Miron Zapciu - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Miron Zapciu
Annals. Series on engineering sciences, Jun 28, 2024
Rezumat. Profesioniștii în management adoptă tot mai des modele de implementare hibride pentru pr... more Rezumat. Profesioniștii în management adoptă tot mai des modele de implementare hibride pentru proiectele aplicative de cercetare și dezvoltare, specifice unor medii dinamice, pentru a se adapta rapid la diverse provocări. În acest articol, conștienți de inadecvarea modelelor tradiționale de management în peisajul socioeconomic volatil și inovator al zilelor noastre, am realizat un exercițiu de analiză a stadiului cunoașterii pe baza căreia am adaptat o metodă care, bazată pe utilizarea unei matrice de analiză morfologică, ne-a permis să pregătim, prin implementarea, într-o primă etapă, a unui exercițiu de tip focus-grup, elaborarea de modele hibride personalizate, vizând în principal, ca o abordare originală, proiectele de cercetaredezvoltareinovare (CDI). În viitor, intenționăm ca abordarea noastră să fie validată printr-o evaluare a unui studiu de caz, oferind profesioniștilor soluții manageriale adecvate și dezvoltând un ghid pentru selectarea celor mai bune practici și adoptarea de modele de management hibrid performante.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering, 2021
This work comes within the scope of developing an automated linear axis that will be used in a no... more This work comes within the scope of developing an automated linear axis that will be used in a novel production machine. The axis needs precise control over the linear movement, calling for a servo-controlled motor. There are many types of motors that can be used, starting from inexpensive stepper motors, up to expensive and performant multi pole permanent magnet synchronous motors. The project calls for a servo drive that will be able to deliver a power output within 200 to 600 Watts, with an efficiency of over 80%. Brushless DC motors offer many possibilities within this range of powers with outstanding price/performance ratios. Open source projects like TinyMovr, Vesc and ODrive propose highly performant software stacks that are used extensively within robotics communities. These open software solutions need adequate hardware platforms to perform. The scope of this work is the description of the steps taken to design the printed circuit board on which the ODrive servo motor contr...
Annals: Series on engineering sciences (Academy of Romanian Scientists), 2018
This paper deals with the use of three alternative methods in order to modelling, simulation and ... more This paper deals with the use of three alternative methods in order to modelling, simulation and estimation of the production rate. The methods for evaluating the analytical performances are based on stochastic modelling of the production systems flows. Processes that imply random phenomena have traditionally been modelled through the use of statistical distributions. The paper shows that the Fuzzy Logic methods are able to achieve similar solutions to conventional methods. The objective of this work is to implement the main contributions brought in the industrial engineering field by modelling, simulating and estimation of the production rate, in a real case-study.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015
The purpose of this paper is to present a method to quantify the costs of potential losses from p... more The purpose of this paper is to present a method to quantify the costs of potential losses from production processes for new products to prioritize improvement projects based on the target cost and provide data and information for feasibility studies of continuous improvement projects. The specificity of the manufacturing cost policy deployment for new products is to identify the percentage of cost of future production phases which does not add value from a customer perspective, dynamically throughout the product life cycle. The percentage of non-value added cost is based on loss of each manufacturing process and is determined scientifically based on data and facts. Using the proposed method helps manufacturing companies in the acceptance of certain orders which at first glance are unprofitable. Moreover, the proposed method will help develop scenarios for continuous cost reduction after starting production through continuous improvement of productivity and quality required. The emp...
