Meltem Erbaş - (original) (raw)
Papers by Meltem Erbaş
Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi , 2018
Öz İlk çağlardan bu yana canlılar iletişim için sürekli bir çaba içerisine girmiş ve düşüncelerin... more Öz İlk çağlardan bu yana canlılar iletişim için sürekli bir çaba içerisine girmiş ve düşüncelerini çeşitli yöntemler kullanarak birbirlerine aktarmışlardır. Bu düşünceler, kimi zaman yapılan hareketlerle, kimi zaman çıkarılan bazı sesler, mimikler, tavırlarla, kimi zamansa duvarlara çizilen resimlerle ifade edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Diğer alanlarda olduğu gibi mimari alanda da iletişim söz konusu olmuştur. Örneğin, toprak ile birlikte kozmik anlamlar taşıyan ahşap, yeryüzünün en eski malzemelerinden biridir. Bu malzeme ile geçmiş dönemlerde tapınakları ayakta tutan kolonlar yapılmış ve mimaride bu malzeme ile kozmik bir anlam iletilmek istenmiştir. Yine taş çağı ve mısır dikilitaşları merkez fikrini simgeleştiren dağları işaret etmek için dikilmiş, tapınaklar, saraylar ve daha büyük ölçekte kentler yeryüzünün merkezini gösteren simgeler olmuştur. Tarih boyunca kentler uzun zaman dilimi içinde kendi potansiyeli ile veya istilacı bir gücün egemenliği, yönetimi ve yönlendiriciliği doğrultusunda biçimlenmiştir. Mardin geleneksel kent dokusu da tarihi bir geçmişe sahip, birçok medeniyeti içinde barınmıştır. Sosyal ve kültürel etkileşim sonucu bu çerçevede gelişen ve aynı zamanda arazinin topografik yapısına uygun şekillenen bir kent olan Mardin, medeniyetlerin izlerini taşıyarak bugüne gelmiştir. Her medeniyet kente yaşam tarzlarını ifade eden yani iletişim elemanı olan bazı mimari yapıları kazandırmıştır. Bu mimari yapılar kentsel boyutta simge durumuna gelmiş ve kent ikonu olarak anılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada Mardin kent dokusunda, günümüzde kent ikonu olarak tanımlanabilecek Ulu Cami, Kasımiye, Şehidiye ve Zinciriye medreseleri ile Deyrul Zafaran Kilisesi kullanıcı algısı açısından ikon olup olmadıkları değerlendirilmiştir. Bu sorunsala bağlı olarak Dicle Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi'nde 250 öğrenciye bu yapıların kent bütünündeki algısı konusunda sorular yöneltilmiştir. Değerlendirmeler sıfat çiftleri kullanılarak yapılmış ve hangi yapının kent için bir ikon olduğu sıfat tanımlamamalarıyla belirlenmiştir. Sonuçta her gün birbirinin aynı olmaya devam eden kentlerde, özgünlüğün nasıl sağlanabileceğine ilişkin öneriler sunulmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Mardin, İkon, Kent Bütünlüğü. Abstract Ever since the early times, human have been in constant effort to communicate and have conveyed their thoughts to each other by using various methods. These thoughts have been tried to be expressed sometimes with the pictures drawn on the walls, sometimes with some movements, sometimes with some voices, mimics and behaviours. As in other areas, communication has become a topic in the architecture also. For example, wood, which has cosmic meanings with soil, is one of the oldest materials of the earth. Columns that kept the temples standing in the past periods were made with this material and it is desired to convey a cosmic meaning with this material in the architecture. Yet the stone-age and cornelian obelisks were planted to point to the mountains that symbolized the central idea, temples, palaces, and cities on a larger scale were the symbols of the earth's center. Throughout the history, cities have been developed by their own potential or by an invasive power of administration and direction. Mardin's traditional urban texture has a historical background and is housed many civilizations. Mardin, which develops in this frame of social and cultural interaction and at the same time shaped according to the topographical structure of the land, has come to today with the traces of civilizations. Every civilization has brought some architectural structures to the city that express lifestyles, that they were also espressed as their communication elements. These architectural constructions came to symbolize the urban dimension and began to be referred to as the city icon. In this study, it was evaluated whether Ulu Mosque, Kasımiye, Sehidiye and Zinciriye medresses and Deyrul Zafaran Church are city icons or not with the consensus of user sense, in the trasitional city texture of Mardin. Due to this problem, 250 students from the Faculty of Architecture of Dicle University, were asked questions about the perception of these buildings in the whole city. The evaluations were made using adjective pairs and which building is an icon for the city is determined by the adjective definitions. As a result, the cities that continue to be the same every day, some suggestions for being original with an icon are presented.
