotype compatible with CD (HLA DQ2 and/or DQ8), and final diagnosis were taken into account. We included 445 patients who were classified in two groups according to the final diagnosis. Group 1: 232 children with CD, 91.4% of whom exhibited small intestinal villous atrophy, 228 being EMA-positive and four EMA-negative. Group 2: 213 children with a non-CD diagnosis, 212 EMA negative and one EMA positive. Both antibodies, EMA and anti-TG2, reached similar sensitivities, 98% and 99% respectively, while EMA had a higher specificity (99%) than anti-TG2 (93%). By using both markers combi...

Research paper thumbnail of Anti-gliadin antibodies in breast milk from celiac mothers on a gluten-free diet

European journal of nutrition, Jan 29, 2017

To analyze the presence of total IgA and anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA) in BM from CD mothers who ... more To analyze the presence of total IgA and anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA) in BM from CD mothers who follow a gluten-free diet (GFD) and from mothers on a normal gluten-containing diet (ND). 218 samples of mature milk were obtained at different months of lactation (1-6) from 83 mothers (2 or more samples per mother) from Italy (Naples), The Netherlands (Leiden) and Spain (Madrid, Valencia and Reus): 42 CD mothers on GFD for more than 2 years and 41 non-CD mothers on a ND. Whey samples were analyzed for AGA-IgA by an indirect homemade ELISA and for total IgA (g/L) by a commercial ELISA kit. AGA-IgA was detected in BM, both in mothers on a GFD and mothers on a ND. AGA-IgA levels in both groups of mothers, CD and non-CD, show the same trend towards decreasing slightly along the months of lactation (p = 0.91). A different trend is observed for total IgA levels, decreasing markedly in CD mothers from the first month of lactation onwards but remaining stable in non-CD mothers (p = 0.048). A s...

Research paper thumbnail of Fecal calprotectin and eosinophil-derived neurotoxin in healthy children between 0-12 years

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, Jan 4, 2017

In young children, the use of fecal calprotectin (fCP) as a biomarker is limited because referenc... more In young children, the use of fecal calprotectin (fCP) as a biomarker is limited because reference values have not been widely accepted up to now. Moreover, reference values for fecal eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (fEDN) in children have not been established. The aim of this study was to investigate fCP and fEDN levels in young healthy children in order to establish reference values. Stool samples were obtained from healthy children aged 0 to 12 years. fCP and fEDN levels were analysed using the EliA Calprotectin 2 assay (Phadia AB) and a novel research assay (on the ImmunoCAP platform), respectively. In the 174 included children (87 boys), 95 Percentile values ranged from 1519 mg/kg at 0 months to 54.4 mg/kg at 144 months for fCP and from 9.9 mg/kg at 0 months to 0.2 mg/kg at 144 months for fEDN. There was a statistically significant association between age and fCP concentrations (p < 0.001) and age and fEDN concentrations (p < 0.001). We also found a statistically significan...

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive rehabilitation in posterior cortical atrophy

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 2010

and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study pu... more and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.

Research paper thumbnail of Pigment Metabolism of ‘Sikitita’ Olive (Olea europaea L.): A New Cultivar Obtained by Cross-Breeding

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011

The new olive cultivar 'Sikitita' was obtained from a cross between the 'Picual' and 'Arbequina' ... more The new olive cultivar 'Sikitita' was obtained from a cross between the 'Picual' and 'Arbequina' varieties. 'Sikitita' was selected for its features, making it particularly suited to high-density olive hedgerow orchards. From the standpoint of chloroplast pigment metabolism, the fruits of the 'Picual' and 'Arbequina' varieties have significant differences. It is therefore extremely interesting to analyze the descendants of both cultivars. With regard to chlorophyll catabolism, 'Sikitita' has proven to be a cultivar with low pigmentation and low levels of chlorophyllase activity. This is contrary to the findings obtained to date, where varieties with low pigmentation are a consequence of high chlorophyllase activity ('Arbequina') and highly pigmented fruits are due to low chlorophyllase activity ('Picual'). 'Arbequina' was, until recently, the only cultivar described that had developed a carotenogenic process, despite its anthocyanic ripening. However, from its father ('Arbequina'), the 'Sikitita' cultivar has inherited the pool of enzymes necessary to esterify xanthophylls at the chromoplast level. This makes 'Sikitita' a very interesting cultivar, with potential chemotaxonomic differences (such as esterified xanthophylls in the olive oils), and demonstrates the interest in genetic improvement programs for olive cultivars with different organoleptic characteristics.

