Mauricio Braz Zanolli - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mauricio Braz Zanolli
Diwan V, Minj C, Chhari N, De Costa A. Indian medical students in public and private sector medic... more Diwan V, Minj C, Chhari N, De Costa A. Indian medical students in public and private sector medical schools: are motivations and career aspirations different?studies from Madhya Pradesh, India. BMC Med Educ. 2013;
Introdução: A Síndrome Branquio-Otorrenal é uma doença autossômica dominante de expressividade va... more Introdução: A Síndrome Branquio-Otorrenal é uma doença autossômica dominante de expressividade variável e alta, porém provavelmente de penetrância incompleta. Manifesta-se através de anormalidades do segundo arco branquial (fossetas pré-auriculares, fístulas ou cistos branquiais, entre outras) associado a anormalidades renais (desde hipoplasia até agenesia renal). Objetivo: Nosso objetivo com o presente relato de caso é estimular a investigação precoce nas alterações renais em pacientes com defeitos otorrinolaringológicos, o que implica melhor prognóstico e qualidade de vida para os acometidos. Relato de caso: Relatamos a evolução de um caso de Síndrome Branquio-Otorrenal em paciente acompanhada há 13 anos no ambulatório de nefrologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Marília. A paciente em questão apresenta anormalidades como fístula pré-auricular e fenda branquial, além de hipoacusia do tipo mista, com a concomitância de anormalidades renais. Discussão: Discutimos o diagnóstico a partir da paciente relatada, bem como as manifestações da síndrome e o tratamento apropriado. Conclusão: Concluímos que o diagnóstico é simples de ser realizado, e sua detecção precoce propicia menor morbi-mortalidade.
J. Bras. Nefrol., Jun 24, 2003
Goodpasture’s syndrome Descritores: Sindrome de Goodpasture. Anticorpo antimembrana basal. Glomer... more Goodpasture’s syndrome Descritores: Sindrome de Goodpasture. Anticorpo antimembrana basal. Glomerulonefrite. Sindrome de Goopasture
Jornal Brasileiro De Nefrologia, 2003
Initial experience with the buttonhole technique in a Brazilian hemodialysis center
BMC Medical Education, 2020
Background Around the world, it is very expensive to become a physician. Although public medical ... more Background Around the world, it is very expensive to become a physician. Although public medical schools are less expensive than private medical schools, tuition fees are charged at public medical schools in the majority of countries. In Brazil, public medical schools, with the exception of municipal schools, are free. There has been little investigation of any differences in conditions offered by paid or free medical schools or what occurs in public and private clerkships in Brazil. We investigated the clerkship conditions offered to the students in both public and private Brazilian medical schools by gathering the opinions of clerkship coordinators and others responsible for clerkships. Methods A cross-sectional, descriptive, analytical study using an electronic questionnaire was answered by clerkship coordinators to compare the clerkships of 30 public and 38 private Brazilian medical schools from all regions of the country. The questionnaires covered various aspects of the clinic...
Education for Health: Change in Learning & Practice, 2002
Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 305539 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 305539 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 305539. ...
BMC Medical Education
Background Around the world, it is very expensive to become a physician. Although public medical ... more Background Around the world, it is very expensive to become a physician. Although public medical schools are less expensive than private medical schools, tuition fees are charged at public medical schools in the majority of countries. In Brazil, public medical schools, with the exception of municipal schools, are free. There has been little investigation of any differences in conditions offered by paid or free medical schools or what occurs in public and private clerkships in Brazil. We investigated the clerkship conditions offered to the students in both public and private Brazilian medical schools by gathering the opinions of clerkship coordinators and others responsible for clerkships. Methods A cross-sectional, descriptive, analytical study using an electronic questionnaire was answered by clerkship coordinators to compare the clerkships of 30 public and 38 private Brazilian medical schools from all regions of the country. The questionnaires covered various aspects of the clinic...
Arq Cienc Saude, Dec 1, 2006
Page 1. Arq Ciênc Saúde 2006 out/dez;13(4):220-222 220 Resumo Palavras-chave Abstract Keywords Co... more Page 1. Arq Ciênc Saúde 2006 out/dez;13(4):220-222 220 Resumo Palavras-chave Abstract Keywords Correção da hipofosfatemia grave com dialisato enriquecido de fósforo em paciente hemodialisado. Treatment of serious hypophophatemia with phosphorus-enriched ...
