Mark Anner - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mark Anner
Achieving Workers' Rights in the Global Economy, 2017
The Cambridge Handbook of Labor and Democracy, 2022
International Labour Review, 2021
International Labour Review, 2019
Zusammenfassung Während die Literatur Verstöße gegen Arbeitnehmerrechte in globalen Bekleidungsli... more Zusammenfassung Während die Literatur Verstöße gegen Arbeitnehmerrechte in globalen Bekleidungslieferketten schon seit langem anerkennt, wird den jüngsten Verschlechterungen menschenwürdiger Arbeitsbedingungen und ihren genauen Ursachen weniger Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Die Studie verknüpft Verschlechterung der Arbeitsbedingungen mit rücksichtslosen Einkaufspraktiken, die aus den wachsenden Machtasymmetrien hervorgehen. Durch diese Praktiken und den Anstieg von Produktionsanforderungen wird Druck auf Lohnzahlungen und -höhe ausgeübt und informelle Beschäftigungsverhältnisse werden gefördert. Zudem kommt es durch erhöhte Anforderung und höherem Druck zu verbalen und physischen Übergriffen. Diese Praktiken können durch Preismechanismen, die die Kosten menschenwürdiger Arbeit abdecken, angemessene staatliche Regulierung und Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung adressiert werden.
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014
The authors examine enterprise-level antecedents of wildcat strikes in Vietnam based on a nationa... more The authors examine enterprise-level antecedents of wildcat strikes in Vietnam based on a national representative sample of foreign-invested enterprises over the period 2010-2012. They predict that these illegal, semi-spontaneous work stoppages are more common among unionized workplaces, because workers in these enterprises use wildcat strikes as a means to activate the representation role of official trade unions. In addition, wholly foreign owned enterprises, investments by Asian-owned firms, and low-cost export-oriented manufacturing operations are associated with more strikes than joint ventures with state-owned and private enterprises, firms owned by Western investors, and firms in higher value-added activities. Statistical results provide strong support for these predictions. These findings suggest that the role of trade unions in socialist states is more significant and nuanced than previously assumed. At the same time, they reinforce the observation that Vietnamese employment relations institution...
ILR Review, 2015
The authors examine enterprise-level antecedents of wildcat strikes in Vietnam using a national r... more The authors examine enterprise-level antecedents of wildcat strikes in Vietnam using a national representative sample of foreign-invested enterprises over the period 2010 to 2012, coding of factory audits, and field research. They predict that these unauthorized, semi-spontaneous work stoppages are more common among unionized workplaces, because the presence of a union in the workplace signals to workers that by engaging in a wildcat strike, they may be able to activate the representation and protection role of official trade unions. That is, workers can in some cases push unions from below to act on their behalf. In addition, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, investments by Asian-owned firms, and manufacturing operations in industrial zones are associated with more strikes than are joint ventures with state-owned and private enterprises, firms owned by Western investors, and firms in higher-value-added activities. Statistical results and field research provide strong support for th...
Labour / Le Travail, 2004
Acknowledgements Preface Introduction: Methodological and Theoretical Issues Australia and Chile ... more Acknowledgements Preface Introduction: Methodological and Theoretical Issues Australia and Chile New Zealand and Uruguay Ireland Conclusion: Explaining Regional and National Variance in Labour Politics Endnotes Bibliography Appendix
British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2012
Journal of Business Ethics
Revista Internacional del Trabajo, 2022
Resumen A principios de 2020, marcas de ropa y minoristas cancelaron pedidos por valor de 40 000 ... more Resumen A principios de 2020, marcas de ropa y minoristas cancelaron pedidos por valor de 40 000 millones de dólares de los Estados Unidos, con consecuencias drásticas para proveedores y trabajadores. Con datos de encuestas originales, cuestionarios a proveedores, entrevistas y análisis cronológico y de datos comerciales se exploran las asimetrías de poder y la distribución de los costes de las crisis en las cadenas mundiales de suministro. Se observa un menor poder de los compradores, en parte por campañas de colaboración entre proveedores y trabajadores como #PayUp, pero los compradores siguen presionando a los proveedores, en detrimento de los trabajadores. Se recomiendan acuerdos vinculantes.
