Michal Červinka - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Michal Červinka

Research paper thumbnail of The relation between air transport and selected aspects of the regional economy

In articles already published in 2010-11, the authors clearly defined and specified the relations... more In articles already published in 2010-11, the authors clearly defined and specified the relationship between the existence of the airport in a particular region and the regional economy. This delineation was based primarily on studies conducted by professional groups of companies operating in the aviation industry and the leading associations. This article aims to expend on previous research and presents the results of empirical research, which confirms originally formulated relations. With the aim of verifying the formulated hypotheses, diagnostic missions have been applied to the international airports in Brno, Bratislava and Karlovy Vary in order to obtain primary data. Subsequently, interviews with operational experts from the airport have been carried out. Furthermore, current evidence has been collected regarding the number of passengers who have checked in observed periods. The authors have also performed an analysis of the horizontal development of staff (internal and external 3) and it is in relation to the number of checked in passengers at airports surveyed.

Research paper thumbnail of Are Low Cost Carriers a problem for the management of regional airports?

Transportation research procedia, 2018

Authors examine the impact of low cost carriers on regional airport performance. The question is ... more Authors examine the impact of low cost carriers on regional airport performance. The question is whether a business model oriented predominantly on low cost carrier operation is sustainable. These issues are explored in a developed German economy, which is not affected by the problems of the transformation of the economy. Despite the fact that the selected regional airports handle millions of passengers, their results are not positive. On the contrary, Austrian regional airports make a profit, even though they carry a comparable number of passengers. The type of airport ownership does not have a significant effect on its performance. If an airport is not subsidized, the business model must be altered, or it is necessary to find other sources of income, for example in the non-aviation area. The question is whether this issue should be dealt with by the EU institutions in the area of significant market power and oligopolistic practices of low cost carriers.

Research paper thumbnail of vliv reGiOnální POlitiKy A JeJícH náStrOJŮ nA rOzvOJ PODniKAtelSKéHO KlimAtU A znAlOStní eKOnOmiKy IMPacT Of ReGIOnaL POLIcy anD ITS InSTRUMenTS fOR THe enTRePReneURIaL enVIROnMenT anD KnOWLeDGe-BaSeD ecOnOMy DeVeLOPMenT

Abstrakt: Na základě prezentace a posouzení současných trendů v rozvoji podnikatelského klimatu a... more Abstrakt: Na základě prezentace a posouzení současných trendů v rozvoji podnikatelského klimatu a základ-ních teoretických konceptů týkajících se problematiky regionální politiky, jejích nástrojů a dále problematiky podnikavé a znalostní ekonomiky, je možno identifikovat faktory ovlivňující rozvoj regionů se zaměřením právě na tuto vymezenou oblast. První část článku je zaměřena na vymezení pojmu regionální politika a deskripci jejích nástrojů v návaznosti na příslušný právní rámec. Dále je prezentován stručný vhled do problematiky podnikatelského prostředí a fak-torů, které jej ovlivňují. Ve druhé části jsou vymezena základní teoretická východiska problematiky znalostní ekonomiky. V této části jsou také identifikovány faktory, které dané trendy ovlivňují. Abstract: Following a presentation and assessment of current trends in the development of an entrepreneurial climate, and basic theoretical concepts concerning the problems of regional policy, its instruments and the issue of entr...

Research paper thumbnail of Letečtí Dopravci a Jejich Obchodní Přístupy Odrážející Turbulentnost Globalní Ekonomiky Air Freight Forwarders and Their Business Approach Reflecting the Turbulent Nature of Global Economics

Abstrakt Ekonomická krize ovlivňuje mnoho odvětví globální ekonomiky, podnikání v letecké dopravě... more Abstrakt Ekonomická krize ovlivňuje mnoho odvětví globální ekonomiky, podnikání v letecké dopravě není výjimkou. Trendy ve výkonech letecké dopravy věrně kopírují vývoj globální ekonomiky včetně jejích projevů jako je zostření konkurence. Letečtí dopravci na měnící se trh reagují a mění své marketingové strategie a koncepce. První část článku se zaměřuje na základní pojmy a souvislosti dané problematiky, zejména je akcentován význam letecké dopravy pro ekonomiku, dále jsou prezentovány studie, které se zabývají prognózou vývoje výkonů letecké dopravy. Poslední část článku se zaměřuje na vymezení a specifikaci aktuálních trendů v oblasti marketingu v letecké dopravě, neboť, jak bylo uvedeno výše, i podnikání v letecké dopravě bylo ekonomickým vývojem ovlivněno a na změny musí reagovat. Další část poté hodnotí vliv těchto změn na letecký sektor a poslední část pak mapuje odpovědí leteckých dopravců v marketingové oblasti. Klíčová slova: deregulace, globalizace, nízkonákladoví dopravci...

