Marianella Herrera - (original) (raw)
Papers by Marianella Herrera
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2015
The faces of malnutrition today differ greatly from classic childhood *Certified in Zimbabwe.
Cuadernos del Cendes, Dec 7, 2021
La seguridad alimentaria establece que todas las personas deben tener acceso a alimentos suficien... more La seguridad alimentaria establece que todas las personas deben tener acceso a alimentos suficientes y saludables en todo momento que les permita el goce de una vida en óptimas condiciones; las cuatro dimensiones implícitas en el concepto requieren de la satisfacción y alcance de algunos elementos cualitativos que a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad se han instalado dentro del proceso alimentario. Este trabajo intenta discutir los aspectos cualitativos de la Inseguridad Alimentaria referidos como elementos cotidianos asociados a la alimentación e inmersos dentro del contexto de la emergencia humanitaria compleja en Venezuela. Se sugiere continuar la investigación sobre estos elementos, que de otra manera permanecen enmascarados en las cifras de desnutrición, medios de vida alterados y dimensiones de la pobreza.Debido a la compleja interacción de estos factores se requiere una perspectiva más holística en el abordaje de la Inseguridad Alimentaria y tomarlos en cuenta para su superación. AbstractFood security establishes that all people must always have access to sufficient and healthy food that allows them to enjoy a life in optimal conditions, the four dimensions implicit in the concept require the satisfaction and scope of some qualitative elements that throughout the history of mankind have been installed within the food process. This paper attempts to discuss the qualitative aspects of food insecurity referred to as everyday elements associated with food and immersed within the context of the health and complex humanitarian emergency in Venezuela. It is suggested to continue research on these elements, which otherwise remain masked behind the figures of malnutrition, altered livelihoods and dimensions of poverty. Due to the complex interaction of these factors, a more holistic perspective is required in addressing food insecurity and taking them into account to overcome it
Investigaciones epidemiológicas reconocen la importancia de la actividad física en ... more Investigaciones epidemiológicas reconocen la importancia de la actividad física en la promoción de la salud especialmente en el campo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares y la obesidad. El Estudio Latinoamericano de Nutrición y Salud (ELANS) en Venezuela, de corte transversal, ejecutado entre 2015, definió el perfil antropométrico y evaluó el patrón de actividad física de la población venezolana entre 15 y 65 años. La muestra polietápica, estratificada por regiones (Capital, Oriental, Llanos, Central, Guayana, Andes y Occidental), incluyó 1132 individuos según edad, sexo y estrato social. Se utilizó el cuestionario IPAQ, versión larga y se investigó actividades en el tiempo libre y transporte activo (caminata y bicicleta). Los hombres presentaron más sobrepeso y las mujeres más obesidad con predominio de distribución abdominal desde temprana eda...
La Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida 2015, tiene como objetivo contribuir con la informaci... more La Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida 2015, tiene como objetivo contribuir con la información en alimentación de los venezolanos. En 1488 hogares, la compra semanal de alimentos se concentró en cereales (harina de maíz, arroz, pan y pasta) y junto a las grasas representaron 38% de la intención de compra, mientras que la misma bajó en las proteínas animal y/o vegetal. En 2015, se redujo el porcentaje de la compra de carnes, pollo y grasas, ya que estos alimentos incrementaron de precios en forma irracional. Cuatro agrupaciones socioeconómicas se conformaron: Pobre Extremo (28,1%), Pobre No Extremo (19%), Pobre Reciente (34%); No Pobre (19%). La clase media disminuida en ingresos, integraron los pobres recientes. El 12,1% de los encuestados refieren comer dos o menos veces al día y de estos 44% son los más pobres. Tres millones y medio de personas se encontraron en situación de hambre. En promedio el de...
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Food security in Venezuela presents signs of individual, family, community and national deteriora... more Food security in Venezuela presents signs of individual, family, community and national deterioration. The food and nutrition system has been weakened by the decrease in the production and the installation of parallel, irregular and insufficient distribution networks. Economic turmoil, political instability, hyperinflation, and poverty, the highest in recent history, limit the population's income and the access to quality food. The transition from capitalism to state-centered socialism has not been successful in ensuring enough foods for Venezuelans and the effect on the well-being of the population has been detrimental. This study proposes to design a public policy model based on the analysis of food security indicators, to generate an integrated framework of actions. The proposed model considers Dunn's classic public policy approach (2017) and the criteria of the Public Health Tools/Community Nutrition Program-Nutritional Care Process: Nutrition Care Process (NCP) of the A...
Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición, Jun 16, 2020
Las mujeres en edad fértil presentan una serie de características que defin... more Las mujeres en edad fértil presentan una serie de características que definen no solo su salud y bienestar, sino que también se convierten en factores positivos o negativos predictores de la salud de las futuras generaciones. De ahí la relevancia del estudio de las condiciones en las cuales transcurre la vida de las mujeres durante la etapa biológica de fertilidad en la cual, potencialmente podrían convertirse en madres. Para su estudio, el análisis de la adolescencia femenina y sus retos es imprescindible dada la cantidad de embarazos no planificados que ocurren durante esta etapa con consecuencias para la vida futura de las mujeres y sus hijos. Esta revisión tiene como objetivo explorar los diferentes aspectos de la etapa de fertilidad femenina dentro del marco de la prevención de enfermedades de la mujer y del futuro hijo que pueda concebir. Dichos aspectos son: 1- Entornos de vulnerabilidad 2- Enfermedades de transmisión sexual 3- Estado nutricional y 4- Embarazo no planificado Conclusión: Los avances en la comprensión de la vulnerabilidad en la cual transcurre la vida de una gran proporción de mujeres en edad fértil ha sido importante, sin embargo todavía los retos en el mejoramiento del bienestar de estas mujeres y sus hijos son importantes. Existe una ventana de oportunidad para realizar esfuerzos mancomunados para trabajar en pro del desarrollo de las mujeres con visión de logro de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible al 2030.Women of childbearing age show characteristics that define not only their health and well-being, but are also potential positive or negative predictors of the health of future generations. Hence the relevance of the study of the conditions in which life of women takes place through the biological stage of fertility during which they could possibly become mothers. For the study of this phase, the understanding of female adolescence and its challenges is essential, given the number of unplanned pregnancies that occur during this stage with consequences for the future life of women and their children. The objective of this review is to explore the different aspects of the period of female fertility within the framework of the prevention of diseases of women and of the future child that can conceive. These aspects are: 1- Vulnerability environments 2- Sexually transmitted diseases 3- Nutritional status and 4- Unplanned pregnancy Conclusion: Progress in understanding the vulnerability in which the life of a large proportion of women of childbearing age It has been important, but still the challenges in improving the well-being of these women and their children are important. There is a window of opportunity for joint efforts to work towards the development of women with a vision of achieving sustainable development goals by 2030
Cuadernos del Cendes, 2018
Nutrients, 2021
Poor health and diet quality are associated with living within a low socioeconomic status (SES). ... more Poor health and diet quality are associated with living within a low socioeconomic status (SES). This study aimed to investigate the impact of SES on diet quality and body mass index in Latin America. Data from the “Latin American Health and Nutrition Study (ELANS)”, a multi-country, population-based study of 9218 participants, were used. Dietary intake was collected through two 24 h recalls from participants of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. Diet quality was assessed using the dietary quality score (DQS), the dietary diversity score (DDS) and the nutrients adequacy ratio (NAR). Chi-squared and multivariate-variance analyses were used to estimate possible associations. We found that participants from the low SES consumed less fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fiber and fish and seafood and more legumes than those in the high SES. Also, the diet quality level, assessed by DQS, DDS and NAR mean, increased with SES. Women in the low SES als...
Additional file 2: Figure S2. Prevalence (% and 95 confidence interval) of insufficient physical ... more Additional file 2: Figure S2. Prevalence (% and 95 confidence interval) of insufficient physical activity by sex from eight Latin America countries.
Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición, 2021
Diversos estudios epidemiológicos y de intervención apuntan a una asociación fuerte y consistente... more Diversos estudios epidemiológicos y de intervención apuntan a una asociación fuerte y consistente entre la ingesta excesiva de azúcares y el riesgo de desarrollar caries dentales y enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. El objetivo fue describir los 10 principales alimentos que contribuyen a la ingesta de azúcares añadidos en muestras representativas de poblaciones urbanas de ocho países latinoamericanos, y considerar diferencias por país, sexo, nivel socioeconómico (NSE) y grupo de edad. Se realizó una encuesta transversal multinacional en hogares de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Perú y Venezuela (N=9218; 15–65 años). La contribución porcentual a la ingesta total del nutriente sirvió para identificar los alimentos aportadores. Los datos se estratificaron por país, sexo, NSE y grupo de edad y se compararon los gramos por día. Excepto en Perú y en el grupo de 50 a 65 años, los refrescos figuraron como el principal contribuyente a la ingesta de azúcares aña...
