Martin Guttenplan - (original) (raw)

Papers by Martin Guttenplan

Research paper thumbnail of Level-of-Service Model for Pedestrians at Signalized Intersections

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board

This paper documents a study performed to develop a level-of-service (LOS) model that accurately ... more This paper documents a study performed to develop a level-of-service (LOS) model that accurately represents pedestrians’ perceptions of crossings at signalized intersections. This model incorporates perceived safety and comfort (i.e., perceived exposure and conflicts) and operations (i.e., delay and signalization). Data for the model were obtained from an innovative Walk for Science field data collection event and video simulations. The data consist of ( a) participants’ perceptions of safety, comfort, and operations as they walk through selected signalized intersections and ( b) the design and operational characteristics of these intersections. The resulting model provides a measure of the pedestrian's perspective on how well an intersection's geometric and operational characteristics meets his or her needs. The pedestrian LOS model for intersections described in this paper is based on Pearson correlation analyses and stepwise regression modeling of approximately 800 combin...

Research paper thumbnail of Planning-Level Areawide Multimodal Level-of-Service Analysis: Performance Measures for Congestion Management

Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Feb 2, 2015

The state of Florida has been experiencing an explosion of growth, and it is one of the fastest g... more The state of Florida has been experiencing an explosion of growth, and it is one of the fastest growing states in the country. While the state has been in the forefront of growth management initiatives, the results have been less than satisfactory. The state recognized the need to integrate land use planning efforts with transportation planning efforts. Legislation was passed that allows the formation of multimodal transportation districts, which focus on appropriate land use mixes and densities that would enhance the use of transportation modes other than the automobile. There are several key elements in the evaluation of these districts, using both land use analysis and the recently adopted multimodal level-of-service performance measures. To validate these evaluation techniques, especially focusing on the level-of-service performance measures, several case studies were undertaken. The guidelines for the formation of a multimodal transportation district provide local governments with a template for enhancing existing and new development. These guidelines also provide a blueprint for sustainable growth and the promotion and development of livable communities through the integration of transportation, land use, and urban design.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the Roadside Walking Environment: Pedestrian Level of Service

Transportation Research Record, 2001

A method is needed to objectively quantify pedestrians’ perception of safety and comfort in the r... more A method is needed to objectively quantify pedestrians’ perception of safety and comfort in the roadside environment. This quantification, or mathematical relationship, would provide a measure of how well roadways accommodate pedestrian travel. Essentially, it would provide a measure of pedestrian level of service (LOS) within a roadway environment. Such a measure of walking conditions would greatly aid in roadway cross-sectional design and would help evaluate and prioritize the needs of existing roadways for sidewalk retrofit construction. Furthermore, the measure can be used to evaluate traffic-calming strategies and streetscape designs for their effectiveness in improving the pedestrian environment. Such a measure would make it possible to merge pedestrian facility programming into the mainstream of transportation planning, design, and construction. To meet the need for such a method, as well as to fulfill a state mandate to establish levels of service standards for all transportation modes, the Florida Department of Transportation sponsored the development of the Pedestrian LOS Model. The model was developed through a stepwise multivariable regression analysis of 1,250 observations from an event that placed 75 people on a roadway walking course in the Pensacola, Florida, metropolitan area. The Pedestrian LOS Model incorporates the statistically significant roadway and traffic variables that describe pedestrians’ perception of safety or comfort in the roadway environment between intersections. It is similar in approach to methods used to assess automobile operators’ level of service established in the Highway Capacity Manual.

Research paper thumbnail of Part 2: Pedestrians: Level-of-Service Model for Pedestrians at Signalized Intersections

Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Feb 2, 2015


Research paper thumbnail of Considering Usage and Safety Effects in Guidelines for Uncontrolled Midblock Crosswalks

Research paper thumbnail of IMPLEMENTING MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICTS Connectivity, Access Management and the FIHS

Research paper thumbnail of A Review of Approaches for Assessing Multimodal Quality of Service

Journal of Public Transportation, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Multimodal Corridor Level-of-Service Analysis