Research paper thumbnail of International Cooperation in Mitigating Global Air Transport Crises

Practice, Progress, and Proficiency in Sustainability, 2022

The authors deal with the unprecedented effects of COVID-19 on the air transport sector and the r... more The authors deal with the unprecedented effects of COVID-19 on the air transport sector and the reactions of selected segments to this situation. Air transport is a global industry, and this situation needs to be addressed through cooperation at an international level. The authors focus on the airport and airline sector, which, due to the nature of their business, chooses a different strategy. Despite the need for international cooperation, there are also efforts to use the crisis situation for its own expansion into vacant market segments, especially by selected low-cost air carriers. The strategic starting points of international organizations for individual sectors are given as well as examples of selected airport entities and airlines. The chapter is complemented by a common approach of airports and air carriers, which could significantly affect the cost of air transport, especially in the EU.

Research paper thumbnail of Management and marketing in tourism - Prospective development of the Leos Janacek Airport Ostrava

The paper deals with the prospective development of the Leoš Janaček Airport Ostrava. Three scena... more The paper deals with the prospective development of the Leoš Janaček Airport Ostrava. Three scenario variants have been taken into account concerning the expected growth rate increases for the passenger throughput figures predicted up to the year 2020. The scenario variant developments were subject of modelling based on growth rate averages calculated from the empirical data of the period 1998–2013.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Selected Economic Factors on the Business Environment: The Case of Selected East European Countries

Polish Journal of Management Studies, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The Operational Performance and Quality Aspects of Passenger Check - in Process at Regional Airports

Logistics and Transport, Jun 10, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Thematic tourism vs. mass tourism in the Czech Republic

Turisticko poslovanje, 2014

The article titled Thematic Tourism vs. Mass Tourism in the Czech Republic is concerned with the ... more The article titled Thematic Tourism vs. Mass Tourism in the Czech Republic is concerned with the relationship between thematic tourism, mass tourism and presuppositions of the tourism development. The authors aim is to compare the turnout of thematic tourism attractions and sights focused on mass tourism paying attention to presuppositions of the tourism development and barriers for the turnout of thematic monuments. Comparisons will be based on presuppositions of tourism development and will be based especially on the specifics of thematic tourism-as a marginal field within the tourism industry. The application part will focus on the comparison of sights with massive turnout in the Czech Republic and thematic landmarks as the subject of thematic tourism. Special attention will be paid to the comparison of the two most visited monuments in the Czech Republic as for mass tourism-the Charles Bridge, and the most visited monument as for thematic tourism-the hydro-power plant Dlouhé Stráně, a technical representative of thematic tourism. Both monuments were elected by general public on the list of Seven Wonders of the Czech Republic in 2013. The aim is to confirm / refute the hypothesis that quality preconditions of tourism development are essential for the development of tourism and visiting tourist attractions. The article will use secondary data analysis methods and author´s own field research.

Research paper thumbnail of Zvyšování Profitability Leteckých Společností Formou Doplňkových Výnosů Supporting Airline Profitability by Enhanced Collection of Ancillary Revenues

Abstrakt: Po delší době, kdy se letecké společnosti potýkaly se silným poklesem počtu cestujících... more Abstrakt: Po delší době, kdy se letecké společnosti potýkaly se silným poklesem počtu cestujících a nákladu se zdá, že některé z nich, jako v Maďarsku založený WizzAir, začaly se zotavováním,nebo dokonce s expanzí. Některé z aerolinií snížily náklady, jiné se snaží najít různé způsoby, jak přitáhnout nové cestující. Ředitel společnosti Ryanair Michael O'Leary slibuje bezplatné letenky při udržení výše nákladů aerolinií nebo dokonce jejich snížení. Otázkou je, jak budou bezplatné letenky aeroliniím kompenzovány a zda je tato strategie proveditelná. V této studii se zaměřujeme na dodatečné příjmy z reklamy na palubě jako potenciálního zdroje kompenzace bezplatného jízdného. Příjmy z reklamy na palubě jsou v současnosti považovány za významný zdroj příjmů pro aerolinie na celém světě. Letečtí dopravci inspirovaní veřejnou dopravou začínají využívat velký potenciál marketingu a reklamy na palubě. Reklama na palubě poskytuje inteligentní a efektivnější způsob komunikace se zákazníkem...

