Marwan Hakim - (original) (raw)
Papers by Marwan Hakim
Transplantation Proceedings, 2001
W HEN a major peripheral nerve is rejoined microsurgically after complete severance it may regene... more W HEN a major peripheral nerve is rejoined microsurgically after complete severance it may regenerate distally at a rate of up to 1 mm/d in adults. Regeneration can proceed steadily even through two completely severed and then meticulously individually repaired anastomoses along the same nerve. A long nerve homograft can also be expected to regenerate, but at a slighter slower rate.
License Plate Recognition (LPR) is a machine vision technology used to identify vehicles by their... more License Plate Recognition (LPR) is a machine vision technology used to identify vehicles by their license plates without direct human intervention. This paper presents an efficient license plate extraction method which is mainly designed for Malaysian license plates recognition. Besides, it can be readily extended to cope with license plates of other countries, especially those using Latin characters. Our method is capable of extracting license plates in a concise manner, it works well on different types of Malaysian license plates and fast enough to be used in real-time. The method has been tested over a large number of images in order to analyze its performance. The test results, demonstrate that the proposed method is efficient to be used for the license plate recognition system.
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 1985
0020-7292/85/503.30 0 1985 International Federation of Gynaecology & Obstetrics Published and Pri... more 0020-7292/85/503.30 0 1985 International Federation of Gynaecology & Obstetrics Published and Printed in Ireland
Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 2001
To compare the antepartum and intrapartum course of Jewish and Arab great-grandmultiparas from ce... more To compare the antepartum and intrapartum course of Jewish and Arab great-grandmultiparas from central and peripheral areas in Israel to age-matched control multiparous women. Medical records of four groups of parturients were compared: great-grandmultiparas (para > or = 9) and multiparae (para 2-5) delivering at Nazareth E.M.M.S. hospital (mostly Arabs) and Hadassah-Ein-Kerem hospital in Jerusalem (mostly Jews). The control groups consisted of demographically and geographically matched multiparas. Data was collected on prenatal care received, antepartum complications, as well as the intrapartum complications traditionally associated with high parity (e.g. malpresentation, placental abnormalities, peripartum hemorrhage, shoulder dystocia). Neonatal records were also examined to determine any neonatal morbidity or mortality. There were 139 and 141 great-grandmultiparas in the Nazareth and the Jerusalem study groups, respectively (mean parity was 10.1 and 10.9, respectively), and 142 and 139 multiparas in the Nazareth and the Jerusalem control groups, respectively (mean parity was 2.9 and 2.5, respectively). The rate of physician visits during the prenatal period in the Nazareth and the Jerusalem study groups was 2.3 +/- 2.4 and 3.2 +/- 2.7, respectively (p=0.0041). This rate was significantly higher in the controls of both areas (4.0 +/- 3.0 and 4.9 +/- 2.9, respectively). There was no difference in the rate of nurse visits in all groups in all areas. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were similar in both study groups, and were also similar in the control groups, but perinatal mortality was higher in both great-grandmultiparous groups compared to the controls (11/280 and 2/281, respectively; p<0.05). The differences in the intensity of prenatal care between these rural and urban areas did not affect the maternal outcomes of great-grandmultiparous pregnancies. In addition, there were no significant differences in maternal outcomes between great-grandmultiparas and multiparas in rural and urban areas although prenatal care was less intense in the former. However, increased incidence of perinatal mortality in the great-grandmultiparas may be due to factors unrelated to prenatal care intensity or quality.
Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 2001
To compare the antepartum and intrapartum course of Jewish and Arab great-grandmultiparas from ce... more To compare the antepartum and intrapartum course of Jewish and Arab great-grandmultiparas from central and peripheral areas in Israel to age-matched control multiparous women. Medical records of four groups of parturients were compared: great-grandmultiparas (para > or = 9) and multiparae (para 2-5) delivering at Nazareth E.M.M.S. hospital (mostly Arabs) and Hadassah-Ein-Kerem hospital in Jerusalem (mostly Jews). The control groups consisted of demographically and geographically matched multiparas. Data was collected on prenatal care received, antepartum complications, as well as the intrapartum complications traditionally associated with high parity (e.g. malpresentation, placental abnormalities, peripartum hemorrhage, shoulder dystocia). Neonatal records were also examined to determine any neonatal morbidity or mortality. There were 139 and 141 great-grandmultiparas in the Nazareth and the Jerusalem study groups, respectively (mean parity was 10.1 and 10.9, respectively), and 142 and 139 multiparas in the Nazareth and the Jerusalem control groups, respectively (mean parity was 2.9 and 2.5, respectively). The rate of physician visits during the prenatal period in the Nazareth and the Jerusalem study groups was 2.3 +/- 2.4 and 3.2 +/- 2.7, respectively (p=0.0041). This rate was significantly higher in the controls of both areas (4.0 +/- 3.0 and 4.9 +/- 2.9, respectively). There was no difference in the rate of nurse visits in all groups in all areas. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were similar in both study groups, and were also similar in the control groups, but perinatal mortality was higher in both great-grandmultiparous groups compared to the controls (11/280 and 2/281, respectively; p<0.05). The differences in the intensity of prenatal care between these rural and urban areas did not affect the maternal outcomes of great-grandmultiparous pregnancies. In addition, there were no significant differences in maternal outcomes between great-grandmultiparas and multiparas in rural and urban areas although prenatal care was less intense in the former. However, increased incidence of perinatal mortality in the great-grandmultiparas may be due to factors unrelated to prenatal care intensity or quality.
Perumusan masalah kebijakan publik Penyusunan agenda pemerintah Perumusan usulan kebijakan ... more Perumusan masalah kebijakan publik Penyusunan agenda pemerintah Perumusan usulan kebijakan Pengesahan kebijakan Perumusan masalah-agenda pemeerintah-usulan kebijakan-legitimasi o Contoh : Banjir -fatorpenghujansaluran Tidak semua masalah menjadi Problema umum dan tidak semua PU menjaddi issu public. Beda masalah dan problema umum dan issue Masalah adalah ketidaak puasan manusia yang harus dipecahkan. Problema umum adalaah ketidak puasan manusia ynag tidakl dapat dipenuhi secara privat Penyusunan agenda pemerintah Agenda pemerintah(government agenda) suatu gambaran problema2 / issue2 kebijakan dimana pembuat kebijakan merasa perlu memberikan perhatian yang aktif serta sserius terhadapnya. Bila sebagaian besar peembuat kebijakan sepaham bahwa prioritas perlu diberika kepada problema umum 5 hal yang shg problema umum dapat msk dalam agenda pemerintah Bila timbul anccaman trhdp keseimbangan kel.mis: gol ekonomi lemah thd ekonomi kuat Kepemimpinan politik mjd factor penting. Mis: RUU yang berasal dr pihak eksekutif, mk otomatis msk dlm agenda legislative Timbulnya krisis atau peristiwa yg luar biasa missal: kebocoran tanki gas beracun yang menelan beribu-ribu manusia. Adanya gerakan protes dan tindakan kekerasan, missal : protes Yang dilakukan nelayan tradisional Adnya masalah khusus atau isu-isu politik,mis: mafia pengadilan, mafia pajak, UAN, porkas sepak bola. 4 komponen strategis yg Hrus diperhatikan perumus kebijakan msk dlm agenda pemerintah Dilihat dr peristiwanya mis: ruang lingkupnya, persepsi, akibat, dan intensitasnya. Dilihat dari organisasi kelompoknya,mis: besar kelompoknya, hubungan antar anggotanya, dan kepemimpinannya Dilihat dari cara mencapai kekuasaannya mis: perwakilan, empati dan dukungan Dilihat dr proses kebijakan,mis: struktur; apakah jenis hubungan antara pembuat kebijakan dg org yang terkena pengaruh kebijakan tersebut. Kepekaan; seberapa besar kepekaan pembuat kebijakan. Perumusan usulan kebijakan public: Mengidentifikasikan alternative Mendifinisiskan DAN Merumuskan alternative Menilai alternative kebijakn yg tersedia
Transplantation Proceedings, 2001
W HEN a major peripheral nerve is rejoined microsurgically after complete severance it may regene... more W HEN a major peripheral nerve is rejoined microsurgically after complete severance it may regenerate distally at a rate of up to 1 mm/d in adults. Regeneration can proceed steadily even through two completely severed and then meticulously individually repaired anastomoses along the same nerve. A long nerve homograft can also be expected to regenerate, but at a slighter slower rate.
