Michela Cavallin - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Michela Cavallin
Treść: Wstęp.-1. Troska o człowieka priorytetowym zadaniem Konkordatu i Konstytucji RP.-2. Postrz... more Treść: Wstęp.-1. Troska o człowieka priorytetowym zadaniem Konkordatu i Konstytucji RP.-2. Postrzeganie Kościoła i państwa oraz ich relacji w nauczaniu soborowym i Konkordacie.-3. Dialog Kościoła i państwa.-Zakończenie. Wstęp Mądrość ludów, potwierdzona wieloma faktami, głosi, że "zgoda buduje-niezgoda rujnuje". Zgoda buduje rodziny, społeczeństwa, narody i ludy, a także pokój między narodami. Przeciwnie niezgoda, kłótnie, agresja, nienawiść-dzieli i niszczy. Wobec braku zgody i agresywnej rywalizacji między grupami politycznymi i innymi grupami interesów w naszej Ojczyźnie, której świadkami jesteśmy, zwłaszcza w ostatnich czasach, trzeba szukać narzędzi pojednania, pokoju i zgody narodowej. Wydaje się, że takim narzędziem jest Konkordat polski z 1993 roku. Konkordat ten, będący ugodą i porozumieniem, bardzo wysokiej rangi, między Kościołem katolickim a państwem polskim sprzyja pokojowi i zgodzie społecznej w Polsce. Daje on wytyczne i ukazuje możliwości wspólnego działania dla dobra człowieka, dla obywatela państwa polskiego. Reguluje relacje między Kościołem katolickim i państwem oparte na wzajemnym poszanowaniu oraz konstruktywnym dialogu. Jest dobrym przykładem dla innych Kościołów i wspólnot religijnych, którym zależy na rozwoju naszej wspólnej Ojczyzny. Te problemy zamierza zaprezentować niniejszy artykuł.
Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunità
In 2010-2011, we used FMECA to prospectively assess risk-management in chemotherapy of children w... more In 2010-2011, we used FMECA to prospectively assess risk-management in chemotherapy of children with cancer, in a third level Italian children's Hospital (Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù; OPBG). We designed a flow chart representing the entire process; we described potential failure points for each step of the process, as well as their potential underlying causes. We calculated the risk priority number (RPN) of each failure point based on the severity of the failure, the frequency of occurrence, and the likelihood of detecting the failure prior to completion of the process. All FMECA activities were supported by a web-based tool. The highest RPN values were observed for failure points of the paper-based chemotherapy medication orders sent from clinicians to Pharmacy, the transcription of the orders into the Pharmacy paper-based work-sheet for medication preparation, and the selection of medications to be used for chemotherapy preparation. Causes of these failures were mostly re...
Safety Science, 2006
ABSTRACT Similarly to the industry sector in the late ’80s, nowadays leading organisations in the... more ABSTRACT Similarly to the industry sector in the late ’80s, nowadays leading organisations in the healthcare sector acknowledge the fact that human errors and system failures can never be totally eliminated; accordingly, hospitals are moving into the challenge of designing “fault tolerant” systems within care management processes. This new perspective leads analysis in a new direction: from a merely retrospective approach to a joint prospective–retrospective one, based on a complete Clinical Risk Management (CRM) process. Current Clinical Risk Assessment (CRA) methods show their inadequacy when healthcare organisations try to set safety targets or to assess safety performance improvements on a quantitative basis. It is here that the call for further methodological developments clearly emerges. This paper deals with the description of a new CRA method, called CREA (Clinical Risk and Error Analysis), showing improved features with respect to the state of the art. CREA implements not only a quantitative risk analysis of error modes, but also a quantitative assessment of critical organisational factors affecting patient safety, based on Vincent’s framework [Vincent, C., Taylor-Adams, S., Stanhope, N., 1998. Framework for analysing risk and safety in clinical medicine. British Medical Journal 316, 1154-1157]. Providing a consistent method for the integration of data analysis and expert judgement, CREA presents a higher level of accuracy and reliability with respect to FMEA/FMECA or HFMEA methods.The method has been tested in a vascular surgery department, where over 2500 surgical operations (5% of which take place in the Emergency Unit) and 15,000 outpatient services are performed in a year. The experimental study concerns risk analysis in drug administration, one of the most common and frequent clinical processes during a general hospitalisation.
JOURNAL OF …, 2006
... Page 8. Original Article. Michela Cavallin et al 69 © Punto Effe, 2006 il palese valore for... more ... Page 8. Original Article. Michela Cavallin et al 69 © Punto Effe, 2006 il palese valore formativo per gli specializzandi e stu-denti che hanno a vario titolo collaborato alla sperimen-tazione in Ospedale di Insegnamento. Dalla ...
