Moira Judith Mann - (original) (raw)

Papers by Moira Judith Mann

Research paper thumbnail of Wandering Bes: Emissary of Ancient BaTwa Pygmy Philosophy and Lore Within Dynastic Egyptian and Bronze/Iron Age Cultures Update 4.6.22 by Judith Mann

This update of 4.6.22, is an interpretation of symbols and glyphs found on 1st Dynasty BCE to 18t... more This update of 4.6.22, is an interpretation of symbols and glyphs found on 1st Dynasty BCE to 18th Century CE artifacts, are a means of tracing the transformational journeys of Bes, the Egypto-Nubian deity. The wanderings, which began in Nubia and Upper Egypt, continued north up the Nile into teeming markets and inns of port cities connected to the sea routes of the Mediterranean and Aegean.

Research paper thumbnail of Wandering Bes: Emissary of Ancient BaTwa Pygmy Philosophy and Lore Within Dynastic Egyptian and Bronze/Iron Age Cultures

Interpretation of symbols and glyphs found on 1st Dynasty BCE to 18th Century CE artifacts, are a... more Interpretation of symbols and glyphs found on 1st Dynasty BCE to 18th Century CE artifacts, are a means of tracing the transformational journeys of Bes, the Egypto-Nubian deity. The wanderings, which began in Nubia and Upper Egypt, continued north up the Nile into teeming markets and inns of port cities connected to the sea routes of the Mediterranean and Aegean and by land migrations west to Benin.
Beliefs based upon ancient Pygmy philosophy and tenets were incorporated into Bes as a divine representative. These views were spread by means of reciprocal gift systems, trade, migration and wars. The growing need for an accessible protector, healer and divine intermediary, spanning the distance from the Levant to the western Mediterranean was met by Bes, binding diverse communities into a common front against the external forces of disease and death.
As successive wanderings took place mostly in times of transition and upheaval, cultural contact between dissimilar populations malleably transformed images, names and myths associated with Bes and Pygmy ancestors. These complex results are comprehensively examined in this paper to help us successfully transition into a new era.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Shamanic San Pygmy Trance Dance and Rock Painting As Indelible Quantum Influences On Our Present & Future Collective Consciousness

The focus of this paper is to examine the legacy of San pygmy spiritual journeys through a three-... more The focus of this paper is to examine the legacy of San pygmy spiritual journeys through a three-tiered cosmos of sky, earth, and underworld as they are consciously danced and reinforced by rock paintings, which seem to be the oldest and purest forms of known spiritual connection.

These are material gateways to spirit dimensions entered into through altered states. Images gleaned from past shamanic visions are vivified with countless overlays of fresh revelations, further enhancing this interface. Under the laws of quantum physics, a particle can act on another across time as well as space. This may explain how templates retrieved from timeless dimensions are brought into vivid manifestation through the trance dances and supportive rock images of the San.

Facets of this energetically potent storehouse are expressed on varying levels as dancing shamans, graphic images, mineral components, and spiritual realms. This vast undertaking spans at least 35,000 continuous years, still enacted in ritual trance dances by small groups of pygmy in southern Africa. The San pygmy honors small but significant 'first things of life'. They merge with Source through circular absorption or revelation to achieve understanding, rather than utilizing linear thinking, our commonly accepted learning filter. In this distinction lies the San quest for meaning, to be found in the deeper, unseen layers of living experience. Their awareness of unending change and inevitable renewal challenges our current world paradigm and deserves complete attention if we are to evolve.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Shamanic San Pygmy Trance Dance and Rock Painting As Indelible Quantum Influences On Our Present & Future Collective Consciousness

The focus of this paper is to examine the legacy of San pygmy spiritual journeys through a three-... more The focus of this paper is to examine the legacy of San pygmy spiritual journeys through a three-tiered cosmos of sky, earth, and underworld as they are consciously danced and reinforced by rock paintings, which seem to be the oldest and purest forms of known spiritual connection. These are material gateways to spirit dimensions entered into through altered states. Images gleaned from past shamanic visions are vivified with countless overlays of fresh revelations, further enhancing this interface.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparing Symbols of Sardinian Carnivale & Bulgarian Kukeri Festivals of Old Europe Through Common Neolithic Rituals and Bronze Age Mythology