Research paper thumbnail of Control of Olive Oil Adulteration with Copper−Chlorophyll Derivatives

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010

The present work proposes an analytical method able to detect in an adulterated olive oil sample ... more The present work proposes an analytical method able to detect in an adulterated olive oil sample the addition of the copper complexes of chlorophylls (E 141i). The method consists of a pigment extraction in liquid phase and subsequent analysis by HPLC-DAD. The profile of chlorophyll pigments of an olive oil is determined essentially by its content in pheophytins (a and b), but in no case any copper derivative. Different samples of colorant E 141i have been analyzed, the natural coloring additives used to adulterate vegetable oils. The 99.59 (0.52% of the chlorophyll pigments present in the different samples of E 141i colorant are not those of an olive oil (more than 75% are cuproderivatives). Thus, the simple detection of one of the compounds in an olive oil indicates adulteration. The major chlorophyll derivative in all the E 141i colorants samples is Cu-pyropheophytin a and its limit of detection (LOD) defined at a signal-to-noise ratio of about 3 was 6.58 ng/g.

Research paper thumbnail of Pigment Profile in Non-Spanish Olive Varieties (Olea europaea L. Var. Coratina, Frantoio, and Koroneiki)

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009

The analysis, for the first time, of the chlorophyll and carotenoid profile of olive fruits of th... more The analysis, for the first time, of the chlorophyll and carotenoid profile of olive fruits of the varieties Coratina, Frantoio, and Koroneiki has revealed important differences with Spanish varieties. First, a high chlorophylls/carotenoids ratio and a low chlorophyll a/b ratio imply that the photosynthetic apparatus has structural differences with respect to other olive varieties; second, in the carotenoid fraction, a low percentage of lutein, a high percentage of β-carotene, and a high content in neoxanthin are signs that in these three olive varieties the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway is displaced, favoring the β,β series over the R,β series. These differences in the chlorophyll and carotenoid profiles of the fruit are reflected in the corresponding virgin olive oils. It is proposed that the limits of the pigmentary parameters of authenticity of virgin olive oil previously established for the Spanish varieties be extended to obtain markers at a general level, independent of the geographical origin.

Research paper thumbnail of La construcción social del cuerpo en el ámbito carcelario

Al transitar la cárcel como trabajadora del Ministerio de Justicia de la provincia de Buenos Aire... more Al transitar la cárcel como trabajadora del Ministerio de Justicia de la provincia de Buenos Aires desde el 2006, como representante del Ministerio, y desde el 2010 hasta la actualidad como profesional abocada a los equipos de abordaje psico social de prevención de la violencia en cárceles he trabajado en distintos talleres grupales con los privados de libertad. Me ha despertado gran curiosidad la particular forma en que la corporeidad se manifiesta en la cárcel ("tumba" según los mismos internos 3). Así me era (y es) familiar ver a los privados de libertad vestirse de un modo característico, gesticular 1 Antropóloga. Post título en Formación Docente. Magister en cuento (escritura creativa). Cargo: Profesional

Research paper thumbnail of La reducción de los espacios

Gazeta de Antropología, 2000

El presente trabajo apunta a revisar el rol de la Antropología como ciencia, frente al fenómeno d... more El presente trabajo apunta a revisar el rol de la Antropología como ciencia, frente al fenómeno de la globalización. Se aborda el tema de lo global y lo local: el modelo neoliberal, la problemática de la pobreza a nivel mundial y la redefinición de las políticas sociales en la Argentina, en función de la coyuntura socioeconómica imperante. Ahí, las conceptualizaciones estigmatizantes sobre la "pobreza" y los "pobres" que dichas políticas emplean, no se corresponden con lo que sienten y piensan las personas con respecto a su situación de "pobreza". En este sentido se intenta abrir el debate y la reflexión crítica y conjunta sobre la intromisión de Occidente en el espacio del "otro"; intromisión que deviene en reducción del espacio: espacio que es físico, social y simbólico.

