Marion Wolff - (original) (raw)

Papers by Marion Wolff

Research paper thumbnail of From Human-Systems Integration to Human-Systems Inclusion for use-centred inclusive manufacturing control systems

Research paper thumbnail of Interface Cœur-Ordinateur : une piste pour l’étude des erreurs humaines ?

Proceedings of the 17th “Ergonomie et Informatique Avancée” Conference

Research paper thumbnail of Analyse des besoins utilisateurs et Etude de nouveaux concepts nautiques : Apports de Ocean Living Lab

ERGO'IA 2018, Oct 3, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of A comparative study of depressed vs psychotic mothers with their infants

Research paper thumbnail of Évaluation d’un prototype (système TAC) de communication en réalité augmentée entre un opérateur et un expert pour l’aide à la maintenance aéronautique

ERGO'IA 2016, Jul 6, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Repeatable Effects of Synchronizing Perceptual Tasks with Heartbeat on Situation Awareness

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of regulation and resistance to change of children and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Proceedings of the 15th Ergo'IA "Ergonomie Et Informatique Avancé" Conference on - Ergo'IA '16, 2016

This study examines the evolution of activity's regulation and resistance to change of childr... more This study examines the evolution of activity's regulation and resistance to change of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) when they use the numerical five cognitive and autonomy learnings domains of LearnEnjoy' applications with IPad. Participants were 40 (31 children and 9 adults) chronological ages from 3 years and 8 months to 36 years and 2 months and developmental ages from 2 to 6 years. Applications with IPad are proposed by expert in autism coaches during some weekly socio-cognitive rehabilitation sessions in the context of in a global developmental program, the Intervention-Development-Home-School-Firm-Supervision' Program (IDHSFS). The evolution of activity's regulation and resistance to change are respectively assessed with the Regulation-Adaptation-Modulation Grid (RAMG) and the resistance to change with the Repetitive, Restricted Behavior Scale (RBB) Scale. Assessments were carried out at the beginning of using the applications (C1), after three months (C2), and after three new months (C3). Comparative of RAMG scores C1, C2, C3 analysis show evidence of a no significate but variable according to the domains' increasing during the six months. Comparative of RBB scores C1 and C2 show evidence of a significate increasing during the first three months and a significate decreasing during the three last month (C2 and C3). Discussion emphasizes regulation and flexibility disabilities in autism and sublines the interests and necessity of numerical applications 'integration in a global development intervention program with an expert coaching in order to individualize, adapt their using and to control both disorders regulation and resistance to change.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a contribution to understanding "the tunnel effect

Proceedings of the 16th Ergo'IA "Ergonomie Et Informatique Avancée" Conference on - Ergo'IA '18, 2018

Attentional tunneling corresponds to a decrease in attention at a specific moment, implying that ... more Attentional tunneling corresponds to a decrease in attention at a specific moment, implying that the operator fixes an element while forgetting his environment (Dehais et al., 2010). It can thus be a contributing factor to the occurrence of accidents. Salomon et al. (2016) have shown that when an image blinks synchronously with the heart rhythm, the activity of the insular cortex drops sharply, until it causes difficulty or even inability of the subjects to perceive the flashing forms. From this study, an experiment was conducted to analyze the possible influence of the synchronicity of the heart rate and the frequency of visual and audible alarms on the detection capacity of these alarms. These can appear during tasks of increasing difficulty, soliciting mental work, and under time constraints. For this purpose, two groups of subjects participated in this experiment: a group whose heart rate was synchronous with the appearance of the alarms and the other asynchronous. The first results suggest that there seems to be a link between cardiac synchronicity and the inability to detect alarms. This link is confirmed when the mental workload increases.

Research paper thumbnail of Un modèle des accompagnants de personnes avec autisme : pour la valorisation de la profession

L'objectif de cet article est de proposer un modele de la fonction d'accompagnement indiv... more L'objectif de cet article est de proposer un modele de la fonction d'accompagnement individualise de personnes avec autisme et des competences requises afin de pouvoir l'assurer. Cet emploi recent, permettant une regulation des apprentissages et une integration en milieu scolaire ou professionnel de personnes avec autisme, a ete mis en place en coordination avec une equipe specialisee de psychologues cliniciens, des enseignants, des familles et des chefs d'entreprise. Il est actuellement assure par des etudiants en psychologie recrutes sur des postes d'« emploi jeune ». Le modele propose, issu de l'analyse d'entretiens menes aupres de dix accompagnants d'enfants et d'adultes avec autisme, a permis de reperer des elements essentiels quant a la valorisation de cette fonction.