The intent of this research paper is to trace the antiquity and significance of the rudiments of ... more The intent of this research paper is to trace the antiquity and significance of the rudiments of traditional masquerades still practiced in Sardinia, Bulgaria and other Balkan or Alpine countries through matrilineal ritual symbols from Neolithic Old Europe interlaced with Dionysian Bronze Age rituals based upon Thracian myths. Additionally, this research is to query accepted beliefs that Carnival origins only began with medieval Christmas, Lenten and Easter holidays, or are merely processions reflecting current popular culture. In this paper, the symbols of suppressed spiritual consciousness embedded mnemonically in the masks and gear of all-male Bulgarian Kukeri Festivals and Sardinian Carnivales participants, are presented as evolving from Neolithic times in Old Europe, then extending to Sardinia with migrations, and later, through extensive obsidian trade routes, myths and rituals carried between Sardinia-Corsica, Old Europe and the Mediterranean-at-large.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Significant Interpretations of the 'Jason and the Golden Fleece' Myth Based on Evidence From Bronze Age Colchis, Minoan/Mycenaean Crete, Egypt and Sardinia

This is an inquiry into the nature of Jason and the Golden Fleece, originally a Greek initiation ... more This is an inquiry into the nature of Jason and the Golden Fleece, originally a Greek initiation myth written in the time of Hesiod, still active in Western collective consciousness. A controversy has long existed in written form, as to whether the fleece is a golden pelt flayed from a mythical winged ram or an existent golden cloth, woven from the delicate strands exuded by the giant Pinna nobilis clam to anchor it to rocks or the sea floor of the Mediterranean. If it is the latter, the mythological narrative reveals an alternate view from accepted historical versions. Implied is that the divine gift of weaving is embedded in the myth, the gift given by Amphitrite/Posidaeia, ruler of all sea creatures, goddess of the golden spindle and counterpart of Poseidon. Another indicator is the spinning wheel, associated with Hecate, mentor of Medea and mother-goddess of the night and underworld. This suggests that most versions of Jason and the Golden Fleece mask the accomplishments of both genders, sagas in which the divine gifted priestess, Medea, plays a primary role and powerful Archaic goddesses are worshipped in their own, but commonly denied by the patriarchal ancient Greeks.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Sirius Star System, Nabta Playa, Nubia and Ancient Egypt  as the Shared Cradles of the Dogon, Igbo and Beta Israel Peoples

This paper traces the links between the cultures of the Dogon, Igbo and Beta Israel, mythological... more This paper traces the links between the cultures of the Dogon, Igbo and Beta Israel, mythologically tied to the Sirius star system and all emerging from Nubia and ancient pre-dynastic Egypt. Their spiritual purposes are reflected in the Egyptian teachings, to bring Heaven and Earth together. We may think of it today as balancing the divine and human elements of our being in a cooperative, harmonious expression of love and light-both within us and with those around us .

The priestly origins of these groups ultimately trace back to the oldest astronomically aligned structure yet discovered anywhere on Earth, the astro-ceremonial site of Nabta Playa. Established in the Stone Age in what is now the western Egyptian Sahara desert, it is likely situated in what the Igbo of Nigeria consider their first cradleland.

Africa's astronomical heritage is not locked in silent stones; it exists in still-living and exceedingly rich, pre-scientific myths of the constellations, tools for expressing hidden knowledge and power. By using ancient stellar symbolism, claims of heavenly authority can be substantiated. The actions of the direct heirs appear in line with the ancient Egyptian tenet of linked dualities.
The Dogon of Mali and the Igbo of Nigeria present their knowledge overtly but coded in the form of dramatic masked dance rituals. The Beta Israel of Ethiopia covertly and at odds with Old Testament biblical narrative, screen their Sirius ritual with Torah liturgy.

Note: The author focuses on tracing the Sirius star system for continuity in writing this paper, but is aware that the placement of Nabta Playa menhirs were set to track other star systems movements and helical risings as well. Details can be found in Thomas Brophy's, The Origin Map.

Research paper thumbnail of Sacredness, Sacrifice & Shunning: Exploring The Roots of The Osu Caste System of Nigeria

This paper focuses on the historical and cosmological roots of the Osu caste system of the Igbo i... more This paper focuses on the historical and cosmological roots of the Osu caste system of the Igbo in Nigeria and the subsequent corruption of their societal standing through colonization. It argues that present day stigmatization of the Osu may be attributed to a complex spiritual history stemming from a mythic covenant between Chukwu, the creator and Eri, the archetypal ancestor of the Nri-Igbo people. This mythic covenant which affirms the divine origin of the Nri community, legitimizes the special rights and privileges of the Osuji, literally, 'God's servant', in addition to sanctioning the role of the Osu as " living sacrifices " informs the existent tension between Diala, the 'free-born' and Osu as exemplified by the mortal fear of Osu spiritual powers by the Diala and the prohibition of marriage between the two. Annual reenactment of the myth of Ahiajoku at New Yam masquerades serves to complicate the meaning of Osu sacrifice against the backdrop of a " civilizing " mission which insists that Jesus, the Christ, is the only living sacrifice.

