Maria Jesus Bahamondes Castillo - (original) (raw)
Papers by Maria Jesus Bahamondes Castillo
Circulation, 2014
Background: Although the rate of death (mortality) from Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) has halved s... more Background: Although the rate of death (mortality) from Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) has halved since the 1970s, CHD remains a major cause of all-cause mortality in the UK. Furthermore, population ageing plus recent increases in obesity and diabetes may soon increase total CHD deaths. Predictions of future CHD mortality are thus potentially problematic. Here we explore future projections of CHD mortality in England & Wales under two conventional but dramatically contrasting assumptions. Materials and Methods: In SCENARIO A, we used a conventional counterfactual, assuming that the last-observed CHD mortality rates (ONS) from 2011 would persist unchanged to 2030.The future number of deaths was then calculated by applying those rates onto 2012-2030 population estimates. In SCENARIO B, we assumed that the recent trend in CHD mortality rates would continue. We used a well-established hierarchical Bayesian Age Period Cohort (BAPC) model, which works under the assumption that variability i...
Circulation, 2014
Introduction: Hypertension is an important risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) in the UK... more Introduction: Hypertension is an important risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) in the UK and US. Although CHD death rates are falling, a large proportion of hypertensive patients are poorly controlled and population salt intake, a major determinant of hypertension, remains well above the recommended daily maximum of 6g/day. G. Rose identified two strategies to reduce CHD mortality. The first proposes that small, but population-wide, reductions in systolic blood pressure (SBP), achieved by public health measures to reduce salt intake, will deliver large reductions in mortality. The second seeks to reduce mortality by treating hypertensive patients and keeping them below a given risk-threshold. Here we explore the potential to reduce CHD deaths through a combination of these strategies in England and Wales up to 2030. Methods: We used the Stock of Health (SoH) model assuming each individual is born with a SoH, and on an annual basis this stock depreciates due to demographic f...
Revista Mexicana de trastornos alimentarios, 2013
Desde una perspectiva multifactorial el presente trabajo es una revision sobre los factores famil... more Desde una perspectiva multifactorial el presente trabajo es una revision sobre los factores familiares asociados a los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA), considerando las aportaciones teoricas y empiricas propuestas en articulos nacionales e internacionales. Los resultados de la busqueda sobre TCA y familia, indican que los principales topicos investigados son: funcionamiento familiar, relaciones hija-padres, experiencias estresantes, psicopatologia familiar, actitudes y conductas hacia el peso, alimentacion e imagen corporal en las familias afectadas. Se concluye reconociendo la heterogeneidad de las familias con TCA y la compleja combinacion de factores familiares asociados a la psicopatologia alimentaria. Se sugiere mayor investigacion sobre: funcionamiento familiar de las personas con TCANE, el papel del padre, factores de proteccion, afrontamiento al estres, imagen corporal y alimentacion familiar
Colombia Medica, 2011
Introduction: The results of administering recombinant leptin, as well as the 116-130 peptide of ... more Introduction: The results of administering recombinant leptin, as well as the 116-130 peptide of mouse leptin in ob/ob mice have shown the probability of discovering more efficient leptin-based therapeutic methods to treat obesity. Objective: To demonstrate in Wistar rats fed with high-fat diet if the administration of synthetic peptides corresponding to the 116-130 peptide of mouse leptin (SR 116), its human homologue peptide (SH 95: sequence 95-109 from the 1AX8 protein) and five modified peptides (P80 to P84) similar to these two peptides, produces effects related to regulation of body fat. Materials and methods: Nine-week old Wistar rats were fed a high-fat diet for fifteen weeks. On the fifteenth week, and for five consecutive days, they were treated with the peptides to be evaluated. During the days of treatment, body weight and food intake were evaluated. After the last peptide administration, lipid profile, glycerol in the cellular medium, and DNA fragmentation in adipocytes...
