Misbahul Ulum - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Misbahul Ulum
Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2020
Ciencia Engenharia, Dec 22, 2009
Neste trabalho foi estudada a remocao do ion chumbo pela zeolita natural Clinoptilolita. Este est... more Neste trabalho foi estudada a remocao do ion chumbo pela zeolita natural Clinoptilolita. Este estudo foi realizado em coluna de leito fixo construido em acrilico nas dimensoes de 13,3 cm de altura e 1,4 cm de diâmetro interno. Determinaram-se entao as condicoes operacionais que minimizam as resistencias difusionais, para isso foram realizados ensaios variando vazoes entre 10 e 50 mL/min. A analise de parâmetros como comprimento da zona de transferencia de massa e capacidade da coluna indicaram que nas vazoes estudadas, 20 mL/min e a melhor condicao. O estudo de pH foi feito visando a determinacao da faixa de valores na qual nao ocorresse a precipitacao do chumbo, a quantidade minima de precipitacao ocorreu em pH entre 3,0 e 5,0. Foi feita a avaliacao da melhor condicao de concentracao inicial de chumbo e vazao de alimentacao, utilizando a tecnica de planejamento experimental 22 com 3 pontos centrais, com o objetivo de se obter a melhor condicao de remocao. Dentro das faixas estudadas, apenas a concentracao foi significativa. O modelo obtido pela metodologia de superficie de resposta, nas faixas de estudo, mostrou-se estatisticamente significativo e preditivo com 98,9% de confiabilidade. A capacidade maxima da zeolita para remover chumbo foi estimada em 200,54mg de Pb/g de zeolita. Palavras-Chave: adsorcao, chumbo, zeolita, leito fixo. ABSTRACT This work investigated the removal of lead ion using natural zeolite clinoptilolite. The study was done using a cylindrical fixed bed column built in acrylic with a height of 13.3 cm and an internal diameter of 1.4 cm. Experimental assays were carried out varying the liquid flow rate from 10 to 50 mL/min to determine the optimum operational conditions which minimizes diffusion resistance. Length of mass transfer zone and column capacity analyzed indicated that the best flow rate was 20 mL/min among the conditions studied. In order to determinate the pH range at which minimized lead precipitation occurs a pH variation study was developed. The minimum amount of precipitation occurred in pH levels from 3.0 to 5.0. Operating conditions for the maximal lead ion removal were determined using the factorial design and response surface techniques. The variables under investigation were lead initial concentration and feeding flow rate. In the range of values studied, only the variable concentration was found significant. The model obtained by surface methodology was statistically significant and predictive with 98.9% of confidence. The zeolite maximal capacity of lead ion removal was predicted by the model at 200.54 mg of Pb/g de zeolite. Keywords: adsorption, lead, zeolite, fixed bed.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015
Abstract In this work, the physicochemical and morphological characterization of fish scales and ... more Abstract In this work, the physicochemical and morphological characterization of fish scales and an evaluation of their adsorption of reactive blue 5G (RB5G) dye were performed. The analysis of N2 physisorption, pHZPC, SEM–EDX, XRD and FTIR was carried out. Adsorption experiments were performed in batch and closed system. From N2 physisorption studies, we obtained values of the specific surface area, total pore volume and average pore diameter as 2.6 m2 g−1, 0.003 cm3 g−1 and 20.6 A, respectively. The pHZPC was estimated as 7.6. The presence of hydroxyapatite and collagen fibres in the structure of the scales was observed in SEM–EDX, XRD and FTIR results. Furthermore, leaching of mineral phase mainly occurs during the adsorption process in acid medium (pH 2), although, in neutral and alkaline media (pH 7 and 10), it is less pronounced. The FTIR spectra indicate that the amides functional groups from collagen structure are responsible for RB5G dye adsorption. Comparing the RB5G dye uptake at different initial pH values (2, 7, 10), a higher capacity was achieved in acidic medium. The equilibrium adsorption data of RB5G dye at pH 2 showed a maximum capacity of 241.20 mg g−1 with fast kinetics.