Research paper thumbnail of Linking Ancient Pygmy Cosmology to Enduring Myths, Symbols and Rituals of Africa, Australia and The Americas

Ancient Pygmy myths and codes contain important truths, but we cannot experience those truths if ... more Ancient Pygmy myths and codes contain important truths, but we cannot experience those truths if to us they are 'just' stories or mores of the endangered 'first people' who still exist. They need to be felt as real. This calls for a view of the Pygmy descendants as stewards of healing wisdom. African Pygmy ancestors prefigured environmental activism in their codes and their direct descendants as identified by DNA, are actually the surviving roots of humanity's racial, religious and linguistic origins, to be acknowledged and treated with respect for their great contributions. This paper examines the influence of millenniums-old Pygmy cosmology and moral directives, foundations of cosmic serpent myths and rituals found among indigenous cultures spanning the world. These myths and rituals also emphasize the significence of a parallel underground world from which animals and humans emerged affer a deluge. The Pygmy cultural inheritance is also the basis for multiple Egyptian myths, which in turn, has influenced many biblical stories that are accepted in the West.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of the Egyptian Feather of Ma'at on Amerind Spirituality as an Outcome of Ancient Transoceanic Voyages

A single feather as symbol of all-encompassing divine balance was manifested in ancient Egypt to ... more A single feather as symbol of all-encompassing divine balance was manifested in ancient Egypt to meet its complex needs as a state that embraced diverse peoples with conflictng interests. Balance, and consciously following developed inner promptings towards 'right' action instead of rigid external injunctons to do 'good' against 'evil', could very well be the key to restoring sacred order to the world. The intent of this paper is to trace the impact of The Feather of Ma'at and its accompanying teachings, within and far beyond the parameters of Africa. The paper explores the rippling influence of a cooperative relationship between humankind and the cosmos, its concept brought through a succession of sea journeys on circular ocean currents.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Spiritual Legacy of Point Roberts, Washington through West Coast Salish Cosmology and Vibration Photography

My intent is to explore the significance of the ancient spiritual connection of the Coast Salish ... more My intent is to explore the significance of the ancient spiritual connection of the Coast Salish people to the peninsula of Point Roberts, Washington, utilizing such tools as Salish creation myths, legends, place-names and artifacts, along with Vibration Photography© energy scans and interpretations.

Research paper thumbnail of Interpreting The Symbolism Of The Nahal Mishmar Treasure Hoard Through Ancient Egyptian Mythology And Energy Photography

The aim of this paper is to establish a significant connection between Ancient Egypt and the Nege... more The aim of this paper is to establish a significant connection between Ancient Egypt and the Negev Desert (Canaan) during the Age of Copper, by exploring both the context and contents of the Nahal Mishmar Treasure Hoard. Emphasis is placed on ancient Egyptian mythology in describing the sacred objects found in the hoard along with their vibrational signatures revealed through photographic energy scans.

Research paper thumbnail of The Origins of Global Stepped Pyramids and Linked Tunnels Explored Through West African Creation Myths and Energy Photography

his paper investigates the ancient origins of global stepped pyramids with connected underground ... more his paper investigates the ancient origins of global stepped pyramids with connected underground tunnels, utilizing an advanced energy photography scanning system that captures photons from other dimensions. Incredibly, the scanning system goes so far as to pick up energy patterns of pyramids that no longer exist except as photos, such as the Nsude Pyramids1.

Following West African creation myths, we are able to trace the links between step pyramids that originated in West Africa with later step pyramids in Egypt and the Americas. The same holds true for the tunnels or underground halls consistently associated with these pyramids.

Research paper thumbnail of Behind the Mask: Decoding Spiritual Messages As DNA With Ancient Igbo Snake Science and Energy Photography - #3 - Abelam Yam Baba Initiation Mask

The focus of this paper is to show how Snake Science codes, stemming from an ancient African civi... more The focus of this paper is to show how Snake Science codes, stemming from an ancient African civilization, spread to a seemingly diverse indigenous culture in Papua New Guinea and embedded in sacred artifacts. The common civilization of ancient times was capable of bringing intelligent recording and synthesis, adding to the order of the universe. Pure codified knowledge was captured in their sacred art and rituals and rigorously kept pristine as it was passed down to current generations for the survival of the society.

Research paper thumbnail of Behind the Mask:  Decoding Spiritual Messages As DNA With Ancient Igbo Snake Science and Energy Photography -  #2 - Abelam Yam Embryonic Ritual Mask

The focus of this paper is to show how Snake Science codes, stemming from an ancient African civi... more The focus of this paper is to show how Snake Science codes, stemming from an ancient African civilization, spread to a seemingly diverse Indigenous culture in Papua New Guinea, embedded in sacred artifacts, then handed down to current generations. The common civilization of ancient times was capable of bringing intelligent recording and synthesis, adding to the order of the universe.
Nenad M. Djurdjevic, Independent Scholar and Senior Research Fellow with NAGAS 1, introduced an African initiation helmet and five woven New Guinean masks, all exhibiting a common snake theme to Judith Mann and Julia Lincoln.for a photographic energy inquiry and validation of their singular and bonding energies. It is the intention of the research team to discover if each mask is actually a transducer that reduces cosmic energy to a level where both embedded and received vibrations can be managed by those trained to “read” the codes.
As there are many names for G-d, each with its own attributes, so each ceremonial mask from any culture, serves to carry specific messages. Through the use of energy photography, photons from other dimensions are brought in to activate embedded codes on the numinous and biomolecular levels. These transmitted energy keys are then interpreted, emerging as a recognizable language.