J Bras Nefrol, Jun 1, 2003
... O termo foi intro-duzido, em 1958, por Stanton & Tange,1 em reconheci-mento ao pr... more ... O termo foi intro-duzido, em 1958, por Stanton & Tange,1 em reconheci-mento ao primeiro relato feito por Ernest Goodpasture,2 em 1919, de um jovem de 18 anos que desenvolveu a doença durante recuperação de influenza. ... R efer ê ncias 1. Stanton MC, Tange JD. ...
Cienc Saude Coletiva, 2009
Jornal brasileiro de nefrologia : ʹorgão oficial de Sociedades Brasileira e Latino-Americana de Nefrologia
The most commonly used technique of arteriovenous fistula cannulation for hemodialysis is the rop... more The most commonly used technique of arteriovenous fistula cannulation for hemodialysis is the rope-ladder technique with alternation of the cannulation site. An alternative technique, the buttonhole (BH) technique, has become popular because its constant cannulation sites are advantageous for patients with special characteristics. To assess the initial experience of our service with the BH technique and determine its usefulness. Twenty-one patients with short, tortuous, painful fistulae of difficult cannulation were submitted to the BH technique for the first time using appropriate needles. Neither bleeding nor hematoma were observed during or after hemodialysis. Some patients (15%) reported little or no pain. Two (9.5%) arteriovenous fistulae were lost, and 47.6% of the patients developed fistula clotting at some point in the study, both situations related to change in cannulators. One patient had a paravertebral abscess, possibly originating from the arteriovenous fistula. The adv...
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2009
A formação ética dos médicos envolve as relações profissionais que fazem parte de seu cotidiano e... more A formação ética dos médicos envolve as relações profissionais que fazem parte de seu cotidiano e, neste sentido, a Faculdade de Medicina de Marília (Famema) propicia aos estudantes de medicina vivenciar desde o início do curso, na Unidade Educacional de Prática Profissional (UPP), a reflexão sobre a prática e sobre a ética das ações em saúde na Atenção Básica em Saúde (ABS) junto à comunidade. Analisou-se, nesta pesquisa, a percepção dos acadêmicos de medicina das 1ª e 2ª séries acerca das relações éticas envolvidas nas ações em saúde junto à comunidade. A abordagem qualitativa foi a opção de análise desta investigação que permitiu a construção de três categorias empíricas comuns às duas séries: A formação ética e profissional na realidade da ABS; Confidencialidade da informação no desenvolvimento do sigilo profissional médico; As relações interpessoais na formação ética do estudante de medicina, com maior predominância da segunda categoria entre os da 1ª série. Portanto, as relaçõ...
Page 1. Arq Ciênc Saúde 2010 jul-set; 17(3):146-9 146 RELATO DE CASO Resumo Recebido em 18.06.201... more Page 1. Arq Ciênc Saúde 2010 jul-set; 17(3):146-9 146 RELATO DE CASO Resumo Recebido em 18.06.2010 Aceito em 29.08.2010 Não há conflito de interesse Palavras-chave Abstract Keywords Ivan de M. Araújo1; José ...
Education for Health: Change in Learning & Practice, 2002
Introduction: There are few published studies that address the problem of dysfunctional tutorial ... more Introduction: There are few published studies that address the problem of dysfunctional tutorial groups. Most studies are restricted to student or faculty opinions separately and to speci c aspects affecting the tutorial group function. This study examined teacher and student perceptions of frequency and importance of problems observed in tutorial groups in a new PBL program. Methods: Tutors (n=30) and students in the second (n=75) and third (n=53) year completed a questionnaire at the beginning of the 1999 academic year. The questionnaire had 33 items grouped as seven ''factors'' related to tutor performance, feedback, assessment, educational resources, student performance, educational problems and external factors Results: The most important problems identi ed were related to tutors (mainly in training aspects) and students (mainly in problem discussion). Students and feedback (quality) were the most frequent. There were statistically signi cant differences between tutors' and students' (higher) and between second and third year (higher) students' perceptions of different factors. Conclusions: (1) Marilia Medical School (FAMEMA) has problems in the tutorial group function mainly related to contributions of students and tutors. (2) Students' and tutors' opinions, as well as those of second and third year students, differ and therefore all need to be consulted to solve tutorial group problems. (3) It is necessary to develop a better student training program and also to improve the tutors training program. (4) There is a need for continued evaluation of problem-based learning at FAMEMA. We must look at perceptions of students from all years.