Additional file 5: Figure S5. Prevalence (% and 95 confidence interval) of insufficient physical ... more Additional file 5: Figure S5. Prevalence (% and 95 confidence interval) of insufficient physical activity by education level from eight Latin America countries.
The double burden of malnutrition, the coexistence of nutritional deficit and excess is the resul... more The double burden of malnutrition, the coexistence of nutritional deficit and excess is the result of the Food and Nutrition Transition accelerated in developing countries that would had not have solved their problems of nutritional deficiency before they were reached by overweight, obesity and chronic diseases related to nutrition. Changes in the lifestyle of the Venezuelan population as a result of rapid urbanization and migration to the cities, is the most important phenomenon; aspects of prenatal and early postnatal growth and its association with chronic diseases related to nutrition are discussed. Demographic factors outline the Venezuelan population as high risk: teenage pregnancy prevalence is among the highest in the Latin American region, low birth weight, increased maternal mortality and infant mortality; exclusive breastfeeding decreasing's the with age of the newborn. In the first study of overweight and obesity in the Venezuelan population, INN, in ages 7 to 17 yea...
Nutrients, 2021
Poor diet, sedentary behaviors, sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and alcohol intake seem to co-exi... more Poor diet, sedentary behaviors, sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and alcohol intake seem to co-exist in complex ways that are not well understood. The aim of this study was to provide an understanding of the extent to which unhealthy behaviors cluster in eight Latin America countries. A secondary aim was to identify socio-demographic characteristics associated with these behaviors by country. Data from adolescents and adults from the “Latin American Health and Nutrition Study” was used and the prevalence of screen-time, occupational and transportation–sedentary time, socializing with friends, poor diet, SSB and alcohol intake, alone and in combination, were identified. The eight Latin America (LA) countries added to analyses were: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Logistic regression was used to estimate associations between ≥2 behaviors clustering, socio-demographics and weight status. Among 9218 individuals, the most prevalent behaviors w...
The double burden of malnutrition, the coexistence of nutritional deficit and excess is the resul... more The double burden of malnutrition, the coexistence of nutritional deficit and excess is the result of the Food and Nutrition Transition accelerated in developing countries that would had not have solved their problems of nutritional deficiency before they were reached by overweight, obesity and chronic diseases related to nutrition. Changes in the lifestyle of the Venezuelan population as a result of rapid urbanization and migration to the cities, is the most important phenomenon; aspects of prenatal and early postnatal growth and its association with chronic diseases related to nutrition are discussed. Demographic factors outline the Venezuelan population as high risk: teenage pregnancy prevalence is among the highest in the Latin American region, low birth weight, increased maternal mortality and infant mortality; exclusive breastfeeding decreasing’s the with age of the newborn. In the first study of overweight and obesity in the Venezuelan population, INN, in ages 7 to 17 years o...
Poster presentado en el 16th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health in Ban... more Poster presentado en el 16th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health in Bangkok, Thailand. November 2016.
Resumen: Son múltiples y diversas las investigaciones en el área de la nutrición que tienen como ... more Resumen: Son múltiples y diversas las investigaciones en el área de la nutrición que tienen como principales objetivos, recabar y analizar datos estadísticos sobre la adquisición y consumo de alimentos. Un ejemplo es la Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida de los Venezolanos (ENCOVI), realizada en 2014 por un equipo de investigadores de las universidades Católica Andrés Bello, Simón Bolívar y Central de Venezuela, y la Fundación Bengoa. Se hizo un análisis estadístico de tablas de contingencias de tres vías de la sección de alimentación y nutrición ENCOVI 2014. Las variables fueron patrón de compra (1 a 5), clase socioeconómica (baja, media y alta) y tamaño de ciudad (pequeña, mediana y grande). La estrategia consistió en ir evaluando paso a paso la independencia global, la independencia parcial y la independencia condicional entre estas variables, y posteriormente aplicar un análisis de correspondencias binarias, para explicar las posibles asociaciones. Los patrones de compra están asociados con el nivel socioeconómico y la densidad poblacional de la localidad de residencia de las familias. En la clase baja de ciudades de tamaño intermedio predominó una alta intención de compra de cereales y grasas, con una supresión importante de proteínas provenientes de carnes blancas y rojas, y de lácteos y derivados, y un bajo consumo aparente de frutas, hortalizas y leguminosas. Las clases media y alta no difieren sustancialmente en su intención de compra, mantienen una dieta más o menos balanceada pero con una reducción en la compra de hortalizas, frutas, leguminosa, leche y huevos.
