Milena Paglierani - (original) (raw)

Papers by Milena Paglierani

Research paper thumbnail of Evidenza di cellule tumorali circolanti in pazienti con carcinoma surrenalico: studio preliminare monocentrico

L'Endocrinologo, 2013

P. Pinzani, C. Scatena, F. Salvianti, E. Corsini, L. Canu, G. Poli, M. Paglierani, V. Piccini, M.... more P. Pinzani, C. Scatena, F. Salvianti, E. Corsini, L. Canu, G. Poli, M. Paglierani, V. Piccini, M. Pazzagli, G. Nesi, M. Mannelli, M. Luconi J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2013; 98: 3731-3738 Il carcinoma surrenalico è una patologia oncologica rara la cui prognosi, spesso infausta, è strettamente associata allo stadio al momento della diagnosi. Una diagnosi precoce, associata alla rimozione chirurgica e, in alcuni casi, alla terapia adiuvante con mitotane, risulta attualmente la strategia più efficace, sebbene la sopravvivenza a 5 anni sia stimata fra il 16% ed il 38%. In relazione all’importanza di una diagnosi precoce, l’identificazione di marker sensibili, specifici e non invasivi da usare nella fase precoce della malattia riveste una particolare importanza. Tali marker potrebbero inoltre essere di grande utilità anche per la valutazione prognostica e il followup della neoplasia. La presenza di cellule tumorali circolanti, sia in fase diagnostica che durante il follow-up, è stata valutata negli ultimi anni e sembra dimostrare una certa utilità, perlomeno in alcuni tumori. Questo studio ha valutato la presenza di cellule tumorali circolanti (CTC) in campioni di sangue provenienti da pazienti portatori di carcinoma (ACC, N=14) o adenoma (ACA, N=10) surrenalico. L’isolamento e la successiva caratterizzazione cellulare sono stati eseguiti mediante un’iniziale filtrazione seguita dall’identificazione basata su criteri morfometrici ed immunocitochimici validati. La presenza di CTC è stata rilevata in tutti i campioni provenienti da pazienti con ACC in fase diagnostica pre-chirurgica; tale presenza è stata peraltro riscontrata, sebbene di entità nettamente inferiore, anche in pazienti post-chirurgici liberi da malattia, mentre più evidente è stata la presenza di CTC in pazienti post-chirurgici metastatici. Alcuni pazienti liberi da malattia hanno peraltro dimostrato la scomparsa di CTC durante il follow-up. L’entità numerica delle CTC nei campioni prelevati è risultata positivamente correlata con il diametro tumorale ma non con altri parametri di proliferazione cellulare o di aggressività tumorale. Per contro, nessun campione proveniente da pazienti con ACA ha dimostrato la presenza di cellule tumorali, né prima né dopo l’intervento chirurgico. Lo studio, per quanto preliminare e condotto su una piccola popolazione di pazienti, evidenzia tuttavia la potenziale importanza, se confermata su una scala più ampia, della rilevazione di CTC in pazienti con carcinoma surrenalico, per il quale, a tutt’oggi, non esistono marker circolanti per una diagnosi precoce di malattia. La presenza di CTC circolanti potrebbe inoltre rivestire una particolare importanza anche per la prognosi, la gestione del follow-up e il monitoraggio della terapia antitumorale.

Research paper thumbnail of Study in Italy Characteristics in Male Breast Cancer : A Population-based Mutation Status and Tumor BRCA 2 and BRCA 1 Updated Version

To investigate at the population level the impact of BRCA1/BRCA2 gene alterations in male breast ... more To investigate at the population level the impact of BRCA1/BRCA2 gene alterations in male breast cancer, we analyzed a population-based series of 25 male breast cancer cases from Florence, Central Italy. We combined mutational screening with the study of germ-line allele transcript levels and of tumor-associated losses of heterozygosity. Screening by protein truncation test and single-strand conformational polymorphism assay, followed by sequencing, revealed 4 pathogenetic mutations (4 of 25 16%; 95% confidence interval, 5–37%), 1 in BRCA1 and 3 in BRCA2, including mutations recurring in Central Italy (BRCA1 3345delAG and BRCA2 6696delTC). The a priori probability of carrying a mutation, estimated using BRCAPRO software, showed a good agreement between expected and observed mutations (14% versus 16%). A 7-fold association between germ-line mutations and family history of breast-ovarian cancer emerged. To investigate associations between BRCA1/BRCA2 status and clinicopathological cha...

