Miguel Ramos - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Miguel Ramos

Research paper thumbnail of Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the maritime Antarctic: Preliminary results from CALM sites on Livingston and Deception Islands

Open-File Report, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of A new CALM-S site on byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica

ABSTRACT El permafrost existente en la región Antártica de las Shetland del Sur es muy sensible a... more ABSTRACT El permafrost existente en la región Antártica de las Shetland del Sur es muy sensible a pequeños cambios climáticos tal y cómo vienen mostrando los resultados de los diferentes grupos de investigación que trabajan en la región. Para entender los factores geológicos, ambientales y climáticos que controlan la evolución del permafrost y la capa active, y comparar con diferentes lugares con distintas condiciones regionales y locales es necesario establecer nuevos emplazamientos de monitorización. Durante el pasado Año Polar Internacional (IPY) 2007-2008, se estableció un nuevo emplazamiento para el seguimiento de la capa activa (siguiendo el protocolo CALM-S de la IPA) cerca de la orilla de un pequeño lago (Lago Limnopolar) localizado en la Península Byers de la isla Livingston. En este trabajo describimos el emplazamiento establecido en Febrero de 2009, así como los instrumentos instalados con los que se espera obtener datos sobre la capa activa y el permafrost durante los próximos años. Abstract Permafrost located at Maritime Antarctic environment is very sensitive to small climate changes, as revealed by the results of researches from different International teams. To understand and complete the different geological, environmental and climatic conditions and how they control the evolution of permafrost and the active layer require establish new monitoring sites. During the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008, we establish a new site to monitor the evolution of the active layer (following the CALM-S protocol) near the shore of a small lake (Limnopolar Lake) located in the Byers Peninsula, on Livingston Island. Here we describe the site established in February of 2009, and the instruments installed there what will provide data for next years.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing a methodology for the study of permafrost and habitability for future missions to Mars. Application to Nilli Fossae

ABSTRACT Mars is a fundamental objective in the exploration of the Solar System. At present day, ... more ABSTRACT Mars is a fundamental objective in the exploration of the Solar System. At present day, the interest about this planet is increasing, as well as the number of mission to Mars and studies about this planet. Nowadays, the fundamental target of the exploration programs is the evaluation of habitability, what could be related to the existence of permafrost. The study of habitability and the behavior of permafrost and its active layer should has an important role in the selection of landing sites. These studies requires the use of very different types of data (images, topography, spectrometry, etc.), acquired by different spacecrafts (MGS, MO, MEx, MRO, etc.) at a wide range of wavelength (e.g., Visible, IR) and resolution (0.30 cm to some km). We propose a methodology to evaluate the possible existence of permafrost under the surface of Mars and its habitability. We focus this work in a protocol that is based on the analysis of as much as possible of the available data for this planet and the integration of all this distributed variables into a Geographic Information System (GIS). We have applied this methodology to Nili Fossae, which was a candidate landing site for the MSL mission, as an example and a testing site. The proposed protocol includes the study of a wide variety of variables; geology, topography, climate, physical properties, geochemical composition, etc. Each one of these variables requires the use of different data and we apply diverse processing techniques for each one of them. Finally, in this work, we show the proposed flow-diagram that could permit us to evaluate the habitability and the existence of permafrost.

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Research paper thumbnail of Deception Island, Antarctica, an Earth-Mars Analogue

ABSTRACT Deception Island, one of the few and more active volcanoes in the Antarctic, shows sever... more ABSTRACT Deception Island, one of the few and more active volcanoes in the Antarctic, shows several composition, climate, and morphology martian analogies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Massive ice detection using electrical tomography resistivity. Examples from Livingston and Deception Islands, Maritime Antarctic

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Research paper thumbnail of Régimen térmico y variabilidad espacial de la capa activa en isla decepcion, Antártica

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Research paper thumbnail of Análisis preliminar del estado térmico del suelo en cráter Gale (Marte) y análogos terrestres. Instrumento REMS de la misión MSL

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Research paper thumbnail of Análisis del estado térmico del permafrost en las Islas Livingston y Decepción (Antártida)

