Mirela Vernescu - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Mirela Vernescu

Research paper thumbnail of Vernescu, Croitoru LCA and BA Tumuli in the NE part of Braila and Covurlui Plain LDP

Din Preistoria Dunării de Jos, 2013

The tumulus as a funerary monument makes its appearance at the end of the Copper Age – beginning... more The tumulus as a funerary monument makes its appearance at the end of the Copper Age – beginning of the Bronze Age and it is present in the funerary practices at the Lower Danube until the migration times inclusively. On one hand, this practice of “marking” the surface would have reminded the community the rank of the deceased, on the other hand, it could have played a role in defining the territorythecommunityhadundercontrol. In the present state of research, we cannot presume for the southern part of Moldova and north-eastern part of Muntenia the existence of an aristocracy / warrior elite mirrored in the funerary practice of inhumation under tumuli. It is evident that not all the community members “benefited” of such a treatment. The tumulihavevariable dimensions. Usually around abig tumulussmaller ones are present. Itremainsto bediscussed towhatdegreenomadic populations,moving on very largeterritoriesin search ofpastureshadrootedintheirworld’sviewtheaffirmationofterritorialrights. The tumulus complexes of the Galaţi county were relatively well excavated in comparison with other areas,buttheirnumberisalmostinsignificantcomparedtothenumberoftheidentifiedtumuli. Looking at the tumuli arrangement in space on the map of the Brăila and Galaţi counties clear alignments can be noticed, which mark the moving forward of those tribes in this space, just in the same way in which during Roman times tumuli were marking the sides of a road. Most probably such “marks”, besides illustrating a social hierarchy and/or territorial control, had a role in field orientation. CertainlythereisnocoincidenceinthefacttherichestareasinsuchmonumentsareintheGeruluivalley (at the limit between the Covurlui Plain and Tecuci Plain), at the southern extremity of the Covurlui Plain, on the Buzău valley and especially on the Danube valley, all these territories being rich in pastures andwatersources. The researches conducted on the tumuli with red ochre show that this category ischaracterised by agreat variety,reflectedintheirinventoryandstructures.Sincethebeginning,thearchaeologistsagreedthatthe representatives of the ochre Tumulus culture were of Eastern origin, coming from the North Pontus steppes.Theresearchesconductedin thenorthern partoftheCaucasusand thenorthern partoftheBlack Sea revealed a rich archaeological material belonging to this phenomenon, which helped in establishing the chronology and evolution of these cultures. The specific funerary rite of the North Pontus tribes is based on the inhumation in a crouched position on the back or one side, the presence of the red ochre and simpleortumulusgraves.

Research paper thumbnail of Ailincai et alii Noi date referitoare la asezarea de la Enisala Palanca RevArh 7 2011 libre

Revista Arheologica, 2011

New Data Regarding the Babadag Culture Settlement from Enisala–Palanca, Sarichioi, Tulcea County... more New Data Regarding the Babadag Culture Settlement from Enisala–Palanca, Sarichioi, Tulcea County. Archaeological Investigations in 2003-2006. This article focuses on the archaeological investigations carried out in 2003-2006 in the Early Iron Age settlement from Enisala–Palanca, presenting the archaeological complexes, as well as an analysis of the fi nds. Chronologically, inhabitation can be assigned to the last phase of Babadag culture (8th c. - early 7th c. BC), before the founding of the Greek colonies on the western Black Sea shore.


