Mesut Tigdemir - (original) (raw)

Papers by Mesut Tigdemir

Research paper thumbnail of Kısa Mesafelerde Aktif Kızılötesi Sensörle Hareketsiz Cisimlerin Tanımlanması

Mehmet Akif Ersoy üniversitesi fen bilimleri enstitüsü, Jun 9, 2022

Teknolojik gelişmeler ile birlikte çoğu alanda otonomlaşan makineler kullanılır hale gelmiştir. B... more Teknolojik gelişmeler ile birlikte çoğu alanda otonomlaşan makineler kullanılır hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışmalarda kullanılan sensörler, çok büyük önem taşımaktadır. Sensörler vasıtasıyla cisimlerin tanımlanması, sayılması, konumlarının tespit edilmesi ve sınıflandırılması yapılabilmektedir. Kızılötesi sensörler bu faaliyetler içerisinde kendine yer edinmiş sensör çeşitlerindendir. Bu çalışmada, kapalı bir oda ortamında aktif kızılötesi sensör ile yakın mesafedeki modellerin tanımlanabilmeleri için sayıları, boyutları, konumları ve sınıflandırmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tek-boyutlu çalışan aktif kızılötesi sensör ile üç-boyutlu çalışabilen bir aktif kızılötesi sensör sistemi oluşturulmuştur. Bu sensör sistemi verimliliği ve maliyeti ile öne çıkmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of ultrasonic method in asphalt concrete testing for fatigue life estimation

NDT & E international, Dec 1, 2004

This paper presents the possibilities of applying ultrasonic methods in asphalt concrete specimen... more This paper presents the possibilities of applying ultrasonic methods in asphalt concrete specimen testing in order to estimate fatigue life using ultrasonic characteristics of specimens. The procedures and results of testing cylinder shaped samples of both ultrasonic analysis and fatigue life testing are described. The ultrasonic method was first used in order to obtain the seismic characteristics of specimens. Then, the specimens were tested for fatigue lives using the repeated-loading indirect tensile test equipment (SDU-Asphalt Tester). To be able to model the fatigue lives, in addition to conventional fatigue model parameters new parameters from this ultrasonic analysis were taken into consideration. These additional parameters are acquired from the seismic measurements. Hence, only by examining the ultrasonic method, it will be possible to predict the fatigue lives of the specimens non-destructively.

Research paper thumbnail of The proposed NN model combined of the NN1 and NN2 models

![Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye`de Trafik Kazalarında Etkili Bazı Sürücü Özelliklerinin Bulanık Mantık (Fuzzy Logic) Yöntemi ile Değerlendirilmesi](

Teknik Dergi, Dec 1, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Re-Evaluation of the AASHTO-Flexible Pavement Design Equation with Neural Network Modeling

PLOS ONE, Nov 14, 2014

Here we establish that equivalent single-axle loads values can be estimated using artificial neur... more Here we establish that equivalent single-axle loads values can be estimated using artificial neural networks without the complex design equality of American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). More importantly, we find that the neural network model gives the coefficients to be able to obtain the actual load values using the AASHTO design values. Thus, those design traffic values that might result in deterioration can be better calculated using the neural networks model than with the AASHTO design equation. The artificial neural network method is used for this purpose. The existing AASHTO flexible pavement design equation does not currently predict the pavement performance of the strategic highway research program (Long Term Pavement Performance studies) test sections very accurately, and typically overestimates the number of equivalent single axle loads needed to cause a measured loss of the present serviceability index. Here we aimed to demonstrate that the proposed neural network model can more accurately represent the loads values data, compared against the performance of the AASHTO formula. It is concluded that the neural network may be an appropriate tool for the development of databased-nonparametric models of pavement performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimum Signalization Algorithm Suggestion with the Intersection Delay Optimization

International journal of engineering and innovative research, Jun 30, 2023

In this study, a sample has been carried out in order to discharge the current vehicle flow in mi... more In this study, a sample has been carried out in order to discharge the current vehicle flow in minimum time at the intersection. The sample has been carried out at an isolated and lossless four-legged intersection. An ideal traffic signaling algorithm have been presented by simultaneously calculating the minimum total intersection delay at this intersection. The suggested algorithm that is actuated method have been compared with classical and different actuated methods. It has been observed that the presented algorithm reduces the intersection delay by 65 % compared to the classical method and 51 % compared to some actuated methods.