Life conditions are key factors for defining growth and development of future generations. Exposu... more Life conditions are key factors for defining growth and development of future generations. Exposure of parents to alcohol, tobacco, food insecurity conditions and adverse socioeconomic environment as part of their lifestyle and quality of life, have been reported to affect their children’s health and wellbeing. Prenatal exposures have been extensively documented, but less is known about influences from parental harmful habits and disadvantaged environment during children‘s school years. The aim of this study is to examine potential associations between parental habits and environmental socioeconomic conditions, including food security status, and anthropometric characteristics of their children. Parental smoking, alcohol intake, food security, and socioeconomic status (SES) were explored in parents of 1730 children recruited at private and public schools in eight Venezuelan cities. These qualitative variables were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire. Weight, height and...
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2016
The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance organized the concurrent preparation of Report Cards on t... more The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance organized the concurrent preparation of Report Cards on the physical activity of children and youth in 38 countries from 6 continents (representing 60% of the world’s population). Nine common indicators were used (Overall Physical Activity, Organized Sport Participation, Active Play, Active Transportation, Sedentary Behavior, Family and Peers, School, Community and the Built Environment, and Government Strategies and Investments), and all Report Cards were generated through a harmonized development process and a standardized grading framework (from A = excellent, to F = failing). The 38 Report Cards were presented at the International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health in Bangkok, Thailand on November 16, 2016. The consolidated findings are summarized in the form of a Global Matrix demonstrating substantial variation in grades both within and across countries. Countries that lead in certain indicators often lag in others. Average ...
Journal of Diabetes, Metabolic Disorders & Control, 2015
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2015
The faces of malnutrition today differ greatly from classic childhood *Certified in Zimbabwe.
Cuadernos del Cendes, Dec 7, 2021
La seguridad alimentaria establece que todas las personas deben tener acceso a alimentos suficien... more La seguridad alimentaria establece que todas las personas deben tener acceso a alimentos suficientes y saludables en todo momento que les permita el goce de una vida en óptimas condiciones; las cuatro dimensiones implícitas en el concepto requieren de la satisfacción y alcance de algunos elementos cualitativos que a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad se han instalado dentro del proceso alimentario. Este trabajo intenta discutir los aspectos cualitativos de la Inseguridad Alimentaria referidos como elementos cotidianos asociados a la alimentación e inmersos dentro del contexto de la emergencia humanitaria compleja en Venezuela. Se sugiere continuar la investigación sobre estos elementos, que de otra manera permanecen enmascarados en las cifras de desnutrición, medios de vida alterados y dimensiones de la pobreza.Debido a la compleja interacción de estos factores se requiere una perspectiva más holística en el abordaje de la Inseguridad Alimentaria y tomarlos en cuenta para su superación. AbstractFood security establishes that all people must always have access to sufficient and healthy food that allows them to enjoy a life in optimal conditions, the four dimensions implicit in the concept require the satisfaction and scope of some qualitative elements that throughout the history of mankind have been installed within the food process. This paper attempts to discuss the qualitative aspects of food insecurity referred to as everyday elements associated with food and immersed within the context of the health and complex humanitarian emergency in Venezuela. It is suggested to continue research on these elements, which otherwise remain masked behind the figures of malnutrition, altered livelihoods and dimensions of poverty. Due to the complex interaction of these factors, a more holistic perspective is required in addressing food insecurity and taking them into account to overcome it
Investigaciones epidemiológicas reconocen la importancia de la actividad física en ... more Investigaciones epidemiológicas reconocen la importancia de la actividad física en la promoción de la salud especialmente en el campo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares y la obesidad. El Estudio Latinoamericano de Nutrición y Salud (ELANS) en Venezuela, de corte transversal, ejecutado entre 2015, definió el perfil antropométrico y evaluó el patrón de actividad física de la población venezolana entre 15 y 65 años. La muestra polietápica, estratificada por regiones (Capital, Oriental, Llanos, Central, Guayana, Andes y Occidental), incluyó 1132 individuos según edad, sexo y estrato social. Se utilizó el cuestionario IPAQ, versión larga y se investigó actividades en el tiempo libre y transporte activo (caminata y bicicleta). Los hombres presentaron más sobrepeso y las mujeres más obesidad con predominio de distribución abdominal desde temprana eda...
La Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida 2015, tiene como objetivo contribuir con la informaci... more La Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida 2015, tiene como objetivo contribuir con la información en alimentación de los venezolanos. En 1488 hogares, la compra semanal de alimentos se concentró en cereales (harina de maíz, arroz, pan y pasta) y junto a las grasas representaron 38% de la intención de compra, mientras que la misma bajó en las proteínas animal y/o vegetal. En 2015, se redujo el porcentaje de la compra de carnes, pollo y grasas, ya que estos alimentos incrementaron de precios en forma irracional. Cuatro agrupaciones socioeconómicas se conformaron: Pobre Extremo (28,1%), Pobre No Extremo (19%), Pobre Reciente (34%); No Pobre (19%). La clase media disminuida en ingresos, integraron los pobres recientes. El 12,1% de los encuestados refieren comer dos o menos veces al día y de estos 44% son los más pobres. Tres millones y medio de personas se encontraron en situación de hambre. En promedio el de...
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Food security in Venezuela presents signs of individual, family, community and national deteriora... more Food security in Venezuela presents signs of individual, family, community and national deterioration. The food and nutrition system has been weakened by the decrease in the production and the installation of parallel, irregular and insufficient distribution networks. Economic turmoil, political instability, hyperinflation, and poverty, the highest in recent history, limit the population's income and the access to quality food. The transition from capitalism to state-centered socialism has not been successful in ensuring enough foods for Venezuelans and the effect on the well-being of the population has been detrimental. This study proposes to design a public policy model based on the analysis of food security indicators, to generate an integrated framework of actions. The proposed model considers Dunn's classic public policy approach (2017) and the criteria of the Public Health Tools/Community Nutrition Program-Nutritional Care Process: Nutrition Care Process (NCP) of the A...
Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición, Jun 16, 2020
Las mujeres en edad fértil presentan una serie de características que defin... more Las mujeres en edad fértil presentan una serie de características que definen no solo su salud y bienestar, sino que también se convierten en factores positivos o negativos predictores de la salud de las futuras generaciones. De ahí la relevancia del estudio de las condiciones en las cuales transcurre la vida de las mujeres durante la etapa biológica de fertilidad en la cual, potencialmente podrían convertirse en madres. Para su estudio, el análisis de la adolescencia femenina y sus retos es imprescindible dada la cantidad de embarazos no planificados que ocurren durante esta etapa con consecuencias para la vida futura de las mujeres y sus hijos. Esta revisión tiene como objetivo explorar los diferentes aspectos de la etapa de fertilidad femenina dentro del marco de la prevención de enfermedades de la mujer y del futuro hijo que pueda concebir. Dichos aspectos son: 1- Entornos de vulnerabilidad 2- Enfermedades de transmisión sexual 3- Estado nutricional y 4- Embarazo no planificado Conclusión: Los avances en la comprensión de la vulnerabilidad en la cual transcurre la vida de una gran proporción de mujeres en edad fértil ha sido importante, sin embargo todavía los retos en el mejoramiento del bienestar de estas mujeres y sus hijos son importantes. Existe una ventana de oportunidad para realizar esfuerzos mancomunados para trabajar en pro del desarrollo de las mujeres con visión de logro de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible al 2030.Women of childbearing age show characteristics that define not only their health and well-being, but are also potential positive or negative predictors of the health of future generations. Hence the relevance of the study of the conditions in which life of women takes place through the biological stage of fertility during which they could possibly become mothers. For the study of this phase, the understanding of female adolescence and its challenges is essential, given the number of unplanned pregnancies that occur during this stage with consequences for the future life of women and their children. The objective of this review is to explore the different aspects of the period of female fertility within the framework of the prevention of diseases of women and of the future child that can conceive. These aspects are: 1- Vulnerability environments 2- Sexually transmitted diseases 3- Nutritional status and 4- Unplanned pregnancy Conclusion: Progress in understanding the vulnerability in which the life of a large proportion of women of childbearing age It has been important, but still the challenges in improving the well-being of these women and their children are important. There is a window of opportunity for joint efforts to work towards the development of women with a vision of achieving sustainable development goals by 2030
Cuadernos del Cendes, 2018
Nutrients, 2021
Poor health and diet quality are associated with living within a low socioeconomic status (SES). ... more Poor health and diet quality are associated with living within a low socioeconomic status (SES). This study aimed to investigate the impact of SES on diet quality and body mass index in Latin America. Data from the “Latin American Health and Nutrition Study (ELANS)”, a multi-country, population-based study of 9218 participants, were used. Dietary intake was collected through two 24 h recalls from participants of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. Diet quality was assessed using the dietary quality score (DQS), the dietary diversity score (DDS) and the nutrients adequacy ratio (NAR). Chi-squared and multivariate-variance analyses were used to estimate possible associations. We found that participants from the low SES consumed less fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fiber and fish and seafood and more legumes than those in the high SES. Also, the diet quality level, assessed by DQS, DDS and NAR mean, increased with SES. Women in the low SES als...
