Monica Alzate - (original) (raw)

Papers by Monica Alzate

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional responses and attitudes to the peace talks with ETA

Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia, 2011

In this study, two questions are analyzed: (1) what the emotions provoked by the Spanish governme... more In this study, two questions are analyzed: (1) what the emotions provoked by the Spanish government’s declaration of its intention to negotiate a peace process with the terrorist group ETA are; (2) how these emotions relate to different attitudes to this negotiation. A questionnaire was applied to a sample of 263 university students. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to verify how emotions were organized and an ANOVA was subsequently conducted to analyze the relationship between emotions and attitudes to negotiation. With respect to the first question, the emotions which are linked to the negotiation process are classified in a three factor model (enthusiasm, anger and anxiety), and with respect to the second, it became clear that the emotion of anger is associated with subjects who are against negotiation. At the same time, enthusiasm and anxiety were associated with different attitudes to negotiation, support and rejection respectively; however, both these emotions were...

Research paper thumbnail of Testing Common Knowledge: Are Northern Europeans and Millennials More Concerned about the Environment?

Sustainability, 2020

This study explores whether there are differences in several environmental dimensions, when the E... more This study explores whether there are differences in several environmental dimensions, when the European Region and Generation cohort are considered. In doing so, this study compares millennials in North and South Europe with members of Generation X in three environmental dimensions: attitudes, personal norms, and behavior. Using data from the European Social Survey (n = 6.216), the researchers tested the hypothesis that Northern Europeans and millennials have more pro-environmental standing than southerners and Generation Xers. The findings challenge the common belief that millennials are more committed to being environmentally conscious, showing that many millennials do not feel responsible for their climate footprint, nor do they behave in a way that shows more concern than previous generations to improve their environmental performance. Furthermore, contrary to expectations, Northern European participants are not the most committed, in all environmental dimensions, compared to S...

Research paper thumbnail of Identidad colectiva movilizada

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1174 021347410791063822, Jan 23, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Identidad colectiva movilizada

Revista de Psicología Social, 2010

Información del artículo Identidad colectiva movilizada.

Research paper thumbnail of Reconciliación social: tecnología para la construcción de paz

TecnoLógicas, 2017

Colombia es reconocida internacionalmente dentro de la lista de países en conflicto armando, es e... more Colombia es reconocida internacionalmente dentro de la lista de países en conflicto armando, es el segundo conflicto más antiguo del planeta [1]. La larga duración de este conflicto y su intensidad han dejado cerca de un 20% de la población en condiciones de victimización[2]; se estima que la inversión del país para contener la violencia corresponde a un 30% de su PIB [3], es decir, seis veces más de lo que se invierte en educación. Es enorme el daño que ha ocasionado la confrontación armada, sin embargo, el país se encuentra ante una nueva oportunidad derivada del acuerdo de paz entre la guerrilla de las Farc y el Gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación del liderazgo informal en equipos deportivos

Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia, 2011

Los estudios dentro del liderazgo deportivo estan focalizados, mayoritariamente, en el liderazgo ... more Los estudios dentro del liderazgo deportivo estan focalizados, mayoritariamente, en el liderazgo formal del entrenador en el que el Modelo Multidimensional del Liderazgo de Chelladurai es la referencia fundamental. Sin embargo, otro tipo de liderazgo, informal, puede ser observado en los equipos deportivos: el que ejercen algunos deportistas entre sus companeros de equipo. La investigacion en este caso no esta tan avanzada como en el del entrenador, tanto en el aspecto teorico como en la evaluacion. Para superar las limitaciones de estudios previos sobre liderazgo informal, el objetivo de la presente investigacion ha sido la construccion de una escala de evaluacion del liderazgo ejercido por deportistas, la cual fue disenada pidiendo a una muestra de 407 jugadores de futbol espanoles, de categorias senior, que evaluaran las caracteristicas de los lideres de equipos deportivos sobre un total de 54 items. Se realizaron analisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios, asi como anal...

