Mathilde Pulh - (original) (raw)

Papers by Mathilde Pulh

Research paper thumbnail of Quand les marques s’invitent au musée

Article de blog :

Research paper thumbnail of Le marketing culturel

Research paper thumbnail of Cas 4. Les leviers d’habillage expérientiel d’une offre culturelle : le cas du festival Tomorrowland

Innovation et marketing de la culture et du tourisme

Research paper thumbnail of Hyperreal positioning and cross-channel strategy of cultural sites: towards the construction of a metaexperience for the visitor?

15th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management AIMAC, Jun 23, 2019

Pertambahan jumlah penduduk sejalan dengan pertambahan jumlah Produksi dan Pemakaian kendaraan be... more Pertambahan jumlah penduduk sejalan dengan pertambahan jumlah Produksi dan Pemakaian kendaraan bermotor. Selain meningkatnya penggunaan Sepeda motor baru, tidak sedikit Sepeda motor bekas dan bahkan Sepeda motor kategory Sepeda motor tua masih dipakai. Menurut pengamatan Peneliti hal ini telah menimbulkan sejumlah permasalahan, diantaranya: sumber kebisingan atau polusi suara. Kemudian terjadinya Polusi Udara akibat gas buang dan pemakaian bahan bakar lebih, karena penggunaan Sepeda motor bekas category tua. Keadaan ini berlangsung terus menerus mungkin tanpa mereka sadari dampaknya, dapat kita lihat Setiap keluarga kebanyakan mempunyai sepeda motor 2 atau 3 buah. Padahal alternatif lain masih ada yaitu dengan menggunakan angkutan umum. Melihat fenomena ini Peneliti tertarik melakukan penelitian dengan tujuan: 1.Menganalisis tingkat kebisingan yang ditimbulkan Sepeda Motor, 2.Menganalisis Emisi Gas Buang Sepeda Motor, 3. Menganjurkan Pemakaian Knalpot berbahan Komposit untuk Mengurangi kebisingan, 4.Menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan Knalpot bahan Komposit pada Sepeda Motor terhadap penggunaan bahan bakar. Penelitian ini dilakukan diWorkshop Kampus UPMI Medan dan sebagai objeknya adalah Knalpot Sepeda Motor Suzuki Satria sedangkan proses analisis tingkat Kebisingan dan Test Emisi Gas Buangnya dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknik Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental, yaitu suatu penelitian yang berusaha mencari pengaruh variabel tertentu terhadap variabel yang lain dalam kondisi terkontrol secara total. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh: 1. Perbandingan tingkat kebisingan knalpot pada rpm 1000, terjadi penurunan kebisingan yaitu: 10,52 %, 2. Sedang Perbandingan tingkat kebisingan knalpot pada putaran 4000 rpm, terjadi penurunan kebisingan sebesar : 5.22 %. Luaran penelitian ini akan dipubikasikan ke Jurnal Terakreditasi (SINTA), sedangkan Tingkat Kesiapterapan Teknologinya berupa: 1. Referensi Penggunaan Knalpot berbahan Komposit, 2. Data hasil penelitian tentang Analsis Polusi.

Research paper thumbnail of Valeur et expérience muséale : Quand la révolution numérique interroge la création de valeur dans les musées

Research Papers in Economics, 2020

National audienc

Research paper thumbnail of The living show marketing

Revue francaise de gestion, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Thèse de doctorat en Sciences de Gestion : « La valorisation de l'expérience de consommation d'activités culturelles : le cas des festivals d'arts de la rue », 498 pages soutenue le 03/12/2002

Research paper thumbnail of Spectacles vivants, logiques de consommation et construction d’expériences : le paradoxe d’une offre à la fois unique et plurielle

Décisions Marketing, 2005

Competition speed, operational difficulties, larger targets constraint the living spectacle marke... more Competition speed, operational difficulties, larger targets constraint the living spectacle market to move towards a better understanding of its audience in order to increase the frequentation of the broadcasting places. In this study, we show that the professionals are confronted to a multiplicity of valorisation behaviours and logics of consumption. Consequently, we consider various marketing strategies for the organizers to construct the consumption experiences through single (in terms of event) as well as plural offers (several facets).

