Meltem Azatçam - (original) (raw)

Papers by Meltem Azatçam

Research paper thumbnail of Kafa karıştırıcı trofoblastik lezyon (plasental site nodül): olgu sunumu

ABSTRACT Özet Plasental site nodül, genellikle üreme çağındaki kadınların, küretaj materyallerind... more ABSTRACT Özet Plasental site nodül, genellikle üreme çağındaki kadınların, küretaj materyallerinde, serviks biyopsilerinde ve histerektomi materyallerinde, rastlantısal olarak karşımıza çıkar. Gestasyonel trofoblastik hastalıkların bir varyantı olan bu lezyon, implantasyon bölgesindeki intermediate trophoblastlardan köken almaktadır. Benign bir lezyon olmasına rağmen agresif histolojik görünümü nedeniyle trofoblastik ve diğer malign neoplazilerden histopatolojik ayrımı önemlidir. Bu makalede 6 yıldır menometroraji şikayeti olan, tanısal küretaj ile “plasental site nodül” tanısı alan 41 yaşında bir kadın hasta sunulmuştur. Anahtar Sözcükler: Plasental site nodül, İntermediate trofoblast, Uterin kanama. Abstract Placental site nodule is usually seen in women of reproductive age. Placental site nodule is found incidentally in cervical biopsies, curetting and hysterectomy specimens. This lesion is a variant of gestational trophoblastic disease is thought to arise from intermediate trophoblast in implantation area. Placental site nodule is a benign lesion, due to aggressive histological appearance the distinction is important from trophoblastic and non-trophoblastic malignant neoplasms. In this article, placental site nodule diagnosis of 41-year-old female patient presented. Key Words: Placental site nodule, Intermediate trophoblast, Uterine bleeding

Research paper thumbnail of Farklı lokalizasyonlarda Karşımıza Çıkabilecek Nadir Bir Yumuşak Doku Lezyonu: Elastofibroma Dorsi

Elastofibroma dorsi, siklikla gogus duvarinin subskapular bolgesinde gorulen, kapsulsuz oldugu ic... more Elastofibroma dorsi, siklikla gogus duvarinin subskapular bolgesinde gorulen, kapsulsuz oldugu icin sinirlari iyi ayirt edilemeyen, nadir gorulen, fibroz dokudan kaynaklanip yavas buyume egiliminde olan yumusak doku tumorudur. Etyolojisi tam olarak tanimlanamamistir. Hastalarin buyuk cogu asemptomatiktir; semptomatik olgular cogunlukla omuz hareketleriyle belirginlesen skapula altinda sislik ve sirtta hissedilen rahatsizlik hissi ile basvururlar. Tanida goruntuleme yontemlerinden faydalanilir. MRG bulgulari tanida cogu zaman yeterli olmaktadir. Taniyi kesinlestirmek icin igne aspirasyonu veya insizyonel biyopsi yapilabilir ancak eksizyonel biyopsi tercih edilmelidir. Tedavisi yakinmasi olan hastalarda marjinal sinirlarda kitlenin cikartilmasidir. Biz bu calismamizda; omuz hareketleriyle gelisen rahatsizlik hissi ve skapula altinda hissedilen kitle lezyonu sikayetleriyle basvuran 49 yasinda bayan hastada klinik muayene ve goruntuleme yontemleri ile tani konulan, cerrahi eksizyon ile ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rare Soft Tissue Lesions That Can Be Encountered in various locations: Elastofibroma Dorsi


Research paper thumbnail of Ekri̇n Hi̇droki̇stom: Olgu Sunumu Eşli̇ği̇nde Li̇teratür Derlemesi̇

Ekrin hidrokistomlar, cogunlukla kadinlarda, siklikla yuz ve gozkapaginda gorulen, ekrin duktusla... more Ekrin hidrokistomlar, cogunlukla kadinlarda, siklikla yuz ve gozkapaginda gorulen, ekrin duktuslardan koken alan, benign lezyonlardir.Ekrin hidrokistomlaringorulme sikligi tam olarak bilinmemektedir ve ayirici tanisinda benign ve malign bircok lezyon yer almaktadir. Cogu zaman klinik olarak benign oldugu dusunulmekle birlikte, literaturde malignite ile karisan ve malignite gelisen ekrin hidrokistomvakalari da bildirilmektedir.Bu nedenle lezyonun eksize edilerek kesin ayirici tani icin histopatolojikolarak incelenmesi onerilmektedir.Calismamizda; literaturde ulasilabilen 1990-2015 yillari arasinda yayinlanmis 33 ekrin hidrokistom calismasi, olgu sunumu esliginde degerlendirilmistir