Research paper thumbnail of Emociones y comportamiento pro-ambiental

Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia, 2007

Based on Fishbein and Ajzen (1975, 1980) and Ajzen and Madden (1986, 2002) proposal, this paper p... more Based on Fishbein and Ajzen (1975, 1980) and Ajzen and Madden (1986, 2002) proposal, this paper puts forward an extension of “Planned Behavior Theory” (PBT) for the understanding of the pro-ecological behavior. The main aim of this article is to explore the importance of emotional aspects as a contribution for the comprehension of the “low vehicle use” behavior, surpassing TPB explanations. This work uses the constructs of the theory, but also includes the emotional variable. For attaining the objective of the research a questionnaire was built and applied to 797 subjects of a Galician population (Spain). Results explaining Anger like one of the variables that confirming this behavior and its weight is superior to the traditional variables like perceived behavioral control.

Research paper thumbnail of Creencias legitimadoras y deslegitimadoras difundidas por la prensa española sobre el asesinato político

Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia, 2010

Este estudio busca identificar creencias legitimadoras y deslegitimadoras difundidas por la prens... more Este estudio busca identificar creencias legitimadoras y deslegitimadoras difundidas por la prensa espanola con el proposito de minimizar o maximizar el impacto emocional que genera el asesinato politico. Para ello, los esfuerzos estrategicos se orientan a fortalecer la identificacion grupal con el perpetrador o con la victima segun los intereses y afinidades politicas. En este trabajo se realizo un estudio descriptivo unidimensional y multidimensional con 375 noticias difundidas por tres periodicos espanoles de circulacion regional (Pais Vasco). Se encontro que el diario Egin recurre principalmente al uso de creencias deslegitimadoras que despersonalizan a la victima, mientras que los diarios Deia y El Correo Espanol / El Pueblo Vasco recurren a la deslegitimacion del perpetrador de la accion y personalizacion de la victima.

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting Collective Action in a Secessionist Context: Different Motives for Two Opposed Stances

Frontiers in Psychology, 2021

Engagement in collective action is essential in the scenario of a secessionist struggle. In this ... more Engagement in collective action is essential in the scenario of a secessionist struggle. In this scenario, two groups contend for an incompatible goal and one of them is favoured by the current status quo. Therefore, this context represents an excellent opportunity to compare the motives for participation among two groups whose situation and objectives differ drastically. We examined the motivations to participate in collective action of Catalan participants in the days leading to the independence referendum held in Catalonia (Spain) on the first of October 2017 (n = 719). As hypothesized, participation predicted by different motivations for each group. Regarding participation in the referendum, Catalan identity was the only predictor among pro-independence ranks, while those against independence showed a solidarity-based motivation. This work contributes to the literature by adapting previously researched collective action motivations to the context of a secessionist contention and...

Research paper thumbnail of Dimensiones socioemocional e instrumental de la reconciliación social en el conflicto armado colombiano

Revista de Estudios Sociales, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of La Psicología Social ante el COVID19: Monográfico del International Journal of Social Psychology (Revista de Psicología Social)

En este monográfico se presentan 10 propuestas teóricas sobre la forma en que la Psicología Socia... more En este monográfico se presentan 10 propuestas teóricas sobre la forma en que la Psicología Social puede —potencialmente— ayudar a afrontar la pandemia del COVID-19. En concreto, en estas propuestas se discute: a) cómo se podrían utilizar distintos modelos teóricos para entender mejor la pandemia, sus consecuencias y cómo afrontarlas; b) la importancia de considerar variables —como la clase social o el género— al examinar las causas y consecuencias de la pandemia; c) los retos y las preguntas de investigación que se podrían abordar desde algunos ámbitos de aplicación psicosociales, como la Psicología Ambiental, la Psicología Organizacional y la Psicología Social Comunitaria.