Rezumat. Dezvoltarea tehnologiilor de tipar digitale facilitează metode alternative de producție ... more Rezumat. Dezvoltarea tehnologiilor de tipar digitale facilitează metode alternative de producție pentru imprimarea foliilor reflectorizante certificate folosite la fabricarea fețelor indicatoarelor rutiere retro-reflectorizante. Astfel de produse se aprobă și se testează în conformitate cu standarde specifice precum SR EN 12899-1:2007, indiferent de metoda de producție, iar coordonatele cromatice și factorul de luminanță sunt normative pentru validarea produsului. Această lucrare propune o metodă de control de proces și asigurare a calității culorii folosind instrumente de măsură și unelte specifice tehnologiei grafice. Elementul cheie este corelarea spațiului de culoare de referință specific acesteia (CIELAB, D50) cu cel de referință din SR EN 12899-1:2007 (CIExyY, D65), luând în calcul și diferența conceptuală dintre toleranțele circulare/eliptice utilizate tipic în procesele tipografice și cele de tip patrulater definite de standard.
arXiv (Cornell University), Jan 21, 2012
This paper proposes a method to vibration analysis in order to on-line monitoring of milling proc... more This paper proposes a method to vibration analysis in order to on-line monitoring of milling process quality. Adapting envelope analysis to characterize the milling tool materials is an important contribution to the qualitative and quantitative characterization of milling capacity and a step by modeling the threedimensional cutting process. An experimental protocol was designed and developed for the acquisition, processing and analyzing three-dimensional signal. The vibration envelope analysis is proposed to detect the cutting capacity of the tool with the optimization application of cutting parameters. The research is focused on Hilbert transform optimization to evaluate the dynamic behavior of the machine/ tool/workpiece.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015
In Romania, the large majorities of the manufacturing companies consume natural resources and ene... more In Romania, the large majorities of the manufacturing companies consume natural resources and energy in an unsustainable manner. Over the years, the emissions of greenhouse gases have led not only to many environmental problems but also to important social and economic problems. A real solution to help the Romanian manufacturing companies to adapt to the new legislative requirements is the green manufacturing implementation. Considering the current situation, the purpose of this paper is to present a model that will integrate the green manufacturing concept at the organizational level based on the practices identified in the Romanian manufacturing companies at the operational level in the context of sustainable development.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
The continuing hydration of unhydrated cement grains was proven to be one of the most important p... more The continuing hydration of unhydrated cement grains was proven to be one of the most important processes for promoting the self-healing effect within cementitious composites, by generating the CSH gels as valuable healing products, not only sealing the microcracks but also being able to provide some mechanical recovery of the material, as well [1]. It was also concluded that the process slows down in time, being strongly connected to concrete age. In order to ensure the continuous hydration potential for the cementitious materials, also as essential self-healing (SH) promoter, the addition of reactive grains is considered. This paper presents preliminary aspects regarding the possibility of polymeric encapsulation of some reactive grains and the feasibility of the concept in terms of matrix compatibility to the addition and also their SH performance under induced, controlled cracking. The considered self-healing addition behaves intelligent as it would react with water only when th...
Rezumat. Lucrarea are ca obiectiv creşterea calităţii procesului de ambutisare a tablelor utiliza... more Rezumat. Lucrarea are ca obiectiv creşterea calităţii procesului de ambutisare a tablelor utilizate pentru confecţionarea chesoanele uşilor de automobile. Pentru obţinerea de piese fără defecte, se studiază cauza apariţiei defectelor, momentele în care apar şi condiţiile de proces care favorizează apariţia acestora. Pentru prelucrarea unor piese cu forme complexe şi neregulate sunt necesare condiţii optime pentru curgerea materialului. În situaţia în care gradul de deformare este mic, ambutisarea trebuie să se facă prin întinderea materialului şi, prin urmare, se prevăd nervuri de reţinere. Astfel, marginile semifabricatului sunt reţinute şi partea centrală a piesei va fi supusă unui proces de întindere, evitându-se astfel revenirea elastică şi asigurându-se stabilitatea formei piesei.
Journal of mechatronics and robotics, 2022
The evolution of mechatronic systems had a large impact in recent years. When comparing them in t... more The evolution of mechatronic systems had a large impact in recent years. When comparing them in terms of their mechanical, electrical and electronic components with their older variants, responds to a more elevated level of commands and requirements. Their testing has become more complicated and hybrid methods are often used. Hardware and software interfaces are used for this software. Hardware interfaces use a predictive approach method, developed linearly in the form of a "cascade". The software approach includes system requirements, where using a hybrid combination of test methods is preferred. Testing of hardware and software interfaces must be as accurate as possible, as is choosing the right models for the respective component or integrated system. This study discusses the use of "Waterfall" and "V" as a hybrid test method. The purpose of this article is to present such a test method.