Research paper thumbnail of İdeal Trafi̇k Işik Devre Süresi̇ İçi̇n Kavşak Taşit Geci̇kmesi̇ Opti̇mi̇zasyonu

International journal of 3d printing technologies and digital industry, Apr 30, 2022

Kavşaklardaki taşıt gecikmesi özellikle büyük şehirlerde önemli bir problem haline gelmiştir. Bu ... more Kavşaklardaki taşıt gecikmesi özellikle büyük şehirlerde önemli bir problem haline gelmiştir. Bu gecikmeler şehir trafiğini doğrudan olumsuz bir şekilde etkilemektedir. Bu doğrultuda, kavşak gecikmesinin yol açtığı ekonomik ve sosyal birçok olumsuzluklar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu gibi olumsuzlukları kaldırabilmek için farklı çözümlere başvurulmuştur. Bu çözümlerden birisi kavşağa bağlı yolları genişletmek veya kavşağa yeni yollar eklemek iken; bir diğeri ise kavşağı doğru yönetmekten geçmektedir. Yapılan bu çalışmada 90-120-150 sn devir sürelerinde, kavşak taşıt gecikmelerinin optimizasyonu yapılarak kavşak kollarına ait gecikme süreleri ve trafik sinyalizasyon süreleri belirlenmiştir. Çevreye duyarlı bir şekilde çalışan, değişken sinyalizasyon süresine sahip uyarmalı yöntem ile çevreden bağımsız bir şekilde çalışan sabit sinyalizasyon süresine sahip klasik yöntem karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar neticesinde; az yoğun kavşaklar için 90 sn gecikme süresi, ortalama yoğunluklu kavşaklar için 120 ışık devir süresi ve çok yoğun kavşaklar için 150 sn ışık devir süresi kullanılması tavsiye edilmiştir. 120 sn ışık devir süresinde, uyarmalı yöntem ile klasik yönteme kıyasla kavşak gecikmelerinde; kavşak genelinde % 77, anayollarda % 95'lere kadar azalmalar elde edilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Irak Karayolları İçin Taguchı Yöntemi Kullanarak Geri Kazanım Asfalt Malzemeleri İle Binder Tabakası Tasarımı

Mühendislik bilimleri ve tasarım dergisi, Aug 28, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Fatigue life prediction of the modified asphalt mixtures with ANFIS modeling

Scientia Iranica, Feb 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of A model for dynamic creep evaluation of SBS modified HMA mixtures

Construction and Building Materials, Feb 1, 2011

The specimens, according to the Marshall Stability testing procedure, of hot mix asphalt (HMA) co... more The specimens, according to the Marshall Stability testing procedure, of hot mix asphalt (HMA) containing bitumen modified with styrene–butadiene–styrene (SBS) have been constructed in the laboratory and tested under dynamic loading for permanent deformation using Suleyman Demirel University Asphalt Tester equipment (SDU-Asphalt Tester). Analysis of data shows that the permanent deformation of the samples may be modeled in terms of

Research paper thumbnail of Fractal Analysis of Railway Track Geometry

Demiryolu mühendisliği, Jul 31, 2022

Öz: Hat geometrisi muayene araçlarıyla yapılan ölçümlerden elde edilen grafiklere göre demiryolu ... more Öz: Hat geometrisi muayene araçlarıyla yapılan ölçümlerden elde edilen grafiklere göre demiryolu hattı yatay ve düşey düzlemlerde düzgün olmayan dalgalı bir geometriye sahiptir. Bu geometrik yapı fraktal desen olarak göz önüne alındığında hat geometrisinin düzgünsüzlüğü fraktal boyutlar yardımı ile sayısal olarak ifade edilebilir. Bu çalışmada Ankara-Eskişehir Yüksek Hızlı Tren (YHT) hattının geometrik düzgünsüzlüğünü belirlemek için fraktal analiz metodundan faydalanılmıştır. Fraktal boyutları hesaplamak için cetvel metodunu temel alan bir hesap algoritması kullanılmıştır. Fraktal boyutlar fleş ve nivelman grafikleri için hesaplanmıştır. Yapılan hesaplamalara göre, hat geometrisinin genel düzgünsüzlüğünün fraktal boyut ile sayısal olarak ifade edilebildiği belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda hat kalitesinin göstergesi olan geometrik parametrelerin standart sapması ile fraktal boyutlar arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Buna göre önerilen fraktal boyut ile standart sapma arasında güçlü bir ilişki vardır.

