Michael Atallah - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Michael Atallah
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Aug 1, 2016
In this paper, we investigate the performance of the secrecy capacity in an amplify-and-forward (... more In this paper, we investigate the performance of the secrecy capacity in an amplify-and-forward (AF) dual-hop network for both distributed beamforming (DBF) and opportunistic relaying (OR) techniques. We derive the capacity scaling for two sets; U untrustworthy aggressive relays cooperating together with a wire-tapper to intercept the message, and T trustworthy relays, for a large number of nodes. We prove that the capacity scaling in the DBF is bounded by a value depending on a ratio between the number of the trustworthy and the untrustworthy aggressive relays. Finally, we show that DBF is better than OR whose capacity scaling is proved to be upper-bounded by a value tending to zero when the untrustworthy relays are aggressive. Simulation results confirm our analytical derivations.
Iet Communications, Jul 1, 2019
In this study, the authors investigate the physical layer security performance over Rayleigh fadi... more In this study, the authors investigate the physical layer security performance over Rayleigh fading channels in the presence of impulsive noise, as encountered, for instance in smart grid environments. For this scheme, secrecy performance metrics are considered with and without destination assisted jamming at the eavesdropper's side. Specifically, they derive analytical expressions for the secrecy outage probability (SOP), at the legitimate receiver. Finally, numerical results are provided to verify the accuracy of the authors' derivations. From the obtained results, it is verified that the SOP, without destination assisted jamming, is flooring at high signal-to-noise-ratio values and that it can be significantly improved with the use of jamming.
arXiv (Cornell University), Feb 19, 2019
This paper proposes a new security cooperative protocol, for dual phase amplify-and-forward large... more This paper proposes a new security cooperative protocol, for dual phase amplify-and-forward large wireless sensor networks. In such a network, a portion of the K relays can be potential eavesdroppers. The source agrees to share with the destination a given channel state information (CSI) of a sourcetrusted relay-destination link to encode the message. Then, in the first hop, the source will use this CSI to map the right message to a certain sector while transmitting fake messages to the other sectors using sectoral transmission thanks to analog beamforming. In the second hop, the relays retransmit their received signals to the destination, using the distributed beamforming technique. We derived the secrecy outage probability and demonstrated that the probability of receiving the right encoded information by an untrustworthy relay is inversely proportional to the number of sectors. We also showed that the aggressive behavior of the cooperating untrusted relays is not effective compared to the case where each untrusted relay is trying to intercept the transmitted message individually.
This paper studies the secrecy capacity scaling in an Amplify-and-Forward (AF) dual-phase large n... more This paper studies the secrecy capacity scaling in an Amplify-and-Forward (AF) dual-phase large network containing K relays. In our model, part of these K relays are assumed to be potential eavesdroppers. Before transmitting the message in the first phase, the multi-antennas source divides it to partial messages and multicasts each part to a different disjoint sector. During the second phase, the K relays use the distributed beamforming (DBF) technique to retransmit the message to the destination. We investigate the ergodic secrecy capacity considering two different behaviours of the untrustworthy relays; the passive behaviour, when the untrustworthy relays work separately from each other to intercept the signal, and the aggressive one, when the untrusted relays collaborate to hijack the message. As demonstrated, our location-based multicasting scenario is significantly increasing the security compared to the recent works that employ broadcasting schemes. Additionally, it also increases the secrecy capacity scaling remarkably. Finally, our analytical derivations are confirmed by the simulation.
Kaddoum, for the continuous support of my Ph.D study and related research, for his patience, moti... more Kaddoum, for the continuous support of my Ph.D study and related research, for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis. I thank my labmates for the stimulating discussions, for the sleepless nights we were working together before deadlines, and for all the fun we have had in the last four years. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my parents, my brothers and my best friend Michèlle, for supporting me spiritually throughout writing this thesis and in my life in general. Solutions de Sécurité de Couche Physique Contre les Récepteurs Indistincts Passifs et Complexes dans les Grands Réseaux sans Fil et les Environnements à Bruit Impulsif Michael ATALLAH RÉSUMÉ Les réseaux sans fil ont connu des évolutions rapides vers la durabilité, l'évolutivité et l'interopérabilité. Les sociétés en réseau futures conduisent l'économie numérique à une communauté plus globale d'infrastructures intelligentes et de services connectés pour une société plus durable et plus intelligente. En outre, une énorme quantité d'informations sensibles et confidentielles, telles que les dossiers médicaux, les supports électroniques, les données financières et les fichiers des clients, est transmise via des canaux sans fil. La mise en oeuvre de la distribution et de la gestion des clés de couche supérieure a été mise au défi par l'émergence de ces nouveaux systèmes avancés. Afin de résister à divers abus malveillants et attaques de sécurité, la sécurité de couche physique (PLS) est devenue une alternative attrayante. Le concept de base derrière PLS est d'exploiter les caractéristiques des canaux sans fil pour la confidentialité. Son objectif est d'aveugler les oreilles indiscrètes de sorte qu'ils ne puissent en extraire aucune informations confidentielles des signaux reçus. Cette thèse présente des solutions et des analyses pour améliorer le PLS dans les réseaux sans fil.
