Massimo Petazzoni - (original) (raw)

Papers by Massimo Petazzoni

Research paper thumbnail of TPLO stabilized by means of fixin internal fixator: 184 cases

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Research paper thumbnail of Risultati dell'indagine sull'obesità di cani e gatti in Italia

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Research paper thumbnail of Cause alimentari ed ambientali di obesità- esiti di una indagine epidemiologica sui cani

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Research paper thumbnail of Combination of a TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) and CCWO (Cranial Closing Wedge Osteotomy) for the treatment of a cranial cruciate ligament-deficient stifle with excessive Tibial Plateau Angle in a toy dog

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Research paper thumbnail of Bone resorption secondary to suspected stress protection using a locking plate

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Research paper thumbnail of Elbow arthrodesis in a Labrador retriever using the Fixin locking plate system

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Research paper thumbnail of Stifle arthrodesis using a locking plate system in six dogs

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 2015

ABSTRACT Objectives: To describe the use of the Fixin locking plate system for stifle arthrodesis... more ABSTRACT Objectives: To describe the use of the Fixin locking plate system for stifle arthrodesis in dogs and to retrospectively report the clinical and radiographic outcomes in six cases. Materials and methods: Medical records of dogs that had arthrodesis with the Fixin lock- ing plate system were reviewed. For each pa- tient, data pertaining to signalment and im- plant used were recorded. Plate series and thickness, number of screws placed, number of cortices engaged, and screw diameters were also recorded. The outcome was deter- mined from clinical and radiographic follow- ups. Radiographic outcomes assessed in- cluded the measurement of the postoper- ative femoral-tibial angle in the sagittal plane. Results: Six dogs met the inclusion criteria for the study. Mean body weight was 13 kg (range: 3 - 34 kg). Radiographic follow-up (mean: 32 weeks, range: 3 - 52 weeks) was available for all dogs. In one case, an intra- operative complication occurred. In another case, a tibial fracture occurred 20 days after surgery. All arthrodeses healed and no im- plant complication was detected although all cases had mechanical lameness. Clinical significance: Stifle arthrodesis can be performed successfully using a Fixin lock- ing plate system.

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of collagen sponges in small animals (55 cases) and review of the literature

Veterinaria italiana

Heterologous collagen can favorably improve the regeneration of connective tissue when grafted as... more Heterologous collagen can favorably improve the regeneration of connective tissue when grafted as a fill material in soft tissue defect and bone loss. This material may have potential for use in the reconstruction of soft tissue and bone and cartilage defects with favourable healing and regenerative potential. Collagen behaves as framework for new tissue formation, it is completely well tolerated by the host and is replaced by new tissue in growth. Collagen may be of value in reconstruction of bone defects instead of autogenous bone grafts. Clinical applications of collagen sponges and powder as a biodegradable heterologous graft material were reviewed: as matrix for cartilage and bone repair, as wound dressing material, as surgical sponges for haemocoagulation and as soft tissue cicatrization enhancer.

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Research paper thumbnail of Triplice osteotomia pelvica (TPO): studio retrospettivo multicentrico su 218 casi

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Research paper thumbnail of Elbow and stifle arthrodesis using the Fixin system

The main complications associated with plate fixation are loosening/failure of the screws, impair... more The main complications associated with plate fixation are loosening/failure of the screws, impaired periosteal and cortical blood supply directly beneath the plate and excessive shielding of stresses from the bone. Non- contact locking plates could offer certain advantages in arthrodesis fixation over conventional plating meth- ods. Locking plates work as an internal skeletal fixator. Screws are locked into the plate as they are inserted into the bone. Because of this fixed screw mechanism, bone’s threads are unlikely to become stripped dur- ing screw insertion and are more resistant to implant failure. The locked position of the screws into the plate negates screw angulation and compression between bone fragments. The locking mechanism of the Fixin system is achieved by a conical coupling between the screw head and a bushing insert which is screwed into the plate. The outer surface of the screw head is conically shaped, corresponding with the internal surface of the bush- ing. The ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tibial length discrepancy in 2 great dane puppies: now what?

Angular and length deficit deformities of the tibia may result from physeal dysfunction, malunion... more Angular and length deficit deformities of the tibia may result from physeal dysfunction, malunion of traumat- ic fractures or congenital malformation. Angular deformity of the tibia can be restricted to the frontal (varus/valgus), transverse (torsion) or sagittal (procurvatum/ recurvatum) planes or the deformity may be mul- tiplanar. Whereas acute angular corrections are often surgically feasible, the limited adaptive capacity of re- gional nerves and muscle mass precludes substantial acute tibial lengthening. Left untreated, angulation and length deficit deformity can result in compromised limb function and osteoarthritis. In people, a reported in- dication for limb lengthening is a shortening of > 37-50mm with a mobile pelvis or > 25mm if no compensa- tion is possible by pelvic tilting. The indication for limb lengthening in dogs is not clear, but dogs are able to withstand loss of up to 20% of femoral length with little loss of function, at least in the short term. Unlike h...