Research paper thumbnail of Asfalt betonu testi için devirli bir indirekt çekme deney aletinin geliştirilmesi

Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Asfalt Beton Kaplamalarinda Tunçbi̇lek Uçucu Külünün Fi̇ller Olarak Kullanilmasinin Araştirilmasi

Mühendislik bilimleri ve tasarım dergisi, Mar 23, 2022

Bu çalışmada, atık olarak görülen Kütahya'nın Tavşanlı ilçesinde bulunan Tunçbilek Termik Santral... more Bu çalışmada, atık olarak görülen Kütahya'nın Tavşanlı ilçesinde bulunan Tunçbilek Termik Santralinden çıkan uçucu külün (UK) asfalt betonunda filler malzemesi olarak kullanılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Öncelikle çalışma için Superpave Tasarım Yöntemi'ne göre gradasyon sınırları içerisinde, agrega oranlarını değiştirerek üç tip agrega gradasyon eğrisi elde edilmiştir. Her gradasyonun optimum bitüm oranını belirlemek için UK filler içerisinde %25, %50, %75, %100 oranlarında kullanılmıştır. Daha sonra belirlenen bitüm yüzdesi kullanılarak Superpave Karışım Tasarım Yöntemine göre numuneler hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan numuneler AASHTO T283 standardına uygun olacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Tasarlanan numunelerin nem hassasiyetinin belirlenmesi için İndirekt Çekme Dayanım (ITS) Deneyi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar incelendiğinde UK kullanım ile herhangi bir katkı maddesi kullanılmayan sıcak karışım asfaltlara göre daha yüksek İndirekt Çekme Dayanım Oranı (TSR) elde edilmiştir. Yapılan bu çalışma sonuçlarına göre UK ile hazırlanan Bitümlü sıcak karışımların (BSK) neme karşı direncinin arttığı gözlenmiştir. Dolayısıyla UK ile hazırlanan BSK'ların şiddetli ve uzun süreli yağış alan bölgelerde kullanılmasının daha verimli sonuçlar verebileceği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca UK'nın yol üstyapısının, aşınma tabakasında kullanılması, çevresel kirlilikleri önlemekle birlikte ekonomik açıdan da büyük katkılar sağlayacaktır.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of New Low-Cost Indirect Tensile Test Equipment for Bituminous Mixtures

Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2001

In order to design pavements analytically, mechanical properties such as elastic modulus and Pois... more In order to design pavements analytically, mechanical properties such as elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio should be known. In addition, fatigue and plastic deformation life of bituminous mixtures have to be known. In Turkey, Marshall mix design is still in use which has been superseded in many developed countries. The reason behind using the Marshall mix design is the lack of knowledge of other mix design methods by highway authorities and the cost of alteration. In order to minimise the alteration cost a new low cost indirect tensile test equipment is developed which costs almost 1/10th of market price. The equipment is fully computer controlled. The load is controlled by a load cell, the pressure is applied via electronic pneumatic system. Deformation is measured by two LVDT's. Using different granular material gradings and temperatures fatigue lines were obtained for the use of analytical pavement design. As can be seen from test results, the fatigue relationship has not got a linear fit. Fatigue test results are also interpreted in different ways using fuzzy set theory which indicated that fatigue life points can be predicted better than the linear fit.

Research paper thumbnail of Laboratory investigation of the properties of asphalt concrete mixtures modified with TOP–SBS

Construction and Building Materials, Mar 1, 2007

Benefits of adding Tall oil pitch (TOP), Styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) and TOP+SBS to AC-10 in ... more Benefits of adding Tall oil pitch (TOP), Styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) and TOP+SBS to AC-10 in variant quantities to AC-10 were investigated. Initial research was done to determine the physical properties of asphalt cement and modifiers.Seven asphalt binder formulations were prepared with 8% of TOP; 8+3, 8+6 and 8+9% of TOP+SBS, respectively; 3, 6 and 9% of SBS by total weight of

