Monique Reichert - (original) (raw)
Papers by Monique Reichert
Since 2008, and on a yearly basis, all Luxembourg 9th grade students are tested regarding their G... more Since 2008, and on a yearly basis, all Luxembourg 9th grade students are tested regarding their German and French reading competence. One major aim of this standardized test program is to provide information about whether pupils are able to read at the level required for their successful participation in subsequent learning contexts. All the items developed for this program are described with regard to the national educational standards and levels. However, the standards descriptions are not sufficiently precise in order to guide item developers specify the measured construct, or to help understand the differences between adjacent levels. Accordingly, the feedback provided to stakeholders in education lacks the precision that might be helpful for taking more targeted measures. In order to provide additional, theory-based descriptors of reading competence, key aspects from Kintsch’s Construction-Integration model, and Khalifa and Weir’s model of reading were explained to the language teachers involved in the item development process. The teachers were then asked to rate 33 German and 34 French reading items with known empirical item characteristics with regard to the previously explained theoretical aspects. These item ratings were in turn linked to the empirical data collected in the 2013 test program. Based on the item-attribute assignments, ideal item-response patterns could be presumed and compared to real examinees’ response patterns by using a linear logistic test modeling approach. The results from the different steps show that the new theoretical attributes can serve both as meaningful descriptors of reading competence, and as reliable predictors of item difficulty
Using digital technologies for daily activities such as communicating or learning has become ubiq... more Using digital technologies for daily activities such as communicating or learning has become ubiquitous today. This trend is also clearly visible within the field of reading habits, especially among adolescents: Recent studies underline that traditional text types (e.g., fiction books) are no longer part of the more commonly read text materials (Duncan et al., 2016). The question addressed in the presentation will deal with the degree to which different reading habits impact on adolescents’ reading competence, and is intended to encourage a discussion about the construct of reading competence as generally operationalized in reading competence assessments. We base our considerations on the analyses of two data sets: The first one deals with the extra-curricular reading habits of 3074 9th grade students, and the impact of these practices on their German reading competence. The corresponding data are taken from a survey regarding their reading habits in terms of ten different types of texts (e.g., non-fiction books, e-mails). A regression analysis reveals the strongest impact on reading competence for narrative texts, whilst reading digital texts – although highly attractive among the students – is found to be of minor importance. The second data set differentiates between the reading habits of around 4500 adolescents regarding 1) traditional (printed) texts, 2) digitalised texts (e.g., e-books), and 3) text types that have emerged with new technologies (e.g., social media texts). The ensuing discussion compares particularities of classical and digital texts, and raises questions concerning the construct of reading competence (to be) targeted by standardized tests
Der Beitrag widmet sich der Frage, ob die Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Lesehäufigkeit, der Texts... more Der Beitrag widmet sich der Frage, ob die Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Lesehäufigkeit, der Textsorten, die von Jugendlichen in ihrer Freizeit rezipiert werden, und der Sprache, in der sie bevorzugt lesen, dabei helfen können, ihr Lesekompetenz Niveau im Deutschen und Französischen – jenseits von sozioökonomischem Status, Migrationshintergrund, Muttersprache und Geschlecht – zu erklären
Kapitel 3 befasst sich mit dem Einfluss von Merkmalen des Schülerhintergrundes auf die in den ÉpS... more Kapitel 3 befasst sich mit dem Einfluss von Merkmalen des Schülerhintergrundes auf die in den ÉpStan gemessenen Kompetenzen. Diskrepanzen in den erfassten Kompetenzbereichen werden dabei im Hinblick auf folgende vier Hintergrundvariablen untersucht: sozioökonomischer Status, Migrationshintergrund, Sprachhintergrund, sowie das Geschlecht der Schülerinnen und Schüler. Bestehende Unterschiede werden vergleichend für die Jahre 2011, 2012 und 2013 aufgeführt (Zyklus 3.1 und Ve/9e). Das einflussreichste Merkmal ist dabei der sozioökonomische Status, gefolgt von der zuhause gesprochenen Sprache. Der Migrationshintergrund wirkt sich in geringerem Maße bis gar nicht auf die Kompetenzen aus. Der Einfluss des Geschlechtes zeigt sich konform mit einer großen Anzahl von Befunden aus der Forschung: Mädchen erzielen im Durchschnitt bessere Ergebnisse in den Sprachen, während Jungen in Mathematik besser abschneiden
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2010
Abstract 1. The nested Marsh/Shavelson (NMS) model integrates structural characteristics of acade... more Abstract 1. The nested Marsh/Shavelson (NMS) model integrates structural characteristics of academic self-concepts that have proved empirically incompatible in previous studies. Specifically, it conceives of academic self-concepts to be subject specific, strongly ...
IADIS Cognition and …, 2005
In Proceedings of the IADIS Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2005), 14-16... more In Proceedings of the IADIS Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2005), 14-16 December 2005, Porto, Portugal, pp. 139-147. ... Monique Reichert Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education, University of Luxembourg Campus ...
