Massimo Giliberto - (original) (raw)
Nasce a Taranto nel 1961. Si laurea in Psicologia all'Università di Padova, conseguendo successivamente la specializzazione in psicoterapia.
Ha lavorato a lungo come psicologo penitenziario ed è stato consulente presso l'Ospedale Militare di Padova. Per alcuni anni, inoltre, è stato Giudice Onorario del Tribunale dei Minori di Venezia. Attualmente è Direttore e Didatta della Scuola di Psicoterapia Costruttivista dell'Institute of Constructivist Psychology (ICP) di Padova e applica l'approccio costruttivista alla sua attività di insegnamento; esercita la professione di psicoterapeuta ed è consulente e formatore in ambito organizzativo.
Particolarmente coinvolto nella creazione di network e collaborazioni fra scuole costruttiviste del contesto europeo ed internazionale, è Associate Trainer e Supervisore della Associazione Costruttivista Serba (SKA) e co-fondatore, assieme a Mary Frances e Dusan Stojnov, dell'European Constructivist Training Network (ECTN). E' stato, inoltre, Presidente dell'XVIII International Congress on Personal Construct Psychology, tenutosi a Venezia a luglio 2009.
Interessato all?epistemologia, basa il suo lavoro sulle radici dell'esperienza, della conoscenza, della creazione di significati e delle loro implicazioni etiche. Nella Psicologia dei Costrutti Personali di G.A. Kelly ha identificato un approccio teorico rigorosamente fondato sulla consapevolezza di questi presupposti. Sviluppa questo approccio esplorandone i legami e le contaminazioni con il pensiero di Gregory Bateson, con la fenomenologia di Merleau-Ponty e la teoria dell?autopoiesi di Maturana e Varela. Usa questa prospettiva nel lavoro clinico per comprendere l'esperienza delle persone in difficoltà, ma anche per comprendere l'esperienza delle persone che vivono nelle "istituzioni chiuse" e di chi vive e lavora nelle organizzazioni.
E' impegnato nella ricerca e nello sviluppo di nuovi contesti di apprendimento, sperimentazione ed elaborazione, fra i quali predilige l'Outdoor Training, con uno specifico focus sulla navigazione a vela. Fra i suoi hobby, infatti, ha un posto di rilievo la vela d'altura, che pratica regolarmente.
Supervisors: supervisor
Papers by Massimo Giliberto
The modern idea of imprisonment in the West seems to have intentionally portrayed corporal punish... more The modern idea of imprisonment in the West seems to have intentionally portrayed corporal punishment as threatening. It was the foundation and the fulcrum of the principle of 'humanisation' of prisons. At the basis of this principle there is a common dichotomy: 'mind' and 'body' as two distinct things. This occurs so frequently that it might be thought that suffering of the mind (or soul) due to the deprivation of liberty is not comparable to the suffering of the flesh, to physical harm. Can there be, however, an obvious comparison? Behind a seemingly unbloody appearance, assuming a monist rather than dualist point of view, detentive punishment can take on a very different aspect. People who have gone through this experience speak of it as one which involves the person in their entirety and which can be described in the domains of both language and knowledge, mental and physical. "Life changes here" is an expression which could become global: people speak of this change and often this loss of self, as also being in the body and in the modifications of the senses.
Journal of Constructivist Psychology, Sep 25, 2020
The history of humanity can also be seen as a history of ideas. Ideas, like peoples, cross time a... more The history of humanity can also be seen as a history of ideas. Ideas, like peoples, cross time and space. Sometimes, like a karst river, they sink then reappear in another time, in another place. Ideas, from a Personal Constructivist Psychology perspective, are constructs that channelize our experience and are, at the same time, rooted in experience. Ideas are paths to follow, ways forward into the future. Cultural groups, like tribes, identify themselves with these paths, which occasionally intersect other paths, interweaving or not. The stories of these ideas can be narrated. Even constructivism, intended in a comprehensive way, in its various forms and names, could be seen as a long story, whose traces emerge here and there over time and space. This presentation is the attempt to tell this story, tracing its signs, the reoccurring, common questions and answers that have generated and characterized it, albeit in different historical periods and places. Further effort will be made to tell the story, entrenched in this wider story, of one of its "tribes," Personal Construct Psychology, and trying to imagine its future.