Palabras clave: Península Antártica, Permafrost, Capa activa, Temperatura del suelo. Las islas Li... more Palabras clave: Península Antártica, Permafrost, Capa activa, Temperatura del suelo. Las islas Livingston y Decepción están situadas en el archipiélago de las Shetland del Sur (Antártida marítima) (62º43'S, 60º57'W). El clima dominante, en esta región, es oceánico frío con frecuentes episodios de lluvia durante el verano en cotas próximas al nivel del mar, y una moderada amplitud térmica anual con temperaturas del aire medias anuales de unos -1.9 ºC. Su clima está influenciado por el sistema de depresiones circum-Antártico y está caracterizado por dos ciclos anuales, uno más breve de descongelación durante el verano (noviembre a febrero) y otro más prolongado, de marzo a octubre, de congelación. La distribución del permafrost en estas islas puede presentarse, en forma esporádica en morrenas fósiles a nivel del mar, mostrándose una distribución discontinua del permafrost hasta cotas de aproximadamente 150 m snm, siendo continuo a partir de esa cota. Desde el punto de vista té...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing surface temperature conditions from remote sensing at Nili Fossae, Mars, for REMS/MSL

The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission is scheduled for launch at the end of 2009. This missio... more The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission is scheduled for launch at the end of 2009. This mission includes a complete meteorological station named the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station - REMS. The REMS payload will be able to measure surface and atmospheric temperature, pressure, humidity, 3-D vector winds, and UV radiation. Although the final landing site is not yet defined, it

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Research paper thumbnail of Observations and preliminary science results from the first 100 sols of MSL Rover Environmental Monitoring Station ground temperature sensor measurements at Gale Crater

Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Isotope Ratios of H, C, and O in CO 2 and H 2 O of the Martian Atmosphere

Science, 2013

Mars' Atmosphere from Curiosity The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument on the Curiosity... more Mars' Atmosphere from Curiosity The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument on the Curiosity rover that landed on Mars in August last year is designed to study the chemical and isotopic composition of the martian atmosphere. Mahaffy et al. (p. 263 ) present volume-mixing ratios of Mars' five major atmospheric constituents (CO 2 , Ar, N 2 , O 2 , and CO) and isotope measurements of 40 Ar/ 36 Ar and C and O in CO 2 , based on data from one of SAM's instruments, obtained between 31 August and 21 November 2012. Webster et al. (p. 260 ) used data from another of SAM's instruments obtained around the same period to determine isotope ratios of H, C, and O in atmospheric CO 2 and H 2 O. Agreement between the isotopic ratios measured by SAM with those of martian meteorites, measured in laboratories on Earth, confirms the origin of these meteorites and implies that the current atmospheric reservoirs of CO 2 and H 2 O were largely established after the period of early atmosphe...

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Research paper thumbnail of In Situ Radiometric and Exposure Age Dating of the Martian Surface

Science, 2013

We determined radiogenic and cosmogenic noble gases in a mudstone on the floor of Gale Crater. A ... more We determined radiogenic and cosmogenic noble gases in a mudstone on the floor of Gale Crater. A K-Ar age of 4.21 ± 0.35 billion years represents a mixture of detrital and authigenic components and confirms the expected antiquity of rocks comprising the crater rim. Cosmic-ray–produced 3 He, 21 Ne, and 36 Ar yield concordant surface exposure ages of 78 ± 30 million years. Surface exposure occurred mainly in the present geomorphic setting rather than during primary erosion and transport. Our observations are consistent with mudstone deposition shortly after the Gale impact or possibly in a later event of rapid erosion and deposition. The mudstone remained buried until recent exposure by wind-driven scarp retreat. Sedimentary rocks exposed by this mechanism may thus offer the best potential for organic biomarker preservation against destruction by cosmic radiation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Drilling and installation of boreholes for permafrost thermal monitoring on Livingston Island in the maritime Antarctic

Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Probing and Monitoring the Active Layer of Permafrost in Deception Island (Antarctica)

During the last years, our group has established a complete set of experiments with the goal of m... more During the last years, our group has established a complete set of experiments with the goal of monitoring the thermal and depth variation in the active layer in the surrounding area to the Spanish Antarctic Station Gabriel de Castilla located in Deception Island (South Shetlands archipelago.Antarctic). The initial campaigns were addressed to measure meteorological parameters such as; air and soil temperature and humidity, solar and infrared radiation and wind speed and azimuth in summer periods. These initial efforts have permitted to define areas of special interest where a complete study of the active layer depth and the permafrost distribution has been performed. Nowadays, a protocol CALM site located close to Crater Lake is maintained and data about active layer depth and ground temperature are continuously recorded.