This paper studies the secrecy capacity scaling in an Amplify-and-Forward (AF) dual-phase large n... more This paper studies the secrecy capacity scaling in an Amplify-and-Forward (AF) dual-phase large network containing K relays. In our model, part of these K relays are assumed to be potential eavesdroppers. Before transmitting the message in the first phase, the multi-antennas source divides it to partial messages and multicasts each part to a different disjoint sector. During the second phase, the K relays use the distributed beamforming (DBF) technique to retransmit the message to the destination. We investigate the ergodic secrecy capacity considering two different behaviours of the untrustworthy relays; the passive behaviour, when the untrustworthy relays work separately from each other to intercept the signal, and the aggressive one, when the untrusted relays collaborate to hijack the message. As demonstrated, our location-based multicasting scenario is significantly increasing the security compared to the recent works that employ broadcasting schemes. Additionally, it also incre...
Wireless networks have experienced rapid evolutions toward sustainability, scalability and intero... more Wireless networks have experienced rapid evolutions toward sustainability, scalability and interoperability. The digital economy is driven by future networked societies to a more holistic community of intelligent infrastructures and connected services for a more sustainable and smarter society. Furthermore, an enormous amount of sensitive and confidential information, e.g., medical records, electronic media, financial data, and customer files, is transmitted via wireless channels. The implementation of higher layer key distribution and management was challenged by the emergence of these new advanced systems. In order to resist various malicious abuses and security attacks, physical layer security (PLS) has become an appealing alternative. The basic concept behind PLS is to exploit the characteristics of wireless channels for the confidentiality. Its target is to blind the eavesdroppers such that they cannot extract any confidential information from the received signals. This thesis ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
IEEE Transactions on Communications
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2016
2015 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), 2015
Security has always played a critical role in wireless cooperative communication systems design. ... more Security has always played a critical role in wireless cooperative communication systems design. Eavesdropping and jamming are two common threats to the information security in wireless networks. However, jamming can be used in a cooperative manner to enable a secure communication link between the legitimate transmitter and the intended receiver. This paper presents a comprehensive survey on different jamming methods used to enhance the physical layer security. This survey outlines first the underlying concept and challenges with respect to security in wireless network design followed by a comprehensive literature review and analysis of jamming techniques with their applications in this field. For each jamming protocol, the paper categorizes different techniques within the existing literature by elaborating on their application, and corresponding performances.
2015 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), 2015
Security has always played a critical role in wireless cooperative communication systems design. ... more Security has always played a critical role in wireless cooperative communication systems design. Eavesdropping and jamming are two common threats to the information security in wireless networks. However, jamming can be used in a cooperative manner to enable a secure communication link between the legitimate transmitter and the intended receiver. This paper presents a comprehensive survey on different jamming methods used to enhance the physical layer security. This survey outlines first the underlying concept and challenges with respect to security in wireless network design followed by a comprehensive literature review and analysis of jamming techniques with their applications in this field. For each jamming protocol, the paper categorizes different techniques within the existing literature by elaborating on their application, and corresponding performances.
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
This paper proposes a new security cooperative protocol, for dual phase amplify-and-forward large... more This paper proposes a new security cooperative protocol, for dual phase amplify-and-forward large wireless sensor networks. In such a network, a portion of the K relays can be potential eavesdroppers. The source agrees to share with the destination a given channel state information (CSI) of a sourcetrusted relay-destination link to encode the message. Then, in the first hop, the source will use this CSI to map the right message to a certain sector while transmitting fake messages to the other sectors using sectoral transmission thanks to analog beamforming. In the second hop, the relays retransmit their received signals to the destination, using the distributed beamforming technique. We derived the secrecy outage probability and demonstrated that the probability of receiving the right encoded information by an untrustworthy relay is inversely proportional to the number of sectors. We also showed that the aggressive behavior of the cooperating untrusted relays is not effective compared to the case where each untrusted relay is trying to intercept the transmitted message individually.