Kent Akademisi | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Hakemli Elektronik Dergi, 2019
Turkey is a country where thousands of years of history based on the rich civilization. For this ... more Turkey is a country where thousands of years of history based on the rich civilization. For this reason, it is one of the countries with high universal responsibilities in the protection of the common cultural heritage of humanity. The importance of preserving the historical values cannot be limited in order to introduce our past values to future generations. In addition, past accumulation needs to be considered as the most important resource in creating the future. However, modern formations in architecture and urbanism without taking into account these historical values accelerate alienation in society. To protect the cultural heritage of different cultures in the same respect and dignity; It emphasizes the feelings of peace and brotherhood in a globalizing world. It will also create a rich and multicolored culture mosaic with the interaction of different cultures. This will also contribute to cultural sustainability. The aim of this study is; Sanliurfa Kadioglu District traditional houses and street texture that can survive from past to present; basic design criteria and user values, determining the design of the new residential areas. In this study, the concepts such as the sustainability of historical texture, alienation and ownership of the city were investigated. Then, the historical texture of traditional houses and also street textures in Sanliurfa were examined with written and visual sources. In addition, the present state of the texture was determined by visual analysis and photography. Finally, the designs which were taken the respect factor into consideration, some main design criteria's were determined from these examples. Examples such as privacy, direction, climate data, socio-psychological structure and culture are important parameters in design. These criteria should be applied in new settlements in order to protect urban identity. In this study, suggestions were presented.
Relationship between the Spatial Depth and Window Opening Amasya, Hatuniye District Rahduvanlar and Seven-Kazak Mansion Sample, 2019
The main purpose of the study is to reveal whether or not the environmental factors which are imp... more The main purpose of the study is to reveal whether or not the environmental factors which are important parameters in design were addressed in the traditional houses of Amasya by assessing the relationship between the spatial depth and window opening according to the CIE (S011/E) standard in terms of natural lightning. In the first section of the study, brief information was given about the content of the study by summarizing the information of factors and user needs that affect housing design. Then, information was given about the study area under the title of Material and Method. Natural lightning in the Traditional Houses of Amasya was discussed. The relationship between the spatial depth and window opening of Traditional Houses of Amasya which the main theme of the study was assessed in terms of environmental factors. In the Findings and Evaluation section, findings on the parameters that affect the spatial depth and window opening of 2 preserved houses of which one of them has street facade and the other have river facade, among the 154 registered houses in Amasya, Hatuniye District was revealed. The compliance of the natural lightning of houses according to the environmental factors to the CIE (S011/E) standard was determined by analyzing the data in the SPSS IBM Windows program. In the Conclusion and Suggestions section, the design parameters that were observed in the study area were revealed and instructive suggestions were made for the housing designs that would be built at the present times within the framework of CIE (S011/E) standard.
Architectural Analysis Based on Fractal Dimension on Diyarbakir Mosques, 2020
When the concept of daily architecture is examined from a broad perspective, it can observe that ... more When the concept of daily architecture is examined from a broad perspective, it can observe that architectural units are produced with different design criteria in each period. In terms of structural designs, the designs in which Euclidean geometry shapes-bricks, steel sections, plates-are presented with simple solutions in production and marketing, and where designs Euclid used effectively are stylistically recognized. From this point it is not hard to reach to the data that fractals in architecture are used more advanced than copying the models from nature, to fractal architecture (Jencks, 1997:14). In this study, it was aimed to support the interpretations made on the literature data about the intuitive facts and characteristics of mosques belonging to the Akkoyunlu period in the Diyarbakır mosques with numeric data. For this, the numerical possibilities of fractal geometry have been imposed on. First of all, the concept of fractal and its historical development, concepts of fractal design and its scope, fractal dimension and calculation methods are mentioned in the study. The architectural and historical features of the Diyarbakır mosques, which will be analysed by calculating the fractal dimension, are then discussed. In the scope of the field study, empty ratios filled with Diyarbakır mosques belonging to Akkoyunlu period by box counting method were determined and fractal dimensions were calculated with the specified formulas. The obtained values are demonstrated in tables. In the last part of the study, the obtained fractal values are tabulated. As a result of this obtained values, evaluations were made by putting forward these results and analyses. It is thought that the studies which combine different fields such as mathematics, geometry and architecture, can provide us with different perspectives.
Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi , 2018
Öz İlk çağlardan bu yana canlılar iletişim için sürekli bir çaba içerisine girmiş ve düşüncelerin... more Öz İlk çağlardan bu yana canlılar iletişim için sürekli bir çaba içerisine girmiş ve düşüncelerini çeşitli yöntemler kullanarak birbirlerine aktarmışlardır. Bu düşünceler, kimi zaman yapılan hareketlerle, kimi zaman çıkarılan bazı sesler, mimikler, tavırlarla, kimi zamansa duvarlara çizilen resimlerle ifade edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Diğer alanlarda olduğu gibi mimari alanda da iletişim söz konusu olmuştur. Örneğin, toprak ile birlikte kozmik anlamlar taşıyan ahşap, yeryüzünün en eski malzemelerinden biridir. Bu malzeme ile geçmiş dönemlerde tapınakları ayakta tutan kolonlar yapılmış ve mimaride bu malzeme ile kozmik bir anlam iletilmek istenmiştir. Yine taş çağı ve mısır dikilitaşları merkez fikrini simgeleştiren dağları işaret etmek için dikilmiş, tapınaklar, saraylar ve daha büyük ölçekte kentler yeryüzünün merkezini gösteren simgeler olmuştur. Tarih boyunca kentler uzun zaman dilimi içinde kendi potansiyeli ile veya istilacı bir gücün egemenliği, yönetimi ve yönlendiriciliği doğrultusunda biçimlenmiştir. Mardin geleneksel kent dokusu da tarihi bir geçmişe sahip, birçok medeniyeti içinde barınmıştır. Sosyal ve kültürel etkileşim sonucu bu çerçevede gelişen ve aynı zamanda arazinin topografik yapısına uygun şekillenen bir kent olan Mardin, medeniyetlerin izlerini taşıyarak bugüne gelmiştir. Her medeniyet kente yaşam tarzlarını ifade eden yani iletişim elemanı olan bazı mimari yapıları kazandırmıştır. Bu mimari yapılar kentsel boyutta simge durumuna gelmiş ve kent ikonu olarak anılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada Mardin kent dokusunda, günümüzde kent ikonu olarak tanımlanabilecek Ulu Cami, Kasımiye, Şehidiye ve Zinciriye medreseleri ile Deyrul Zafaran Kilisesi kullanıcı algısı açısından ikon olup olmadıkları değerlendirilmiştir. Bu sorunsala bağlı olarak Dicle Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi'nde 250 öğrenciye bu yapıların kent bütünündeki algısı konusunda sorular yöneltilmiştir. Değerlendirmeler sıfat çiftleri kullanılarak yapılmış ve hangi yapının kent için bir ikon olduğu sıfat tanımlamamalarıyla belirlenmiştir. Sonuçta her gün birbirinin aynı olmaya devam eden kentlerde, özgünlüğün nasıl sağlanabileceğine ilişkin öneriler sunulmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Mardin, İkon, Kent Bütünlüğü. Abstract Ever since the early times, human have been in constant effort to communicate and have conveyed their thoughts to each other by using various methods. These thoughts have been tried to be expressed sometimes with the pictures drawn on the walls, sometimes with some movements, sometimes with some voices, mimics and behaviours. As in other areas, communication has become a topic in the architecture also. For example, wood, which has cosmic meanings with soil, is one of the oldest materials of the earth. Columns that kept the temples standing in the past periods were made with this material and it is desired to convey a cosmic meaning with this material in the architecture. Yet the stone-age and cornelian obelisks were planted to point to the mountains that symbolized the central idea, temples, palaces, and cities on a larger scale were the symbols of the earth's center. Throughout the history, cities have been developed by their own potential or by an invasive power of administration and direction. Mardin's traditional urban texture has a historical background and is housed many civilizations. Mardin, which develops in this frame of social and cultural interaction and at the same time shaped according to the topographical structure of the land, has come to today with the traces of civilizations. Every civilization has brought some architectural structures to the city that express lifestyles, that they were also espressed as their communication elements. These architectural constructions came to symbolize the urban dimension and began to be referred to as the city icon. In this study, it was evaluated whether Ulu Mosque, Kasımiye, Sehidiye and Zinciriye medresses and Deyrul Zafaran Church are city icons or not with the consensus of user sense, in the trasitional city texture of Mardin. Due to this problem, 250 students from the Faculty of Architecture of Dicle University, were asked questions about the perception of these buildings in the whole city. The evaluations were made using adjective pairs and which building is an icon for the city is determined by the adjective definitions. As a result, the cities that continue to be the same every day, some suggestions for being original with an icon are presented.