Research paper thumbnail of Behind the Mask: Decoding Spiritual Messages As DNA With Ancient Igbo Snake Science and Energy Photography - #1 - Abelam Yam Procreation Masks

The focus of this paper is to show how Snake Science codes, stemming from an ancient African civi... more The focus of this paper is to show how Snake Science codes, stemming from an ancient African civilization, spread to a seemingly diverse Indigenous culture in Papua New Guinea, embedded in sacred artifacts, then handed down to current generations. The common civilization of ancient times was capable of bringing intelligent recording and synthesis, adding to the order of the universe.

It is the intention of the research team to discover if each mask is actually a transducer that reduces cosmic energy to a level where both embedded and received vibrations can be managed by those trained to “read” the codes. As there are many names for G-d, each with its own attributes, so each ceremonial mask from any culture, serves to carry specific messages. Through the use of energy photography, photons from other dimensions are brought in to activate embedded codes on the numinous and biomolecular levels. These transmitted energy keys are then interpreted, emerging as a recognizable language.

Research paper thumbnail of The Votive Pyramid of Visoko, Bosnia as a Celestial Portal interpreted Through Energy Photography and Dogon/Egyptian Mythology

The intent of this paper is to investigate the connection between the Visoko Bosnia votive pyrami... more The intent of this paper is to investigate the connection between the Visoko Bosnia votive pyramid and other Old Europe votive pyramids from the same era to the Bosnian Pyramids/Ravne Tunnels, as well as to explore, through significant energy photo captures, the relevance of the creation myth of the Dogon people of Mali, Africa applied to these votives.

Photo energy captures of the votive pyramids by Julia Lincoln have revealed a path of cosmic interaction which are shared with corresponding interpretations where possible. These interpretations include an emerging theme of connection of the Visoko votive pyramid with the Mayan Popul Vuh legends of the Hero Twins, which came as a complete surprise for the author. Video captures focus on the pulsing morphic energy fields that affect the votive images or are affected by the votive images.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing The Egg-Shaped Block Of The Ravne Tunnels With Dogon/Egyptian Cosmology, Quantum Theory And Energy Photo Imaging

This focus of this paper is to explore the encoded messages of the 'Egg-Shaped Block', Ravne Tunn... more This focus of this paper is to explore the encoded messages of the 'Egg-Shaped Block', Ravne Tunnels, Visoko, Bosnia as revealed by energy photography, defined by quantum theory and to all evidence, presented in accord with the cosmological guidance of Dogon/pre-Dynastic Egyptian mythology.

According to Dr. Semir Osmanagić, Director of the Pyramida Sunca Foundation, radiocarbon analysis by experts in Sweden, Germany and Poland proved that the Ravne Tunnels were deliberately back-filled with tons of conglomerate in the early fourth century b.c.1What if the secret teachings of its ceramic megaliths were passed on by world civilizers to the Dogon priesthood for safekeeping at the sealing of the Tunnels?

Might the Dogon tribe been tasked to guard important cosmological principles because of their potential to bring this information forward, intact into the twenty first century? Will quantum thinking and our technical capabilities now shed further light on the parent teachings of the Ravne Tunnels megaliths?

Research paper thumbnail of The K2 Megalith of the Ravne Tunnels & The All-Seeing Eye -Update 3/13/15

The aim of this paper is to trace the history and assess the significance of a manifested ‘All-Se... more The aim of this paper is to trace the history and assess the significance of a manifested ‘All-Seeing Eye’ in the K2 Megalith of the Ravne Tunnels, Visoko, Bosnia.

It is conceivable that ‘The Eye of Ra/Horus’, an ancient Egyptian symbol, is the precursor of the ‘All Seeing Eye’ or ‘Eye of Providence’ symbol, morphing from a hieroglyph into a more literal representation, accessible to Western observers as a potent symbol surrounded by rays of light to convey its power and often enclosed by, or capping a pyramid.

Research paper thumbnail of The K2 Megalith of the Ravne Tunnels  and The All-Seeing Eye

The aim of this paper is to trace the history and assess the significance of a manifested ‘All-Se... more The aim of this paper is to trace the history and assess the significance of a manifested ‘All-Seeing Eye’ in the K2 Megalith of the Ravne Tunnels, Visoko, Bosnia.

Research paper thumbnail of Wandering Bes: Emissary of Ancient BaTwa Pygmy Philosophy and Lore Within Dynastic Egyptian and Bronze/Iron Age Cultures Update 4.6.22 by Judith Mann

This update of 4.6.22, is an interpretation of symbols and glyphs found on 1st Dynasty BCE to 18t... more This update of 4.6.22, is an interpretation of symbols and glyphs found on 1st Dynasty BCE to 18th Century CE artifacts, are a means of tracing the transformational journeys of Bes, the Egypto-Nubian deity. The wanderings, which began in Nubia and Upper Egypt, continued north up the Nile into teeming markets and inns of port cities connected to the sea routes of the Mediterranean and Aegean.

Research paper thumbnail of Wandering Bes: Emissary of Ancient BaTwa Pygmy Philosophy and Lore Within Dynastic Egyptian and Bronze/Iron Age Cultures

Interpretation of symbols and glyphs found on 1st Dynasty BCE to 18th Century CE artifacts, are a... more Interpretation of symbols and glyphs found on 1st Dynasty BCE to 18th Century CE artifacts, are a means of tracing the transformational journeys of Bes, the Egypto-Nubian deity. The wanderings, which began in Nubia and Upper Egypt, continued north up the Nile into teeming markets and inns of port cities connected to the sea routes of the Mediterranean and Aegean and by land migrations west to Benin.
Beliefs based upon ancient Pygmy philosophy and tenets were incorporated into Bes as a divine representative. These views were spread by means of reciprocal gift systems, trade, migration and wars. The growing need for an accessible protector, healer and divine intermediary, spanning the distance from the Levant to the western Mediterranean was met by Bes, binding diverse communities into a common front against the external forces of disease and death.
As successive wanderings took place mostly in times of transition and upheaval, cultural contact between dissimilar populations malleably transformed images, names and myths associated with Bes and Pygmy ancestors. These complex results are comprehensively examined in this paper to help us successfully transition into a new era.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Shamanic San Pygmy Trance Dance and Rock Painting As Indelible Quantum Influences On Our Present & Future Collective Consciousness

The focus of this paper is to examine the legacy of San pygmy spiritual journeys through a three-... more The focus of this paper is to examine the legacy of San pygmy spiritual journeys through a three-tiered cosmos of sky, earth, and underworld as they are consciously danced and reinforced by rock paintings, which seem to be the oldest and purest forms of known spiritual connection.

These are material gateways to spirit dimensions entered into through altered states. Images gleaned from past shamanic visions are vivified with countless overlays of fresh revelations, further enhancing this interface. Under the laws of quantum physics, a particle can act on another across time as well as space. This may explain how templates retrieved from timeless dimensions are brought into vivid manifestation through the trance dances and supportive rock images of the San.

Facets of this energetically potent storehouse are expressed on varying levels as dancing shamans, graphic images, mineral components, and spiritual realms. This vast undertaking spans at least 35,000 continuous years, still enacted in ritual trance dances by small groups of pygmy in southern Africa. The San pygmy honors small but significant 'first things of life'. They merge with Source through circular absorption or revelation to achieve understanding, rather than utilizing linear thinking, our commonly accepted learning filter. In this distinction lies the San quest for meaning, to be found in the deeper, unseen layers of living experience. Their awareness of unending change and inevitable renewal challenges our current world paradigm and deserves complete attention if we are to evolve.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Shamanic San Pygmy Trance Dance and Rock Painting As Indelible Quantum Influences On Our Present & Future Collective Consciousness

The focus of this paper is to examine the legacy of San pygmy spiritual journeys through a three-... more The focus of this paper is to examine the legacy of San pygmy spiritual journeys through a three-tiered cosmos of sky, earth, and underworld as they are consciously danced and reinforced by rock paintings, which seem to be the oldest and purest forms of known spiritual connection. These are material gateways to spirit dimensions entered into through altered states. Images gleaned from past shamanic visions are vivified with countless overlays of fresh revelations, further enhancing this interface.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparing Symbols of Sardinian Carnivale & Bulgarian Kukeri Festivals of Old Europe Through Common Neolithic Rituals and Bronze Age Mythology

The intent of this research paper is to trace the antiquity and significance of the rudiments of ... more The intent of this research paper is to trace the antiquity and significance of the rudiments of traditional masquerades still practiced in Sardinia, Bulgaria and other Balkan or Alpine countries through matrilineal ritual symbols from Neolithic Old Europe interlaced with Dionysian Bronze Age rituals based upon Thracian myths. Additionally, this research is to query accepted beliefs that Carnival origins only began with medieval Christmas, Lenten and Easter holidays, or are merely processions reflecting current popular culture. In this paper, the symbols of suppressed spiritual consciousness embedded mnemonically in the masks and gear of all-male Bulgarian Kukeri Festivals and Sardinian Carnivales participants, are presented as evolving from Neolithic times in Old Europe, then extending to Sardinia with migrations, and later, through extensive obsidian trade routes, myths and rituals carried between Sardinia-Corsica, Old Europe and the Mediterranean-at-large.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Significant Interpretations of the 'Jason and the Golden Fleece' Myth Based on Evidence From Bronze Age Colchis, Minoan/Mycenaean Crete, Egypt and Sardinia