Research paper thumbnail of Consumers’ brand heritage experience: between acceptance and resistance

Journal of Marketing Management, 2019

The literature dedicated to heritage experience and brand heritage defends the idea that it is a ... more The literature dedicated to heritage experience and brand heritage defends the idea that it is a source of significant value creation for consumers and brands. By contrast, the aim of this article is to propose a more complete view of the consequences of the heritage strategy for brands and consumers by exploring how consumers perceive a brand heritage experience and by identifying potential resistances that may emerge during their visits. In consequence, this research examines the features of a brand heritage experience through extended case studies in two brand museums with narratives of 47 visitors. By unpacking a brand heritage experience, the study highlights its acceptance by a majority of visitors as a real heritage experience since they give scientific, authentic and aesthetic values to the industrial and commercial features of the brand. However, some visitors do not acceptpartially or totallythe brand as part of the heritage corpus insofar as they exhibit skepticism or even reject the experience.

Research paper thumbnail of The consequences of the heritage experience in brand museums on the consumer–brand relationship

European Journal of Marketing, 2019

Purpose This paper aims to investigate the consequences of the heritage experience in brand museu... more Purpose This paper aims to investigate the consequences of the heritage experience in brand museums on the consumer–brand relationship. By highlighting its heritage within a museum, the brand proposes a specific experience that deserves attention because it is based on memory and communal identity, thus creating or strengthening a relationship with consumers. Design/methodology/approach Ethnographic case studies were conducted through direct observation and extensive interviews with 72 visitors at two brand museums, the Fallot Mustard Mill and the House of the Laughing Cow. Findings The results highlight the emergence/strengthening of the relationship between consumers and the brand through the development of intimacy with the brand and the emergence of supportive behaviors toward the brand in the form of commercial support, ambassadorship and volunteering. Research limitations/implications By characterizing and articulating the different relational consequences of visiting a brand ...

Research paper thumbnail of L'Expérience de Consommation de Spectacles Vivants : de Nouvelles Perspectives de Recherche

Research paper thumbnail of On The Boundary of the Sacred and the Profane: The Author Name

Journal of Marketing Management, 2019

The aim of this research is to determine whether or not the author name is of the same nature as ... more The aim of this research is to determine whether or not the author name is of the same nature as a brand name in readers‟ eyes, in order to understand whether there is a limit, a bound to the scope of the branding concept. The case of the literary fiction writer is especially interesting since literature is at the frontier of commerce and the arts, and accordingly at the frontier of the profane and the sacred, given the socialization process from which the arts have benefited since the sixteenth century. To this end, two qualitative studies were conducted among respectively 31 and 18 readers in France. The findings of the studies show that, although the author name (the signature) plays the role of a brand name, the author (the writer) is not a brand for consumers, who develop diverse strategies to cope with the commercial aspects of the book industry. The results help to formulate recommendations for authors and publishers, but also for brand managers.

Research paper thumbnail of Le soutien à la culture via le crowdfunding en question : au-delà des motivations, une analyse des freins à participer

Dans un contexte de forte pression budgetaire pour les organisations culturelles non-marchandes e... more Dans un contexte de forte pression budgetaire pour les organisations culturelles non-marchandes et d’essoufflement relatif des campagnes de crowdfunding dans ce secteur, cette reflexion souhaite apporter une analyse critique de ces nouvelles formes de soutien financier a la culture. Apres avoir dresse un etat de l’art sur les leviers et freins a la participation a de telles operations de financement, les resultats d’une etude qualitative realisee aupres de 43 individus (donateurs et non donateurs, familiers ou non des pratiques culturelles) seront exposes pour mettre en exergue la diversite des reticences a l’egard du crowdfunding, au-dela des freins traditionnels attaches au don, ainsi que les paradoxes que ces appels a la generosite suscitent.

Research paper thumbnail of Le Marketing du Spectacle Vivant : du Comportement du Public aux Options Stratégiques

Research paper thumbnail of Positioning the Supply of Live Performance: Innovative Managerial Practices Relating to the Interaction of Spectator, Performance and Venue

Because of an abundant offer of shows, the question of the cultural products positioning becomes ... more Because of an abundant offer of shows, the question of the cultural products positioning becomes increasingly crucial for the professionals of this sector. This article proposes to answer this strategic question by identifying original ways of differentiation in order to reinforce the identity of their offer. First of all, we insist on the need for analyzing the relation between the public and the spectacle (central road of positioning). We wish to highlight the various facets that structure this positioning. Then, we examine the interaction between the public and the cultural place (peripheral road of positioning). This tangible framework of consumption experiment can offer promising solutions of differentiation. We will illustrate our proposals by the most recent and most innovative managerial practices in the field of performing arts.