Additional file 2: Figure S2. Prevalence (% and 95 confidence interval) of insufficient physical ... more Additional file 2: Figure S2. Prevalence (% and 95 confidence interval) of insufficient physical activity by sex from eight Latin America countries.
Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición, 2021
Diversos estudios epidemiológicos y de intervención apuntan a una asociación fuerte y consistente... more Diversos estudios epidemiológicos y de intervención apuntan a una asociación fuerte y consistente entre la ingesta excesiva de azúcares y el riesgo de desarrollar caries dentales y enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. El objetivo fue describir los 10 principales alimentos que contribuyen a la ingesta de azúcares añadidos en muestras representativas de poblaciones urbanas de ocho países latinoamericanos, y considerar diferencias por país, sexo, nivel socioeconómico (NSE) y grupo de edad. Se realizó una encuesta transversal multinacional en hogares de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Perú y Venezuela (N=9218; 15–65 años). La contribución porcentual a la ingesta total del nutriente sirvió para identificar los alimentos aportadores. Los datos se estratificaron por país, sexo, NSE y grupo de edad y se compararon los gramos por día. Excepto en Perú y en el grupo de 50 a 65 años, los refrescos figuraron como el principal contribuyente a la ingesta de azúcares aña...
Additional file 5: Figure S5. Prevalence (% and 95 confidence interval) of insufficient physical ... more Additional file 5: Figure S5. Prevalence (% and 95 confidence interval) of insufficient physical activity by education level from eight Latin America countries.
The double burden of malnutrition, the coexistence of nutritional deficit and excess is the resul... more The double burden of malnutrition, the coexistence of nutritional deficit and excess is the result of the Food and Nutrition Transition accelerated in developing countries that would had not have solved their problems of nutritional deficiency before they were reached by overweight, obesity and chronic diseases related to nutrition. Changes in the lifestyle of the Venezuelan population as a result of rapid urbanization and migration to the cities, is the most important phenomenon; aspects of prenatal and early postnatal growth and its association with chronic diseases related to nutrition are discussed. Demographic factors outline the Venezuelan population as high risk: teenage pregnancy prevalence is among the highest in the Latin American region, low birth weight, increased maternal mortality and infant mortality; exclusive breastfeeding decreasing's the with age of the newborn. In the first study of overweight and obesity in the Venezuelan population, INN, in ages 7 to 17 yea...
Nutrients, 2021
Poor diet, sedentary behaviors, sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and alcohol intake seem to co-exi... more Poor diet, sedentary behaviors, sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and alcohol intake seem to co-exist in complex ways that are not well understood. The aim of this study was to provide an understanding of the extent to which unhealthy behaviors cluster in eight Latin America countries. A secondary aim was to identify socio-demographic characteristics associated with these behaviors by country. Data from adolescents and adults from the “Latin American Health and Nutrition Study” was used and the prevalence of screen-time, occupational and transportation–sedentary time, socializing with friends, poor diet, SSB and alcohol intake, alone and in combination, were identified. The eight Latin America (LA) countries added to analyses were: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Logistic regression was used to estimate associations between ≥2 behaviors clustering, socio-demographics and weight status. Among 9218 individuals, the most prevalent behaviors w...