Cuadernos de psiquiatría y psicoterapia del niño y del adolescente, 2018
Looking at adolescence from teenagers and parents' point of view might channel different narr... more Looking at adolescence from teenagers and parents' point of view might channel different narratives about what this process can be and how they both construe their relationship. The present work is a two stages preliminary research: in the first one both adolescents’ and parents’ reciprocal constructions about themselves, the others and adolescence were collected. In the second stage authors presented to the same groups of participants their previously collected perceptions, in the form of Perceiver-Element Grid, and interviewed them about their responses to these. This work will share the outcomes of inviting parents and adolescents to “take the role of the other”, to see themselves through the other’s eyes. Further both clinical and research applications will be discussed.
Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy in an International Context, 2013
ABSTRACT Gemignani, M. & Giliberto, M. (2012). A historical, cultural, and indigenous per... more ABSTRACT Gemignani, M. & Giliberto, M. (2012). A historical, cultural, and indigenous perspective on counseling and psychotherapy in Italy. In R. Moodley, U. Gielen, and R. Wu (Eds.), Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy in an international context (pp. 330-341). NY: Routledge. ISBN: 9780415872522 []
Looking at adolescence from teenagers and parents' point of view might channel different narr... more Looking at adolescence from teenagers and parents' point of view might channel different narratives about what this process can be and how they both construe their relationship. The present work is a two stages preliminary research: in the first one both adolescents’ and parents’ reciprocal constructions about themselves, the others and adolescence were collected. In the second stage authors presented to the same groups of participants their previously collected perceptions, in the form of Perceiver-Element Grid, and interviewed them about their responses to these. This work will share the outcomes of inviting parents and adolescents to “take the role of the other”, to see themselves through the other’s eyes. Further both clinical and research applications will be discussed.
The modern idea of imprisonment in the West seems to have intentionally portrayed corporal punish... more The modern idea of imprisonment in the West seems to have intentionally portrayed corporal punishment as threatening. It was the foundation and the fulcrum of the principle of ‘humanisation’ of prisons. At the basis of this principle there is a common dichotomy: ‘mind’ and ‘body’ as two distinct things. This occurs so frequently that it might be thought that suffering of the mind (or soul) due to the deprivation of liberty is not comparable to the suffering of the flesh, to physical harm. Can there be, however, an obvious comparison? Behind a seemingly unbloody appearance, assuming a monist rather than dualist point of view, detentive punishment can take on a very different aspect. People who have gone through this experience speak of it as one which involves the person in their entirety and which can be described in the domains of both language and knowledge, mental and physical. “Life changes here” is an expression which could become global: people speak of this change and often t...
Journal of Constructivist Psychology
The history of humanity can also be seen as a history of ideas. Ideas, like peoples, cross time a... more The history of humanity can also be seen as a history of ideas. Ideas, like peoples, cross time and space. Sometimes, like a karst river, they sink then reappear in another time, in another place. ...
Journal of Constructivist Psychology
Winter/The Wiley Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology, 2015
Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, 2014
The modern idea of imprisonment in the West seems to have intentionally portrayed corporal punish... more The modern idea of imprisonment in the West seems to have intentionally portrayed corporal punishment as threatening. It was the foundation and the fulcrum of the principle of 'humanisation' of prisons. At the basis of this principle there is a common dichotomy: 'mind' and 'body' as two distinct things. This occurs so frequently that it might be thought that suffering of the mind (or soul) due to the deprivation of liberty is not comparable to the suffering of the flesh, to physical harm. Can there be, however, an obvious comparison? Behind a seemingly unbloody appearance, assuming a monist rather than dualist point of view, detentive punishment can take on a very different aspect. People who have gone through this experience speak of it as one which involves the person in their entirety and which can be described in the domains of both language and knowledge, mental and physical. "Life changes here" is an expression which could become global: people speak of this change and often this loss of self, as also being in the body and in the modifications of the senses.