Diwan V, Minj C, Chhari N, De Costa A. Indian medical students in public and private sector medic... more Diwan V, Minj C, Chhari N, De Costa A. Indian medical students in public and private sector medical schools: are motivations and career aspirations different?studies from Madhya Pradesh, India. BMC Med Educ. 2013;
Introdução: A Síndrome Branquio-Otorrenal é uma doença autossômica dominante de expressividade va... more Introdução: A Síndrome Branquio-Otorrenal é uma doença autossômica dominante de expressividade variável e alta, porém provavelmente de penetrância incompleta. Manifesta-se através de anormalidades do segundo arco branquial (fossetas pré-auriculares, fístulas ou cistos branquiais, entre outras) associado a anormalidades renais (desde hipoplasia até agenesia renal). Objetivo: Nosso objetivo com o presente relato de caso é estimular a investigação precoce nas alterações renais em pacientes com defeitos otorrinolaringológicos, o que implica melhor prognóstico e qualidade de vida para os acometidos. Relato de caso: Relatamos a evolução de um caso de Síndrome Branquio-Otorrenal em paciente acompanhada há 13 anos no ambulatório de nefrologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Marília. A paciente em questão apresenta anormalidades como fístula pré-auricular e fenda branquial, além de hipoacusia do tipo mista, com a concomitância de anormalidades renais. Discussão: Discutimos o diagnóstico a partir da paciente relatada, bem como as manifestações da síndrome e o tratamento apropriado. Conclusão: Concluímos que o diagnóstico é simples de ser realizado, e sua detecção precoce propicia menor morbi-mortalidade.
J. Bras. Nefrol., Jun 24, 2003
Goodpasture’s syndrome Descritores: Sindrome de Goodpasture. Anticorpo antimembrana basal. Glomer... more Goodpasture’s syndrome Descritores: Sindrome de Goodpasture. Anticorpo antimembrana basal. Glomerulonefrite. Sindrome de Goopasture
Jornal Brasileiro De Nefrologia, 2003
Initial experience with the buttonhole technique in a Brazilian hemodialysis center
BMC Medical Education, 2020
Background Around the world, it is very expensive to become a physician. Although public medical ... more Background Around the world, it is very expensive to become a physician. Although public medical schools are less expensive than private medical schools, tuition fees are charged at public medical schools in the majority of countries. In Brazil, public medical schools, with the exception of municipal schools, are free. There has been little investigation of any differences in conditions offered by paid or free medical schools or what occurs in public and private clerkships in Brazil. We investigated the clerkship conditions offered to the students in both public and private Brazilian medical schools by gathering the opinions of clerkship coordinators and others responsible for clerkships. Methods A cross-sectional, descriptive, analytical study using an electronic questionnaire was answered by clerkship coordinators to compare the clerkships of 30 public and 38 private Brazilian medical schools from all regions of the country. The questionnaires covered various aspects of the clinic...
Education for Health: Change in Learning & Practice, 2002
Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 305539 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 305539 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 305539. ...
BMC Medical Education
Background Around the world, it is very expensive to become a physician. Although public medical ... more Background Around the world, it is very expensive to become a physician. Although public medical schools are less expensive than private medical schools, tuition fees are charged at public medical schools in the majority of countries. In Brazil, public medical schools, with the exception of municipal schools, are free. There has been little investigation of any differences in conditions offered by paid or free medical schools or what occurs in public and private clerkships in Brazil. We investigated the clerkship conditions offered to the students in both public and private Brazilian medical schools by gathering the opinions of clerkship coordinators and others responsible for clerkships. Methods A cross-sectional, descriptive, analytical study using an electronic questionnaire was answered by clerkship coordinators to compare the clerkships of 30 public and 38 private Brazilian medical schools from all regions of the country. The questionnaires covered various aspects of the clinic...
Arq Cienc Saude, Dec 1, 2006
Page 1. Arq Ciênc Saúde 2006 out/dez;13(4):220-222 220 Resumo Palavras-chave Abstract Keywords Co... more Page 1. Arq Ciênc Saúde 2006 out/dez;13(4):220-222 220 Resumo Palavras-chave Abstract Keywords Correção da hipofosfatemia grave com dialisato enriquecido de fósforo em paciente hemodialisado. Treatment of serious hypophophatemia with phosphorus-enriched ...