License Plate Recognition (LPR) is a machine vision technology used to identify vehicles by their... more License Plate Recognition (LPR) is a machine vision technology used to identify vehicles by their license plates without direct human intervention. This paper presents an efficient license plate extraction method which is mainly designed for Malaysian license plates recognition. Besides, it can be readily extended to cope with license plates of other countries, especially those using Latin characters. Our method is capable of extracting license plates in a concise manner, it works well on different types of Malaysian license plates and fast enough to be used in real-time. The method has been tested over a large number of images in order to analyze its performance. The test results, demonstrate that the proposed method is efficient to be used for the license plate recognition system.
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 1985
0020-7292/85/503.30 0 1985 International Federation of Gynaecology & Obstetrics Published and Pri... more 0020-7292/85/503.30 0 1985 International Federation of Gynaecology & Obstetrics Published and Printed in Ireland
Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 2001
To compare the antepartum and intrapartum course of Jewish and Arab great-grandmultiparas from ce... more To compare the antepartum and intrapartum course of Jewish and Arab great-grandmultiparas from central and peripheral areas in Israel to age-matched control multiparous women. Medical records of four groups of parturients were compared: great-grandmultiparas (para > or = 9) and multiparae (para 2-5) delivering at Nazareth E.M.M.S. hospital (mostly Arabs) and Hadassah-Ein-Kerem hospital in Jerusalem (mostly Jews). The control groups consisted of demographically and geographically matched multiparas. Data was collected on prenatal care received, antepartum complications, as well as the intrapartum complications traditionally associated with high parity (e.g. malpresentation, placental abnormalities, peripartum hemorrhage, shoulder dystocia). Neonatal records were also examined to determine any neonatal morbidity or mortality. There were 139 and 141 great-grandmultiparas in the Nazareth and the Jerusalem study groups, respectively (mean parity was 10.1 and 10.9, respectively), and 142 and 139 multiparas in the Nazareth and the Jerusalem control groups, respectively (mean parity was 2.9 and 2.5, respectively). The rate of physician visits during the prenatal period in the Nazareth and the Jerusalem study groups was 2.3 +/- 2.4 and 3.2 +/- 2.7, respectively (p=0.0041). This rate was significantly higher in the controls of both areas (4.0 +/- 3.0 and 4.9 +/- 2.9, respectively). There was no difference in the rate of nurse visits in all groups in all areas. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were similar in both study groups, and were also similar in the control groups, but perinatal mortality was higher in both great-grandmultiparous groups compared to the controls (11/280 and 2/281, respectively; p<0.05). The differences in the intensity of prenatal care between these rural and urban areas did not affect the maternal outcomes of great-grandmultiparous pregnancies. In addition, there were no significant differences in maternal outcomes between great-grandmultiparas and multiparas in rural and urban areas although prenatal care was less intense in the former. However, increased incidence of perinatal mortality in the great-grandmultiparas may be due to factors unrelated to prenatal care intensity or quality.
Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 2001
To compare the antepartum and intrapartum course of Jewish and Arab great-grandmultiparas from ce... more To compare the antepartum and intrapartum course of Jewish and Arab great-grandmultiparas from central and peripheral areas in Israel to age-matched control multiparous women. Medical records of four groups of parturients were compared: great-grandmultiparas (para > or = 9) and multiparae (para 2-5) delivering at Nazareth E.M.M.S. hospital (mostly Arabs) and Hadassah-Ein-Kerem hospital in Jerusalem (mostly Jews). The control groups consisted of demographically and geographically matched multiparas. Data was collected on prenatal care received, antepartum complications, as well as the intrapartum complications traditionally associated with high parity (e.g. malpresentation, placental abnormalities, peripartum hemorrhage, shoulder dystocia). Neonatal records were also examined to determine any neonatal morbidity or mortality. There were 139 and 141 great-grandmultiparas in the Nazareth and the Jerusalem study groups, respectively (mean parity was 10.1 and 10.9, respectively), and 142 and 139 multiparas in the Nazareth and the Jerusalem control groups, respectively (mean parity was 2.9 and 2.5, respectively). The rate of physician visits during the prenatal period in the Nazareth and the Jerusalem study groups was 2.3 +/- 2.4 and 3.2 +/- 2.7, respectively (p=0.0041). This rate was significantly higher in the controls of both areas (4.0 +/- 3.0 and 4.9 +/- 2.9, respectively). There was no difference in the rate of nurse visits in all groups in all areas. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were similar in both study groups, and were also similar in the control groups, but perinatal mortality was higher in both great-grandmultiparous groups compared to the controls (11/280 and 2/281, respectively; p<0.05). The differences in the intensity of prenatal care between these rural and urban areas did not affect the maternal outcomes of great-grandmultiparous pregnancies. In addition, there were no significant differences in maternal outcomes between great-grandmultiparas and multiparas in rural and urban areas although prenatal care was less intense in the former. However, increased incidence of perinatal mortality in the great-grandmultiparas may be due to factors unrelated to prenatal care intensity or quality.
Perumusan masalah kebijakan publik Penyusunan agenda pemerintah Perumusan usulan kebijakan ... more Perumusan masalah kebijakan publik Penyusunan agenda pemerintah Perumusan usulan kebijakan Pengesahan kebijakan Perumusan masalah-agenda pemeerintah-usulan kebijakan-legitimasi o Contoh : Banjir -fatorpenghujansaluran Tidak semua masalah menjadi Problema umum dan tidak semua PU menjaddi issu public. Beda masalah dan problema umum dan issue Masalah adalah ketidaak puasan manusia yang harus dipecahkan. Problema umum adalaah ketidak puasan manusia ynag tidakl dapat dipenuhi secara privat Penyusunan agenda pemerintah Agenda pemerintah(government agenda) suatu gambaran problema2 / issue2 kebijakan dimana pembuat kebijakan merasa perlu memberikan perhatian yang aktif serta sserius terhadapnya. Bila sebagaian besar peembuat kebijakan sepaham bahwa prioritas perlu diberika kepada problema umum 5 hal yang shg problema umum dapat msk dalam agenda pemerintah Bila timbul anccaman trhdp keseimbangan kel.mis: gol ekonomi lemah thd ekonomi kuat Kepemimpinan politik mjd factor penting. Mis: RUU yang berasal dr pihak eksekutif, mk otomatis msk dlm agenda legislative Timbulnya krisis atau peristiwa yg luar biasa missal: kebocoran tanki gas beracun yang menelan beribu-ribu manusia. Adanya gerakan protes dan tindakan kekerasan, missal : protes Yang dilakukan nelayan tradisional Adnya masalah khusus atau isu-isu politik,mis: mafia pengadilan, mafia pajak, UAN, porkas sepak bola. 4 komponen strategis yg Hrus diperhatikan perumus kebijakan msk dlm agenda pemerintah Dilihat dr peristiwanya mis: ruang lingkupnya, persepsi, akibat, dan intensitasnya. Dilihat dari organisasi kelompoknya,mis: besar kelompoknya, hubungan antar anggotanya, dan kepemimpinannya Dilihat dari cara mencapai kekuasaannya mis: perwakilan, empati dan dukungan Dilihat dr proses kebijakan,mis: struktur; apakah jenis hubungan antara pembuat kebijakan dg org yang terkena pengaruh kebijakan tersebut. Kepekaan; seberapa besar kepekaan pembuat kebijakan. Perumusan usulan kebijakan public: Mengidentifikasikan alternative Mendifinisiskan DAN Merumuskan alternative Menilai alternative kebijakn yg tersedia