Journal of Constructivist Psychology, Sep 25, 2020
The history of humanity can also be seen as a history of ideas. Ideas, like peoples, cross time a... more The history of humanity can also be seen as a history of ideas. Ideas, like peoples, cross time and space. Sometimes, like a karst river, they sink then reappear in another time, in another place. Ideas, from a Personal Constructivist Psychology perspective, are constructs that channelize our experience and are, at the same time, rooted in experience. Ideas are paths to follow, ways forward into the future. Cultural groups, like tribes, identify themselves with these paths, which occasionally intersect other paths, interweaving or not. The stories of these ideas can be narrated. Even constructivism, intended in a comprehensive way, in its various forms and names, could be seen as a long story, whose traces emerge here and there over time and space. This presentation is the attempt to tell this story, tracing its signs, the reoccurring, common questions and answers that have generated and characterized it, albeit in different historical periods and places. Further effort will be made to tell the story, entrenched in this wider story, of one of its "tribes," Personal Construct Psychology, and trying to imagine its future.
Cuadernos de psiquiatría y psicoterapia del niño y del adolescente, 2018
Looking at adolescence from teenagers and parents' point of view might channel different narr... more Looking at adolescence from teenagers and parents' point of view might channel different narratives about what this process can be and how they both construe their relationship. The present work is a two stages preliminary research: in the first one both adolescents’ and parents’ reciprocal constructions about themselves, the others and adolescence were collected. In the second stage authors presented to the same groups of participants their previously collected perceptions, in the form of Perceiver-Element Grid, and interviewed them about their responses to these. This work will share the outcomes of inviting parents and adolescents to “take the role of the other”, to see themselves through the other’s eyes. Further both clinical and research applications will be discussed.
Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy in an International Context, 2013
ABSTRACT Gemignani, M. & Giliberto, M. (2012). A historical, cultural, and indigenous per... more ABSTRACT Gemignani, M. & Giliberto, M. (2012). A historical, cultural, and indigenous perspective on counseling and psychotherapy in Italy. In R. Moodley, U. Gielen, and R. Wu (Eds.), Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy in an international context (pp. 330-341). NY: Routledge. ISBN: 9780415872522 []
Looking at adolescence from teenagers and parents' point of view might channel different narr... more Looking at adolescence from teenagers and parents' point of view might channel different narratives about what this process can be and how they both construe their relationship. The present work is a two stages preliminary research: in the first one both adolescents’ and parents’ reciprocal constructions about themselves, the others and adolescence were collected. In the second stage authors presented to the same groups of participants their previously collected perceptions, in the form of Perceiver-Element Grid, and interviewed them about their responses to these. This work will share the outcomes of inviting parents and adolescents to “take the role of the other”, to see themselves through the other’s eyes. Further both clinical and research applications will be discussed.
The modern idea of imprisonment in the West seems to have intentionally portrayed corporal punish... more The modern idea of imprisonment in the West seems to have intentionally portrayed corporal punishment as threatening. It was the foundation and the fulcrum of the principle of ‘humanisation’ of prisons. At the basis of this principle there is a common dichotomy: ‘mind’ and ‘body’ as two distinct things. This occurs so frequently that it might be thought that suffering of the mind (or soul) due to the deprivation of liberty is not comparable to the suffering of the flesh, to physical harm. Can there be, however, an obvious comparison? Behind a seemingly unbloody appearance, assuming a monist rather than dualist point of view, detentive punishment can take on a very different aspect. People who have gone through this experience speak of it as one which involves the person in their entirety and which can be described in the domains of both language and knowledge, mental and physical. “Life changes here” is an expression which could become global: people speak of this change and often t...
Journal of Constructivist Psychology
The history of humanity can also be seen as a history of ideas. Ideas, like peoples, cross time a... more The history of humanity can also be seen as a history of ideas. Ideas, like peoples, cross time and space. Sometimes, like a karst river, they sink then reappear in another time, in another place. ...
Journal of Constructivist Psychology
Winter/The Wiley Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology, 2015
Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, 2014