Research paper thumbnail of Numerical Modelling of Wheel on the Snow

International journal of engineering and applied sciences, Aug 15, 2018

In the present study, a numerical model is developed for wheel-snow interaction using finite elem... more In the present study, a numerical model is developed for wheel-snow interaction using finite element method based software. For this aim, the model of tire is designed using SolidWorks and ANSYS Design modeler. The analyses of the prepared models are performed using ANSYS Explicit Dynamics considering Mooney-Rivilin tire model. Frictional relationship between wheel and snow ground is established considering snow erosion as linear, in the analyses. Six different mesh sizes are considered, the effect of mesh size and number on the accuracy of the obtained results and solution time is discussed. Finally, it is concluded that models with 0.025 m and 0.02 m mesh sizes give more accurate results than the others and a strong linear proportion exists between the number of iteration and the mesh size.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of personality, attitudes and risky driving

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Feb 1, 2008

The purpose of this study was to use latent variable analysis to model the relationships between ... more The purpose of this study was to use latent variable analysis to model the relationships between the personality characteristics (personal and social adaptations), traffic safety attitudes, risky driving behaviour of drivers and involvement in traffic accidents. A structural equation modelling analysis was performed in order to investigate whether the hypothesised effect of personality upon traffic accidents was mediated through risky driving behaviour and safety attitudes. The results showed that there is a considerable effect of personal and social adaptation scales on traffic safety attitudes and risky driving behaviour. Latent variable analysis indicated that the latent variables of personal adaptation and social adaptation predicted two other latent variables (risky driving behaviour and traffic safety attitudes) with relatively high path coefficients. In addition to this, the analyses revealed that the attitudes to traffic safety in particular had an impact on road accidents.

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic permanent deformation testing of asphalt mixes and deformation waveform analysis

Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, Feb 1, 2008

In this study, different specimens of hot mix asphalt (HMA) have been constructed in the laborato... more In this study, different specimens of hot mix asphalt (HMA) have been constructed in the laboratory and tested under repeated loading; first permanent deformation and later fatigue tests using Suleyman Demirel University Asphalt Tester equipment (SDU-Asphalt Tester). This study reports evaluation of available information about relationship between permanent deformation and fatigue cracking. Analysis of data shows that the fatigue life of the pavement may be modelled in terms of data obtained from repeated loading axial permanent deformation test results. Based on the analysis of the estimation model for fatigue life from permanent deformation testing, it is concluded that for the evaluation of HMA in fatigue characterization, repeated load axial test for permanent testing can be used in a very satisfactory manner. To be able to model the fatigue lives, in addition to conventional fatigue model parameters new parameters from repeated load permanent deformation test are taken into consideration. Hence, only by examining the permanent deformation tests, it may be possible to predict the fatigue lives of the specimens without carrying out time-consuming fatigue tests.

Research paper thumbnail of Bituminous MIX Design Considerations in Turkey

In this study, both Marshall and Indirect tensile test equipment was used in order to find a rela... more In this study, both Marshall and Indirect tensile test equipment was used in order to find a relationship between these equipments. Specimens were prepared using Marshall mould and standard Marshall compactor. In order to determine the optimum bitumen content for each grading of granular materials three samples were prepared for each bitumen content. The samples were then tested by Marshall test equipment. After having determined the optimum bitumen content the samples were then prepared according to the optimum bitumen content. Fatigue and plastic deformation test were then carried out on the samples. Samples were then prepared for 5% optimum bitumen content. It was seen that the longer fatigue life was obtained at the optimum bitumen content as compared with the other samples. Therefore, designing the mix with Marshall equipment test results guarantee the longer fatigue life. However, as the Marshall equipment test results does not give any information about plastic deformation life, using indirect tensile test equipment for the determination of plastic deformation helps to develop better bituminous mixtures. For the covering abstract see ITRD E107185.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a new low cost indirect tensile test equipment for bituminous mixtures

In order to design pavements analytically, mechanical properties such as elastic modulus and Pois... more In order to design pavements analytically, mechanical properties such as elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio should be known. In addition, fatigue and plastic deformation life of bituminous mixtures have to be known. In Turkey, Marshall mix design is still in use which has been superseded in many developed countries. The reason behind using the Marshall mix design is the lack of knowledge of other mix design methods by highway authorities and the cost of alteration. In order to minimise the alteration cost a new low cost indirect tensile test equipment is developed which costs almost 1/10th of market price. The equipment is fully computer controlled. The load is controlled by a load cell, the pressure is applied via electronic pneumatic system. Deformation is measured by two LVDT's. Using different granular material gradings and temperatures fatigue lines were obtained for the use of analytical pavement design. As can be seen from test results, the fatigue relationship has not got a linear fit. Fatigue test results are also interpreted in different ways using fuzzy set theory which indicated that fatigue life points can be predicted better than the linear fit.