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Research paper thumbnail of Approaches to limb lengthening in selected clinical cases

KEY POINTS • Not all limb length discrepancies require surgical management. • Gonadectomy should ... more KEY POINTS • Not all limb length discrepancies require surgical management. • Gonadectomy should be delayed until skeletal maturity when a limb length discrepancy is present. • Distraction osteogenesis is the most practical way to treat clinically significant limb length discrepancies, but patients must be closely monitored clinically and radiographically. • Distraction latency, rate and rhythm can be adjusted, within limits, to accomplish the desired bone length-ening. • Distraction osteogenesis with external fixation is more easily performed on the radius/ulna and tibia/fibu-la as compared to the humerus or femur.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impiego di collagene liofilizzato sterile in ortopedia e traumatologia dei piccoli animali, 55 casi

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Research paper thumbnail of FCP in dogs: retrospective study of 82 cases, 1996-2000

FCP is today recognized as one of the most frequent causes of elbow lameness in young, rapidly gr... more FCP is today recognized as one of the most frequent causes of elbow lameness in young, rapidly growing dogs. Along with INC, OCD, and UAP it represents one of the possible manifestations of ED. The purpose of this study was to investigate correlations between breed, sex, age, weight and ra-diographic / surgical findings of FCP, INC and elbow osteoarthrosis. Records of 70 dogs affected by FCP (82 elbows), diagnosed between 1996 and 2000, were evaluated. All dogs were referral or walk-in cases. All patients had been presented for lameness due to FCP. Diagnosis was based on clinical signs (lameness, joint effusion, pain, crepitus, ROM, thickening), radiographic evaluation, and surgery. Radiographic survey included the following views: flexed medio-lateral, extended medio-lateral, extended A-P. Radiographs were scored with IEWG protocol and INC was measured. Surgical removal of FCP was achieved by a stan-dard medial approach. During surgery it was possible to point to: different types o...

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Research paper thumbnail of BOA - Approccio ortopedico orientato alla razza

BOA significa “Breed-oriented Orthopaedic Approach”: acronimo inglese di “approccio ortopedico or... more BOA significa “Breed-oriented Orthopaedic Approach”: acronimo inglese di “approccio ortopedico orientato alla razza”, coniato dagli autori della presente relazione nel 2001, in occasione del primo simposio internazionale IOVA (Innovet Osteoarthritis Veterinary Association) sull’artrosi del cane1. Lo scopo era quello di proporre ai medici veterinari una specifica metodologia di diagnosi applicata all’ortopedia del cane, e basata sull’assunto che il fattore “razza” (breed) costi- tuisce uno dei più importanti elementi di supporto alla diagnosi ortopedica. Studi di cinognostica hanno, infatti, dimo- strato che la selezione delle razze operata dall’uomo ha di pari passo determinato un’aumentata incidenza delle malattie ortopediche, tanto più accentuata quanto più marcato è il divario tra morfotipo dei canidi ancestrali e quello delle attuali razze canine2,3. Inoltre, fattori come taglia, peso, età e/o destinazione funzionale del cane (es. cani da compagnia, cani atletici, da caccia e da...

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Research paper thumbnail of La FCP nel cane: studio retrospettivo su 82 casi

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Research paper thumbnail of Non unione dell'epicondilo omerale mediale nel cane

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Research paper thumbnail of Femoral alignment and lengthening in a puppy

The objective of this presentation is to report our experience in the immediate correction of ang... more The objective of this presentation is to report our experience in the immediate correction of angular defor- mity and progressive lengthening of a femur in a 4.5 month old puppy by using a monolateral dynamic ex- ternal fixator. Partial distal femoral growth plate closure can deal to bone shortening and malalignment which can result in decreased or compromised function of the limb and in stifle or hip osteoarthritis. In man the indication for leg-lengthening is a shortening exceeding 37 to 50 mm with a mobile pelvis or exceeding 25 mm if no compensation is possible by pelvic tilting. The indication for femoral lengthening in dogs is bone-shortening of 20% of the expected length. There are three possible operative methods of limb equal- ization in a growing animal: limb lengthening; opposite limb shortening; and arrest of epiphyseal growth of the opposite side. Lengthening is the most challenging technically, yet it offers the advantage to restore the desired length of the limb. Dist...

