Martin Kranert - (original) (raw)
Papers by Martin Kranert
Die Kenntnis der Abfallmenge und Abfallzusammensetzung sowie deren physikalischen, chemischen und... more Die Kenntnis der Abfallmenge und Abfallzusammensetzung sowie deren physikalischen, chemischen und biologischen Eigenschaften sind das Fundament um abfallwirtschaftliche Strategien entwickeln und umsetzen zu können.
Die Erstellung von Abfallwirtschaftsplänen ist Sache der Bundesländer. Während diese Pläne in der... more Die Erstellung von Abfallwirtschaftsplänen ist Sache der Bundesländer. Während diese Pläne in der Regel nur einen Rahmen vorgeben, liegt die konzeptionelle Planung auf der Ebene der öffentlich-rechtlichen Entsorgungsträger (ÖRE). Basis hierfür ist das KrW-/AbfG [15] und die Landesabfallgesetze. Daneben sind Abfallwirtschaftskonzepte erforderlich, um durch vorsorgende Planung auch langfristig eine zukunftsfähige Abfallwirtschaft, welche ökonomische, ökologische und soziale Aspekte abdecken muss, zu gewährleisten.
Vieweg+Teubner eBooks, 2010
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, 2019
For Greece, with a population of 10.5 million, it is estimated that more than 25 million tourists... more For Greece, with a population of 10.5 million, it is estimated that more than 25 million tourists visit the country each year. According to a study conducted in the greater region of Crete by Gidarakos E. et al. (2006) food waste is the main fraction of the municipal solid waste during the high tourism season, most of it arising in hospitality units. This fact provides an excellent opportunity for implementing kitchen based waste prevention systems. Large volumes of food, handled by professionals, with an explicit desire to reduce the amount of food that is thrown away, not just for environmental, but mostly for economic reasons. In order to reduce the amount of food waste, it is essential to know where, why and how much food is discarded. For this aim, the "ResourceManager-Food" (RMF) developed at the University of Stuttgart is applied in 6 pilot hospitality units in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. This paper describes the objectives, experimental setup und the first preliminary results of the ongoing A2UFood Project.
ABSTRACT Der Begriff „Aufbereitung“ wurde schon in vorindustrieller Zeit für die Verarbeitung ber... more ABSTRACT Der Begriff „Aufbereitung“ wurde schon in vorindustrieller Zeit für die Verarbeitung bergmännisch gewonnener, mineralischer Rohstoffe mit dem Ziel verwendet, Wertstoffe wie Erze oder Kohle anzureichern und in verwertungsfähige Produkte zu überführen. Die Erfahrungen aus diesem Anwendungsbereich der mechanischen Behandlungsmethoden führten in den siebziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts zur Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Abfallaufbereitung. Da das Materialrecycling aus Gründen des Umweltschutzes und der absehbaren Verknappung an Deponievolumen und Rohstoffen einen immer höheren Stellenwert bekam, wurde die bestehende Aufbereitungstechnik so modifiziert, dass sie sich für die Verarbeitung der oft sehr komplex zusammengesetzten Abfallgemische besser eignete. Darüber hinaus wurden völlig neuartige Behandlungsmethoden entwickelt, die der speziellen Charakteristik von Abfallstoffen Rechnung trugen. Die nachfolgenden Ausführungen geben eine zusammenfassende Darstellung zur Technik und den Methoden moderner mechanischer Abfallaufbereitung.
Der Erhalt natürlicher Ressourcen bildet die Grundlage für Leben und Wirtschaft. Finanzielle Aufw... more Der Erhalt natürlicher Ressourcen bildet die Grundlage für Leben und Wirtschaft. Finanzielle Aufwendungen, resultierend aus einer Verknappung von Ressourcen und steigenden Kosten durch anthropogen verursachte Umweltwirkungen, gewinnen an wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung.
Der landlaufig verwendete Begriff Sonderabfall steht als Synonym fur gefahrliche Abfalle (engl. h... more Der landlaufig verwendete Begriff Sonderabfall steht als Synonym fur gefahrliche Abfalle (engl. hazardous waste). Im KrW-/AbfG findet sich der Begriff Sonderabfall nicht – vielmehr wird zwischen gefahrlichen und nicht gefahrlichen Abfallen unterschieden.