Since 2008, and on a yearly basis, all Luxembourg 9th grade students are tested regarding their G... more Since 2008, and on a yearly basis, all Luxembourg 9th grade students are tested regarding their German and French reading competence. One major aim of this standardized test program is to provide information about whether pupils are able to read at the level required for their successful participation in subsequent learning contexts. All the items developed for this program are described with regard to the national educational standards and levels. However, the standards descriptions are not sufficiently precise in order to guide item developers specify the measured construct, or to help understand the differences between adjacent levels. Accordingly, the feedback provided to stakeholders in education lacks the precision that might be helpful for taking more targeted measures. In order to provide additional, theory-based descriptors of reading competence, key aspects from Kintsch’s Construction-Integration model, and Khalifa and Weir’s model of reading were explained to the language teachers involved in the item development process. The teachers were then asked to rate 33 German and 34 French reading items with known empirical item characteristics with regard to the previously explained theoretical aspects. These item ratings were in turn linked to the empirical data collected in the 2013 test program. Based on the item-attribute assignments, ideal item-response patterns could be presumed and compared to real examinees’ response patterns by using a linear logistic test modeling approach. The results from the different steps show that the new theoretical attributes can serve both as meaningful descriptors of reading competence, and as reliable predictors of item difficulty
Using digital technologies for daily activities such as communicating or learning has become ubiq... more Using digital technologies for daily activities such as communicating or learning has become ubiquitous today. This trend is also clearly visible within the field of reading habits, especially among adolescents: Recent studies underline that traditional text types (e.g., fiction books) are no longer part of the more commonly read text materials (Duncan et al., 2016). The question addressed in the presentation will deal with the degree to which different reading habits impact on adolescents’ reading competence, and is intended to encourage a discussion about the construct of reading competence as generally operationalized in reading competence assessments. We base our considerations on the analyses of two data sets: The first one deals with the extra-curricular reading habits of 3074 9th grade students, and the impact of these practices on their German reading competence. The corresponding data are taken from a survey regarding their reading habits in terms of ten different types of texts (e.g., non-fiction books, e-mails). A regression analysis reveals the strongest impact on reading competence for narrative texts, whilst reading digital texts – although highly attractive among the students – is found to be of minor importance. The second data set differentiates between the reading habits of around 4500 adolescents regarding 1) traditional (printed) texts, 2) digitalised texts (e.g., e-books), and 3) text types that have emerged with new technologies (e.g., social media texts). The ensuing discussion compares particularities of classical and digital texts, and raises questions concerning the construct of reading competence (to be) targeted by standardized tests
Der Beitrag widmet sich der Frage, ob die Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Lesehäufigkeit, der Texts... more Der Beitrag widmet sich der Frage, ob die Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Lesehäufigkeit, der Textsorten, die von Jugendlichen in ihrer Freizeit rezipiert werden, und der Sprache, in der sie bevorzugt lesen, dabei helfen können, ihr Lesekompetenz Niveau im Deutschen und Französischen – jenseits von sozioökonomischem Status, Migrationshintergrund, Muttersprache und Geschlecht – zu erklären
Kapitel 3 befasst sich mit dem Einfluss von Merkmalen des Schülerhintergrundes auf die in den ÉpS... more Kapitel 3 befasst sich mit dem Einfluss von Merkmalen des Schülerhintergrundes auf die in den ÉpStan gemessenen Kompetenzen. Diskrepanzen in den erfassten Kompetenzbereichen werden dabei im Hinblick auf folgende vier Hintergrundvariablen untersucht: sozioökonomischer Status, Migrationshintergrund, Sprachhintergrund, sowie das Geschlecht der Schülerinnen und Schüler. Bestehende Unterschiede werden vergleichend für die Jahre 2011, 2012 und 2013 aufgeführt (Zyklus 3.1 und Ve/9e). Das einflussreichste Merkmal ist dabei der sozioökonomische Status, gefolgt von der zuhause gesprochenen Sprache. Der Migrationshintergrund wirkt sich in geringerem Maße bis gar nicht auf die Kompetenzen aus. Der Einfluss des Geschlechtes zeigt sich konform mit einer großen Anzahl von Befunden aus der Forschung: Mädchen erzielen im Durchschnitt bessere Ergebnisse in den Sprachen, während Jungen in Mathematik besser abschneiden
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2010
Abstract 1. The nested Marsh/Shavelson (NMS) model integrates structural characteristics of acade... more Abstract 1. The nested Marsh/Shavelson (NMS) model integrates structural characteristics of academic self-concepts that have proved empirically incompatible in previous studies. Specifically, it conceives of academic self-concepts to be subject specific, strongly ...
IADIS Cognition and …, 2005
In Proceedings of the IADIS Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2005), 14-16... more In Proceedings of the IADIS Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2005), 14-16 December 2005, Porto, Portugal, pp. 139-147. ... Monique Reichert Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education, University of Luxembourg Campus ...