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Research paper thumbnail of Sindrome iperflessoria (ipoestensoria) del carpo in un gatto di 2 mesi. Carpal Hyperflexion Syndrome (hypoextension) in a 2-month-old kitten

Veterinaria italiana

Carpal Hyperflexion Syndrome (CHS) is a muscolo-tendineous disease. It has been reported in young... more Carpal Hyperflexion Syndrome (CHS) is a muscolo-tendineous disease. It has been reported in young puppies of medium, large and giant breeds. This report describes a case of a Carpal Hyperflexion Syndrome in a 2-month-old cat. The cat was referred for an acute lameness of the left forelimb. On clinical examination abnormal findings were confined to the left thoracic limb. Radiographic exam of the forearms did not show any abnormality, deformity or deviation. The patient was treated by means of a Robert Jones bandage for 9 days. After bandage removal the cat was completely healed. At a 5-month follow-up no recurrence had been reported.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rotazione metatarsale associata a malformazione dell'osso centrale del tarso: studio radiografico retrospettivo su 29 cani

Introduzione: La rotazione metatarsale (RM), segnalata solo sporadicamente in letteratura, rappre... more Introduzione: La rotazione metatarsale (RM), segnalata solo sporadicamente in letteratura, rappresenta una condizione ortope-dica di non infrequente riscontro in cani di taglia grossa e gigante sia in accrescimento sia adulti appartenenti a numerose raz-ze. Consiste in una malformazione scheletrica caratterizzata da alterazioni morfologico-strutturali che interessano la seconda li-nea delle ossa tarsiche con conseguente rotazione esterna dei metatarsi (fino a 90°). La maggior parte dei soggetti affetti pre-senta una malformazione dell'osso centrale del tarso associata o meno alla presenza del primo dito. Scopo del lavoro: Studio retrospettivo di 29 casi clinici di RM allo scopo di classificare radiograficamente la malformazione. Materiali e metodi: È stata eseguita una valutazione retrospettiva delle cartelle cliniche di 29 pazienti affetti da RM da set-tembre 2000 ad settembre 2003. Tutti i pazienti venivano riferiti alla visita clinica per diagnosi preventiva o definitiva di d...

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Research paper thumbnail of TPLO stabilized by means of fixin internal fixator: 184 cases

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Research paper thumbnail of Risultati dell'indagine sull'obesità di cani e gatti in Italia

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Research paper thumbnail of Cause alimentari ed ambientali di obesità- esiti di una indagine epidemiologica sui cani

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Research paper thumbnail of Combination of a TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) and CCWO (Cranial Closing Wedge Osteotomy) for the treatment of a cranial cruciate ligament-deficient stifle with excessive Tibial Plateau Angle in a toy dog

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Research paper thumbnail of Bone resorption secondary to suspected stress protection using a locking plate

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Research paper thumbnail of Elbow arthrodesis in a Labrador retriever using the Fixin locking plate system

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Research paper thumbnail of Stifle arthrodesis using a locking plate system in six dogs

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 2015

ABSTRACT Objectives: To describe the use of the Fixin locking plate system for stifle arthrodesis... more ABSTRACT Objectives: To describe the use of the Fixin locking plate system for stifle arthrodesis in dogs and to retrospectively report the clinical and radiographic outcomes in six cases. Materials and methods: Medical records of dogs that had arthrodesis with the Fixin lock- ing plate system were reviewed. For each pa- tient, data pertaining to signalment and im- plant used were recorded. Plate series and thickness, number of screws placed, number of cortices engaged, and screw diameters were also recorded. The outcome was deter- mined from clinical and radiographic follow- ups. Radiographic outcomes assessed in- cluded the measurement of the postoper- ative femoral-tibial angle in the sagittal plane. Results: Six dogs met the inclusion criteria for the study. Mean body weight was 13 kg (range: 3 - 34 kg). Radiographic follow-up (mean: 32 weeks, range: 3 - 52 weeks) was available for all dogs. In one case, an intra- operative complication occurred. In another case, a tibial fracture occurred 20 days after surgery. All arthrodeses healed and no im- plant complication was detected although all cases had mechanical lameness. Clinical significance: Stifle arthrodesis can be performed successfully using a Fixin lock- ing plate system.