Research paper thumbnail of Are biomarkers evaluated in biopsy specimens predictive of prostate cancer aggressiveness?

Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Gravitational unloading induces osteoclast-like differentiation of FLG 29.1 cells

Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology, 2002

FLG 29.1 cells, cultured at 1xg, are able to switch on a differentiating process only when they a... more FLG 29.1 cells, cultured at 1xg, are able to switch on a differentiating process only when they are suitably induced by chemical factors. On the contrary, when FLG 29.1 cells are cultured in conditions of gravitational unloading, simulated by a Random Positioning Machine, the switching on of the differentiation process occurs in the absence of any added differentiating agent or any stimulating factor. The phenotypic characterization of the cells and quantitative measures of their bone resorption activity are consistent with a differentiation process through the osteoclastic pathway.

Research paper thumbnail of Atlante di citologia endometriale : l'endometrio normale, iperplastico e neoplastico nella citologia in fase liquida

Research paper thumbnail of Carcinomas of Sweat Glands

Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, 2001

Context.—Several aspects of sweat gland carcinomas (incidence, classification, diagnosis, and beh... more Context.—Several aspects of sweat gland carcinomas (incidence, classification, diagnosis, and behavior) have not been definitively clarified and need to be studied further. Objective.—The clinicopathologic findings of a large series of sweat gland carcinomas, collected during a period of 15 years, are presented. Methods.—Sixty sweat gland carcinomas (41 porocarcinomas, 3 syringomatous carcinomas, 8 ductal carcinomas, 5 adenoid cystic carcinomas, and 3 mucinous carcinomas) were analyzed histologically and immunohistochemically. Results.—Porocarcinomas were composed of eosinophilic and clear atypical cells arranged in solid-cystic lobular masses. These tumors were divided into 2 subgroups: horizontal porocarcinomas, showing a prominent intraepidermal component, and nodular porocarcinomas, which demonstrated predominant nodular growth. Syringomatous carcinomas presented keratinizing and nonkeratinizing cysts, dilated tubules (sometimes with a “tadpole” appearance), small neoplastic duc...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of integrin a chain expression in benign and malignant salivary gland tumors

Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Patho, 1997

Research paper thumbnail of Accuracy and Reproducibility of HER2 Status in Breast Cancer Using Immunohistochemistry: A Quality Control Study in Tuscany Evaluating the Impact of Updated 2013 ASCO/CAP Recommendations

Pathology & Oncology Research, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Embryonal Tumor: Molecular Characterization

Tumors of the Central Nervous System, 2013

Central Nervous System (CNS) embryonal tumors are malignant neoplasms that share the predilection... more Central Nervous System (CNS) embryonal tumors are malignant neoplasms that share the predilection for the pediatric age, the tendency to early disseminate throughout the CNS via the cerebro spinal fluid, the high mortality and the significant long-term morbidity for survivors.

Research paper thumbnail of Animal-type melanoma

Melanoma Research, 2014

Animal-type melanoma (ATM) is a rare tumor, characterized histologically by a predominantly derma... more Animal-type melanoma (ATM) is a rare tumor, characterized histologically by a predominantly dermal proliferation of heavily pigmented epithelioid and spindle dendritic melanocytes. Five patients with ATM, who had undergone sentinel node biopsy, were studied: three male and two female, between 4 and 62 years of age (mean, 28.0). Lesion size ranged from 4 to 18 mm and thickness from 0.7 to 5.1 mm. Nodal deposits were found in three patients. Of the patients with positive sentinel nodes, the first showed a minimal nodal involvement in one node, the second multiple deposits in one node, and the third multiple deposits in one sentinel node and a single deposit in another; this last patient also had additional tumor deposits in a nonsentinel regional node. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization tumor analysis proved negative in all cases. All patients are alive and free of disease at 36-95-month follow-up (mean, 53 months). Results showed ATM as a neoplasm characterized by a somewhat high rate of lymph node involvement but relatively low rate of visceral metastases and mortality, appearing as a low-grade malignant tumor.

