Mauro Fasola - (original) (raw)

Papers by Mauro Fasola

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in rice cultivation affect population trends of herons and egrets in Italy

Global Ecology and Conservation

Research paper thumbnail of Unveiling extraordinary diversity - DNA Barcoding of Socotra reptiles

Trabajo presentado en el XIII Iberian Congress of Herpetology (XIII Congresso Luso-Espanhol de He... more Trabajo presentado en el XIII Iberian Congress of Herpetology (XIII Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Herpetologia, XIII Congreso Luso-Espanol de Herpetologia), celebrado en Aveiro (Portugal) del 30 de septiembre al 4 de octubre de 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Insular gazelles of the circum-Arabian seas: origin, distribution, dwarfism and taxonomy

Research paper thumbnail of Ecological preferences of the endemic reptile community of Socotra

Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of protective nesting associations with Whiskered Terns on the breeding success of Great Crested Grebes

Ardea, 2020

At Anzali Lagoon, on the southwest coast of the Caspian Sea, Great Crested Grebes Podiceps crista... more At Anzali Lagoon, on the southwest coast of the Caspian Sea, Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus were observed breeding both in monospecific colonies and in a mixed colony with Whiskered Terns Chlidonias hybridus. In the mixed colony, Great Crested Grebes bred later than in their monospecific colonies, while laying clutches of similar size, but significantly fewer of their nests disappeared during incubation and their chicks had higher survival rates up to at least 20 days old. Human disturbance and the resulting increases in predation likely caused greater losses at monospecific colonies of Great Crested Grebes where there is no common anti-predatory activity; while the strong anti-predatory behaviour of Whiskered Terns in the mixed colony might have offered enhanced protection to the chicks. Unfortunately, we could not separate the effects of the seasonal differences in human disturbance and of the protective presence of terns on the Great Crested Grebe's reproductive output.

Research paper thumbnail of Long-Term Changes in Food Intake by Grey Herons (Ardea cinerea), Black-Crowned Night-Herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) and Little Egrets (Egretta garzetta) Foraging in Rice Fields in Italy

Research paper thumbnail of Aldo Pazzuconi (Canevino 16 agosto 1922 - Stradella 3 marzo 2016)

Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Testing the ability to store sperm: an experimental manipulation of mating opportunities in the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis

Acta Herpetologica, May 17, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Zone umide artificiali: ciclo annuale dell'avifauna acquatica dell'Arnetta (VA-MI)

Research paper thumbnail of Bacteriocyte population growth in Blattella germanica

Journal of submicroscopic cytology and pathology, 2003

The number of bacteriocytes with nucleus in the M or S phase was analysed in relation to their ra... more The number of bacteriocytes with nucleus in the M or S phase was analysed in relation to their rate of increase, throughout two nymphal instars (N1 and N6) of Blattella germanica Linnaeus (Blattaria, Blattellidae). We treated the experimental specimens with colcemid in order to visualize C-metaphases, and with labelled thymidine in order to evidence DNA synthesis in these bacteria-carrying cells. In both young and old nymphs, the C-metaphases showed a similar trend: their average number was only 0.3 per 100 bacteriocytes counted throughout the entire instars. In the young nymphs, the number of bacteriocytes in the S phase was congruent with the frequencies of the C metaphases. Since the number of M or S bacteriocytes was not sufficient to account for the observed increase in number of these endosymbiotic cells during nymphal development, we hypothesize a mechanism of bacterial transmission from bacteriocytes to other fat body cells that may explain the numerical growth of the bacter...

Research paper thumbnail of Context-dependent expression of sexual dimorphism in island populations of the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis)

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Cryptic diversity within the Anatololacerta species complex (Squamata: Lacertidae) in the Anatolian Peninsula: Evidence from a multi-locus approach

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The yellow cheek-patches of the Hermann's tortoise (Reptilia, Chelonia): Sexual dimorphism and relationship with body condition

Italian Journal of Zoology, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Colour Polymorphism and Alternative Breeding Strategies: Effects of Parent’s Colour Morph on Fitness Traits in the Common Wall Lizard

Evolutionary Biology, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Les peuplements de chauves-souris de l’est du lac Turkana, Kenya