Research paper thumbnail of Histopathological diagnostic dilemma in retrorectal developmental cysts: report of a case and review of the literature

Turkish Journal of Pathology, 2015

Retrorectal developmental cysts are lesions that are classified according to their histopathologi... more Retrorectal developmental cysts are lesions that are classified according to their histopathological characteristics and origins. The major types are epidermoid cyst, dermoid cyst, rectal duplication cyst, rectal cystic hamartoma and teratoma. These cysts grow slowly and the majority of cases are asymptomatic. Total excision is required and histopathological examination should be carefully performed for retrorectal localized developmental cysts, since the cystic lesions may show malignant transformation. Here, a 3-year-old male patient with retrorectal mass, which was histopathologically compatible with tailgut cyst, is presented and the differential diagnosis of retrorectal developmental cysts is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Kafa Karıştırıcı Trofoblastik Lezyon (Plasental Site Nodül): Olgu Sunumu Confusing Trophoblastic Lesion (Placental Site Nodule): Case Report

Özet Plasental site nodül, genellikle üreme çağındaki kadınların, küretaj materyallerinde, servik... more Özet Plasental site nodül, genellikle üreme çağındaki kadınların, küretaj materyallerinde, serviks biyopsilerinde ve histerektomi materyallerinde, rastlantısal olarak karşımıza çıkar. Gestasyonel trofoblastik hastalıkların bir varyantı olan bu lezyon, implantasyon bölgesindeki intermediate trophoblastlardan köken almaktadır. Benign bir lezyon olmasına rağmen agresif histolojik görünümü nedeniyle trofoblastik ve diğer malign neoplazilerden histopatolojik ayrımı önemlidir. Bu makalede 6 yıldır menometroraji şikayeti olan, tanısal küretaj ile “plasental site nodül” tanısı alan 41 yaşında bir kadın hasta sunulmuştur. Anahtar Sözcükler: Plasental site nodül, İntermediate trofoblast, Uterin kanama. Abstract Placental site nodule is usually seen in women of reproductive age. Placental site nodule is found incidentally in cervical biopsies, curetting and hysterectomy specimens. This lesion is a variant of gestational trophoblastic disease is thought to arise from intermediate trophoblast in...

Research paper thumbnail of Servikal lenf nodunda lokalize anjiomyomatöz hamartom: Olgu sunumu

Dicle Medical Journal / Dicle Tip Dergisi, 2015

Angiomyomatous hamartoma of the lymph node is a benign vascular disorder of unknown etiopathogene... more Angiomyomatous hamartoma of the lymph node is a benign vascular disorder of unknown etiopathogenesis. This rare disease particularly involves inguinal lymph nodes. Cervical involvement very rare. This lesion characterized by lenfoid tissue replacement by blood vessels, smooth muscle and fibrous tissue. We present a case of a 40year old male with cervical painful mass who underwent an excisional biopsy. The excised specimen consisted of a lymph node covered with fatty tissue, measuring 2.1 cm in diameter. On microscopic examination, the lymph node tissue was replaced by haphazardly dispersed thick-walled vessels and smooth muscle cells in a fibrous stroma. Although angiomyomatous hamartoma of lymph nodes is very rare, its recognition is important for differential diagnosis from malignant and benign tumors of lymph nodes.

Research paper thumbnail of Apendikste Tenya Enfestasyonu: Olgu Sunumu

Genel Tip Dergisi, 2016

Özet Taenia saginata, taeniazise sebeb olan zoonotik bir parazittir. Apandisitlerin etiyolojisind... more Özet Taenia saginata, taeniazise sebeb olan zoonotik bir parazittir. Apandisitlerin etiyolojisinde parazitik enfeksiyonlar nadiren izlenir. Biz, bir haftadır karın ağrısı olan 29 yaşında erkek hasta olgusunu sunduk. Olguya apandisit tanısı kondu ve apendektomi yapıldı. Patolojik incelemesinde apendiks lümeninde Taenia saginata yumurtaları izlendi.