Research paper thumbnail of Primary Cerebral Myxofibrosarcoma

Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, 2011

Herein, we describe an intracerebral primary low-grade myxofibrosarcoma occurring in a 9-year-old... more Herein, we describe an intracerebral primary low-grade myxofibrosarcoma occurring in a 9-year-old boy. The lesion measured 7 cm and occupied the left parieto-occipital region. A gross-total removal of the tumor was performed. Nine months later, radiologic follow-up revealed a local recurrence which was again surgically removed. The patient then underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He was well and disease-free at 6 months follow-up. The tumor was composed of spindle, stellated, and multinucleated cells embedded in a myxoid background. Foci of increased cellularity, pleomorphism, and high mitotic rate were present. The tumor borders were sharply demarcated from the non-neoplastic nervous parenchyma. Immunohistochemical staining showed that the neoplastic cells were vimentine and CD34 positive. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization analyses did not show FUS and EWSR1 gene rearrangements. Primary intracranial myxofibrosarcomas are very rare (to the best of our knowledge, less than 10 published cases in the international literature). We believe each new case should be recorded to produce a better clinical, pathologic, molecular, prognostic, and therapeutic characterization of this lesion.

Research paper thumbnail of Expression of CD44 standard and variant isoforms in parotid gland and parotid gland tumours

Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Uterus and endometrium: Morphological and functional aspects of the endometrium of asymptomatic post-menopausal women: does the endometrium really age?

Research paper thumbnail of Tumour suppressor gene TP53 mutations in atypical vascular lesions of breast skin following radiotherapy

Research paper thumbnail of I. Aging of the human endometrium: a basic morphological and immunohistochemical study

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Main clues in the pathologic diagnosis of melanoma: is molecular genetics helping?

Dermatologic Therapy, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Decidual Progesterone and Estrogen Receptors in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Fluorescence in-situ hybridization analysis for melanoma diagnosis

Research paper thumbnail of Multiple Cutaneous Angiosarcomas after Breast Conserving Surgery and Bilateral Adjuvant Radiotherapy: An Unusual Case and Review of the Literature

Case Reports in Oncological Medicine, 2014

Breast angiosarcomas (BAs) are rare but serious events that may arise after radiation exposure. D... more Breast angiosarcomas (BAs) are rare but serious events that may arise after radiation exposure. Disease outcome is poor, with high risk of local and distant failure. Recurrences are frequent also after resection with negative margins. The spectrum of vascular proliferations associated with radiotherapy in the setting of breast cancer has expanded, including radiation-associated atypical vascular lesions (AVLs) of the breast skin as a rare, but well-recognized, entity. Although pursuing a benign behavior, AVLs have been regarded as possible precursors of postradiation BAs. We report an unusual case of a 71-year-old woman affected by well-differentiated bilateral cutaneous BA, diagnosed 1.9 years after adjuvant RT for synchronous bilateral breast cancer. Whole-life clinical followup is of crucial importance in breast cancer patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Atypical Spitz tumors in patients younger than 18 years

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 2015

Diagnosis and proper management of atypical Spitz tumors in pediatric age are still controversial... more Diagnosis and proper management of atypical Spitz tumors in pediatric age are still controversial. We sought to investigate the clinicopathological and molecular features of atypical Spitz tumors in patients aged 18 years or younger. We performed a retrospective clinicopathological and fluorescence in situ hybridization study on 50 pediatric atypical Spitz tumors. Parameters that were significantly correlated with a diagnosis of atypical Spitz tumors over Spitz nevus included asymmetry, level IV/V, lack of maturation, solid growth, nuclear pleomorphism, high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, atypical and deep mitoses, and more than 6 mitoses/mm(2). In the atypical Spitz tumors group, a significantly higher mitotic rate was observed in prepuberal age (P = .04). The 4-probe fluorescence in situ hybridization melanoma assay did not discriminate atypical Spitz tumors from Spitz nevi. Heterozygous 9p21 loss was found in 3 of 37 cases and homozygous 9p21 loss in 2 of 37 cases. Only 1 child exper...

