Mathan Satchi - (original) (raw)

Papers by Mathan Satchi

Research paper thumbnail of The Choice of CES Production Techniques and Balanced Growth

Studies in Economics, 2011

We show that allowing firms a choice of CES production techniques (via the distribution parameter... more We show that allowing firms a choice of CES production techniques (via the distribution parameter between capital and labor) can result in a new class of production functions that produces short-run capital-labor complementarity but yields a long-run unit elasticity of substitution. This is shown to occur if we provide a mathematical framework for this choice that maintains strict essentiality of the production process and satisfies the requirement of unit-invariance. The class of production functions derived are consistent with a balanced growth path even in the presence of capital-augmenting technical progress. The approach yields a simple yet powerful way of introducing CES-type production functions in macroeconomic models.

Research paper thumbnail of How square is the policy frontier

This paper assesses the implications of discounting on a result derived by Bean (1998): that in a... more This paper assesses the implications of discounting on a result derived by Bean (1998): that in a model of monetary policy where policy acts with a lag, the outcomes of monetary policy are very similar for a wide range of weightings of the (non-discounting) monetary authority's objective function, with respect to inflation stability versus output stability. We show that when the authority discounts the future, outcomes become more sensitive to preferences, and that it is important to take the discount rate into account when examining the question of how the authority's remit should be specified.

Research paper thumbnail of Online Appendix for "Labor Markets and Productivity in Developing Countries

This appendix provides more details on how we calibrate the model, including parameter choices. O... more This appendix provides more details on how we calibrate the model, including parameter choices. Our solution procedure is to reduce each model to a set of nonlinear equations and then solve them numerically to obtain the unconstrained parameters and outcomes at the baseline equilibrium. We then use a similar procedure to solve for the new equilibrium in response to a parameter change. At each stage we check that the key equations for the steady-state of the model are satisfied by the derived equilibrium. These calculations are carried out in three interconnected worksheets, all found in the single Excel spreadsheet, satchitemplecalib.xls Use of this Excel spreadsheet requires the Solver Add-in to be installed (use Add-ins under the Tools menu to install the Solver Add-in). The Solver should be available under the Tools menu.

Research paper thumbnail of Appropriate Technology and the Labour Share

We provide a general theoretical characterization of how technology choice affects the long-run e... more We provide a general theoretical characterization of how technology choice affects the long-run elasticity of substitution between capital and labour. While the shape of the technology frontier determines the long-run growth path and the long-run elasticity, adjustment costs in technology choice allow capital labour complementarity in the short run. We develop a class of production functions that are consistent with balanced growth even in the presence of permanent investment-specific or other kinds of biased technical progress but where, consistent with empirical evidence, short-run dynamics are characterized by complementarity. Importantly, the approach is easily implementable and yields a powerful way to introduce CES-type production functions in macroeconomic models. We provide an illustration within an estimated dynamic general equilibrium model and show that the use of the new production technology provides a good match for the short and medium run behavior of the US labour sh...

Research paper thumbnail of Monetary Union: Fiscal Stabilization in the Face of Asymmetric Shocks

This Paper investigates the importance of fiscal policy in providing macroeconomic stabilisation ... more This Paper investigates the importance of fiscal policy in providing macroeconomic stabilisation in a monetary union. We use a microfounded New Keynesian model of a monetary union that incorporates persistence in inflation, and examine non-cooperative interactions of fiscal and monetary authorities. We find that particularly when inflation is persistent, the use of fiscal policy for stabilisation can significantly improve welfare over and above that which arises through the working of automatic stabilisers. We conclude that a regulatory framework for fiscal policy in a monetary union should allow a role for active fiscal stabilisation.

Research paper thumbnail of Growth and Labour Markets in Developing Countries

In middle-income countries, the informal sector often accounts for a substantial fraction of urba... more In middle-income countries, the informal sector often accounts for a substantial fraction of urban employment. We develop a general equilibrium model with matching frictions in the urban labour market, the possibility of self-employment in the informal sector, and scope for rural-urban migration. We investigate the effects of different types of growth on wages and the informal sector, and the extent to which labour market institutions can influence aggregate productivity. We quantify these effects by calibrating the model to data for Mexico, a country with a sizeable informal sector and significant labour market rigidities.