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Research paper thumbnail of Deception island, Antarctica: a terrestrial analogue for the study and understanding of the martian permafrost and subsurface glaciers

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Research paper thumbnail of Resultados preliminares de uma campanha de prospecção geoeléctrica realizada na Ilha de Livingston junto à Base Antárctica Búlgara

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Research paper thumbnail of Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the maritime Antarctic: Preliminary results from CALM sites on Livingston and Deception Islands

Open-File Report, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of A new CALM-S site on byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica

ABSTRACT El permafrost existente en la región Antártica de las Shetland del Sur es muy sensible a... more ABSTRACT El permafrost existente en la región Antártica de las Shetland del Sur es muy sensible a pequeños cambios climáticos tal y cómo vienen mostrando los resultados de los diferentes grupos de investigación que trabajan en la región. Para entender los factores geológicos, ambientales y climáticos que controlan la evolución del permafrost y la capa active, y comparar con diferentes lugares con distintas condiciones regionales y locales es necesario establecer nuevos emplazamientos de monitorización. Durante el pasado Año Polar Internacional (IPY) 2007-2008, se estableció un nuevo emplazamiento para el seguimiento de la capa activa (siguiendo el protocolo CALM-S de la IPA) cerca de la orilla de un pequeño lago (Lago Limnopolar) localizado en la Península Byers de la isla Livingston. En este trabajo describimos el emplazamiento establecido en Febrero de 2009, así como los instrumentos instalados con los que se espera obtener datos sobre la capa activa y el permafrost durante los próximos años. Abstract Permafrost located at Maritime Antarctic environment is very sensitive to small climate changes, as revealed by the results of researches from different International teams. To understand and complete the different geological, environmental and climatic conditions and how they control the evolution of permafrost and the active layer require establish new monitoring sites. During the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008, we establish a new site to monitor the evolution of the active layer (following the CALM-S protocol) near the shore of a small lake (Limnopolar Lake) located in the Byers Peninsula, on Livingston Island. Here we describe the site established in February of 2009, and the instruments installed there what will provide data for next years.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing a methodology for the study of permafrost and habitability for future missions to Mars. Application to Nilli Fossae

ABSTRACT Mars is a fundamental objective in the exploration of the Solar System. At present day, ... more ABSTRACT Mars is a fundamental objective in the exploration of the Solar System. At present day, the interest about this planet is increasing, as well as the number of mission to Mars and studies about this planet. Nowadays, the fundamental target of the exploration programs is the evaluation of habitability, what could be related to the existence of permafrost. The study of habitability and the behavior of permafrost and its active layer should has an important role in the selection of landing sites. These studies requires the use of very different types of data (images, topography, spectrometry, etc.), acquired by different spacecrafts (MGS, MO, MEx, MRO, etc.) at a wide range of wavelength (e.g., Visible, IR) and resolution (0.30 cm to some km). We propose a methodology to evaluate the possible existence of permafrost under the surface of Mars and its habitability. We focus this work in a protocol that is based on the analysis of as much as possible of the available data for this planet and the integration of all this distributed variables into a Geographic Information System (GIS). We have applied this methodology to Nili Fossae, which was a candidate landing site for the MSL mission, as an example and a testing site. The proposed protocol includes the study of a wide variety of variables; geology, topography, climate, physical properties, geochemical composition, etc. Each one of these variables requires the use of different data and we apply diverse processing techniques for each one of them. Finally, in this work, we show the proposed flow-diagram that could permit us to evaluate the habitability and the existence of permafrost.

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Research paper thumbnail of Deception Island, Antarctica, an Earth-Mars Analogue

ABSTRACT Deception Island, one of the few and more active volcanoes in the Antarctic, shows sever... more ABSTRACT Deception Island, one of the few and more active volcanoes in the Antarctic, shows several composition, climate, and morphology martian analogies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Massive ice detection using electrical tomography resistivity. Examples from Livingston and Deception Islands, Maritime Antarctic

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Research paper thumbnail of Régimen térmico y variabilidad espacial de la capa activa en isla decepcion, Antártica

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Research paper thumbnail of Análisis preliminar del estado térmico del suelo en cráter Gale (Marte) y análogos terrestres. Instrumento REMS de la misión MSL

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Research paper thumbnail of Análisis del estado térmico del permafrost en las Islas Livingston y Decepción (Antártida)