Studies in Comparative International Development, 2010
International financial institutions (IFIs) like the International Monetary Fund and the World Ba... more International financial institutions (IFIs) like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank often have used the leverage afforded them through their loan mechanisms to demand domestic labor market flexibility. At the same time, the International Labour Organization’s call to respect Core Labor Standards (CLS) in the global economy has increasingly gained acceptance since 1998. CLS that sanction freedom of association and collective bargaining have been particularly emphasized by the ILO since these are collective rights that enable the exercise of other rights. While IFIs have generally held to free market principles, new research findings and international pressure has led the IMF and World Bank to be more open to the idea of core labor standards. Implementation has often lagged, but some advances have been made. This includes the World Bank’s commitment to ensure respect for CLS through its private sector lending arm. Yet to be seen is whether these policy shifts will lead to greater respect for labor standards or whether the continuation of market-oriented reforms will further undermine labor’s collective power, creating new challenges for future resistance.
Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2004
The Routledge Handbook to the Political Economy and Governance of the Americas, 2020
WSI-Mitteilungen, 2021
Machtungleichgewichte in den globalen Wertschöpfungsketten (GWK) werden mit Niedriglöhnen, langen... more Machtungleichgewichte in den globalen Wertschöpfungsketten (GWK) werden mit Niedriglöhnen, langen Arbeitszeiten und Verletzungen der Koalitionsfreiheit in Verbindung gebracht. Weniger gut ist untersucht, wie sich die Machtungleichgewichte in den GWK auf die Arbeitsintensität sowie auf Gewalt und Belästigungen am Arbeitsplatz auswirken. Dieser Beitrag versucht diese Lücke durch Umfragen in der indischen Textilexportindustrie zu schließen. Den Befunden zufolge berichten 64 % der Arbeiter*innen, sie hätten bereits verbale Übergriffe erlebt, in den meisten Fällen, weil sie vom Management aufgezwungene Produktionsziele nicht erfüllt hatten. Lösungsansätze für solche Probleme setzen eine Ratifikation der ILO-Konvention 190 und Veränderungen der länderspezifischen Vorschriften voraus. Außerdem müssen die Unternehmen an der Spitze der GWK ihre Einkaufspraktiken ändern, wenn diese zur Gewalt am Arbeitsplatz beitragen, und sich in ihren Wertschöpfungsketten auf bindende Abkommen einlassen, du...
Revue internationale du Travail, 2022
Vietnam’s apparel export sector has been facing a sustained and substantial wildcat strike wave f... more Vietnam’s apparel export sector has been facing a sustained and substantial wildcat strike wave for much of the past decade. Approximately twenty percent of firms experienced at least one strike in the past three years, which makes the strike rate in the sector one of the highest in the world. This report explores the causes and outcomes of this industrial unrest, and it examines the impact of worker-management participation committees on reducing strike action. Better Work began establishing such committees, known as Performance Improvement Consultative Committees (PICCs), in 2009. The principal goals of PICCs are to establish factory-level social dialogue through Better Work mandated worker-management committees and to address non- compliance issues detected in Better Work factory assessments. The question this report seeks to explore is whether PICCs, by establishing this particular form of social dialogue, contribute to a reduction in strike likelihood in Vietnam. This paper finds is that factories with well-functioning worker-management committees may contribute to lower strike rates when combined with other well-functioning employment relations institutions. This report puts forward four criteria for well- functioning PICCs: 1. Worker members are elected through a participatory and secret ballot election process without management presence. 2. Members fully represent workers, which includes consulting with workers before PICC meetings and reporting back to them after PICC meetings. 3. Members are carefully protected from potential management retaliation. 3 4. Members are empowered to adequately address serious non- compliance issues. These four factors –elect, represent, protect, and empower - are inter-related and fundamental to any system of employee participation. At the time of writing, most PICCs do not meet these criteria and this report suggests steps to develop better functioning PICCs. However, even well functioning PICCS are not enough to adequately address worker grievances in a way that significantly reduces strike rates. Addressing strikes requires the development of democratic and autonomous unions and collective bargaining mechanisms. Thus, developing better functioning PICCs is only one step in addressing the causes of wildcat strikes --strikes without prior union approval-- in Vietnam. This report is based on a review of relevant literature, an extensive examination of Better Work's assessment report data during two months of desk research in Geneva, analysis of factory progress reports, the author’s original survey of Better Work Vietnam Enterprise Advisors and two months of field research conducted in Vietnam in March and April 2014.