Research paper thumbnail of Evidenza di cellule tumorali circolanti in pazienti con carcinoma surrenalico: studio preliminare monocentrico

L'Endocrinologo, 2013

P. Pinzani, C. Scatena, F. Salvianti, E. Corsini, L. Canu, G. Poli, M. Paglierani, V. Piccini, M.... more P. Pinzani, C. Scatena, F. Salvianti, E. Corsini, L. Canu, G. Poli, M. Paglierani, V. Piccini, M. Pazzagli, G. Nesi, M. Mannelli, M. Luconi J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2013; 98: 3731-3738 Il carcinoma surrenalico è una patologia oncologica rara la cui prognosi, spesso infausta, è strettamente associata allo stadio al momento della diagnosi. Una diagnosi precoce, associata alla rimozione chirurgica e, in alcuni casi, alla terapia adiuvante con mitotane, risulta attualmente la strategia più efficace, sebbene la sopravvivenza a 5 anni sia stimata fra il 16% ed il 38%. In relazione all’importanza di una diagnosi precoce, l’identificazione di marker sensibili, specifici e non invasivi da usare nella fase precoce della malattia riveste una particolare importanza. Tali marker potrebbero inoltre essere di grande utilità anche per la valutazione prognostica e il followup della neoplasia. La presenza di cellule tumorali circolanti, sia in fase diagnostica che durante il follow-up, è stata valutata negli ultimi anni e sembra dimostrare una certa utilità, perlomeno in alcuni tumori. Questo studio ha valutato la presenza di cellule tumorali circolanti (CTC) in campioni di sangue provenienti da pazienti portatori di carcinoma (ACC, N=14) o adenoma (ACA, N=10) surrenalico. L’isolamento e la successiva caratterizzazione cellulare sono stati eseguiti mediante un’iniziale filtrazione seguita dall’identificazione basata su criteri morfometrici ed immunocitochimici validati. La presenza di CTC è stata rilevata in tutti i campioni provenienti da pazienti con ACC in fase diagnostica pre-chirurgica; tale presenza è stata peraltro riscontrata, sebbene di entità nettamente inferiore, anche in pazienti post-chirurgici liberi da malattia, mentre più evidente è stata la presenza di CTC in pazienti post-chirurgici metastatici. Alcuni pazienti liberi da malattia hanno peraltro dimostrato la scomparsa di CTC durante il follow-up. L’entità numerica delle CTC nei campioni prelevati è risultata positivamente correlata con il diametro tumorale ma non con altri parametri di proliferazione cellulare o di aggressività tumorale. Per contro, nessun campione proveniente da pazienti con ACA ha dimostrato la presenza di cellule tumorali, né prima né dopo l’intervento chirurgico. Lo studio, per quanto preliminare e condotto su una piccola popolazione di pazienti, evidenzia tuttavia la potenziale importanza, se confermata su una scala più ampia, della rilevazione di CTC in pazienti con carcinoma surrenalico, per il quale, a tutt’oggi, non esistono marker circolanti per una diagnosi precoce di malattia. La presenza di CTC circolanti potrebbe inoltre rivestire una particolare importanza anche per la prognosi, la gestione del follow-up e il monitoraggio della terapia antitumorale.

Research paper thumbnail of Study in Italy Characteristics in Male Breast Cancer : A Population-based Mutation Status and Tumor BRCA 2 and BRCA 1 Updated Version

To investigate at the population level the impact of BRCA1/BRCA2 gene alterations in male breast ... more To investigate at the population level the impact of BRCA1/BRCA2 gene alterations in male breast cancer, we analyzed a population-based series of 25 male breast cancer cases from Florence, Central Italy. We combined mutational screening with the study of germ-line allele transcript levels and of tumor-associated losses of heterozygosity. Screening by protein truncation test and single-strand conformational polymorphism assay, followed by sequencing, revealed 4 pathogenetic mutations (4 of 25 16%; 95% confidence interval, 5–37%), 1 in BRCA1 and 3 in BRCA2, including mutations recurring in Central Italy (BRCA1 3345delAG and BRCA2 6696delTC). The a priori probability of carrying a mutation, estimated using BRCAPRO software, showed a good agreement between expected and observed mutations (14% versus 16%). A 7-fold association between germ-line mutations and family history of breast-ovarian cancer emerged. To investigate associations between BRCA1/BRCA2 status and clinicopathological cha...