Research paper thumbnail of La habitabilidad del espacio público en las ciudades de América Latina

Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana, 2018

Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio descriptivo correlacional que investiga la ev... more Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio descriptivo correlacional que investiga la evaluación personal de las condiciones que caracterizan la habitabilidad del espacio público en 11 ciudades de 7 países de Amé- rica Latina: México, Colombia, Venezuela, Perú, Brasil, Chile y Argentina. En la investigación participaron un total de 1823 personas de ambos sexos y diferentes grupos de edad, que evaluaron la importancia y la satisfacción de diferentes características y condiciones del espacio público a través de un cuestionario ad hoc de 48 reactivos. Un análisis de escalamiento multidimensional de distancias mínimas (ssa) y de coordenadas de ordenamiento parcial (posac) indican que las personas evalúan las condiciones exploradas con base en la función que le atribuyen al espacio público de la ciudad. A pesar de las diferencias importantes entre las ciudades, hay coincidencias en varias condiciones del espacio público que, aunque se consideran importantes, no son reportadas co...

Research paper thumbnail of Emotions, Ideology and Collective Political Action

Universitas Psychologica, 2010

Having overcome the prejudice that equated emotion with irrationality, collective action theories... more Having overcome the prejudice that equated emotion with irrationality, collective action theories are beginning to incorporate emotional variables. Nonetheless, these are restricted to negative ones, fundamentally anger. This is due to the fact that collective action is associated exclusively with protest, when this does not necessarily have to be the case. The aims of the present work are twofold: a) to analyse the structure of emotions with regard to the Spanish Government's decision to negotiate with ETA; and b) to verify the impact of these emotions and of ideology on the intention to participate in demonstrations supporting or protesting against said decision. The results show that emotions can be organised into three factors: anger, enthusiasm and anxiety. Anger and enthusiasm account for a high percentage of variance in the attention to demonstrate. Ideology, although to a lesser extent, also has a significant influence

Research paper thumbnail of The Importance of Protesters' Morals: Moral Obligation as a Key Variable to Understand Collective Action

Frontiers in psychology, 2018

Collective action and protest have become a normalized political behavior that in many cases defi... more Collective action and protest have become a normalized political behavior that in many cases defines the political agenda. The reasons why people take to the streets constitute a central subject within the study of social psychology. In the literature, three precedents of protest that have been established as central to the study of this phenomenon are: injustice, efficacy, and identity. But political action is also deeply related to moral values. This explains why in recent years some moral constructs have also been pointed out as predictors of collective action. Moral variables have been introduced into the literature with little consideration to how they relate to each other. Thus, work in this direction is needed. The general aim of this research is to differentiate moral obligation from moral norms and moral conviction, as well as to compare their ability to predict collective action. In order to do so, the research objectives are: (a) conceptualize and operationalize moral obl...

Research paper thumbnail of Political Protest in Times of Crisis. Construction of New Frames of Diagnosis and Emotional Climate

Frontiers in Psychology, 2017

In times of crisis, political mobilizations increase. Many of them compete to impose a determined... more In times of crisis, political mobilizations increase. Many of them compete to impose a determined diagnosis of the situation. This work analyses this issue, taking into consideration two of the movements that have had a greater incidence during the crisis in Spain: The Catalonian National Assembly and the Marches for dignity. The objective is to know how the categories of aggrieved ingroup and outgroup responsible were identified and how both these movements defined the emotional climate at that moment. This work includes two studies. In the first one, an analysis of the categories identified in the manifestos published by these two movements was carried out. The results show that the Marches for dignity constructed a more inclusive ingroup identity and show a more negative emotional climate than the Catalonian National Assembly. The second study includes a sample of 919 participants and nonparticipants in 2 demonstrations called by those organizations. In this case MANOVAs of 2 (Type of demonstration: Catalonian National Assembly, Marches for dignity) × 2 (Type of participants: participants, non-participants) were performed. Results show that participants in both demonstrations have a higher level of injustice than nondemonstrators. Furthermore, demonstrators in Marches for dignity have a more negative perception of emotional climate than non-demonstrators. However, and contrary to the hypothesis, demonstrators of the Catalonian National Assembly have a more positive perception of emotional climate than non-demonstrators. The work explains these results in the socio-political context in which each of these movements acts and highlights the relevance of comparative investigation designs to further the knowledge of political mobilization dynamics.