Educacion Y Educadores, Jun 1, 2007
Papel Politico, Dec 1, 2011
This research paper studies the connections between marital conflicts, child rearing practices, a... more This research paper studies the connections between marital conflicts, child rearing practices, and children’s behaviour problems within the framework of ecological validity in family education. The results show the effects which marital conflicts and child rearing practices exert on behaviour problems. In addition, the mediational model of child rearing practices, gender and age is confirmed in this study.La presente investigación estudia, dentro de la validez ecológica de la educación familiar, la relación entre conflictos maritales, prácticas de crianza y problemas de conducta de los hijos. Los resultados muestran el efecto conjunto de conflictos maritales y prácticas de crianza sobre los problemas de conducta. Además, se confirma el modelo mediacional de las prácticas de crianza, del género y de la edad en este estudio
Acta Botanica Mexicana, Jul 1, 2012
Papel Politico, Dec 1, 2011
Convergencia Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 2005
Resumen: En este trabajo se investigan las diferencias por género en problemas de conducta. En un... more Resumen: En este trabajo se investigan las diferencias por género en problemas de conducta. En una muestra de 200 sujetos (niños y niñas) en tre 5 y 18 años de Granada (España), los resultados concluyen que los niños tienen más problemas de conducta delictiva que las niñas. Cuando existen conflictos matrimoniales y prácticas de crianza negativas, de nuevo los niños tienen más problemas externos que las niñas. Palabras clave: género, problemas de conducta, conflictos matrimoniales, prácticas de crianza, problemas externos. Ab stract: Dif fer ences by gen der within be hav iour prob lems are in ves ti gated. In a sam pling among 200 sub ject (boys and girls) from 5 to 18 years from Granada (Spain), the re sults deduce that boys have more crim i nal be hav iour prob lems than girls. When ever there are marriage strug gles and neg a tive child breed ing prac tices, again boys have more problems than girls.
Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios, 2013
From a multifactorial perspective this study present a review about the family factors associated... more From a multifactorial perspective this study present a review about the family factors associated to eating disorders, considering theoretical and empirical contributions in national and international journals articles. The find of the research about the Eating Disorders and Family, indicate that the principal topics investigated are: family functioning, daughters and fathers relationships, stressful experiences, family psychopathology, attitudes and behaviors about weigh, eating and body image in the affected families. We conclude recognizing the heterogeneity of the families with Eating Disorders and the complex combination of family factors associated to eating psychopathology. More research is suggested about: family functioning in EDNOS patients, the father´s role, protective factors, coping stress, body image and family food. Resumen Desde una perspectiva multifactorial el presente trabajo es una revisión sobre los factores familiares asociados a los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA), considerando las aportaciones teóricas y empíricas propuestas en artículos nacionales e internacionales. Los resultados de la búsqueda sobre TCA y familia, indican que los principales tópicos investigados son: funcionamiento familiar, relaciones hija-padres, experiencias estresantes, psicopatología familiar, actitudes y conductas hacia el peso, alimentación e imagen corporal en las familias afectadas. Se concluye reconociendo la heterogeneidad de las familias con TCA y la compleja combinación de factores familiares asociados a la psicopatología alimentaria. Se sugiere mayor investigación sobre: funcionamiento familiar de las personas con TCANE, el papel del padre, factores de protección, afrontamiento al estrés, imagen corporal y alimentación familiar.
Revista de Psicología, 2002
Esta investigación metodológica corresponde a un aspecto importante de los Proyectos Crisol Dorad... more Esta investigación metodológica corresponde a un aspecto importante de los Proyectos Crisol Dorado, Departamento de Educación de la Ilustre Municipalidad de Quilpué, Chile 2002-2004. Los datos consistieron en los Puntajes de las Escalas MIDAS-Kids de Shearer (1996-2002) aplicadas a 1.070 Alumnos de 7o. Básico, 15 escuelas públicas, Quilpué, Chile, 2002. Las Escalas MIDAS-Kids presentaron excelentes psicometrías: Dificultad Media = 0,5357; Discriminación Media = 0,8043; y, Coeficiente de Confiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach = 0,9649. Al usar métodos stepwise y el Puntaje Total como criterio, fueron analizados 8 regresiones significativas. Ellas oscilaron entre R = 0,874 (F = 3.465,211; p = 0,000) para la Inteligencia Múltiple (IM) Intrapersonal, y R = 1,000 (F = 6,82E+16; p = 0,000) para las 8 IMs. Las IMs CinestésicoCorporal, Lógico-Matemática e Intrapersonal significativamente favorecieron a los niños. Para evaluar la Teoría de las Estructuras de la Mente de Gardner (1983, 1994), se comp...