Research paper thumbnail of Parasitic infestation in appendicitis. A retrospective analysis of 660 patients and brief literature review

Saudi Medical Journal

Objectives: To investigate the incidence of parasitic infestations and inflammation accompanying ... more Objectives: To investigate the incidence of parasitic infestations and inflammation accompanying parasitosis in a series of appendectomy cases. Methods: Six-hundred-sixty patients who had undergone appendectomy in Bingöl State Hospital, Bingol, Turkey with the preliminary diagnosis of appendicitis between January 2012 and February 2015 were included in this retrospective study. They were retrospectively evaluated in terms of age, gender and pathological findings. Cases diagnosed with parasitic infestations were re-evaluated histopathologically for inflammatory response. Results: The mean age was 19.6 years, and the male/female ratio was 1.8. When evaluated in terms of histopathological diagnoses, 573 (86.8%) were diagnosed as acute appendicitis, and parasitic infestation was identified in 12 (1.8%). Among cases with parasitic infestation, Enterobius vermicularis was identified in 9 (75%) and Taenia in 3 (25%) cases. Of cases with Enterobius vermicularis, 4 (44.4%) had lymphoid hyperplasia, 1 (11.1%) had normalstructured appendix vermiformis, and 4 (44.4%) had findings of acute appendicitis. All cases with taeniasis had an inflammatory response: acute appendicitis was identified in 2 (66%) and acute gangrenous appendicitis in 1 (33%) of them. Conclusion: Parasitic infestations are among the probable causes in appendicitis etiology and should be kept in mind during differential diagnosis. However, whether every parasitic infestation leads to appendiceal inflammatory response is controversial.

Research paper thumbnail of Histopathological evaluation of endometrial sampling in different age groups - 1374 cases

Medeniyet Medical Journal, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Hodgkin′s lymphoma: A rare diagnosis on cervicovaginal cytology

Journal of Cytology, 2012

Cervicovaginal smear screening is well known to reduce morbidity and mortality rates of invasive ... more Cervicovaginal smear screening is well known to reduce morbidity and mortality rates of invasive cervical carcinoma. Herein, we report a case of 56-year-old woman whose cervicovaginal smear was found to consist of malignant cells characterized by high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, scant rim of cytoplasm, coarsely granular nuclear chromatin and irregular nuclear membrane that were all reminiscent of a malignant lymphoma. Histopathological examination of the hysterectomy and unilateral adnexectomy specimen confirmed the presence of a diffuse large B-cell non Hodgkin's lymphoma involving the cervix, endometrium, myometrium, serosa and the right ovary.

Research paper thumbnail of Kafa karıştırıcı trofoblastik lezyon (plasental site nodül): olgu sunumu

ABSTRACT Özet Plasental site nodül, genellikle üreme çağındaki kadınların, küretaj materyallerind... more ABSTRACT Özet Plasental site nodül, genellikle üreme çağındaki kadınların, küretaj materyallerinde, serviks biyopsilerinde ve histerektomi materyallerinde, rastlantısal olarak karşımıza çıkar. Gestasyonel trofoblastik hastalıkların bir varyantı olan bu lezyon, implantasyon bölgesindeki intermediate trophoblastlardan köken almaktadır. Benign bir lezyon olmasına rağmen agresif histolojik görünümü nedeniyle trofoblastik ve diğer malign neoplazilerden histopatolojik ayrımı önemlidir. Bu makalede 6 yıldır menometroraji şikayeti olan, tanısal küretaj ile “plasental site nodül” tanısı alan 41 yaşında bir kadın hasta sunulmuştur. Anahtar Sözcükler: Plasental site nodül, İntermediate trofoblast, Uterin kanama. Abstract Placental site nodule is usually seen in women of reproductive age. Placental site nodule is found incidentally in cervical biopsies, curetting and hysterectomy specimens. This lesion is a variant of gestational trophoblastic disease is thought to arise from intermediate trophoblast in implantation area. Placental site nodule is a benign lesion, due to aggressive histological appearance the distinction is important from trophoblastic and non-trophoblastic malignant neoplasms. In this article, placental site nodule diagnosis of 41-year-old female patient presented. Key Words: Placental site nodule, Intermediate trophoblast, Uterine bleeding

Research paper thumbnail of Farklı lokalizasyonlarda Karşımıza Çıkabilecek Nadir Bir Yumuşak Doku Lezyonu: Elastofibroma Dorsi