Revue internationale du Travail, 2021
The Routledge Companion to Employment Relations, 2018
Achieving Workers' Rights in the Global Economy, 2017
The Cambridge Handbook of Labor and Democracy, 2022
International Labour Review, 2021
International Labour Review, 2019
Zusammenfassung Während die Literatur Verstöße gegen Arbeitnehmerrechte in globalen Bekleidungsli... more Zusammenfassung Während die Literatur Verstöße gegen Arbeitnehmerrechte in globalen Bekleidungslieferketten schon seit langem anerkennt, wird den jüngsten Verschlechterungen menschenwürdiger Arbeitsbedingungen und ihren genauen Ursachen weniger Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Die Studie verknüpft Verschlechterung der Arbeitsbedingungen mit rücksichtslosen Einkaufspraktiken, die aus den wachsenden Machtasymmetrien hervorgehen. Durch diese Praktiken und den Anstieg von Produktionsanforderungen wird Druck auf Lohnzahlungen und -höhe ausgeübt und informelle Beschäftigungsverhältnisse werden gefördert. Zudem kommt es durch erhöhte Anforderung und höherem Druck zu verbalen und physischen Übergriffen. Diese Praktiken können durch Preismechanismen, die die Kosten menschenwürdiger Arbeit abdecken, angemessene staatliche Regulierung und Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung adressiert werden.
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014
The authors examine enterprise-level antecedents of wildcat strikes in Vietnam based on a nationa... more The authors examine enterprise-level antecedents of wildcat strikes in Vietnam based on a national representative sample of foreign-invested enterprises over the period 2010-2012. They predict that these illegal, semi-spontaneous work stoppages are more common among unionized workplaces, because workers in these enterprises use wildcat strikes as a means to activate the representation role of official trade unions. In addition, wholly foreign owned enterprises, investments by Asian-owned firms, and low-cost export-oriented manufacturing operations are associated with more strikes than joint ventures with state-owned and private enterprises, firms owned by Western investors, and firms in higher value-added activities. Statistical results provide strong support for these predictions. These findings suggest that the role of trade unions in socialist states is more significant and nuanced than previously assumed. At the same time, they reinforce the observation that Vietnamese employment relations institution...
ILR Review, 2015
The authors examine enterprise-level antecedents of wildcat strikes in Vietnam using a national r... more The authors examine enterprise-level antecedents of wildcat strikes in Vietnam using a national representative sample of foreign-invested enterprises over the period 2010 to 2012, coding of factory audits, and field research. They predict that these unauthorized, semi-spontaneous work stoppages are more common among unionized workplaces, because the presence of a union in the workplace signals to workers that by engaging in a wildcat strike, they may be able to activate the representation and protection role of official trade unions. That is, workers can in some cases push unions from below to act on their behalf. In addition, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, investments by Asian-owned firms, and manufacturing operations in industrial zones are associated with more strikes than are joint ventures with state-owned and private enterprises, firms owned by Western investors, and firms in higher-value-added activities. Statistical results and field research provide strong support for th...
Labour / Le Travail, 2004
Acknowledgements Preface Introduction: Methodological and Theoretical Issues Australia and Chile ... more Acknowledgements Preface Introduction: Methodological and Theoretical Issues Australia and Chile New Zealand and Uruguay Ireland Conclusion: Explaining Regional and National Variance in Labour Politics Endnotes Bibliography Appendix
British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2012
Journal of Business Ethics
Revista Internacional del Trabajo, 2022
Resumen A principios de 2020, marcas de ropa y minoristas cancelaron pedidos por valor de 40 000 ... more Resumen A principios de 2020, marcas de ropa y minoristas cancelaron pedidos por valor de 40 000 millones de dólares de los Estados Unidos, con consecuencias drásticas para proveedores y trabajadores. Con datos de encuestas originales, cuestionarios a proveedores, entrevistas y análisis cronológico y de datos comerciales se exploran las asimetrías de poder y la distribución de los costes de las crisis en las cadenas mundiales de suministro. Se observa un menor poder de los compradores, en parte por campañas de colaboración entre proveedores y trabajadores como #PayUp, pero los compradores siguen presionando a los proveedores, en detrimento de los trabajadores. Se recomiendan acuerdos vinculantes.