Research paper thumbnail of Are biomarkers evaluated in biopsy specimens predictive of prostate cancer aggressiveness?

Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Gravitational unloading induces osteoclast-like differentiation of FLG 29.1 cells

Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology, 2002

FLG 29.1 cells, cultured at 1xg, are able to switch on a differentiating process only when they a... more FLG 29.1 cells, cultured at 1xg, are able to switch on a differentiating process only when they are suitably induced by chemical factors. On the contrary, when FLG 29.1 cells are cultured in conditions of gravitational unloading, simulated by a Random Positioning Machine, the switching on of the differentiation process occurs in the absence of any added differentiating agent or any stimulating factor. The phenotypic characterization of the cells and quantitative measures of their bone resorption activity are consistent with a differentiation process through the osteoclastic pathway.

Research paper thumbnail of Atlante di citologia endometriale : l'endometrio normale, iperplastico e neoplastico nella citologia in fase liquida

Research paper thumbnail of Carcinomas of Sweat Glands

Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, 2001

Context.—Several aspects of sweat gland carcinomas (incidence, classification, diagnosis, and beh... more Context.—Several aspects of sweat gland carcinomas (incidence, classification, diagnosis, and behavior) have not been definitively clarified and need to be studied further. Objective.—The clinicopathologic findings of a large series of sweat gland carcinomas, collected during a period of 15 years, are presented. Methods.—Sixty sweat gland carcinomas (41 porocarcinomas, 3 syringomatous carcinomas, 8 ductal carcinomas, 5 adenoid cystic carcinomas, and 3 mucinous carcinomas) were analyzed histologically and immunohistochemically. Results.—Porocarcinomas were composed of eosinophilic and clear atypical cells arranged in solid-cystic lobular masses. These tumors were divided into 2 subgroups: horizontal porocarcinomas, showing a prominent intraepidermal component, and nodular porocarcinomas, which demonstrated predominant nodular growth. Syringomatous carcinomas presented keratinizing and nonkeratinizing cysts, dilated tubules (sometimes with a “tadpole” appearance), small neoplastic duc...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of integrin a chain expression in benign and malignant salivary gland tumors

Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Patho, 1997

Research paper thumbnail of Accuracy and Reproducibility of HER2 Status in Breast Cancer Using Immunohistochemistry: A Quality Control Study in Tuscany Evaluating the Impact of Updated 2013 ASCO/CAP Recommendations

Pathology & Oncology Research, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Embryonal Tumor: Molecular Characterization

Tumors of the Central Nervous System, 2013

Central Nervous System (CNS) embryonal tumors are malignant neoplasms that share the predilection... more Central Nervous System (CNS) embryonal tumors are malignant neoplasms that share the predilection for the pediatric age, the tendency to early disseminate throughout the CNS via the cerebro spinal fluid, the high mortality and the significant long-term morbidity for survivors.

Research paper thumbnail of Animal-type melanoma

Melanoma Research, 2014

Animal-type melanoma (ATM) is a rare tumor, characterized histologically by a predominantly derma... more Animal-type melanoma (ATM) is a rare tumor, characterized histologically by a predominantly dermal proliferation of heavily pigmented epithelioid and spindle dendritic melanocytes. Five patients with ATM, who had undergone sentinel node biopsy, were studied: three male and two female, between 4 and 62 years of age (mean, 28.0). Lesion size ranged from 4 to 18 mm and thickness from 0.7 to 5.1 mm. Nodal deposits were found in three patients. Of the patients with positive sentinel nodes, the first showed a minimal nodal involvement in one node, the second multiple deposits in one node, and the third multiple deposits in one sentinel node and a single deposit in another; this last patient also had additional tumor deposits in a nonsentinel regional node. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization tumor analysis proved negative in all cases. All patients are alive and free of disease at 36-95-month follow-up (mean, 53 months). Results showed ATM as a neoplasm characterized by a somewhat high rate of lymph node involvement but relatively low rate of visceral metastases and mortality, appearing as a low-grade malignant tumor.