Elastofibroma dorsi, siklikla gogus duvarinin subskapular bolgesinde gorulen, kapsulsuz oldugu ic... more Elastofibroma dorsi, siklikla gogus duvarinin subskapular bolgesinde gorulen, kapsulsuz oldugu icin sinirlari iyi ayirt edilemeyen, nadir gorulen, fibroz dokudan kaynaklanip yavas buyume egiliminde olan yumusak doku tumorudur. Etyolojisi tam olarak tanimlanamamistir. Hastalarin buyuk cogu asemptomatiktir; semptomatik olgular cogunlukla omuz hareketleriyle belirginlesen skapula altinda sislik ve sirtta hissedilen rahatsizlik hissi ile basvururlar. Tanida goruntuleme yontemlerinden faydalanilir. MRG bulgulari tanida cogu zaman yeterli olmaktadir. Taniyi kesinlestirmek icin igne aspirasyonu veya insizyonel biyopsi yapilabilir ancak eksizyonel biyopsi tercih edilmelidir. Tedavisi yakinmasi olan hastalarda marjinal sinirlarda kitlenin cikartilmasidir. Biz bu calismamizda; omuz hareketleriyle gelisen rahatsizlik hissi ve skapula altinda hissedilen kitle lezyonu sikayetleriyle basvuran 49 yasinda bayan hastada klinik muayene ve goruntuleme yontemleri ile tani konulan, cerrahi eksizyon ile ...

Research paper thumbnail of Rare Soft Tissue Lesions That Can Be Encountered in various locations: Elastofibroma Dorsi


Research paper thumbnail of Ekri̇n Hi̇droki̇stom: Olgu Sunumu Eşli̇ği̇nde Li̇teratür Derlemesi̇

Ekrin hidrokistomlar, cogunlukla kadinlarda, siklikla yuz ve gozkapaginda gorulen, ekrin duktusla... more Ekrin hidrokistomlar, cogunlukla kadinlarda, siklikla yuz ve gozkapaginda gorulen, ekrin duktuslardan koken alan, benign lezyonlardir.Ekrin hidrokistomlaringorulme sikligi tam olarak bilinmemektedir ve ayirici tanisinda benign ve malign bircok lezyon yer almaktadir. Cogu zaman klinik olarak benign oldugu dusunulmekle birlikte, literaturde malignite ile karisan ve malignite gelisen ekrin hidrokistomvakalari da bildirilmektedir.Bu nedenle lezyonun eksize edilerek kesin ayirici tani icin histopatolojikolarak incelenmesi onerilmektedir.Calismamizda; literaturde ulasilabilen 1990-2015 yillari arasinda yayinlanmis 33 ekrin hidrokistom calismasi, olgu sunumu esliginde degerlendirilmistir

Research paper thumbnail of Histopathological diagnostic dilemma in retrorectal developmental cysts: report of a case and review of the literature

Turkish Journal of Pathology, 2015

Retrorectal developmental cysts are lesions that are classified according to their histopathologi... more Retrorectal developmental cysts are lesions that are classified according to their histopathological characteristics and origins. The major types are epidermoid cyst, dermoid cyst, rectal duplication cyst, rectal cystic hamartoma and teratoma. These cysts grow slowly and the majority of cases are asymptomatic. Total excision is required and histopathological examination should be carefully performed for retrorectal localized developmental cysts, since the cystic lesions may show malignant transformation. Here, a 3-year-old male patient with retrorectal mass, which was histopathologically compatible with tailgut cyst, is presented and the differential diagnosis of retrorectal developmental cysts is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Kafa Karıştırıcı Trofoblastik Lezyon (Plasental Site Nodül): Olgu Sunumu Confusing Trophoblastic Lesion (Placental Site Nodule): Case Report

Özet Plasental site nodül, genellikle üreme çağındaki kadınların, küretaj materyallerinde, servik... more Özet Plasental site nodül, genellikle üreme çağındaki kadınların, küretaj materyallerinde, serviks biyopsilerinde ve histerektomi materyallerinde, rastlantısal olarak karşımıza çıkar. Gestasyonel trofoblastik hastalıkların bir varyantı olan bu lezyon, implantasyon bölgesindeki intermediate trophoblastlardan köken almaktadır. Benign bir lezyon olmasına rağmen agresif histolojik görünümü nedeniyle trofoblastik ve diğer malign neoplazilerden histopatolojik ayrımı önemlidir. Bu makalede 6 yıldır menometroraji şikayeti olan, tanısal küretaj ile “plasental site nodül” tanısı alan 41 yaşında bir kadın hasta sunulmuştur. Anahtar Sözcükler: Plasental site nodül, İntermediate trofoblast, Uterin kanama. Abstract Placental site nodule is usually seen in women of reproductive age. Placental site nodule is found incidentally in cervical biopsies, curetting and hysterectomy specimens. This lesion is a variant of gestational trophoblastic disease is thought to arise from intermediate trophoblast in...