Research paper thumbnail of Marketing communication tools and their influence on marketing innovation: Evidence from Slovakian SMEs

Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society

Due to lack of sources, SMEs face certain problems when applying innovative activities. Since mar... more Due to lack of sources, SMEs face certain problems when applying innovative activities. Since marketing communication tools enable to perform innovative actions, SMEs’ usage of such channels might provide solutions for them to overcome the barriers of making innovation. Thus, this paper investigates whether the usage of marketing communication tools by SMEs enables them to be innovative in marketing or not, and the research question is “Does the usage of marketing communication tools by SMEs improve their innovativeness in marketing?” This paper focuses on traditional and technology-enabled marketing communication tools, such as direct marketing, personal selling, online marketing, and advertising in social media. The researchers employ a random sampling method and then create an online internet-mediated questionnaire to collect data from 812 SMEs in Slovakia. The researchers have also performed Ordinal Logistic Regression analyses to fulfill the research aim. The results show that ...

Research paper thumbnail of Small regional airport performance and Low cost carrier operations

Transportation Research Procedia

Research paper thumbnail of Is a regional airports business a way to make a profit?

Transportation Research Procedia

Research paper thumbnail of Are Low Cost Carriers a problem for the management of regional airports?

Transportation Research Procedia

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the CSR Measuring Model in Commercial Bank in Relation to their Financial Performance


This article focuses on the application of the corporate social responsibility concept (CSR) in c... more This article focuses on the application of the corporate social responsibility concept (CSR) in commercial banking in the Czech Republic. The study quantitatively evaluates the CSR activities in commercial banks on a sample of four largest Czech banks according to the number of customers by using the CRM measuring model developed by the authors. The research is based on the content analysis of the publicly available data and takes into consideration three main pillars of the CSR-Economic, Social and Environmental. The subsequent analysis made with the application of the methods of descriptive statistics and correlation analysis is focused on the relationship between the CSR implementation and the commercial bank's financial performance. On the basis of the CSR measurements it was found, that the application of CSR activities in the Czech commercial banking sector is reaching the average level. Correlation analysis also showed that the level of application of the CSR is not significantly related to the financial performance of the banks.

Research paper thumbnail of Insourcing as a Key Factor of Competitiveness in Aviation

Research paper thumbnail of The relation between air transport and selected aspects of the regional economy

In articles already published in 2010-11, the authors clearly defined and specified the relations... more In articles already published in 2010-11, the authors clearly defined and specified the relationship between the existence of the airport in a particular region and the regional economy. This delineation was based primarily on studies conducted by professional groups of companies operating in the aviation industry and the leading associations. This article aims to expend on previous research and presents the results of empirical research, which confirms originally formulated relations. With the aim of verifying the formulated hypotheses, diagnostic missions have been applied to the international airports in Brno, Bratislava and Karlovy Vary in order to obtain primary data. Subsequently, interviews with operational experts from the airport have been carried out. Furthermore, current evidence has been collected regarding the number of passengers who have checked in observed periods. The authors have also performed an analysis of the horizontal development of staff (internal and external 3) and it is in relation to the number of checked in passengers at airports surveyed.

Research paper thumbnail of Are Low Cost Carriers a problem for the management of regional airports?

Transportation research procedia, 2018

Authors examine the impact of low cost carriers on regional airport performance. The question is ... more Authors examine the impact of low cost carriers on regional airport performance. The question is whether a business model oriented predominantly on low cost carrier operation is sustainable. These issues are explored in a developed German economy, which is not affected by the problems of the transformation of the economy. Despite the fact that the selected regional airports handle millions of passengers, their results are not positive. On the contrary, Austrian regional airports make a profit, even though they carry a comparable number of passengers. The type of airport ownership does not have a significant effect on its performance. If an airport is not subsidized, the business model must be altered, or it is necessary to find other sources of income, for example in the non-aviation area. The question is whether this issue should be dealt with by the EU institutions in the area of significant market power and oligopolistic practices of low cost carriers.