Treść: Wstęp.-1. Troska o człowieka priorytetowym zadaniem Konkordatu i Konstytucji RP.-2. Postrz... more Treść: Wstęp.-1. Troska o człowieka priorytetowym zadaniem Konkordatu i Konstytucji RP.-2. Postrzeganie Kościoła i państwa oraz ich relacji w nauczaniu soborowym i Konkordacie.-3. Dialog Kościoła i państwa.-Zakończenie. Wstęp Mądrość ludów, potwierdzona wieloma faktami, głosi, że "zgoda buduje-niezgoda rujnuje". Zgoda buduje rodziny, społeczeństwa, narody i ludy, a także pokój między narodami. Przeciwnie niezgoda, kłótnie, agresja, nienawiść-dzieli i niszczy. Wobec braku zgody i agresywnej rywalizacji między grupami politycznymi i innymi grupami interesów w naszej Ojczyźnie, której świadkami jesteśmy, zwłaszcza w ostatnich czasach, trzeba szukać narzędzi pojednania, pokoju i zgody narodowej. Wydaje się, że takim narzędziem jest Konkordat polski z 1993 roku. Konkordat ten, będący ugodą i porozumieniem, bardzo wysokiej rangi, między Kościołem katolickim a państwem polskim sprzyja pokojowi i zgodzie społecznej w Polsce. Daje on wytyczne i ukazuje możliwości wspólnego działania dla dobra człowieka, dla obywatela państwa polskiego. Reguluje relacje między Kościołem katolickim i państwem oparte na wzajemnym poszanowaniu oraz konstruktywnym dialogu. Jest dobrym przykładem dla innych Kościołów i wspólnot religijnych, którym zależy na rozwoju naszej wspólnej Ojczyzny. Te problemy zamierza zaprezentować niniejszy artykuł.
Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunità
In 2010-2011, we used FMECA to prospectively assess risk-management in chemotherapy of children w... more In 2010-2011, we used FMECA to prospectively assess risk-management in chemotherapy of children with cancer, in a third level Italian children's Hospital (Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù; OPBG). We designed a flow chart representing the entire process; we described potential failure points for each step of the process, as well as their potential underlying causes. We calculated the risk priority number (RPN) of each failure point based on the severity of the failure, the frequency of occurrence, and the likelihood of detecting the failure prior to completion of the process. All FMECA activities were supported by a web-based tool. The highest RPN values were observed for failure points of the paper-based chemotherapy medication orders sent from clinicians to Pharmacy, the transcription of the orders into the Pharmacy paper-based work-sheet for medication preparation, and the selection of medications to be used for chemotherapy preparation. Causes of these failures were mostly re...
Safety Science, 2006
ABSTRACT Similarly to the industry sector in the late ’80s, nowadays leading organisations in the... more ABSTRACT Similarly to the industry sector in the late ’80s, nowadays leading organisations in the healthcare sector acknowledge the fact that human errors and system failures can never be totally eliminated; accordingly, hospitals are moving into the challenge of designing “fault tolerant” systems within care management processes. This new perspective leads analysis in a new direction: from a merely retrospective approach to a joint prospective–retrospective one, based on a complete Clinical Risk Management (CRM) process. Current Clinical Risk Assessment (CRA) methods show their inadequacy when healthcare organisations try to set safety targets or to assess safety performance improvements on a quantitative basis. It is here that the call for further methodological developments clearly emerges. This paper deals with the description of a new CRA method, called CREA (Clinical Risk and Error Analysis), showing improved features with respect to the state of the art. CREA implements not only a quantitative risk analysis of error modes, but also a quantitative assessment of critical organisational factors affecting patient safety, based on Vincent’s framework [Vincent, C., Taylor-Adams, S., Stanhope, N., 1998. Framework for analysing risk and safety in clinical medicine. British Medical Journal 316, 1154-1157]. Providing a consistent method for the integration of data analysis and expert judgement, CREA presents a higher level of accuracy and reliability with respect to FMEA/FMECA or HFMEA methods.The method has been tested in a vascular surgery department, where over 2500 surgical operations (5% of which take place in the Emergency Unit) and 15,000 outpatient services are performed in a year. The experimental study concerns risk analysis in drug administration, one of the most common and frequent clinical processes during a general hospitalisation.
JOURNAL OF …, 2006
... Page 8. Original Article. Michela Cavallin et al 69 © Punto Effe, 2006 il palese valore for... more ... Page 8. Original Article. Michela Cavallin et al 69 © Punto Effe, 2006 il palese valore formativo per gli specializzandi e stu-denti che hanno a vario titolo collaborato alla sperimen-tazione in Ospedale di Insegnamento. Dalla ...