Transportation Research Record, 2002

The 2000 release of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) provides for the first time a corridor anal... more The 2000 release of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) provides for the first time a corridor analysis method that guides users in the application of various chapters of the HCM to the analysis of automobiles and transit in a corridor. Together with the recent publication of the Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual (TCQSM), the HCM 2000 represents a

Research paper thumbnail of Multimodal Level-of-Service Analysis at Planning Level

Transportation Research Record, 2001

Page 1. Transportation Research Record 1776 s 151 Paper No. 01-3084 can be added. However, many c... more Page 1. Transportation Research Record 1776 s 151 Paper No. 01-3084 can be added. However, many communities do not use these strate-gies to ease congestion. One important reason is that no methodolo-gies for the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Planning-Level Areawide Multimodal Level-of-Service Analysis: Performance Measures for Congestion Management

Transportation Research Record, 2003

The state of Florida has been experiencing an explosion of growth, and it is one of the fastest g... more The state of Florida has been experiencing an explosion of growth, and it is one of the fastest growing states in the country. While the state has been in the forefront of growth management initiatives, the results have been less than satisfactory. The state recognized the need to integrate land use planning efforts with transportation planning efforts. Legislation was passed that allows the formation of multimodal transportation districts, which focus on appropriate land use mixes and densities that would enhance the use of transportation modes other than the automobile. There are several key elements in the evaluation of these districts, using both land use analysis and the recently adopted multimodal level-of-service performance measures. To validate these evaluation techniques, especially focusing on the level-of-service performance measures, several case studies were undertaken. The guidelines for the formation of a multimodal transportation district provide local governments w...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of the Street Environment in How People Cross Roads in Urban Settings

This paper models the role of the street environment in how people cross roads in urban settings.... more This paper models the role of the street environment in how people cross roads in urban settings. Respondents were placed in real traffic conditions at the curbside of street blocks in the Tampa Bay area for a three-minute observation of the street environment. Without crossing the blocks, each respondent stated his crossing preference at each of six blocks. The origin and destination of each crossing were hypothetically set and varied across the blocks. So were the options available: two options for crossing at an intersection and up to four options for crossing at mid-block locations. Within the framework of discrete-choice models, the stated preferences are explained with the street environment, including traffic conditions, roadway characteristics, and signal-control characteristics. All three components of the street environment are considered: mid-block locations, intersections, and the roadside environment. This paper describes survey design and data collection efforts; estim...

Research paper thumbnail of Why People Cross Where They Do: The Role of Street Environment

Transportation Research Record, 2004

The role of the street environment in the way people cross roads in urban settings is modeled. Re... more The role of the street environment in the way people cross roads in urban settings is modeled. Respondents were placed in real traffic conditions at the curbside of street blocks in the Tampa Bay, Florida, area for 3-min observations of the street environments. Without crossing the blocks, respondents stated their crossing preference at each of six blocks. The origin and destination of each crossing were hypothetically set and varied across the blocks. So were the options available: two options for crossing at an intersection and up to four options for crossing at midblock locations. Within the framework of discrete choice models, the stated preferences are explained with the street environment, including traffic conditions, roadway characteristics, and signal-control characteristics. All three components of the street environment are considered: midblock locations, intersections, and roadside environment. The data are described; a nested logit model of pedestrian street-crossing be...

Research paper thumbnail of Pedestrian Level-of-Service Model for Urban Arterial Facilities with Sidewalks

Transportation Research Record, 2006

This paper documents a study sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation to develop a l... more This paper documents a study sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation to develop a level-of-service (LOS) model that represents pedestrians’ perceptions of how well urban arterials with sidewalks (a combination of roadway segments and intersections) meet their needs. The model incorporates traffic volumes on the adjacent roadway and exposure (i.e., crossing widths) at conflict points with intersections and driveways. Data were obtained from Walk for Science, an innovative field data collection event, and consist of participants’ perceptions of how well urban arterials with sidewalks meet their needs as pedestrians. The pedestrian LOS model for roadway facilities described here is based on Pearson correlation analyses and stepwise regression modeling of about 500 combined real-time perceptions (observations) from pedestrians walking a course along streets in a typical U.S. metropolitan urban area. Study participants represented a cross section of age, gender, walking experience, and residency. Although further hypothesis testing may be conducted in a future study, the resulting general model for the pedestrian LOS of urban arterials with sidewalks has a high correlation coefficient ( R2 = .70) with the average observations and is transferable to a significant number of metropolitan areas in the United States. The study reveals that traffic volumes on the adjacent roadway and the density of conflict points along the facility are the primary factors in the LOS model for pedestrians traveling along urban arterials with sidewalks.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the Roadside Walking Environment: Pedestrian Level of Service