Today’s business environment demands production systems that are easy to use, flexible, yield gre... more Today’s business environment demands production systems that are easy to use, flexible, yield great output, require little to no maintenance and provide great return of investments in short periods of time. This work focuses on providing a solution for a linear guide that is economical, light weight, precise and maintenance free. The guide comes within the scope of developing an automated linear axis that may be used in a heavily air borne contaminated environment.
Rezumat. Dezvoltarea economiei mondiale într-un ritm extrem de rapid urmată de criză economică a ... more Rezumat. Dezvoltarea economiei mondiale într-un ritm extrem de rapid urmată de criză economică a impus orientarea către analize, atât la nivel macroeconomic cât și microeconomic, ale indicatorilor economici aflați în interdependență în spațiul tridimensional prin vizualizarea de rapoarte unificate cât și și combinații ale datelor de intrare unele față de altele. Aceste analize utilizează în prezent noțiunea (conceptul) de fuzzy logic pentru a descrie cât mai apropiat de realitate fenomenele sau procesele care sunt extrem de instabile. Astfel multitudinea factorilor de intrare este influențată de feedback-ul organizațiilor. Abstract. Developing worldwide economy in an extremely fast rate of economic crisis followed by analysis required orientation at both the macro and micro economic indicators are interdependent in three-dimensional space by viewing reports and unified and combinations of input data to each other. These analyzes currently use concept (concept) of fuzzy logic to desc...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Artificial intelligence systems are usefully tools for estimation of different parameters for ind... more Artificial intelligence systems are usefully tools for estimation of different parameters for industrial and non-industrial applications. In this paper is presented a fuzzy logic application for surface roughness prediction for two material type for a CAM milling process. A minimum number of measurements have been made on a specific material (Al 6061) and were used for prediction of a roughness of another material (Al 7075). The link parameters between these materials, used in Fuzzy logic system, is the Rockwell hardness. In this way many correction parameters of cutting regime can be calculated in a short time with minimum resource (less experiments and tests needed).
Intuitive Surgical is the pioneer and a global technology leader in robotic-assisted, minimally i... more Intuitive Surgical is the pioneer and a global technology leader in robotic-assisted, minimally invasive surgery. The company develops, manufactures and markets the Surgical System da Vinci, the most complex device used in medical robotics. The product is called "da Vinci" because Leonardo da Vinci invented the first robot, and his works excel in anatomical details. The Surgical System da Vinci is a robotic platform that allows complex surgery through incisions of 1-2 cm. So far, hundreds of thousands of surgeries have been performed. The Surgical System da Vinci reproduces the surgeon's movements in real time. The advantages of using the Surgical System da Vinci, are greater precision, a much better picture and remote surgery. The disadvantages to traditional techniques are that it cannot be programmed and cannot make decisions on its own to make a surgical move or surgery without the surgeon's command. The Surgical System da Vinci is used currently in major medic...
Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Engineering Sciences
Littar is an asphaltic concrete foundation material made with plastic and glass waste combining t... more Littar is an asphaltic concrete foundation material made with plastic and glass waste combining the need for durable and affordable infrastructure with the enormous amounts of mismanaged and unrecyclable plastic and glass waste materials.
Graphic Technology is a direct beneficiary of progress and advancements into the fields of engine... more Graphic Technology is a direct beneficiary of progress and advancements into the fields of engineering, information technology, physics and chemistry, while the dynamic of this industrial revolution adds new niches and reshapes, redefines and reinvents existing printing applications. The standardization is pushing for better and new modelling of graphic technology processes resulting into more automated and better integrated workflow streamlining the process while reduces the error rate and the need for operator intervention. This challenge is leading to research and development of test methods and specifications aimed at the typical printing production workflow from the original provided to the finished products.
