Maria Jimenez - (original) (raw)

Papers by Maria Jimenez

Research paper thumbnail of Use of Torulaspora delbrueckii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in semi-industrial sequential inoculation to improve quality of Palomino and Chardonnay wines in warm climates

Journal of applied microbiology, Jan 15, 2016

We have evaluated for the first time the impact of two commercial yeast strains (Torulaspora delb... more We have evaluated for the first time the impact of two commercial yeast strains (Torulaspora delbrueckii TD291 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae QA23) inoculated sequentially in musts of Chardonnay and Palomino fino grape varieties grown under warm climate (South West of Spain). Semi-industrial scale alcoholic fermentations were performed during the 2011 and 2012 harvests. Implantation analyses demonstrated that T. delbrueckii became the predominant strain until the end of the alcoholic fermentation phase. Wines with sequential inoculation resulted in the production of low levels of acetic acid (which gives wine an undesirable 'vinegary' character), low acetaldehyde in Chardonnay and high in Palomino wines. The most salient attributes that contribute to the quality of the Chardonnay and Palomino wines produced were aroma intensity, fresh and tropical fruit character. This study demonstrated that sequential inoculation of T. delbrueckii and S. cerevisiae contribute significantly t...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Medicago truncatula Homoglutathione Synthetase Is Derived from Glutathione Synthetase by Gene Duplication1

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Research paper thumbnail of Electric permittivity and dynamic mobility of dilute suspensions of plate-like gibbsite particles

Langmuir, 2015

In this work we discuss the electrokinetic evaluation of model plate-like particles. By model par... more In this work we discuss the electrokinetic evaluation of model plate-like particles. By model particles we mean homogeneous and controlled size and shape. The electrokinetic analysis in such complex geometries cannot be limited to a single data point as in usual electrophoresis in constant (dc) fields. The information can be made much richer if alternating (ac) fields with a sufficiently wide range of frequencies are used. In this case, two techniques can be applied: one is the determination of the frequency spectrum of the electric permittivity or dielectric constant (low-frequency dielectric dispersion), and the other is electroacoustics of suspensions and determination of the frequency dispersion of the electrophoretic mobility (dynamic or ac mobility). In this work, these techniques are used with planar gibbsite (γ-Al(OH)3) particles, modeled as oblate spheroids with a small aspect ratio. As in other laminar minerals, a particular charge distribution, differing between edges and faces, gives rise to very peculiar electrokinetic behavior. It is found that pH 7 approximately separates two distinct field responses: below that pH the dielectric dispersion and dynamic mobility data are consistent with the existence of individual, highly charged platelets, with charge mainly originated on edge surfaces. At pH 4, a low-frequency relaxation is observed, which must be originated by larger particles. It is suggested that these are individual ones bridged by negatively charged fiber-like structures, coming from partial decomposition of gibbsite particles. On the other side of the measured pH spectrum, the overall charge of the particles is low, and this probably produces aggregates with a relatively large average size, with relaxation frequencies at the low side. This is confirmed by dynamic mobility data, showing that a coherent picture of the nanostructure can be reached by combining the two techniques.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hemorrhagic shock primes for increased expression of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant in the lung: role in pulmonary inflammation following lipopolysaccharide

Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 1998

Recent studies have suggested that hemorrhagic shock followed by resuscitation renders patients m... more Recent studies have suggested that hemorrhagic shock followed by resuscitation renders patients more susceptible to lung injury by priming for an exaggerated response to a second stimulus, the so-called "two-hit" hypothesis. We investigated the role of C-X-C chemokines in mediating the augmented lung inflammation in response to LPS following resuscitated shock. In a rodent model, animals exposed to antecedent shock exhibited enhanced lung neutrophil sequestration and transpulmonary albumin flux in response to intratracheal LPS. This effect correlated with an exaggerated expression of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC) protein and mRNA, but not macrophage-inflammatory protein 2. Strategies designed to inhibit CINC, both anti-CINC Ab and supplementation with the antioxidant N-acetyl-cysteine, prevented the enhanced neutrophil sequestration, suggesting that CINC played a central role in the enhanced leukocyte accumulation following shock plus LPS treatment. Sh...