Research paper thumbnail of Labor markets and productivity in developing countries" Review of Economic Dynamics, RED 06-167

Research paper thumbnail of A Note on Balanced Growth with a less than unitary Elasticity of Substitution

We present a simple production technology in which the choice of production technique results in ... more We present a simple production technology in which the choice of production technique results in a balanced growth path even in the presence of capital-augmenting technical progress. Given a particular choice of technique, the production function is CES with a less than unitary elasticity of factor substitution. The form of this production technology is also invariant to the choice of units, allowing us to abstract from the normalization considerations that often accompany the use of CES. The approach yields a balanced growth path but short-run time-varying factor shares without requiring an explicit model of the R&D sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Separation incentives and minimum wages in a job-posting search framework

We present a job posting model of a labour market where jobs differ in characteristics other than... more We present a job posting model of a labour market where jobs differ in characteristics other than wages and workers differ in their marginal willingness to pay for such characteristics. This creates incentives for firms to separate workers by posting multiple jobs. The interaction between these separation incentives and the standard search frictions is the key contribution of the paper. The paper examines the implications for policies such as a minimum wage or ones which set minimum standards on these non-wage job characteristics. We show that policies that set standards on wages and the other job characteristics can increase the utility of the worst-off workers and may reduce inefficient forms of unemployment. Policies that only intervene in one aspect on the other hand may increase these forms of unemployment.

Research paper thumbnail of Development Priorities: The Relative Benefits of Agricultural Growth

Research paper thumbnail of Appropriate Technology and Balanced Growth

The Review of Economic Studies

Research paper thumbnail of Online Appendix for "Labor Markets and Productivity in Developing Countries

Research paper thumbnail of Separation incentives and minimum wages in a job-posting search framework

Research paper thumbnail of A method of satisfying adding up restrictions when modelling trade flows

Research paper thumbnail of Monetary Union: Fiscal Stabilization In The Face of Asymmetric Shocks

Cepr Discussion Papers, Jun 1, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of How square is the policy frontier ?

Research paper thumbnail of Labour Markets and Productivity in Developing Countries

Research paper thumbnail of Appropriate technology and the labour share

Research paper thumbnail of Monetary union: fiscal stabilization in the face of asymmetric shocks

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 16 Factor Substitution and Biased Technology with Balanced Growth

Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of The Choice of CES Production Techniques and Balanced Growth

Studies in Economics, 2011

We show that allowing firms a choice of CES production techniques (via the distribution parameter... more We show that allowing firms a choice of CES production techniques (via the distribution parameter between capital and labor) can result in a new class of production functions that produces short-run capital-labor complementarity but yields a long-run unit elasticity of substitution. This is shown to occur if we provide a mathematical framework for this choice that maintains strict essentiality of the production process and satisfies the requirement of unit-invariance. The class of production functions derived are consistent with a balanced growth path even in the presence of capital-augmenting technical progress. The approach yields a simple yet powerful way of introducing CES-type production functions in macroeconomic models.

Research paper thumbnail of How square is the policy frontier

This paper assesses the implications of discounting on a result derived by Bean (1998): that in a... more This paper assesses the implications of discounting on a result derived by Bean (1998): that in a model of monetary policy where policy acts with a lag, the outcomes of monetary policy are very similar for a wide range of weightings of the (non-discounting) monetary authority's objective function, with respect to inflation stability versus output stability. We show that when the authority discounts the future, outcomes become more sensitive to preferences, and that it is important to take the discount rate into account when examining the question of how the authority's remit should be specified.

Research paper thumbnail of Online Appendix for "Labor Markets and Productivity in Developing Countries

This appendix provides more details on how we calibrate the model, including parameter choices. O... more This appendix provides more details on how we calibrate the model, including parameter choices. Our solution procedure is to reduce each model to a set of nonlinear equations and then solve them numerically to obtain the unconstrained parameters and outcomes at the baseline equilibrium. We then use a similar procedure to solve for the new equilibrium in response to a parameter change. At each stage we check that the key equations for the steady-state of the model are satisfied by the derived equilibrium. These calculations are carried out in three interconnected worksheets, all found in the single Excel spreadsheet, satchitemplecalib.xls Use of this Excel spreadsheet requires the Solver Add-in to be installed (use Add-ins under the Tools menu to install the Solver Add-in). The Solver should be available under the Tools menu.