J Bras Nefrol, Jun 1, 2003
... O termo foi intro-duzido, em 1958, por Stanton & Tange,1 em reconheci-mento ao pr... more ... O termo foi intro-duzido, em 1958, por Stanton & Tange,1 em reconheci-mento ao primeiro relato feito por Ernest Goodpasture,2 em 1919, de um jovem de 18 anos que desenvolveu a doença durante recuperação de influenza. ... R efer ê ncias 1. Stanton MC, Tange JD. ...
Cienc Saude Coletiva, 2009
Jornal brasileiro de nefrologia : ʹorgão oficial de Sociedades Brasileira e Latino-Americana de Nefrologia
The most commonly used technique of arteriovenous fistula cannulation for hemodialysis is the rop... more The most commonly used technique of arteriovenous fistula cannulation for hemodialysis is the rope-ladder technique with alternation of the cannulation site. An alternative technique, the buttonhole (BH) technique, has become popular because its constant cannulation sites are advantageous for patients with special characteristics. To assess the initial experience of our service with the BH technique and determine its usefulness. Twenty-one patients with short, tortuous, painful fistulae of difficult cannulation were submitted to the BH technique for the first time using appropriate needles. Neither bleeding nor hematoma were observed during or after hemodialysis. Some patients (15%) reported little or no pain. Two (9.5%) arteriovenous fistulae were lost, and 47.6% of the patients developed fistula clotting at some point in the study, both situations related to change in cannulators. One patient had a paravertebral abscess, possibly originating from the arteriovenous fistula. The adv...
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2009
A formação ética dos médicos envolve as relações profissionais que fazem parte de seu cotidiano e... more A formação ética dos médicos envolve as relações profissionais que fazem parte de seu cotidiano e, neste sentido, a Faculdade de Medicina de Marília (Famema) propicia aos estudantes de medicina vivenciar desde o início do curso, na Unidade Educacional de Prática Profissional (UPP), a reflexão sobre a prática e sobre a ética das ações em saúde na Atenção Básica em Saúde (ABS) junto à comunidade. Analisou-se, nesta pesquisa, a percepção dos acadêmicos de medicina das 1ª e 2ª séries acerca das relações éticas envolvidas nas ações em saúde junto à comunidade. A abordagem qualitativa foi a opção de análise desta investigação que permitiu a construção de três categorias empíricas comuns às duas séries: A formação ética e profissional na realidade da ABS; Confidencialidade da informação no desenvolvimento do sigilo profissional médico; As relações interpessoais na formação ética do estudante de medicina, com maior predominância da segunda categoria entre os da 1ª série. Portanto, as relaçõ...
Page 1. Arq Ciênc Saúde 2010 jul-set; 17(3):146-9 146 RELATO DE CASO Resumo Recebido em 18.06.201... more Page 1. Arq Ciênc Saúde 2010 jul-set; 17(3):146-9 146 RELATO DE CASO Resumo Recebido em 18.06.2010 Aceito em 29.08.2010 Não há conflito de interesse Palavras-chave Abstract Keywords Ivan de M. Araújo1; José ...
Education for Health: Change in Learning & Practice, 2002
Introduction: There are few published studies that address the problem of dysfunctional tutorial ... more Introduction: There are few published studies that address the problem of dysfunctional tutorial groups. Most studies are restricted to student or faculty opinions separately and to speci c aspects affecting the tutorial group function. This study examined teacher and student perceptions of frequency and importance of problems observed in tutorial groups in a new PBL program. Methods: Tutors (n=30) and students in the second (n=75) and third (n=53) year completed a questionnaire at the beginning of the 1999 academic year. The questionnaire had 33 items grouped as seven ''factors'' related to tutor performance, feedback, assessment, educational resources, student performance, educational problems and external factors Results: The most important problems identi ed were related to tutors (mainly in training aspects) and students (mainly in problem discussion). Students and feedback (quality) were the most frequent. There were statistically signi cant differences between tutors' and students' (higher) and between second and third year (higher) students' perceptions of different factors. Conclusions: (1) Marilia Medical School (FAMEMA) has problems in the tutorial group function mainly related to contributions of students and tutors. (2) Students' and tutors' opinions, as well as those of second and third year students, differ and therefore all need to be consulted to solve tutorial group problems. (3) It is necessary to develop a better student training program and also to improve the tutors training program. (4) There is a need for continued evaluation of problem-based learning at FAMEMA. We must look at perceptions of students from all years.