PEUCE, 2005

Rezumat: Cercetrile arheologice din aezarea de la Babadag (jud. Tulcea) au evideniat existena unu... more Rezumat: Cercetrile arheologice din aezarea de la Babadag (jud. Tulcea) au evideniat existena unui numr de 12 complexe care conineau oseminte umane. Prezentul studiu include un catalog amnunit al acestor descoperiri i o analiz de ansamblu a fenomenului, inând cont de descoperiri similare documentate în aezrile culturii Babadag i în medii culturale contemporane, pe un spaiu extins. Analizând totalitatea descoperirilor cu caracter funerar din zona Dunrii Inferioare, o prim concluzie ar fi aceea a existenei, în linii mari, a cel puin dou modaliti de tratament aplicat defuncilor. Prima dintre ele ar fi reprezentat de complexele cu aspect macabru din aezri iar cea de a doua s-ar putea referi la organizarea unui spaiu funerar în afara habitatului, aa cum sunt necropolele descoperite la Folteti i Sboryanovo. Dintr-o privire de ansamblu asupra complexelor cu oseminte umane din aezri se poate observa c nu au fost observate reguli în ceea ce privete numrul de indivizi depui într-un complex, starea lor de integritate anatomic, poziia depunerii, orientarea, excepii referitoare la sex i vârst sau prezena unor malformaii sau anomalii la aceti indivizi. Aceste informaii, în majoritatea lor inedite, care provin din arhiva Sebastian Morintz aflat la Institutul de Arheologie "Vasile Pârvan", din publicaii dar i din descoperiri recente, nu fac decât s aduc o imagine nou asupra fenomenului depunerii defuncilor în spaiul locuit. Cuvinte cheie: Babadag, prima epoc a fierului, cultura Babadag, complexe cu oseminte umane în aezri. Introduction The Early Iron Age settlement is situated about 2.5 km NE from the Babadag town, Tulcea County, on the shore of the Babadag Lake, approximately 30 m left from the Tabana brook mouth. The prehistoric settlement laid on a promontory which offered a perfect visibility over the lake and the dry land, the latest currently occupied by the modern town. This strategic position was consolidated by the presence of the valley-most probably flooded in the past-which permitted access to the settlement only from NW. The access was even more restricted by the fortification, consisting of a ditch and an earthen structure. The settlement from Babadag became the eponym site of the Early Iron Age culture in Dobroudja, for which the chronological frame and territorial limits were established in 1964 by Sebastian Morintz. The same author published a series of reports and studies 1 considered as guiding marks for studying the Early Iron Age in SE Romania up to present day.

Books by Mirela Vernescu


Editura Istros, Muzeul Brailei, 2013

Le choix de ce sujet est dû en premier lieu à la nécessité d’un nouvel ordre et analyse des donné... more Le choix de ce sujet est dû en premier lieu à la nécessité d’un nouvel ordre et analyse des données plus anciennes ou plus récentes concernant les âges de l’étain et du bronze dans la partie orientale de la Plaine Roumaine, une période moins recherchée, qui nous permettent de délimiter, en grand, la situation culturelle de cette région spécifique à l’époque en question. C’était le thème de ma thèse de doctorat, qui a présenté le stade des recherches archéologiques à ce moment-là (2011). Le territoire auquel nous nous sommes rapportés est délimité à l’est et au sud par le Danube, à l’ouest, par une ligne qui s’étend le long de la rivière de Mostiştea, à la confluence des rivières Ialomiţa et Prahova, la rivière Sărata (qui sépare les zones de plaine de celles collinaires dans le département de Buzău), et vers le nord, les limites de la Plaine du Bas Siret. Il s’agit, donc, du point de vue géographique, de la partie orientale du Bărăgan, comprenant les territoires des actuels départements de Brăila, Ialomiţa, et Călăraşi, la zone orientale (de plaine) du département de Buzău et le sud du département de Galaţi.


Editura Istros, Muzeul Brailei, 2013

Le choix de ce sujet est dû en premier lieu à la nécessité d’un nouvel ordre et analyse des donné... more Le choix de ce sujet est dû en premier lieu à la nécessité d’un nouvel ordre et analyse des données plus anciennes ou plus récentes concernant les âges de l’étain et du bronze dans la partie orientale de la Plaine Roumaine, une période moins recherchée, qui nous permettent de délimiter, en grand, la situation culturelle de cette région spécifique à l’époque en question. C’était le thème de ma thèse de doctorat, qui a présenté le stade des recherches archéologiques à ce moment-là (2011). Le territoire auquel nous nous sommes rapportés est délimité à l’est et au sud par le Danube, à l’ouest, par une ligne qui s’étend le long de la rivière de Mostiştea, à la confluence des rivières Ialomiţa et Prahova, la rivière Sărata (qui sépare les zones de plaine de celles collinaires dans le département de Buzău), et vers le nord, les limites de la Plaine du Bas Siret. Il s’agit, donc, du point de vue géographique, de la partie orientale du Bărăgan, comprenant les territoires des actuels départements de Brăila, Ialomiţa, et Călăraşi, la zone orientale (de plaine) du département de Buzău et le sud du département de Galaţi.