PLoS ONE, 2014
Background: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) remains a major cause of mortality in the United Kingdom... more Background: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) remains a major cause of mortality in the United Kingdom. Yet predictions of future CHD mortality are potentially problematic due to population ageing and increase in obesity and diabetes. Here we explore future projections of CHD mortality in England & Wales under two contrasting future trend assumptions. Methods: In scenario A, we used the conventional counterfactual scenario that the last-observed CHD mortality rates from 2011 would persist unchanged to 2030. The future number of deaths was calculated by applying those rates to the 2012-2030 population estimates. In scenario B, we assumed that the recent falling trend in CHD mortality rates would continue. Using Lee-Carter and Bayesian Age Period Cohort (BAPC) models, we projected the linear trends up to 2030. We validate our methods using past data to predict mortality from 2002-2011. Then, we computed the error between observed and projected values. Results: In scenario A, assuming that 2011 mortality rates stayed constant by 2030, the number of CHD deaths would increase 62% or approximately 39,600 additional deaths. In scenario B, assuming recent declines continued, the BAPC model (the model with lowest error) suggests the number of deaths will decrease by 56%, representing approximately 36,200 fewer deaths by 2030. Conclusions: The decline in CHD mortality has been reasonably continuous since 1979, and there is little reason to believe it will soon halt. The commonly used assumption that mortality will remain constant from 2011 therefore appears slightly dubious. By contrast, using the BAPC model and assuming continuing mortality falls offers a more plausible prediction of future trends. Thus, despite population ageing, the number of CHD deaths might halve again between 2011 and 2030. This has implications for how the potential benefits of future cardiovascular strategies might best be calculated and presented.
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2008
This study aimed to know the differences, if any, in the consumption of tobacco and alcohol among... more This study aimed to know the differences, if any, in the consumption of tobacco and alcohol among adolescents from urban and rural areas, and if self-esteem and self-efficacy are related to the consumption in these two groups of adolescents from secondary schools in urban and rural areas of Nuevo León México, from January to June in 2006. The study was based on the theoretical concepts of self-esteem, perceived self-efficacy and consumption of alcohol and tobacco. The design was descriptive and correlational with a sample of 359 students. A substantial difference was found in the consumption of tobacco among secondary students from urban and rural areas (U= 7513.50, p = .03). The average consumption in urban area was higher (average chi = .35) than in the rural area (average chi = .14). A negative and significant relation was found between the quantity of drinks consumed on a typical day and self-esteem (r s = - .23, p <.001), as well as for the quantity of cigarettes consumed on...
Plant Disease, 2006
Lethal yellowing (LY) of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) caused by a subgroup 16SrIV-A phytoplas... more Lethal yellowing (LY) of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) caused by a subgroup 16SrIV-A phytoplasma has been present along the northern coast and adjacent Bay Islands of Honduras since 1996. In the southern municipalities of San Esteban and Guanaco, approximately 150 km from the Atlantic coast, substantial numbers of coyol palm (Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart.) and several coconut palms growing nearby were either dead or in an advanced stage of decline during 2005. Declining palms of both species exhibited loss of fruit, withered inflorescences, and dried, discolored (grayish brown) leaves. Most or all leaves on declining palms had collapsed and hung downward around the stem. Samples (3 to 5 g) of tissue were excised from stems of 20 coyol and 2 coconut palms. DNA was extracted from each sample using a previously described protocol (2) and assayed for phytoplasma DNA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) employing phytoplasma universal rRNA primer pair P1 (1) and P7 (4). A...