Palabras clave: Península Antártica, Permafrost, Capa activa, Temperatura del suelo. Las islas Li... more Palabras clave: Península Antártica, Permafrost, Capa activa, Temperatura del suelo. Las islas Livingston y Decepción están situadas en el archipiélago de las Shetland del Sur (Antártida marítima) (62º43'S, 60º57'W). El clima dominante, en esta región, es oceánico frío con frecuentes episodios de lluvia durante el verano en cotas próximas al nivel del mar, y una moderada amplitud térmica anual con temperaturas del aire medias anuales de unos -1.9 ºC. Su clima está influenciado por el sistema de depresiones circum-Antártico y está caracterizado por dos ciclos anuales, uno más breve de descongelación durante el verano (noviembre a febrero) y otro más prolongado, de marzo a octubre, de congelación. La distribución del permafrost en estas islas puede presentarse, en forma esporádica en morrenas fósiles a nivel del mar, mostrándose una distribución discontinua del permafrost hasta cotas de aproximadamente 150 m snm, siendo continuo a partir de esa cota. Desde el punto de vista té...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing surface temperature conditions from remote sensing at Nili Fossae, Mars, for REMS/MSL

The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission is scheduled for launch at the end of 2009. This missio... more The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission is scheduled for launch at the end of 2009. This mission includes a complete meteorological station named the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station - REMS. The REMS payload will be able to measure surface and atmospheric temperature, pressure, humidity, 3-D vector winds, and UV radiation. Although the final landing site is not yet defined, it

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Research paper thumbnail of Observations and preliminary science results from the first 100 sols of MSL Rover Environmental Monitoring Station ground temperature sensor measurements at Gale Crater

Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Isotope Ratios of H, C, and O in CO 2 and H 2 O of the Martian Atmosphere

Science, 2013

Mars' Atmosphere from Curiosity The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument on the Curiosity... more Mars' Atmosphere from Curiosity The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument on the Curiosity rover that landed on Mars in August last year is designed to study the chemical and isotopic composition of the martian atmosphere. Mahaffy et al. (p. 263 ) present volume-mixing ratios of Mars' five major atmospheric constituents (CO 2 , Ar, N 2 , O 2 , and CO) and isotope measurements of 40 Ar/ 36 Ar and C and O in CO 2 , based on data from one of SAM's instruments, obtained between 31 August and 21 November 2012. Webster et al. (p. 260 ) used data from another of SAM's instruments obtained around the same period to determine isotope ratios of H, C, and O in atmospheric CO 2 and H 2 O. Agreement between the isotopic ratios measured by SAM with those of martian meteorites, measured in laboratories on Earth, confirms the origin of these meteorites and implies that the current atmospheric reservoirs of CO 2 and H 2 O were largely established after the period of early atmosphe...

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Research paper thumbnail of In Situ Radiometric and Exposure Age Dating of the Martian Surface

Science, 2013

We determined radiogenic and cosmogenic noble gases in a mudstone on the floor of Gale Crater. A ... more We determined radiogenic and cosmogenic noble gases in a mudstone on the floor of Gale Crater. A K-Ar age of 4.21 ± 0.35 billion years represents a mixture of detrital and authigenic components and confirms the expected antiquity of rocks comprising the crater rim. Cosmic-ray–produced 3 He, 21 Ne, and 36 Ar yield concordant surface exposure ages of 78 ± 30 million years. Surface exposure occurred mainly in the present geomorphic setting rather than during primary erosion and transport. Our observations are consistent with mudstone deposition shortly after the Gale impact or possibly in a later event of rapid erosion and deposition. The mudstone remained buried until recent exposure by wind-driven scarp retreat. Sedimentary rocks exposed by this mechanism may thus offer the best potential for organic biomarker preservation against destruction by cosmic radiation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Drilling and installation of boreholes for permafrost thermal monitoring on Livingston Island in the maritime Antarctic

Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Probing and Monitoring the Active Layer of Permafrost in Deception Island (Antarctica)

During the last years, our group has established a complete set of experiments with the goal of m... more During the last years, our group has established a complete set of experiments with the goal of monitoring the thermal and depth variation in the active layer in the surrounding area to the Spanish Antarctic Station Gabriel de Castilla located in Deception Island (South Shetlands archipelago.Antarctic). The initial campaigns were addressed to measure meteorological parameters such as; air and soil temperature and humidity, solar and infrared radiation and wind speed and azimuth in summer periods. These initial efforts have permitted to define areas of special interest where a complete study of the active layer depth and the permafrost distribution has been performed. Nowadays, a protocol CALM site located close to Crater Lake is maintained and data about active layer depth and ground temperature are continuously recorded.

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Research paper thumbnail of Deception island, Antarctica: a terrestrial analogue for the study and understanding of the martian permafrost and subsurface glaciers

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Research paper thumbnail of Resultados preliminares de uma campanha de prospecção geoeléctrica realizada na Ilha de Livingston junto à Base Antárctica Búlgara

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