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Research paper thumbnail of Catecholamine and cortisol responses of horses to incremental exertion

Veterinary research communications, 1998

The responses of the plasma concentrations of catecholamines and cortisol in horses to varied rel... more The responses of the plasma concentrations of catecholamines and cortisol in horses to varied relative intensities of exertion were examined. The plasma concentrations of cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine increased significantly (p < 0.05) with exertion. The plasma cortisol concentrations at relative work intensities of 48.3% +/- 1.4%, 82.3% +/- 2.0% and 99.6% +/- 0.4% of VO2max were 114%, 124%, and 126%, respectively, of those at rest, whereas the plasma epinephrine concentrations were 239%, 772% and 3483%, and the norepinephrine concentrations were 138%, 255%, and 1121% of the values at rest. There was a significant (p < 0.0001) relationship between the plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations. The blood lactate concentration and the plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations were significantly (p < 0.0001) related, as were the relative work intensity (%VO2max) and the plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations. The relationships bet...

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Research paper thumbnail of Hemorragia de matriz germinal en recién nacido pretérmino y traumatismo craneal en el periparto. A propósito de un caso de autopsia judicial por presunta mala praxis médica

Revista Española de Medicina Legal, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Studies on age determination and growth pattern of the wedge sole Dicologoglossa cuneata (Moreau, 1881) in the Spanish waters of the Gulf of Cadiz (southwest Iberian Peninsula)

The wedge sole Dicologoglossa cuneata (Moreau, 1881) is a typical coastal soleid which is con- si... more The wedge sole Dicologoglossa cuneata (Moreau, 1881) is a typical coastal soleid which is con- sidered as one of the main target species in the demersal fishery of Spain's southern Atlantic region. This paper presents a study on the growth pattern of wedge sole in the Gulf of Cadiz. Age was determined by observing and analysing whole otoliths (sagittae), thereby

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Research paper thumbnail of P-322 Treatment of chronic hepatitis C with interferon beta

International Hepatology Communications, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of A European Nuclear Data Programme for Accelerator-Driven Systems

In the HINDAS programme, nuclear data in the 20-2 000 MeV range are evaluated by means of a combi... more In the HINDAS programme, nuclear data in the 20-2 000 MeV range are evaluated by means of a combination of nuclear models and well-selected intermediate- and high-energy experiments. A panoply of European accelerators is utilised to provide complete sets of experimental data for iron, lead and uranium over a large energy range. Nuclear model codes are being improved and validated

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Research paper thumbnail of The environmental impacts of teleworking

Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 2004

This paper analyses the environmental impacts of teleworking. Some empirical studies indicate a p... more This paper analyses the environmental impacts of teleworking. Some empirical studies indicate a positive relationship between the use of teleworking and the reduction of commuting and pollution. The article discusses the variables that impact on the use of teleworking in urban environments, and shows a case estimation for a Spanish city.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impaired apoptotic death signaling in inflammatory lung neutrophils is associated with decreased expression of interleukin-1beta converting enzyme family proteases (caspases)

Surgery, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of Usefulness of chemotherapy as prophylaxis of tumor recurrence after liver transplantation in advanced hepatocellular carcinomas

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical characterization of the lectin from Amaranthus leucocarpus syn. hypocondriacus by 2-D proteome analysis

Glycoconjugate Journal, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Beta(1)/beta(2)/beta(3)-adrenoceptor knockout mice are obese and cold-sensitive but have normal lipolytic responses to fasting

FEBS letters, Jan 23, 2002

Catecholamines are viewed as major stimulants of diet- and cold-induced thermogenesis and of fast... more Catecholamines are viewed as major stimulants of diet- and cold-induced thermogenesis and of fasting-induced lipolysis, through the beta-adrenoceptors (beta(1)/beta(2)/beta(3)). To test this hypothesis, we generated beta(1)/beta(2)/beta(3)-adrenoceptor triple knockout (TKO) mice and compared them to wild type animals. TKO mice exhibited normophagic obesity and cold-intolerance. Their brown fat had impaired morphology and lacked responses to cold of uncoupling protein-1 expression. In contrast, TKO mice had higher circulating levels of free fatty acids and glycerol at basal and fasted states, suggesting enhanced lipolysis. Hence, beta-adrenergic signalling is essential for the resistance to obesity and cold, but not for the lipolytic response to fasting.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the acquired immune responses to Plasmodium vivax VIR variant antigens in individuals living in malaria-endemic areas of Brazil