Studies in Comparative International Development, 2010
International financial institutions (IFIs) like the International Monetary Fund and the World Ba... more International financial institutions (IFIs) like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank often have used the leverage afforded them through their loan mechanisms to demand domestic labor market flexibility. At the same time, the International Labour Organization’s call to respect Core Labor Standards (CLS) in the global economy has increasingly gained acceptance since 1998. CLS that sanction freedom of association and collective bargaining have been particularly emphasized by the ILO since these are collective rights that enable the exercise of other rights. While IFIs have generally held to free market principles, new research findings and international pressure has led the IMF and World Bank to be more open to the idea of core labor standards. Implementation has often lagged, but some advances have been made. This includes the World Bank’s commitment to ensure respect for CLS through its private sector lending arm. Yet to be seen is whether these policy shifts will lead to greater respect for labor standards or whether the continuation of market-oriented reforms will further undermine labor’s collective power, creating new challenges for future resistance.
Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2004
The Routledge Handbook to the Political Economy and Governance of the Americas, 2020
WSI-Mitteilungen, 2021
Machtungleichgewichte in den globalen Wertschöpfungsketten (GWK) werden mit Niedriglöhnen, langen... more Machtungleichgewichte in den globalen Wertschöpfungsketten (GWK) werden mit Niedriglöhnen, langen Arbeitszeiten und Verletzungen der Koalitionsfreiheit in Verbindung gebracht. Weniger gut ist untersucht, wie sich die Machtungleichgewichte in den GWK auf die Arbeitsintensität sowie auf Gewalt und Belästigungen am Arbeitsplatz auswirken. Dieser Beitrag versucht diese Lücke durch Umfragen in der indischen Textilexportindustrie zu schließen. Den Befunden zufolge berichten 64 % der Arbeiter*innen, sie hätten bereits verbale Übergriffe erlebt, in den meisten Fällen, weil sie vom Management aufgezwungene Produktionsziele nicht erfüllt hatten. Lösungsansätze für solche Probleme setzen eine Ratifikation der ILO-Konvention 190 und Veränderungen der länderspezifischen Vorschriften voraus. Außerdem müssen die Unternehmen an der Spitze der GWK ihre Einkaufspraktiken ändern, wenn diese zur Gewalt am Arbeitsplatz beitragen, und sich in ihren Wertschöpfungsketten auf bindende Abkommen einlassen, du...
Revue internationale du Travail, 2022
Vietnam’s apparel export sector has been facing a sustained and substantial wildcat strike wave f... more Vietnam’s apparel export sector has been facing a sustained and substantial wildcat strike wave for much of the past decade. Approximately twenty percent of firms experienced at least one strike in the past three years, which makes the strike rate in the sector one of the highest in the world. This report explores the causes and outcomes of this industrial unrest, and it examines the impact of worker-management participation committees on reducing strike action. Better Work began establishing such committees, known as Performance Improvement Consultative Committees (PICCs), in 2009. The principal goals of PICCs are to establish factory-level social dialogue through Better Work mandated worker-management committees and to address non- compliance issues detected in Better Work factory assessments. The question this report seeks to explore is whether PICCs, by establishing this particular form of social dialogue, contribute to a reduction in strike likelihood in Vietnam. This paper finds is that factories with well-functioning worker-management committees may contribute to lower strike rates when combined with other well-functioning employment relations institutions. This report puts forward four criteria for well- functioning PICCs: 1. Worker members are elected through a participatory and secret ballot election process without management presence. 2. Members fully represent workers, which includes consulting with workers before PICC meetings and reporting back to them after PICC meetings. 3. Members are carefully protected from potential management retaliation. 3 4. Members are empowered to adequately address serious non- compliance issues. These four factors –elect, represent, protect, and empower - are inter-related and fundamental to any system of employee participation. At the time of writing, most PICCs do not meet these criteria and this report suggests steps to develop better functioning PICCs. However, even well functioning PICCS are not enough to adequately address worker grievances in a way that significantly reduces strike rates. Addressing strikes requires the development of democratic and autonomous unions and collective bargaining mechanisms. Thus, developing better functioning PICCs is only one step in addressing the causes of wildcat strikes --strikes without prior union approval-- in Vietnam. This report is based on a review of relevant literature, an extensive examination of Better Work's assessment report data during two months of desk research in Geneva, analysis of factory progress reports, the author’s original survey of Better Work Vietnam Enterprise Advisors and two months of field research conducted in Vietnam in March and April 2014.
Revue internationale du Travail, 2021
The Routledge Companion to Employment Relations, 2018