Research paper thumbnail of Non-conscious errors in the control of dynamic events synchronized with heartbeats: A new challenge for human reliability study

Safety Science, 2020

Abstract This paper studies the synchronization between dynamic events with heartbeats and its im... more Abstract This paper studies the synchronization between dynamic events with heartbeats and its impact on non-conscious errors in the control of dynamic events. It proposes a methodology to compare two groups of subjects: a group for which alarms are synchronized with the heartbeats of the subjects and a group for which they are not. Quantitative and subjective data were recorded during four experimental phases from a low level to a high level of workload. Results showed that there was a significant impact of such a synchronization of events with heartbeat: people produced more errors when this synchronization was present and they were not really conscious about the disruption of their abilities. This study is very promising and shows the interest of developing future on-line or off-line human reliability assessment methods based on unsafe behaviors associated with this synchronization.

Research paper thumbnail of Détection, selection et expertise en sports collectifs. L'exemple du basket-ball

Les Cahiers de l'INSEP, 1998

Grosgeorge Bernard, Wolff Marion. Détection, selection et expertise en sports collectifs. L'e... more Grosgeorge Bernard, Wolff Marion. Détection, selection et expertise en sports collectifs. L'exemple du basket-ball. In: Les Cahiers de l'INSEP, n°23, 1998. Détection/sélection et expertise en sports collectifs. L’exemple du basket-ball. pp. 9-179

Research paper thumbnail of Parenthood, maternal health, early interactions and child development int the context of a maternal cancer diagnosed during pregnancy or the post-partum

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of ventilatory parameters in elite athletes at intensities near anaerobic threshold throughout the base training period

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections on Interactive Tabletops: User Experience, Usability, Evaluation

"Since the beginning of the?1990s, interactive tabletops have generated growing interest in ... more "Since the beginning of the?1990s, interactive tabletops have generated growing interest in academic and industrial research. The interest for these new interactive tabletops has increased every year. In this paper, we propose a literature review, associated with a set of reflections on interactive tabletops. First, we present the various types of interactive tabletops, which we classify in terms of interfaces and interactions: tactile, tangible, and mixed. Applications running on interactive tabletops have evolved gradually, from the exploitation of virtual objects to the exploitation of tangible objects. Current research shows that tangibility is used in a considerable proportion of the new platforms, especially interactive tabletops. Generally, interactions that were first carried out using virtual objects have become mixed interactions (i.e., mixing simultaneously virtual and tangible objects). Since the uses are different from the current usual platforms (e.g., personal computers, mobile devices), we propose to present ways for reflecting upon multi-users? experience and the utility and usability of interactive tabletops. From the multi-users? experience perspective, we begin by describing the factors influencing human-machine interactions on interactive tabletops. Then, we present and discuss the perception of instrumental qualities (i.e. utility and usability) and non-instrumental qualities (e.g., aesthetic, symbolic and motivational) of interactive tabletops. The article continues with a set of perspectives related to potential evaluations, linked to the use of these new platforms that, like every type of new interaction device, must be evaluated many times in terms of usability criteria, but also more generally with other user experience criteria. Five types of general evaluation approaches can be distinguished: 1) comparative studies with other platforms for the same tasks; 2) detailed studies of new applications for interactive tabletops; 3) studies focused primarily on collaboration; 4) studies involving free-use observations; and 5) longitudinal studies. The paper ends with a conclusion and a discussion of future research prospects from the perspective of multi-domain collaborations."

Research paper thumbnail of How artists create: Creative process and multivariate factors

Learning and Individual Differences, 2013

ABSTRACT This study sought to identify the factors that artists consider important for their crea... more ABSTRACT This study sought to identify the factors that artists consider important for their creativity and to reconstruct, from interviews, the stages of their creative activity. For this purpose, 27 interviews with professional artists were analyzed using a double approach. First, a quantitative analysis of interviews and associated self-report questionnaires was performed. Second, a qualitative coding grid was applied to a representative subset of the interviews to uncover stages of activity and the interaction between creator and the material and social world. Results are discussed according to the multivariate approach and in light of activity theory and its emphasis on situated, goal-directed and meaningful action. Findings concerning the creative process and the factors involved are finally considered with respect to teaching creativity and art.