Malaria journal, Jan 6, 2006

The naturally-acquired immune response to Plasmodium vivax variant antigens (VIR) was evaluated i... more The naturally-acquired immune response to Plasmodium vivax variant antigens (VIR) was evaluated in individuals exposed to malaria and living in different endemic areas for malaria in the north of Brazil. Seven recombinant proteins representing four vir subfamilies (A, B, C, and E) obtained from a single patient from the Amazon Region were expressed in Escherichia coli as soluble glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins. The different recombinant proteins were compared by ELISA with regard to the recognition by IgM, IgG, and IgG subclass of antibodies from 200 individuals with patent infection. The frequency of individuals that presented antibodies anti-VIR (IgM plus IgG) during the infection was 49%. The frequencies of individuals that presented IgM or IgG antibodies anti-VIR were 29.6% or 26.0%, respectively. The prevalence of IgG antibodies against recombinant VIR proteins was significantly lower than the prevalence of antibodies against the recombinant proteins representing two ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Multi-element analysis of compost by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

Talanta, Jan 15, 2007

Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) has been applied to multi... more Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) has been applied to multi-element determination in compost samples. Since compost is a heterogeneous mixture of organic and inorganic materials, the influence of sample heterogeneity on the accuracy and precision of analysis was investigated. Several parameters related to the following were studied: laser (energy, laser-beam diameter, preablation. rastering speed, carrier-gas flow rate), sample preparation (use of compacted pellets, grinding time, particle size, sample amount, length of hydraulic press treatment, position of line scan), and the ICP-MS system (quantitative versus semiquantitative analysis, matrix-matched standards and liquid standards calibration). The main causes of imprecision in sample preparation were determined to be particle size and grinding time. The effect of sample heterogeneity on precision was also evaluated by using different test samples (pellets). For Ni, Zn and Pb, the greatest co...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Solution Composition on the Energy Production by Capacitive Mixing in Membrane-Electrode Assembly

The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, Jan 24, 2014

In this work, we consider the extent to which the presence of multivalent ions in solution modifi... more In this work, we consider the extent to which the presence of multivalent ions in solution modifies the equilibrium and dynamics of the energy production in a capacitive cell built with ion-exchange membranes in contact with high surface area electrodes. The cell potential in open circuit (OCV) is controlled by the difference between both membrane potentials, simulated as constant volume charge regions. A theoretical model is elaborated for steady state OCV, first in the case of monovalent solutions, as a reference. This is compared to the results in multi-ionic systems, containing divalent cations in concentrations similar to those in real seawater. It is found that the OCV is reduced by about 25% (as compared to the results in pure NaCl solutions) due to the presence of the divalent ions, even in low concentrations. Interestingly, this can be related to the "uphill" transport of such ions against their concentration gradients. On the contrary, their effect on the dynamic...

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Research paper thumbnail of Neoplasias Infiltrantes De Vulva

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Research paper thumbnail of Collagen fiber orientation as quantified by small angle light scattering in wounds treated with transforming growth factor-beta2 and its neutalizing antibody

Wound Repair and Regeneration, 1999

The purpose of this study was determine quantitative differences in collagen fiber orientation in... more The purpose of this study was determine quantitative differences in collagen fiber orientation in a wound healing model in the presence of transforming growth factor-beta2 and anti-transforming growth factor-beta2,3 antibody. Full-thickness wounds were made in the paravertebral area of two young pigs. Wounds were treated once, topically, with either transforming growth factor-beta2 or anti-transforming growth factor-beta2 antibody, or with methylcellulose gel. Control wounds were left untreated. Tissue biopsies were obtained from each wound on days 7, 14 and 46 post wounding. Tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and collagen fiber preferred orientation was quantified using small angle light scattering. Our results indicated that wounds treated with transforming growth factor-beta2 and anti-transforming growth factor-beta2,3 antibody had a significantly higher degree of orientation of collagen fibers than normal unwounded skin on days 7, 14 and 46 (p &lt; 0.001). Transforming growth factor-beta2- treated wounds had a higher degree of orientation of collagen fibers than control wounds on days 7 and 14 (p &lt; 0.001), and control wounds displayed a higher degree of orientation than wounds treated with anti-transforming growth factor-beta2,3 and normal unwounded skin at all time points (p &lt; 0.001). These results suggest that differences in the dermal collagen degree of orientation correlate with scarring, and show that small angle light scattering can be used quantitatively to assess differences in the collagen fiber architecture of dermal wounds.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of different post-planting treatments on the development in Holm oak afforestation

Trees, 2007

... semi-arid zones, these plantings are characterized by low survival and slow growth, apparentl... more ... semi-arid zones, these plantings are characterized by low survival and slow growth, apparently due to the vul-nerability of this species to environmental factors, partic-ularly during the dry period of the first summer after planting (Matney and Hodges 1991; Gómez and Elena ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of Torulaspora delbrueckii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in semi-industrial sequential inoculation to improve quality of Palomino and Chardonnay wines in warm climates