Transportation Research Record, 2001

A method is needed to objectively quantify pedestrians’ perception of safety and comfort in the r... more A method is needed to objectively quantify pedestrians’ perception of safety and comfort in the roadside environment. This quantification, or mathematical relationship, would provide a measure of how well roadways accommodate pedestrian travel. Essentially, it would provide a measure of pedestrian level of service (LOS) within a roadway environment. Such a measure of walking conditions would greatly aid in roadway cross-sectional design and would help evaluate and prioritize the needs of existing roadways for sidewalk retrofit construction. Furthermore, the measure can be used to evaluate traffic-calming strategies and streetscape designs for their effectiveness in improving the pedestrian environment. Such a measure would make it possible to merge pedestrian facility programming into the mainstream of transportation planning, design, and construction. To meet the need for such a method, as well as to fulfill a state mandate to establish levels of service standards for all transport...

Research paper thumbnail of Crossing Locations, Light Conditions, and Pedestrian Injury Severity

Transportation Research Record, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Video Simulation of Pedestrian Crossings at Signalized Intersections

Transportation Research Record, 2005

... Bruce W. Landis, Theodore A. Petritsch, Peyton S. McLeod, Herman F. Huang, and Martin Guttenp... more ... Bruce W. Landis, Theodore A. Petritsch, Peyton S. McLeod, Herman F. Huang, and Martin Guttenplan 49 ... The authors also appreci-ate the FDOT District 1 advisory committee members, Michael Tako Nicolaisen, Jim Baxter, Sean Masters, and Steve Browne. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Part 2: Pedestrians: Level-of-Service Model for Pedestrians at Signalized Intersections

Transportation Research Record, 2005

... Theodore A. Petritsch, Bruce W. Landis, Peyton S. McLeod, Herman F. Huang, Srikalyan Challa, ... more ... Theodore A. Petritsch, Bruce W. Landis, Peyton S. McLeod, Herman F. Huang, Srikalyan Challa, and Martin Guttenplan ... The authors thank the FDOT District 1 advisory committee members (Michael Tako Nicolaisen, Jim Bax-ter, Sean Masters, and Steve Browne) for their ...

Research paper thumbnail of Intersection Level of Service for the Bicycle Through Movement

Transportation Research Record, 2003

The Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) has initiated multi-modal level-of-service (LOS) m... more The Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) has initiated multi-modal level-of-service (LOS) methodologies, including that for the bicycle travel mode. It has already adopted a bicycle LOS methodology for the roadway segment portion of the transportation network, the Bicycle Level of Service Model. Florida DOT’s ultimate goal is to develop corridor- and facilities-level LOS methodologies. Toward that goal, Florida DOT sponsored research to develop the first part of an intersection bicycle LOS methodology, the Intersection LOS for the bicycle through movement. This Intersection LOS for the bicycle through movement would provide a measure of the level of safety and comfort experienced by bicyclists riding through an intersection. The Intersection LOS model for the bicycle through movement is based on Pearson correlation analyses and stepwise regression modeling of approximately 1,000 combined real-time perceptions from bicyclists traveling a course through a typical U.S. metropolit...

Research paper thumbnail of Bicycle level of service for arterials

… Record: Journal of …, 2007

This paper documents a study sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to crea... more This paper documents a study sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to create a model that predicts how bicyclists perceive the arterial roadway environment. It builds on the highly successful adopted segment and intersection bicycling ...

Research paper thumbnail of Bicycle level of service for arterials

… Record: Journal of …, 2007

This paper documents a study sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to crea... more This paper documents a study sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to create a model that predicts how bicyclists perceive the arterial roadway environment. It builds on the highly successful adopted segment and intersection bicycling ...

