Mona Flognfeldt - (original) (raw)

Mona Flognfeldt

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Papers by Mona Flognfeldt

Research paper thumbnail of Professional Feedback Loop: How Can Practising Teachers' Reflection Inform English Language Teacher Education

This article presents a study of the learning reported by practising teachers of English in Norwe... more This article presents a study of the learning reported by practising teachers of English in Norwegian primary and lower secondary schools. The teacher reports were in connection with a year's further-education course in English, which included a pedagogical development project at their own school. This study provides insights into what aspects of the subject the practising teachers defined as their main instructional challenges in the classroom and what their main learning outcomes were. The data for this article are critical reflections articulated by the teachers at the end of their projects. Based on qualitative content analysis, I identified salient language-pedagogical features and commonalities in the teachers' conceptualisations of their role and priorities with respect to student learning. This kind of language teacher research can have important implications for the way English is taught in initial teacher education. Relevant teacher cognitions can be channelled back to student teachers to mediate their professional preparation in the teacher education programme and their future work as English teachers. The central language-pedagogical issues identified in their research can be used as analytical and reflective tools for student teachers in their preparation for the complex practicalities of the classroom. Exploring the research that practising teachers have conducted into challenges they identified can help students connect theory with practice as well as contribute to lowering the affective filter of novice teachers. This article ends with a discussion of possible forms that this professional feedback loop can take. Keywords: english language teacher education, professional development, teacher research and development, teacher learning, language pedagogy Sammendrag Denne artikkelen presenterer en studie av den type laering praktiserende engelsklaerere i norsk grunnskole selv rapporterer etter et års videreutdanningsstudium i engelsk. Et pedagogisk utviklingsprosjekt på egen skole inngikk som en sentral del av studiet. Studien gir et innblikk i hvilke aspekter ved skolefaget engelsk som erfarne laerere definerer som hoved-utfordringer i undervisningen og utbyttet de har hatt av prosjektene sine. Artikkelen bygger på data fra den kritiske refleksjonen som laererne gir uttrykk for mot slutten av prosjektene sine. På bakgrunn av kvalitativ innholdsanalyse av prosjektrapportene identifiseres vesentlige felles språkdidaktiske elementer i laerernes konseptualisering av sin egen rolle og egne prioriteringer overfor elevenes laering. Denne typen laererforskning kan få viktige følger for opplaeringen i studiefaget engelsk i laererutdanningen. Relevante forestillinger blant praktiserende laerere kan kanaliseres tilbake til laererutdanningen for på den måten å mediere studentenes profesjonsforberedelse og deres framtidige arbeid som engelsklaerere. Sentrale

Research paper thumbnail of Professional Feedback Loop: How Can Practising Teachers' Reflection Inform English Language Teacher Education

This article presents a study of the learning reported by practising teachers of English in Norwe... more This article presents a study of the learning reported by practising teachers of English in Norwegian primary and lower secondary schools. The teacher reports were in connection with a year's further-education course in English, which included a pedagogical development project at their own school. This study provides insights into what aspects of the subject the practising teachers defined as their main instructional challenges in the classroom and what their main learning outcomes were. The data for this article are critical reflections articulated by the teachers at the end of their projects. Based on qualitative content analysis, I identified salient language-pedagogical features and commonalities in the teachers' conceptualisations of their role and priorities with respect to student learning. This kind of language teacher research can have important implications for the way English is taught in initial teacher education. Relevant teacher cognitions can be channelled back to student teachers to mediate their professional preparation in the teacher education programme and their future work as English teachers. The central language-pedagogical issues identified in their research can be used as analytical and reflective tools for student teachers in their preparation for the complex practicalities of the classroom. Exploring the research that practising teachers have conducted into challenges they identified can help students connect theory with practice as well as contribute to lowering the affective filter of novice teachers. This article ends with a discussion of possible forms that this professional feedback loop can take. Keywords: english language teacher education, professional development, teacher research and development, teacher learning, language pedagogy Sammendrag Denne artikkelen presenterer en studie av den type laering praktiserende engelsklaerere i norsk grunnskole selv rapporterer etter et års videreutdanningsstudium i engelsk. Et pedagogisk utviklingsprosjekt på egen skole inngikk som en sentral del av studiet. Studien gir et innblikk i hvilke aspekter ved skolefaget engelsk som erfarne laerere definerer som hoved-utfordringer i undervisningen og utbyttet de har hatt av prosjektene sine. Artikkelen bygger på data fra den kritiske refleksjonen som laererne gir uttrykk for mot slutten av prosjektene sine. På bakgrunn av kvalitativ innholdsanalyse av prosjektrapportene identifiseres vesentlige felles språkdidaktiske elementer i laerernes konseptualisering av sin egen rolle og egne prioriteringer overfor elevenes laering. Denne typen laererforskning kan få viktige følger for opplaeringen i studiefaget engelsk i laererutdanningen. Relevante forestillinger blant praktiserende laerere kan kanaliseres tilbake til laererutdanningen for på den måten å mediere studentenes profesjonsforberedelse og deres framtidige arbeid som engelsklaerere. Sentrale

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