Djordje Timotijevic - (original) (raw)
Papers by Djordje Timotijevic
Herald of Legal History (Vesnik pravni istorije), 2024
This paper shows the development of the judicial control of administration in Serbia, in the peri... more This paper shows the development of the judicial control of administration in Serbia, in the period from the introduction of the Council of State to the present day. The paper also deals with the most important regulations concerning judicial control of administration, administrative courts, and administrative disputes, starting with the Constitution of 1869, with comparisons between previous regulations and present-day provisions, comments, and conclusions regarding how constitutional and legal regulations influenced the development of the judicial control of administration in Serbia throughout history, and how this type of control had changed over time.
Pravo i privreda (Law and Economy), 2024
The paper analyses certain issues related to public procurement in general, as well as the public... more The paper analyses certain issues related to public procurement in general,
as well as the public procurement procedure and the personnel responsible for conducting the procedure. The starting point is the international and domestic legal framework of the public procurement procedure, in order to further elaborate and analyse particular provisions of the domestic legislation that are important for the proper and quality implementation of the procurement procedure. Th erefore, the paper pays special attention to the principles of public procurement, the Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures as the main authority responsible for the protection of the rights of business entities that are participants in public procurement procedures, professionalization, i.e. professional development of public procurement offi cers, the relationship between public procurement and public interest, the criteria for selecting the most favourable off er and the protection of competition in the public procurement procedure. The aim of the paper is to point out certain adequate legal solutions in the field of public procurement, but also certain problems that arise during the implementation of the procurement procedure itself. At the same time, the paper contains a comparison between former and today´s legal regulations, as well as proposals for improving the quality of conducting the public procurement procedure. The paper also presents some key issues that are important for the proper functioning of the public procurement system along with the ways in which the procurement process can be improved to the extent necessary to achieve its main goals and improve the public policy of a country.
У раду се анализирају поједина питања у вези са јавним набавкама уопште, као и одвијањем поступка јавних набавки и кадровима задуженим за његово спровођење. При том, најпре се полази од међународноправног и домаћег правног оквира поступка јавних набавки, да би се потом детаљније разрадиле и анализирале поједине одредбе домаћег законодавства које су од значаја за правилно и квалитетно спровођење поступка набавке. Стога, у раду се посебна пажња посвећује начелима јавне набавке, Републичкој комисији за заштиту права у поступцима јавних набавки као главном органу задуженом за заштиту права привредних субјеката који су учесници поступка јавних набавки, професионализацији, односно стручном усавршавању службеника за јавне набавке, односу јавних набавки и јавног интереса, као и критеријумима за избор најповољније понуде и заштити конкуренције у поступку јавних набавки.Циљ рада јесте да се укаже на одређена адекватна решења законске регулативе у области јавних набавки, али и поједине проблеме који се јављају приликом спровођења самог поступка набавке, уз истовремено поређење некадашњих законских решења са данашњим и изношење предлога за побољшање квалитета вођења поступка јавних набавки. У раду се излажу и нека кључна питања од значаја за правилно функционисање
система јавних набавки, али и начини на које се поступак набавки може унапредити у мери која је неопходна да би се остварили његови главни циљеви и побољшала јавна политика једне државе.
This paper shows how the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia le... more This paper shows how the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia legally regulated the position and organisation of religious communities, which after unification found themselves in a joint and multi-confessional state. Although the concept of complete separation of churches and religious communities from the state was not implemented in the Constitutions of 1921 and 1931, religious communities were very influential in social life and politics, and after several unsuccessful draft laws on religions and interreligious relations, specific laws that regulated the legal position of many churches and religious communities that were represented in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia were adopted. In addition, negotiations with the Holy See were carried out in order to conclude a concordat that would determine the status of the Catholic Church in the Yugoslav state in detail. From the adopted constitutions and the entire religious legislation on individual religions and their communities in the common state, it can be concluded that the principle of the state church was abandoned, as well as that religious communities enjoyed a certain degree of autonomy in regulating their own organisation and internal affairs. Nevertheless, the election of supreme church leaders and dignitaries depended on the king and the government, so the state still exerted a great deal of influence over the church organisation and structure.