The double burden of malnutrition, the coexistence of nutritional deficit and excess is the resul... more The double burden of malnutrition, the coexistence of nutritional deficit and excess is the result of the Food and Nutrition Transition accelerated in developing countries that would had not have solved their problems of nutritional deficiency before they were reached by overweight, obesity and chronic diseases related to nutrition. Changes in the lifestyle of the Venezuelan population as a result of rapid urbanization and migration to the cities, is the most important phenomenon; aspects of prenatal and early postnatal growth and its association with chronic diseases related to nutrition are discussed. Demographic factors outline the Venezuelan population as high risk: teenage pregnancy prevalence is among the highest in the Latin American region, low birth weight, increased maternal mortality and infant mortality; exclusive breastfeeding decreasing’s the with age of the newborn. In the first study of overweight and obesity in the Venezuelan population, INN, in ages 7 to 17 years o...
Poster presentado en el 16th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health in Ban... more Poster presentado en el 16th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health in Bangkok, Thailand. November 2016.
Resumen: Son múltiples y diversas las investigaciones en el área de la nutrición que tienen como ... more Resumen: Son múltiples y diversas las investigaciones en el área de la nutrición que tienen como principales objetivos, recabar y analizar datos estadísticos sobre la adquisición y consumo de alimentos. Un ejemplo es la Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida de los Venezolanos (ENCOVI), realizada en 2014 por un equipo de investigadores de las universidades Católica Andrés Bello, Simón Bolívar y Central de Venezuela, y la Fundación Bengoa. Se hizo un análisis estadístico de tablas de contingencias de tres vías de la sección de alimentación y nutrición ENCOVI 2014. Las variables fueron patrón de compra (1 a 5), clase socioeconómica (baja, media y alta) y tamaño de ciudad (pequeña, mediana y grande). La estrategia consistió en ir evaluando paso a paso la independencia global, la independencia parcial y la independencia condicional entre estas variables, y posteriormente aplicar un análisis de correspondencias binarias, para explicar las posibles asociaciones. Los patrones de compra están asociados con el nivel socioeconómico y la densidad poblacional de la localidad de residencia de las familias. En la clase baja de ciudades de tamaño intermedio predominó una alta intención de compra de cereales y grasas, con una supresión importante de proteínas provenientes de carnes blancas y rojas, y de lácteos y derivados, y un bajo consumo aparente de frutas, hortalizas y leguminosas. Las clases media y alta no difieren sustancialmente en su intención de compra, mantienen una dieta más o menos balanceada pero con una reducción en la compra de hortalizas, frutas, leguminosa, leche y huevos.
Life conditions are key factors for defining growth and development of future generations. Exposu... more Life conditions are key factors for defining growth and development of future generations. Exposure of parents to alcohol, tobacco, food insecurity conditions and adverse socioeconomic environment as part of their lifestyle and quality of life, have been reported to affect their children’s health and wellbeing. Prenatal exposures have been extensively documented, but less is known about influences from parental harmful habits and disadvantaged environment during children‘s school years. The aim of this study is to examine potential associations between parental habits and environmental socioeconomic conditions, including food security status, and anthropometric characteristics of their children. Parental smoking, alcohol intake, food security, and socioeconomic status (SES) were explored in parents of 1730 children recruited at private and public schools in eight Venezuelan cities. These qualitative variables were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire. Weight, height and...
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2016
The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance organized the concurrent preparation of Report Cards on t... more The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance organized the concurrent preparation of Report Cards on the physical activity of children and youth in 38 countries from 6 continents (representing 60% of the world’s population). Nine common indicators were used (Overall Physical Activity, Organized Sport Participation, Active Play, Active Transportation, Sedentary Behavior, Family and Peers, School, Community and the Built Environment, and Government Strategies and Investments), and all Report Cards were generated through a harmonized development process and a standardized grading framework (from A = excellent, to F = failing). The 38 Report Cards were presented at the International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health in Bangkok, Thailand on November 16, 2016. The consolidated findings are summarized in the form of a Global Matrix demonstrating substantial variation in grades both within and across countries. Countries that lead in certain indicators often lag in others. Average ...
Journal of Diabetes, Metabolic Disorders & Control, 2015