Research paper thumbnail of Heart-Computer Synchronization Interface to control human-machine symbiosis: a new human availability support for cooperative systems

IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2019

Abstract The paper proposes an original architecture to control human-machine symbiosis by using ... more Abstract The paper proposes an original architecture to control human-machine symbiosis by using Heart-Computer Synchronization Interfaces (HCSI). This symbiosis depends on the limits of three autonomy prerequisites: the knowledge required to treat a situation, the availability of the human and technical resources when achieving tasks, and the possibilities to act by using dedicated interfaces. As inattention is one the causes of a lack or a loss of the symbiosis related to human availability, the new system consists in controlling it by studying the impact of the synchronization of dynamic event occurrence with heart rate. The results of an exploratory study are relevant and promising: subjects for who the activation of visual and sound alarms were synchronized with heartbeats made significantly more perception errors than subjects for who this activation was not synchronized. They demonstrate that the design of human-machine systems has to be aware of such synchronization that may affect human perception abilities and degrade the efficiency of the cooperative activity achievement. This is then a new challenge for defining future cooperative systems based on human availability supports to perceive data from automated tools.

Research paper thumbnail of Étude de l’évolution cognitive, socio-émotionnelle et des comportements autistiques d’enfants avec autisme et autre trouble envahissant du développement bénéficiant d’une intervention structurée, la méthode Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Resume Les recommandations de la HAS (2012) indiquent que les enfants avec autisme et autre troub... more Resume Les recommandations de la HAS (2012) indiquent que les enfants avec autisme et autre trouble envahissant du developpement doivent recevoir le plus tot possible des interventions structurees de type comportemental et developpemental validees scientifiquement, telle par exemple l’approche Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Cette etude longitudinale, non randomisee et sans groupe controle vise a examiner l’interet de cette intervention aupres d’enfants avec autisme frequentant un etablissement educatif parisien dedie. Les participants (n = 10) sont evalues par des psychologues experts exterieurs a l’etablissement dans les domaines cognitif, socio-adaptatif et comportemental a l’aide de tests et d’echelles appropries et valides (PEP 3, BECS, ECA, EFC) sur une periode de deux ans en effectuant trois examens a dix mois d’intervalle (T1, T2 et T3). Les analyses de variance et de correlation des donnees montrent que l’evolution cognitive, socio-emotionnelle et comportementale des enfan...

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Bayesian Inference and Single Case Research for Validating the Effects of Support Programs Intended for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Psychology Research and Applications

Research paper thumbnail of Effets du repas précompétitif sur la perception de l'effort et sur la glycémie lors d'un exercice de pédalage

Research paper thumbnail of Early development in infants: Which indicators to prevent from a disorder?

Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence

Research paper thumbnail of From Human-Systems Integration to Human-Systems Inclusion for use-centred inclusive manufacturing control systems

Research paper thumbnail of Interface Cœur-Ordinateur : une piste pour l’étude des erreurs humaines ?

Proceedings of the 17th “Ergonomie et Informatique Avancée” Conference

Research paper thumbnail of Analyse des besoins utilisateurs et Etude de nouveaux concepts nautiques : Apports de Ocean Living Lab

ERGO'IA 2018, Oct 3, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of A comparative study of depressed vs psychotic mothers with their infants

Research paper thumbnail of Évaluation d’un prototype (système TAC) de communication en réalité augmentée entre un opérateur et un expert pour l’aide à la maintenance aéronautique

ERGO'IA 2016, Jul 6, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Repeatable Effects of Synchronizing Perceptual Tasks with Heartbeat on Situation Awareness

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of regulation and resistance to change of children and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Proceedings of the 15th Ergo'IA "Ergonomie Et Informatique Avancé" Conference on - Ergo'IA '16, 2016

This study examines the evolution of activity's regulation and resistance to change of childr... more This study examines the evolution of activity's regulation and resistance to change of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) when they use the numerical five cognitive and autonomy learnings domains of LearnEnjoy' applications with IPad. Participants were 40 (31 children and 9 adults) chronological ages from 3 years and 8 months to 36 years and 2 months and developmental ages from 2 to 6 years. Applications with IPad are proposed by expert in autism coaches during some weekly socio-cognitive rehabilitation sessions in the context of in a global developmental program, the Intervention-Development-Home-School-Firm-Supervision' Program (IDHSFS). The evolution of activity's regulation and resistance to change are respectively assessed with the Regulation-Adaptation-Modulation Grid (RAMG) and the resistance to change with the Repetitive, Restricted Behavior Scale (RBB) Scale. Assessments were carried out at the beginning of using the applications (C1), after three months (C2), and after three new months (C3). Comparative of RAMG scores C1, C2, C3 analysis show evidence of a no significate but variable according to the domains' increasing during the six months. Comparative of RBB scores C1 and C2 show evidence of a significate increasing during the first three months and a significate decreasing during the three last month (C2 and C3). Discussion emphasizes regulation and flexibility disabilities in autism and sublines the interests and necessity of numerical applications 'integration in a global development intervention program with an expert coaching in order to individualize, adapt their using and to control both disorders regulation and resistance to change.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a contribution to understanding "the tunnel effect