Journal of applied microbiology, Jan 15, 2016

We have evaluated for the first time the impact of two commercial yeast strains (Torulaspora delb... more We have evaluated for the first time the impact of two commercial yeast strains (Torulaspora delbrueckii TD291 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae QA23) inoculated sequentially in musts of Chardonnay and Palomino fino grape varieties grown under warm climate (South West of Spain). Semi-industrial scale alcoholic fermentations were performed during the 2011 and 2012 harvests. Implantation analyses demonstrated that T. delbrueckii became the predominant strain until the end of the alcoholic fermentation phase. Wines with sequential inoculation resulted in the production of low levels of acetic acid (which gives wine an undesirable 'vinegary' character), low acetaldehyde in Chardonnay and high in Palomino wines. The most salient attributes that contribute to the quality of the Chardonnay and Palomino wines produced were aroma intensity, fresh and tropical fruit character. This study demonstrated that sequential inoculation of T. delbrueckii and S. cerevisiae contribute significantly t...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Medicago truncatula Homoglutathione Synthetase Is Derived from Glutathione Synthetase by Gene Duplication1

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Research paper thumbnail of Electric permittivity and dynamic mobility of dilute suspensions of plate-like gibbsite particles

Langmuir, 2015

In this work we discuss the electrokinetic evaluation of model plate-like particles. By model par... more In this work we discuss the electrokinetic evaluation of model plate-like particles. By model particles we mean homogeneous and controlled size and shape. The electrokinetic analysis in such complex geometries cannot be limited to a single data point as in usual electrophoresis in constant (dc) fields. The information can be made much richer if alternating (ac) fields with a sufficiently wide range of frequencies are used. In this case, two techniques can be applied: one is the determination of the frequency spectrum of the electric permittivity or dielectric constant (low-frequency dielectric dispersion), and the other is electroacoustics of suspensions and determination of the frequency dispersion of the electrophoretic mobility (dynamic or ac mobility). In this work, these techniques are used with planar gibbsite (γ-Al(OH)3) particles, modeled as oblate spheroids with a small aspect ratio. As in other laminar minerals, a particular charge distribution, differing between edges and faces, gives rise to very peculiar electrokinetic behavior. It is found that pH 7 approximately separates two distinct field responses: below that pH the dielectric dispersion and dynamic mobility data are consistent with the existence of individual, highly charged platelets, with charge mainly originated on edge surfaces. At pH 4, a low-frequency relaxation is observed, which must be originated by larger particles. It is suggested that these are individual ones bridged by negatively charged fiber-like structures, coming from partial decomposition of gibbsite particles. On the other side of the measured pH spectrum, the overall charge of the particles is low, and this probably produces aggregates with a relatively large average size, with relaxation frequencies at the low side. This is confirmed by dynamic mobility data, showing that a coherent picture of the nanostructure can be reached by combining the two techniques.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hemorrhagic shock primes for increased expression of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant in the lung: role in pulmonary inflammation following lipopolysaccharide

Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 1998

Recent studies have suggested that hemorrhagic shock followed by resuscitation renders patients m... more Recent studies have suggested that hemorrhagic shock followed by resuscitation renders patients more susceptible to lung injury by priming for an exaggerated response to a second stimulus, the so-called "two-hit" hypothesis. We investigated the role of C-X-C chemokines in mediating the augmented lung inflammation in response to LPS following resuscitated shock. In a rodent model, animals exposed to antecedent shock exhibited enhanced lung neutrophil sequestration and transpulmonary albumin flux in response to intratracheal LPS. This effect correlated with an exaggerated expression of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC) protein and mRNA, but not macrophage-inflammatory protein 2. Strategies designed to inhibit CINC, both anti-CINC Ab and supplementation with the antioxidant N-acetyl-cysteine, prevented the enhanced neutrophil sequestration, suggesting that CINC played a central role in the enhanced leukocyte accumulation following shock plus LPS treatment. Sh...