Research paper thumbnail of Change in Nutrient and Dietary Intake in European Children with Cystic Fibrosis after a 6-Month Intervention with a Self-Management mHealth Tool

Nutrients, 2021

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a life-long genetic disease, causing increased energy needs and a healthy... more Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a life-long genetic disease, causing increased energy needs and a healthy diet with a specific nutrient distribution. Nutritional status is an indicator of disease prognosis and survival. This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of a self-management mobile app in supporting patients with CF to achieve the dietary goals set by the CF nutrition guidelines. A clinical trial was conducted in pancreatic insufficient children with CF, followed in six European CF centres, where the self-management app developed within the MyCyFAPP project was used for six months. To assess secondary outcomes, three-day food records were compiled in the app at baseline and after 3 and 6 months of use. Eighty-four subjects (mean 7.8 years old) were enrolled. Compared to baseline, macronutrient distribution better approximated the guidelines, with protein and lipid increasing by 1.0 and 2.1% of the total energy intake, respectively, by the end of the study. Consequently, carbohy...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of gluten immunogenic peptides in feces to assess adherence to the gluten-free diet in pediatric celiac patients

European Journal of Nutrition, 2020

In celiac disease (CD) there is a need for precise and non-invasive tools to assess dietary compl... more In celiac disease (CD) there is a need for precise and non-invasive tools to assess dietary compliance to the gluten-free diet (GFD). Our aim is to evaluate the efficacy of the detection of gluten immunogenic peptides (GIP) in feces, to monitor in real life, the adherence to GFD in pediatric patients with CD. A cross-sectional, prospective study was conducted. Fecal samples from CD children were analyzed by a rapid immunochromatographic (IC) test and by an ELISA method, both based on the antigliadin 33-mer monoclonal antibody. Group 1 comprises 43 children on a GFD. According to the food records (FR), 39/43 patients were compliant with the GFD and gluten consumption was recorded in 4. GIP were detected in 15/43 individuals by the ELISA method and also in 7 by IC strips. Group 2: comprise 18 children at CD diagnosis; GIP levels decreased over time (p < 0.001) in a non-linear way (p = 0.028) after starting a GFD and were below the detection limit on the third day in most individuals. GIP were detected, both by ELISA and by IC strips, in CD patients on a GFD, in which no consumption of gluten had been registered on the FR, confirming GIP detection to be superior to FR discovering involuntary transgressions. Despite a positive correlation between the amount of gluten intake and the concentration of GIP in feces, the interindividual variations observed suggest gastrointestinal factors influencing GIP recovery need to be further investigated.

Research paper thumbnail of Fecal calprotectin in healthy children aged 4–16 years

Scientific Reports, 2020

Reference values of fecal calprotectin (fCP) have not been convincingly established in children. ... more Reference values of fecal calprotectin (fCP) have not been convincingly established in children. We aimed to investigate fCP concentrations in a larger population of healthy children aged 4–16 years to analyze more in depth the behavior of fCP in this age range and to determine if cut-off levels could be conclusively recommended. A prospective study was conducted to investigate fCP concentrations of healthy children aged 4–16 years. In 212 healthy children, the median and 95th percentile for fCP were 18.8 mg/kg and 104.5 mg/kg, respectively. We found a statistically significant association between the 95th percentile of fCP concentrations and age (p

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy Study of Anti-Endomysium Antibodies for Celiac Disease Diagnosis: A Retrospective Study in a Spanish Pediatric Population

Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2019

The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of anti-endomysium antibodies (EMA) as a serolog... more The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of anti-endomysium antibodies (EMA) as a serological marker for celiac disease (CD) diagnosis in a pediatric population. A retrospective study of pediatric patients who underwent a CD serological markers study: EMA and anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies (anti-TG2). Clinical symptomatology, degree of histological lesion, human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotype compatible with CD (HLA DQ2 and/or DQ8), and final diagnosis were taken into account. We included 445 patients who were classified in two groups according to the final diagnosis. Group 1: 232 children with CD, 91.4% of whom exhibited small intestinal villous atrophy, 228 being EMA-positive and four EMA-negative. Group 2: 213 children with a non-CD diagnosis, 212 EMA negative and one EMA positive. Both antibodies, EMA and anti-TG2, reached similar sensitivities, 98% and 99% respectively, while EMA had a higher specificity (99%) than anti-TG2 (93%). By using both markers combi...

Research paper thumbnail of Anti-gliadin antibodies in breast milk from celiac mothers on a gluten-free diet

European journal of nutrition, Jan 29, 2017

To analyze the presence of total IgA and anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA) in BM from CD mothers who ... more To analyze the presence of total IgA and anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA) in BM from CD mothers who follow a gluten-free diet (GFD) and from mothers on a normal gluten-containing diet (ND). 218 samples of mature milk were obtained at different months of lactation (1-6) from 83 mothers (2 or more samples per mother) from Italy (Naples), The Netherlands (Leiden) and Spain (Madrid, Valencia and Reus): 42 CD mothers on GFD for more than 2 years and 41 non-CD mothers on a ND. Whey samples were analyzed for AGA-IgA by an indirect homemade ELISA and for total IgA (g/L) by a commercial ELISA kit. AGA-IgA was detected in BM, both in mothers on a GFD and mothers on a ND. AGA-IgA levels in both groups of mothers, CD and non-CD, show the same trend towards decreasing slightly along the months of lactation (p = 0.91). A different trend is observed for total IgA levels, decreasing markedly in CD mothers from the first month of lactation onwards but remaining stable in non-CD mothers (p = 0.048). A s...

Research paper thumbnail of Fecal calprotectin and eosinophil-derived neurotoxin in healthy children between 0-12 years

Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, Jan 4, 2017

In young children, the use of fecal calprotectin (fCP) as a biomarker is limited because referenc... more In young children, the use of fecal calprotectin (fCP) as a biomarker is limited because reference values have not been widely accepted up to now. Moreover, reference values for fecal eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (fEDN) in children have not been established. The aim of this study was to investigate fCP and fEDN levels in young healthy children in order to establish reference values. Stool samples were obtained from healthy children aged 0 to 12 years. fCP and fEDN levels were analysed using the EliA Calprotectin 2 assay (Phadia AB) and a novel research assay (on the ImmunoCAP platform), respectively. In the 174 included children (87 boys), 95 Percentile values ranged from 1519 mg/kg at 0 months to 54.4 mg/kg at 144 months for fCP and from 9.9 mg/kg at 0 months to 0.2 mg/kg at 144 months for fEDN. There was a statistically significant association between age and fCP concentrations (p < 0.001) and age and fEDN concentrations (p < 0.001). We also found a statistically significan...

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive rehabilitation in posterior cortical atrophy

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 2010

and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study pu... more and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.