Nematology, 2012
Nematodes of the family Mermithidae are known as endoparasites of freshwater arthropods. Juvenile... more Nematodes of the family Mermithidae are known as endoparasites of freshwater arthropods. Juveniles of Pheromermis sp. (Mermithidae) were found coiled inside stonefly nymphs collected at seven sites in the Guare and Emilia rivers in northern Venezuela. Prevalence in Anacroneuria blanca was 93.2% () and in A. caraca was 91.5% (). In A. blanca, a higher number of juveniles per individual host was observed than in A. caraca, a fact that is probably related to body size. Although parasites were observed in all body regions, the highest incidence occurred in the legs and thorax. Considering the nematode prevalence and intensity of parasitism, we consider individuals of Anacroneuria spp. to be important hosts of Pheromermis in these rivers.
Circulation, 2013
Background— The American Heart Association (AHA) 2020 Strategic Impact Goal proposes a 20% improv... more Background— The American Heart Association (AHA) 2020 Strategic Impact Goal proposes a 20% improvement in cardiovascular health of all Americans. We aimed to estimate the potential reduction in coronary heart disease (CHD) deaths. Methods and Results— We used data on 40 373 adults free of cardiovascular disease from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES; 1988–2010). We quantified recent trends for 6 metrics (total cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, physical inactivity, smoking, diabetes mellitus, and obesity) and generated linear projections to 2020. We projected the expected number of CHD deaths in 2020 if 2006 age- and sex-specific CHD death rates remained constant, which would result in ≈480 000 CHD deaths in 2020 (12% increase). We used the previously validated IMPACT CHD model to project numbers of CHD deaths in 2020 under 2 different scenarios: (1) Assuming a 20% improvement in each cardiovascular health metric, we project 365 000 CHD deaths in 2020 (...
Archivos de Bronconeumología, 2012
Dos especies de ninfas de plecopteros, Anacroneuria blanca Stark y Anacroneuria caraca Stark, son... more Dos especies de ninfas de plecopteros, Anacroneuria blanca Stark y Anacroneuria caraca Stark, son reportadas por primera vez en el rio Guare, municipio Guaicaipuro, estado Miranda, Venezuela. Se determino que las ninfas de ambas especies se alimentan de estadios inmaduros de insectos de las familias Simuliidae y Baetidae. Se observaron individuos con caracteres morfologicos compartidos, lo cual esta probablemente relacionado con el requerimiento ecologico similar de ambas especies de Anacroneuria, debido a su condicion de simpatria.
Circulation, 2014
Background: Although the rate of death (mortality) from Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) has halved s... more Background: Although the rate of death (mortality) from Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) has halved since the 1970s, CHD remains a major cause of all-cause mortality in the UK. Furthermore, population ageing plus recent increases in obesity and diabetes may soon increase total CHD deaths. Predictions of future CHD mortality are thus potentially problematic. Here we explore future projections of CHD mortality in England & Wales under two conventional but dramatically contrasting assumptions. Materials and Methods: In SCENARIO A, we used a conventional counterfactual, assuming that the last-observed CHD mortality rates (ONS) from 2011 would persist unchanged to 2030.The future number of deaths was then calculated by applying those rates onto 2012-2030 population estimates. In SCENARIO B, we assumed that the recent trend in CHD mortality rates would continue. We used a well-established hierarchical Bayesian Age Period Cohort (BAPC) model, which works under the assumption that variability i...
Circulation, 2014
Introduction: Hypertension is an important risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) in the UK... more Introduction: Hypertension is an important risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) in the UK and US. Although CHD death rates are falling, a large proportion of hypertensive patients are poorly controlled and population salt intake, a major determinant of hypertension, remains well above the recommended daily maximum of 6g/day. G. Rose identified two strategies to reduce CHD mortality. The first proposes that small, but population-wide, reductions in systolic blood pressure (SBP), achieved by public health measures to reduce salt intake, will deliver large reductions in mortality. The second seeks to reduce mortality by treating hypertensive patients and keeping them below a given risk-threshold. Here we explore the potential to reduce CHD deaths through a combination of these strategies in England and Wales up to 2030. Methods: We used the Stock of Health (SoH) model assuming each individual is born with a SoH, and on an annual basis this stock depreciates due to demographic f...