This is an inquiry into the nature of Jason and the Golden Fleece, originally a Greek initiation ... more This is an inquiry into the nature of Jason and the Golden Fleece, originally a Greek initiation myth written in the time of Hesiod, still active in Western collective consciousness. A controversy has long existed in written form, as to whether the fleece is a golden pelt flayed from a mythical winged ram or an existent golden cloth, woven from the delicate strands exuded by the giant Pinna nobilis clam to anchor it to rocks or the sea floor of the Mediterranean. If it is the latter, the mythological narrative reveals an alternate view from accepted historical versions. Implied is that the divine gift of weaving is embedded in the myth, the gift given by Amphitrite/Posidaeia, ruler of all sea creatures, goddess of the golden spindle and counterpart of Poseidon. Another indicator is the spinning wheel, associated with Hecate, mentor of Medea and mother-goddess of the night and underworld. This suggests that most versions of Jason and the Golden Fleece mask the accomplishments of both genders, sagas in which the divine gifted priestess, Medea, plays a primary role and powerful Archaic goddesses are worshipped in their own, but commonly denied by the patriarchal ancient Greeks.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Sirius Star System, Nabta Playa, Nubia and Ancient Egypt  as the Shared Cradles of the Dogon, Igbo and Beta Israel Peoples

This paper traces the links between the cultures of the Dogon, Igbo and Beta Israel, mythological... more This paper traces the links between the cultures of the Dogon, Igbo and Beta Israel, mythologically tied to the Sirius star system and all emerging from Nubia and ancient pre-dynastic Egypt. Their spiritual purposes are reflected in the Egyptian teachings, to bring Heaven and Earth together. We may think of it today as balancing the divine and human elements of our being in a cooperative, harmonious expression of love and light-both within us and with those around us .

The priestly origins of these groups ultimately trace back to the oldest astronomically aligned structure yet discovered anywhere on Earth, the astro-ceremonial site of Nabta Playa. Established in the Stone Age in what is now the western Egyptian Sahara desert, it is likely situated in what the Igbo of Nigeria consider their first cradleland.

Africa's astronomical heritage is not locked in silent stones; it exists in still-living and exceedingly rich, pre-scientific myths of the constellations, tools for expressing hidden knowledge and power. By using ancient stellar symbolism, claims of heavenly authority can be substantiated. The actions of the direct heirs appear in line with the ancient Egyptian tenet of linked dualities.
The Dogon of Mali and the Igbo of Nigeria present their knowledge overtly but coded in the form of dramatic masked dance rituals. The Beta Israel of Ethiopia covertly and at odds with Old Testament biblical narrative, screen their Sirius ritual with Torah liturgy.

Note: The author focuses on tracing the Sirius star system for continuity in writing this paper, but is aware that the placement of Nabta Playa menhirs were set to track other star systems movements and helical risings as well. Details can be found in Thomas Brophy's, The Origin Map.

Research paper thumbnail of Sacredness, Sacrifice & Shunning: Exploring The Roots of The Osu Caste System of Nigeria

This paper focuses on the historical and cosmological roots of the Osu caste system of the Igbo i... more This paper focuses on the historical and cosmological roots of the Osu caste system of the Igbo in Nigeria and the subsequent corruption of their societal standing through colonization. It argues that present day stigmatization of the Osu may be attributed to a complex spiritual history stemming from a mythic covenant between Chukwu, the creator and Eri, the archetypal ancestor of the Nri-Igbo people. This mythic covenant which affirms the divine origin of the Nri community, legitimizes the special rights and privileges of the Osuji, literally, 'God's servant', in addition to sanctioning the role of the Osu as " living sacrifices " informs the existent tension between Diala, the 'free-born' and Osu as exemplified by the mortal fear of Osu spiritual powers by the Diala and the prohibition of marriage between the two. Annual reenactment of the myth of Ahiajoku at New Yam masquerades serves to complicate the meaning of Osu sacrifice against the backdrop of a " civilizing " mission which insists that Jesus, the Christ, is the only living sacrifice.