Research paper thumbnail of Emociones, ideología y acción política colectiva

Universitas Psychologica, Jun 25, 2010

Emociones, ideología y acción política colectiva.

Research paper thumbnail of Construcción y movilización de la sociedad civil en el discurso del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN)

Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia, 2009

En este artículo se presenta parte de una investigación en torno al proceso intra-discursivo por ... more En este artículo se presenta parte de una investigación en torno al proceso intra-discursivo por el que un objeto social específico, el designado por la expresión de "sociedad civil", ha sido construido y movilizado por un discurso particular, el de un grupo guerrillero mexicano, en un momento preciso, entre enero de 1994 y septiembre de 1996. El discurso en cuestión ha sido examinado mediante un análisis que permite describir las evoluciones paralelas de cuatro formas de construcción: extensiva, comprensiva, relativa y dinamizadora. Tras la presentación de este análisis y de su interpretación en un marco extradiscursivo, lo analizado e interpretado aporta los argumentos necesarios para discutir diversas concepciones teóricas de la sociedad civil y de la movilización social.

Research paper thumbnail of Emociones y Comportamientos Pro-Ambiental

Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia, Aug 1, 2007

Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Reseña de "Violencia. apoyo a las víctimas y reconstrucción social. Experiencias internacionales y el desafió vasco" de C. M. Beristain y O.P. Rovira

Research paper thumbnail of Collective action frames and participation in Barranquilla

The theory of collective action frameworks states that identifying a social problem, is a key to ... more The theory of collective action frameworks states that identifying a social problem, is a key to understanding the ideas that guide the collective action, therefore, gives special emphasis to the social construction of protest, using three variables for analysis: perceptions of injustice, social identity and perception of efficacy.

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional responses and attitudes to the peace talks with ETA

Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia, 2011

In this study, two questions are analyzed: (1) what the emotions provoked by the Spanish governme... more In this study, two questions are analyzed: (1) what the emotions provoked by the Spanish government’s declaration of its intention to negotiate a peace process with the terrorist group ETA are; (2) how these emotions relate to different attitudes to this negotiation. A questionnaire was applied to a sample of 263 university students. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to verify how emotions were organized and an ANOVA was subsequently conducted to analyze the relationship between emotions and attitudes to negotiation. With respect to the first question, the emotions which are linked to the negotiation process are classified in a three factor model (enthusiasm, anger and anxiety), and with respect to the second, it became clear that the emotion of anger is associated with subjects who are against negotiation. At the same time, enthusiasm and anxiety were associated with different attitudes to negotiation, support and rejection respectively; however, both these emotions were...

Research paper thumbnail of Testing Common Knowledge: Are Northern Europeans and Millennials More Concerned about the Environment?

Sustainability, 2020

This study explores whether there are differences in several environmental dimensions, when the E... more This study explores whether there are differences in several environmental dimensions, when the European Region and Generation cohort are considered. In doing so, this study compares millennials in North and South Europe with members of Generation X in three environmental dimensions: attitudes, personal norms, and behavior. Using data from the European Social Survey (n = 6.216), the researchers tested the hypothesis that Northern Europeans and millennials have more pro-environmental standing than southerners and Generation Xers. The findings challenge the common belief that millennials are more committed to being environmentally conscious, showing that many millennials do not feel responsible for their climate footprint, nor do they behave in a way that shows more concern than previous generations to improve their environmental performance. Furthermore, contrary to expectations, Northern European participants are not the most committed, in all environmental dimensions, compared to S...

Research paper thumbnail of Identidad colectiva movilizada

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1174 021347410791063822, Jan 23, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Identidad colectiva movilizada

Revista de Psicología Social, 2010

Información del artículo Identidad colectiva movilizada.

