Mateja Bevčič - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mateja Bevčič
2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 2020
We will present the use of game design as a method for teaching programming in primary and second... more We will present the use of game design as a method for teaching programming in primary and secondary schools. Students of the introductory course in computer programming design and program games. This represents a typical active learning approach that has proven to be the most effective way of learning programming. The act of building a game is itself a way to learn, regardless of whether the game is interesting to other people or not. The described methodology and all corresponding learning materials for students and supporting materials for teachers are being developed within the Erasmus+ Coding4Girls project, which addresses equal opportunities for girls and boys in the highly rewarding computer science professions by highlighting links between programming and real life and highlighting the fact that such professions are rewarding regardless of gender or background. The results of the project will help to create the necessary background among the students that will enable them to succeed in their future endeavours either academic or professional. It will also address the development of teachers' competencies and the profile of the teaching profession by empowering educators to effectively build up the desired computer literacy skills among their learners.
Uporabna informatika
Cilj projekta Coding4Girls v programu Erasmus+, ki ga izvajamo s partnerji iz šestih evropskih dr... more Cilj projekta Coding4Girls v programu Erasmus+, ki ga izvajamo s partnerji iz šestih evropskih držav, je zasnova in izdelava inovativnega pristopa k poučevanju računalniškega programiranja v osnovni in srednji šoli. Poseben poudarek je na spodbujanju deklet za učenje programiranja in nadaljevanju njihovega izobraževanja ter njihovemu zaposlovanju na področju računalništva. Številne študije namreč ugotavljajo, da učenci in še posebej dekleta v zadnjih letih osnovne šole izgubijo zanimanje za to področje, čeprav je na trgu dela v vseh evropskih državah veliko pomanjkanje strokovnjakov s tega področja. V članku predstavljamo inovativen pristop za učenje programiranja s snovanjem iger z uporabo blokovnih vizualnih programskih jezikov ter pripravljene učne scenarije, gradiva za učence in učitelje in razvito spletno okolje za učenje z elementi igrifikacije, ki jih lahko učitelji uporabijo pri pouku. Predstavili smo tudi rezultate testiranja razvitih didaktičnih pristopov in učnih gradiv, ...
Racunalnistvo ima v danasnjem casu pomembno vlogo, saj si sveta brez racunalnikov prakticno ne mo... more Racunalnistvo ima v danasnjem casu pomembno vlogo, saj si sveta brez racunalnikov prakticno ne moremo vec predstavljati. V osnovni soli se racunalnistvo kot predmet pocasi uvaja tudi v drugem triletju. Pomembno se mi zdi, da ucencev ne ucimo le uporabe racunalnika in njegovih programov, temvec jim predstavimo tudi samo delovanje racunalnika. V svojem diplomskem delu sem tako pripravila primera dveh ucnih ur na temo dvojiski stevilski sistem in sklad. Pri tem sem uporabila naloge s tekmovanja Bober; to je mednarodno tekmovanje, ki tekmovalce seznanja z razlicnimi racunalniskimi koncepti in postopki. Pri urah se prepletata konstruktivisticno in problemsko ucenje, saj ucenci skozi resevanje nalog s tekmovanja Bober sami gradijo svoje znanje ter razvijajo razlicne strategije in postopke resevanja. Naloge so zanimive in privlacne, kar ucence nedvomno motivira za resevanje in hkrati naredi ucno uro bolj pestro in razgibano. Vecina nalog, ki sem jih uporabila v pripravah, je bila v pretekl...
Computer science plays an important role in our society, as we almost cannot imagine a world with... more Computer science plays an important role in our society, as we almost cannot imagine a world without computers anymore. Computer science classes have slowly been introduced into the second triennium of primary school. I think it is important that we teach pupils not only how to use computers and programs but also how the computer works. In my diploma thesis I demonstrate two example lessons on binary system and stack data structure. The lessons are based on tasks from Bebras contest, an International Contest on Informatics and Computer Fluency. In these lessons the constructivist and problem-based learning are interlaced, helping pupils build their knowledge and develop different strategies and processes to solve a task. The tasks are interesting and compelling which undoubtedly motivates pupils to solve them as well as makes the lessons more engaging and running smoothly. Most of the tasks have been taken from previous Bebras contests, however, I created a few tasks myself.
Pupils start with Scratch programming already in the second triennium of primary school. Scratch ... more Pupils start with Scratch programming already in the second triennium of primary school. Scratch is a visual programming language where users learn basic programming by stacking blocks of commands. The problems then arise when switching to text-based programming as this represents a great and demanding step for pupils. It is for this very reason very important which programming language and environment we select as we try to make this step as easy as possible for pupils. Python is often used as the first text-based language in Slovenia and also around the world. »The problem« of Python is that it is not very visual so we feel it is not suitable for primary school pupils; especially not as the first language that follows Scratch. In the master’s thesis we tried to find out how appropriate JavaScript is in combination with HTML and CSS for this. By conducting lessons at the primary school in Ljubljana we examined the pupils’ motivation and understanding. We found out that the transiti...