Research paper thumbnail of La valorisation de l'expérience de consommation d'activités culturelles : le cas des festivals d'arts de la rue

Research paper thumbnail of La méthode de l'essai photographique collectif: Mise en Oeuvre sur le site de Bibracte

This paper exposes a qualitative approach aiming not only to collect and analyze verbal and visua... more This paper exposes a qualitative approach aiming not only to collect and analyze verbal and visual data related to lived experiences but also to present the results in the form of a collective photographic essay. Then, it shows how it is implemented to explore the experiences lived on a cultural and touristic site: that of Bibracte. Finally, its contributions and limitations are reviewed.

Research paper thumbnail of Quel marketing pour les entreprises culturelles européennes ou comment renouveler l'offre face à une consommation en mouvement ?

A conclusion is widely shared by the professionals of cultural sector: the consumers' motivat... more A conclusion is widely shared by the professionals of cultural sector: the consumers' motivations have changed and especially, their relation with the cultural products and services. This article seeks to analyse different trends applied to various fields of cultural sector (live shows, museums, cultural industries...) in order to improve the understanding of this "new" cultural audience. We define and illustrate each seven consumption orientations. Finally, we make evaluate each tendency by professionals of the cultural field.

Research paper thumbnail of Support for culture via crowdfunding in question: beyond motivations, an analysis of the barriers to participate

In a context of strong budgetary pressure for non-market cultural organizations and of relative s... more In a context of strong budgetary pressure for non-market cultural organizations and of relative slowdown of crowdfunding campaigns in this sector, this reflection aims to provide a critical analysis of these new forms of financial support for culture. After drawing up a state of the art on the levers and obstacles to participation in such financing operations, the results of a qualitative study based on 43 individuals (donors and non-donors, familiar or not with cultural practices) will be exposed to highlight the diversity of misgivings about crowdfunding, beyond the traditional barriers attached to cultural gift, and the paradoxes that these calls for generosity arouse.

Research paper thumbnail of The brand quest for heritage: heritage-making and social obligation in brand museums

Research paper thumbnail of Quand les marques s’invitent au musée

Article de blog :

Research paper thumbnail of Le marketing culturel

Research paper thumbnail of Cas 4. Les leviers d’habillage expérientiel d’une offre culturelle : le cas du festival Tomorrowland

Innovation et marketing de la culture et du tourisme

Research paper thumbnail of Hyperreal positioning and cross-channel strategy of cultural sites: towards the construction of a metaexperience for the visitor?

15th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management AIMAC, Jun 23, 2019

Pertambahan jumlah penduduk sejalan dengan pertambahan jumlah Produksi dan Pemakaian kendaraan be... more Pertambahan jumlah penduduk sejalan dengan pertambahan jumlah Produksi dan Pemakaian kendaraan bermotor. Selain meningkatnya penggunaan Sepeda motor baru, tidak sedikit Sepeda motor bekas dan bahkan Sepeda motor kategory Sepeda motor tua masih dipakai. Menurut pengamatan Peneliti hal ini telah menimbulkan sejumlah permasalahan, diantaranya: sumber kebisingan atau polusi suara. Kemudian terjadinya Polusi Udara akibat gas buang dan pemakaian bahan bakar lebih, karena penggunaan Sepeda motor bekas category tua. Keadaan ini berlangsung terus menerus mungkin tanpa mereka sadari dampaknya, dapat kita lihat Setiap keluarga kebanyakan mempunyai sepeda motor 2 atau 3 buah. Padahal alternatif lain masih ada yaitu dengan menggunakan angkutan umum. Melihat fenomena ini Peneliti tertarik melakukan penelitian dengan tujuan: 1.Menganalisis tingkat kebisingan yang ditimbulkan Sepeda Motor, 2.Menganalisis Emisi Gas Buang Sepeda Motor, 3. Menganjurkan Pemakaian Knalpot berbahan Komposit untuk Mengurangi kebisingan, 4.Menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan Knalpot bahan Komposit pada Sepeda Motor terhadap penggunaan bahan bakar. Penelitian ini dilakukan diWorkshop Kampus UPMI Medan dan sebagai objeknya adalah Knalpot Sepeda Motor Suzuki Satria sedangkan proses analisis tingkat Kebisingan dan Test Emisi Gas Buangnya dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknik Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental, yaitu suatu penelitian yang berusaha mencari pengaruh variabel tertentu terhadap variabel yang lain dalam kondisi terkontrol secara total. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh: 1. Perbandingan tingkat kebisingan knalpot pada rpm 1000, terjadi penurunan kebisingan yaitu: 10,52 %, 2. Sedang Perbandingan tingkat kebisingan knalpot pada putaran 4000 rpm, terjadi penurunan kebisingan sebesar : 5.22 %. Luaran penelitian ini akan dipubikasikan ke Jurnal Terakreditasi (SINTA), sedangkan Tingkat Kesiapterapan Teknologinya berupa: 1. Referensi Penggunaan Knalpot berbahan Komposit, 2. Data hasil penelitian tentang Analsis Polusi.