Research paper thumbnail of Reconciliación social: tecnología para la construcción de paz

TecnoLógicas, 2017

Colombia es reconocida internacionalmente dentro de la lista de países en conflicto armando, es e... more Colombia es reconocida internacionalmente dentro de la lista de países en conflicto armando, es el segundo conflicto más antiguo del planeta [1]. La larga duración de este conflicto y su intensidad han dejado cerca de un 20% de la población en condiciones de victimización[2]; se estima que la inversión del país para contener la violencia corresponde a un 30% de su PIB [3], es decir, seis veces más de lo que se invierte en educación. Es enorme el daño que ha ocasionado la confrontación armada, sin embargo, el país se encuentra ante una nueva oportunidad derivada del acuerdo de paz entre la guerrilla de las Farc y el Gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación del liderazgo informal en equipos deportivos

Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia, 2011

Los estudios dentro del liderazgo deportivo estan focalizados, mayoritariamente, en el liderazgo ... more Los estudios dentro del liderazgo deportivo estan focalizados, mayoritariamente, en el liderazgo formal del entrenador en el que el Modelo Multidimensional del Liderazgo de Chelladurai es la referencia fundamental. Sin embargo, otro tipo de liderazgo, informal, puede ser observado en los equipos deportivos: el que ejercen algunos deportistas entre sus companeros de equipo. La investigacion en este caso no esta tan avanzada como en el del entrenador, tanto en el aspecto teorico como en la evaluacion. Para superar las limitaciones de estudios previos sobre liderazgo informal, el objetivo de la presente investigacion ha sido la construccion de una escala de evaluacion del liderazgo ejercido por deportistas, la cual fue disenada pidiendo a una muestra de 407 jugadores de futbol espanoles, de categorias senior, que evaluaran las caracteristicas de los lideres de equipos deportivos sobre un total de 54 items. Se realizaron analisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios, asi como anal...

Research paper thumbnail of Emociones y comportamiento pro-ambiental

Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia, 2007

Based on Fishbein and Ajzen (1975, 1980) and Ajzen and Madden (1986, 2002) proposal, this paper p... more Based on Fishbein and Ajzen (1975, 1980) and Ajzen and Madden (1986, 2002) proposal, this paper puts forward an extension of “Planned Behavior Theory” (PBT) for the understanding of the pro-ecological behavior. The main aim of this article is to explore the importance of emotional aspects as a contribution for the comprehension of the “low vehicle use” behavior, surpassing TPB explanations. This work uses the constructs of the theory, but also includes the emotional variable. For attaining the objective of the research a questionnaire was built and applied to 797 subjects of a Galician population (Spain). Results explaining Anger like one of the variables that confirming this behavior and its weight is superior to the traditional variables like perceived behavioral control.

Research paper thumbnail of Creencias legitimadoras y deslegitimadoras difundidas por la prensa española sobre el asesinato político

Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia, 2010

Este estudio busca identificar creencias legitimadoras y deslegitimadoras difundidas por la prens... more Este estudio busca identificar creencias legitimadoras y deslegitimadoras difundidas por la prensa espanola con el proposito de minimizar o maximizar el impacto emocional que genera el asesinato politico. Para ello, los esfuerzos estrategicos se orientan a fortalecer la identificacion grupal con el perpetrador o con la victima segun los intereses y afinidades politicas. En este trabajo se realizo un estudio descriptivo unidimensional y multidimensional con 375 noticias difundidas por tres periodicos espanoles de circulacion regional (Pais Vasco). Se encontro que el diario Egin recurre principalmente al uso de creencias deslegitimadoras que despersonalizan a la victima, mientras que los diarios Deia y El Correo Espanol / El Pueblo Vasco recurren a la deslegitimacion del perpetrador de la accion y personalizacion de la victima.