The EU directive on the landfill of waste will initiate far-reaching changes in the field of wast... more The EU directive on the landfill of waste will initiate far-reaching changes in the field of waste management. In most of the member states drastic measures will become necessary to comply the required limit values of biodegradable wastes in landfills within the given time frame (2006–2016). On the basis of a research project on behalf of the European Union, the paper gives an overview of the state of composting and biowaste treatment in the European Union. Aerobic and anaerobic technologies are described and the quantities of treated biowaste shown. The main target of this project was to calculate scenarios for wastes from waste treatment operations with regard to future waste management measures. The effects of the biological treatment on the waste management and the quantity and quality of waste are described.
Müll und Abfall, Jul 11, 2016
Environment and Ecology Research, Sep 1, 2018
Throughout the world, agriculture, sanitation and waste management sectors are mainly carried out... more Throughout the world, agriculture, sanitation and waste management sectors are mainly carried out in isolation, resulting in permanent nutrient drainage and large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions due to inadequate or excessive use of fertilizers. Currently in Costa Rica, after a study of coffee waste treatment practices in conjunction with NAMA Coffee and based on previous studies carried out in the country, certain questions have arisen regarding the practices and management of coffee by-products to produce organic compost. During this study, a methodology to measure the impact of the application of an aerobic treatment technology for coffee by-products was developed and applied. With this method, different techniques of composting were compared regarding their emission of greenhouse gases, especially methane. As a next step, the reasons for the higher emission rates were examined. The emission rates are given in units of [g/m² h] and the categorization and emission ranges were obtained according to the type of treatment and movement at the composting piles of each mill visited in the country. Moreover, ranges of emission factor in this article are given in g CH 4 /kg raw material. The duration of the project was from December 2017 until July 2018. In total 7 mills were visited in the country, divided in 4 cooperatives or mills and 3 private mills (small coffee farms). The methane emissions that have been observed during the different types of treatment applied to the coffee by-products indicate that the conditions must be optimized in order to create high-quality compost without any negative impact on the environment. The results obtained give an overview about five categories of treatment techniques that are used in Costa Rica to convert coffee by-products into compost which is used as a fertilizer. To some of these composting-categories, methane emission factors were calculated. It was found, that depending on the type of treatment, the methane emissions are between 10 times and more than 60 times higher than emission rates at garden waste or bio-waste composting plants referenced in literature. German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) established a NAMA support project (NSP): Low-carbon coffee Costa Rica. Within this framework, the actual activities are carried out.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Jan 16, 2017
Septage is the solid sludge that accumulates in septic tanks over a period of time. Many of the d... more Septage is the solid sludge that accumulates in septic tanks over a period of time. Many of the developing countries in the world face the challenging task of septage management. Due to the high variability in the nature of septage, there is a need to study its physical and chemical characteristics in order to suggest a sustainable treatment methodology. The present study deals with the characterization of septage collected from different locations of Chennai city in India, in two different seasons (summer and winter). The characterization includes parameters such as solids, organics, inorganics, nutrients and heavy metals. Septage showed significant difference in concentrations of pollutants from one season to the other (p > 0.05). The average total solids concentration is found to be 1.6 times higher during winter season than compared to summer season. Average concentrations of solids were 2185 ± 1070 and 3555 ± 2935 mg/L during summer and winter, respectively. Liquid characterization of septage showed total chemical oxygen demands (COD) of 905 ± 603 mg/L (summer) and 1460 ± 1295 mg/L (winter). Similarly, average soluble biochemical oxygen demand (sBOD) was found to be 117 ± 54 mg/L during summer and 211 ± 220 mg/L during winter season. Studies also showed that septage was rich in nutrients such as total nitrogen (4-500 mg/L), ammoniacal nitrogen (2-129 mg/L), total phosphate (5-236 mg/L) and heavy metals such as copper, zinc, lead and manganese. Overall characterization indicates that the collected septage samples are highly variable in nature with respect to sources, season and locations of collection. As the septage is rich in organic matter and nutrients, it can be used as a resource like soil conditioner or as a substitute for chemical fertilizer in agriculture, after proper treatment, leading to a new evolution in sanitation.