Les peuplements de chauves-souris ont été étudiés par piégeage sur sept sites sur la bordure Est ... more Les peuplements de chauves-souris ont été étudiés par piégeage sur sept sites sur la bordure Est du lac Turkana, Kénya, région où le statut et la distribution de ces mammifères demeuraient inconnus. Nous avons capturé 97 individus de 13 espèces appartenant à 6 familles : Mégadermatidés (Cardioderma cor), Rhinolophidés (Rhinolophus clivosus), Nyctéridés (Nycteris hispida et N. thebaica), Vespertilionidés (Myotis tricolor, Nycticeinops schlieffeni, Pipistrellus kuhlii et Neoromicia nanus), Molossidés (Chaerephon pumila, Mops condylurus et M. demonstrator), Emballonuridés (Taphozous perforatus et Coleura afra). Lavia frons (Mégadermatidés) a été observé mais non capturé. La présence de bâtiments autour des stations de piégeage a affecté de manière significative le succès du piégeage. L'abondance, la richesse et la diversité se sont avérées variables selon les sites, en relation avec des différences dans la structure écologique des habitats forestiers, semi-désertiques ou insulaires...

Research paper thumbnail of Testing the island effect on phenotypic diversification: insights from the Hemidactylus geckos of the Socotra Archipelago

Scientific reports, Jan 13, 2016

Island colonization is often assumed to trigger extreme levels of phenotypic diversification. Yet... more Island colonization is often assumed to trigger extreme levels of phenotypic diversification. Yet, empirical evidence suggests that it does not always so. In this study we test this hypothesis using a completely sampled mainland-island system, the arid clade of Hemidactylus, a group of geckos mainly distributed across Africa, Arabia and the Socotra Archipelago. To such purpose, we generated a new molecular phylogeny of the group on which we mapped body size and head proportions. We then explored whether island and continental taxa shared the same morphospace and differed in their disparities and tempos of evolution. Insular species produced the most extreme sizes of the radiation, involving accelerated rates of evolution and higher disparities compared with most (but not all) of the continental groups. In contrast, head proportions exhibited constant evolutionary rates across the radiation and similar disparities in islands compared with the continent. These results, although genera...

Research paper thumbnail of Breeding productivity of egrets and herons at six sites in Asia

Productivite des aigrettes et herons nicheurs en six sites asiatiques. - La production, la taille... more Productivite des aigrettes et herons nicheurs en six sites asiatiques. - La production, la taille des oeufs et les conditions corporelles des poussins ont ete etudiees chez le Heron garde-boeufs (Bubulcus ibis), l'Aigrette intermediaire (Egretta intermedia), l'Aigrette garzette (Egretta garzetta), le Crabier chinois (Ardeola bacchus) et le Bihoreau gris (Nycticorax nycticorax) en deux sites de Chine centrale et dans quatre autres au Pakistan. La production en Chine s'est averee tres forte, plus importante qu'au Pakistan, probablement en relation avec une grande disponibilite de zones humides pour l'alimentation. La forme sombre de l'Aigrette garzette de la cote du Pakistan presentait une productivite significativement plus faible que celle des formes blanches.

Research paper thumbnail of 无锡太湖地区夜鹭及白鹭繁殖生物学研究

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Water Management Changes in the Italian Rice Paddies from 2000 to 2016 Using Satellite Data: A Contribution to Agro-Ecological Studies

Research paper thumbnail of Combining molecular and landscape tools for targeting evolutionary processes in reserve design: An approach for islands

PloS one, 2018

The importance of targeting ecological and evolutionary processes in reserve design has been wide... more The importance of targeting ecological and evolutionary processes in reserve design has been widely acknowledged in the literature but rarely implemented on islands. Using Socotran reptiles as models, we aim to relate richness of widespread and restricted-range species directly with landscape variables and to compare the impact of setting conservation targets for lineages versus species. Socotra Island is a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site, containing high levels of endemism in relation to its area, especially of reptiles, the vertebrates with the most comprehensive available genetic data. We predicted the occurrences of reptile species using distribution models and used a novel approach to interpolate maps of spatial phylogenetic patterns. Patterns of intra and interspecifc diversity and differences between spatial outputs of lineage and species richness were related to eco-geographic variables. We evaluated differences in target achievement for each conservation unit within prot...