Research paper thumbnail of Predicting Collective Action in a Secessionist Context: Different Motives for Two Opposed Stances

Frontiers in Psychology, 2021

Engagement in collective action is essential in the scenario of a secessionist struggle. In this ... more Engagement in collective action is essential in the scenario of a secessionist struggle. In this scenario, two groups contend for an incompatible goal and one of them is favoured by the current status quo. Therefore, this context represents an excellent opportunity to compare the motives for participation among two groups whose situation and objectives differ drastically. We examined the motivations to participate in collective action of Catalan participants in the days leading to the independence referendum held in Catalonia (Spain) on the first of October 2017 (n = 719). As hypothesized, participation predicted by different motivations for each group. Regarding participation in the referendum, Catalan identity was the only predictor among pro-independence ranks, while those against independence showed a solidarity-based motivation. This work contributes to the literature by adapting previously researched collective action motivations to the context of a secessionist contention and...

Research paper thumbnail of Dimensiones socioemocional e instrumental de la reconciliación social en el conflicto armado colombiano

Revista de Estudios Sociales, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of La Psicología Social ante el COVID19: Monográfico del International Journal of Social Psychology (Revista de Psicología Social)

En este monográfico se presentan 10 propuestas teóricas sobre la forma en que la Psicología Socia... more En este monográfico se presentan 10 propuestas teóricas sobre la forma en que la Psicología Social puede —potencialmente— ayudar a afrontar la pandemia del COVID-19. En concreto, en estas propuestas se discute: a) cómo se podrían utilizar distintos modelos teóricos para entender mejor la pandemia, sus consecuencias y cómo afrontarlas; b) la importancia de considerar variables —como la clase social o el género— al examinar las causas y consecuencias de la pandemia; c) los retos y las preguntas de investigación que se podrían abordar desde algunos ámbitos de aplicación psicosociales, como la Psicología Ambiental, la Psicología Organizacional y la Psicología Social Comunitaria.

Research paper thumbnail of La habitabilidad del espacio público en las ciudades de América Latina

Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana, 2018

Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio descriptivo correlacional que investiga la ev... more Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio descriptivo correlacional que investiga la evaluación personal de las condiciones que caracterizan la habitabilidad del espacio público en 11 ciudades de 7 países de Amé- rica Latina: México, Colombia, Venezuela, Perú, Brasil, Chile y Argentina. En la investigación participaron un total de 1823 personas de ambos sexos y diferentes grupos de edad, que evaluaron la importancia y la satisfacción de diferentes características y condiciones del espacio público a través de un cuestionario ad hoc de 48 reactivos. Un análisis de escalamiento multidimensional de distancias mínimas (ssa) y de coordenadas de ordenamiento parcial (posac) indican que las personas evalúan las condiciones exploradas con base en la función que le atribuyen al espacio público de la ciudad. A pesar de las diferencias importantes entre las ciudades, hay coincidencias en varias condiciones del espacio público que, aunque se consideran importantes, no son reportadas co...

Research paper thumbnail of Emotions, Ideology and Collective Political Action

Universitas Psychologica, 2010

Having overcome the prejudice that equated emotion with irrationality, collective action theories... more Having overcome the prejudice that equated emotion with irrationality, collective action theories are beginning to incorporate emotional variables. Nonetheless, these are restricted to negative ones, fundamentally anger. This is due to the fact that collective action is associated exclusively with protest, when this does not necessarily have to be the case. The aims of the present work are twofold: a) to analyse the structure of emotions with regard to the Spanish Government's decision to negotiate with ETA; and b) to verify the impact of these emotions and of ideology on the intention to participate in demonstrations supporting or protesting against said decision. The results show that emotions can be organised into three factors: anger, enthusiasm and anxiety. Anger and enthusiasm account for a high percentage of variance in the attention to demonstrate. Ideology, although to a lesser extent, also has a significant influence

Research paper thumbnail of The Importance of Protesters' Morals: Moral Obligation as a Key Variable to Understand Collective Action