Revista Mexicana de trastornos alimentarios, 2013
Desde una perspectiva multifactorial el presente trabajo es una revision sobre los factores famil... more Desde una perspectiva multifactorial el presente trabajo es una revision sobre los factores familiares asociados a los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA), considerando las aportaciones teoricas y empiricas propuestas en articulos nacionales e internacionales. Los resultados de la busqueda sobre TCA y familia, indican que los principales topicos investigados son: funcionamiento familiar, relaciones hija-padres, experiencias estresantes, psicopatologia familiar, actitudes y conductas hacia el peso, alimentacion e imagen corporal en las familias afectadas. Se concluye reconociendo la heterogeneidad de las familias con TCA y la compleja combinacion de factores familiares asociados a la psicopatologia alimentaria. Se sugiere mayor investigacion sobre: funcionamiento familiar de las personas con TCANE, el papel del padre, factores de proteccion, afrontamiento al estres, imagen corporal y alimentacion familiar
Colombia Medica, 2011
Introduction: The results of administering recombinant leptin, as well as the 116-130 peptide of ... more Introduction: The results of administering recombinant leptin, as well as the 116-130 peptide of mouse leptin in ob/ob mice have shown the probability of discovering more efficient leptin-based therapeutic methods to treat obesity. Objective: To demonstrate in Wistar rats fed with high-fat diet if the administration of synthetic peptides corresponding to the 116-130 peptide of mouse leptin (SR 116), its human homologue peptide (SH 95: sequence 95-109 from the 1AX8 protein) and five modified peptides (P80 to P84) similar to these two peptides, produces effects related to regulation of body fat. Materials and methods: Nine-week old Wistar rats were fed a high-fat diet for fifteen weeks. On the fifteenth week, and for five consecutive days, they were treated with the peptides to be evaluated. During the days of treatment, body weight and food intake were evaluated. After the last peptide administration, lipid profile, glycerol in the cellular medium, and DNA fragmentation in adipocytes...
Educacion Y Educadores, Jun 1, 2007
Papel Politico, Dec 1, 2011
This research paper studies the connections between marital conflicts, child rearing practices, a... more This research paper studies the connections between marital conflicts, child rearing practices, and children’s behaviour problems within the framework of ecological validity in family education. The results show the effects which marital conflicts and child rearing practices exert on behaviour problems. In addition, the mediational model of child rearing practices, gender and age is confirmed in this study.La presente investigación estudia, dentro de la validez ecológica de la educación familiar, la relación entre conflictos maritales, prácticas de crianza y problemas de conducta de los hijos. Los resultados muestran el efecto conjunto de conflictos maritales y prácticas de crianza sobre los problemas de conducta. Además, se confirma el modelo mediacional de las prácticas de crianza, del género y de la edad en este estudio
Acta Botanica Mexicana, Jul 1, 2012
Papel Politico, Dec 1, 2011
Convergencia Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 2005
Resumen: En este trabajo se investigan las diferencias por género en problemas de conducta. En un... more Resumen: En este trabajo se investigan las diferencias por género en problemas de conducta. En una muestra de 200 sujetos (niños y niñas) en tre 5 y 18 años de Granada (España), los resultados concluyen que los niños tienen más problemas de conducta delictiva que las niñas. Cuando existen conflictos matrimoniales y prácticas de crianza negativas, de nuevo los niños tienen más problemas externos que las niñas. Palabras clave: género, problemas de conducta, conflictos matrimoniales, prácticas de crianza, problemas externos. Ab stract: Dif fer ences by gen der within be hav iour prob lems are in ves ti gated. In a sam pling among 200 sub ject (boys and girls) from 5 to 18 years from Granada (Spain), the re sults deduce that boys have more crim i nal be hav iour prob lems than girls. When ever there are marriage strug gles and neg a tive child breed ing prac tices, again boys have more problems than girls.
Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios, 2013
From a multifactorial perspective this study present a review about the family factors associated... more From a multifactorial perspective this study present a review about the family factors associated to eating disorders, considering theoretical and empirical contributions in national and international journals articles. The find of the research about the Eating Disorders and Family, indicate that the principal topics investigated are: family functioning, daughters and fathers relationships, stressful experiences, family psychopathology, attitudes and behaviors about weigh, eating and body image in the affected families. We conclude recognizing the heterogeneity of the families with Eating Disorders and the complex combination of family factors associated to eating psychopathology. More research is suggested about: family functioning in EDNOS patients, the father´s role, protective factors, coping stress, body image and family food. Resumen Desde una perspectiva multifactorial el presente trabajo es una revisión sobre los factores familiares asociados a los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA), considerando las aportaciones teóricas y empíricas propuestas en artículos nacionales e internacionales. Los resultados de la búsqueda sobre TCA y familia, indican que los principales tópicos investigados son: funcionamiento familiar, relaciones hija-padres, experiencias estresantes, psicopatología familiar, actitudes y conductas hacia el peso, alimentación e imagen corporal en las familias afectadas. Se concluye reconociendo la heterogeneidad de las familias con TCA y la compleja combinación de factores familiares asociados a la psicopatología alimentaria. Se sugiere mayor investigación sobre: funcionamiento familiar de las personas con TCANE, el papel del padre, factores de protección, afrontamiento al estrés, imagen corporal y alimentación familiar.
Revista de Psicología, 2002
Esta investigación metodológica corresponde a un aspecto importante de los Proyectos Crisol Dorad... more Esta investigación metodológica corresponde a un aspecto importante de los Proyectos Crisol Dorado, Departamento de Educación de la Ilustre Municipalidad de Quilpué, Chile 2002-2004. Los datos consistieron en los Puntajes de las Escalas MIDAS-Kids de Shearer (1996-2002) aplicadas a 1.070 Alumnos de 7o. Básico, 15 escuelas públicas, Quilpué, Chile, 2002. Las Escalas MIDAS-Kids presentaron excelentes psicometrías: Dificultad Media = 0,5357; Discriminación Media = 0,8043; y, Coeficiente de Confiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach = 0,9649. Al usar métodos stepwise y el Puntaje Total como criterio, fueron analizados 8 regresiones significativas. Ellas oscilaron entre R = 0,874 (F = 3.465,211; p = 0,000) para la Inteligencia Múltiple (IM) Intrapersonal, y R = 1,000 (F = 6,82E+16; p = 0,000) para las 8 IMs. Las IMs CinestésicoCorporal, Lógico-Matemática e Intrapersonal significativamente favorecieron a los niños. Para evaluar la Teoría de las Estructuras de la Mente de Gardner (1983, 1994), se comp...
PLoS ONE, 2014
Background: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) remains a major cause of mortality in the United Kingdom... more Background: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) remains a major cause of mortality in the United Kingdom. Yet predictions of future CHD mortality are potentially problematic due to population ageing and increase in obesity and diabetes. Here we explore future projections of CHD mortality in England & Wales under two contrasting future trend assumptions. Methods: In scenario A, we used the conventional counterfactual scenario that the last-observed CHD mortality rates from 2011 would persist unchanged to 2030. The future number of deaths was calculated by applying those rates to the 2012-2030 population estimates. In scenario B, we assumed that the recent falling trend in CHD mortality rates would continue. Using Lee-Carter and Bayesian Age Period Cohort (BAPC) models, we projected the linear trends up to 2030. We validate our methods using past data to predict mortality from 2002-2011. Then, we computed the error between observed and projected values. Results: In scenario A, assuming that 2011 mortality rates stayed constant by 2030, the number of CHD deaths would increase 62% or approximately 39,600 additional deaths. In scenario B, assuming recent declines continued, the BAPC model (the model with lowest error) suggests the number of deaths will decrease by 56%, representing approximately 36,200 fewer deaths by 2030. Conclusions: The decline in CHD mortality has been reasonably continuous since 1979, and there is little reason to believe it will soon halt. The commonly used assumption that mortality will remain constant from 2011 therefore appears slightly dubious. By contrast, using the BAPC model and assuming continuing mortality falls offers a more plausible prediction of future trends. Thus, despite population ageing, the number of CHD deaths might halve again between 2011 and 2030. This has implications for how the potential benefits of future cardiovascular strategies might best be calculated and presented.