Research paper thumbnail of Pigment Metabolism of ‘Sikitita’ Olive (Olea europaea L.): A New Cultivar Obtained by Cross-Breeding

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011

The new olive cultivar 'Sikitita' was obtained from a cross between the 'Picual' and 'Arbequina' ... more The new olive cultivar 'Sikitita' was obtained from a cross between the 'Picual' and 'Arbequina' varieties. 'Sikitita' was selected for its features, making it particularly suited to high-density olive hedgerow orchards. From the standpoint of chloroplast pigment metabolism, the fruits of the 'Picual' and 'Arbequina' varieties have significant differences. It is therefore extremely interesting to analyze the descendants of both cultivars. With regard to chlorophyll catabolism, 'Sikitita' has proven to be a cultivar with low pigmentation and low levels of chlorophyllase activity. This is contrary to the findings obtained to date, where varieties with low pigmentation are a consequence of high chlorophyllase activity ('Arbequina') and highly pigmented fruits are due to low chlorophyllase activity ('Picual'). 'Arbequina' was, until recently, the only cultivar described that had developed a carotenogenic process, despite its anthocyanic ripening. However, from its father ('Arbequina'), the 'Sikitita' cultivar has inherited the pool of enzymes necessary to esterify xanthophylls at the chromoplast level. This makes 'Sikitita' a very interesting cultivar, with potential chemotaxonomic differences (such as esterified xanthophylls in the olive oils), and demonstrates the interest in genetic improvement programs for olive cultivars with different organoleptic characteristics.

Research paper thumbnail of Control of Olive Oil Adulteration with Copper−Chlorophyll Derivatives

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010

The present work proposes an analytical method able to detect in an adulterated olive oil sample ... more The present work proposes an analytical method able to detect in an adulterated olive oil sample the addition of the copper complexes of chlorophylls (E 141i). The method consists of a pigment extraction in liquid phase and subsequent analysis by HPLC-DAD. The profile of chlorophyll pigments of an olive oil is determined essentially by its content in pheophytins (a and b), but in no case any copper derivative. Different samples of colorant E 141i have been analyzed, the natural coloring additives used to adulterate vegetable oils. The 99.59 (0.52% of the chlorophyll pigments present in the different samples of E 141i colorant are not those of an olive oil (more than 75% are cuproderivatives). Thus, the simple detection of one of the compounds in an olive oil indicates adulteration. The major chlorophyll derivative in all the E 141i colorants samples is Cu-pyropheophytin a and its limit of detection (LOD) defined at a signal-to-noise ratio of about 3 was 6.58 ng/g.

Research paper thumbnail of Pigment Profile in Non-Spanish Olive Varieties (Olea europaea L. Var. Coratina, Frantoio, and Koroneiki)

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009

The analysis, for the first time, of the chlorophyll and carotenoid profile of olive fruits of th... more The analysis, for the first time, of the chlorophyll and carotenoid profile of olive fruits of the varieties Coratina, Frantoio, and Koroneiki has revealed important differences with Spanish varieties. First, a high chlorophylls/carotenoids ratio and a low chlorophyll a/b ratio imply that the photosynthetic apparatus has structural differences with respect to other olive varieties; second, in the carotenoid fraction, a low percentage of lutein, a high percentage of β-carotene, and a high content in neoxanthin are signs that in these three olive varieties the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway is displaced, favoring the β,β series over the R,β series. These differences in the chlorophyll and carotenoid profiles of the fruit are reflected in the corresponding virgin olive oils. It is proposed that the limits of the pigmentary parameters of authenticity of virgin olive oil previously established for the Spanish varieties be extended to obtain markers at a general level, independent of the geographical origin.

Research paper thumbnail of La construcción social del cuerpo en el ámbito carcelario

Al transitar la cárcel como trabajadora del Ministerio de Justicia de la provincia de Buenos Aire... more Al transitar la cárcel como trabajadora del Ministerio de Justicia de la provincia de Buenos Aires desde el 2006, como representante del Ministerio, y desde el 2010 hasta la actualidad como profesional abocada a los equipos de abordaje psico social de prevención de la violencia en cárceles he trabajado en distintos talleres grupales con los privados de libertad. Me ha despertado gran curiosidad la particular forma en que la corporeidad se manifiesta en la cárcel ("tumba" según los mismos internos 3). Así me era (y es) familiar ver a los privados de libertad vestirse de un modo característico, gesticular 1 Antropóloga. Post título en Formación Docente. Magister en cuento (escritura creativa). Cargo: Profesional