Research paper thumbnail of Level-of-Service Model for Pedestrians at Signalized Intersections

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board

This paper documents a study performed to develop a level-of-service (LOS) model that accurately ... more This paper documents a study performed to develop a level-of-service (LOS) model that accurately represents pedestrians’ perceptions of crossings at signalized intersections. This model incorporates perceived safety and comfort (i.e., perceived exposure and conflicts) and operations (i.e., delay and signalization). Data for the model were obtained from an innovative Walk for Science field data collection event and video simulations. The data consist of ( a) participants’ perceptions of safety, comfort, and operations as they walk through selected signalized intersections and ( b) the design and operational characteristics of these intersections. The resulting model provides a measure of the pedestrian's perspective on how well an intersection's geometric and operational characteristics meets his or her needs. The pedestrian LOS model for intersections described in this paper is based on Pearson correlation analyses and stepwise regression modeling of approximately 800 combin...

Research paper thumbnail of Planning-Level Areawide Multimodal Level-of-Service Analysis: Performance Measures for Congestion Management

Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Feb 2, 2015

The state of Florida has been experiencing an explosion of growth, and it is one of the fastest g... more The state of Florida has been experiencing an explosion of growth, and it is one of the fastest growing states in the country. While the state has been in the forefront of growth management initiatives, the results have been less than satisfactory. The state recognized the need to integrate land use planning efforts with transportation planning efforts. Legislation was passed that allows the formation of multimodal transportation districts, which focus on appropriate land use mixes and densities that would enhance the use of transportation modes other than the automobile. There are several key elements in the evaluation of these districts, using both land use analysis and the recently adopted multimodal level-of-service performance measures. To validate these evaluation techniques, especially focusing on the level-of-service performance measures, several case studies were undertaken. The guidelines for the formation of a multimodal transportation district provide local governments with a template for enhancing existing and new development. These guidelines also provide a blueprint for sustainable growth and the promotion and development of livable communities through the integration of transportation, land use, and urban design.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the Roadside Walking Environment: Pedestrian Level of Service

Transportation Research Record, 2001

A method is needed to objectively quantify pedestrians’ perception of safety and comfort in the r... more A method is needed to objectively quantify pedestrians’ perception of safety and comfort in the roadside environment. This quantification, or mathematical relationship, would provide a measure of how well roadways accommodate pedestrian travel. Essentially, it would provide a measure of pedestrian level of service (LOS) within a roadway environment. Such a measure of walking conditions would greatly aid in roadway cross-sectional design and would help evaluate and prioritize the needs of existing roadways for sidewalk retrofit construction. Furthermore, the measure can be used to evaluate traffic-calming strategies and streetscape designs for their effectiveness in improving the pedestrian environment. Such a measure would make it possible to merge pedestrian facility programming into the mainstream of transportation planning, design, and construction. To meet the need for such a method, as well as to fulfill a state mandate to establish levels of service standards for all transportation modes, the Florida Department of Transportation sponsored the development of the Pedestrian LOS Model. The model was developed through a stepwise multivariable regression analysis of 1,250 observations from an event that placed 75 people on a roadway walking course in the Pensacola, Florida, metropolitan area. The Pedestrian LOS Model incorporates the statistically significant roadway and traffic variables that describe pedestrians’ perception of safety or comfort in the roadway environment between intersections. It is similar in approach to methods used to assess automobile operators’ level of service established in the Highway Capacity Manual.

Research paper thumbnail of Part 2: Pedestrians: Level-of-Service Model for Pedestrians at Signalized Intersections

Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Feb 2, 2015


Research paper thumbnail of Considering Usage and Safety Effects in Guidelines for Uncontrolled Midblock Crosswalks

Research paper thumbnail of IMPLEMENTING MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICTS Connectivity, Access Management and the FIHS

Research paper thumbnail of A Review of Approaches for Assessing Multimodal Quality of Service

Journal of Public Transportation, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Multimodal Corridor Level-of-Service Analysis

Transportation Research Record, 2002

The 2000 release of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) provides for the first time a corridor anal... more The 2000 release of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) provides for the first time a corridor analysis method that guides users in the application of various chapters of the HCM to the analysis of automobiles and transit in a corridor. Together with the recent publication of the Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual (TCQSM), the HCM 2000 represents a

Research paper thumbnail of Multimodal Level-of-Service Analysis at Planning Level

Transportation Research Record, 2001

Page 1. Transportation Research Record 1776 s 151 Paper No. 01-3084 can be added. However, many c... more Page 1. Transportation Research Record 1776 s 151 Paper No. 01-3084 can be added. However, many communities do not use these strate-gies to ease congestion. One important reason is that no methodolo-gies for the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Planning-Level Areawide Multimodal Level-of-Service Analysis: Performance Measures for Congestion Management

Transportation Research Record, 2003

The state of Florida has been experiencing an explosion of growth, and it is one of the fastest g... more The state of Florida has been experiencing an explosion of growth, and it is one of the fastest growing states in the country. While the state has been in the forefront of growth management initiatives, the results have been less than satisfactory. The state recognized the need to integrate land use planning efforts with transportation planning efforts. Legislation was passed that allows the formation of multimodal transportation districts, which focus on appropriate land use mixes and densities that would enhance the use of transportation modes other than the automobile. There are several key elements in the evaluation of these districts, using both land use analysis and the recently adopted multimodal level-of-service performance measures. To validate these evaluation techniques, especially focusing on the level-of-service performance measures, several case studies were undertaken. The guidelines for the formation of a multimodal transportation district provide local governments w...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of the Street Environment in How People Cross Roads in Urban Settings

This paper models the role of the street environment in how people cross roads in urban settings.... more This paper models the role of the street environment in how people cross roads in urban settings. Respondents were placed in real traffic conditions at the curbside of street blocks in the Tampa Bay area for a three-minute observation of the street environment. Without crossing the blocks, each respondent stated his crossing preference at each of six blocks. The origin and destination of each crossing were hypothetically set and varied across the blocks. So were the options available: two options for crossing at an intersection and up to four options for crossing at mid-block locations. Within the framework of discrete-choice models, the stated preferences are explained with the street environment, including traffic conditions, roadway characteristics, and signal-control characteristics. All three components of the street environment are considered: mid-block locations, intersections, and the roadside environment. This paper describes survey design and data collection efforts; estim...

Research paper thumbnail of Why People Cross Where They Do: The Role of Street Environment

Transportation Research Record, 2004

The role of the street environment in the way people cross roads in urban settings is modeled. Re... more The role of the street environment in the way people cross roads in urban settings is modeled. Respondents were placed in real traffic conditions at the curbside of street blocks in the Tampa Bay, Florida, area for 3-min observations of the street environments. Without crossing the blocks, respondents stated their crossing preference at each of six blocks. The origin and destination of each crossing were hypothetically set and varied across the blocks. So were the options available: two options for crossing at an intersection and up to four options for crossing at midblock locations. Within the framework of discrete choice models, the stated preferences are explained with the street environment, including traffic conditions, roadway characteristics, and signal-control characteristics. All three components of the street environment are considered: midblock locations, intersections, and roadside environment. The data are described; a nested logit model of pedestrian street-crossing be...

Research paper thumbnail of Pedestrian Level-of-Service Model for Urban Arterial Facilities with Sidewalks

Transportation Research Record, 2006

This paper documents a study sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation to develop a l... more This paper documents a study sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation to develop a level-of-service (LOS) model that represents pedestrians’ perceptions of how well urban arterials with sidewalks (a combination of roadway segments and intersections) meet their needs. The model incorporates traffic volumes on the adjacent roadway and exposure (i.e., crossing widths) at conflict points with intersections and driveways. Data were obtained from Walk for Science, an innovative field data collection event, and consist of participants’ perceptions of how well urban arterials with sidewalks meet their needs as pedestrians. The pedestrian LOS model for roadway facilities described here is based on Pearson correlation analyses and stepwise regression modeling of about 500 combined real-time perceptions (observations) from pedestrians walking a course along streets in a typical U.S. metropolitan urban area. Study participants represented a cross section of age, gender, walking experience, and residency. Although further hypothesis testing may be conducted in a future study, the resulting general model for the pedestrian LOS of urban arterials with sidewalks has a high correlation coefficient ( R2 = .70) with the average observations and is transferable to a significant number of metropolitan areas in the United States. The study reveals that traffic volumes on the adjacent roadway and the density of conflict points along the facility are the primary factors in the LOS model for pedestrians traveling along urban arterials with sidewalks.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the Roadside Walking Environment: Pedestrian Level of Service