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Research paper thumbnail of Catecholamine and cortisol responses of horses to incremental exertion

Veterinary research communications, 1998

The responses of the plasma concentrations of catecholamines and cortisol in horses to varied rel... more The responses of the plasma concentrations of catecholamines and cortisol in horses to varied relative intensities of exertion were examined. The plasma concentrations of cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine increased significantly (p < 0.05) with exertion. The plasma cortisol concentrations at relative work intensities of 48.3% +/- 1.4%, 82.3% +/- 2.0% and 99.6% +/- 0.4% of VO2max were 114%, 124%, and 126%, respectively, of those at rest, whereas the plasma epinephrine concentrations were 239%, 772% and 3483%, and the norepinephrine concentrations were 138%, 255%, and 1121% of the values at rest. There was a significant (p < 0.0001) relationship between the plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations. The blood lactate concentration and the plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations were significantly (p < 0.0001) related, as were the relative work intensity (%VO2max) and the plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations. The relationships bet...

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Research paper thumbnail of Hemorragia de matriz germinal en recién nacido pretérmino y traumatismo craneal en el periparto. A propósito de un caso de autopsia judicial por presunta mala praxis médica

Revista Española de Medicina Legal, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Studies on age determination and growth pattern of the wedge sole Dicologoglossa cuneata (Moreau, 1881) in the Spanish waters of the Gulf of Cadiz (southwest Iberian Peninsula)

The wedge sole Dicologoglossa cuneata (Moreau, 1881) is a typical coastal soleid which is con- si... more The wedge sole Dicologoglossa cuneata (Moreau, 1881) is a typical coastal soleid which is con- sidered as one of the main target species in the demersal fishery of Spain's southern Atlantic region. This paper presents a study on the growth pattern of wedge sole in the Gulf of Cadiz. Age was determined by observing and analysing whole otoliths (sagittae), thereby

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Research paper thumbnail of P-322 Treatment of chronic hepatitis C with interferon beta

International Hepatology Communications, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of A European Nuclear Data Programme for Accelerator-Driven Systems

In the HINDAS programme, nuclear data in the 20-2 000 MeV range are evaluated by means of a combi... more In the HINDAS programme, nuclear data in the 20-2 000 MeV range are evaluated by means of a combination of nuclear models and well-selected intermediate- and high-energy experiments. A panoply of European accelerators is utilised to provide complete sets of experimental data for iron, lead and uranium over a large energy range. Nuclear model codes are being improved and validated

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Research paper thumbnail of The environmental impacts of teleworking

Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 2004

This paper analyses the environmental impacts of teleworking. Some empirical studies indicate a p... more This paper analyses the environmental impacts of teleworking. Some empirical studies indicate a positive relationship between the use of teleworking and the reduction of commuting and pollution. The article discusses the variables that impact on the use of teleworking in urban environments, and shows a case estimation for a Spanish city.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impaired apoptotic death signaling in inflammatory lung neutrophils is associated with decreased expression of interleukin-1beta converting enzyme family proteases (caspases)

Surgery, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of Usefulness of chemotherapy as prophylaxis of tumor recurrence after liver transplantation in advanced hepatocellular carcinomas

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical characterization of the lectin from Amaranthus leucocarpus syn. hypocondriacus by 2-D proteome analysis

Glycoconjugate Journal, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Beta(1)/beta(2)/beta(3)-adrenoceptor knockout mice are obese and cold-sensitive but have normal lipolytic responses to fasting

FEBS letters, Jan 23, 2002

Catecholamines are viewed as major stimulants of diet- and cold-induced thermogenesis and of fast... more Catecholamines are viewed as major stimulants of diet- and cold-induced thermogenesis and of fasting-induced lipolysis, through the beta-adrenoceptors (beta(1)/beta(2)/beta(3)). To test this hypothesis, we generated beta(1)/beta(2)/beta(3)-adrenoceptor triple knockout (TKO) mice and compared them to wild type animals. TKO mice exhibited normophagic obesity and cold-intolerance. Their brown fat had impaired morphology and lacked responses to cold of uncoupling protein-1 expression. In contrast, TKO mice had higher circulating levels of free fatty acids and glycerol at basal and fasted states, suggesting enhanced lipolysis. Hence, beta-adrenergic signalling is essential for the resistance to obesity and cold, but not for the lipolytic response to fasting.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the acquired immune responses to Plasmodium vivax VIR variant antigens in individuals living in malaria-endemic areas of Brazil