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2008
This study aimed to know the differences, if any, in the consumption of tobacco and alcohol among... more This study aimed to know the differences, if any, in the consumption of tobacco and alcohol among adolescents from urban and rural areas, and if self-esteem and self-efficacy are related to the consumption in these two groups of adolescents from secondary schools in urban and rural areas of Nuevo León México, from January to June in 2006. The study was based on the theoretical concepts of self-esteem, perceived self-efficacy and consumption of alcohol and tobacco. The design was descriptive and correlational with a sample of 359 students. A substantial difference was found in the consumption of tobacco among secondary students from urban and rural areas (U= 7513.50, p = .03). The average consumption in urban area was higher (average chi = .35) than in the rural area (average chi = .14). A negative and significant relation was found between the quantity of drinks consumed on a typical day and self-esteem (r s = - .23, p <.001), as well as for the quantity of cigarettes consumed on...
Plant Disease, 2006
Lethal yellowing (LY) of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) caused by a subgroup 16SrIV-A phytoplas... more Lethal yellowing (LY) of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) caused by a subgroup 16SrIV-A phytoplasma has been present along the northern coast and adjacent Bay Islands of Honduras since 1996. In the southern municipalities of San Esteban and Guanaco, approximately 150 km from the Atlantic coast, substantial numbers of coyol palm (Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart.) and several coconut palms growing nearby were either dead or in an advanced stage of decline during 2005. Declining palms of both species exhibited loss of fruit, withered inflorescences, and dried, discolored (grayish brown) leaves. Most or all leaves on declining palms had collapsed and hung downward around the stem. Samples (3 to 5 g) of tissue were excised from stems of 20 coyol and 2 coconut palms. DNA was extracted from each sample using a previously described protocol (2) and assayed for phytoplasma DNA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) employing phytoplasma universal rRNA primer pair P1 (1) and P7 (4). A...
Nematology, 2012
Nematodes of the family Mermithidae are known as endoparasites of freshwater arthropods. Juvenile... more Nematodes of the family Mermithidae are known as endoparasites of freshwater arthropods. Juveniles of Pheromermis sp. (Mermithidae) were found coiled inside stonefly nymphs collected at seven sites in the Guare and Emilia rivers in northern Venezuela. Prevalence in Anacroneuria blanca was 93.2% () and in A. caraca was 91.5% (). In A. blanca, a higher number of juveniles per individual host was observed than in A. caraca, a fact that is probably related to body size. Although parasites were observed in all body regions, the highest incidence occurred in the legs and thorax. Considering the nematode prevalence and intensity of parasitism, we consider individuals of Anacroneuria spp. to be important hosts of Pheromermis in these rivers.
Circulation, 2013
Background— The American Heart Association (AHA) 2020 Strategic Impact Goal proposes a 20% improv... more Background— The American Heart Association (AHA) 2020 Strategic Impact Goal proposes a 20% improvement in cardiovascular health of all Americans. We aimed to estimate the potential reduction in coronary heart disease (CHD) deaths. Methods and Results— We used data on 40 373 adults free of cardiovascular disease from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES; 1988–2010). We quantified recent trends for 6 metrics (total cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, physical inactivity, smoking, diabetes mellitus, and obesity) and generated linear projections to 2020. We projected the expected number of CHD deaths in 2020 if 2006 age- and sex-specific CHD death rates remained constant, which would result in ≈480 000 CHD deaths in 2020 (12% increase). We used the previously validated IMPACT CHD model to project numbers of CHD deaths in 2020 under 2 different scenarios: (1) Assuming a 20% improvement in each cardiovascular health metric, we project 365 000 CHD deaths in 2020 (...
Archivos de Bronconeumología, 2012
Dos especies de ninfas de plecopteros, Anacroneuria blanca Stark y Anacroneuria caraca Stark, son... more Dos especies de ninfas de plecopteros, Anacroneuria blanca Stark y Anacroneuria caraca Stark, son reportadas por primera vez en el rio Guare, municipio Guaicaipuro, estado Miranda, Venezuela. Se determino que las ninfas de ambas especies se alimentan de estadios inmaduros de insectos de las familias Simuliidae y Baetidae. Se observaron individuos con caracteres morfologicos compartidos, lo cual esta probablemente relacionado con el requerimiento ecologico similar de ambas especies de Anacroneuria, debido a su condicion de simpatria.