Fast transients of today’s chips generate a large amount of high frequencies harmonics which in t... more Fast transients of today’s chips generate a large amount of high frequencies harmonics which in turn bring upon the designer an increasing amount of problems. Heat, crosstalk, electro-magnetic interference, ground bounce, reflections, plane resonance and many other issues turn the design decision making into an extremely complex problem. The use of tools for simulating and managing the constraints of the electronic system is absolutely necessary, and recent technological progress has brought with it a range of algorithms capable of significantly anticipating the operation process of electronic devices.
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia, 2021
Thematic art creation is a product of a complex social, historical, and cultural context, and it ... more Thematic art creation is a product of a complex social, historical, and cultural context, and it fills an important position in the development of modern and contemporary Chinese art history. Since the 21st century, with the introduction and implementation of a series of national major thematic art creation projects, thematic art creation has gradually moved from a marginal position in art history to a core area, becoming a visual narrative method with independent aesthetic value. Moving towards cultural consciousness and carrying cultural self-confidence, thematic art creation requires the guidance, standardization, and support of related art theories. The lack and absence of theoretical research restricts the development of thematic art creation. This study combs through the research results and literature materials of thematic art creation since the new century as well as studies the aesthetic education value of thematic art creation image narration.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering, 2021
This work comes within the scope of developing an automated linear axis that will be used in a no... more This work comes within the scope of developing an automated linear axis that will be used in a novel production machine. The axis needs precise control over the linear movement, calling for a servo-controlled motor. There are many types of motors that can be used, starting from inexpensive stepper motors, up to expensive and performant multi pole permanent magnet synchronous motors. The project calls for a servo drive that will be able to deliver a power output within 200 to 600 Watts, with an efficiency of over 80%. Brushless DC motors offer many possibilities within this range of powers with outstanding price/performance ratios. Open source projects like TinyMovr, Vesc and ODrive propose highly performant software stacks that are used extensively within robotics communities. These open software solutions need adequate hardware platforms to perform. The scope of this work is the description of the steps taken to design the printed circuit board on which the ODrive servo motor contr...
Annals. Series on engineering sciences, Jun 28, 2024
Rezumat. Profesioniștii în management adoptă tot mai des modele de implementare hibride pentru pr... more Rezumat. Profesioniștii în management adoptă tot mai des modele de implementare hibride pentru proiectele aplicative de cercetare și dezvoltare, specifice unor medii dinamice, pentru a se adapta rapid la diverse provocări. În acest articol, conștienți de inadecvarea modelelor tradiționale de management în peisajul socioeconomic volatil și inovator al zilelor noastre, am realizat un exercițiu de analiză a stadiului cunoașterii pe baza căreia am adaptat o metodă care, bazată pe utilizarea unei matrice de analiză morfologică, ne-a permis să pregătim, prin implementarea, într-o primă etapă, a unui exercițiu de tip focus-grup, elaborarea de modele hibride personalizate, vizând în principal, ca o abordare originală, proiectele de cercetaredezvoltareinovare (CDI). În viitor, intenționăm ca abordarea noastră să fie validată printr-o evaluare a unui studiu de caz, oferind profesioniștilor soluții manageriale adecvate și dezvoltând un ghid pentru selectarea celor mai bune practici și adoptarea de modele de management hibrid performante.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering, 2021
This work comes within the scope of developing an automated linear axis that will be used in a no... more This work comes within the scope of developing an automated linear axis that will be used in a novel production machine. The axis needs precise control over the linear movement, calling for a servo-controlled motor. There are many types of motors that can be used, starting from inexpensive stepper motors, up to expensive and performant multi pole permanent magnet synchronous motors. The project calls for a servo drive that will be able to deliver a power output within 200 to 600 Watts, with an efficiency of over 80%. Brushless DC motors offer many possibilities within this range of powers with outstanding price/performance ratios. Open source projects like TinyMovr, Vesc and ODrive propose highly performant software stacks that are used extensively within robotics communities. These open software solutions need adequate hardware platforms to perform. The scope of this work is the description of the steps taken to design the printed circuit board on which the ODrive servo motor contr...