Proceedings of the 16th Ergo'IA "Ergonomie Et Informatique Avancée" Conference on - Ergo'IA '18, 2018

Attentional tunneling corresponds to a decrease in attention at a specific moment, implying that ... more Attentional tunneling corresponds to a decrease in attention at a specific moment, implying that the operator fixes an element while forgetting his environment (Dehais et al., 2010). It can thus be a contributing factor to the occurrence of accidents. Salomon et al. (2016) have shown that when an image blinks synchronously with the heart rhythm, the activity of the insular cortex drops sharply, until it causes difficulty or even inability of the subjects to perceive the flashing forms. From this study, an experiment was conducted to analyze the possible influence of the synchronicity of the heart rate and the frequency of visual and audible alarms on the detection capacity of these alarms. These can appear during tasks of increasing difficulty, soliciting mental work, and under time constraints. For this purpose, two groups of subjects participated in this experiment: a group whose heart rate was synchronous with the appearance of the alarms and the other asynchronous. The first results suggest that there seems to be a link between cardiac synchronicity and the inability to detect alarms. This link is confirmed when the mental workload increases.

Research paper thumbnail of Un modèle des accompagnants de personnes avec autisme : pour la valorisation de la profession

L'objectif de cet article est de proposer un modele de la fonction d'accompagnement indiv... more L'objectif de cet article est de proposer un modele de la fonction d'accompagnement individualise de personnes avec autisme et des competences requises afin de pouvoir l'assurer. Cet emploi recent, permettant une regulation des apprentissages et une integration en milieu scolaire ou professionnel de personnes avec autisme, a ete mis en place en coordination avec une equipe specialisee de psychologues cliniciens, des enseignants, des familles et des chefs d'entreprise. Il est actuellement assure par des etudiants en psychologie recrutes sur des postes d'« emploi jeune ». Le modele propose, issu de l'analyse d'entretiens menes aupres de dix accompagnants d'enfants et d'adultes avec autisme, a permis de reperer des elements essentiels quant a la valorisation de cette fonction.

Research paper thumbnail of Non-conscious errors in the control of dynamic events synchronized with heartbeats: A new challenge for human reliability study

Safety Science, 2020

Abstract This paper studies the synchronization between dynamic events with heartbeats and its im... more Abstract This paper studies the synchronization between dynamic events with heartbeats and its impact on non-conscious errors in the control of dynamic events. It proposes a methodology to compare two groups of subjects: a group for which alarms are synchronized with the heartbeats of the subjects and a group for which they are not. Quantitative and subjective data were recorded during four experimental phases from a low level to a high level of workload. Results showed that there was a significant impact of such a synchronization of events with heartbeat: people produced more errors when this synchronization was present and they were not really conscious about the disruption of their abilities. This study is very promising and shows the interest of developing future on-line or off-line human reliability assessment methods based on unsafe behaviors associated with this synchronization.

Research paper thumbnail of Détection, selection et expertise en sports collectifs. L'exemple du basket-ball

Les Cahiers de l'INSEP, 1998

Grosgeorge Bernard, Wolff Marion. Détection, selection et expertise en sports collectifs. L'e... more Grosgeorge Bernard, Wolff Marion. Détection, selection et expertise en sports collectifs. L'exemple du basket-ball. In: Les Cahiers de l'INSEP, n°23, 1998. Détection/sélection et expertise en sports collectifs. L’exemple du basket-ball. pp. 9-179

Research paper thumbnail of Parenthood, maternal health, early interactions and child development int the context of a maternal cancer diagnosed during pregnancy or the post-partum

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of ventilatory parameters in elite athletes at intensities near anaerobic threshold throughout the base training period

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections on Interactive Tabletops: User Experience, Usability, Evaluation