Water Practice & Technology, Mar 1, 2008
While composting of separate collected bio-waste is currently undergoing a renaissance in Germany... more While composting of separate collected bio-waste is currently undergoing a renaissance in Germany, sewage sludge composting offers as well the possibility to produce a hygienic soil conditioner and/or secondary raw material fertilizer. This alternative is increasingly interesting, especially to bring back nutrients and organic substances into soils. This paper explains the essential reasons for composting, shows the process conditions and the different composting processes used currently in Germany. The discussion about the heavy metal problem and the production of a high quality fair marketable product leads to the necessity of a quality assurance system, which has been proven to be effective for bio-waste composting in Germany. The necessary boundary conditions and demands for such a quality assurance system for sewage sludge are presented.
Waste Management, May 1, 2020
The present study aimed at understanding the impact of pharmaceutical and personal care product (... more The present study aimed at understanding the impact of pharmaceutical and personal care product (PPCP) load on compost dynamics and fate of PPCPs during the composting. In addition, the compost dynamics during single PPCP degradation and multiple PPCPs degradation were investigated. Results revealed that co-composting could degrade the pharmaceutical, carbamazepine (CBZ) up to 83% during single pollutant degradation while it was 66% during multiple pollutant system, at an initial concentration (IC) of 5 mg/kg dw. In case of personal care product, namely triclosan (TCS), single pollutant degradation resulted in 86% removal whereas the removal efficiency was 83% in multiple pollutant system. Relatively high concentration of CBZ showed a negative impact on compost dynamics compared to that of TCS. Higher IC resulted in lower temperature development and relatively lower pollutant removal. The study on pollutant transfer in compost solid surface and in leachate revealed that TCS was not leached out while the leaching of CBZ was significant during composting process. The various transformation products formed during composting were identified and tentative pathways for CBZ and TCS degradation were proposed.
Vieweg+Teubner eBooks, 2010
ABSTRACT Stoffstrommanagement ist das zielorientierte, verantwortliche, ganzheitliche und effizie... more ABSTRACT Stoffstrommanagement ist das zielorientierte, verantwortliche, ganzheitliche und effiziente Beeinflussen von Stoffströmen oder Stoffsystemen. [2]
Müll und Abfall, Aug 1, 1999
Müll und Abfall, Dec 17, 2007
Müll und Abfall, Apr 13, 2015
Vieweg+Teubner eBooks, 2010
Die Kenntnis der Abfallmenge und Abfallzusammensetzung sowie deren physikalischen, chemischen und... more Die Kenntnis der Abfallmenge und Abfallzusammensetzung sowie deren physikalischen, chemischen und biologischen Eigenschaften sind das Fundament um abfallwirtschaftliche Strategien entwickeln und umsetzen zu können.
Die Erstellung von Abfallwirtschaftsplänen ist Sache der Bundesländer. Während diese Pläne in der... more Die Erstellung von Abfallwirtschaftsplänen ist Sache der Bundesländer. Während diese Pläne in der Regel nur einen Rahmen vorgeben, liegt die konzeptionelle Planung auf der Ebene der öffentlich-rechtlichen Entsorgungsträger (ÖRE). Basis hierfür ist das KrW-/AbfG [15] und die Landesabfallgesetze. Daneben sind Abfallwirtschaftskonzepte erforderlich, um durch vorsorgende Planung auch langfristig eine zukunftsfähige Abfallwirtschaft, welche ökonomische, ökologische und soziale Aspekte abdecken muss, zu gewährleisten.
Vieweg+Teubner eBooks, 2010
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, 2019
For Greece, with a population of 10.5 million, it is estimated that more than 25 million tourists... more For Greece, with a population of 10.5 million, it is estimated that more than 25 million tourists visit the country each year. According to a study conducted in the greater region of Crete by Gidarakos E. et al. (2006) food waste is the main fraction of the municipal solid waste during the high tourism season, most of it arising in hospitality units. This fact provides an excellent opportunity for implementing kitchen based waste prevention systems. Large volumes of food, handled by professionals, with an explicit desire to reduce the amount of food that is thrown away, not just for environmental, but mostly for economic reasons. In order to reduce the amount of food waste, it is essential to know where, why and how much food is discarded. For this aim, the "ResourceManager-Food" (RMF) developed at the University of Stuttgart is applied in 6 pilot hospitality units in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. This paper describes the objectives, experimental setup und the first preliminary results of the ongoing A2UFood Project.
ABSTRACT Der Begriff „Aufbereitung“ wurde schon in vorindustrieller Zeit für die Verarbeitung ber... more ABSTRACT Der Begriff „Aufbereitung“ wurde schon in vorindustrieller Zeit für die Verarbeitung bergmännisch gewonnener, mineralischer Rohstoffe mit dem Ziel verwendet, Wertstoffe wie Erze oder Kohle anzureichern und in verwertungsfähige Produkte zu überführen. Die Erfahrungen aus diesem Anwendungsbereich der mechanischen Behandlungsmethoden führten in den siebziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts zur Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Abfallaufbereitung. Da das Materialrecycling aus Gründen des Umweltschutzes und der absehbaren Verknappung an Deponievolumen und Rohstoffen einen immer höheren Stellenwert bekam, wurde die bestehende Aufbereitungstechnik so modifiziert, dass sie sich für die Verarbeitung der oft sehr komplex zusammengesetzten Abfallgemische besser eignete. Darüber hinaus wurden völlig neuartige Behandlungsmethoden entwickelt, die der speziellen Charakteristik von Abfallstoffen Rechnung trugen. Die nachfolgenden Ausführungen geben eine zusammenfassende Darstellung zur Technik und den Methoden moderner mechanischer Abfallaufbereitung.
Der Erhalt natürlicher Ressourcen bildet die Grundlage für Leben und Wirtschaft. Finanzielle Aufw... more Der Erhalt natürlicher Ressourcen bildet die Grundlage für Leben und Wirtschaft. Finanzielle Aufwendungen, resultierend aus einer Verknappung von Ressourcen und steigenden Kosten durch anthropogen verursachte Umweltwirkungen, gewinnen an wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung.
Der landlaufig verwendete Begriff Sonderabfall steht als Synonym fur gefahrliche Abfalle (engl. h... more Der landlaufig verwendete Begriff Sonderabfall steht als Synonym fur gefahrliche Abfalle (engl. hazardous waste). Im KrW-/AbfG findet sich der Begriff Sonderabfall nicht – vielmehr wird zwischen gefahrlichen und nicht gefahrlichen Abfallen unterschieden.
The EU directive on the landfill of waste will initiate far-reaching changes in the field of wast... more The EU directive on the landfill of waste will initiate far-reaching changes in the field of waste management. In most of the member states drastic measures will become necessary to comply the required limit values of biodegradable wastes in landfills within the given time frame (2006–2016). On the basis of a research project on behalf of the European Union, the paper gives an overview of the state of composting and biowaste treatment in the European Union. Aerobic and anaerobic technologies are described and the quantities of treated biowaste shown. The main target of this project was to calculate scenarios for wastes from waste treatment operations with regard to future waste management measures. The effects of the biological treatment on the waste management and the quantity and quality of waste are described.
Müll und Abfall, Jul 11, 2016
Environment and Ecology Research, Sep 1, 2018
Throughout the world, agriculture, sanitation and waste management sectors are mainly carried out... more Throughout the world, agriculture, sanitation and waste management sectors are mainly carried out in isolation, resulting in permanent nutrient drainage and large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions due to inadequate or excessive use of fertilizers. Currently in Costa Rica, after a study of coffee waste treatment practices in conjunction with NAMA Coffee and based on previous studies carried out in the country, certain questions have arisen regarding the practices and management of coffee by-products to produce organic compost. During this study, a methodology to measure the impact of the application of an aerobic treatment technology for coffee by-products was developed and applied. With this method, different techniques of composting were compared regarding their emission of greenhouse gases, especially methane. As a next step, the reasons for the higher emission rates were examined. The emission rates are given in units of [g/m² h] and the categorization and emission ranges were obtained according to the type of treatment and movement at the composting piles of each mill visited in the country. Moreover, ranges of emission factor in this article are given in g CH 4 /kg raw material. The duration of the project was from December 2017 until July 2018. In total 7 mills were visited in the country, divided in 4 cooperatives or mills and 3 private mills (small coffee farms). The methane emissions that have been observed during the different types of treatment applied to the coffee by-products indicate that the conditions must be optimized in order to create high-quality compost without any negative impact on the environment. The results obtained give an overview about five categories of treatment techniques that are used in Costa Rica to convert coffee by-products into compost which is used as a fertilizer. To some of these composting-categories, methane emission factors were calculated. It was found, that depending on the type of treatment, the methane emissions are between 10 times and more than 60 times higher than emission rates at garden waste or bio-waste composting plants referenced in literature. German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) established a NAMA support project (NSP): Low-carbon coffee Costa Rica. Within this framework, the actual activities are carried out.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Jan 16, 2017
Septage is the solid sludge that accumulates in septic tanks over a period of time. Many of the d... more Septage is the solid sludge that accumulates in septic tanks over a period of time. Many of the developing countries in the world face the challenging task of septage management. Due to the high variability in the nature of septage, there is a need to study its physical and chemical characteristics in order to suggest a sustainable treatment methodology. The present study deals with the characterization of septage collected from different locations of Chennai city in India, in two different seasons (summer and winter). The characterization includes parameters such as solids, organics, inorganics, nutrients and heavy metals. Septage showed significant difference in concentrations of pollutants from one season to the other (p > 0.05). The average total solids concentration is found to be 1.6 times higher during winter season than compared to summer season. Average concentrations of solids were 2185 ± 1070 and 3555 ± 2935 mg/L during summer and winter, respectively. Liquid characterization of septage showed total chemical oxygen demands (COD) of 905 ± 603 mg/L (summer) and 1460 ± 1295 mg/L (winter). Similarly, average soluble biochemical oxygen demand (sBOD) was found to be 117 ± 54 mg/L during summer and 211 ± 220 mg/L during winter season. Studies also showed that septage was rich in nutrients such as total nitrogen (4-500 mg/L), ammoniacal nitrogen (2-129 mg/L), total phosphate (5-236 mg/L) and heavy metals such as copper, zinc, lead and manganese. Overall characterization indicates that the collected septage samples are highly variable in nature with respect to sources, season and locations of collection. As the septage is rich in organic matter and nutrients, it can be used as a resource like soil conditioner or as a substitute for chemical fertilizer in agriculture, after proper treatment, leading to a new evolution in sanitation.
Water Practice & Technology, Mar 1, 2008
While composting of separate collected bio-waste is currently undergoing a renaissance in Germany... more While composting of separate collected bio-waste is currently undergoing a renaissance in Germany, sewage sludge composting offers as well the possibility to produce a hygienic soil conditioner and/or secondary raw material fertilizer. This alternative is increasingly interesting, especially to bring back nutrients and organic substances into soils. This paper explains the essential reasons for composting, shows the process conditions and the different composting processes used currently in Germany. The discussion about the heavy metal problem and the production of a high quality fair marketable product leads to the necessity of a quality assurance system, which has been proven to be effective for bio-waste composting in Germany. The necessary boundary conditions and demands for such a quality assurance system for sewage sludge are presented.
Waste Management, May 1, 2020
The present study aimed at understanding the impact of pharmaceutical and personal care product (... more The present study aimed at understanding the impact of pharmaceutical and personal care product (PPCP) load on compost dynamics and fate of PPCPs during the composting. In addition, the compost dynamics during single PPCP degradation and multiple PPCPs degradation were investigated. Results revealed that co-composting could degrade the pharmaceutical, carbamazepine (CBZ) up to 83% during single pollutant degradation while it was 66% during multiple pollutant system, at an initial concentration (IC) of 5 mg/kg dw. In case of personal care product, namely triclosan (TCS), single pollutant degradation resulted in 86% removal whereas the removal efficiency was 83% in multiple pollutant system. Relatively high concentration of CBZ showed a negative impact on compost dynamics compared to that of TCS. Higher IC resulted in lower temperature development and relatively lower pollutant removal. The study on pollutant transfer in compost solid surface and in leachate revealed that TCS was not leached out while the leaching of CBZ was significant during composting process. The various transformation products formed during composting were identified and tentative pathways for CBZ and TCS degradation were proposed.
Vieweg+Teubner eBooks, 2010
ABSTRACT Stoffstrommanagement ist das zielorientierte, verantwortliche, ganzheitliche und effizie... more ABSTRACT Stoffstrommanagement ist das zielorientierte, verantwortliche, ganzheitliche und effiziente Beeinflussen von Stoffströmen oder Stoffsystemen. [2]
Müll und Abfall, Aug 1, 1999
Müll und Abfall, Dec 17, 2007
Müll und Abfall, Apr 13, 2015
Vieweg+Teubner eBooks, 2010