Annals: Series on engineering sciences (Academy of Romanian Scientists), 2018
This paper deals with the use of three alternative methods in order to modelling, simulation and ... more This paper deals with the use of three alternative methods in order to modelling, simulation and estimation of the production rate. The methods for evaluating the analytical performances are based on stochastic modelling of the production systems flows. Processes that imply random phenomena have traditionally been modelled through the use of statistical distributions. The paper shows that the Fuzzy Logic methods are able to achieve similar solutions to conventional methods. The objective of this work is to implement the main contributions brought in the industrial engineering field by modelling, simulating and estimation of the production rate, in a real case-study.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015
The purpose of this paper is to present a method to quantify the costs of potential losses from p... more The purpose of this paper is to present a method to quantify the costs of potential losses from production processes for new products to prioritize improvement projects based on the target cost and provide data and information for feasibility studies of continuous improvement projects. The specificity of the manufacturing cost policy deployment for new products is to identify the percentage of cost of future production phases which does not add value from a customer perspective, dynamically throughout the product life cycle. The percentage of non-value added cost is based on loss of each manufacturing process and is determined scientifically based on data and facts. Using the proposed method helps manufacturing companies in the acceptance of certain orders which at first glance are unprofitable. Moreover, the proposed method will help develop scenarios for continuous cost reduction after starting production through continuous improvement of productivity and quality required. The emp...
Rezumat. Dezvoltarea tehnologiilor de tipar digitale facilitează metode alternative de producție ... more Rezumat. Dezvoltarea tehnologiilor de tipar digitale facilitează metode alternative de producție pentru imprimarea foliilor reflectorizante certificate folosite la fabricarea fețelor indicatoarelor rutiere retro-reflectorizante. Astfel de produse se aprobă și se testează în conformitate cu standarde specifice precum SR EN 12899-1:2007, indiferent de metoda de producție, iar coordonatele cromatice și factorul de luminanță sunt normative pentru validarea produsului. Această lucrare propune o metodă de control de proces și asigurare a calității culorii folosind instrumente de măsură și unelte specifice tehnologiei grafice. Elementul cheie este corelarea spațiului de culoare de referință specific acesteia (CIELAB, D50) cu cel de referință din SR EN 12899-1:2007 (CIExyY, D65), luând în calcul și diferența conceptuală dintre toleranțele circulare/eliptice utilizate tipic în procesele tipografice și cele de tip patrulater definite de standard.
arXiv (Cornell University), Jan 21, 2012
This paper proposes a method to vibration analysis in order to on-line monitoring of milling proc... more This paper proposes a method to vibration analysis in order to on-line monitoring of milling process quality. Adapting envelope analysis to characterize the milling tool materials is an important contribution to the qualitative and quantitative characterization of milling capacity and a step by modeling the threedimensional cutting process. An experimental protocol was designed and developed for the acquisition, processing and analyzing three-dimensional signal. The vibration envelope analysis is proposed to detect the cutting capacity of the tool with the optimization application of cutting parameters. The research is focused on Hilbert transform optimization to evaluate the dynamic behavior of the machine/ tool/workpiece.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015
In Romania, the large majorities of the manufacturing companies consume natural resources and ene... more In Romania, the large majorities of the manufacturing companies consume natural resources and energy in an unsustainable manner. Over the years, the emissions of greenhouse gases have led not only to many environmental problems but also to important social and economic problems. A real solution to help the Romanian manufacturing companies to adapt to the new legislative requirements is the green manufacturing implementation. Considering the current situation, the purpose of this paper is to present a model that will integrate the green manufacturing concept at the organizational level based on the practices identified in the Romanian manufacturing companies at the operational level in the context of sustainable development.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
The continuing hydration of unhydrated cement grains was proven to be one of the most important p... more The continuing hydration of unhydrated cement grains was proven to be one of the most important processes for promoting the self-healing effect within cementitious composites, by generating the CSH gels as valuable healing products, not only sealing the microcracks but also being able to provide some mechanical recovery of the material, as well [1]. It was also concluded that the process slows down in time, being strongly connected to concrete age. In order to ensure the continuous hydration potential for the cementitious materials, also as essential self-healing (SH) promoter, the addition of reactive grains is considered. This paper presents preliminary aspects regarding the possibility of polymeric encapsulation of some reactive grains and the feasibility of the concept in terms of matrix compatibility to the addition and also their SH performance under induced, controlled cracking. The considered self-healing addition behaves intelligent as it would react with water only when th...