Kent Akademisi | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Hakemli Elektronik Dergi, 2019
Turkey is a country where thousands of years of history based on the rich civilization. For this ... more Turkey is a country where thousands of years of history based on the rich civilization. For this reason, it is one of the countries with high universal responsibilities in the protection of the common cultural heritage of humanity. The importance of preserving the historical values cannot be limited in order to introduce our past values to future generations. In addition, past accumulation needs to be considered as the most important resource in creating the future. However, modern formations in architecture and urbanism without taking into account these historical values accelerate alienation in society. To protect the cultural heritage of different cultures in the same respect and dignity; It emphasizes the feelings of peace and brotherhood in a globalizing world. It will also create a rich and multicolored culture mosaic with the interaction of different cultures. This will also contribute to cultural sustainability. The aim of this study is; Sanliurfa Kadioglu District traditional houses and street texture that can survive from past to present; basic design criteria and user values, determining the design of the new residential areas. In this study, the concepts such as the sustainability of historical texture, alienation and ownership of the city were investigated. Then, the historical texture of traditional houses and also street textures in Sanliurfa were examined with written and visual sources. In addition, the present state of the texture was determined by visual analysis and photography. Finally, the designs which were taken the respect factor into consideration, some main design criteria's were determined from these examples. Examples such as privacy, direction, climate data, socio-psychological structure and culture are important parameters in design. These criteria should be applied in new settlements in order to protect urban identity. In this study, suggestions were presented.
Relationship between the Spatial Depth and Window Opening Amasya, Hatuniye District Rahduvanlar and Seven-Kazak Mansion Sample, 2019
The main purpose of the study is to reveal whether or not the environmental factors which are imp... more The main purpose of the study is to reveal whether or not the environmental factors which are important parameters in design were addressed in the traditional houses of Amasya by assessing the relationship between the spatial depth and window opening according to the CIE (S011/E) standard in terms of natural lightning. In the first section of the study, brief information was given about the content of the study by summarizing the information of factors and user needs that affect housing design. Then, information was given about the study area under the title of Material and Method. Natural lightning in the Traditional Houses of Amasya was discussed. The relationship between the spatial depth and window opening of Traditional Houses of Amasya which the main theme of the study was assessed in terms of environmental factors. In the Findings and Evaluation section, findings on the parameters that affect the spatial depth and window opening of 2 preserved houses of which one of them has street facade and the other have river facade, among the 154 registered houses in Amasya, Hatuniye District was revealed. The compliance of the natural lightning of houses according to the environmental factors to the CIE (S011/E) standard was determined by analyzing the data in the SPSS IBM Windows program. In the Conclusion and Suggestions section, the design parameters that were observed in the study area were revealed and instructive suggestions were made for the housing designs that would be built at the present times within the framework of CIE (S011/E) standard.
Architectural Analysis Based on Fractal Dimension on Diyarbakir Mosques, 2020
When the concept of daily architecture is examined from a broad perspective, it can observe that ... more When the concept of daily architecture is examined from a broad perspective, it can observe that architectural units are produced with different design criteria in each period. In terms of structural designs, the designs in which Euclidean geometry shapes-bricks, steel sections, plates-are presented with simple solutions in production and marketing, and where designs Euclid used effectively are stylistically recognized. From this point it is not hard to reach to the data that fractals in architecture are used more advanced than copying the models from nature, to fractal architecture (Jencks, 1997:14). In this study, it was aimed to support the interpretations made on the literature data about the intuitive facts and characteristics of mosques belonging to the Akkoyunlu period in the Diyarbakır mosques with numeric data. For this, the numerical possibilities of fractal geometry have been imposed on. First of all, the concept of fractal and its historical development, concepts of fractal design and its scope, fractal dimension and calculation methods are mentioned in the study. The architectural and historical features of the Diyarbakır mosques, which will be analysed by calculating the fractal dimension, are then discussed. In the scope of the field study, empty ratios filled with Diyarbakır mosques belonging to Akkoyunlu period by box counting method were determined and fractal dimensions were calculated with the specified formulas. The obtained values are demonstrated in tables. In the last part of the study, the obtained fractal values are tabulated. As a result of this obtained values, evaluations were made by putting forward these results and analyses. It is thought that the studies which combine different fields such as mathematics, geometry and architecture, can provide us with different perspectives.