Research paper thumbnail of Kısa Mesafelerde Aktif Kızılötesi Sensörle Hareketsiz Cisimlerin Tanımlanması

Mehmet Akif Ersoy üniversitesi fen bilimleri enstitüsü, Jun 9, 2022

Teknolojik gelişmeler ile birlikte çoğu alanda otonomlaşan makineler kullanılır hale gelmiştir. B... more Teknolojik gelişmeler ile birlikte çoğu alanda otonomlaşan makineler kullanılır hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışmalarda kullanılan sensörler, çok büyük önem taşımaktadır. Sensörler vasıtasıyla cisimlerin tanımlanması, sayılması, konumlarının tespit edilmesi ve sınıflandırılması yapılabilmektedir. Kızılötesi sensörler bu faaliyetler içerisinde kendine yer edinmiş sensör çeşitlerindendir. Bu çalışmada, kapalı bir oda ortamında aktif kızılötesi sensör ile yakın mesafedeki modellerin tanımlanabilmeleri için sayıları, boyutları, konumları ve sınıflandırmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tek-boyutlu çalışan aktif kızılötesi sensör ile üç-boyutlu çalışabilen bir aktif kızılötesi sensör sistemi oluşturulmuştur. Bu sensör sistemi verimliliği ve maliyeti ile öne çıkmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of ultrasonic method in asphalt concrete testing for fatigue life estimation

NDT & E international, Dec 1, 2004

This paper presents the possibilities of applying ultrasonic methods in asphalt concrete specimen... more This paper presents the possibilities of applying ultrasonic methods in asphalt concrete specimen testing in order to estimate fatigue life using ultrasonic characteristics of specimens. The procedures and results of testing cylinder shaped samples of both ultrasonic analysis and fatigue life testing are described. The ultrasonic method was first used in order to obtain the seismic characteristics of specimens. Then, the specimens were tested for fatigue lives using the repeated-loading indirect tensile test equipment (SDU-Asphalt Tester). To be able to model the fatigue lives, in addition to conventional fatigue model parameters new parameters from this ultrasonic analysis were taken into consideration. These additional parameters are acquired from the seismic measurements. Hence, only by examining the ultrasonic method, it will be possible to predict the fatigue lives of the specimens non-destructively.

Research paper thumbnail of The proposed NN model combined of the NN1 and NN2 models

![Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye`de Trafik Kazalarında Etkili Bazı Sürücü Özelliklerinin Bulanık Mantık (Fuzzy Logic) Yöntemi ile Değerlendirilmesi](

Teknik Dergi, Dec 1, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Re-Evaluation of the AASHTO-Flexible Pavement Design Equation with Neural Network Modeling

PLOS ONE, Nov 14, 2014

Here we establish that equivalent single-axle loads values can be estimated using artificial neur... more Here we establish that equivalent single-axle loads values can be estimated using artificial neural networks without the complex design equality of American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). More importantly, we find that the neural network model gives the coefficients to be able to obtain the actual load values using the AASHTO design values. Thus, those design traffic values that might result in deterioration can be better calculated using the neural networks model than with the AASHTO design equation. The artificial neural network method is used for this purpose. The existing AASHTO flexible pavement design equation does not currently predict the pavement performance of the strategic highway research program (Long Term Pavement Performance studies) test sections very accurately, and typically overestimates the number of equivalent single axle loads needed to cause a measured loss of the present serviceability index. Here we aimed to demonstrate that the proposed neural network model can more accurately represent the loads values data, compared against the performance of the AASHTO formula. It is concluded that the neural network may be an appropriate tool for the development of databased-nonparametric models of pavement performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimum Signalization Algorithm Suggestion with the Intersection Delay Optimization

International journal of engineering and innovative research, Jun 30, 2023

In this study, a sample has been carried out in order to discharge the current vehicle flow in mi... more In this study, a sample has been carried out in order to discharge the current vehicle flow in minimum time at the intersection. The sample has been carried out at an isolated and lossless four-legged intersection. An ideal traffic signaling algorithm have been presented by simultaneously calculating the minimum total intersection delay at this intersection. The suggested algorithm that is actuated method have been compared with classical and different actuated methods. It has been observed that the presented algorithm reduces the intersection delay by 65 % compared to the classical method and 51 % compared to some actuated methods.