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Aug 1, 2016
In this paper, we investigate the performance of the secrecy capacity in an amplify-and-forward (... more In this paper, we investigate the performance of the secrecy capacity in an amplify-and-forward (AF) dual-hop network for both distributed beamforming (DBF) and opportunistic relaying (OR) techniques. We derive the capacity scaling for two sets; U untrustworthy aggressive relays cooperating together with a wire-tapper to intercept the message, and T trustworthy relays, for a large number of nodes. We prove that the capacity scaling in the DBF is bounded by a value depending on a ratio between the number of the trustworthy and the untrustworthy aggressive relays. Finally, we show that DBF is better than OR whose capacity scaling is proved to be upper-bounded by a value tending to zero when the untrustworthy relays are aggressive. Simulation results confirm our analytical derivations.
Iet Communications, Jul 1, 2019
In this study, the authors investigate the physical layer security performance over Rayleigh fadi... more In this study, the authors investigate the physical layer security performance over Rayleigh fading channels in the presence of impulsive noise, as encountered, for instance in smart grid environments. For this scheme, secrecy performance metrics are considered with and without destination assisted jamming at the eavesdropper's side. Specifically, they derive analytical expressions for the secrecy outage probability (SOP), at the legitimate receiver. Finally, numerical results are provided to verify the accuracy of the authors' derivations. From the obtained results, it is verified that the SOP, without destination assisted jamming, is flooring at high signal-to-noise-ratio values and that it can be significantly improved with the use of jamming.
arXiv (Cornell University), Feb 19, 2019
This paper proposes a new security cooperative protocol, for dual phase amplify-and-forward large... more This paper proposes a new security cooperative protocol, for dual phase amplify-and-forward large wireless sensor networks. In such a network, a portion of the K relays can be potential eavesdroppers. The source agrees to share with the destination a given channel state information (CSI) of a sourcetrusted relay-destination link to encode the message. Then, in the first hop, the source will use this CSI to map the right message to a certain sector while transmitting fake messages to the other sectors using sectoral transmission thanks to analog beamforming. In the second hop, the relays retransmit their received signals to the destination, using the distributed beamforming technique. We derived the secrecy outage probability and demonstrated that the probability of receiving the right encoded information by an untrustworthy relay is inversely proportional to the number of sectors. We also showed that the aggressive behavior of the cooperating untrusted relays is not effective compared to the case where each untrusted relay is trying to intercept the transmitted message individually.
This paper studies the secrecy capacity scaling in an Amplify-and-Forward (AF) dual-phase large n... more This paper studies the secrecy capacity scaling in an Amplify-and-Forward (AF) dual-phase large network containing K relays. In our model, part of these K relays are assumed to be potential eavesdroppers. Before transmitting the message in the first phase, the multi-antennas source divides it to partial messages and multicasts each part to a different disjoint sector. During the second phase, the K relays use the distributed beamforming (DBF) technique to retransmit the message to the destination. We investigate the ergodic secrecy capacity considering two different behaviours of the untrustworthy relays; the passive behaviour, when the untrustworthy relays work separately from each other to intercept the signal, and the aggressive one, when the untrusted relays collaborate to hijack the message. As demonstrated, our location-based multicasting scenario is significantly increasing the security compared to the recent works that employ broadcasting schemes. Additionally, it also increases the secrecy capacity scaling remarkably. Finally, our analytical derivations are confirmed by the simulation.
Kaddoum, for the continuous support of my Ph.D study and related research, for his patience, moti... more Kaddoum, for the continuous support of my Ph.D study and related research, for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis. I thank my labmates for the stimulating discussions, for the sleepless nights we were working together before deadlines, and for all the fun we have had in the last four years. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my parents, my brothers and my best friend Michèlle, for supporting me spiritually throughout writing this thesis and in my life in general. Solutions de Sécurité de Couche Physique Contre les Récepteurs Indistincts Passifs et Complexes dans les Grands Réseaux sans Fil et les Environnements à Bruit Impulsif Michael ATALLAH RÉSUMÉ Les réseaux sans fil ont connu des évolutions rapides vers la durabilité, l'évolutivité et l'interopérabilité. Les sociétés en réseau futures conduisent l'économie numérique à une communauté plus globale d'infrastructures intelligentes et de services connectés pour une société plus durable et plus intelligente. En outre, une énorme quantité d'informations sensibles et confidentielles, telles que les dossiers médicaux, les supports électroniques, les données financières et les fichiers des clients, est transmise via des canaux sans fil. La mise en oeuvre de la distribution et de la gestion des clés de couche supérieure a été mise au défi par l'émergence de ces nouveaux systèmes avancés. Afin de résister à divers abus malveillants et attaques de sécurité, la sécurité de couche physique (PLS) est devenue une alternative attrayante. Le concept de base derrière PLS est d'exploiter les caractéristiques des canaux sans fil pour la confidentialité. Son objectif est d'aveugler les oreilles indiscrètes de sorte qu'ils ne puissent en extraire aucune informations confidentielles des signaux reçus. Cette thèse présente des solutions et des analyses pour améliorer le PLS dans les réseaux sans fil.