2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 2020
We will present the use of game design as a method for teaching programming in primary and second... more We will present the use of game design as a method for teaching programming in primary and secondary schools. Students of the introductory course in computer programming design and program games. This represents a typical active learning approach that has proven to be the most effective way of learning programming. The act of building a game is itself a way to learn, regardless of whether the game is interesting to other people or not. The described methodology and all corresponding learning materials for students and supporting materials for teachers are being developed within the Erasmus+ Coding4Girls project, which addresses equal opportunities for girls and boys in the highly rewarding computer science professions by highlighting links between programming and real life and highlighting the fact that such professions are rewarding regardless of gender or background. The results of the project will help to create the necessary background among the students that will enable them to succeed in their future endeavours either academic or professional. It will also address the development of teachers' competencies and the profile of the teaching profession by empowering educators to effectively build up the desired computer literacy skills among their learners.
Uporabna informatika
Cilj projekta Coding4Girls v programu Erasmus+, ki ga izvajamo s partnerji iz šestih evropskih dr... more Cilj projekta Coding4Girls v programu Erasmus+, ki ga izvajamo s partnerji iz šestih evropskih držav, je zasnova in izdelava inovativnega pristopa k poučevanju računalniškega programiranja v osnovni in srednji šoli. Poseben poudarek je na spodbujanju deklet za učenje programiranja in nadaljevanju njihovega izobraževanja ter njihovemu zaposlovanju na področju računalništva. Številne študije namreč ugotavljajo, da učenci in še posebej dekleta v zadnjih letih osnovne šole izgubijo zanimanje za to področje, čeprav je na trgu dela v vseh evropskih državah veliko pomanjkanje strokovnjakov s tega področja. V članku predstavljamo inovativen pristop za učenje programiranja s snovanjem iger z uporabo blokovnih vizualnih programskih jezikov ter pripravljene učne scenarije, gradiva za učence in učitelje in razvito spletno okolje za učenje z elementi igrifikacije, ki jih lahko učitelji uporabijo pri pouku. Predstavili smo tudi rezultate testiranja razvitih didaktičnih pristopov in učnih gradiv, ...
Racunalnistvo ima v danasnjem casu pomembno vlogo, saj si sveta brez racunalnikov prakticno ne mo... more Racunalnistvo ima v danasnjem casu pomembno vlogo, saj si sveta brez racunalnikov prakticno ne moremo vec predstavljati. V osnovni soli se racunalnistvo kot predmet pocasi uvaja tudi v drugem triletju. Pomembno se mi zdi, da ucencev ne ucimo le uporabe racunalnika in njegovih programov, temvec jim predstavimo tudi samo delovanje racunalnika. V svojem diplomskem delu sem tako pripravila primera dveh ucnih ur na temo dvojiski stevilski sistem in sklad. Pri tem sem uporabila naloge s tekmovanja Bober; to je mednarodno tekmovanje, ki tekmovalce seznanja z razlicnimi racunalniskimi koncepti in postopki. Pri urah se prepletata konstruktivisticno in problemsko ucenje, saj ucenci skozi resevanje nalog s tekmovanja Bober sami gradijo svoje znanje ter razvijajo razlicne strategije in postopke resevanja. Naloge so zanimive in privlacne, kar ucence nedvomno motivira za resevanje in hkrati naredi ucno uro bolj pestro in razgibano. Vecina nalog, ki sem jih uporabila v pripravah, je bila v pretekl...
Computer science plays an important role in our society, as we almost cannot imagine a world with... more Computer science plays an important role in our society, as we almost cannot imagine a world without computers anymore. Computer science classes have slowly been introduced into the second triennium of primary school. I think it is important that we teach pupils not only how to use computers and programs but also how the computer works. In my diploma thesis I demonstrate two example lessons on binary system and stack data structure. The lessons are based on tasks from Bebras contest, an International Contest on Informatics and Computer Fluency. In these lessons the constructivist and problem-based learning are interlaced, helping pupils build their knowledge and develop different strategies and processes to solve a task. The tasks are interesting and compelling which undoubtedly motivates pupils to solve them as well as makes the lessons more engaging and running smoothly. Most of the tasks have been taken from previous Bebras contests, however, I created a few tasks myself.
Pupils start with Scratch programming already in the second triennium of primary school. Scratch ... more Pupils start with Scratch programming already in the second triennium of primary school. Scratch is a visual programming language where users learn basic programming by stacking blocks of commands. The problems then arise when switching to text-based programming as this represents a great and demanding step for pupils. It is for this very reason very important which programming language and environment we select as we try to make this step as easy as possible for pupils. Python is often used as the first text-based language in Slovenia and also around the world. »The problem« of Python is that it is not very visual so we feel it is not suitable for primary school pupils; especially not as the first language that follows Scratch. In the master’s thesis we tried to find out how appropriate JavaScript is in combination with HTML and CSS for this. By conducting lessons at the primary school in Ljubljana we examined the pupils’ motivation and understanding. We found out that the transiti...