Research paper thumbnail of İdeal Trafi̇k Işik Devre Süresi̇ İçi̇n Kavşak Taşit Geci̇kmesi̇ Opti̇mi̇zasyonu

International journal of 3d printing technologies and digital industry, Apr 30, 2022

Kavşaklardaki taşıt gecikmesi özellikle büyük şehirlerde önemli bir problem haline gelmiştir. Bu ... more Kavşaklardaki taşıt gecikmesi özellikle büyük şehirlerde önemli bir problem haline gelmiştir. Bu gecikmeler şehir trafiğini doğrudan olumsuz bir şekilde etkilemektedir. Bu doğrultuda, kavşak gecikmesinin yol açtığı ekonomik ve sosyal birçok olumsuzluklar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu gibi olumsuzlukları kaldırabilmek için farklı çözümlere başvurulmuştur. Bu çözümlerden birisi kavşağa bağlı yolları genişletmek veya kavşağa yeni yollar eklemek iken; bir diğeri ise kavşağı doğru yönetmekten geçmektedir. Yapılan bu çalışmada 90-120-150 sn devir sürelerinde, kavşak taşıt gecikmelerinin optimizasyonu yapılarak kavşak kollarına ait gecikme süreleri ve trafik sinyalizasyon süreleri belirlenmiştir. Çevreye duyarlı bir şekilde çalışan, değişken sinyalizasyon süresine sahip uyarmalı yöntem ile çevreden bağımsız bir şekilde çalışan sabit sinyalizasyon süresine sahip klasik yöntem karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar neticesinde; az yoğun kavşaklar için 90 sn gecikme süresi, ortalama yoğunluklu kavşaklar için 120 ışık devir süresi ve çok yoğun kavşaklar için 150 sn ışık devir süresi kullanılması tavsiye edilmiştir. 120 sn ışık devir süresinde, uyarmalı yöntem ile klasik yönteme kıyasla kavşak gecikmelerinde; kavşak genelinde % 77, anayollarda % 95'lere kadar azalmalar elde edilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Irak Karayolları İçin Taguchı Yöntemi Kullanarak Geri Kazanım Asfalt Malzemeleri İle Binder Tabakası Tasarımı

Mühendislik bilimleri ve tasarım dergisi, Aug 28, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Fatigue life prediction of the modified asphalt mixtures with ANFIS modeling

Scientia Iranica, Feb 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of A model for dynamic creep evaluation of SBS modified HMA mixtures

Construction and Building Materials, Feb 1, 2011

The specimens, according to the Marshall Stability testing procedure, of hot mix asphalt (HMA) co... more The specimens, according to the Marshall Stability testing procedure, of hot mix asphalt (HMA) containing bitumen modified with styrene–butadiene–styrene (SBS) have been constructed in the laboratory and tested under dynamic loading for permanent deformation using Suleyman Demirel University Asphalt Tester equipment (SDU-Asphalt Tester). Analysis of data shows that the permanent deformation of the samples may be modeled in terms of

Research paper thumbnail of Fractal Analysis of Railway Track Geometry

Demiryolu mühendisliği, Jul 31, 2022

Öz: Hat geometrisi muayene araçlarıyla yapılan ölçümlerden elde edilen grafiklere göre demiryolu ... more Öz: Hat geometrisi muayene araçlarıyla yapılan ölçümlerden elde edilen grafiklere göre demiryolu hattı yatay ve düşey düzlemlerde düzgün olmayan dalgalı bir geometriye sahiptir. Bu geometrik yapı fraktal desen olarak göz önüne alındığında hat geometrisinin düzgünsüzlüğü fraktal boyutlar yardımı ile sayısal olarak ifade edilebilir. Bu çalışmada Ankara-Eskişehir Yüksek Hızlı Tren (YHT) hattının geometrik düzgünsüzlüğünü belirlemek için fraktal analiz metodundan faydalanılmıştır. Fraktal boyutları hesaplamak için cetvel metodunu temel alan bir hesap algoritması kullanılmıştır. Fraktal boyutlar fleş ve nivelman grafikleri için hesaplanmıştır. Yapılan hesaplamalara göre, hat geometrisinin genel düzgünsüzlüğünün fraktal boyut ile sayısal olarak ifade edilebildiği belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda hat kalitesinin göstergesi olan geometrik parametrelerin standart sapması ile fraktal boyutlar arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Buna göre önerilen fraktal boyut ile standart sapma arasında güçlü bir ilişki vardır.