Transportation Research Record, 2001

A method is needed to objectively quantify pedestrians’ perception of safety and comfort in the r... more A method is needed to objectively quantify pedestrians’ perception of safety and comfort in the roadside environment. This quantification, or mathematical relationship, would provide a measure of how well roadways accommodate pedestrian travel. Essentially, it would provide a measure of pedestrian level of service (LOS) within a roadway environment. Such a measure of walking conditions would greatly aid in roadway cross-sectional design and would help evaluate and prioritize the needs of existing roadways for sidewalk retrofit construction. Furthermore, the measure can be used to evaluate traffic-calming strategies and streetscape designs for their effectiveness in improving the pedestrian environment. Such a measure would make it possible to merge pedestrian facility programming into the mainstream of transportation planning, design, and construction. To meet the need for such a method, as well as to fulfill a state mandate to establish levels of service standards for all transport...

Research paper thumbnail of Crossing Locations, Light Conditions, and Pedestrian Injury Severity

Transportation Research Record, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Video Simulation of Pedestrian Crossings at Signalized Intersections

Transportation Research Record, 2005

... Bruce W. Landis, Theodore A. Petritsch, Peyton S. McLeod, Herman F. Huang, and Martin Guttenp... more ... Bruce W. Landis, Theodore A. Petritsch, Peyton S. McLeod, Herman F. Huang, and Martin Guttenplan 49 ... The authors also appreci-ate the FDOT District 1 advisory committee members, Michael Tako Nicolaisen, Jim Baxter, Sean Masters, and Steve Browne. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Part 2: Pedestrians: Level-of-Service Model for Pedestrians at Signalized Intersections

Transportation Research Record, 2005

... Theodore A. Petritsch, Bruce W. Landis, Peyton S. McLeod, Herman F. Huang, Srikalyan Challa, ... more ... Theodore A. Petritsch, Bruce W. Landis, Peyton S. McLeod, Herman F. Huang, Srikalyan Challa, and Martin Guttenplan ... The authors thank the FDOT District 1 advisory committee members (Michael Tako Nicolaisen, Jim Bax-ter, Sean Masters, and Steve Browne) for their ...

Research paper thumbnail of Intersection Level of Service for the Bicycle Through Movement

Transportation Research Record, 2003

The Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) has initiated multi-modal level-of-service (LOS) m... more The Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) has initiated multi-modal level-of-service (LOS) methodologies, including that for the bicycle travel mode. It has already adopted a bicycle LOS methodology for the roadway segment portion of the transportation network, the Bicycle Level of Service Model. Florida DOT’s ultimate goal is to develop corridor- and facilities-level LOS methodologies. Toward that goal, Florida DOT sponsored research to develop the first part of an intersection bicycle LOS methodology, the Intersection LOS for the bicycle through movement. This Intersection LOS for the bicycle through movement would provide a measure of the level of safety and comfort experienced by bicyclists riding through an intersection. The Intersection LOS model for the bicycle through movement is based on Pearson correlation analyses and stepwise regression modeling of approximately 1,000 combined real-time perceptions from bicyclists traveling a course through a typical U.S. metropolit...

Research paper thumbnail of Bicycle level of service for arterials

… Record: Journal of …, 2007

This paper documents a study sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to crea... more This paper documents a study sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to create a model that predicts how bicyclists perceive the arterial roadway environment. It builds on the highly successful adopted segment and intersection bicycling ...

Research paper thumbnail of Bicycle level of service for arterials

… Record: Journal of …, 2007

This paper documents a study sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to crea... more This paper documents a study sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to create a model that predicts how bicyclists perceive the arterial roadway environment. It builds on the highly successful adopted segment and intersection bicycling ...