Research paper thumbnail of Valeur et expérience muséale : Quand la révolution numérique interroge la création de valeur dans les musées

Research Papers in Economics, 2020

National audienc

Research paper thumbnail of The living show marketing

Revue francaise de gestion, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Thèse de doctorat en Sciences de Gestion : « La valorisation de l'expérience de consommation d'activités culturelles : le cas des festivals d'arts de la rue », 498 pages soutenue le 03/12/2002

Research paper thumbnail of Spectacles vivants, logiques de consommation et construction d’expériences : le paradoxe d’une offre à la fois unique et plurielle

Décisions Marketing, 2005

Competition speed, operational difficulties, larger targets constraint the living spectacle marke... more Competition speed, operational difficulties, larger targets constraint the living spectacle market to move towards a better understanding of its audience in order to increase the frequentation of the broadcasting places. In this study, we show that the professionals are confronted to a multiplicity of valorisation behaviours and logics of consumption. Consequently, we consider various marketing strategies for the organizers to construct the consumption experiences through single (in terms of event) as well as plural offers (several facets).

Research paper thumbnail of Consumers’ brand heritage experience: between acceptance and resistance

Journal of Marketing Management, 2019

The literature dedicated to heritage experience and brand heritage defends the idea that it is a ... more The literature dedicated to heritage experience and brand heritage defends the idea that it is a source of significant value creation for consumers and brands. By contrast, the aim of this article is to propose a more complete view of the consequences of the heritage strategy for brands and consumers by exploring how consumers perceive a brand heritage experience and by identifying potential resistances that may emerge during their visits. In consequence, this research examines the features of a brand heritage experience through extended case studies in two brand museums with narratives of 47 visitors. By unpacking a brand heritage experience, the study highlights its acceptance by a majority of visitors as a real heritage experience since they give scientific, authentic and aesthetic values to the industrial and commercial features of the brand. However, some visitors do not acceptpartially or totallythe brand as part of the heritage corpus insofar as they exhibit skepticism or even reject the experience.

Research paper thumbnail of The consequences of the heritage experience in brand museums on the consumer–brand relationship

European Journal of Marketing, 2019

Purpose This paper aims to investigate the consequences of the heritage experience in brand museu... more Purpose This paper aims to investigate the consequences of the heritage experience in brand museums on the consumer–brand relationship. By highlighting its heritage within a museum, the brand proposes a specific experience that deserves attention because it is based on memory and communal identity, thus creating or strengthening a relationship with consumers. Design/methodology/approach Ethnographic case studies were conducted through direct observation and extensive interviews with 72 visitors at two brand museums, the Fallot Mustard Mill and the House of the Laughing Cow. Findings The results highlight the emergence/strengthening of the relationship between consumers and the brand through the development of intimacy with the brand and the emergence of supportive behaviors toward the brand in the form of commercial support, ambassadorship and volunteering. Research limitations/implications By characterizing and articulating the different relational consequences of visiting a brand ...

Research paper thumbnail of L'Expérience de Consommation de Spectacles Vivants : de Nouvelles Perspectives de Recherche

Research paper thumbnail of On The Boundary of the Sacred and the Profane: The Author Name

Journal of Marketing Management, 2019

The aim of this research is to determine whether or not the author name is of the same nature as ... more The aim of this research is to determine whether or not the author name is of the same nature as a brand name in readers‟ eyes, in order to understand whether there is a limit, a bound to the scope of the branding concept. The case of the literary fiction writer is especially interesting since literature is at the frontier of commerce and the arts, and accordingly at the frontier of the profane and the sacred, given the socialization process from which the arts have benefited since the sixteenth century. To this end, two qualitative studies were conducted among respectively 31 and 18 readers in France. The findings of the studies show that, although the author name (the signature) plays the role of a brand name, the author (the writer) is not a brand for consumers, who develop diverse strategies to cope with the commercial aspects of the book industry. The results help to formulate recommendations for authors and publishers, but also for brand managers.