Research paper thumbnail of Appropriate Technology and the Labour Share

We provide a general theoretical characterization of how technology choice affects the long-run e... more We provide a general theoretical characterization of how technology choice affects the long-run elasticity of substitution between capital and labour. While the shape of the technology frontier determines the long-run growth path and the long-run elasticity, adjustment costs in technology choice allow capital labour complementarity in the short run. We develop a class of production functions that are consistent with balanced growth even in the presence of permanent investment-specific or other kinds of biased technical progress but where, consistent with empirical evidence, short-run dynamics are characterized by complementarity. Importantly, the approach is easily implementable and yields a powerful way to introduce CES-type production functions in macroeconomic models. We provide an illustration within an estimated dynamic general equilibrium model and show that the use of the new production technology provides a good match for the short and medium run behavior of the US labour sh...

Research paper thumbnail of Monetary Union: Fiscal Stabilization in the Face of Asymmetric Shocks

This Paper investigates the importance of fiscal policy in providing macroeconomic stabilisation ... more This Paper investigates the importance of fiscal policy in providing macroeconomic stabilisation in a monetary union. We use a microfounded New Keynesian model of a monetary union that incorporates persistence in inflation, and examine non-cooperative interactions of fiscal and monetary authorities. We find that particularly when inflation is persistent, the use of fiscal policy for stabilisation can significantly improve welfare over and above that which arises through the working of automatic stabilisers. We conclude that a regulatory framework for fiscal policy in a monetary union should allow a role for active fiscal stabilisation.

Research paper thumbnail of Growth and Labour Markets in Developing Countries

In middle-income countries, the informal sector often accounts for a substantial fraction of urba... more In middle-income countries, the informal sector often accounts for a substantial fraction of urban employment. We develop a general equilibrium model with matching frictions in the urban labour market, the possibility of self-employment in the informal sector, and scope for rural-urban migration. We investigate the effects of different types of growth on wages and the informal sector, and the extent to which labour market institutions can influence aggregate productivity. We quantify these effects by calibrating the model to data for Mexico, a country with a sizeable informal sector and significant labour market rigidities.

Research paper thumbnail of Labor markets and productivity in developing countries" Review of Economic Dynamics, RED 06-167

Research paper thumbnail of A Note on Balanced Growth with a less than unitary Elasticity of Substitution

We present a simple production technology in which the choice of production technique results in ... more We present a simple production technology in which the choice of production technique results in a balanced growth path even in the presence of capital-augmenting technical progress. Given a particular choice of technique, the production function is CES with a less than unitary elasticity of factor substitution. The form of this production technology is also invariant to the choice of units, allowing us to abstract from the normalization considerations that often accompany the use of CES. The approach yields a balanced growth path but short-run time-varying factor shares without requiring an explicit model of the R&D sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Separation incentives and minimum wages in a job-posting search framework

We present a job posting model of a labour market where jobs differ in characteristics other than... more We present a job posting model of a labour market where jobs differ in characteristics other than wages and workers differ in their marginal willingness to pay for such characteristics. This creates incentives for firms to separate workers by posting multiple jobs. The interaction between these separation incentives and the standard search frictions is the key contribution of the paper. The paper examines the implications for policies such as a minimum wage or ones which set minimum standards on these non-wage job characteristics. We show that policies that set standards on wages and the other job characteristics can increase the utility of the worst-off workers and may reduce inefficient forms of unemployment. Policies that only intervene in one aspect on the other hand may increase these forms of unemployment.

Research paper thumbnail of Development Priorities: The Relative Benefits of Agricultural Growth

Research paper thumbnail of Appropriate Technology and Balanced Growth

The Review of Economic Studies

Research paper thumbnail of Online Appendix for "Labor Markets and Productivity in Developing Countries

Research paper thumbnail of Separation incentives and minimum wages in a job-posting search framework

Research paper thumbnail of A method of satisfying adding up restrictions when modelling trade flows

Research paper thumbnail of Monetary Union: Fiscal Stabilization In The Face of Asymmetric Shocks

Cepr Discussion Papers, Jun 1, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of How square is the policy frontier ?

Research paper thumbnail of Labour Markets and Productivity in Developing Countries

Research paper thumbnail of Appropriate technology and the labour share

Research paper thumbnail of Monetary union: fiscal stabilization in the face of asymmetric shocks

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 16 Factor Substitution and Biased Technology with Balanced Growth

Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, 2011