Research paper thumbnail of Vernescu, Croitoru LCA and BA Tumuli in the NE part of Braila and Covurlui Plain LDP

Din Preistoria Dunării de Jos, 2013

The tumulus as a funerary monument makes its appearance at the end of the Copper Age – beginning... more The tumulus as a funerary monument makes its appearance at the end of the Copper Age – beginning of the Bronze Age and it is present in the funerary practices at the Lower Danube until the migration times inclusively. On one hand, this practice of “marking” the surface would have reminded the community the rank of the deceased, on the other hand, it could have played a role in defining the territorythecommunityhadundercontrol. In the present state of research, we cannot presume for the southern part of Moldova and north-eastern part of Muntenia the existence of an aristocracy / warrior elite mirrored in the funerary practice of inhumation under tumuli. It is evident that not all the community members “benefited” of such a treatment. The tumulihavevariable dimensions. Usually around abig tumulussmaller ones are present. Itremainsto bediscussed towhatdegreenomadic populations,moving on very largeterritoriesin search ofpastureshadrootedintheirworld’sviewtheaffirmationofterritorialrights. The tumulus complexes of the Galaţi county were relatively well excavated in comparison with other areas,buttheirnumberisalmostinsignificantcomparedtothenumberoftheidentifiedtumuli. Looking at the tumuli arrangement in space on the map of the Brăila and Galaţi counties clear alignments can be noticed, which mark the moving forward of those tribes in this space, just in the same way in which during Roman times tumuli were marking the sides of a road. Most probably such “marks”, besides illustrating a social hierarchy and/or territorial control, had a role in field orientation. CertainlythereisnocoincidenceinthefacttherichestareasinsuchmonumentsareintheGeruluivalley (at the limit between the Covurlui Plain and Tecuci Plain), at the southern extremity of the Covurlui Plain, on the Buzău valley and especially on the Danube valley, all these territories being rich in pastures andwatersources. The researches conducted on the tumuli with red ochre show that this category ischaracterised by agreat variety,reflectedintheirinventoryandstructures.Sincethebeginning,thearchaeologistsagreedthatthe representatives of the ochre Tumulus culture were of Eastern origin, coming from the North Pontus steppes.Theresearchesconductedin thenorthern partoftheCaucasusand thenorthern partoftheBlack Sea revealed a rich archaeological material belonging to this phenomenon, which helped in establishing the chronology and evolution of these cultures. The specific funerary rite of the North Pontus tribes is based on the inhumation in a crouched position on the back or one side, the presence of the red ochre and simpleortumulusgraves.

Research paper thumbnail of Ailincai et alii Noi date referitoare la asezarea de la Enisala Palanca RevArh 7 2011 libre

Revista Arheologica, 2011

New Data Regarding the Babadag Culture Settlement from Enisala–Palanca, Sarichioi, Tulcea County... more New Data Regarding the Babadag Culture Settlement from Enisala–Palanca, Sarichioi, Tulcea County. Archaeological Investigations in 2003-2006. This article focuses on the archaeological investigations carried out in 2003-2006 in the Early Iron Age settlement from Enisala–Palanca, presenting the archaeological complexes, as well as an analysis of the fi nds. Chronologically, inhabitation can be assigned to the last phase of Babadag culture (8th c. - early 7th c. BC), before the founding of the Greek colonies on the western Black Sea shore.