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of collagen sponges in small animals (55 cases) and review of the literature

Veterinaria italiana

Heterologous collagen can favorably improve the regeneration of connective tissue when grafted as... more Heterologous collagen can favorably improve the regeneration of connective tissue when grafted as a fill material in soft tissue defect and bone loss. This material may have potential for use in the reconstruction of soft tissue and bone and cartilage defects with favourable healing and regenerative potential. Collagen behaves as framework for new tissue formation, it is completely well tolerated by the host and is replaced by new tissue in growth. Collagen may be of value in reconstruction of bone defects instead of autogenous bone grafts. Clinical applications of collagen sponges and powder as a biodegradable heterologous graft material were reviewed: as matrix for cartilage and bone repair, as wound dressing material, as surgical sponges for haemocoagulation and as soft tissue cicatrization enhancer.

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Research paper thumbnail of Triplice osteotomia pelvica (TPO): studio retrospettivo multicentrico su 218 casi

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Research paper thumbnail of Elbow and stifle arthrodesis using the Fixin system

The main complications associated with plate fixation are loosening/failure of the screws, impair... more The main complications associated with plate fixation are loosening/failure of the screws, impaired periosteal and cortical blood supply directly beneath the plate and excessive shielding of stresses from the bone. Non- contact locking plates could offer certain advantages in arthrodesis fixation over conventional plating meth- ods. Locking plates work as an internal skeletal fixator. Screws are locked into the plate as they are inserted into the bone. Because of this fixed screw mechanism, bone’s threads are unlikely to become stripped dur- ing screw insertion and are more resistant to implant failure. The locked position of the screws into the plate negates screw angulation and compression between bone fragments. The locking mechanism of the Fixin system is achieved by a conical coupling between the screw head and a bushing insert which is screwed into the plate. The outer surface of the screw head is conically shaped, corresponding with the internal surface of the bush- ing. The ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tibial length discrepancy in 2 great dane puppies: now what?

Angular and length deficit deformities of the tibia may result from physeal dysfunction, malunion... more Angular and length deficit deformities of the tibia may result from physeal dysfunction, malunion of traumat- ic fractures or congenital malformation. Angular deformity of the tibia can be restricted to the frontal (varus/valgus), transverse (torsion) or sagittal (procurvatum/ recurvatum) planes or the deformity may be mul- tiplanar. Whereas acute angular corrections are often surgically feasible, the limited adaptive capacity of re- gional nerves and muscle mass precludes substantial acute tibial lengthening. Left untreated, angulation and length deficit deformity can result in compromised limb function and osteoarthritis. In people, a reported in- dication for limb lengthening is a shortening of > 37-50mm with a mobile pelvis or > 25mm if no compensa- tion is possible by pelvic tilting. The indication for limb lengthening in dogs is not clear, but dogs are able to withstand loss of up to 20% of femoral length with little loss of function, at least in the short term. Unlike h...

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Research paper thumbnail of Approaches to limb lengthening in selected clinical cases

KEY POINTS • Not all limb length discrepancies require surgical management. • Gonadectomy should ... more KEY POINTS • Not all limb length discrepancies require surgical management. • Gonadectomy should be delayed until skeletal maturity when a limb length discrepancy is present. • Distraction osteogenesis is the most practical way to treat clinically significant limb length discrepancies, but patients must be closely monitored clinically and radiographically. • Distraction latency, rate and rhythm can be adjusted, within limits, to accomplish the desired bone length-ening. • Distraction osteogenesis with external fixation is more easily performed on the radius/ulna and tibia/fibu-la as compared to the humerus or femur.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impiego di collagene liofilizzato sterile in ortopedia e traumatologia dei piccoli animali, 55 casi

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Research paper thumbnail of FCP in dogs: retrospective study of 82 cases, 1996-2000

FCP is today recognized as one of the most frequent causes of elbow lameness in young, rapidly gr... more FCP is today recognized as one of the most frequent causes of elbow lameness in young, rapidly growing dogs. Along with INC, OCD, and UAP it represents one of the possible manifestations of ED. The purpose of this study was to investigate correlations between breed, sex, age, weight and ra-diographic / surgical findings of FCP, INC and elbow osteoarthrosis. Records of 70 dogs affected by FCP (82 elbows), diagnosed between 1996 and 2000, were evaluated. All dogs were referral or walk-in cases. All patients had been presented for lameness due to FCP. Diagnosis was based on clinical signs (lameness, joint effusion, pain, crepitus, ROM, thickening), radiographic evaluation, and surgery. Radiographic survey included the following views: flexed medio-lateral, extended medio-lateral, extended A-P. Radiographs were scored with IEWG protocol and INC was measured. Surgical removal of FCP was achieved by a stan-dard medial approach. During surgery it was possible to point to: different types o...