Research paper thumbnail of vliv reGiOnální POlitiKy A JeJícH náStrOJŮ nA rOzvOJ PODniKAtelSKéHO KlimAtU A znAlOStní eKOnOmiKy IMPacT Of ReGIOnaL POLIcy anD ITS InSTRUMenTS fOR THe enTRePReneURIaL enVIROnMenT anD KnOWLeDGe-BaSeD ecOnOMy DeVeLOPMenT

Abstrakt: Na základě prezentace a posouzení současných trendů v rozvoji podnikatelského klimatu a... more Abstrakt: Na základě prezentace a posouzení současných trendů v rozvoji podnikatelského klimatu a základ-ních teoretických konceptů týkajících se problematiky regionální politiky, jejích nástrojů a dále problematiky podnikavé a znalostní ekonomiky, je možno identifikovat faktory ovlivňující rozvoj regionů se zaměřením právě na tuto vymezenou oblast. První část článku je zaměřena na vymezení pojmu regionální politika a deskripci jejích nástrojů v návaznosti na příslušný právní rámec. Dále je prezentován stručný vhled do problematiky podnikatelského prostředí a fak-torů, které jej ovlivňují. Ve druhé části jsou vymezena základní teoretická východiska problematiky znalostní ekonomiky. V této části jsou také identifikovány faktory, které dané trendy ovlivňují. Abstract: Following a presentation and assessment of current trends in the development of an entrepreneurial climate, and basic theoretical concepts concerning the problems of regional policy, its instruments and the issue of entr...

Research paper thumbnail of Letečtí Dopravci a Jejich Obchodní Přístupy Odrážející Turbulentnost Globalní Ekonomiky Air Freight Forwarders and Their Business Approach Reflecting the Turbulent Nature of Global Economics

Abstrakt Ekonomická krize ovlivňuje mnoho odvětví globální ekonomiky, podnikání v letecké dopravě... more Abstrakt Ekonomická krize ovlivňuje mnoho odvětví globální ekonomiky, podnikání v letecké dopravě není výjimkou. Trendy ve výkonech letecké dopravy věrně kopírují vývoj globální ekonomiky včetně jejích projevů jako je zostření konkurence. Letečtí dopravci na měnící se trh reagují a mění své marketingové strategie a koncepce. První část článku se zaměřuje na základní pojmy a souvislosti dané problematiky, zejména je akcentován význam letecké dopravy pro ekonomiku, dále jsou prezentovány studie, které se zabývají prognózou vývoje výkonů letecké dopravy. Poslední část článku se zaměřuje na vymezení a specifikaci aktuálních trendů v oblasti marketingu v letecké dopravě, neboť, jak bylo uvedeno výše, i podnikání v letecké dopravě bylo ekonomickým vývojem ovlivněno a na změny musí reagovat. Další část poté hodnotí vliv těchto změn na letecký sektor a poslední část pak mapuje odpovědí leteckých dopravců v marketingové oblasti. Klíčová slova: deregulace, globalizace, nízkonákladoví dopravci...

Research paper thumbnail of International Cooperation in Mitigating Global Air Transport Crises

Practice, Progress, and Proficiency in Sustainability, 2022

The authors deal with the unprecedented effects of COVID-19 on the air transport sector and the r... more The authors deal with the unprecedented effects of COVID-19 on the air transport sector and the reactions of selected segments to this situation. Air transport is a global industry, and this situation needs to be addressed through cooperation at an international level. The authors focus on the airport and airline sector, which, due to the nature of their business, chooses a different strategy. Despite the need for international cooperation, there are also efforts to use the crisis situation for its own expansion into vacant market segments, especially by selected low-cost air carriers. The strategic starting points of international organizations for individual sectors are given as well as examples of selected airport entities and airlines. The chapter is complemented by a common approach of airports and air carriers, which could significantly affect the cost of air transport, especially in the EU.

Research paper thumbnail of Management and marketing in tourism - Prospective development of the Leos Janacek Airport Ostrava

The paper deals with the prospective development of the Leoš Janaček Airport Ostrava. Three scena... more The paper deals with the prospective development of the Leoš Janaček Airport Ostrava. Three scenario variants have been taken into account concerning the expected growth rate increases for the passenger throughput figures predicted up to the year 2020. The scenario variant developments were subject of modelling based on growth rate averages calculated from the empirical data of the period 1998–2013.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Selected Economic Factors on the Business Environment: The Case of Selected East European Countries

Polish Journal of Management Studies, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The Operational Performance and Quality Aspects of Passenger Check - in Process at Regional Airports

Logistics and Transport, Jun 10, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Thematic tourism vs. mass tourism in the Czech Republic