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in rice cultivation affect population trends of herons and egrets in Italy

Global Ecology and Conservation

Research paper thumbnail of Unveiling extraordinary diversity - DNA Barcoding of Socotra reptiles

Trabajo presentado en el XIII Iberian Congress of Herpetology (XIII Congresso Luso-Espanhol de He... more Trabajo presentado en el XIII Iberian Congress of Herpetology (XIII Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Herpetologia, XIII Congreso Luso-Espanol de Herpetologia), celebrado en Aveiro (Portugal) del 30 de septiembre al 4 de octubre de 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Insular gazelles of the circum-Arabian seas: origin, distribution, dwarfism and taxonomy

Research paper thumbnail of Ecological preferences of the endemic reptile community of Socotra

Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of protective nesting associations with Whiskered Terns on the breeding success of Great Crested Grebes

Ardea, 2020

At Anzali Lagoon, on the southwest coast of the Caspian Sea, Great Crested Grebes Podiceps crista... more At Anzali Lagoon, on the southwest coast of the Caspian Sea, Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus were observed breeding both in monospecific colonies and in a mixed colony with Whiskered Terns Chlidonias hybridus. In the mixed colony, Great Crested Grebes bred later than in their monospecific colonies, while laying clutches of similar size, but significantly fewer of their nests disappeared during incubation and their chicks had higher survival rates up to at least 20 days old. Human disturbance and the resulting increases in predation likely caused greater losses at monospecific colonies of Great Crested Grebes where there is no common anti-predatory activity; while the strong anti-predatory behaviour of Whiskered Terns in the mixed colony might have offered enhanced protection to the chicks. Unfortunately, we could not separate the effects of the seasonal differences in human disturbance and of the protective presence of terns on the Great Crested Grebe's reproductive output.

Research paper thumbnail of Long-Term Changes in Food Intake by Grey Herons (Ardea cinerea), Black-Crowned Night-Herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) and Little Egrets (Egretta garzetta) Foraging in Rice Fields in Italy

Research paper thumbnail of Aldo Pazzuconi (Canevino 16 agosto 1922 - Stradella 3 marzo 2016)

Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Testing the ability to store sperm: an experimental manipulation of mating opportunities in the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis

Acta Herpetologica, May 17, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Zone umide artificiali: ciclo annuale dell'avifauna acquatica dell'Arnetta (VA-MI)

Research paper thumbnail of Bacteriocyte population growth in Blattella germanica

Journal of submicroscopic cytology and pathology, 2003

The number of bacteriocytes with nucleus in the M or S phase was analysed in relation to their ra... more The number of bacteriocytes with nucleus in the M or S phase was analysed in relation to their rate of increase, throughout two nymphal instars (N1 and N6) of Blattella germanica Linnaeus (Blattaria, Blattellidae). We treated the experimental specimens with colcemid in order to visualize C-metaphases, and with labelled thymidine in order to evidence DNA synthesis in these bacteria-carrying cells. In both young and old nymphs, the C-metaphases showed a similar trend: their average number was only 0.3 per 100 bacteriocytes counted throughout the entire instars. In the young nymphs, the number of bacteriocytes in the S phase was congruent with the frequencies of the C metaphases. Since the number of M or S bacteriocytes was not sufficient to account for the observed increase in number of these endosymbiotic cells during nymphal development, we hypothesize a mechanism of bacterial transmission from bacteriocytes to other fat body cells that may explain the numerical growth of the bacter...

Research paper thumbnail of Context-dependent expression of sexual dimorphism in island populations of the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis)

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Cryptic diversity within the Anatololacerta species complex (Squamata: Lacertidae) in the Anatolian Peninsula: Evidence from a multi-locus approach

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of The yellow cheek-patches of the Hermann's tortoise (Reptilia, Chelonia): Sexual dimorphism and relationship with body condition

Italian Journal of Zoology, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Colour Polymorphism and Alternative Breeding Strategies: Effects of Parent’s Colour Morph on Fitness Traits in the Common Wall Lizard

Evolutionary Biology, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Les peuplements de chauves-souris de l’est du lac Turkana, Kenya