Rezumat. Lucrarea are ca obiectiv creşterea calităţii procesului de ambutisare a tablelor utiliza... more Rezumat. Lucrarea are ca obiectiv creşterea calităţii procesului de ambutisare a tablelor utilizate pentru confecţionarea chesoanele uşilor de automobile. Pentru obţinerea de piese fără defecte, se studiază cauza apariţiei defectelor, momentele în care apar şi condiţiile de proces care favorizează apariţia acestora. Pentru prelucrarea unor piese cu forme complexe şi neregulate sunt necesare condiţii optime pentru curgerea materialului. În situaţia în care gradul de deformare este mic, ambutisarea trebuie să se facă prin întinderea materialului şi, prin urmare, se prevăd nervuri de reţinere. Astfel, marginile semifabricatului sunt reţinute şi partea centrală a piesei va fi supusă unui proces de întindere, evitându-se astfel revenirea elastică şi asigurându-se stabilitatea formei piesei.
Journal of mechatronics and robotics, 2022
The evolution of mechatronic systems had a large impact in recent years. When comparing them in t... more The evolution of mechatronic systems had a large impact in recent years. When comparing them in terms of their mechanical, electrical and electronic components with their older variants, responds to a more elevated level of commands and requirements. Their testing has become more complicated and hybrid methods are often used. Hardware and software interfaces are used for this software. Hardware interfaces use a predictive approach method, developed linearly in the form of a "cascade". The software approach includes system requirements, where using a hybrid combination of test methods is preferred. Testing of hardware and software interfaces must be as accurate as possible, as is choosing the right models for the respective component or integrated system. This study discusses the use of "Waterfall" and "V" as a hybrid test method. The purpose of this article is to present such a test method.
Today’s business environment demands production systems that are easy to use, flexible, yield gre... more Today’s business environment demands production systems that are easy to use, flexible, yield great output, require little to no maintenance and provide great return of investments in short periods of time. This work focuses on providing a solution for a linear guide that is economical, light weight, precise and maintenance free. The guide comes within the scope of developing an automated linear axis that may be used in a heavily air borne contaminated environment.
Rezumat. Dezvoltarea economiei mondiale într-un ritm extrem de rapid urmată de criză economică a ... more Rezumat. Dezvoltarea economiei mondiale într-un ritm extrem de rapid urmată de criză economică a impus orientarea către analize, atât la nivel macroeconomic cât și microeconomic, ale indicatorilor economici aflați în interdependență în spațiul tridimensional prin vizualizarea de rapoarte unificate cât și și combinații ale datelor de intrare unele față de altele. Aceste analize utilizează în prezent noțiunea (conceptul) de fuzzy logic pentru a descrie cât mai apropiat de realitate fenomenele sau procesele care sunt extrem de instabile. Astfel multitudinea factorilor de intrare este influențată de feedback-ul organizațiilor. Abstract. Developing worldwide economy in an extremely fast rate of economic crisis followed by analysis required orientation at both the macro and micro economic indicators are interdependent in three-dimensional space by viewing reports and unified and combinations of input data to each other. These analyzes currently use concept (concept) of fuzzy logic to desc...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Artificial intelligence systems are usefully tools for estimation of different parameters for ind... more Artificial intelligence systems are usefully tools for estimation of different parameters for industrial and non-industrial applications. In this paper is presented a fuzzy logic application for surface roughness prediction for two material type for a CAM milling process. A minimum number of measurements have been made on a specific material (Al 6061) and were used for prediction of a roughness of another material (Al 7075). The link parameters between these materials, used in Fuzzy logic system, is the Rockwell hardness. In this way many correction parameters of cutting regime can be calculated in a short time with minimum resource (less experiments and tests needed).