Research paper thumbnail of Le soutien à la culture via le crowdfunding en question : au-delà des motivations, une analyse des freins à participer

Dans un contexte de forte pression budgetaire pour les organisations culturelles non-marchandes e... more Dans un contexte de forte pression budgetaire pour les organisations culturelles non-marchandes et d’essoufflement relatif des campagnes de crowdfunding dans ce secteur, cette reflexion souhaite apporter une analyse critique de ces nouvelles formes de soutien financier a la culture. Apres avoir dresse un etat de l’art sur les leviers et freins a la participation a de telles operations de financement, les resultats d’une etude qualitative realisee aupres de 43 individus (donateurs et non donateurs, familiers ou non des pratiques culturelles) seront exposes pour mettre en exergue la diversite des reticences a l’egard du crowdfunding, au-dela des freins traditionnels attaches au don, ainsi que les paradoxes que ces appels a la generosite suscitent.

Research paper thumbnail of Le Marketing du Spectacle Vivant : du Comportement du Public aux Options Stratégiques

Research paper thumbnail of Positioning the Supply of Live Performance: Innovative Managerial Practices Relating to the Interaction of Spectator, Performance and Venue

Because of an abundant offer of shows, the question of the cultural products positioning becomes ... more Because of an abundant offer of shows, the question of the cultural products positioning becomes increasingly crucial for the professionals of this sector. This article proposes to answer this strategic question by identifying original ways of differentiation in order to reinforce the identity of their offer. First of all, we insist on the need for analyzing the relation between the public and the spectacle (central road of positioning). We wish to highlight the various facets that structure this positioning. Then, we examine the interaction between the public and the cultural place (peripheral road of positioning). This tangible framework of consumption experiment can offer promising solutions of differentiation. We will illustrate our proposals by the most recent and most innovative managerial practices in the field of performing arts.

Research paper thumbnail of La valorisation de l'expérience de consommation d'activités culturelles : le cas des festivals d'arts de la rue

Research paper thumbnail of La méthode de l'essai photographique collectif: Mise en Oeuvre sur le site de Bibracte

This paper exposes a qualitative approach aiming not only to collect and analyze verbal and visua... more This paper exposes a qualitative approach aiming not only to collect and analyze verbal and visual data related to lived experiences but also to present the results in the form of a collective photographic essay. Then, it shows how it is implemented to explore the experiences lived on a cultural and touristic site: that of Bibracte. Finally, its contributions and limitations are reviewed.

Research paper thumbnail of Quel marketing pour les entreprises culturelles européennes ou comment renouveler l'offre face à une consommation en mouvement ?

A conclusion is widely shared by the professionals of cultural sector: the consumers' motivat... more A conclusion is widely shared by the professionals of cultural sector: the consumers' motivations have changed and especially, their relation with the cultural products and services. This article seeks to analyse different trends applied to various fields of cultural sector (live shows, museums, cultural industries...) in order to improve the understanding of this "new" cultural audience. We define and illustrate each seven consumption orientations. Finally, we make evaluate each tendency by professionals of the cultural field.

Research paper thumbnail of Support for culture via crowdfunding in question: beyond motivations, an analysis of the barriers to participate

In a context of strong budgetary pressure for non-market cultural organizations and of relative s... more In a context of strong budgetary pressure for non-market cultural organizations and of relative slowdown of crowdfunding campaigns in this sector, this reflection aims to provide a critical analysis of these new forms of financial support for culture. After drawing up a state of the art on the levers and obstacles to participation in such financing operations, the results of a qualitative study based on 43 individuals (donors and non-donors, familiar or not with cultural practices) will be exposed to highlight the diversity of misgivings about crowdfunding, beyond the traditional barriers attached to cultural gift, and the paradoxes that these calls for generosity arouse.

Research paper thumbnail of The brand quest for heritage: heritage-making and social obligation in brand museums