Miquel Frontera - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Miquel Frontera
catalaCabrera, lloc de pas de les antigues rutes maritimes de la mediterrania occidental, illa en... more catalaCabrera, lloc de pas de les antigues rutes maritimes de la mediterrania occidental, illa en els limits de l'habitable, ha estat escassament poblada. La naturalesa, d'una banda, i els condicionants socials i historics, de l'altra, s'han aliat per allunyar la societat. Aixi i tot, l'home ha utilitzat els recursos naturals de l'Arxipelag. Les activitats ramadera, agricola, forestal i pesquera es repeteixen al llarg de la historia amb intensitat variable. D'altra banda, l'us militar i, mes modernament, el turistic, tambe han tingut repercussions sobre el paisatge. En aquest article feim un breu repas de les activitats tradicionals de l'home a Cabrera, analitzant-les des de la perspectiva historica. EnglishThe harsh nature and social and historic constraints have made Cabrera be nearly always very scantly populated during all its history. The antique merchant ship routes have made use of the port of Cabrera, and the natural resources of the islan...
Bolleti De La Societat D Historia Natural De Les Balears, 1999
catalaEs comunica la localitzacio de I'exemplar del cranc fossil Cyphoplax impressa, nominat ... more catalaEs comunica la localitzacio de I'exemplar del cranc fossil Cyphoplax impressa, nominat i figurat per Jules Haime (1855), trobat entre el material no catalogat de l’antic gabinet d’historia natural de Jaume Conrado i Berard (Santa Maria, Mallorca, mes Balears). Cyphoplax impresa te un notable valor historic, ja que es el primer decapode fossil citat a Espanya, i paleontologic, pel fet de ser d'un genere exclusivament fossil, de posicio sistematica incerta. Es comenten aspectes sobre els antecedents histories del seu descobriment i es resumeix la seva historia taxonomica. L'exemplar recuperat ha estat fotografiat i se’n fa una descripcio morfologica per facilitar futures revisions. EnglishIt is reported the localion of the specimen of fossil crab Cyphoplax impressa, which was named and drawn by Jules Haime (1855) and found among the non-catalogued material of the Jaume Conrado i Berard (Santa Maria, Mallorca, Balearic Islands) Natural History Bureau. Cyphoplax impressa is of both remarkable historical value (it was the first fossil decapod cited in Spain), and at the same time of great palaeontological relevance (it is a genus involving only fossil members and whose position within the systematic tree is uncertain). Sorne cornrnents about the historical background of its discovery are given as well as a surnrnary of its taxonomic history. Sorne photos of the recoyered piece have been taken and a morphological description is given in order to facilitate future revisions.
Spanish guide of the museum of the Archipelago de Cabrera National Park located in the building &... more Spanish guide of the museum of the Archipelago de Cabrera National Park located in the building "Es Celler", on the Island of Cabrera (Spain).
Page 1. S'Albufera Natural Park, Mallorca ... C. Practical Guide Habitats and sites of inter... more Page 1. S'Albufera Natural Park, Mallorca ... C. Practical Guide Habitats and sites of interest Park itineraries and their length International importance of S'Albufera Local points of interest Practical advice and rules for visitors List of the most typical birds Bibliography Maps ...
catalaCabrera, lloc de pas de les antigues rutes maritimes de la mediterrania occidental, illa en... more catalaCabrera, lloc de pas de les antigues rutes maritimes de la mediterrania occidental, illa en els limits de l'habitable, ha estat escassament poblada. La naturalesa, d'una banda, i els condicionants socials i historics, de l'altra, s'han aliat per allunyar la societat. Aixi i tot, l'home ha utilitzat els recursos naturals de l'Arxipelag. Les activitats ramadera, agricola, forestal i pesquera es repeteixen al llarg de la historia amb intensitat variable. D'altra banda, l'us militar i, mes modernament, el turistic, tambe han tingut repercussions sobre el paisatge. En aquest article feim un breu repas de les activitats tradicionals de l'home a Cabrera, analitzant-les des de la perspectiva historica. EnglishThe harsh nature and social and historic constraints have made Cabrera be nearly always very scantly populated during all its history. The antique merchant ship routes have made use of the port of Cabrera, and the natural resources of the islan...
Bolleti De La Societat D Historia Natural De Les Balears, 1999
catalaEs comunica la localitzacio de I'exemplar del cranc fossil Cyphoplax impressa, nominat ... more catalaEs comunica la localitzacio de I'exemplar del cranc fossil Cyphoplax impressa, nominat i figurat per Jules Haime (1855), trobat entre el material no catalogat de l’antic gabinet d’historia natural de Jaume Conrado i Berard (Santa Maria, Mallorca, mes Balears). Cyphoplax impresa te un notable valor historic, ja que es el primer decapode fossil citat a Espanya, i paleontologic, pel fet de ser d'un genere exclusivament fossil, de posicio sistematica incerta. Es comenten aspectes sobre els antecedents histories del seu descobriment i es resumeix la seva historia taxonomica. L'exemplar recuperat ha estat fotografiat i se’n fa una descripcio morfologica per facilitar futures revisions. EnglishIt is reported the localion of the specimen of fossil crab Cyphoplax impressa, which was named and drawn by Jules Haime (1855) and found among the non-catalogued material of the Jaume Conrado i Berard (Santa Maria, Mallorca, Balearic Islands) Natural History Bureau. Cyphoplax impressa is of both remarkable historical value (it was the first fossil decapod cited in Spain), and at the same time of great palaeontological relevance (it is a genus involving only fossil members and whose position within the systematic tree is uncertain). Sorne cornrnents about the historical background of its discovery are given as well as a surnrnary of its taxonomic history. Sorne photos of the recoyered piece have been taken and a morphological description is given in order to facilitate future revisions.
Spanish guide of the museum of the Archipelago de Cabrera National Park located in the building &... more Spanish guide of the museum of the Archipelago de Cabrera National Park located in the building "Es Celler", on the Island of Cabrera (Spain).
Page 1. S'Albufera Natural Park, Mallorca ... C. Practical Guide Habitats and sites of inter... more Page 1. S'Albufera Natural Park, Mallorca ... C. Practical Guide Habitats and sites of interest Park itineraries and their length International importance of S'Albufera Local points of interest Practical advice and rules for visitors List of the most typical birds Bibliography Maps ...