Intuitive Surgical is the pioneer and a global technology leader in robotic-assisted, minimally i... more Intuitive Surgical is the pioneer and a global technology leader in robotic-assisted, minimally invasive surgery. The company develops, manufactures and markets the Surgical System da Vinci, the most complex device used in medical robotics. The product is called "da Vinci" because Leonardo da Vinci invented the first robot, and his works excel in anatomical details. The Surgical System da Vinci is a robotic platform that allows complex surgery through incisions of 1-2 cm. So far, hundreds of thousands of surgeries have been performed. The Surgical System da Vinci reproduces the surgeon's movements in real time. The advantages of using the Surgical System da Vinci, are greater precision, a much better picture and remote surgery. The disadvantages to traditional techniques are that it cannot be programmed and cannot make decisions on its own to make a surgical move or surgery without the surgeon's command. The Surgical System da Vinci is used currently in major medic...
Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Engineering Sciences
Littar is an asphaltic concrete foundation material made with plastic and glass waste combining t... more Littar is an asphaltic concrete foundation material made with plastic and glass waste combining the need for durable and affordable infrastructure with the enormous amounts of mismanaged and unrecyclable plastic and glass waste materials.
Graphic Technology is a direct beneficiary of progress and advancements into the fields of engine... more Graphic Technology is a direct beneficiary of progress and advancements into the fields of engineering, information technology, physics and chemistry, while the dynamic of this industrial revolution adds new niches and reshapes, redefines and reinvents existing printing applications. The standardization is pushing for better and new modelling of graphic technology processes resulting into more automated and better integrated workflow streamlining the process while reduces the error rate and the need for operator intervention. This challenge is leading to research and development of test methods and specifications aimed at the typical printing production workflow from the original provided to the finished products.
Fast transients of today’s chips generate a large amount of high frequencies harmonics which in t... more Fast transients of today’s chips generate a large amount of high frequencies harmonics which in turn bring upon the designer an increasing amount of problems. Heat, crosstalk, electro-magnetic interference, ground bounce, reflections, plane resonance and many other issues turn the design decision making into an extremely complex problem. The use of tools for simulating and managing the constraints of the electronic system is absolutely necessary, and recent technological progress has brought with it a range of algorithms capable of significantly anticipating the operation process of electronic devices.
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia, 2021
Thematic art creation is a product of a complex social, historical, and cultural context, and it ... more Thematic art creation is a product of a complex social, historical, and cultural context, and it fills an important position in the development of modern and contemporary Chinese art history. Since the 21st century, with the introduction and implementation of a series of national major thematic art creation projects, thematic art creation has gradually moved from a marginal position in art history to a core area, becoming a visual narrative method with independent aesthetic value. Moving towards cultural consciousness and carrying cultural self-confidence, thematic art creation requires the guidance, standardization, and support of related art theories. The lack and absence of theoretical research restricts the development of thematic art creation. This study combs through the research results and literature materials of thematic art creation since the new century as well as studies the aesthetic education value of thematic art creation image narration.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering, 2021
This work comes within the scope of developing an automated linear axis that will be used in a no... more This work comes within the scope of developing an automated linear axis that will be used in a novel production machine. The axis needs precise control over the linear movement, calling for a servo-controlled motor. There are many types of motors that can be used, starting from inexpensive stepper motors, up to expensive and performant multi pole permanent magnet synchronous motors. The project calls for a servo drive that will be able to deliver a power output within 200 to 600 Watts, with an efficiency of over 80%. Brushless DC motors offer many possibilities within this range of powers with outstanding price/performance ratios. Open source projects like TinyMovr, Vesc and ODrive propose highly performant software stacks that are used extensively within robotics communities. These open software solutions need adequate hardware platforms to perform. The scope of this work is the description of the steps taken to design the printed circuit board on which the ODrive servo motor contr...