Frontiers in psychology, 2018

Collective action and protest have become a normalized political behavior that in many cases defi... more Collective action and protest have become a normalized political behavior that in many cases defines the political agenda. The reasons why people take to the streets constitute a central subject within the study of social psychology. In the literature, three precedents of protest that have been established as central to the study of this phenomenon are: injustice, efficacy, and identity. But political action is also deeply related to moral values. This explains why in recent years some moral constructs have also been pointed out as predictors of collective action. Moral variables have been introduced into the literature with little consideration to how they relate to each other. Thus, work in this direction is needed. The general aim of this research is to differentiate moral obligation from moral norms and moral conviction, as well as to compare their ability to predict collective action. In order to do so, the research objectives are: (a) conceptualize and operationalize moral obl...

Research paper thumbnail of Political Protest in Times of Crisis. Construction of New Frames of Diagnosis and Emotional Climate

Frontiers in Psychology, 2017

In times of crisis, political mobilizations increase. Many of them compete to impose a determined... more In times of crisis, political mobilizations increase. Many of them compete to impose a determined diagnosis of the situation. This work analyses this issue, taking into consideration two of the movements that have had a greater incidence during the crisis in Spain: The Catalonian National Assembly and the Marches for dignity. The objective is to know how the categories of aggrieved ingroup and outgroup responsible were identified and how both these movements defined the emotional climate at that moment. This work includes two studies. In the first one, an analysis of the categories identified in the manifestos published by these two movements was carried out. The results show that the Marches for dignity constructed a more inclusive ingroup identity and show a more negative emotional climate than the Catalonian National Assembly. The second study includes a sample of 919 participants and nonparticipants in 2 demonstrations called by those organizations. In this case MANOVAs of 2 (Type of demonstration: Catalonian National Assembly, Marches for dignity) × 2 (Type of participants: participants, non-participants) were performed. Results show that participants in both demonstrations have a higher level of injustice than nondemonstrators. Furthermore, demonstrators in Marches for dignity have a more negative perception of emotional climate than non-demonstrators. However, and contrary to the hypothesis, demonstrators of the Catalonian National Assembly have a more positive perception of emotional climate than non-demonstrators. The work explains these results in the socio-political context in which each of these movements acts and highlights the relevance of comparative investigation designs to further the knowledge of political mobilization dynamics.

Research paper thumbnail of Emociones, ideología y acción política colectiva

Universitas Psychologica, Jun 25, 2010

Emociones, ideología y acción política colectiva.

Research paper thumbnail of Construcción y movilización de la sociedad civil en el discurso del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN)

Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia, 2009

En este artículo se presenta parte de una investigación en torno al proceso intra-discursivo por ... more En este artículo se presenta parte de una investigación en torno al proceso intra-discursivo por el que un objeto social específico, el designado por la expresión de "sociedad civil", ha sido construido y movilizado por un discurso particular, el de un grupo guerrillero mexicano, en un momento preciso, entre enero de 1994 y septiembre de 1996. El discurso en cuestión ha sido examinado mediante un análisis que permite describir las evoluciones paralelas de cuatro formas de construcción: extensiva, comprensiva, relativa y dinamizadora. Tras la presentación de este análisis y de su interpretación en un marco extradiscursivo, lo analizado e interpretado aporta los argumentos necesarios para discutir diversas concepciones teóricas de la sociedad civil y de la movilización social.

Research paper thumbnail of Emociones y Comportamientos Pro-Ambiental

Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia, Aug 1, 2007

Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Reseña de "Violencia. apoyo a las víctimas y reconstrucción social. Experiencias internacionales y el desafió vasco" de C. M. Beristain y O.P. Rovira

Research paper thumbnail of Collective action frames and participation in Barranquilla

The theory of collective action frameworks states that identifying a social problem, is a key to ... more The theory of collective action frameworks states that identifying a social problem, is a key to understanding the ideas that guide the collective action, therefore, gives special emphasis to the social construction of protest, using three variables for analysis: perceptions of injustice, social identity and perception of efficacy.