"Since the beginning of the?1990s, interactive tabletops have generated growing interest in ... more "Since the beginning of the?1990s, interactive tabletops have generated growing interest in academic and industrial research. The interest for these new interactive tabletops has increased every year. In this paper, we propose a literature review, associated with a set of reflections on interactive tabletops. First, we present the various types of interactive tabletops, which we classify in terms of interfaces and interactions: tactile, tangible, and mixed. Applications running on interactive tabletops have evolved gradually, from the exploitation of virtual objects to the exploitation of tangible objects. Current research shows that tangibility is used in a considerable proportion of the new platforms, especially interactive tabletops. Generally, interactions that were first carried out using virtual objects have become mixed interactions (i.e., mixing simultaneously virtual and tangible objects). Since the uses are different from the current usual platforms (e.g., personal computers, mobile devices), we propose to present ways for reflecting upon multi-users? experience and the utility and usability of interactive tabletops. From the multi-users? experience perspective, we begin by describing the factors influencing human-machine interactions on interactive tabletops. Then, we present and discuss the perception of instrumental qualities (i.e. utility and usability) and non-instrumental qualities (e.g., aesthetic, symbolic and motivational) of interactive tabletops. The article continues with a set of perspectives related to potential evaluations, linked to the use of these new platforms that, like every type of new interaction device, must be evaluated many times in terms of usability criteria, but also more generally with other user experience criteria. Five types of general evaluation approaches can be distinguished: 1) comparative studies with other platforms for the same tasks; 2) detailed studies of new applications for interactive tabletops; 3) studies focused primarily on collaboration; 4) studies involving free-use observations; and 5) longitudinal studies. The paper ends with a conclusion and a discussion of future research prospects from the perspective of multi-domain collaborations."

Research paper thumbnail of How artists create: Creative process and multivariate factors

Learning and Individual Differences, 2013

ABSTRACT This study sought to identify the factors that artists consider important for their crea... more ABSTRACT This study sought to identify the factors that artists consider important for their creativity and to reconstruct, from interviews, the stages of their creative activity. For this purpose, 27 interviews with professional artists were analyzed using a double approach. First, a quantitative analysis of interviews and associated self-report questionnaires was performed. Second, a qualitative coding grid was applied to a representative subset of the interviews to uncover stages of activity and the interaction between creator and the material and social world. Results are discussed according to the multivariate approach and in light of activity theory and its emphasis on situated, goal-directed and meaningful action. Findings concerning the creative process and the factors involved are finally considered with respect to teaching creativity and art.

Research paper thumbnail of Heart-Computer Synchronization Interface to control human-machine symbiosis: a new human availability support for cooperative systems

IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2019

Abstract The paper proposes an original architecture to control human-machine symbiosis by using ... more Abstract The paper proposes an original architecture to control human-machine symbiosis by using Heart-Computer Synchronization Interfaces (HCSI). This symbiosis depends on the limits of three autonomy prerequisites: the knowledge required to treat a situation, the availability of the human and technical resources when achieving tasks, and the possibilities to act by using dedicated interfaces. As inattention is one the causes of a lack or a loss of the symbiosis related to human availability, the new system consists in controlling it by studying the impact of the synchronization of dynamic event occurrence with heart rate. The results of an exploratory study are relevant and promising: subjects for who the activation of visual and sound alarms were synchronized with heartbeats made significantly more perception errors than subjects for who this activation was not synchronized. They demonstrate that the design of human-machine systems has to be aware of such synchronization that may affect human perception abilities and degrade the efficiency of the cooperative activity achievement. This is then a new challenge for defining future cooperative systems based on human availability supports to perceive data from automated tools.

Research paper thumbnail of Étude de l’évolution cognitive, socio-émotionnelle et des comportements autistiques d’enfants avec autisme et autre trouble envahissant du développement bénéficiant d’une intervention structurée, la méthode Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Resume Les recommandations de la HAS (2012) indiquent que les enfants avec autisme et autre troub... more Resume Les recommandations de la HAS (2012) indiquent que les enfants avec autisme et autre trouble envahissant du developpement doivent recevoir le plus tot possible des interventions structurees de type comportemental et developpemental validees scientifiquement, telle par exemple l’approche Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Cette etude longitudinale, non randomisee et sans groupe controle vise a examiner l’interet de cette intervention aupres d’enfants avec autisme frequentant un etablissement educatif parisien dedie. Les participants (n = 10) sont evalues par des psychologues experts exterieurs a l’etablissement dans les domaines cognitif, socio-adaptatif et comportemental a l’aide de tests et d’echelles appropries et valides (PEP 3, BECS, ECA, EFC) sur une periode de deux ans en effectuant trois examens a dix mois d’intervalle (T1, T2 et T3). Les analyses de variance et de correlation des donnees montrent que l’evolution cognitive, socio-emotionnelle et comportementale des enfan...

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Bayesian Inference and Single Case Research for Validating the Effects of Support Programs Intended for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Psychology Research and Applications

Research paper thumbnail of Effets du repas précompétitif sur la perception de l'effort et sur la glycémie lors d'un exercice de pédalage

Research paper thumbnail of Early development in infants: Which indicators to prevent from a disorder?

Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence