Mladen Brnčić - (original) (raw)

Papers by Mladen Brnčić

Research paper thumbnail of Covid-19 pandemic effects on food safety - Multi-country survey study

Research paper thumbnail of Quality characteristics of white wine: The short- and long-term impact of high power ultrasound processing

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry

Research paper thumbnail of Application of high hydrostatic pressure and ultrasound-assisted extractions as a novel approach for pectin and polyphenols recovery from tomato peel waste

Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies

Research paper thumbnail of Utjecaj ultrazvuka i visokog hidrostatskog tlaka na fizikalna svojstva sojinog mlijeka kao baze za pripravu napitaka

Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam

Netoplinske tehnologije, danas sve zastupljenije u modernoj prehrambenoj industriji zasnivaju se ... more Netoplinske tehnologije, danas sve zastupljenije u modernoj prehrambenoj industriji zasnivaju se na brzoj i učinkovitoj obradi kojom u potpunosti kontroliramo promjenu temperaturnog gradijenta. Sojino mlijeko kao vodeni ekstrakt sojina zrna prihvatljiva je baza za proizvodnju napitaka na bazi voća i povrća kao i pripravu sve popularnijih smoothija. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj ultrazvuka visokog intenziteta i visokog hidrostatskog tlaka na promjenu fizikalnih svojstava (temperatura, apsorbancija, gustoća i raspodjela veličine masnih globula) sojinog mlijeka sa različitim udjelom suhe tvari sa ciljem bolje stabilnosti i održanja disperznog sustava. Udio suhe tvari reflektira se na stabilnost disperzne faze unutar disperznog sredstva. Ultrazvučna obrada provedena je pri amplitudama 20, 60 i 100 %, vremenu obrade 6 i 10 minuta, te sondama promjera 7 i 10 mm. Obrada visokim hidrostatskim tlakom provedena je pri tlakovima od 100, 200 i 300 Mpa i vremenu zadržavanja od 9 i 15 m...

Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Acceptance and Quality Parameters of the Commercial Olive Oils Manufactured with Cultivars Grown in Galicia (NW Spain)


Mansa and Brava are olive autochthonous cultivars from Galicia, a new olive-growing zone from NW ... more Mansa and Brava are olive autochthonous cultivars from Galicia, a new olive-growing zone from NW Spanish, from which high-quality extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs) are obtained. The oils obtained as by co-crushing Mansa and Brava olives in different proportions as by blending with others olives cultivars have different composition that influence in their sensory quality. The consumer acceptance of commercial oils elaborated with Local Galician cultivars was evaluated and a quality-mapping of olive oils was created. It was found that the both Local oils had good physical-chemical quality parameters. From sensory analysis viewpoint, Local-MB oils presented the highest intensity values for color, odor, taste, and flavor, and the consumers had a higher acceptance and preference by Picual, Local-MBPA (60% Mansa and Brava, 25% Picual, and 15% Arbequina and Local-MB (60% Mansa and 40% Brava) oils. A quality-mapping of olive oils indicate that attributes better scored from the consumer are hi...

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Thermal Ultrasonic Extraction of Polyphenolic Compounds from Red Wine Lees


This study presents the results of conventional aqueous (CE) and non-conventional ultrasound-assi... more This study presents the results of conventional aqueous (CE) and non-conventional ultrasound-assisted (UAE) extractions of polyphenolic compounds from lees extracts of red wine varieties (Merlot and Vranac). The effect of ultrasound extraction time (t, s), and amplitude (A,%) from a 400 W ultrasound processor with different ultrasonic probes diameters (Ds, mm) on the amount and profile of polyphenolic compounds in the obtained extracts was investigated and compared to CE. The optimal conditions resulting in maximum extraction of phenolic compounds were: Probe diameter of 22 mm, amplitude 90% and extraction time for Vranac wine lees 1500 s and for Merlot wine lees extraction time of 1361 s. UAE proved to be significantly more effective in enhancing the extraction capacity of trans-resveratrol glucoside (30.57% to 300%), trans-resveratrol (36.36% to 45.75%), quercetin (39.94% to 43.83%), kaempferol (65.13% to 72.73%), petunidin-3-glucoside (41.53% to 64.95%), malvidin-3-glucoside (47....

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Different Green Extraction Methods and Solvents on Bioactive Components of Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) Flowers


Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) dried flowers contain a group of interesting biologically ac... more Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) dried flowers contain a group of interesting biologically active compounds such as sesquiterpenes, flavonoids, coumarins, vitamins, phenolic acids and glucosides. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to characterize the composition in bioactive compounds (specialized metabolites) present in water and ethanol extracts of chamomile flowers, together with monitoring the impact of different extraction techniques (conventional vs. ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE)) on the parameters under investigation. UAE treatment significantly decreased the extraction time of bioactive compounds from herbal material. Polyphenolic compounds content and antioxidant capacity were significantly higher in UAE extracts. Moreover, solvent type had a significant impact on the specialized metabolites content, while the highest vitamin C and polyphenols content were recorded in 50% ethanol (v/v) extracts. Optimization of basic extraction factors: solvent type, tem...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Natural Antioxidants on Quality and Shelf Life of Beef and Beef Products

Food Technology and Biotechnology

Oxidation processes are the major cause of deterioration of meat quality and shelf life of meat p... more Oxidation processes are the major cause of deterioration of meat quality and shelf life of meat products, leading to negative changes in nutritive value and in sensory and physicochemical properties of meat. Until now, the synthetic antioxidants like butylated hydroxyl anisole have been commonly used to prevent oxidation, which however may cause potential human health risks and increase toxicity of the product. However, natural antioxidant can be the alternative solution for this problem since plants and plant materials are rich in bioactive compounds (as natural antioxidants) with potential health beneficial effects. Moreover, the interest of consumers in using natural products is still increasing. There is an expectation of replacing synthetic antioxidants and preservatives by natural ones. Therefore, the aim of the present review is to provide information on the effect of natural antioxidants from vegetables and fruits like olives, pomegranate or grapes, and herbs and spices like...

Research paper thumbnail of Green Extraction

Green Extraction and Valorization of By-Products from Food Processing

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of high power ultrasound treatments on the phenolic, chromatic and aroma composition of young and aged red wine

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of high power ultrasound on the quality of chicken meat


Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti parametre kvalitete svježeg pilećeg mesa nakon tretmana u... more Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti parametre kvalitete svježeg pilećeg mesa nakon tretmana ultrazvukom visokog intenziteta. Rezultati su pokazali da ne postoji značajna razlika u ukupnom broju bakterija između tretmana u ultrazvučnoj kupelji kroz 5 i 15 minuta u ispitanim uzorcima pilećeg mesa te da tretman ultrazvukom nema trajan učinak na uništavanje bakterija u pilećem mesu. Nasuprot tomu, funkcionalna svojstva pilećeg mesa su poboljšana tretmanom ultrazvukom u trajanju od 5 minuta pri frekvenciji 37 kHz, snazi 380 W i amplitudi 100%.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of ultrasound pre-treatment and drying method on specialized metabolites of honeyberry fruits (Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica)

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the Behavior of Phenolic Compounds and Steviol Glycosides of Sonicated Strawberry Juice Sweetened with Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)


In this study, the influence of stevia addition and sonication processing parameters on the pheno... more In this study, the influence of stevia addition and sonication processing parameters on the phenolic content and profile as well as the steviol glycosides of strawberry juice-based samples was investigated. For this purpose, three matrices—control samples of strawberry juices without green stevia powder (CS), strawberry juices with green stevia powder (JGSP), and sonicated juices with green stevia powder (SJGSP)—were prepared. For sonication purposes, different conditions regarding probe diameters (7 mm and 22 mm), amplitudes (50%, 75%, and 100%), and time (15 min, 20 min, and 25 min) were tested. The results that were obtained upon the measurement of the total phenolic content, total flavonoids, steviol glycosides, and antioxidant capacity showed significant differences according to the matrices evaluated, obtaining overall higher values in the samples with stevia added. Moreover, when sonication was evaluated, it was found that a higher amplitude (100%), a larger probe diameter (2...

Research paper thumbnail of Biomechanical Comparison of the Temporalis Muscle Fascia, the Fascia Lata, and the Dura Mater

Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base

The purpose of our research is to prove that elastic biomechanical characteristics of the tempora... more The purpose of our research is to prove that elastic biomechanical characteristics of the temporalis muscle fascia are comparable to those of the fascia lata, which makes the temporalis muscle fascia adequate material for dural reconstruction in the region of the anterior cranial fossa. Fifteen fresh human cadavers, with age range from 33 to 83 years (median age: 64 years; mean age: 64.28 years), were included in the biomechanical study. Biomechanical stretching test with the comparison of elasticity among the tissues of the temporalis muscle fascia, the fascia lata, and the dura was performed. The samples were stretched up to the value of 6% of the total sample length and subsequently were further stretched to the maximum value of force. The value of extension at its elastic limit for the each sample was extrapolated from the force–extension curve and was 6.3% of the total sample length for the fascia lata (stress value of 14.61 MPa), 7.4% for the dura (stress value of 6.91 MPa), a...

Research paper thumbnail of Analytical tools used for the identification and quantification of pectin extracted from plant food matrices, wastes and by-products: A review

Research paper thumbnail of The berries on the top

Journal of Berry Research

Research paper thumbnail of UPLC-MS2 Profiling of Blackthorn Flower Polyphenols Isolated by Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction

Research paper thumbnail of An overview of the traditional and innovative approaches for pectin extraction from plant food wastes and by-products: Ultrasound-, microwaves-, and enzyme-assisted extraction

Trends in Food Science & Technology

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the impact of vegetal and microalgae protein sources on proximate composition, amino acid profile, and physicochemical properties of fermented Spanish “chorizo” sausages

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of olive pomace extract obtained by cyclodextrin-enhanced pulsed ultrasound assisted extraction

Research paper thumbnail of Covid-19 pandemic effects on food safety - Multi-country survey study

Research paper thumbnail of Quality characteristics of white wine: The short- and long-term impact of high power ultrasound processing

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry

Research paper thumbnail of Application of high hydrostatic pressure and ultrasound-assisted extractions as a novel approach for pectin and polyphenols recovery from tomato peel waste

Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies

Research paper thumbnail of Utjecaj ultrazvuka i visokog hidrostatskog tlaka na fizikalna svojstva sojinog mlijeka kao baze za pripravu napitaka

Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam

Netoplinske tehnologije, danas sve zastupljenije u modernoj prehrambenoj industriji zasnivaju se ... more Netoplinske tehnologije, danas sve zastupljenije u modernoj prehrambenoj industriji zasnivaju se na brzoj i učinkovitoj obradi kojom u potpunosti kontroliramo promjenu temperaturnog gradijenta. Sojino mlijeko kao vodeni ekstrakt sojina zrna prihvatljiva je baza za proizvodnju napitaka na bazi voća i povrća kao i pripravu sve popularnijih smoothija. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj ultrazvuka visokog intenziteta i visokog hidrostatskog tlaka na promjenu fizikalnih svojstava (temperatura, apsorbancija, gustoća i raspodjela veličine masnih globula) sojinog mlijeka sa različitim udjelom suhe tvari sa ciljem bolje stabilnosti i održanja disperznog sustava. Udio suhe tvari reflektira se na stabilnost disperzne faze unutar disperznog sredstva. Ultrazvučna obrada provedena je pri amplitudama 20, 60 i 100 %, vremenu obrade 6 i 10 minuta, te sondama promjera 7 i 10 mm. Obrada visokim hidrostatskim tlakom provedena je pri tlakovima od 100, 200 i 300 Mpa i vremenu zadržavanja od 9 i 15 m...

Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Acceptance and Quality Parameters of the Commercial Olive Oils Manufactured with Cultivars Grown in Galicia (NW Spain)


Mansa and Brava are olive autochthonous cultivars from Galicia, a new olive-growing zone from NW ... more Mansa and Brava are olive autochthonous cultivars from Galicia, a new olive-growing zone from NW Spanish, from which high-quality extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs) are obtained. The oils obtained as by co-crushing Mansa and Brava olives in different proportions as by blending with others olives cultivars have different composition that influence in their sensory quality. The consumer acceptance of commercial oils elaborated with Local Galician cultivars was evaluated and a quality-mapping of olive oils was created. It was found that the both Local oils had good physical-chemical quality parameters. From sensory analysis viewpoint, Local-MB oils presented the highest intensity values for color, odor, taste, and flavor, and the consumers had a higher acceptance and preference by Picual, Local-MBPA (60% Mansa and Brava, 25% Picual, and 15% Arbequina and Local-MB (60% Mansa and 40% Brava) oils. A quality-mapping of olive oils indicate that attributes better scored from the consumer are hi...

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Thermal Ultrasonic Extraction of Polyphenolic Compounds from Red Wine Lees


This study presents the results of conventional aqueous (CE) and non-conventional ultrasound-assi... more This study presents the results of conventional aqueous (CE) and non-conventional ultrasound-assisted (UAE) extractions of polyphenolic compounds from lees extracts of red wine varieties (Merlot and Vranac). The effect of ultrasound extraction time (t, s), and amplitude (A,%) from a 400 W ultrasound processor with different ultrasonic probes diameters (Ds, mm) on the amount and profile of polyphenolic compounds in the obtained extracts was investigated and compared to CE. The optimal conditions resulting in maximum extraction of phenolic compounds were: Probe diameter of 22 mm, amplitude 90% and extraction time for Vranac wine lees 1500 s and for Merlot wine lees extraction time of 1361 s. UAE proved to be significantly more effective in enhancing the extraction capacity of trans-resveratrol glucoside (30.57% to 300%), trans-resveratrol (36.36% to 45.75%), quercetin (39.94% to 43.83%), kaempferol (65.13% to 72.73%), petunidin-3-glucoside (41.53% to 64.95%), malvidin-3-glucoside (47....

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Different Green Extraction Methods and Solvents on Bioactive Components of Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) Flowers


Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) dried flowers contain a group of interesting biologically ac... more Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) dried flowers contain a group of interesting biologically active compounds such as sesquiterpenes, flavonoids, coumarins, vitamins, phenolic acids and glucosides. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to characterize the composition in bioactive compounds (specialized metabolites) present in water and ethanol extracts of chamomile flowers, together with monitoring the impact of different extraction techniques (conventional vs. ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE)) on the parameters under investigation. UAE treatment significantly decreased the extraction time of bioactive compounds from herbal material. Polyphenolic compounds content and antioxidant capacity were significantly higher in UAE extracts. Moreover, solvent type had a significant impact on the specialized metabolites content, while the highest vitamin C and polyphenols content were recorded in 50% ethanol (v/v) extracts. Optimization of basic extraction factors: solvent type, tem...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Natural Antioxidants on Quality and Shelf Life of Beef and Beef Products

Food Technology and Biotechnology

Oxidation processes are the major cause of deterioration of meat quality and shelf life of meat p... more Oxidation processes are the major cause of deterioration of meat quality and shelf life of meat products, leading to negative changes in nutritive value and in sensory and physicochemical properties of meat. Until now, the synthetic antioxidants like butylated hydroxyl anisole have been commonly used to prevent oxidation, which however may cause potential human health risks and increase toxicity of the product. However, natural antioxidant can be the alternative solution for this problem since plants and plant materials are rich in bioactive compounds (as natural antioxidants) with potential health beneficial effects. Moreover, the interest of consumers in using natural products is still increasing. There is an expectation of replacing synthetic antioxidants and preservatives by natural ones. Therefore, the aim of the present review is to provide information on the effect of natural antioxidants from vegetables and fruits like olives, pomegranate or grapes, and herbs and spices like...