Research paper thumbnail of Linking Ancient Pygmy Cosmology to Enduring Myths, Symbols and Rituals of Africa, Australia and The Americas

Ancient Pygmy myths and codes contain important truths, but we cannot experience those truths if ... more Ancient Pygmy myths and codes contain important truths, but we cannot experience those truths if to us they are 'just' stories or mores of the endangered 'first people' who still exist. They need to be felt as real. This calls for a view of the Pygmy descendants as stewards of healing wisdom. African Pygmy ancestors prefigured environmental activism in their codes and their direct descendants as identified by DNA, are actually the surviving roots of humanity's racial, religious and linguistic origins, to be acknowledged and treated with respect for their great contributions. This paper examines the influence of millenniums-old Pygmy cosmology and moral directives, foundations of cosmic serpent myths and rituals found among indigenous cultures spanning the world. These myths and rituals also emphasize the significence of a parallel underground world from which animals and humans emerged affer a deluge. The Pygmy cultural inheritance is also the basis for multiple Egyptian myths, which in turn, has influenced many biblical stories that are accepted in the West.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of the Egyptian Feather of Ma'at on Amerind Spirituality as an Outcome of Ancient Transoceanic Voyages

A single feather as symbol of all-encompassing divine balance was manifested in ancient Egypt to ... more A single feather as symbol of all-encompassing divine balance was manifested in ancient Egypt to meet its complex needs as a state that embraced diverse peoples with conflictng interests. Balance, and consciously following developed inner promptings towards 'right' action instead of rigid external injunctons to do 'good' against 'evil', could very well be the key to restoring sacred order to the world. The intent of this paper is to trace the impact of The Feather of Ma'at and its accompanying teachings, within and far beyond the parameters of Africa. The paper explores the rippling influence of a cooperative relationship between humankind and the cosmos, its concept brought through a succession of sea journeys on circular ocean currents.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Spiritual Legacy of Point Roberts, Washington through West Coast Salish Cosmology and Vibration Photography

My intent is to explore the significance of the ancient spiritual connection of the Coast Salish ... more My intent is to explore the significance of the ancient spiritual connection of the Coast Salish people to the peninsula of Point Roberts, Washington, utilizing such tools as Salish creation myths, legends, place-names and artifacts, along with Vibration Photography© energy scans and interpretations.

Research paper thumbnail of Interpreting The Symbolism Of The Nahal Mishmar Treasure Hoard Through Ancient Egyptian Mythology And Energy Photography

The aim of this paper is to establish a significant connection between Ancient Egypt and the Nege... more The aim of this paper is to establish a significant connection between Ancient Egypt and the Negev Desert (Canaan) during the Age of Copper, by exploring both the context and contents of the Nahal Mishmar Treasure Hoard. Emphasis is placed on ancient Egyptian mythology in describing the sacred objects found in the hoard along with their vibrational signatures revealed through photographic energy scans.

Research paper thumbnail of The Origins of Global Stepped Pyramids and Linked Tunnels Explored Through West African Creation Myths and Energy Photography

his paper investigates the ancient origins of global stepped pyramids with connected underground ... more his paper investigates the ancient origins of global stepped pyramids with connected underground tunnels, utilizing an advanced energy photography scanning system that captures photons from other dimensions. Incredibly, the scanning system goes so far as to pick up energy patterns of pyramids that no longer exist except as photos, such as the Nsude Pyramids1.

Following West African creation myths, we are able to trace the links between step pyramids that originated in West Africa with later step pyramids in Egypt and the Americas. The same holds true for the tunnels or underground halls consistently associated with these pyramids.

Research paper thumbnail of Behind the Mask: Decoding Spiritual Messages As DNA With Ancient Igbo Snake Science and Energy Photography - #3 - Abelam Yam Baba Initiation Mask

The focus of this paper is to show how Snake Science codes, stemming from an ancient African civi... more The focus of this paper is to show how Snake Science codes, stemming from an ancient African civilization, spread to a seemingly diverse indigenous culture in Papua New Guinea and embedded in sacred artifacts. The common civilization of ancient times was capable of bringing intelligent recording and synthesis, adding to the order of the universe. Pure codified knowledge was captured in their sacred art and rituals and rigorously kept pristine as it was passed down to current generations for the survival of the society.

Research paper thumbnail of Behind the Mask:  Decoding Spiritual Messages As DNA With Ancient Igbo Snake Science and Energy Photography -  #2 - Abelam Yam Embryonic Ritual Mask

The focus of this paper is to show how Snake Science codes, stemming from an ancient African civi... more The focus of this paper is to show how Snake Science codes, stemming from an ancient African civilization, spread to a seemingly diverse Indigenous culture in Papua New Guinea, embedded in sacred artifacts, then handed down to current generations. The common civilization of ancient times was capable of bringing intelligent recording and synthesis, adding to the order of the universe.
Nenad M. Djurdjevic, Independent Scholar and Senior Research Fellow with NAGAS 1, introduced an African initiation helmet and five woven New Guinean masks, all exhibiting a common snake theme to Judith Mann and Julia Lincoln.for a photographic energy inquiry and validation of their singular and bonding energies. It is the intention of the research team to discover if each mask is actually a transducer that reduces cosmic energy to a level where both embedded and received vibrations can be managed by those trained to “read” the codes.
As there are many names for G-d, each with its own attributes, so each ceremonial mask from any culture, serves to carry specific messages. Through the use of energy photography, photons from other dimensions are brought in to activate embedded codes on the numinous and biomolecular levels. These transmitted energy keys are then interpreted, emerging as a recognizable language.