Penelitian yang penulis lakukan ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (Libabry Reseach), yaitu kegiat... more Penelitian yang penulis lakukan ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (Libabry Reseach), yaitu kegiatan riset yang membatasi kegiatan penelitiannya hanya pada bahan-bahan koleksi perpustakaan saja tanpa memerlukan riset lapangan. Metode analisisnya adalah analisis deskriptif kritis. Pendekatan analisis yang penulis gunakan adalah pendekatan semantik Thosihiko Izutsu, yaitu sebuah kajian analitik terhadap istilah-istilah kunci suatu bahasa denga suatu pandangan yang akhirnya sampai pada pengertian konseptual weltanschauung. Adapun makna yang digali adalah makna dasar dan makna relasional. Pendekatan inilah yang penulis gunakan untuk mengalisis kata Mauʻiẓah dalam al-Qur’an. Makna dasar adalah makna asli yang melekat pada kata dimanapun ia diletakkan. Dan makna relasional adalah makna yang muncul akibat dari relasi antar kata itu dengan kata lain dan konteks kalimat. Untuk mengungkap makna relasional, penulis menerapkan langkah semantik yang dilakukan oleh Ali Aziz dan Nur Kholis setiawan. Untuk memudahkan menemukan relasi antar kata dalam kalimat, penulis menggunakan pendekatan paralelisme. Dalam menjalankan penelitian, penulis membagi kata Mauʻiẓah menjadi dua klasifikasi. Yaitu kata Mauʻiẓah yang berdiri sendiri yang terdapat dalam Qs al-Baqarah: 66 dan 275, Qs ali-Imran: 138, QS Al-Maidah: 46, QS al-A’raf: 145, QS Yunus: 57, QS Hud: 120, dan QS an-Nur: 34; Dan kata Mauʻiẓah yang tergabung dengan kata Hasanah , yang terdapat dalam QS an-Nahl: 125. Adapun yang dimaksud dengan Mauʻiẓah adalah pelajaran yang didalamnya membutuhkan sinergitas antara بيان (penjelas), نور (cahaya), هدى (petunjuk), مصدقا (membenarkan), تفصيلا (penjelasan), شفاء (obat/penyembuh), رحمة (Rahmat), الحق (kebenaran), ذكرى (peringatan). آيات (ayat/tanda) dan مثلا (contoh), dengan menggunakan pelajaran dari Tuhan (al-Qur’an) guna membentuk masyarakat muslim yang mukmin dan muttaqin.
Social change would always occur in the community, because the social changes determined the valu... more Social change would always occur in the community, because the social changes determined the value of a civilization and the condition of society, regardless of whether the change encouraged the establishment of an ideal society or on the contrary. Therefore, as agents of change, the actors of preaching were challenged to explore al-Qur’an to find the conceptual basis which was expected to be the foundation that drove the process of change in society. As phenomena, preaching should be able to transform the purpose of human freedom, progress and justice. While as a science, preaching had to have a theoretical framework and strong conceptual foundation. As a revelation, the Qur'an was understood as a guide, but on the other side al-Qur'an could not be separated from the reality of people's lives. Therefore, as the basis for revolution and social-change, al-Qur'an would live in accordance with the change and development of the society. Keyword: community, change, al-Qur...
Jurnal Dinamika Ekonomi & Bisnis
E-Commerce di Indonesia telah mengalami perkembangan yang sangat cepat. Banyak situs e-Commerce y... more E-Commerce di Indonesia telah mengalami perkembangan yang sangat cepat. Banyak situs e-Commerce yang mulai bermunculan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan penetrasi internet di masyarakat. Perkembangan tersebut juga terjadi pada sektor pasar muslim yang ditandai dengan munculnya beberapa e-Commerce Islam. Kemunculan e-Commerce Islam ini sangat bisa dimaklumi mengingat potensi transaksi pada pasar muslim di Indoensia sangat besar, yakni mencapai 2.800 triliun pada tahun 2012. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana prinsip-prinsip jual beli online dalam Islam terimplementasi pada situs e-Commerce Islam di Indonesia, serta untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk penerapan prinsip-prinsip jual beli dalam Islam pada praktik transaksi melalui e-Commerce Islam. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi langsung dan dokumentasi. Melalui penelitian diharapkan agar praktik jua...
Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2020
Ciencia Engenharia, Dec 22, 2009
Neste trabalho foi estudada a remocao do ion chumbo pela zeolita natural Clinoptilolita. Este est... more Neste trabalho foi estudada a remocao do ion chumbo pela zeolita natural Clinoptilolita. Este estudo foi realizado em coluna de leito fixo construido em acrilico nas dimensoes de 13,3 cm de altura e 1,4 cm de diâmetro interno. Determinaram-se entao as condicoes operacionais que minimizam as resistencias difusionais, para isso foram realizados ensaios variando vazoes entre 10 e 50 mL/min. A analise de parâmetros como comprimento da zona de transferencia de massa e capacidade da coluna indicaram que nas vazoes estudadas, 20 mL/min e a melhor condicao. O estudo de pH foi feito visando a determinacao da faixa de valores na qual nao ocorresse a precipitacao do chumbo, a quantidade minima de precipitacao ocorreu em pH entre 3,0 e 5,0. Foi feita a avaliacao da melhor condicao de concentracao inicial de chumbo e vazao de alimentacao, utilizando a tecnica de planejamento experimental 22 com 3 pontos centrais, com o objetivo de se obter a melhor condicao de remocao. Dentro das faixas estudadas, apenas a concentracao foi significativa. O modelo obtido pela metodologia de superficie de resposta, nas faixas de estudo, mostrou-se estatisticamente significativo e preditivo com 98,9% de confiabilidade. A capacidade maxima da zeolita para remover chumbo foi estimada em 200,54mg de Pb/g de zeolita. Palavras-Chave: adsorcao, chumbo, zeolita, leito fixo. ABSTRACT This work investigated the removal of lead ion using natural zeolite clinoptilolite. The study was done using a cylindrical fixed bed column built in acrylic with a height of 13.3 cm and an internal diameter of 1.4 cm. Experimental assays were carried out varying the liquid flow rate from 10 to 50 mL/min to determine the optimum operational conditions which minimizes diffusion resistance. Length of mass transfer zone and column capacity analyzed indicated that the best flow rate was 20 mL/min among the conditions studied. In order to determinate the pH range at which minimized lead precipitation occurs a pH variation study was developed. The minimum amount of precipitation occurred in pH levels from 3.0 to 5.0. Operating conditions for the maximal lead ion removal were determined using the factorial design and response surface techniques. The variables under investigation were lead initial concentration and feeding flow rate. In the range of values studied, only the variable concentration was found significant. The model obtained by surface methodology was statistically significant and predictive with 98.9% of confidence. The zeolite maximal capacity of lead ion removal was predicted by the model at 200.54 mg of Pb/g de zeolite. Keywords: adsorption, lead, zeolite, fixed bed.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015
Abstract In this work, the physicochemical and morphological characterization of fish scales and ... more Abstract In this work, the physicochemical and morphological characterization of fish scales and an evaluation of their adsorption of reactive blue 5G (RB5G) dye were performed. The analysis of N2 physisorption, pHZPC, SEM–EDX, XRD and FTIR was carried out. Adsorption experiments were performed in batch and closed system. From N2 physisorption studies, we obtained values of the specific surface area, total pore volume and average pore diameter as 2.6 m2 g−1, 0.003 cm3 g−1 and 20.6 A, respectively. The pHZPC was estimated as 7.6. The presence of hydroxyapatite and collagen fibres in the structure of the scales was observed in SEM–EDX, XRD and FTIR results. Furthermore, leaching of mineral phase mainly occurs during the adsorption process in acid medium (pH 2), although, in neutral and alkaline media (pH 7 and 10), it is less pronounced. The FTIR spectra indicate that the amides functional groups from collagen structure are responsible for RB5G dye adsorption. Comparing the RB5G dye uptake at different initial pH values (2, 7, 10), a higher capacity was achieved in acidic medium. The equilibrium adsorption data of RB5G dye at pH 2 showed a maximum capacity of 241.20 mg g−1 with fast kinetics.