Turisticko poslovanje, 2014

The article titled Thematic Tourism vs. Mass Tourism in the Czech Republic is concerned with the ... more The article titled Thematic Tourism vs. Mass Tourism in the Czech Republic is concerned with the relationship between thematic tourism, mass tourism and presuppositions of the tourism development. The authors aim is to compare the turnout of thematic tourism attractions and sights focused on mass tourism paying attention to presuppositions of the tourism development and barriers for the turnout of thematic monuments. Comparisons will be based on presuppositions of tourism development and will be based especially on the specifics of thematic tourism-as a marginal field within the tourism industry. The application part will focus on the comparison of sights with massive turnout in the Czech Republic and thematic landmarks as the subject of thematic tourism. Special attention will be paid to the comparison of the two most visited monuments in the Czech Republic as for mass tourism-the Charles Bridge, and the most visited monument as for thematic tourism-the hydro-power plant Dlouhé Stráně, a technical representative of thematic tourism. Both monuments were elected by general public on the list of Seven Wonders of the Czech Republic in 2013. The aim is to confirm / refute the hypothesis that quality preconditions of tourism development are essential for the development of tourism and visiting tourist attractions. The article will use secondary data analysis methods and author´s own field research.

Research paper thumbnail of Zvyšování Profitability Leteckých Společností Formou Doplňkových Výnosů Supporting Airline Profitability by Enhanced Collection of Ancillary Revenues

Abstrakt: Po delší době, kdy se letecké společnosti potýkaly se silným poklesem počtu cestujících... more Abstrakt: Po delší době, kdy se letecké společnosti potýkaly se silným poklesem počtu cestujících a nákladu se zdá, že některé z nich, jako v Maďarsku založený WizzAir, začaly se zotavováním,nebo dokonce s expanzí. Některé z aerolinií snížily náklady, jiné se snaží najít různé způsoby, jak přitáhnout nové cestující. Ředitel společnosti Ryanair Michael O'Leary slibuje bezplatné letenky při udržení výše nákladů aerolinií nebo dokonce jejich snížení. Otázkou je, jak budou bezplatné letenky aeroliniím kompenzovány a zda je tato strategie proveditelná. V této studii se zaměřujeme na dodatečné příjmy z reklamy na palubě jako potenciálního zdroje kompenzace bezplatného jízdného. Příjmy z reklamy na palubě jsou v současnosti považovány za významný zdroj příjmů pro aerolinie na celém světě. Letečtí dopravci inspirovaní veřejnou dopravou začínají využívat velký potenciál marketingu a reklamy na palubě. Reklama na palubě poskytuje inteligentní a efektivnější způsob komunikace se zákazníkem...

Research paper thumbnail of Marketing communication tools and their influence on marketing innovation: Evidence from Slovakian SMEs

Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society

Due to lack of sources, SMEs face certain problems when applying innovative activities. Since mar... more Due to lack of sources, SMEs face certain problems when applying innovative activities. Since marketing communication tools enable to perform innovative actions, SMEs’ usage of such channels might provide solutions for them to overcome the barriers of making innovation. Thus, this paper investigates whether the usage of marketing communication tools by SMEs enables them to be innovative in marketing or not, and the research question is “Does the usage of marketing communication tools by SMEs improve their innovativeness in marketing?” This paper focuses on traditional and technology-enabled marketing communication tools, such as direct marketing, personal selling, online marketing, and advertising in social media. The researchers employ a random sampling method and then create an online internet-mediated questionnaire to collect data from 812 SMEs in Slovakia. The researchers have also performed Ordinal Logistic Regression analyses to fulfill the research aim. The results show that ...

Research paper thumbnail of Small regional airport performance and Low cost carrier operations

Transportation Research Procedia

Research paper thumbnail of Is a regional airports business a way to make a profit?

Transportation Research Procedia

Research paper thumbnail of Are Low Cost Carriers a problem for the management of regional airports?

Transportation Research Procedia

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the CSR Measuring Model in Commercial Bank in Relation to their Financial Performance


This article focuses on the application of the corporate social responsibility concept (CSR) in c... more This article focuses on the application of the corporate social responsibility concept (CSR) in commercial banking in the Czech Republic. The study quantitatively evaluates the CSR activities in commercial banks on a sample of four largest Czech banks according to the number of customers by using the CRM measuring model developed by the authors. The research is based on the content analysis of the publicly available data and takes into consideration three main pillars of the CSR-Economic, Social and Environmental. The subsequent analysis made with the application of the methods of descriptive statistics and correlation analysis is focused on the relationship between the CSR implementation and the commercial bank's financial performance. On the basis of the CSR measurements it was found, that the application of CSR activities in the Czech commercial banking sector is reaching the average level. Correlation analysis also showed that the level of application of the CSR is not significantly related to the financial performance of the banks.

Research paper thumbnail of Insourcing as a Key Factor of Competitiveness in Aviation