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Research paper thumbnail of BOA - Approccio ortopedico orientato alla razza

BOA significa “Breed-oriented Orthopaedic Approach”: acronimo inglese di “approccio ortopedico or... more BOA significa “Breed-oriented Orthopaedic Approach”: acronimo inglese di “approccio ortopedico orientato alla razza”, coniato dagli autori della presente relazione nel 2001, in occasione del primo simposio internazionale IOVA (Innovet Osteoarthritis Veterinary Association) sull’artrosi del cane1. Lo scopo era quello di proporre ai medici veterinari una specifica metodologia di diagnosi applicata all’ortopedia del cane, e basata sull’assunto che il fattore “razza” (breed) costi- tuisce uno dei più importanti elementi di supporto alla diagnosi ortopedica. Studi di cinognostica hanno, infatti, dimo- strato che la selezione delle razze operata dall’uomo ha di pari passo determinato un’aumentata incidenza delle malattie ortopediche, tanto più accentuata quanto più marcato è il divario tra morfotipo dei canidi ancestrali e quello delle attuali razze canine2,3. Inoltre, fattori come taglia, peso, età e/o destinazione funzionale del cane (es. cani da compagnia, cani atletici, da caccia e da...

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Research paper thumbnail of La FCP nel cane: studio retrospettivo su 82 casi

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Research paper thumbnail of Non unione dell'epicondilo omerale mediale nel cane

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Research paper thumbnail of Femoral alignment and lengthening in a puppy

The objective of this presentation is to report our experience in the immediate correction of ang... more The objective of this presentation is to report our experience in the immediate correction of angular defor- mity and progressive lengthening of a femur in a 4.5 month old puppy by using a monolateral dynamic ex- ternal fixator. Partial distal femoral growth plate closure can deal to bone shortening and malalignment which can result in decreased or compromised function of the limb and in stifle or hip osteoarthritis. In man the indication for leg-lengthening is a shortening exceeding 37 to 50 mm with a mobile pelvis or exceeding 25 mm if no compensation is possible by pelvic tilting. The indication for femoral lengthening in dogs is bone-shortening of 20% of the expected length. There are three possible operative methods of limb equal- ization in a growing animal: limb lengthening; opposite limb shortening; and arrest of epiphyseal growth of the opposite side. Lengthening is the most challenging technically, yet it offers the advantage to restore the desired length of the limb. Dist...

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Research paper thumbnail of Sindrome iperflessoria (ipoestensoria) del carpo in un gatto di 2 mesi. Carpal Hyperflexion Syndrome (hypoextension) in a 2-month-old kitten

Veterinaria italiana

Carpal Hyperflexion Syndrome (CHS) is a muscolo-tendineous disease. It has been reported in young... more Carpal Hyperflexion Syndrome (CHS) is a muscolo-tendineous disease. It has been reported in young puppies of medium, large and giant breeds. This report describes a case of a Carpal Hyperflexion Syndrome in a 2-month-old cat. The cat was referred for an acute lameness of the left forelimb. On clinical examination abnormal findings were confined to the left thoracic limb. Radiographic exam of the forearms did not show any abnormality, deformity or deviation. The patient was treated by means of a Robert Jones bandage for 9 days. After bandage removal the cat was completely healed. At a 5-month follow-up no recurrence had been reported.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rotazione metatarsale associata a malformazione dell'osso centrale del tarso: studio radiografico retrospettivo su 29 cani

Introduzione: La rotazione metatarsale (RM), segnalata solo sporadicamente in letteratura, rappre... more Introduzione: La rotazione metatarsale (RM), segnalata solo sporadicamente in letteratura, rappresenta una condizione ortope-dica di non infrequente riscontro in cani di taglia grossa e gigante sia in accrescimento sia adulti appartenenti a numerose raz-ze. Consiste in una malformazione scheletrica caratterizzata da alterazioni morfologico-strutturali che interessano la seconda li-nea delle ossa tarsiche con conseguente rotazione esterna dei metatarsi (fino a 90°). La maggior parte dei soggetti affetti pre-senta una malformazione dell'osso centrale del tarso associata o meno alla presenza del primo dito. Scopo del lavoro: Studio retrospettivo di 29 casi clinici di RM allo scopo di classificare radiograficamente la malformazione. Materiali e metodi: È stata eseguita una valutazione retrospettiva delle cartelle cliniche di 29 pazienti affetti da RM da set-tembre 2000 ad settembre 2003. Tutti i pazienti venivano riferiti alla visita clinica per diagnosi preventiva o definitiva di d...

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