Research paper thumbnail of Asfalt betonu testi için devirli bir indirekt çekme deney aletinin geliştirilmesi

Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Asfalt Beton Kaplamalarinda Tunçbi̇lek Uçucu Külünün Fi̇ller Olarak Kullanilmasinin Araştirilmasi

Mühendislik bilimleri ve tasarım dergisi, Mar 23, 2022

Bu çalışmada, atık olarak görülen Kütahya'nın Tavşanlı ilçesinde bulunan Tunçbilek Termik Santral... more Bu çalışmada, atık olarak görülen Kütahya'nın Tavşanlı ilçesinde bulunan Tunçbilek Termik Santralinden çıkan uçucu külün (UK) asfalt betonunda filler malzemesi olarak kullanılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Öncelikle çalışma için Superpave Tasarım Yöntemi'ne göre gradasyon sınırları içerisinde, agrega oranlarını değiştirerek üç tip agrega gradasyon eğrisi elde edilmiştir. Her gradasyonun optimum bitüm oranını belirlemek için UK filler içerisinde %25, %50, %75, %100 oranlarında kullanılmıştır. Daha sonra belirlenen bitüm yüzdesi kullanılarak Superpave Karışım Tasarım Yöntemine göre numuneler hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan numuneler AASHTO T283 standardına uygun olacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Tasarlanan numunelerin nem hassasiyetinin belirlenmesi için İndirekt Çekme Dayanım (ITS) Deneyi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar incelendiğinde UK kullanım ile herhangi bir katkı maddesi kullanılmayan sıcak karışım asfaltlara göre daha yüksek İndirekt Çekme Dayanım Oranı (TSR) elde edilmiştir. Yapılan bu çalışma sonuçlarına göre UK ile hazırlanan Bitümlü sıcak karışımların (BSK) neme karşı direncinin arttığı gözlenmiştir. Dolayısıyla UK ile hazırlanan BSK'ların şiddetli ve uzun süreli yağış alan bölgelerde kullanılmasının daha verimli sonuçlar verebileceği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca UK'nın yol üstyapısının, aşınma tabakasında kullanılması, çevresel kirlilikleri önlemekle birlikte ekonomik açıdan da büyük katkılar sağlayacaktır.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of New Low-Cost Indirect Tensile Test Equipment for Bituminous Mixtures

Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2001

In order to design pavements analytically, mechanical properties such as elastic modulus and Pois... more In order to design pavements analytically, mechanical properties such as elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio should be known. In addition, fatigue and plastic deformation life of bituminous mixtures have to be known. In Turkey, Marshall mix design is still in use which has been superseded in many developed countries. The reason behind using the Marshall mix design is the lack of knowledge of other mix design methods by highway authorities and the cost of alteration. In order to minimise the alteration cost a new low cost indirect tensile test equipment is developed which costs almost 1/10th of market price. The equipment is fully computer controlled. The load is controlled by a load cell, the pressure is applied via electronic pneumatic system. Deformation is measured by two LVDT's. Using different granular material gradings and temperatures fatigue lines were obtained for the use of analytical pavement design. As can be seen from test results, the fatigue relationship has not got a linear fit. Fatigue test results are also interpreted in different ways using fuzzy set theory which indicated that fatigue life points can be predicted better than the linear fit.

Research paper thumbnail of Laboratory investigation of the properties of asphalt concrete mixtures modified with TOP–SBS

Construction and Building Materials, Mar 1, 2007

Benefits of adding Tall oil pitch (TOP), Styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) and TOP+SBS to AC-10 in ... more Benefits of adding Tall oil pitch (TOP), Styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) and TOP+SBS to AC-10 in variant quantities to AC-10 were investigated. Initial research was done to determine the physical properties of asphalt cement and modifiers.Seven asphalt binder formulations were prepared with 8% of TOP; 8+3, 8+6 and 8+9% of TOP+SBS, respectively; 3, 6 and 9% of SBS by total weight of

Research paper thumbnail of Numerical Modelling of Wheel on the Snow

International journal of engineering and applied sciences, Aug 15, 2018

In the present study, a numerical model is developed for wheel-snow interaction using finite elem... more In the present study, a numerical model is developed for wheel-snow interaction using finite element method based software. For this aim, the model of tire is designed using SolidWorks and ANSYS Design modeler. The analyses of the prepared models are performed using ANSYS Explicit Dynamics considering Mooney-Rivilin tire model. Frictional relationship between wheel and snow ground is established considering snow erosion as linear, in the analyses. Six different mesh sizes are considered, the effect of mesh size and number on the accuracy of the obtained results and solution time is discussed. Finally, it is concluded that models with 0.025 m and 0.02 m mesh sizes give more accurate results than the others and a strong linear proportion exists between the number of iteration and the mesh size.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of personality, attitudes and risky driving