Research paper thumbnail of Behind the Mask: Decoding Spiritual Messages As DNA With Ancient Igbo Snake Science and Energy Photography - #1 - Abelam Yam Procreation Masks

The focus of this paper is to show how Snake Science codes, stemming from an ancient African civi... more The focus of this paper is to show how Snake Science codes, stemming from an ancient African civilization, spread to a seemingly diverse Indigenous culture in Papua New Guinea, embedded in sacred artifacts, then handed down to current generations. The common civilization of ancient times was capable of bringing intelligent recording and synthesis, adding to the order of the universe.

It is the intention of the research team to discover if each mask is actually a transducer that reduces cosmic energy to a level where both embedded and received vibrations can be managed by those trained to “read” the codes. As there are many names for G-d, each with its own attributes, so each ceremonial mask from any culture, serves to carry specific messages. Through the use of energy photography, photons from other dimensions are brought in to activate embedded codes on the numinous and biomolecular levels. These transmitted energy keys are then interpreted, emerging as a recognizable language.

Research paper thumbnail of The Votive Pyramid of Visoko, Bosnia as a Celestial Portal interpreted Through Energy Photography and Dogon/Egyptian Mythology

The intent of this paper is to investigate the connection between the Visoko Bosnia votive pyrami... more The intent of this paper is to investigate the connection between the Visoko Bosnia votive pyramid and other Old Europe votive pyramids from the same era to the Bosnian Pyramids/Ravne Tunnels, as well as to explore, through significant energy photo captures, the relevance of the creation myth of the Dogon people of Mali, Africa applied to these votives.

Photo energy captures of the votive pyramids by Julia Lincoln have revealed a path of cosmic interaction which are shared with corresponding interpretations where possible. These interpretations include an emerging theme of connection of the Visoko votive pyramid with the Mayan Popul Vuh legends of the Hero Twins, which came as a complete surprise for the author. Video captures focus on the pulsing morphic energy fields that affect the votive images or are affected by the votive images.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing The Egg-Shaped Block Of The Ravne Tunnels With Dogon/Egyptian Cosmology, Quantum Theory And Energy Photo Imaging

This focus of this paper is to explore the encoded messages of the 'Egg-Shaped Block', Ravne Tunn... more This focus of this paper is to explore the encoded messages of the 'Egg-Shaped Block', Ravne Tunnels, Visoko, Bosnia as revealed by energy photography, defined by quantum theory and to all evidence, presented in accord with the cosmological guidance of Dogon/pre-Dynastic Egyptian mythology.

According to Dr. Semir Osmanagić, Director of the Pyramida Sunca Foundation, radiocarbon analysis by experts in Sweden, Germany and Poland proved that the Ravne Tunnels were deliberately back-filled with tons of conglomerate in the early fourth century b.c.1What if the secret teachings of its ceramic megaliths were passed on by world civilizers to the Dogon priesthood for safekeeping at the sealing of the Tunnels?

Might the Dogon tribe been tasked to guard important cosmological principles because of their potential to bring this information forward, intact into the twenty first century? Will quantum thinking and our technical capabilities now shed further light on the parent teachings of the Ravne Tunnels megaliths?

Research paper thumbnail of The K2 Megalith of the Ravne Tunnels & The All-Seeing Eye -Update 3/13/15

The aim of this paper is to trace the history and assess the significance of a manifested ‘All-Se... more The aim of this paper is to trace the history and assess the significance of a manifested ‘All-Seeing Eye’ in the K2 Megalith of the Ravne Tunnels, Visoko, Bosnia.

It is conceivable that ‘The Eye of Ra/Horus’, an ancient Egyptian symbol, is the precursor of the ‘All Seeing Eye’ or ‘Eye of Providence’ symbol, morphing from a hieroglyph into a more literal representation, accessible to Western observers as a potent symbol surrounded by rays of light to convey its power and often enclosed by, or capping a pyramid.

Research paper thumbnail of The K2 Megalith of the Ravne Tunnels  and The All-Seeing Eye

The aim of this paper is to trace the history and assess the significance of a manifested ‘All-Se... more The aim of this paper is to trace the history and assess the significance of a manifested ‘All-Seeing Eye’ in the K2 Megalith of the Ravne Tunnels, Visoko, Bosnia.