Research paper thumbnail of Green Extraction

Green Extraction and Valorization of By-Products from Food Processing

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of high power ultrasound treatments on the phenolic, chromatic and aroma composition of young and aged red wine

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of high power ultrasound on the quality of chicken meat


Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti parametre kvalitete svježeg pilećeg mesa nakon tretmana u... more Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti parametre kvalitete svježeg pilećeg mesa nakon tretmana ultrazvukom visokog intenziteta. Rezultati su pokazali da ne postoji značajna razlika u ukupnom broju bakterija između tretmana u ultrazvučnoj kupelji kroz 5 i 15 minuta u ispitanim uzorcima pilećeg mesa te da tretman ultrazvukom nema trajan učinak na uništavanje bakterija u pilećem mesu. Nasuprot tomu, funkcionalna svojstva pilećeg mesa su poboljšana tretmanom ultrazvukom u trajanju od 5 minuta pri frekvenciji 37 kHz, snazi 380 W i amplitudi 100%.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of ultrasound pre-treatment and drying method on specialized metabolites of honeyberry fruits (Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica)

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the Behavior of Phenolic Compounds and Steviol Glycosides of Sonicated Strawberry Juice Sweetened with Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)


In this study, the influence of stevia addition and sonication processing parameters on the pheno... more In this study, the influence of stevia addition and sonication processing parameters on the phenolic content and profile as well as the steviol glycosides of strawberry juice-based samples was investigated. For this purpose, three matrices—control samples of strawberry juices without green stevia powder (CS), strawberry juices with green stevia powder (JGSP), and sonicated juices with green stevia powder (SJGSP)—were prepared. For sonication purposes, different conditions regarding probe diameters (7 mm and 22 mm), amplitudes (50%, 75%, and 100%), and time (15 min, 20 min, and 25 min) were tested. The results that were obtained upon the measurement of the total phenolic content, total flavonoids, steviol glycosides, and antioxidant capacity showed significant differences according to the matrices evaluated, obtaining overall higher values in the samples with stevia added. Moreover, when sonication was evaluated, it was found that a higher amplitude (100%), a larger probe diameter (2...

Research paper thumbnail of Biomechanical Comparison of the Temporalis Muscle Fascia, the Fascia Lata, and the Dura Mater

Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base

The purpose of our research is to prove that elastic biomechanical characteristics of the tempora... more The purpose of our research is to prove that elastic biomechanical characteristics of the temporalis muscle fascia are comparable to those of the fascia lata, which makes the temporalis muscle fascia adequate material for dural reconstruction in the region of the anterior cranial fossa. Fifteen fresh human cadavers, with age range from 33 to 83 years (median age: 64 years; mean age: 64.28 years), were included in the biomechanical study. Biomechanical stretching test with the comparison of elasticity among the tissues of the temporalis muscle fascia, the fascia lata, and the dura was performed. The samples were stretched up to the value of 6% of the total sample length and subsequently were further stretched to the maximum value of force. The value of extension at its elastic limit for the each sample was extrapolated from the force–extension curve and was 6.3% of the total sample length for the fascia lata (stress value of 14.61 MPa), 7.4% for the dura (stress value of 6.91 MPa), a...

Research paper thumbnail of Analytical tools used for the identification and quantification of pectin extracted from plant food matrices, wastes and by-products: A review

Research paper thumbnail of The berries on the top

Journal of Berry Research

Research paper thumbnail of UPLC-MS2 Profiling of Blackthorn Flower Polyphenols Isolated by Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction

Research paper thumbnail of An overview of the traditional and innovative approaches for pectin extraction from plant food wastes and by-products: Ultrasound-, microwaves-, and enzyme-assisted extraction

Trends in Food Science & Technology

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the impact of vegetal and microalgae protein sources on proximate composition, amino acid profile, and physicochemical properties of fermented Spanish “chorizo” sausages

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of olive pomace extract obtained by cyclodextrin-enhanced pulsed ultrasound assisted extraction