Herald of Legal History (Vesnik pravni istorije), 2024
This paper shows the development of the judicial control of administration in Serbia, in the peri... more This paper shows the development of the judicial control of administration in Serbia, in the period from the introduction of the Council of State to the present day. The paper also deals with the most important regulations concerning judicial control of administration, administrative courts, and administrative disputes, starting with the Constitution of 1869, with comparisons between previous regulations and present-day provisions, comments, and conclusions regarding how constitutional and legal regulations influenced the development of the judicial control of administration in Serbia throughout history, and how this type of control had changed over time.
Pravo i privreda (Law and Economy), 2024
The paper analyses certain issues related to public procurement in general, as well as the public... more The paper analyses certain issues related to public procurement in general,
as well as the public procurement procedure and the personnel responsible for conducting the procedure. The starting point is the international and domestic legal framework of the public procurement procedure, in order to further elaborate and analyse particular provisions of the domestic legislation that are important for the proper and quality implementation of the procurement procedure. Th erefore, the paper pays special attention to the principles of public procurement, the Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures as the main authority responsible for the protection of the rights of business entities that are participants in public procurement procedures, professionalization, i.e. professional development of public procurement offi cers, the relationship between public procurement and public interest, the criteria for selecting the most favourable off er and the protection of competition in the public procurement procedure. The aim of the paper is to point out certain adequate legal solutions in the field of public procurement, but also certain problems that arise during the implementation of the procurement procedure itself. At the same time, the paper contains a comparison between former and today´s legal regulations, as well as proposals for improving the quality of conducting the public procurement procedure. The paper also presents some key issues that are important for the proper functioning of the public procurement system along with the ways in which the procurement process can be improved to the extent necessary to achieve its main goals and improve the public policy of a country.
У раду се анализирају поједина питања у вези са јавним набавкама уопште, као и одвијањем поступка јавних набавки и кадровима задуженим за његово спровођење. При том, најпре се полази од међународноправног и домаћег правног оквира поступка јавних набавки, да би се потом детаљније разрадиле и анализирале поједине одредбе домаћег законодавства које су од значаја за правилно и квалитетно спровођење поступка набавке. Стога, у раду се посебна пажња посвећује начелима јавне набавке, Републичкој комисији за заштиту права у поступцима јавних набавки као главном органу задуженом за заштиту права привредних субјеката који су учесници поступка јавних набавки, професионализацији, односно стручном усавршавању службеника за јавне набавке, односу јавних набавки и јавног интереса, као и критеријумима за избор најповољније понуде и заштити конкуренције у поступку јавних набавки.Циљ рада јесте да се укаже на одређена адекватна решења законске регулативе у области јавних набавки, али и поједине проблеме који се јављају приликом спровођења самог поступка набавке, уз истовремено поређење некадашњих законских решења са данашњим и изношење предлога за побољшање квалитета вођења поступка јавних набавки. У раду се излажу и нека кључна питања од значаја за правилно функционисање
система јавних набавки, али и начини на које се поступак набавки може унапредити у мери која је неопходна да би се остварили његови главни циљеви и побољшала јавна политика једне државе.
This paper shows how the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia le... more This paper shows how the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia legally regulated the position and organisation of religious communities, which after unification found themselves in a joint and multi-confessional state. Although the concept of complete separation of churches and religious communities from the state was not implemented in the Constitutions of 1921 and 1931, religious communities were very influential in social life and politics, and after several unsuccessful draft laws on religions and interreligious relations, specific laws that regulated the legal position of many churches and religious communities that were represented in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia were adopted. In addition, negotiations with the Holy See were carried out in order to conclude a concordat that would determine the status of the Catholic Church in the Yugoslav state in detail. From the adopted constitutions and the entire religious legislation on individual religions and their communities in the common state, it can be concluded that the principle of the state church was abandoned, as well as that religious communities enjoyed a certain degree of autonomy in regulating their own organisation and internal affairs. Nevertheless, the election of supreme church leaders and dignitaries depended on the king and the government, so the state still exerted a great deal of influence over the church organisation and structure.