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Feb 1, 2008

The purpose of this study was to use latent variable analysis to model the relationships between ... more The purpose of this study was to use latent variable analysis to model the relationships between the personality characteristics (personal and social adaptations), traffic safety attitudes, risky driving behaviour of drivers and involvement in traffic accidents. A structural equation modelling analysis was performed in order to investigate whether the hypothesised effect of personality upon traffic accidents was mediated through risky driving behaviour and safety attitudes. The results showed that there is a considerable effect of personal and social adaptation scales on traffic safety attitudes and risky driving behaviour. Latent variable analysis indicated that the latent variables of personal adaptation and social adaptation predicted two other latent variables (risky driving behaviour and traffic safety attitudes) with relatively high path coefficients. In addition to this, the analyses revealed that the attitudes to traffic safety in particular had an impact on road accidents.

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic permanent deformation testing of asphalt mixes and deformation waveform analysis

Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, Feb 1, 2008

In this study, different specimens of hot mix asphalt (HMA) have been constructed in the laborato... more In this study, different specimens of hot mix asphalt (HMA) have been constructed in the laboratory and tested under repeated loading; first permanent deformation and later fatigue tests using Suleyman Demirel University Asphalt Tester equipment (SDU-Asphalt Tester). This study reports evaluation of available information about relationship between permanent deformation and fatigue cracking. Analysis of data shows that the fatigue life of the pavement may be modelled in terms of data obtained from repeated loading axial permanent deformation test results. Based on the analysis of the estimation model for fatigue life from permanent deformation testing, it is concluded that for the evaluation of HMA in fatigue characterization, repeated load axial test for permanent testing can be used in a very satisfactory manner. To be able to model the fatigue lives, in addition to conventional fatigue model parameters new parameters from repeated load permanent deformation test are taken into consideration. Hence, only by examining the permanent deformation tests, it may be possible to predict the fatigue lives of the specimens without carrying out time-consuming fatigue tests.

Research paper thumbnail of Bituminous MIX Design Considerations in Turkey

In this study, both Marshall and Indirect tensile test equipment was used in order to find a rela... more In this study, both Marshall and Indirect tensile test equipment was used in order to find a relationship between these equipments. Specimens were prepared using Marshall mould and standard Marshall compactor. In order to determine the optimum bitumen content for each grading of granular materials three samples were prepared for each bitumen content. The samples were then tested by Marshall test equipment. After having determined the optimum bitumen content the samples were then prepared according to the optimum bitumen content. Fatigue and plastic deformation test were then carried out on the samples. Samples were then prepared for 5% optimum bitumen content. It was seen that the longer fatigue life was obtained at the optimum bitumen content as compared with the other samples. Therefore, designing the mix with Marshall equipment test results guarantee the longer fatigue life. However, as the Marshall equipment test results does not give any information about plastic deformation life, using indirect tensile test equipment for the determination of plastic deformation helps to develop better bituminous mixtures. For the covering abstract see ITRD E107185.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a new low cost indirect tensile test equipment for bituminous mixtures

In order to design pavements analytically, mechanical properties such as elastic modulus and Pois... more In order to design pavements analytically, mechanical properties such as elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio should be known. In addition, fatigue and plastic deformation life of bituminous mixtures have to be known. In Turkey, Marshall mix design is still in use which has been superseded in many developed countries. The reason behind using the Marshall mix design is the lack of knowledge of other mix design methods by highway authorities and the cost of alteration. In order to minimise the alteration cost a new low cost indirect tensile test equipment is developed which costs almost 1/10th of market price. The equipment is fully computer controlled. The load is controlled by a load cell, the pressure is applied via electronic pneumatic system. Deformation is measured by two LVDT's. Using different granular material gradings and temperatures fatigue lines were obtained for the use of analytical pavement design. As can be seen from test results, the fatigue relationship has not got a linear fit. Fatigue test results are also interpreted in different ways using fuzzy set theory which indicated that fatigue life points can be predicted better than the linear fit.