Les peuplements de chauves-souris ont été étudiés par piégeage sur sept sites sur la bordure Est ... more Les peuplements de chauves-souris ont été étudiés par piégeage sur sept sites sur la bordure Est du lac Turkana, Kénya, région où le statut et la distribution de ces mammifères demeuraient inconnus. Nous avons capturé 97 individus de 13 espèces appartenant à 6 familles : Mégadermatidés (Cardioderma cor), Rhinolophidés (Rhinolophus clivosus), Nyctéridés (Nycteris hispida et N. thebaica), Vespertilionidés (Myotis tricolor, Nycticeinops schlieffeni, Pipistrellus kuhlii et Neoromicia nanus), Molossidés (Chaerephon pumila, Mops condylurus et M. demonstrator), Emballonuridés (Taphozous perforatus et Coleura afra). Lavia frons (Mégadermatidés) a été observé mais non capturé. La présence de bâtiments autour des stations de piégeage a affecté de manière significative le succès du piégeage. L'abondance, la richesse et la diversité se sont avérées variables selon les sites, en relation avec des différences dans la structure écologique des habitats forestiers, semi-désertiques ou insulaires...

Research paper thumbnail of Testing the island effect on phenotypic diversification: insights from the Hemidactylus geckos of the Socotra Archipelago

Scientific reports, Jan 13, 2016

Island colonization is often assumed to trigger extreme levels of phenotypic diversification. Yet... more Island colonization is often assumed to trigger extreme levels of phenotypic diversification. Yet, empirical evidence suggests that it does not always so. In this study we test this hypothesis using a completely sampled mainland-island system, the arid clade of Hemidactylus, a group of geckos mainly distributed across Africa, Arabia and the Socotra Archipelago. To such purpose, we generated a new molecular phylogeny of the group on which we mapped body size and head proportions. We then explored whether island and continental taxa shared the same morphospace and differed in their disparities and tempos of evolution. Insular species produced the most extreme sizes of the radiation, involving accelerated rates of evolution and higher disparities compared with most (but not all) of the continental groups. In contrast, head proportions exhibited constant evolutionary rates across the radiation and similar disparities in islands compared with the continent. These results, although genera...

Research paper thumbnail of Breeding productivity of egrets and herons at six sites in Asia

Productivite des aigrettes et herons nicheurs en six sites asiatiques. - La production, la taille... more Productivite des aigrettes et herons nicheurs en six sites asiatiques. - La production, la taille des oeufs et les conditions corporelles des poussins ont ete etudiees chez le Heron garde-boeufs (Bubulcus ibis), l'Aigrette intermediaire (Egretta intermedia), l'Aigrette garzette (Egretta garzetta), le Crabier chinois (Ardeola bacchus) et le Bihoreau gris (Nycticorax nycticorax) en deux sites de Chine centrale et dans quatre autres au Pakistan. La production en Chine s'est averee tres forte, plus importante qu'au Pakistan, probablement en relation avec une grande disponibilite de zones humides pour l'alimentation. La forme sombre de l'Aigrette garzette de la cote du Pakistan presentait une productivite significativement plus faible que celle des formes blanches.

Research paper thumbnail of 无锡太湖地区夜鹭及白鹭繁殖生物学研究

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Water Management Changes in the Italian Rice Paddies from 2000 to 2016 Using Satellite Data: A Contribution to Agro-Ecological Studies

Research paper thumbnail of Combining molecular and landscape tools for targeting evolutionary processes in reserve design: An approach for islands

PloS one, 2018

The importance of targeting ecological and evolutionary processes in reserve design has been wide... more The importance of targeting ecological and evolutionary processes in reserve design has been widely acknowledged in the literature but rarely implemented on islands. Using Socotran reptiles as models, we aim to relate richness of widespread and restricted-range species directly with landscape variables and to compare the impact of setting conservation targets for lineages versus species. Socotra Island is a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site, containing high levels of endemism in relation to its area, especially of reptiles, the vertebrates with the most comprehensive available genetic data. We predicted the occurrences of reptile species using distribution models and used a novel approach to interpolate maps of spatial phylogenetic patterns. Patterns of intra and interspecifc diversity and differences between spatial outputs of lineage and species richness were related to eco-geographic variables. We evaluated differences in target achievement for each conservation unit within prot...