PEUCE, 2005

Rezumat: Cercetrile arheologice din aezarea de la Babadag (jud. Tulcea) au evideniat existena unu... more Rezumat: Cercetrile arheologice din aezarea de la Babadag (jud. Tulcea) au evideniat existena unui numr de 12 complexe care conineau oseminte umane. Prezentul studiu include un catalog amnunit al acestor descoperiri i o analiz de ansamblu a fenomenului, inând cont de descoperiri similare documentate în aezrile culturii Babadag i în medii culturale contemporane, pe un spaiu extins. Analizând totalitatea descoperirilor cu caracter funerar din zona Dunrii Inferioare, o prim concluzie ar fi aceea a existenei, în linii mari, a cel puin dou modaliti de tratament aplicat defuncilor. Prima dintre ele ar fi reprezentat de complexele cu aspect macabru din aezri iar cea de a doua s-ar putea referi la organizarea unui spaiu funerar în afara habitatului, aa cum sunt necropolele descoperite la Folteti i Sboryanovo. Dintr-o privire de ansamblu asupra complexelor cu oseminte umane din aezri se poate observa c nu au fost observate reguli în ceea ce privete numrul de indivizi depui într-un complex, starea lor de integritate anatomic, poziia depunerii, orientarea, excepii referitoare la sex i vârst sau prezena unor malformaii sau anomalii la aceti indivizi. Aceste informaii, în majoritatea lor inedite, care provin din arhiva Sebastian Morintz aflat la Institutul de Arheologie "Vasile Pârvan", din publicaii dar i din descoperiri recente, nu fac decât s aduc o imagine nou asupra fenomenului depunerii defuncilor în spaiul locuit. Cuvinte cheie: Babadag, prima epoc a fierului, cultura Babadag, complexe cu oseminte umane în aezri. Introduction The Early Iron Age settlement is situated about 2.5 km NE from the Babadag town, Tulcea County, on the shore of the Babadag Lake, approximately 30 m left from the Tabana brook mouth. The prehistoric settlement laid on a promontory which offered a perfect visibility over the lake and the dry land, the latest currently occupied by the modern town. This strategic position was consolidated by the presence of the valley-most probably flooded in the past-which permitted access to the settlement only from NW. The access was even more restricted by the fortification, consisting of a ditch and an earthen structure. The settlement from Babadag became the eponym site of the Early Iron Age culture in Dobroudja, for which the chronological frame and territorial limits were established in 1964 by Sebastian Morintz. The same author published a series of reports and studies 1 considered as guiding marks for studying the Early Iron Age in SE Romania up to present day.


Editura Istros, Muzeul Brailei, 2013

Le choix de ce sujet est dû en premier lieu à la nécessité d’un nouvel ordre et analyse des donné... more Le choix de ce sujet est dû en premier lieu à la nécessité d’un nouvel ordre et analyse des données plus anciennes ou plus récentes concernant les âges de l’étain et du bronze dans la partie orientale de la Plaine Roumaine, une période moins recherchée, qui nous permettent de délimiter, en grand, la situation culturelle de cette région spécifique à l’époque en question. C’était le thème de ma thèse de doctorat, qui a présenté le stade des recherches archéologiques à ce moment-là (2011). Le territoire auquel nous nous sommes rapportés est délimité à l’est et au sud par le Danube, à l’ouest, par une ligne qui s’étend le long de la rivière de Mostiştea, à la confluence des rivières Ialomiţa et Prahova, la rivière Sărata (qui sépare les zones de plaine de celles collinaires dans le département de Buzău), et vers le nord, les limites de la Plaine du Bas Siret. Il s’agit, donc, du point de vue géographique, de la partie orientale du Bărăgan, comprenant les territoires des actuels départements de Brăila, Ialomiţa, et Călăraşi, la zone orientale (de plaine) du département de Buzău et le sud du département de Galaţi.


Editura Istros, Muzeul Brailei, 2013

Le choix de ce sujet est dû en premier lieu à la nécessité d’un nouvel ordre et analyse des donné... more Le choix de ce sujet est dû en premier lieu à la nécessité d’un nouvel ordre et analyse des données plus anciennes ou plus récentes concernant les âges de l’étain et du bronze dans la partie orientale de la Plaine Roumaine, une période moins recherchée, qui nous permettent de délimiter, en grand, la situation culturelle de cette région spécifique à l’époque en question. C’était le thème de ma thèse de doctorat, qui a présenté le stade des recherches archéologiques à ce moment-là (2011). Le territoire auquel nous nous sommes rapportés est délimité à l’est et au sud par le Danube, à l’ouest, par une ligne qui s’étend le long de la rivière de Mostiştea, à la confluence des rivières Ialomiţa et Prahova, la rivière Sărata (qui sépare les zones de plaine de celles collinaires dans le département de Buzău), et vers le nord, les limites de la Plaine du Bas Siret. Il s’agit, donc, du point de vue géographique, de la partie orientale du Bărăgan, comprenant les territoires des actuels départements de Brăila, Ialomiţa, et Călăraşi, la zone orientale (de plaine) du département de Buzău et le sud du département de Galaţi.