This paper studies the secrecy capacity scaling in an Amplify-and-Forward (AF) dual-phase large n... more This paper studies the secrecy capacity scaling in an Amplify-and-Forward (AF) dual-phase large network containing K relays. In our model, part of these K relays are assumed to be potential eavesdroppers. Before transmitting the message in the first phase, the multi-antennas source divides it to partial messages and multicasts each part to a different disjoint sector. During the second phase, the K relays use the distributed beamforming (DBF) technique to retransmit the message to the destination. We investigate the ergodic secrecy capacity considering two different behaviours of the untrustworthy relays; the passive behaviour, when the untrustworthy relays work separately from each other to intercept the signal, and the aggressive one, when the untrusted relays collaborate to hijack the message. As demonstrated, our location-based multicasting scenario is significantly increasing the security compared to the recent works that employ broadcasting schemes. Additionally, it also incre...
Wireless networks have experienced rapid evolutions toward sustainability, scalability and intero... more Wireless networks have experienced rapid evolutions toward sustainability, scalability and interoperability. The digital economy is driven by future networked societies to a more holistic community of intelligent infrastructures and connected services for a more sustainable and smarter society. Furthermore, an enormous amount of sensitive and confidential information, e.g., medical records, electronic media, financial data, and customer files, is transmitted via wireless channels. The implementation of higher layer key distribution and management was challenged by the emergence of these new advanced systems. In order to resist various malicious abuses and security attacks, physical layer security (PLS) has become an appealing alternative. The basic concept behind PLS is to exploit the characteristics of wireless channels for the confidentiality. Its target is to blind the eavesdroppers such that they cannot extract any confidential information from the received signals. This thesis ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
IEEE Transactions on Communications
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2016
2015 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), 2015
Security has always played a critical role in wireless cooperative communication systems design. ... more Security has always played a critical role in wireless cooperative communication systems design. Eavesdropping and jamming are two common threats to the information security in wireless networks. However, jamming can be used in a cooperative manner to enable a secure communication link between the legitimate transmitter and the intended receiver. This paper presents a comprehensive survey on different jamming methods used to enhance the physical layer security. This survey outlines first the underlying concept and challenges with respect to security in wireless network design followed by a comprehensive literature review and analysis of jamming techniques with their applications in this field. For each jamming protocol, the paper categorizes different techniques within the existing literature by elaborating on their application, and corresponding performances.
2015 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), 2015
Security has always played a critical role in wireless cooperative communication systems design. ... more Security has always played a critical role in wireless cooperative communication systems design. Eavesdropping and jamming are two common threats to the information security in wireless networks. However, jamming can be used in a cooperative manner to enable a secure communication link between the legitimate transmitter and the intended receiver. This paper presents a comprehensive survey on different jamming methods used to enhance the physical layer security. This survey outlines first the underlying concept and challenges with respect to security in wireless network design followed by a comprehensive literature review and analysis of jamming techniques with their applications in this field. For each jamming protocol, the paper categorizes different techniques within the existing literature by elaborating on their application, and corresponding performances.
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
This paper proposes a new security cooperative protocol, for dual phase amplify-and-forward large... more This paper proposes a new security cooperative protocol, for dual phase amplify-and-forward large wireless sensor networks. In such a network, a portion of the K relays can be potential eavesdroppers. The source agrees to share with the destination a given channel state information (CSI) of a sourcetrusted relay-destination link to encode the message. Then, in the first hop, the source will use this CSI to map the right message to a certain sector while transmitting fake messages to the other sectors using sectoral transmission thanks to analog beamforming. In the second hop, the relays retransmit their received signals to the destination, using the distributed beamforming technique. We derived the secrecy outage probability and demonstrated that the probability of receiving the right encoded information by an untrustworthy relay is inversely proportional to the number of sectors. We also showed that the aggressive behavior of the cooperating untrusted relays is not effective compared to the case where each untrusted relay is trying to intercept the transmitted message individually.