Penelitian yang penulis lakukan ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (Libabry Reseach), yaitu kegiat... more Penelitian yang penulis lakukan ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (Libabry Reseach), yaitu kegiatan riset yang membatasi kegiatan penelitiannya hanya pada bahan-bahan koleksi perpustakaan saja tanpa memerlukan riset lapangan. Metode analisisnya adalah analisis deskriptif kritis. Pendekatan analisis yang penulis gunakan adalah pendekatan semantik Thosihiko Izutsu, yaitu sebuah kajian analitik terhadap istilah-istilah kunci suatu bahasa denga suatu pandangan yang akhirnya sampai pada pengertian konseptual weltanschauung. Adapun makna yang digali adalah makna dasar dan makna relasional. Pendekatan inilah yang penulis gunakan untuk mengalisis kata Mauʻiẓah dalam al-Qur’an. Makna dasar adalah makna asli yang melekat pada kata dimanapun ia diletakkan. Dan makna relasional adalah makna yang muncul akibat dari relasi antar kata itu dengan kata lain dan konteks kalimat. Untuk mengungkap makna relasional, penulis menerapkan langkah semantik yang dilakukan oleh Ali Aziz dan Nur Kholis setiawan. Untuk memudahkan menemukan relasi antar kata dalam kalimat, penulis menggunakan pendekatan paralelisme. Dalam menjalankan penelitian, penulis membagi kata Mauʻiẓah menjadi dua klasifikasi. Yaitu kata Mauʻiẓah yang berdiri sendiri yang terdapat dalam Qs al-Baqarah: 66 dan 275, Qs ali-Imran: 138, QS Al-Maidah: 46, QS al-A’raf: 145, QS Yunus: 57, QS Hud: 120, dan QS an-Nur: 34; Dan kata Mauʻiẓah yang tergabung dengan kata Hasanah , yang terdapat dalam QS an-Nahl: 125. Adapun yang dimaksud dengan Mauʻiẓah adalah pelajaran yang didalamnya membutuhkan sinergitas antara بيان (penjelas), نور (cahaya), هدى (petunjuk), مصدقا (membenarkan), تفصيلا (penjelasan), شفاء (obat/penyembuh), رحمة (Rahmat), الحق (kebenaran), ذكرى (peringatan). آيات (ayat/tanda) dan مثلا (contoh), dengan menggunakan pelajaran dari Tuhan (al-Qur’an) guna membentuk masyarakat muslim yang mukmin dan muttaqin.
Social change would always occur in the community, because the social changes determined the valu... more Social change would always occur in the community, because the social changes determined the value of a civilization and the condition of society, regardless of whether the change encouraged the establishment of an ideal society or on the contrary. Therefore, as agents of change, the actors of preaching were challenged to explore al-Qur’an to find the conceptual basis which was expected to be the foundation that drove the process of change in society. As phenomena, preaching should be able to transform the purpose of human freedom, progress and justice. While as a science, preaching had to have a theoretical framework and strong conceptual foundation. As a revelation, the Qur'an was understood as a guide, but on the other side al-Qur'an could not be separated from the reality of people's lives. Therefore, as the basis for revolution and social-change, al-Qur'an would live in accordance with the change and development of the society. Keyword: community, change, al-Qur...
Jurnal Dinamika Ekonomi & Bisnis
E-Commerce di Indonesia telah mengalami perkembangan yang sangat cepat. Banyak situs e-Commerce y... more E-Commerce di Indonesia telah mengalami perkembangan yang sangat cepat. Banyak situs e-Commerce yang mulai bermunculan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan penetrasi internet di masyarakat. Perkembangan tersebut juga terjadi pada sektor pasar muslim yang ditandai dengan munculnya beberapa e-Commerce Islam. Kemunculan e-Commerce Islam ini sangat bisa dimaklumi mengingat potensi transaksi pada pasar muslim di Indoensia sangat besar, yakni mencapai 2.800 triliun pada tahun 2012. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana prinsip-prinsip jual beli online dalam Islam terimplementasi pada situs e-Commerce Islam di Indonesia, serta untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk penerapan prinsip-prinsip jual beli dalam Islam pada praktik transaksi melalui e-Commerce Islam. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi langsung dan dokumentasi. Melalui penelitian diharapkan agar praktik jua...