Research paper thumbnail of Primary Cerebral Myxofibrosarcoma

Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, 2011

Herein, we describe an intracerebral primary low-grade myxofibrosarcoma occurring in a 9-year-old... more Herein, we describe an intracerebral primary low-grade myxofibrosarcoma occurring in a 9-year-old boy. The lesion measured 7 cm and occupied the left parieto-occipital region. A gross-total removal of the tumor was performed. Nine months later, radiologic follow-up revealed a local recurrence which was again surgically removed. The patient then underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He was well and disease-free at 6 months follow-up. The tumor was composed of spindle, stellated, and multinucleated cells embedded in a myxoid background. Foci of increased cellularity, pleomorphism, and high mitotic rate were present. The tumor borders were sharply demarcated from the non-neoplastic nervous parenchyma. Immunohistochemical staining showed that the neoplastic cells were vimentine and CD34 positive. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization analyses did not show FUS and EWSR1 gene rearrangements. Primary intracranial myxofibrosarcomas are very rare (to the best of our knowledge, less than 10 published cases in the international literature). We believe each new case should be recorded to produce a better clinical, pathologic, molecular, prognostic, and therapeutic characterization of this lesion.

Research paper thumbnail of Expression of CD44 standard and variant isoforms in parotid gland and parotid gland tumours

Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Uterus and endometrium: Morphological and functional aspects of the endometrium of asymptomatic post-menopausal women: does the endometrium really age?

Research paper thumbnail of Tumour suppressor gene TP53 mutations in atypical vascular lesions of breast skin following radiotherapy

Research paper thumbnail of I. Aging of the human endometrium: a basic morphological and immunohistochemical study

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Main clues in the pathologic diagnosis of melanoma: is molecular genetics helping?

Dermatologic Therapy, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Decidual Progesterone and Estrogen Receptors in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Fluorescence in-situ hybridization analysis for melanoma diagnosis

Research paper thumbnail of Multiple Cutaneous Angiosarcomas after Breast Conserving Surgery and Bilateral Adjuvant Radiotherapy: An Unusual Case and Review of the Literature

Case Reports in Oncological Medicine, 2014

Breast angiosarcomas (BAs) are rare but serious events that may arise after radiation exposure. D... more Breast angiosarcomas (BAs) are rare but serious events that may arise after radiation exposure. Disease outcome is poor, with high risk of local and distant failure. Recurrences are frequent also after resection with negative margins. The spectrum of vascular proliferations associated with radiotherapy in the setting of breast cancer has expanded, including radiation-associated atypical vascular lesions (AVLs) of the breast skin as a rare, but well-recognized, entity. Although pursuing a benign behavior, AVLs have been regarded as possible precursors of postradiation BAs. We report an unusual case of a 71-year-old woman affected by well-differentiated bilateral cutaneous BA, diagnosed 1.9 years after adjuvant RT for synchronous bilateral breast cancer. Whole-life clinical followup is of crucial importance in breast cancer patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Atypical Spitz tumors in patients younger than 18 years

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 2015

Diagnosis and proper management of atypical Spitz tumors in pediatric age are still controversial... more Diagnosis and proper management of atypical Spitz tumors in pediatric age are still controversial. We sought to investigate the clinicopathological and molecular features of atypical Spitz tumors in patients aged 18 years or younger. We performed a retrospective clinicopathological and fluorescence in situ hybridization study on 50 pediatric atypical Spitz tumors. Parameters that were significantly correlated with a diagnosis of atypical Spitz tumors over Spitz nevus included asymmetry, level IV/V, lack of maturation, solid growth, nuclear pleomorphism, high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, atypical and deep mitoses, and more than 6 mitoses/mm(2). In the atypical Spitz tumors group, a significantly higher mitotic rate was observed in prepuberal age (P = .04). The 4-probe fluorescence in situ hybridization melanoma assay did not discriminate atypical Spitz tumors from Spitz nevi. Heterozygous 9p21 loss was found in 3 of 37 cases and homozygous 9p21 loss in 2 of 37 cases. Only 1 child exper...