Research paper thumbnail of Servikal lenf nodunda lokalize anjiomyomatöz hamartom: Olgu sunumu

Dicle Medical Journal / Dicle Tip Dergisi, 2015

Angiomyomatous hamartoma of the lymph node is a benign vascular disorder of unknown etiopathogene... more Angiomyomatous hamartoma of the lymph node is a benign vascular disorder of unknown etiopathogenesis. This rare disease particularly involves inguinal lymph nodes. Cervical involvement very rare. This lesion characterized by lenfoid tissue replacement by blood vessels, smooth muscle and fibrous tissue. We present a case of a 40year old male with cervical painful mass who underwent an excisional biopsy. The excised specimen consisted of a lymph node covered with fatty tissue, measuring 2.1 cm in diameter. On microscopic examination, the lymph node tissue was replaced by haphazardly dispersed thick-walled vessels and smooth muscle cells in a fibrous stroma. Although angiomyomatous hamartoma of lymph nodes is very rare, its recognition is important for differential diagnosis from malignant and benign tumors of lymph nodes.

Research paper thumbnail of Apendikste Tenya Enfestasyonu: Olgu Sunumu

Genel Tip Dergisi, 2016

Özet Taenia saginata, taeniazise sebeb olan zoonotik bir parazittir. Apandisitlerin etiyolojisind... more Özet Taenia saginata, taeniazise sebeb olan zoonotik bir parazittir. Apandisitlerin etiyolojisinde parazitik enfeksiyonlar nadiren izlenir. Biz, bir haftadır karın ağrısı olan 29 yaşında erkek hasta olgusunu sunduk. Olguya apandisit tanısı kondu ve apendektomi yapıldı. Patolojik incelemesinde apendiks lümeninde Taenia saginata yumurtaları izlendi.

Research paper thumbnail of Parasitic infestation in appendicitis. A retrospective analysis of 660 patients and brief literature review

Saudi Medical Journal

Objectives: To investigate the incidence of parasitic infestations and inflammation accompanying ... more Objectives: To investigate the incidence of parasitic infestations and inflammation accompanying parasitosis in a series of appendectomy cases. Methods: Six-hundred-sixty patients who had undergone appendectomy in Bingöl State Hospital, Bingol, Turkey with the preliminary diagnosis of appendicitis between January 2012 and February 2015 were included in this retrospective study. They were retrospectively evaluated in terms of age, gender and pathological findings. Cases diagnosed with parasitic infestations were re-evaluated histopathologically for inflammatory response. Results: The mean age was 19.6 years, and the male/female ratio was 1.8. When evaluated in terms of histopathological diagnoses, 573 (86.8%) were diagnosed as acute appendicitis, and parasitic infestation was identified in 12 (1.8%). Among cases with parasitic infestation, Enterobius vermicularis was identified in 9 (75%) and Taenia in 3 (25%) cases. Of cases with Enterobius vermicularis, 4 (44.4%) had lymphoid hyperplasia, 1 (11.1%) had normalstructured appendix vermiformis, and 4 (44.4%) had findings of acute appendicitis. All cases with taeniasis had an inflammatory response: acute appendicitis was identified in 2 (66%) and acute gangrenous appendicitis in 1 (33%) of them. Conclusion: Parasitic infestations are among the probable causes in appendicitis etiology and should be kept in mind during differential diagnosis. However, whether every parasitic infestation leads to appendiceal inflammatory response is controversial.

Research paper thumbnail of Histopathological evaluation of endometrial sampling in different age groups - 1374 cases

Medeniyet Medical Journal, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Hodgkin′s lymphoma: A rare diagnosis on cervicovaginal cytology

Journal of Cytology, 2012

Cervicovaginal smear screening is well known to reduce morbidity and mortality rates of invasive ... more Cervicovaginal smear screening is well known to reduce morbidity and mortality rates of invasive cervical carcinoma. Herein, we report a case of 56-year-old woman whose cervicovaginal smear was found to consist of malignant cells characterized by high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, scant rim of cytoplasm, coarsely granular nuclear chromatin and irregular nuclear membrane that were all reminiscent of a malignant lymphoma. Histopathological examination of the hysterectomy and unilateral adnexectomy specimen confirmed the presence of a diffuse large B-cell non Hodgkin's lymphoma involving the cervix, endometrium, myometrium, serosa and the right ovary.