Malaria journal, Jan 6, 2006

The naturally-acquired immune response to Plasmodium vivax variant antigens (VIR) was evaluated i... more The naturally-acquired immune response to Plasmodium vivax variant antigens (VIR) was evaluated in individuals exposed to malaria and living in different endemic areas for malaria in the north of Brazil. Seven recombinant proteins representing four vir subfamilies (A, B, C, and E) obtained from a single patient from the Amazon Region were expressed in Escherichia coli as soluble glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins. The different recombinant proteins were compared by ELISA with regard to the recognition by IgM, IgG, and IgG subclass of antibodies from 200 individuals with patent infection. The frequency of individuals that presented antibodies anti-VIR (IgM plus IgG) during the infection was 49%. The frequencies of individuals that presented IgM or IgG antibodies anti-VIR were 29.6% or 26.0%, respectively. The prevalence of IgG antibodies against recombinant VIR proteins was significantly lower than the prevalence of antibodies against the recombinant proteins representing two ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Multi-element analysis of compost by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

Talanta, Jan 15, 2007

Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) has been applied to multi... more Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) has been applied to multi-element determination in compost samples. Since compost is a heterogeneous mixture of organic and inorganic materials, the influence of sample heterogeneity on the accuracy and precision of analysis was investigated. Several parameters related to the following were studied: laser (energy, laser-beam diameter, preablation. rastering speed, carrier-gas flow rate), sample preparation (use of compacted pellets, grinding time, particle size, sample amount, length of hydraulic press treatment, position of line scan), and the ICP-MS system (quantitative versus semiquantitative analysis, matrix-matched standards and liquid standards calibration). The main causes of imprecision in sample preparation were determined to be particle size and grinding time. The effect of sample heterogeneity on precision was also evaluated by using different test samples (pellets). For Ni, Zn and Pb, the greatest co...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Solution Composition on the Energy Production by Capacitive Mixing in Membrane-Electrode Assembly

The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, Jan 24, 2014

In this work, we consider the extent to which the presence of multivalent ions in solution modifi... more In this work, we consider the extent to which the presence of multivalent ions in solution modifies the equilibrium and dynamics of the energy production in a capacitive cell built with ion-exchange membranes in contact with high surface area electrodes. The cell potential in open circuit (OCV) is controlled by the difference between both membrane potentials, simulated as constant volume charge regions. A theoretical model is elaborated for steady state OCV, first in the case of monovalent solutions, as a reference. This is compared to the results in multi-ionic systems, containing divalent cations in concentrations similar to those in real seawater. It is found that the OCV is reduced by about 25% (as compared to the results in pure NaCl solutions) due to the presence of the divalent ions, even in low concentrations. Interestingly, this can be related to the "uphill" transport of such ions against their concentration gradients. On the contrary, their effect on the dynamic...

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Research paper thumbnail of Neoplasias Infiltrantes De Vulva

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Research paper thumbnail of Collagen fiber orientation as quantified by small angle light scattering in wounds treated with transforming growth factor-beta2 and its neutalizing antibody

Wound Repair and Regeneration, 1999

The purpose of this study was determine quantitative differences in collagen fiber orientation in... more The purpose of this study was determine quantitative differences in collagen fiber orientation in a wound healing model in the presence of transforming growth factor-beta2 and anti-transforming growth factor-beta2,3 antibody. Full-thickness wounds were made in the paravertebral area of two young pigs. Wounds were treated once, topically, with either transforming growth factor-beta2 or anti-transforming growth factor-beta2 antibody, or with methylcellulose gel. Control wounds were left untreated. Tissue biopsies were obtained from each wound on days 7, 14 and 46 post wounding. Tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and collagen fiber preferred orientation was quantified using small angle light scattering. Our results indicated that wounds treated with transforming growth factor-beta2 and anti-transforming growth factor-beta2,3 antibody had a significantly higher degree of orientation of collagen fibers than normal unwounded skin on days 7, 14 and 46 (p &lt; 0.001). Transforming growth factor-beta2- treated wounds had a higher degree of orientation of collagen fibers than control wounds on days 7 and 14 (p &lt; 0.001), and control wounds displayed a higher degree of orientation than wounds treated with anti-transforming growth factor-beta2,3 and normal unwounded skin at all time points (p &lt; 0.001). These results suggest that differences in the dermal collagen degree of orientation correlate with scarring, and show that small angle light scattering can be used quantitatively to assess differences in the collagen fiber architecture of dermal wounds.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of different post-planting treatments on the development in Holm oak afforestation

Trees, 2007

... semi-arid zones, these plantings are characterized by low survival and slow growth, apparentl... more ... semi-arid zones, these plantings are characterized by low survival and slow growth, apparently due to the vul-nerability of this species to environmental factors, partic-ularly during the dry period of the first summer after planting (Matney and Hodges 1991; Gómez and Elena ...

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